
303 lines
8.7 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
from datetime import datetime
import pytest
from werkzeug import Request
from werkzeug import utils
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
from werkzeug.http import http_date
from werkzeug.http import parse_date
from werkzeug.test import Client
from werkzeug.test import EnvironBuilder
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
("url", "code", "expect"),
("", None, ""),
("/füübär", 305, "/f%C3%BC%C3%BCb%C3%A4r"),
("http://☃", 307, ""),
("itms-services://?url=abc", None, "itms-services://?url=abc"),
def test_redirect(url: str, code: int | None, expect: str) -> None:
environ = EnvironBuilder().get_environ()
if code is None:
resp = utils.redirect(url)
assert resp.status_code == 302
resp = utils.redirect(url, code)
assert resp.status_code == code
assert resp.headers["Location"] == url
assert resp.get_wsgi_headers(environ)["Location"] == expect
assert resp.get_data(as_text=True).count(url) == 2
def test_redirect_xss():
location = '"><script>alert(1)</script>'
resp = utils.redirect(location)
assert b"<script>alert(1)</script>" not in resp.get_data()
location = '"onmouseover="alert(1)'
resp = utils.redirect(location)
assert (
b'href=""onmouseover="alert(1)"' not in resp.get_data()
def test_redirect_with_custom_response_class():
class MyResponse(Response):
location = ""
resp = utils.redirect(location, Response=MyResponse)
assert isinstance(resp, MyResponse)
assert resp.headers["Location"] == location
def test_cached_property():
foo = []
class A:
def prop(self):
return 42
prop = utils.cached_property(prop)
a = A()
p = a.prop
q = a.prop
assert p == q == 42
assert foo == [42]
foo = []
class A:
def _prop(self):
return 42
prop = utils.cached_property(_prop, name="prop")
del _prop
a = A()
p = a.prop
q = a.prop
assert p == q == 42
assert foo == [42]
def test_can_set_cached_property():
class A:
def _prop(self):
return "cached_property return value"
a = A()
a._prop = "value"
assert a._prop == "value"
def test_invalidate_cached_property():
accessed = 0
class A:
def prop(self):
nonlocal accessed
accessed += 1
return 42
a = A()
p = a.prop
q = a.prop
assert p == q == 42
assert accessed == 1
a.prop = 16
assert a.prop == 16
assert accessed == 1
del a.prop
r = a.prop
assert r == 42
assert accessed == 2
def test_inspect_treats_cached_property_as_property():
class A:
def _prop(self):
return "cached_property return value"
attrs = inspect.classify_class_attrs(A)
for attr in attrs:
if == "_prop":
assert attr.kind == "property"
def test_environ_property():
class A:
environ = {"string": "abc", "number": "42"}
string = utils.environ_property("string")
missing = utils.environ_property("missing", "spam")
read_only = utils.environ_property("number")
number = utils.environ_property("number", load_func=int)
broken_number = utils.environ_property("broken_number", load_func=int)
date = utils.environ_property(
"date", None, parse_date, http_date, read_only=False
foo = utils.environ_property("foo")
a = A()
assert a.string == "abc"
assert a.missing == "spam"
def test_assign():
a.read_only = "something"
pytest.raises(AttributeError, test_assign)
assert a.number == 42
assert a.broken_number is None
assert is None = datetime(2008, 1, 22, 10, 0, 0, 0)
assert a.environ["date"] == "Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:00:00 GMT"
def test_import_string():
from datetime import date
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication
assert utils.import_string("") is date
assert utils.import_string("") is date
assert utils.import_string("datetime:date") is date
assert utils.import_string("XXXXXXXXXXXX", True) is None
assert utils.import_string("datetime.XXXXXXXXXXXX", True) is None
assert (
utils.import_string("werkzeug.debug.DebuggedApplication") is DebuggedApplication
pytest.raises(ImportError, utils.import_string, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
pytest.raises(ImportError, utils.import_string, "datetime.XXXXXXXXXX")
def test_import_string_provides_traceback(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
# Couple of packages
dir_a = tmpdir.mkdir("a")
dir_b = tmpdir.mkdir("b")
# Totally packages, I promise
# 'aa.a' that depends on 'bb.b', which in turn has a broken import
dir_a.join("").write("from b import bb")
dir_b.join("").write("from os import a_typo")
# Do we get all the useful information in the traceback?
with pytest.raises(ImportError) as baz_exc:
traceback = "".join(str(line) for line in baz_exc.traceback)
assert "':1" in traceback # a bit different than typical python tb
assert "from os import a_typo" in traceback
def test_import_string_attribute_error(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
tmpdir.join("").write("from bar_test import value")
tmpdir.join("").write("raise AttributeError('bad')")
with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as info:
assert "bad" in str(info.value)
with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as info:
assert "bad" in str(info.value)
def test_find_modules():
assert list(utils.find_modules("werkzeug.debug")) == [
def test_header_set_duplication_bug():
headers = Headers([("Content-Type", "text/html"), ("Foo", "bar"), ("Blub", "blah")])
headers["blub"] = "hehe"
headers["blafasel"] = "humm"
assert headers == Headers(
("Content-Type", "text/html"),
("Foo", "bar"),
("blub", "hehe"),
("blafasel", "humm"),
("path", "base_url", "absolute_location"),
("foo", "", ""),
("/foo", "", ""),
("/foo/bar", "", ""),
("/foo/bar", "", ""),
("/foo?baz", "", ""),
("/foo/", "", ""),
("/foo/", "", ""),
("/", "", ""),
("/", "", ""),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("autocorrect", [False, True])
def test_append_slash_redirect(autocorrect, path, base_url, absolute_location):
def app(request):
rv = utils.append_slash_redirect(request.environ)
rv.autocorrect_location_header = autocorrect
return rv
client = Client(app)
response = client.get(path, base_url=base_url)
assert response.status_code == 308
if not autocorrect:
assert response.headers["Location"].count("/") == 1
assert response.headers["Location"] == absolute_location
def test_cached_property_doc():
def foo():
return 42
assert foo.__doc__ == "testing"
assert foo.__name__ == "foo"
assert foo.__module__ == __name__
def test_secure_filename():
assert utils.secure_filename("My cool") == ""
assert utils.secure_filename("../../../etc/passwd") == "etc_passwd"
assert (
utils.secure_filename("i contain cool \xfcml\xe4uts.txt")
== "i_contain_cool_umlauts.txt"
assert utils.secure_filename("__filename__") == "filename"
assert utils.secure_filename("foo$&^*)bar") == "foobar"