
1460 lines
52 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* QEMU Cocoa CG display driver
* Copyright (c) 2008 Mike Kronenberg
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <crt_externs.h>
#include "qemu-common.h"
#include "ui/console.h"
#include "ui/input.h"
#include "sysemu/sysemu.h"
#include "qmp-commands.h"
#include "sysemu/blockdev.h"
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5 1050
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 1060
#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10 101000
//#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#define COCOA_DEBUG(...) { (void) fprintf (stdout, __VA_ARGS__); }
#define COCOA_DEBUG(...) ((void) 0)
#define cgrect(nsrect) (*(CGRect *)&(nsrect))
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
int bitsPerComponent;
int bitsPerPixel;
} QEMUScreen;
NSWindow *normalWindow;
static DisplayChangeListener *dcl;
static int last_buttons;
int gArgc;
char **gArgv;
bool stretch_video;
NSTextField *pauseLabel;
NSArray * supportedImageFileTypes;
// keymap conversion
int keymap[] =
// SdlI macI macH SdlH 104xtH 104xtC sdl
30, // 0 0x00 0x1e A QZ_a
31, // 1 0x01 0x1f S QZ_s
32, // 2 0x02 0x20 D QZ_d
33, // 3 0x03 0x21 F QZ_f
35, // 4 0x04 0x23 H QZ_h
34, // 5 0x05 0x22 G QZ_g
44, // 6 0x06 0x2c Z QZ_z
45, // 7 0x07 0x2d X QZ_x
46, // 8 0x08 0x2e C QZ_c
47, // 9 0x09 0x2f V QZ_v
0, // 10 0x0A Undefined
48, // 11 0x0B 0x30 B QZ_b
16, // 12 0x0C 0x10 Q QZ_q
17, // 13 0x0D 0x11 W QZ_w
18, // 14 0x0E 0x12 E QZ_e
19, // 15 0x0F 0x13 R QZ_r
21, // 16 0x10 0x15 Y QZ_y
20, // 17 0x11 0x14 T QZ_t
2, // 18 0x12 0x02 1 QZ_1
3, // 19 0x13 0x03 2 QZ_2
4, // 20 0x14 0x04 3 QZ_3
5, // 21 0x15 0x05 4 QZ_4
7, // 22 0x16 0x07 6 QZ_6
6, // 23 0x17 0x06 5 QZ_5
13, // 24 0x18 0x0d = QZ_EQUALS
10, // 25 0x19 0x0a 9 QZ_9
8, // 26 0x1A 0x08 7 QZ_7
12, // 27 0x1B 0x0c - QZ_MINUS
9, // 28 0x1C 0x09 8 QZ_8
11, // 29 0x1D 0x0b 0 QZ_0
27, // 30 0x1E 0x1b ] QZ_RIGHTBRACKET
24, // 31 0x1F 0x18 O QZ_o
22, // 32 0x20 0x16 U QZ_u
26, // 33 0x21 0x1a [ QZ_LEFTBRACKET
23, // 34 0x22 0x17 I QZ_i
25, // 35 0x23 0x19 P QZ_p
28, // 36 0x24 0x1c ENTER QZ_RETURN
38, // 37 0x25 0x26 L QZ_l
36, // 38 0x26 0x24 J QZ_j
40, // 39 0x27 0x28 ' QZ_QUOTE
37, // 40 0x28 0x25 K QZ_k
39, // 41 0x29 0x27 ; QZ_SEMICOLON
43, // 42 0x2A 0x2b \ QZ_BACKSLASH
51, // 43 0x2B 0x33 , QZ_COMMA
53, // 44 0x2C 0x35 / QZ_SLASH
49, // 45 0x2D 0x31 N QZ_n
50, // 46 0x2E 0x32 M QZ_m
52, // 47 0x2F 0x34 . QZ_PERIOD
15, // 48 0x30 0x0f TAB QZ_TAB
57, // 49 0x31 0x39 SPACE QZ_SPACE
41, // 50 0x32 0x29 ` QZ_BACKQUOTE
14, // 51 0x33 0x0e BKSP QZ_BACKSPACE
0, // 52 0x34 Undefined
1, // 53 0x35 0x01 ESC QZ_ESCAPE
220, // 54 0x36 0xdc E0,5C R GUI QZ_RMETA
219, // 55 0x37 0xdb E0,5B L GUI QZ_LMETA
42, // 56 0x38 0x2a L SHFT QZ_LSHIFT
58, // 57 0x39 0x3a CAPS QZ_CAPSLOCK
56, // 58 0x3A 0x38 L ALT QZ_LALT
29, // 59 0x3B 0x1d L CTRL QZ_LCTRL
54, // 60 0x3C 0x36 R SHFT QZ_RSHIFT
184,// 61 0x3D 0xb8 E0,38 R ALT QZ_RALT
157,// 62 0x3E 0x9d E0,1D R CTRL QZ_RCTRL
0, // 63 0x3F Undefined
0, // 64 0x40 Undefined
0, // 65 0x41 Undefined
0, // 66 0x42 Undefined
55, // 67 0x43 0x37 KP * QZ_KP_MULTIPLY
0, // 68 0x44 Undefined
78, // 69 0x45 0x4e KP + QZ_KP_PLUS
0, // 70 0x46 Undefined
69, // 71 0x47 0x45 NUM QZ_NUMLOCK
0, // 72 0x48 Undefined
0, // 73 0x49 Undefined
0, // 74 0x4A Undefined
181,// 75 0x4B 0xb5 E0,35 KP / QZ_KP_DIVIDE
152,// 76 0x4C 0x9c E0,1C KP EN QZ_KP_ENTER
0, // 77 0x4D undefined
74, // 78 0x4E 0x4a KP - QZ_KP_MINUS
0, // 79 0x4F Undefined
0, // 80 0x50 Undefined
0, // 81 0x51 QZ_KP_EQUALS
82, // 82 0x52 0x52 KP 0 QZ_KP0
79, // 83 0x53 0x4f KP 1 QZ_KP1
80, // 84 0x54 0x50 KP 2 QZ_KP2
81, // 85 0x55 0x51 KP 3 QZ_KP3
75, // 86 0x56 0x4b KP 4 QZ_KP4
76, // 87 0x57 0x4c KP 5 QZ_KP5
77, // 88 0x58 0x4d KP 6 QZ_KP6
71, // 89 0x59 0x47 KP 7 QZ_KP7
0, // 90 0x5A Undefined
72, // 91 0x5B 0x48 KP 8 QZ_KP8
73, // 92 0x5C 0x49 KP 9 QZ_KP9
0, // 93 0x5D Undefined
0, // 94 0x5E Undefined
0, // 95 0x5F Undefined
63, // 96 0x60 0x3f F5 QZ_F5
64, // 97 0x61 0x40 F6 QZ_F6
65, // 98 0x62 0x41 F7 QZ_F7
61, // 99 0x63 0x3d F3 QZ_F3
66, // 100 0x64 0x42 F8 QZ_F8
67, // 101 0x65 0x43 F9 QZ_F9
0, // 102 0x66 Undefined
87, // 103 0x67 0x57 F11 QZ_F11
0, // 104 0x68 Undefined
183,// 105 0x69 0xb7 QZ_PRINT
0, // 106 0x6A Undefined
70, // 107 0x6B 0x46 SCROLL QZ_SCROLLOCK
0, // 108 0x6C Undefined
68, // 109 0x6D 0x44 F10 QZ_F10
0, // 110 0x6E Undefined
88, // 111 0x6F 0x58 F12 QZ_F12
0, // 112 0x70 Undefined
110,// 113 0x71 0x0 QZ_PAUSE
210,// 114 0x72 0xd2 E0,52 INSERT QZ_INSERT
199,// 115 0x73 0xc7 E0,47 HOME QZ_HOME
201,// 116 0x74 0xc9 E0,49 PG UP QZ_PAGEUP
211,// 117 0x75 0xd3 E0,53 DELETE QZ_DELETE
62, // 118 0x76 0x3e F4 QZ_F4
207,// 119 0x77 0xcf E0,4f END QZ_END
60, // 120 0x78 0x3c F2 QZ_F2
209,// 121 0x79 0xd1 E0,51 PG DN QZ_PAGEDOWN
59, // 122 0x7A 0x3b F1 QZ_F1
203,// 123 0x7B 0xcb e0,4B L ARROW QZ_LEFT
205,// 124 0x7C 0xcd e0,4D R ARROW QZ_RIGHT
208,// 125 0x7D 0xd0 E0,50 D ARROW QZ_DOWN
200,// 126 0x7E 0xc8 E0,48 U ARROW QZ_UP
/* completed according to http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/SDL12/src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzKeys.h?rev=1.6&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup */
/* Additional 104 Key XP-Keyboard Scancodes from http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/scancodes1.html */
221 // 0xdd e0,5d APPS
// E0,2A,E0,37 PRNT SCRN
// E1,1D,45,E1,9D,C5 PAUSE
83 // 0x53 0x53 KP .
// ACPI Scan Codes
222 // 0xde E0, 5E Power
223 // 0xdf E0, 5F Sleep
227 // 0xe3 E0, 63 Wake
// Windows Multimedia Scan Codes
153 // 0x99 E0, 19 Next Track
144 // 0x90 E0, 10 Previous Track
164 // 0xa4 E0, 24 Stop
162 // 0xa2 E0, 22 Play/Pause
160 // 0xa0 E0, 20 Mute
176 // 0xb0 E0, 30 Volume Up
174 // 0xae E0, 2E Volume Down
237 // 0xed E0, 6D Media Select
236 // 0xec E0, 6C E-Mail
161 // 0xa1 E0, 21 Calculator
235 // 0xeb E0, 6B My Computer
229 // 0xe5 E0, 65 WWW Search
178 // 0xb2 E0, 32 WWW Home
234 // 0xea E0, 6A WWW Back
233 // 0xe9 E0, 69 WWW Forward
232 // 0xe8 E0, 68 WWW Stop
231 // 0xe7 E0, 67 WWW Refresh
230 // 0xe6 E0, 66 WWW Favorites
static int cocoa_keycode_to_qemu(int keycode)
if (ARRAY_SIZE(keymap) <= keycode) {
fprintf(stderr, "(cocoa) warning unknown keycode 0x%x\n", keycode);
return 0;
return keymap[keycode];
/* Displays an alert dialog box with the specified message */
static void QEMU_Alert(NSString *message)
NSAlert *alert;
alert = [NSAlert new];
[alert setMessageText: message];
[alert runModal];
/* Handles any errors that happen with a device transaction */
static void handleAnyDeviceErrors(Error * err)
if (err) {
QEMU_Alert([NSString stringWithCString: error_get_pretty(err)
encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]);
@interface QemuCocoaView : NSView
QEMUScreen screen;
NSWindow *fullScreenWindow;
float cx,cy,cw,ch,cdx,cdy;
CGDataProviderRef dataProviderRef;
int modifiers_state[256];
BOOL isMouseGrabbed;
BOOL isFullscreen;
BOOL isAbsoluteEnabled;
BOOL isMouseDeassociated;
- (void) switchSurface:(DisplaySurface *)surface;
- (void) grabMouse;
- (void) ungrabMouse;
- (void) toggleFullScreen:(id)sender;
- (void) handleEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
- (void) setAbsoluteEnabled:(BOOL)tIsAbsoluteEnabled;
/* The state surrounding mouse grabbing is potentially confusing.
* isAbsoluteEnabled tracks qemu_input_is_absolute() [ie "is the emulated
* pointing device an absolute-position one?"], but is only updated on
* next refresh.
* isMouseGrabbed tracks whether GUI events are directed to the guest;
* it controls whether special keys like Cmd get sent to the guest,
* and whether we capture the mouse when in non-absolute mode.
* isMouseDeassociated tracks whether we've told MacOSX to disassociate
* the mouse and mouse cursor position by calling
* CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition(FALSE)
* (which basically happens if we grab in non-absolute mode).
- (BOOL) isMouseGrabbed;
- (BOOL) isAbsoluteEnabled;
- (BOOL) isMouseDeassociated;
- (float) cdx;
- (float) cdy;
- (QEMUScreen) gscreen;
- (void) raiseAllKeys;
QemuCocoaView *cocoaView;
@implementation QemuCocoaView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: initWithFrame\n");
self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect];
if (self) {
screen.bitsPerComponent = 8;
screen.bitsPerPixel = 32;
screen.width = frameRect.size.width;
screen.height = frameRect.size.height;
return self;
- (void) dealloc
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: dealloc\n");
if (dataProviderRef)
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isOpaque
return YES;
- (BOOL) screenContainsPoint:(NSPoint) p
return (p.x > -1 && p.x < screen.width && p.y > -1 && p.y < screen.height);
- (void) hideCursor
if (!cursor_hide) {
[NSCursor hide];
- (void) unhideCursor
if (!cursor_hide) {
[NSCursor unhide];
- (void) drawRect:(NSRect) rect
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: drawRect\n");
// get CoreGraphic context
CGContextRef viewContextRef = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality (viewContextRef, kCGInterpolationNone);
CGContextSetShouldAntialias (viewContextRef, NO);
// draw screen bitmap directly to Core Graphics context
if (!dataProviderRef) {
// Draw request before any guest device has set up a framebuffer:
// just draw an opaque black rectangle
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(viewContextRef, 0, 0, 0, 1.0);
CGContextFillRect(viewContextRef, NSRectToCGRect(rect));
} else {
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(
screen.width, //width
screen.height, //height
screen.bitsPerComponent, //bitsPerComponent
screen.bitsPerPixel, //bitsPerPixel
(screen.width * (screen.bitsPerComponent/2)), //bytesPerRow
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB), //colorspace for OS X >= 10.4
kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little | kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst,
CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(), //colorspace for OS X < 10.4 (actually ppc)
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst, //bitmapInfo
dataProviderRef, //provider
NULL, //decode
0, //interpolate
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent
// selective drawing code (draws only dirty rectangles) (OS X >= 10.4)
const NSRect *rectList;
NSInteger rectCount;
int i;
CGImageRef clipImageRef;
CGRect clipRect;
[self getRectsBeingDrawn:&rectList count:&rectCount];
for (i = 0; i < rectCount; i++) {
clipRect.origin.x = rectList[i].origin.x / cdx;
clipRect.origin.y = (float)screen.height - (rectList[i].origin.y + rectList[i].size.height) / cdy;
clipRect.size.width = rectList[i].size.width / cdx;
clipRect.size.height = rectList[i].size.height / cdy;
clipImageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(
CGContextDrawImage (viewContextRef, cgrect(rectList[i]), clipImageRef);
CGImageRelease (clipImageRef);
CGImageRelease (imageRef);
- (void) setContentDimensions
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: setContentDimensions\n");
if (isFullscreen) {
cdx = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.width / (float)screen.width;
cdy = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height / (float)screen.height;
/* stretches video, but keeps same aspect ratio */
if (stretch_video == true) {
/* use smallest stretch value - prevents clipping on sides */
if (MIN(cdx, cdy) == cdx) {
cdy = cdx;
} else {
cdx = cdy;
} else { /* No stretching */
cdx = cdy = 1;
cw = screen.width * cdx;
ch = screen.height * cdy;
cx = ([[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.width - cw) / 2.0;
cy = ([[NSScreen mainScreen] frame].size.height - ch) / 2.0;
} else {
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
cw = screen.width;
ch = screen.height;
cdx = 1.0;
cdy = 1.0;
- (void) switchSurface:(DisplaySurface *)surface
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: switchSurface\n");
int w = surface_width(surface);
int h = surface_height(surface);
/* cdx == 0 means this is our very first surface, in which case we need
* to recalculate the content dimensions even if it happens to be the size
* of the initial empty window.
bool isResize = (w != screen.width || h != screen.height || cdx == 0.0);
int oldh = screen.height;
if (isResize) {
// Resize before we trigger the redraw, or we'll redraw at the wrong size
COCOA_DEBUG("switchSurface: new size %d x %d\n", w, h);
screen.width = w;
screen.height = h;
[self setContentDimensions];
[self setFrame:NSMakeRect(cx, cy, cw, ch)];
// update screenBuffer
if (dataProviderRef)
//sync host window color space with guests
screen.bitsPerPixel = surface_bits_per_pixel(surface);
screen.bitsPerComponent = surface_bytes_per_pixel(surface) * 2;
dataProviderRef = CGDataProviderCreateWithData(NULL, surface_data(surface), w * 4 * h, NULL);
// update windows
if (isFullscreen) {
[[fullScreenWindow contentView] setFrame:[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]];
[normalWindow setFrame:NSMakeRect([normalWindow frame].origin.x, [normalWindow frame].origin.y - h + oldh, w, h + [normalWindow frame].size.height - oldh) display:NO animate:NO];
} else {
if (qemu_name)
[normalWindow setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"QEMU %s", qemu_name]];
[normalWindow setFrame:NSMakeRect([normalWindow frame].origin.x, [normalWindow frame].origin.y - h + oldh, w, h + [normalWindow frame].size.height - oldh) display:YES animate:NO];
if (isResize) {
[normalWindow center];
- (void) toggleFullScreen:(id)sender
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: toggleFullScreen\n");
if (isFullscreen) { // switch from fullscreen to desktop
isFullscreen = FALSE;
[self ungrabMouse];
[self setContentDimensions];
if ([NSView respondsToSelector:@selector(exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:)]) { // test if "exitFullScreenModeWithOptions" is supported on host at runtime
[self exitFullScreenModeWithOptions:nil];
} else {
[fullScreenWindow close];
[normalWindow setContentView: self];
[normalWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: self];
[NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:YES];
} else { // switch from desktop to fullscreen
isFullscreen = TRUE;
[normalWindow orderOut: nil]; /* Hide the window */
[self grabMouse];
[self setContentDimensions];
if ([NSView respondsToSelector:@selector(enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:)]) { // test if "enterFullScreenMode:withOptions" is supported on host at runtime
[self enterFullScreenMode:[NSScreen mainScreen] withOptions:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], NSFullScreenModeAllScreens,
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], kCGDisplayModeIsStretched, nil], NSFullScreenModeSetting,
} else {
[NSMenu setMenuBarVisible:NO];
fullScreenWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:[[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]
[fullScreenWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
[fullScreenWindow setHasShadow:NO];
[fullScreenWindow setBackgroundColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
[self setFrame:NSMakeRect(cx, cy, cw, ch)];
[[fullScreenWindow contentView] addSubview: self];
[fullScreenWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
- (void) handleEvent:(NSEvent *)event
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: handleEvent\n");
int buttons = 0;
int keycode;
bool mouse_event = false;
NSPoint p = [event locationInWindow];
switch ([event type]) {
case NSFlagsChanged:
keycode = cocoa_keycode_to_qemu([event keyCode]);
if ((keycode == 219 || keycode == 220) && !isMouseGrabbed) {
/* Don't pass command key changes to guest unless mouse is grabbed */
keycode = 0;
if (keycode) {
if (keycode == 58 || keycode == 69) { // emulate caps lock and num lock keydown and keyup
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, true);
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, false);
} else if (qemu_console_is_graphic(NULL)) {
if (modifiers_state[keycode] == 0) { // keydown
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, true);
modifiers_state[keycode] = 1;
} else { // keyup
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, false);
modifiers_state[keycode] = 0;
// release Mouse grab when pressing ctrl+alt
if (([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) && ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)) {
[self ungrabMouse];
case NSKeyDown:
keycode = cocoa_keycode_to_qemu([event keyCode]);
// forward command key combos to the host UI unless the mouse is grabbed
if (!isMouseGrabbed && ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask)) {
[NSApp sendEvent:event];
// default
// handle control + alt Key Combos (ctrl+alt is reserved for QEMU)
if (([event modifierFlags] & NSControlKeyMask) && ([event modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)) {
switch (keycode) {
// enable graphic console
case 0x02 ... 0x0a: // '1' to '9' keys
console_select(keycode - 0x02);
// handle keys for graphic console
} else if (qemu_console_is_graphic(NULL)) {
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, true);
// handlekeys for Monitor
} else {
int keysym = 0;
switch([event keyCode]) {
case 115:
keysym = QEMU_KEY_HOME;
case 117:
case 119:
keysym = QEMU_KEY_END;
case 123:
keysym = QEMU_KEY_LEFT;
case 124:
keysym = QEMU_KEY_RIGHT;
case 125:
keysym = QEMU_KEY_DOWN;
case 126:
keysym = QEMU_KEY_UP;
NSString *ks = [event characters];
if ([ks length] > 0)
keysym = [ks characterAtIndex:0];
if (keysym)
case NSKeyUp:
keycode = cocoa_keycode_to_qemu([event keyCode]);
// don't pass the guest a spurious key-up if we treated this
// command-key combo as a host UI action
if (!isMouseGrabbed && ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask)) {
if (qemu_console_is_graphic(NULL)) {
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, false);
case NSMouseMoved:
if (isAbsoluteEnabled) {
if (![self screenContainsPoint:p] || ![[self window] isKeyWindow]) {
if (isMouseGrabbed) {
[self ungrabMouse];
} else {
if (!isMouseGrabbed) {
[self grabMouse];
mouse_event = true;
case NSLeftMouseDown:
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) {
} else {
mouse_event = true;
case NSRightMouseDown:
mouse_event = true;
case NSOtherMouseDown:
mouse_event = true;
case NSLeftMouseDragged:
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSCommandKeyMask) {
} else {
mouse_event = true;
case NSRightMouseDragged:
mouse_event = true;
case NSOtherMouseDragged:
mouse_event = true;
case NSLeftMouseUp:
mouse_event = true;
if (!isMouseGrabbed && [self screenContainsPoint:p]) {
[self grabMouse];
case NSRightMouseUp:
mouse_event = true;
case NSOtherMouseUp:
mouse_event = true;
case NSScrollWheel:
if (isMouseGrabbed) {
buttons |= ([event deltaY] < 0) ?
mouse_event = true;
[NSApp sendEvent:event];
if (mouse_event) {
/* Don't send button events to the guest unless we've got a
* mouse grab or window focus. If we have neither then this event
* is the user clicking on the background window to activate and
* bring us to the front, which will be done by the sendEvent
* call below. We definitely don't want to pass that click through
* to the guest.
if ((isMouseGrabbed || [[self window] isKeyWindow]) &&
(last_buttons != buttons)) {
static uint32_t bmap[INPUT_BUTTON__MAX] = {
qapi: Change munging of CamelCase enum values When munging enum values, the fact that we were passing the entire prefix + value through camel_to_upper() meant that enum values spelled with CamelCase could be turned into CAMEL_CASE. However, this provides a potential collision (both OneTwo and One-Two would munge into ONE_TWO) for enum types, when the same two names are valid side-by-side as QAPI member names. By changing the generation of enum constants to always be prefix + '_' + c_name(value, False).upper(), and ensuring that there are no case collisions (in the next patches), we no longer have to worry about names that would be distinct as QAPI members but collide as variant tag names, without having to think about what munging the heuristics in camel_to_upper() will actually perform on an enum value. Making the change will affect enums that did not follow coding conventions, using 'CamelCase' rather than desired 'lower-case'. Thankfully, there are only two culprits: InputButton and ErrorClass. We already tweaked ErrorClass to make it an alias of QapiErrorClass, where only the alias needs changing rather than the whole tree. So the bulk of this change is modifying INPUT_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP to the new INPUT_BUTTON_WHEELUP (and likewise for WHEELDOWN). That part of this commit may later need reverting if we rename the enum constants from 'WheelUp' to 'wheel-up' as part of moving x-input-send-event to a stable interface; but at least we have documentation bread crumbs in place to remind us (commit 513e7cd), and it matches the fact that SDL constants are also spelled SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP. Suggested by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com> Signed-off-by: Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com> Message-Id: <1447836791-369-27-git-send-email-eblake@redhat.com> [Commit message tweaked] Signed-off-by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
2015-11-18 16:53:01 +08:00
qemu_input_update_buttons(dcl->con, bmap, last_buttons, buttons);
last_buttons = buttons;
if (isMouseGrabbed) {
if (isAbsoluteEnabled) {
/* Note that the origin for Cocoa mouse coords is bottom left, not top left.
* The check on screenContainsPoint is to avoid sending out of range values for
* clicks in the titlebar.
if ([self screenContainsPoint:p]) {
qemu_input_queue_abs(dcl->con, INPUT_AXIS_X, p.x, screen.width);
qemu_input_queue_abs(dcl->con, INPUT_AXIS_Y, screen.height - p.y, screen.height);
} else {
qemu_input_queue_rel(dcl->con, INPUT_AXIS_X, (int)[event deltaX]);
qemu_input_queue_rel(dcl->con, INPUT_AXIS_Y, (int)[event deltaY]);
} else {
[NSApp sendEvent:event];
- (void) grabMouse
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: grabMouse\n");
if (!isFullscreen) {
if (qemu_name)
[normalWindow setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"QEMU %s - (Press ctrl + alt to release Mouse)", qemu_name]];
[normalWindow setTitle:@"QEMU - (Press ctrl + alt to release Mouse)"];
[self hideCursor];
if (!isAbsoluteEnabled) {
isMouseDeassociated = TRUE;
isMouseGrabbed = TRUE; // while isMouseGrabbed = TRUE, QemuCocoaApp sends all events to [cocoaView handleEvent:]
- (void) ungrabMouse
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaView: ungrabMouse\n");
if (!isFullscreen) {
if (qemu_name)
[normalWindow setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"QEMU %s", qemu_name]];
[normalWindow setTitle:@"QEMU"];
[self unhideCursor];
if (isMouseDeassociated) {
isMouseDeassociated = FALSE;
isMouseGrabbed = FALSE;
- (void) setAbsoluteEnabled:(BOOL)tIsAbsoluteEnabled {isAbsoluteEnabled = tIsAbsoluteEnabled;}
- (BOOL) isMouseGrabbed {return isMouseGrabbed;}
- (BOOL) isAbsoluteEnabled {return isAbsoluteEnabled;}
- (BOOL) isMouseDeassociated {return isMouseDeassociated;}
- (float) cdx {return cdx;}
- (float) cdy {return cdy;}
- (QEMUScreen) gscreen {return screen;}
* Makes the target think all down keys are being released.
* This prevents a stuck key problem, since we will not see
* key up events for those keys after we have lost focus.
- (void) raiseAllKeys
int index;
const int max_index = ARRAY_SIZE(modifiers_state);
for (index = 0; index < max_index; index++) {
if (modifiers_state[index]) {
modifiers_state[index] = 0;
qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, index, false);
@interface QemuCocoaAppController : NSObject
<NSWindowDelegate, NSApplicationDelegate>
- (void)startEmulationWithArgc:(int)argc argv:(char**)argv;
- (void)doToggleFullScreen:(id)sender;
- (void)toggleFullScreen:(id)sender;
- (void)showQEMUDoc:(id)sender;
- (void)showQEMUTec:(id)sender;
- (void)zoomToFit:(id) sender;
- (void)displayConsole:(id)sender;
- (void)pauseQEMU:(id)sender;
- (void)resumeQEMU:(id)sender;
- (void)displayPause;
- (void)removePause;
- (void)restartQEMU:(id)sender;
- (void)powerDownQEMU:(id)sender;
- (void)ejectDeviceMedia:(id)sender;
- (void)changeDeviceMedia:(id)sender;
- (BOOL)verifyQuit;
@implementation QemuCocoaAppController
- (id) init
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: init\n");
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// create a view and add it to the window
cocoaView = [[QemuCocoaView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 640.0, 480.0)];
if(!cocoaView) {
fprintf(stderr, "(cocoa) can't create a view\n");
// create a window
normalWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:[cocoaView frame]
backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
if(!normalWindow) {
fprintf(stderr, "(cocoa) can't create window\n");
[normalWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES];
[normalWindow setTitle:@"QEMU"];
[normalWindow setContentView:cocoaView];
[normalWindow useOptimizedDrawing:YES];
[normalWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[normalWindow center];
[normalWindow setDelegate: self];
stretch_video = false;
/* Used for displaying pause on the screen */
pauseLabel = [NSTextField new];
[pauseLabel setBezeled:YES];
[pauseLabel setDrawsBackground:YES];
[pauseLabel setBackgroundColor: [NSColor whiteColor]];
[pauseLabel setEditable:NO];
[pauseLabel setSelectable:NO];
[pauseLabel setStringValue: @"Paused"];
[pauseLabel setFont: [NSFont fontWithName: @"Helvetica" size: 90]];
[pauseLabel setTextColor: [NSColor blackColor]];
[pauseLabel sizeToFit];
// set the supported image file types that can be opened
supportedImageFileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"img", @"iso", @"dmg",
@"qcow", @"qcow2", @"cloop", @"vmdk", nil];
return self;
- (void) dealloc
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: dealloc\n");
if (cocoaView)
[cocoaView release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) note
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: applicationDidFinishLaunching\n");
// launch QEMU, with the global args
[self startEmulationWithArgc:gArgc argv:(char **)gArgv];
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: applicationWillTerminate\n");
- (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)theApplication
return YES;
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:
(NSApplication *)sender
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: applicationShouldTerminate\n");
return [self verifyQuit];
/* Called when the user clicks on a window's close button */
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: windowShouldClose\n");
[NSApp terminate: sender];
/* If the user allows the application to quit then the call to
* NSApp terminate will never return. If we get here then the user
* cancelled the quit, so we should return NO to not permit the
* closing of this window.
return NO;
/* Called when QEMU goes into the background */
- (void) applicationWillResignActive: (NSNotification *)aNotification
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: applicationWillResignActive\n");
[cocoaView raiseAllKeys];
- (void)startEmulationWithArgc:(int)argc argv:(char**)argv
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: startEmulationWithArgc\n");
int status;
status = qemu_main(argc, argv, *_NSGetEnviron());
/* We abstract the method called by the Enter Fullscreen menu item
* because Mac OS 10.7 and higher disables it. This is because of the
* menu item's old selector's name toggleFullScreen:
- (void) doToggleFullScreen:(id)sender
[self toggleFullScreen:(id)sender];
- (void)toggleFullScreen:(id)sender
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: toggleFullScreen\n");
[cocoaView toggleFullScreen:sender];
- (void)showQEMUDoc:(id)sender
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: showQEMUDoc\n");
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/../doc/qemu/qemu-doc.html",
[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]] withApplication:@"Help Viewer"];
- (void)showQEMUTec:(id)sender
COCOA_DEBUG("QemuCocoaAppController: showQEMUTec\n");
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/../doc/qemu/qemu-tech.html",
[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]] withApplication:@"Help Viewer"];
/* Stretches video to fit host monitor size */
- (void)zoomToFit:(id) sender
stretch_video = !stretch_video;
if (stretch_video == true) {
[sender setState: NSOnState];
} else {
[sender setState: NSOffState];
/* Displays the console on the screen */
- (void)displayConsole:(id)sender
console_select([sender tag]);
/* Pause the guest */
- (void)pauseQEMU:(id)sender
[sender setEnabled: NO];
[[[sender menu] itemWithTitle: @"Resume"] setEnabled: YES];
[self displayPause];
/* Resume running the guest operating system */
- (void)resumeQEMU:(id) sender
[sender setEnabled: NO];
[[[sender menu] itemWithTitle: @"Pause"] setEnabled: YES];
[self removePause];
/* Displays the word pause on the screen */
- (void)displayPause
/* Coordinates have to be calculated each time because the window can change its size */
int xCoord, yCoord, width, height;
xCoord = ([normalWindow frame].size.width - [pauseLabel frame].size.width)/2;
yCoord = [normalWindow frame].size.height - [pauseLabel frame].size.height - ([pauseLabel frame].size.height * .5);
width = [pauseLabel frame].size.width;
height = [pauseLabel frame].size.height;
[pauseLabel setFrame: NSMakeRect(xCoord, yCoord, width, height)];
[cocoaView addSubview: pauseLabel];
/* Removes the word pause from the screen */
- (void)removePause
[pauseLabel removeFromSuperview];
/* Restarts QEMU */
- (void)restartQEMU:(id)sender
/* Powers down QEMU */
- (void)powerDownQEMU:(id)sender
/* Ejects the media.
* Uses sender's tag to figure out the device to eject.
- (void)ejectDeviceMedia:(id)sender
NSString * drive;
drive = [sender representedObject];
if(drive == nil) {
QEMU_Alert(@"Failed to find drive to eject!");
Error *err = NULL;
qmp_eject([drive cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding], false, false, &err);
/* Displays a dialog box asking the user to select an image file to load.
* Uses sender's represented object value to figure out which drive to use.
- (void)changeDeviceMedia:(id)sender
/* Find the drive name */
NSString * drive;
drive = [sender representedObject];
if(drive == nil) {
QEMU_Alert(@"Could not find drive!");
/* Display the file open dialog */
NSOpenPanel * openPanel;
openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setCanChooseFiles: YES];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[openPanel setAllowedFileTypes: supportedImageFileTypes];
if([openPanel runModal] == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
NSString * file = [[[openPanel URLs] objectAtIndex: 0] path];
if(file == nil) {
QEMU_Alert(@"Failed to convert URL to file path!");
Error *err = NULL;
qmp_blockdev_change_medium([drive cStringUsingEncoding:
[file cStringUsingEncoding:
true, "raw",
false, 0,
/* Verifies if the user really wants to quit */
- (BOOL)verifyQuit
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new];
[alert autorelease];
[alert setMessageText: @"Are you sure you want to quit QEMU?"];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: @"Cancel"];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: @"Quit"];
if([alert runModal] == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn) {
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
gArgc = argc;
gArgv = (char **)argv;
int i;
/* In case we don't need to display a window, let's not do that */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
const char *opt = argv[i];
if (opt[0] == '-') {
/* Treat --foo the same as -foo. */
if (opt[1] == '-') {
if (!strcmp(opt, "-h") || !strcmp(opt, "-help") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-vnc") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-nographic") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-version") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-curses") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-display") ||
!strcmp(opt, "-qtest")) {
return qemu_main(gArgc, gArgv, *_NSGetEnviron());
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Pull this console process up to being a fully-fledged graphical
// app with a menubar and Dock icon
ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
// Add menus
NSMenu *menu;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
[NSApp setMainMenu:[[NSMenu alloc] init]];
// Application menu
menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
[menu addItemWithTitle:@"About QEMU" action:@selector(orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:) keyEquivalent:@""]; // About QEMU
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; //Separator
[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Hide QEMU" action:@selector(hide:) keyEquivalent:@"h"]; //Hide QEMU
menuItem = (NSMenuItem *)[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Hide Others" action:@selector(hideOtherApplications:) keyEquivalent:@"h"]; // Hide Others
[menuItem setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSAlternateKeyMask|NSCommandKeyMask)];
[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Show All" action:@selector(unhideAllApplications:) keyEquivalent:@""]; // Show All
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; //Separator
[menu addItemWithTitle:@"Quit QEMU" action:@selector(terminate:) keyEquivalent:@"q"];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Apple" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""];
[menuItem setSubmenu:menu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] addItem:menuItem];
[NSApp performSelector:@selector(setAppleMenu:) withObject:menu]; // Workaround (this method is private since 10.4+)
// Machine menu
menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"Machine"];
[menu setAutoenablesItems: NO];
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Pause" action: @selector(pauseQEMU:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease]];
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Resume" action: @selector(resumeQEMU:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
[menu addItem: menuItem];
[menuItem setEnabled: NO];
[menu addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Reset" action: @selector(restartQEMU:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease]];
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Power Down" action: @selector(powerDownQEMU:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease]];
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Machine" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[menuItem setSubmenu:menu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] addItem:menuItem];
// View menu
menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"View"];
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Enter Fullscreen" action:@selector(doToggleFullScreen:) keyEquivalent:@"f"] autorelease]]; // Fullscreen
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Zoom To Fit" action:@selector(zoomToFit:) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]];
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"View" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[menuItem setSubmenu:menu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] addItem:menuItem];
// Window menu
menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Window"];
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Minimize" action:@selector(performMiniaturize:) keyEquivalent:@"m"] autorelease]]; // Miniaturize
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Window" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[menuItem setSubmenu:menu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] addItem:menuItem];
[NSApp setWindowsMenu:menu];
// Help menu
menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"Help"];
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"QEMU Documentation" action:@selector(showQEMUDoc:) keyEquivalent:@"?"] autorelease]]; // QEMU Help
[menu addItem: [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"QEMU Technology" action:@selector(showQEMUTec:) keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]]; // QEMU Help
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Window" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease];
[menuItem setSubmenu:menu];
[[NSApp mainMenu] addItem:menuItem];
// Create an Application controller
QemuCocoaAppController *appController = [[QemuCocoaAppController alloc] init];
[NSApp setDelegate:appController];
// Start the main event loop
[NSApp run];
[appController release];
[pool release];
return 0;
#pragma mark qemu
static void cocoa_update(DisplayChangeListener *dcl,
int x, int y, int w, int h)
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
COCOA_DEBUG("qemu_cocoa: cocoa_update\n");
NSRect rect;
if ([cocoaView cdx] == 1.0) {
rect = NSMakeRect(x, [cocoaView gscreen].height - y - h, w, h);
} else {
rect = NSMakeRect(
x * [cocoaView cdx],
([cocoaView gscreen].height - y - h) * [cocoaView cdy],
w * [cocoaView cdx],
h * [cocoaView cdy]);
[cocoaView setNeedsDisplayInRect:rect];
[pool release];
static void cocoa_switch(DisplayChangeListener *dcl,
DisplaySurface *surface)
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
COCOA_DEBUG("qemu_cocoa: cocoa_switch\n");
[cocoaView switchSurface:surface];
[pool release];
static void cocoa_refresh(DisplayChangeListener *dcl)
NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
COCOA_DEBUG("qemu_cocoa: cocoa_refresh\n");
if (qemu_input_is_absolute()) {
if (![cocoaView isAbsoluteEnabled]) {
if ([cocoaView isMouseGrabbed]) {
[cocoaView ungrabMouse];
[cocoaView setAbsoluteEnabled:YES];
NSDate *distantPast;
NSEvent *event;
distantPast = [NSDate distantPast];
do {
event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:distantPast
inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES];
if (event != nil) {
[cocoaView handleEvent:event];
} while(event != nil);
[pool release];
static void cocoa_cleanup(void)
COCOA_DEBUG("qemu_cocoa: cocoa_cleanup\n");
static const DisplayChangeListenerOps dcl_ops = {
.dpy_name = "cocoa",
.dpy_gfx_update = cocoa_update,
.dpy_gfx_switch = cocoa_switch,
.dpy_refresh = cocoa_refresh,
/* Returns a name for a given console */
static NSString * getConsoleName(QemuConsole * console)
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", qemu_console_get_label(console)];
/* Add an entry to the View menu for each console */
static void add_console_menu_entries(void)
NSMenu *menu;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
int index = 0;
menu = [[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTitle:@"View"] submenu];
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
while (qemu_console_lookup_by_index(index) != NULL) {
menuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: getConsoleName(qemu_console_lookup_by_index(index))
action: @selector(displayConsole:) keyEquivalent: @""] autorelease];
[menuItem setTag: index];
[menu addItem: menuItem];
/* Make menu items for all removable devices.
* Each device is given an 'Eject' and 'Change' menu item.
static void addRemovableDevicesMenuItems(void)
NSMenu *menu;
NSMenuItem *menuItem;
BlockInfoList *currentDevice, *pointerToFree;
NSString *deviceName;
currentDevice = qmp_query_block(NULL);
pointerToFree = currentDevice;
if(currentDevice == NULL) {
QEMU_Alert(@"Failed to query for block devices!");
menu = [[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTitle:@"Machine"] submenu];
// Add a separator between related groups of menu items
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
// Set the attributes to the "Removable Media" menu item
NSString *titleString = @"Removable Media";
NSMutableAttributedString *attString=[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:titleString];
NSColor *newColor = [NSColor blackColor];
NSFontManager *fontManager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
NSFont *font = [fontManager fontWithFamily:@"Helvetica"
[attString addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:font range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
[attString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:newColor range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
[attString addAttribute:NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName value:[NSNumber numberWithInt: 1] range:NSMakeRange(0, [titleString length])];
// Add the "Removable Media" menu item
menuItem = [NSMenuItem new];
[menuItem setAttributedTitle: attString];
[menuItem setEnabled: NO];
[menu addItem: menuItem];
/* Loop thru all the block devices in the emulator */
while (currentDevice) {
deviceName = [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s", currentDevice->value->device] retain];
if(currentDevice->value->removable) {
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Change %s...", currentDevice->value->device]
action: @selector(changeDeviceMedia:)
keyEquivalent: @""];
[menu addItem: menuItem];
[menuItem setRepresentedObject: deviceName];
[menuItem autorelease];
menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Eject %s", currentDevice->value->device]
action: @selector(ejectDeviceMedia:)
keyEquivalent: @""];
[menu addItem: menuItem];
[menuItem setRepresentedObject: deviceName];
[menuItem autorelease];
currentDevice = currentDevice->next;
void cocoa_display_init(DisplayState *ds, int full_screen)
COCOA_DEBUG("qemu_cocoa: cocoa_display_init\n");
/* if fullscreen mode is to be used */
if (full_screen == true) {
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES];
[(QemuCocoaAppController *)[[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate] toggleFullScreen: nil];
dcl = g_malloc0(sizeof(DisplayChangeListener));
// register vga output callbacks
dcl->ops = &dcl_ops;
// register cleanup function
/* At this point QEMU has created all the consoles, so we can add View
* menu entries for them.
/* Give all removable devices a menu item.
* Has to be called after QEMU has started to
* find out what removable devices it has.