What is it?
thunar-shares-plugin allows you to quickly share a folder using Samba
from Thunar (the XFCE file manager) without requiring root access.
Required packages
thunar-shares-plugin depends on the following packages:
- thunarx-3 - 1.0.1 or above
- gtk+-3.0 - 3.22.0 or above
- glib-2.0 - 2.18.0 or above
(For information about how to setup Samba correctly see bellow)
If you downloaded a source tarball from the download page, you can run:
./configure --prefix=$(pkg-config --variable prefix thunarx-1)
in order to configure the plugin.
If you fetched the source from SVN, you have to use this command:
./autogen.sh --prefix=$(pkg-config --variable prefix thunarx-1)
After that you should be able to build and install the plugin, using
the following commands (remember you have to be root for that!):
make && make install
For more detailed information, visit the thunar-shares-plugin website
at http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/thunar-plugins/thunar-shares-plugin.
Samba Setup
If your are using (X)ubuntu 8.04 or above you don't need to do
all the setup: just add your user to the group 'sambashare' and re-login
after install the plugin.
For non (X)ubuntu users the Samba setup is:
1) Create a group (must be done as root):
export USERSHARES_DIR="/var/lib/samba/usershares"
export USERSHARES_GROUP="sambashare"
mkdir -p ${USERSHARES_DIR}
chmod 01770 ${USERSHARES_DIR}
2) Use the following /etc/samba/smb.conf:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
security = share
usershare path = /var/lib/samba/usershares
usershare max shares = 100
usershare allow guests = yes
usershare owner only = yes
3) Add the samba group to your user (replace your_username by your login):
usermod -a -G ${USERSHARES_GROUP} your_username
4) Restart Samba daemons
Ex: /etc/init.d/samba restart
5) Logout and login your user (your_username)
How to report bugs?
Bugs should be reported to the Xfce bug tracking system
(http://bugzilla.xfce.org, product Thunar Plugins, component
thunar-shares-plugin). You will need to create an
account for yourself.