2024-01-30 14:42:09 +08:00
* Copyright (C) 2023, KylinSoft Co., Ltd.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2023-12-28 10:27:40 +08:00
#ifndef DARTS_H_
#define DARTS_H_
#include <cstdio>
#include <exception>
#include <new>
#define DARTS_VERSION "0.32"
// DARTS_THROW() throws a <Darts::Exception> whose message starts with the
// file name and the line number. For example, DARTS_THROW("error message") at
// line 123 of "darts.h" throws a <Darts::Exception> which has a pointer to
// "darts.h:123: exception: error message". The message is available by using
// what() as well as that of <std::exception>.
#define DARTS_INT_TO_STR(value) #value
#define DARTS_LINE_TO_STR(line) DARTS_INT_TO_STR(line)
#define DARTS_THROW(msg) throw Darts::Details::Exception( \
__FILE__ ":" DARTS_LINE_STR ": exception: " msg)
namespace Darts {
// The following namespace hides the internal types and classes.
namespace Details {
// This header assumes that <int> and <unsigned int> are 32-bit integer types.
// Darts-clone keeps values associated with keys. The type of the values is
// <value_type>. Note that the values must be positive integers because the
// most significant bit (MSB) of each value is used to represent whether the
// corresponding unit is a leaf or not. Also, the keys are represented by
// sequences of <char_type>s. <uchar_type> is the unsigned type of <char_type>.
typedef char char_type;
typedef unsigned char uchar_type;
typedef int value_type;
// The main structure of Darts-clone is an array of <DoubleArrayUnit>s, and the
// unit type is actually a wrapper of <id_type>.
typedef unsigned int id_type;
// <progress_func_type> is the type of callback functions for reporting the
// progress of building a dictionary. See also build() of <DoubleArray>.
// The 1st argument receives the progress value and the 2nd argument receives
// the maximum progress value. A usage example is to show the progress
// percentage, 100.0 * (the 1st argument) / (the 2nd argument).
typedef int (*progress_func_type)(std::size_t, std::size_t);
// <DoubleArrayUnit> is the type of double-array units and it is a wrapper of
// <id_type> in practice.
class DoubleArrayUnit {
DoubleArrayUnit() : unit_() {}
// has_leaf() returns whether a leaf unit is immediately derived from the
// unit (true) or not (false).
bool has_leaf() const {
return ((unit_ >> 8) & 1) == 1;
// value() returns the value stored in the unit, and thus value() is
// available when and only when the unit is a leaf unit.
value_type value() const {
return static_cast<value_type>(unit_ & ((1U << 31) - 1));
// label() returns the label associted with the unit. Note that a leaf unit
// always returns an invalid label. For this feature, leaf unit's label()
// returns an <id_type> that has the MSB of 1.
id_type label() const {
return unit_ & ((1U << 31) | 0xFF);
// offset() returns the offset from the unit to its derived units.
id_type offset() const {
return (unit_ >> 10) << ((unit_ & (1U << 9)) >> 6);
id_type unit_;
// Copyable.
// Darts-clone throws an <Exception> for memory allocation failure, invalid
// arguments or a too large offset. The last case means that there are too many
// keys in the given set of keys. Note that the `msg' of <Exception> must be a
// constant or static string because an <Exception> keeps only a pointer to
// that string.
class Exception : public std::exception {
explicit Exception(const char *msg = NULL) throw() : msg_(msg) {}
Exception(const Exception &rhs) throw() : msg_(rhs.msg_) {}
virtual ~Exception() throw() {}
// <Exception> overrides what() of <std::exception>.
virtual const char *what() const throw() {
return (msg_ != NULL) ? msg_ : "";
const char *msg_;
// Disallows operator=.
Exception &operator=(const Exception &);
} // namespace Details
// <DoubleArrayImpl> is the interface of Darts-clone. Note that other
// classes should not be accessed from outside.
// <DoubleArrayImpl> has 4 template arguments but only the 3rd one is used as
// the type of values. Note that the given <T> is used only from outside, and
// the internal value type is not changed from <Darts::Details::value_type>.
// In build(), given values are casted from <T> to <Darts::Details::value_type>
// by using static_cast. On the other hand, values are casted from
// <Darts::Details::value_type> to <T> in searching dictionaries.
template <typename, typename, typename T, typename>
class DoubleArrayImpl {
// Even if this <value_type> is changed, the internal value type is still
// <Darts::Details::value_type>. Other types, such as 64-bit integer types
// and floating-point number types, should not be used.
typedef T value_type;
// A key is reprenseted by a sequence of <key_type>s. For example,
// exactMatchSearch() takes a <const key_type *>.
typedef Details::char_type key_type;
// In searching dictionaries, the values associated with the matched keys are
// stored into or returned as <result_type>s.
typedef value_type result_type;
// <result_pair_type> enables applications to get the lengths of the matched
// keys in addition to the values.
struct result_pair_type {
value_type value;
std::size_t length;
// The constructor initializes member variables with 0 and NULLs.
DoubleArrayImpl() : size_(0), array_(NULL), buf_(NULL) {}
// The destructor frees memory allocated for units and then initializes
// member variables with 0 and NULLs.
virtual ~DoubleArrayImpl() {
// <DoubleArrayImpl> has 2 kinds of set_result()s. The 1st set_result() is to
// set a value to a <value_type>. The 2nd set_result() is to set a value and
// a length to a <result_pair_type>. By using set_result()s, search methods
// can return the 2 kinds of results in the same way.
// Why the set_result()s are non-static? It is for compatibility.
// The 1st set_result() takes a length as the 3rd argument but it is not
// used. If a compiler does a good job, codes for getting the length may be
// removed.
void set_result(value_type *result, value_type value, std::size_t) const {
*result = value;
// The 2nd set_result() uses both `value' and `length'.
void set_result(result_pair_type *result,
value_type value, std::size_t length) const {
result->value = value;
result->length = length;
// set_array() calls clear() in order to free memory allocated to the old
// array and then sets a new array. This function is useful to set a memory-
// mapped array. Note that the array set by set_array() is not freed in
// clear() and the destructor of <DoubleArrayImpl>.
// set_array() can also set the size of the new array but the size is not
// used in search methods. So it works well even if the 2nd argument is 0 or
// omitted. Remember that size() and total_size() returns 0 in such a case.
void set_array(const void *ptr, std::size_t size = 0) {
array_ = static_cast<const unit_type *>(ptr);
size_ = size;
// array() returns a pointer to the array of units.
const void *array() const {
return array_;
// clear() frees memory allocated to units and then initializes member
// variables with 0 and NULLs. Note that clear() does not free memory if the
// array of units was set by set_array(). In such a case, `array_' is not
// NULL and `buf_' is NULL.
void clear() {
size_ = 0;
array_ = NULL;
if (buf_ != NULL) {
delete[] buf_;
buf_ = NULL;
// unit_size() returns the size of each unit. The size must be 4 bytes.
std::size_t unit_size() const {
return sizeof(unit_type);
// size() returns the number of units. It can be 0 if set_array() is used.
std::size_t size() const {
return size_;
// total_size() returns the number of bytes allocated to the array of units.
// It can be 0 if set_array() is used.
std::size_t total_size() const {
return unit_size() * size();
// nonzero_size() exists for compatibility. It always returns the number of
// units because it takes long time to count the number of non-zero units.
std::size_t nonzero_size() const {
return size();
// build() constructs a dictionary from given key-value pairs. If `lengths'
// is NULL, `keys' is handled as an array of zero-terminated strings. If
// `values' is NULL, the index in `keys' is associated with each key, i.e.
// the ith key has (i - 1) as its value.
// Note that the key-value pairs must be arranged in key order and the values
// must not be negative. Also, if there are duplicate keys, only the first
// pair will be stored in the resultant dictionary.
// `progress_func' is a pointer to a callback function. If it is not NULL,
// it will be called in build() so that the caller can check the progress of
// dictionary construction. For details, please see the definition of
// <Darts::Details::progress_func_type>.
// The return value of build() is 0, and it indicates the success of the
// operation. Otherwise, build() throws a <Darts::Exception>, which is a
// derived class of <std::exception>.
// build() uses another construction algorithm if `values' is not NULL. In
// this case, Darts-clone uses a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) instead
// of a trie because a DAWG is likely to be more compact than a trie.
int build(std::size_t num_keys, const key_type * const *keys,
const std::size_t *lengths = NULL, const value_type *values = NULL,
Details::progress_func_type progress_func = NULL);
// open() reads an array of units from the specified file. And if it goes
// well, the old array will be freed and replaced with the new array read
// from the file. `offset' specifies the number of bytes to be skipped before
// reading an array. `size' specifies the number of bytes to be read from the
// file. If the `size' is 0, the whole file will be read.
// open() returns 0 iff the operation succeeds. Otherwise, it returns a
// non-zero value or throws a <Darts::Exception>. The exception is thrown
// when and only when a memory allocation fails.
int open(const char *file_name, const char *mode = "rb",
std::size_t offset = 0, std::size_t size = 0);
// save() writes the array of units into the specified file. `offset'
// specifies the number of bytes to be skipped before writing the array.
// open() returns 0 iff the operation succeeds. Otherwise, it returns a
// non-zero value.
int save(const char *file_name, const char *mode = "wb",
std::size_t offset = 0) const;
// The 1st exactMatchSearch() tests whether the given key exists or not, and
// if it exists, its value and length are set to `result'. Otherwise, the
// value and the length of `result' are set to -1 and 0 respectively.
// Note that if `length' is 0, `key' is handled as a zero-terminated string.
// `node_pos' specifies the start position of matching. This argument enables
// the combination of exactMatchSearch() and traverse(). For example, if you
// want to test "xyzA", "xyzBC", and "xyzDE", you can use traverse() to get
// the node position corresponding to "xyz" and then you can use
// exactMatchSearch() to test "A", "BC", and "DE" from that position.
// Note that the length of `result' indicates the length from the `node_pos'.
// In the above example, the lengths are { 1, 2, 2 }, not { 4, 5, 5 }.
template <class U>
void exactMatchSearch(const key_type *key, U &result,
std::size_t length = 0, std::size_t node_pos = 0) const {
result = exactMatchSearch<U>(key, length, node_pos);
// The 2nd exactMatchSearch() returns a result instead of updating the 2nd
// argument. So, the following exactMatchSearch() has only 3 arguments.
template <class U>
inline U exactMatchSearch(const key_type *key, std::size_t length = 0,
std::size_t node_pos = 0) const;
// commonPrefixSearch() searches for keys which match a prefix of the given
// string. If `length' is 0, `key' is handled as a zero-terminated string.
// The values and the lengths of at most `max_num_results' matched keys are
// stored in `results'. commonPrefixSearch() returns the number of matched
// keys. Note that the return value can be larger than `max_num_results' if
// there are more than `max_num_results' matches. If you want to get all the
// results, allocate more spaces and call commonPrefixSearch() again.
// `node_pos' works as well as in exactMatchSearch().
template <class U>
inline std::size_t commonPrefixSearch(const key_type *key, U *results,
std::size_t max_num_results, std::size_t length = 0,
std::size_t node_pos = 0) const;
// In Darts-clone, a dictionary is a deterministic finite-state automaton
// (DFA) and traverse() tests transitions on the DFA. The initial state is
// `node_pos' and traverse() chooses transitions labeled key[key_pos],
// key[key_pos + 1], ... in order. If there is not a transition labeled
// key[key_pos + i], traverse() terminates the transitions at that state and
// returns -2. Otherwise, traverse() ends without a termination and returns
// -1 or a nonnegative value, -1 indicates that the final state was not an
// accept state. When a nonnegative value is returned, it is the value
// associated with the final accept state. That is, traverse() returns the
// value associated with the given key if it exists. Note that traverse()
// updates `node_pos' and `key_pos' after each transition.
inline value_type traverse(const key_type *key, std::size_t &node_pos,
std::size_t &key_pos, std::size_t length = 0) const;
typedef Details::uchar_type uchar_type;
typedef Details::id_type id_type;
typedef Details::DoubleArrayUnit unit_type;
std::size_t size_;
const unit_type *array_;
unit_type *buf_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
DoubleArrayImpl(const DoubleArrayImpl &);
DoubleArrayImpl &operator=(const DoubleArrayImpl &);
// <DoubleArray> is the typical instance of <DoubleArrayImpl>. It uses <int>
// as the type of values and it is suitable for most cases.
typedef DoubleArrayImpl<void, void, int, void> DoubleArray;
// The interface section ends here. For using Darts-clone, there is no need
// to read the remaining section, which gives the implementation of
// Darts-clone.
// Member functions of DoubleArrayImpl (except build()).
template <typename A, typename B, typename T, typename C>
int DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::open(const char *file_name,
const char *mode, std::size_t offset, std::size_t size) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
std::FILE *file;
if (::fopen_s(&file, file_name, mode) != 0) {
return -1;
std::FILE *file = std::fopen(file_name, mode);
if (file == NULL) {
return -1;
if (size == 0) {
if (std::fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
return -1;
size = std::ftell(file) - offset;
size /= unit_size();
if (size < 256 || (size & 0xFF) != 0) {
return -1;
if (std::fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
return -1;
unit_type units[256];
if (std::fread(units, unit_size(), 256, file) != 256) {
return -1;
if (units[0].label() != '\0' || units[0].has_leaf() ||
units[0].offset() == 0 || units[0].offset() >= 512) {
return -1;
for (id_type i = 1; i < 256; ++i) {
if (units[i].label() <= 0xFF && units[i].offset() >= size) {
return -1;
unit_type *buf;
try {
buf = new unit_type[size];
for (id_type i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
buf[i] = units[i];
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to open double-array: std::bad_alloc");
if (size > 256) {
if (std::fread(buf + 256, unit_size(), size - 256, file) != size - 256) {
delete[] buf;
return -1;
size_ = size;
array_ = buf;
buf_ = buf;
return 0;
template <typename A, typename B, typename T, typename C>
int DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::save(const char *file_name,
const char *mode, std::size_t offset) const {
if (size() == 0) {
return -1;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
std::FILE *file;
if (::fopen_s(&file, file_name, mode) != 0) {
return -1;
std::FILE *file = std::fopen(file_name, mode);
if (file == NULL) {
return -1;
if (std::fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
return -1;
if (std::fwrite(array_, unit_size(), size(), file) != size()) {
return -1;
return 0;
template <typename A, typename B, typename T, typename C>
template <typename U>
inline U DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::exactMatchSearch(const key_type *key,
std::size_t length, std::size_t node_pos) const {
U result;
set_result(&result, static_cast<value_type>(-1), 0);
unit_type unit = array_[node_pos];
if (length != 0) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
node_pos ^= unit.offset() ^ static_cast<uchar_type>(key[i]);
unit = array_[node_pos];
if (unit.label() != static_cast<uchar_type>(key[i])) {
return result;
} else {
for ( ; key[length] != '\0'; ++length) {
node_pos ^= unit.offset() ^ static_cast<uchar_type>(key[length]);
unit = array_[node_pos];
if (unit.label() != static_cast<uchar_type>(key[length])) {
return result;
if (!unit.has_leaf()) {
return result;
unit = array_[node_pos ^ unit.offset()];
set_result(&result, static_cast<value_type>(unit.value()), length);
return result;
template <typename A, typename B, typename T, typename C>
template <typename U>
inline std::size_t DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::commonPrefixSearch(
const key_type *key, U *results, std::size_t max_num_results,
std::size_t length, std::size_t node_pos) const {
std::size_t num_results = 0;
unit_type unit = array_[node_pos];
node_pos ^= unit.offset();
if (length != 0) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
node_pos ^= static_cast<uchar_type>(key[i]);
unit = array_[node_pos];
if (unit.label() != static_cast<uchar_type>(key[i])) {
return num_results;
node_pos ^= unit.offset();
if (unit.has_leaf()) {
if (num_results < max_num_results) {
set_result(&results[num_results], static_cast<value_type>(
array_[node_pos].value()), i + 1);
} else {
for ( ; key[length] != '\0'; ++length) {
node_pos ^= static_cast<uchar_type>(key[length]);
unit = array_[node_pos];
if (unit.label() != static_cast<uchar_type>(key[length])) {
return num_results;
node_pos ^= unit.offset();
if (unit.has_leaf()) {
if (num_results < max_num_results) {
set_result(&results[num_results], static_cast<value_type>(
array_[node_pos].value()), length + 1);
return num_results;
template <typename A, typename B, typename T, typename C>
inline typename DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::value_type
DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::traverse(const key_type *key,
std::size_t &node_pos, std::size_t &key_pos, std::size_t length) const {
id_type id = static_cast<id_type>(node_pos);
unit_type unit = array_[id];
if (length != 0) {
for ( ; key_pos < length; ++key_pos) {
id ^= unit.offset() ^ static_cast<uchar_type>(key[key_pos]);
unit = array_[id];
if (unit.label() != static_cast<uchar_type>(key[key_pos])) {
return static_cast<value_type>(-2);
node_pos = id;
} else {
for ( ; key[key_pos] != '\0'; ++key_pos) {
id ^= unit.offset() ^ static_cast<uchar_type>(key[key_pos]);
unit = array_[id];
if (unit.label() != static_cast<uchar_type>(key[key_pos])) {
return static_cast<value_type>(-2);
node_pos = id;
if (!unit.has_leaf()) {
return static_cast<value_type>(-1);
unit = array_[id ^ unit.offset()];
return static_cast<value_type>(unit.value());
namespace Details {
// Memory management of array.
template <typename T>
class AutoArray {
explicit AutoArray(T *array = NULL) : array_(array) {}
~AutoArray() {
const T &operator[](std::size_t id) const {
return array_[id];
T &operator[](std::size_t id) {
return array_[id];
bool empty() const {
return array_ == NULL;
void clear() {
if (array_ != NULL) {
delete[] array_;
array_ = NULL;
void swap(AutoArray *array) {
T *temp = array_;
array_ = array->array_;
array->array_ = temp;
void reset(T *array = NULL) {
T *array_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
AutoArray(const AutoArray &);
AutoArray &operator=(const AutoArray &);
// Memory management of resizable array.
template <typename T>
class AutoPool {
AutoPool() : buf_(), size_(0), capacity_(0) {}
~AutoPool() { clear(); }
const T &operator[](std::size_t id) const {
return *(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(&buf_[0]) + id);
T &operator[](std::size_t id) {
return *(reinterpret_cast<T *>(&buf_[0]) + id);
bool empty() const {
return size_ == 0;
std::size_t size() const {
return size_;
void clear() {
size_ = 0;
capacity_ = 0;
void push_back(const T &value) {
void pop_back() {
void append() {
if (size_ == capacity_)
resize_buf(size_ + 1);
new(&(*this)[size_++]) T;
void append(const T &value) {
if (size_ == capacity_)
resize_buf(size_ + 1);
new(&(*this)[size_++]) T(value);
void resize(std::size_t size) {
while (size_ > size) {
if (size > capacity_) {
while (size_ < size) {
new(&(*this)[size_++]) T;
void resize(std::size_t size, const T &value) {
while (size_ > size) {
if (size > capacity_) {
while (size_ < size) {
new(&(*this)[size_++]) T(value);
void reserve(std::size_t size) {
if (size > capacity_) {
AutoArray<char> buf_;
std::size_t size_;
std::size_t capacity_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
AutoPool(const AutoPool &);
AutoPool &operator=(const AutoPool &);
void resize_buf(std::size_t size);
template <typename T>
void AutoPool<T>::resize_buf(std::size_t size) {
std::size_t capacity;
if (size >= capacity_ * 2) {
capacity = size;
} else {
capacity = 1;
while (capacity < size) {
capacity <<= 1;
AutoArray<char> buf;
try {
buf.reset(new char[sizeof(T) * capacity]);
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to resize pool: std::bad_alloc");
if (size_ > 0) {
T *src = reinterpret_cast<T *>(&buf_[0]);
T *dest = reinterpret_cast<T *>(&buf[0]);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
new(&dest[i]) T(src[i]);
capacity_ = capacity;
// Memory management of stack.
template <typename T>
class AutoStack {
AutoStack() : pool_() {}
~AutoStack() {
const T &top() const {
return pool_[size() - 1];
T &top() {
return pool_[size() - 1];
bool empty() const {
return pool_.empty();
std::size_t size() const {
return pool_.size();
void push(const T &value) {
void pop() {
void clear() {
AutoPool<T> pool_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
AutoStack(const AutoStack &);
AutoStack &operator=(const AutoStack &);
// Succinct bit vector.
class BitVector {
BitVector() : units_(), ranks_(), num_ones_(0), size_(0) {}
~BitVector() {
bool operator[](std::size_t id) const {
return (units_[id / UNIT_SIZE] >> (id % UNIT_SIZE) & 1) == 1;
id_type rank(std::size_t id) const {
std::size_t unit_id = id / UNIT_SIZE;
return ranks_[unit_id] + pop_count(units_[unit_id]
& (~0U >> (UNIT_SIZE - (id % UNIT_SIZE) - 1)));
void set(std::size_t id, bool bit) {
if (bit) {
units_[id / UNIT_SIZE] |= 1U << (id % UNIT_SIZE);
} else {
units_[id / UNIT_SIZE] &= ~(1U << (id % UNIT_SIZE));
bool empty() const {
return units_.empty();
std::size_t num_ones() const {
return num_ones_;
std::size_t size() const {
return size_;
void append() {
if ((size_ % UNIT_SIZE) == 0) {
void build();
void clear() {
enum { UNIT_SIZE = sizeof(id_type) * 8 };
AutoPool<id_type> units_;
AutoArray<id_type> ranks_;
std::size_t num_ones_;
std::size_t size_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
BitVector(const BitVector &);
BitVector &operator=(const BitVector &);
static id_type pop_count(id_type unit) {
unit = ((unit & 0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1) + (unit & 0x55555555);
unit = ((unit & 0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2) + (unit & 0x33333333);
unit = ((unit >> 4) + unit) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
unit += unit >> 8;
unit += unit >> 16;
return unit & 0xFF;
inline void BitVector::build() {
try {
ranks_.reset(new id_type[units_.size()]);
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to build rank index: std::bad_alloc");
num_ones_ = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < units_.size(); ++i) {
ranks_[i] = num_ones_;
num_ones_ += pop_count(units_[i]);
// Keyset.
template <typename T>
class Keyset {
Keyset(std::size_t num_keys, const char_type * const *keys,
const std::size_t *lengths, const T *values) :
num_keys_(num_keys), keys_(keys), lengths_(lengths), values_(values) {}
std::size_t num_keys() const {
return num_keys_;
const char_type *keys(std::size_t id) const {
return keys_[id];
uchar_type keys(std::size_t key_id, std::size_t char_id) const {
if (has_lengths() && char_id >= lengths_[key_id])
return '\0';
return keys_[key_id][char_id];
bool has_lengths() const {
return lengths_ != NULL;
std::size_t lengths(std::size_t id) const {
if (has_lengths()) {
return lengths_[id];
std::size_t length = 0;
while (keys_[id][length] != '\0') {
return length;
bool has_values() const {
return values_ != NULL;
const value_type values(std::size_t id) const {
if (has_values()) {
return static_cast<value_type>(values_[id]);
return static_cast<value_type>(id);
std::size_t num_keys_;
const char_type * const * keys_;
const std::size_t *lengths_;
const T *values_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
Keyset(const Keyset &);
Keyset &operator=(const Keyset &);
// Node of Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG).
class DawgNode {
DawgNode() : child_(0), sibling_(0), label_('\0'),
is_state_(false), has_sibling_(false) {}
void set_child(id_type child) {
child_ = child;
void set_sibling(id_type sibling) {
sibling_ = sibling;
void set_value(value_type value) {
child_ = value;
void set_label(uchar_type label) {
label_ = label;
void set_is_state(bool is_state) {
is_state_ = is_state;
void set_has_sibling(bool has_sibling) {
has_sibling_ = has_sibling;
id_type child() const {
return child_;
id_type sibling() const {
return sibling_;
value_type value() const {
return static_cast<value_type>(child_);
uchar_type label() const {
return label_;
bool is_state() const {
return is_state_;
bool has_sibling() const {
return has_sibling_;
id_type unit() const {
if (label_ == '\0') {
return (child_ << 1) | (has_sibling_ ? 1 : 0);
return (child_ << 2) | (is_state_ ? 2 : 0) | (has_sibling_ ? 1 : 0);
id_type child_;
id_type sibling_;
uchar_type label_;
bool is_state_;
bool has_sibling_;
// Copyable.
// Fixed unit of Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG).
class DawgUnit {
explicit DawgUnit(id_type unit = 0) : unit_(unit) {}
DawgUnit(const DawgUnit &unit) : unit_(unit.unit_) {}
DawgUnit &operator=(id_type unit) {
unit_ = unit;
return *this;
id_type unit() const {
return unit_;
id_type child() const {
return unit_ >> 2;
bool has_sibling() const {
return (unit_ & 1) == 1;
value_type value() const {
return static_cast<value_type>(unit_ >> 1);
bool is_state() const {
return (unit_ & 2) == 2;
id_type unit_;
// Copyable.
// Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG) builder.
class DawgBuilder {
DawgBuilder() : nodes_(), units_(), labels_(), is_intersections_(),
table_(), node_stack_(), recycle_bin_(), num_states_(0) {}
~DawgBuilder() {
id_type root() const {
return 0;
id_type child(id_type id) const {
return units_[id].child();
id_type sibling(id_type id) const {
return units_[id].has_sibling() ? (id + 1) : 0;
int value(id_type id) const {
return units_[id].value();
bool is_leaf(id_type id) const {
return label(id) == '\0';
uchar_type label(id_type id) const {
return labels_[id];
bool is_intersection(id_type id) const {
return is_intersections_[id];
id_type intersection_id(id_type id) const {
return is_intersections_.rank(id) - 1;
std::size_t num_intersections() const {
return is_intersections_.num_ones();
std::size_t size() const {
return units_.size();
void init();
void finish();
void insert(const char *key, std::size_t length, value_type value);
void clear();
enum { INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE = 1 << 10 };
AutoPool<DawgNode> nodes_;
AutoPool<DawgUnit> units_;
AutoPool<uchar_type> labels_;
BitVector is_intersections_;
AutoPool<id_type> table_;
AutoStack<id_type> node_stack_;
AutoStack<id_type> recycle_bin_;
std::size_t num_states_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
DawgBuilder(const DawgBuilder &);
DawgBuilder &operator=(const DawgBuilder &);
void flush(id_type id);
void expand_table();
id_type find_unit(id_type id, id_type *hash_id) const;
id_type find_node(id_type node_id, id_type *hash_id) const;
bool are_equal(id_type node_id, id_type unit_id) const;
id_type hash_unit(id_type id) const;
id_type hash_node(id_type id) const;
id_type append_node();
id_type append_unit();
void free_node(id_type id) {
static id_type hash(id_type key) {
key = ~key + (key << 15); // key = (key << 15) - key - 1;
key = key ^ (key >> 12);
key = key + (key << 2);
key = key ^ (key >> 4);
key = key * 2057; // key = (key + (key << 3)) + (key << 11);
key = key ^ (key >> 16);
return key;
inline void DawgBuilder::init() {
table_.resize(INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE, 0);
num_states_ = 1;
inline void DawgBuilder::finish() {
units_[0] = nodes_[0].unit();
labels_[0] = nodes_[0].label();
inline void DawgBuilder::insert(const char *key, std::size_t length,
value_type value) {
if (value < 0) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to insert key: negative value");
} else if (length == 0) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to insert key: zero-length key");
id_type id = 0;
std::size_t key_pos = 0;
for ( ; key_pos <= length; ++key_pos) {
id_type child_id = nodes_[id].child();
if (child_id == 0) {
uchar_type key_label = static_cast<uchar_type>(key[key_pos]);
if (key_pos < length && key_label == '\0') {
DARTS_THROW("failed to insert key: invalid null character");
uchar_type unit_label = nodes_[child_id].label();
if (key_label < unit_label) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to insert key: wrong key order");
} else if (key_label > unit_label) {
id = child_id;
if (key_pos > length) {
for ( ; key_pos <= length; ++key_pos) {
uchar_type key_label = static_cast<uchar_type>(
(key_pos < length) ? key[key_pos] : '\0');
id_type child_id = append_node();
if (nodes_[id].child() == 0) {
id = child_id;
inline void DawgBuilder::clear() {
num_states_ = 0;
inline void DawgBuilder::flush(id_type id) {
while (node_stack_.top() != id) {
id_type node_id = node_stack_.top();
if (num_states_ >= table_.size() - (table_.size() >> 2)) {
id_type num_siblings = 0;
for (id_type i = node_id; i != 0; i = nodes_[i].sibling()) {
id_type hash_id;
id_type match_id = find_node(node_id, &hash_id);
if (match_id != 0) {
is_intersections_.set(match_id, true);
} else {
id_type unit_id = 0;
for (id_type i = 0; i < num_siblings; ++i) {
unit_id = append_unit();
for (id_type i = node_id; i != 0; i = nodes_[i].sibling()) {
units_[unit_id] = nodes_[i].unit();
labels_[unit_id] = nodes_[i].label();
match_id = unit_id + 1;
table_[hash_id] = match_id;
for (id_type i = node_id, next; i != 0; i = next) {
next = nodes_[i].sibling();
inline void DawgBuilder::expand_table() {
std::size_t table_size = table_.size() << 1;
table_.resize(table_size, 0);
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < units_.size(); ++i) {
id_type id = static_cast<id_type>(i);
if (labels_[id] == '\0' || units_[id].is_state()) {
id_type hash_id;
find_unit(id, &hash_id);
table_[hash_id] = id;
inline id_type DawgBuilder::find_unit(id_type id, id_type *hash_id) const {
*hash_id = hash_unit(id) % table_.size();
for ( ; ; *hash_id = (*hash_id + 1) % table_.size()) {
id_type unit_id = table_[*hash_id];
if (unit_id == 0) {
// There must not be the same unit.
return 0;
inline id_type DawgBuilder::find_node(id_type node_id,
id_type *hash_id) const {
*hash_id = hash_node(node_id) % table_.size();
for ( ; ; *hash_id = (*hash_id + 1) % table_.size()) {
id_type unit_id = table_[*hash_id];
if (unit_id == 0) {
if (are_equal(node_id, unit_id)) {
return unit_id;
return 0;
inline bool DawgBuilder::are_equal(id_type node_id, id_type unit_id) const {
for (id_type i = nodes_[node_id].sibling(); i != 0;
i = nodes_[i].sibling()) {
if (units_[unit_id].has_sibling() == false) {
return false;
if (units_[unit_id].has_sibling() == true) {
return false;
for (id_type i = node_id; i != 0; i = nodes_[i].sibling(), --unit_id) {
if (nodes_[i].unit() != units_[unit_id].unit() ||
nodes_[i].label() != labels_[unit_id]) {
return false;
return true;
inline id_type DawgBuilder::hash_unit(id_type id) const {
id_type hash_value = 0;
for ( ; id != 0; ++id) {
id_type unit = units_[id].unit();
uchar_type label = labels_[id];
hash_value ^= hash((label << 24) ^ unit);
if (units_[id].has_sibling() == false) {
return hash_value;
inline id_type DawgBuilder::hash_node(id_type id) const {
id_type hash_value = 0;
for ( ; id != 0; id = nodes_[id].sibling()) {
id_type unit = nodes_[id].unit();
uchar_type label = nodes_[id].label();
hash_value ^= hash((label << 24) ^ unit);
return hash_value;
inline id_type DawgBuilder::append_unit() {
return static_cast<id_type>(is_intersections_.size() - 1);
inline id_type DawgBuilder::append_node() {
id_type id;
if (recycle_bin_.empty()) {
id = static_cast<id_type>(nodes_.size());
} else {
id = recycle_bin_.top();
nodes_[id] = DawgNode();
return id;
// Unit of double-array builder.
class DoubleArrayBuilderUnit {
DoubleArrayBuilderUnit() : unit_(0) {}
void set_has_leaf(bool has_leaf) {
if (has_leaf) {
unit_ |= 1U << 8;
} else {
unit_ &= ~(1U << 8);
void set_value(value_type value) {
unit_ = value | (1U << 31);
void set_label(uchar_type label) {
unit_ = (unit_ & ~0xFFU) | label;
void set_offset(id_type offset) {
if (offset >= 1U << 29) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to modify unit: too large offset");
unit_ &= (1U << 31) | (1U << 8) | 0xFF;
if (offset < 1U << 21) {
unit_ |= (offset << 10);
} else {
unit_ |= (offset << 2) | (1U << 9);
id_type unit_;
// Copyable.
// Extra unit of double-array builder.
class DoubleArrayBuilderExtraUnit {
DoubleArrayBuilderExtraUnit() : prev_(0), next_(0),
is_fixed_(false), is_used_(false) {}
void set_prev(id_type prev) {
prev_ = prev;
void set_next(id_type next) {
next_ = next;
void set_is_fixed(bool is_fixed) {
is_fixed_ = is_fixed;
void set_is_used(bool is_used) {
is_used_ = is_used;
id_type prev() const {
return prev_;
id_type next() const {
return next_;
bool is_fixed() const {
return is_fixed_;
bool is_used() const {
return is_used_;
id_type prev_;
id_type next_;
bool is_fixed_;
bool is_used_;
// Copyable.
// DAWG -> double-array converter.
class DoubleArrayBuilder {
explicit DoubleArrayBuilder(progress_func_type progress_func)
: progress_func_(progress_func), units_(), extras_(), labels_(),
table_(), extras_head_(0) {}
~DoubleArrayBuilder() {
template <typename T>
void build(const Keyset<T> &keyset);
void copy(std::size_t *size_ptr, DoubleArrayUnit **buf_ptr) const;
void clear();
enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 256 };
enum { NUM_EXTRA_BLOCKS = 16 };
enum { UPPER_MASK = 0xFF << 21 };
enum { LOWER_MASK = 0xFF };
typedef DoubleArrayBuilderUnit unit_type;
typedef DoubleArrayBuilderExtraUnit extra_type;
progress_func_type progress_func_;
AutoPool<unit_type> units_;
AutoArray<extra_type> extras_;
AutoPool<uchar_type> labels_;
AutoArray<id_type> table_;
id_type extras_head_;
// Disallows copy and assignment.
DoubleArrayBuilder(const DoubleArrayBuilder &);
DoubleArrayBuilder &operator=(const DoubleArrayBuilder &);
std::size_t num_blocks() const {
return units_.size() / BLOCK_SIZE;
const extra_type &extras(id_type id) const {
return extras_[id % NUM_EXTRAS];
extra_type &extras(id_type id) {
return extras_[id % NUM_EXTRAS];
template <typename T>
void build_dawg(const Keyset<T> &keyset, DawgBuilder *dawg_builder);
void build_from_dawg(const DawgBuilder &dawg);
void build_from_dawg(const DawgBuilder &dawg,
id_type dawg_id, id_type dic_id);
id_type arrange_from_dawg(const DawgBuilder &dawg,
id_type dawg_id, id_type dic_id);
template <typename T>
void build_from_keyset(const Keyset<T> &keyset);
template <typename T>
void build_from_keyset(const Keyset<T> &keyset, std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end, std::size_t depth, id_type dic_id);
template <typename T>
id_type arrange_from_keyset(const Keyset<T> &keyset, std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end, std::size_t depth, id_type dic_id);
id_type find_valid_offset(id_type id) const;
bool is_valid_offset(id_type id, id_type offset) const;
void reserve_id(id_type id);
void expand_units();
void fix_all_blocks();
void fix_block(id_type block_id);
template <typename T>
void DoubleArrayBuilder::build(const Keyset<T> &keyset) {
if (keyset.has_values()) {
Details::DawgBuilder dawg_builder;
build_dawg(keyset, &dawg_builder);
} else {
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::copy(std::size_t *size_ptr,
DoubleArrayUnit **buf_ptr) const {
if (size_ptr != NULL) {
*size_ptr = units_.size();
if (buf_ptr != NULL) {
*buf_ptr = new DoubleArrayUnit[units_.size()];
unit_type *units = reinterpret_cast<unit_type *>(*buf_ptr);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < units_.size(); ++i) {
units[i] = units_[i];
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::clear() {
extras_head_ = 0;
template <typename T>
void DoubleArrayBuilder::build_dawg(const Keyset<T> &keyset,
DawgBuilder *dawg_builder) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keyset.num_keys(); ++i) {
dawg_builder->insert(keyset.keys(i), keyset.lengths(i), keyset.values(i));
if (progress_func_ != NULL) {
progress_func_(i + 1, keyset.num_keys() + 1);
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::build_from_dawg(const DawgBuilder &dawg) {
std::size_t num_units = 1;
while (num_units < dawg.size()) {
num_units <<= 1;
table_.reset(new id_type[dawg.num_intersections()]);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < dawg.num_intersections(); ++i) {
table_[i] = 0;
extras_.reset(new extra_type[NUM_EXTRAS]);
if (dawg.child(dawg.root()) != 0) {
build_from_dawg(dawg, dawg.root(), 0);
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::build_from_dawg(const DawgBuilder &dawg,
id_type dawg_id, id_type dic_id) {
id_type dawg_child_id = dawg.child(dawg_id);
if (dawg.is_intersection(dawg_child_id)) {
id_type intersection_id = dawg.intersection_id(dawg_child_id);
id_type offset = table_[intersection_id];
if (offset != 0) {
offset ^= dic_id;
if (!(offset & UPPER_MASK) || !(offset & LOWER_MASK)) {
if (dawg.is_leaf(dawg_child_id)) {
id_type offset = arrange_from_dawg(dawg, dawg_id, dic_id);
if (dawg.is_intersection(dawg_child_id)) {
table_[dawg.intersection_id(dawg_child_id)] = offset;
do {
uchar_type child_label = dawg.label(dawg_child_id);
id_type dic_child_id = offset ^ child_label;
if (child_label != '\0') {
build_from_dawg(dawg, dawg_child_id, dic_child_id);
dawg_child_id = dawg.sibling(dawg_child_id);
} while (dawg_child_id != 0);
inline id_type DoubleArrayBuilder::arrange_from_dawg(const DawgBuilder &dawg,
id_type dawg_id, id_type dic_id) {
id_type dawg_child_id = dawg.child(dawg_id);
while (dawg_child_id != 0) {
dawg_child_id = dawg.sibling(dawg_child_id);
id_type offset = find_valid_offset(dic_id);
units_[dic_id].set_offset(dic_id ^ offset);
dawg_child_id = dawg.child(dawg_id);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < labels_.size(); ++i) {
id_type dic_child_id = offset ^ labels_[i];
if (dawg.is_leaf(dawg_child_id)) {
} else {
dawg_child_id = dawg.sibling(dawg_child_id);
return offset;
template <typename T>
void DoubleArrayBuilder::build_from_keyset(const Keyset<T> &keyset) {
std::size_t num_units = 1;
while (num_units < keyset.num_keys()) {
num_units <<= 1;
extras_.reset(new extra_type[NUM_EXTRAS]);
if (keyset.num_keys() > 0) {
build_from_keyset(keyset, 0, keyset.num_keys(), 0, 0);
template <typename T>
void DoubleArrayBuilder::build_from_keyset(const Keyset<T> &keyset,
std::size_t begin, std::size_t end, std::size_t depth, id_type dic_id) {
id_type offset = arrange_from_keyset(keyset, begin, end, depth, dic_id);
while (begin < end) {
if (keyset.keys(begin, depth) != '\0') {
if (begin == end) {
std::size_t last_begin = begin;
uchar_type last_label = keyset.keys(begin, depth);
while (++begin < end) {
uchar_type label = keyset.keys(begin, depth);
if (label != last_label) {
build_from_keyset(keyset, last_begin, begin,
depth + 1, offset ^ last_label);
last_begin = begin;
last_label = keyset.keys(begin, depth);
build_from_keyset(keyset, last_begin, end, depth + 1, offset ^ last_label);
template <typename T>
id_type DoubleArrayBuilder::arrange_from_keyset(const Keyset<T> &keyset,
std::size_t begin, std::size_t end, std::size_t depth, id_type dic_id) {
value_type value = -1;
for (std::size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i) {
uchar_type label = keyset.keys(i, depth);
if (label == '\0') {
if (keyset.has_lengths() && depth < keyset.lengths(i)) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to build double-array: "
"invalid null character");
} else if (keyset.values(i) < 0) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to build double-array: negative value");
if (value == -1) {
value = keyset.values(i);
if (progress_func_ != NULL) {
progress_func_(i + 1, keyset.num_keys() + 1);
if (labels_.empty()) {
} else if (label != labels_[labels_.size() - 1]) {
if (label < labels_[labels_.size() - 1]) {
DARTS_THROW("failed to build double-array: wrong key order");
id_type offset = find_valid_offset(dic_id);
units_[dic_id].set_offset(dic_id ^ offset);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < labels_.size(); ++i) {
id_type dic_child_id = offset ^ labels_[i];
if (labels_[i] == '\0') {
} else {
return offset;
inline id_type DoubleArrayBuilder::find_valid_offset(id_type id) const {
if (extras_head_ >= units_.size()) {
return units_.size() | (id & LOWER_MASK);
id_type unfixed_id = extras_head_;
do {
id_type offset = unfixed_id ^ labels_[0];
if (is_valid_offset(id, offset)) {
return offset;
unfixed_id = extras(unfixed_id).next();
} while (unfixed_id != extras_head_);
return units_.size() | (id & LOWER_MASK);
inline bool DoubleArrayBuilder::is_valid_offset(id_type id,
id_type offset) const {
if (extras(offset).is_used()) {
return false;
id_type rel_offset = id ^ offset;
if ((rel_offset & LOWER_MASK) && (rel_offset & UPPER_MASK)) {
return false;
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < labels_.size(); ++i) {
if (extras(offset ^ labels_[i]).is_fixed()) {
return false;
return true;
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::reserve_id(id_type id) {
if (id >= units_.size()) {
if (id == extras_head_) {
extras_head_ = extras(id).next();
if (extras_head_ == id) {
extras_head_ = units_.size();
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::expand_units() {
id_type src_num_units = units_.size();
id_type src_num_blocks = num_blocks();
id_type dest_num_units = src_num_units + BLOCK_SIZE;
id_type dest_num_blocks = src_num_blocks + 1;
if (dest_num_blocks > NUM_EXTRA_BLOCKS) {
fix_block(src_num_blocks - NUM_EXTRA_BLOCKS);
if (dest_num_blocks > NUM_EXTRA_BLOCKS) {
for (std::size_t id = src_num_units; id < dest_num_units; ++id) {
for (id_type i = src_num_units + 1; i < dest_num_units; ++i) {
extras(i - 1).set_next(i);
extras(i).set_prev(i - 1);
extras(src_num_units).set_prev(dest_num_units - 1);
extras(dest_num_units - 1).set_next(src_num_units);
extras(dest_num_units - 1).set_next(extras_head_);
extras(extras_head_).set_prev(dest_num_units - 1);
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::fix_all_blocks() {
id_type begin = 0;
if (num_blocks() > NUM_EXTRA_BLOCKS) {
begin = num_blocks() - NUM_EXTRA_BLOCKS;
id_type end = num_blocks();
for (id_type block_id = begin; block_id != end; ++block_id) {
inline void DoubleArrayBuilder::fix_block(id_type block_id) {
id_type begin = block_id * BLOCK_SIZE;
id_type end = begin + BLOCK_SIZE;
id_type unused_offset = 0;
for (id_type offset = begin; offset != end; ++offset) {
if (!extras(offset).is_used()) {
unused_offset = offset;
for (id_type id = begin; id != end; ++id) {
if (!extras(id).is_fixed()) {
units_[id].set_label(static_cast<uchar_type>(id ^ unused_offset));
} // namespace Details
// Member function build() of DoubleArrayImpl.
template <typename A, typename B, typename T, typename C>
int DoubleArrayImpl<A, B, T, C>::build(std::size_t num_keys,
const key_type * const *keys, const std::size_t *lengths,
const value_type *values, Details::progress_func_type progress_func) {
Details::Keyset<value_type> keyset(num_keys, keys, lengths, values);
Details::DoubleArrayBuilder builder(progress_func);
std::size_t size = 0;
unit_type *buf = NULL;
builder.copy(&size, &buf);
size_ = size;
array_ = buf;
buf_ = buf;
if (progress_func != NULL) {
progress_func(num_keys + 1, num_keys + 1);
return 0;
} // namespace Darts
#endif // DARTS_H_