/* * Copyright (C) 2023, KylinSoft Co., Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * * Authors: iaom */ #include "search-controller.h" #include #include #include #include "search-result-property.h" #include "ukui-search-task.h" namespace UkuiSearch { class SearchControllerPrivate { public: void clearAllConditions(); std::shared_ptr> m_sharedDataQueue = nullptr; size_t m_searchId = 0; QMutex m_searchIdMutex; QStringList m_keywords; QStringList m_searchDirs; QStringList m_FileLabels; bool m_recurse = true; bool m_matchAllIfNoKeyword = false; bool m_activeKeywordSegmentation = false; bool m_onlySearchFile = false; bool m_onlySearchDir = false; bool m_searchOnlineApps = false; bool m_searchHiddenFiles = false; unsigned int m_maxResults = 100; //默认取100条结果 int m_informNum = 0; QMap m_searchType2ResultProperties; QMap m_customSearchType2ResultDataType; }; void SearchControllerPrivate::clearAllConditions() { m_keywords.clear(); m_searchDirs.clear(); m_FileLabels.clear(); m_recurse = true; m_activeKeywordSegmentation = false; m_onlySearchFile = false; m_onlySearchDir = false; m_searchOnlineApps = false; m_matchAllIfNoKeyword = false; } SearchController::SearchController(): d(new SearchControllerPrivate) { } SearchController::SearchController(const SearchController &other):d(other.d) { } SearchController &SearchController::operator =(const SearchController &other) { d = other.d; return *this; } SearchController &SearchController::operator=(SearchController &&other) Q_DECL_NOEXCEPT { d = other.d; other.d.reset(); return *this; } SearchController::~SearchController() { d.reset(); } DataQueue *SearchController::refreshDataqueue() { if(!d->m_sharedDataQueue.get()) { // m_dataQueue = new DataQueue; d->m_sharedDataQueue = std::make_shared>(); return d->m_sharedDataQueue.get(); } d->m_sharedDataQueue.get()->clear(); return d->m_sharedDataQueue.get(); } size_t SearchController::refreshSearchId() { d->m_searchIdMutex.lock(); d->m_searchId += 1; d->m_searchIdMutex.unlock(); return d->m_searchId; } DataQueue *SearchController::initDataQueue() { if(!d->m_sharedDataQueue.get()) { d->m_sharedDataQueue = std::make_shared>(); return d->m_sharedDataQueue.get(); } return d->m_sharedDataQueue.get(); } void SearchController::addSearchDir(const QString &path) { d->m_searchDirs.append(path); } void SearchController::setRecurse(bool recurse) { d->m_recurse = recurse;; } void SearchController::addKeyword(const QString &keyword) { d->m_keywords.append(keyword); } void SearchController::setMatchAllIfNoKeyword(bool matchAll) { d->m_matchAllIfNoKeyword = matchAll; } size_t SearchController::getCurrentSearchId() { d->m_searchIdMutex.lock(); size_t searchId = d->m_searchId; d->m_searchIdMutex.unlock(); return searchId; } DataQueue *SearchController::getDataQueue() { return d->m_sharedDataQueue.get(); } SearchResultProperties SearchController::getResultProperties(SearchProperty::SearchType searchType) { return d->m_searchType2ResultProperties[searchType];; } QStringList SearchController::getCustomResultDataType(QString customSearchType) { return d->m_customSearchType2ResultDataType[customSearchType]; } void SearchController::setActiveKeywordSegmentation(bool active) { d->m_activeKeywordSegmentation = active;; } void SearchController::addFileLabel(const QString &label) { d->m_FileLabels.append(label);; } void SearchController::setOnlySearchFile(bool onlySearchFile) { d->m_onlySearchFile = onlySearchFile; } void SearchController::setOnlySearchDir(bool onlySearchDir) { d->m_onlySearchDir = onlySearchDir; } void SearchController::setSearchOnlineApps(bool searchOnlineApps) { d->m_searchOnlineApps = searchOnlineApps; } void SearchController::setSearchHiddenFiles(bool searchHiddenFiles) { d->m_searchHiddenFiles = searchHiddenFiles; } bool SearchController::beginSearchIdCheck(size_t searchId) { d->m_searchIdMutex.lock(); return d->m_searchId == searchId; } void SearchController::finishSearchIdCheck() { d->m_searchIdMutex.unlock(); return; } QStringList SearchController::getSearchDir() { return d->m_searchDirs; } bool SearchController::isRecurse() { return d->m_recurse; } QStringList SearchController::getKeyword() { return d->m_keywords; } bool SearchController::getMatchAllIfNoKeyword() { return d->m_matchAllIfNoKeyword; } bool SearchController::isKeywordSegmentationActived() { return d->m_activeKeywordSegmentation; } QStringList SearchController::getFileLabel() { return d->m_FileLabels; } bool SearchController::isSearchFileOnly() { return d->m_onlySearchFile; } bool SearchController::isSearchDirOnly() { return d->m_onlySearchDir; } bool SearchController::isSearchOnlineApps() { return d->m_searchOnlineApps; } bool SearchController::searchHiddenFiles() { return d->m_searchHiddenFiles; } void SearchController::stop() { d->m_searchIdMutex.lock(); d->m_searchId += 1; d->m_searchIdMutex.unlock(); } void SearchController::clearAllConditions() { d->clearAllConditions(); } void SearchController::clearKeyWords() { d->m_keywords.clear(); } void SearchController::clearSearchDir() { d->m_searchDirs.clear(); } void SearchController::clearFileLabel() { d->m_FileLabels.clear(); } void SearchController::setMaxResultNum(unsigned int maxResults) { d->m_maxResults = maxResults; } void SearchController::setInformNum(int num) { if(num >= 0) { d->m_informNum = num; } } unsigned int SearchController::maxResults() const { return d->m_maxResults; } int SearchController::informNum() const { return d->m_informNum; } bool SearchController::setResultProperties(SearchProperty::SearchType searchType, SearchResultProperties searchResultProperties) { d->m_searchType2ResultProperties[searchType] = searchResultProperties; return true; } void SearchController::setCustomResultDataType(QString customSearchType, QStringList dataType) { d->m_customSearchType2ResultDataType[customSearchType] = dataType; } }