/* * Copyright (C) 2022, KylinSoft Co., Ltd. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Authors: iaom * */ #include #include #include #include #include "ukui-search-service.h" #include "file-utils.h" using namespace UkuiSearch; UkuiSearchService::UkuiSearchService(int &argc, char *argv[], const QString &applicationName) : QtSingleApplication (applicationName, argc, argv) { qDebug()<<"ukui search service constructor start"; setApplicationVersion(QString("v%1").arg(VERSION)); setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); if (!this->isRunning()) { connect(this, &QtSingleApplication::messageReceived, [=](const QString& msg) { this->parseCmd(msg, true); }); qRegisterMetaType("IndexType"); m_indexScheduler = new IndexScheduler(this); DirWatcher::getDirWatcher()->initDbusService(); m_monitor = new Monitor(m_indexScheduler, this); m_qroHost.setHostUrl(nodeUrl()); qDebug() << "Init remote status object:" << m_qroHost.enableRemoting(m_monitor); } //parse cmd qDebug()<<"parse cmd"; auto message = arguments().join(' ').toUtf8(); parseCmd(message, !isRunning()); qDebug()<<"ukui search service constructor end"; } UkuiSearchService::~UkuiSearchService() { if(m_quickView) { delete m_quickView; m_quickView = nullptr; } } void UkuiSearchService::parseCmd(const QString& msg, bool isPrimary) { QCommandLineParser parser; parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption quitOption(QStringList()<<"q"<<"quit", tr("Stop service")); parser.addOption(quitOption); QCommandLineOption monitorWindow(QStringList()<<"m"<<"monitor", tr("Show index monitor window")); parser.addOption(monitorWindow); QCommandLineOption statusOption(QStringList()<<"s"<<"status", tr("show status of file index service")); parser.addOption(statusOption); QCommandLineOption forceUpdateOption(QStringList()<<"u"<<"update", tr("stop current index job and perform incremental updates for"), "indexType"); parser.addOption(forceUpdateOption); if (isPrimary) { const QStringList args = QString(msg).split(' '); parser.process(args); if (parser.isSet(monitorWindow)) { loadMonitorWindow(); m_quickView->show(); return; } if (parser.isSet(quitOption)) { qApp->quit(); return; } if (parser.isSet(forceUpdateOption)) { BatchIndexer::Targets targets = BatchIndexer::None; QString target = parser.value(forceUpdateOption); if(target == "all") { targets = BatchIndexer::All; } else if (target == "basic") { targets = BatchIndexer::Basic; } else if (target == "content") { targets = BatchIndexer::Content; } else if (target == "ocr") { targets = BatchIndexer::Ocr; } else if (target == "ai") { target = BatchIndexer::Ai; } m_indexScheduler->forceUpdate(targets); } } else { if (arguments().count() < 2) { parser.showHelp(); } parser.process(arguments()); if(parser.isSet(statusOption)) { showMonitorState(); return; } else { sendMessage(msg); ::exit(0); } } } void UkuiSearchService::loadMonitorWindow() { if(!m_monitor) { m_monitor = new Monitor(m_indexScheduler, this); } if(!m_quickView) { m_quickView = new QQuickView(); m_quickView->setResizeMode(QQuickView::SizeRootObjectToView); m_quickView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("monitor", m_monitor); m_quickView->setSource(m_qmlPath); } } void UkuiSearchService::showMonitorState() { auto indexMonitor = IndexMonitor::self(); connect(indexMonitor, &IndexMonitor::serviceReady, [&, indexMonitor](){ qDebug() << "QRemoteObjectReplica initialized"; QString state = indexMonitor->indexState(); QString message = "Current index path: " + indexMonitor->currentIndexPaths().join(",") + "\n" + "Current index scheduler state: " + indexMonitor->indexState() + "\n"; if(state == "Idle" || state == "Stop") { message += "Basic index size: " + QString::number(indexMonitor->basicIndexDocNum()) + " \n" + "Content index size: " + QString::number(indexMonitor->contentIndexDocNum()) + " \n" + "Ocr index size: " + QString::number(indexMonitor->ocrContentIndexDocNum()) + " \n"; } else { message += "Basic index progress: " + QString::number(indexMonitor->basicIndexProgress()) + " of " + QString::number(indexMonitor->basicIndexSize())+ " finished\n" + "Content index progress: " + QString::number(indexMonitor->contentIndexProgress()) + " of " + QString::number(indexMonitor->contentIndexSize())+ " finished\n" + "Ocr content index progress: " + QString::number(indexMonitor->ocrContentIndexProgress()) + " of " + QString::number(indexMonitor->ocrContentIndexSize())+ " finished\n"; } IndexMonitor::stopMonitor(); fputs(qPrintable(message), stdout); qApp->quit(); }); } QUrl UkuiSearchService::nodeUrl() { QString displayEnv = (qgetenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE") == "wayland") ? QLatin1String("WAYLAND_DISPLAY") : QLatin1String("DISPLAY"); QString display(qgetenv(displayEnv.toUtf8().data())); return QUrl(QStringLiteral("local:ukui-search-service-monitor-") + QString(qgetenv("USER")) + display); }