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Building unixODBC on OpenVMS (non-VAX only)
Here's an initial go at building unixODBC on OpenVMS, at present this will
only run on alpha and itanium, but if anyone requires use of this on VAX drop me an email
(suypport@easysoft.com) and I'll do the necessary transfer vector macro's to export
the required symbols from the two shared objects (ODBC.EXE and ODBCINST.EXE).
Current components which have been built on OpenVMS
LIBODBC.OLB Driver manager as an OpenVMS static object library
LIBODBCINST.OLB ODBC installer / setup static object library
LIBODBCPSQL.OLB Postgres 6.5 driver static object library
LIBODBC.EXE Driver manager shareable image
LIBODBCINST.EXE ODBC installer / setup shareable image
LIBODBCPSQL.EXE Postgres 6.5 driver shareable image
ISQL.EXE Command line SQL tool
DLTEST.EXE Program to test loading shared libraries
Additional components included to perform building on OpenVMS
VMSBUILD.COM - DCL script which compiles, links and installs unixODBC
[.EXTRAS]VMS.C - Contains OpenVMS specific wrappers (dlopen, etc..)
[.VMS]INSTALL_IMAGE.COM - DCL script to install shareable images
[.VMS]ODBCINST_AXP.OPT - Linker options file for ODBC installer shared image
[.VMS]ODBC_AXP.OPT - Linker options file for Driver manager shared image
[.VMS]ODBC2_AXP.OPT - Linker options file for ODBC 2 drivers
[.VMS]ODBC_SETUP.COM - DCL script to set up logicals and commands
Building unixODBC on OpenVMS
After unpacking the archive, change into the unixodbc directory and perform
the following functions.
$ @vmsbuild COMPILE
$ @vmsbuild LINK
Define the logical name ODBC_LIBDIR to point to wherever you would like the
libraries to reside and run the build procedure again with the "install" option
as in the following example:
$ define ODBC_LIBDIR DISK$DBSTUFF:[ODBCLIB] ! will be created if it doesn't exist
$ @vmsbuild install
If the ODBC_LIBDIR logical is not defined, it will be defined for you
and a [.odbclib] directory will be created under the top level of the
source directory.
Note that the build procedure can be run in batch if you prefer. It is
also possible to specify ALL as the parameter and do the compile, link,
and install in one fell swoop. For example:
$ submit/noprint/param=all vmsbuild.com
Post-installation tasks
To use the installed software, you need to run the command procedure
ODBC_SETUP.COM, which will have been installed in the same directory as
the libraries. This procedure defines the ODBC_LIBDIR logical name and
additional logical names that are needed for the image activator to
locate the libraries. It also defines the ISQL command. Put a line
similar to the following (with your own disk and directory
specification) in your LOGIN.COM, or (to make the software available
system-wide) in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM:
$ @disk$dbstuff:[odbclib]odbc_setup
N.B. It may be tempting to simply dump the libraries into SYS$SHARE and
depend on the image activator's default behavior to locate the images.
That works, but it's the surest way to what is known on another popular
platform as DLL hell.
If you'll be programming with ODBC rather than just using ISQL, be sure
to hang on to the contents of the [.include] and [.doc] directories.
Look at the compiler flags and link commands in vmsbuild.com for
examples of what you need to do to build programs using the libraries.
For performance reasons it may be desireable to install the libraries as
known images (which has nothing to do with "install" in the sense of
copying software to its target location). See the documentation to the
INSTALL command or use the command procedure [.vms]install_image.com
provided with this kit. Installing the images with privileges is not
recommended unless there is a compelling reason (Hint: failure to set up
file permissions properly on your .ini files is not a compelling
Locations of ODBC.INI and ODBCINST.INI
After running the @VMSBUILD INSTALL command a blank odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini
will be created in ODBC_LIBDIR. To override the default locations of the user
odbc.ini or the directory where the system odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini reside
define the following logicals.
$ define/log ODBCSYSINI "DKA100:[MYDIR.SYS]"
Example Setup With Postgres 6.5
Description = Postgres SQL Driver
Setup =
FileUsage = 1
Description = Test to Postgres
Driver = PostgreSQL
Trace = No
Database = sample
Servername = myserver.mydomain.com
UserName = postgres
Password = password
Port = 5432
Protocol = 6.4
ReadOnly = No
RowVersioning = No
ShowSystemTables = No
ShowOidColumn = No
FakeOidIndex = No
ConnSettings =
last updated 12-Jul-2013 by Craig A. Berry -- craigberry@mac.com