Import Upstream version 1.95
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
user-setup (1.63-ok2) yangtze; urgency=medium
* update version info
-- luzhiping <> Mon, 22 Aug 2022 14:26:17 +0800
user-setup (1.63-ok1) yangtze; urgency=medium
* Build for openKylin.
-- openKylinBot <> Mon, 25 Apr 2022 22:03:04 +0800
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Source: user-setup
Section: debian-installer
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Openkylin Developers <>
XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Debian Install System Team <>
Uploaders: Christian Perrier <>,
Colin Watson <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), dpkg-dev (>= 1.7.0), po-debconf (>= 0.5.0)
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
XS-Debian-Vcs-Git: git://
Package: user-setup-udeb
Package-Type: udeb
Architecture: all
Priority: standard
XB-Installer-Menu-Item: 2400
Description: Set up users and passwords
Depends: cdebconf-udeb (>= 0.133)
Package: user-setup
Architecture: all
Section: admin
Priority: extra
Depends: adduser, passwd, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Set up initial user and password
This package creates an initial user, using the same code as is
responsible for creating the initial user in the installer. It is only
likely to be of any use if your system has no non-system users at all.
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
user-setup is copyright 2005 by Christian Perrier <>.
Parts were written by Colin Watson, Karl Ramm, Joey Hess
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
On Debian systems, a copy of the GNU General Public License is available in
@ -1 +0,0 @@
[type: gettext/rfc822deb] user-setup-udeb.templates
@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Amharic translation for debian-installer
# This file is distributed under the same license as the debian-installer package.
# tegegne tefera <>, 2006.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Data taken from ICU-2.8; contributed by:
# - Daniel Yacob <>, Ge'ez Frontier Foundation
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-21 13:17+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Tegegne Tefera <>\n"
"Language-Team: Amharic\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: n>1\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "እንደ ስር መግባትን አስችል፡፡"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr "ስር እንዲገባ ካልፈቀዱለት የተጠቃሚ መዝገብ ተከፍቶ 'sudo'ን በመጠቀም የስር ስልጣን እንዲኖረው ይደረጋል፡፡"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "የስር ሚስጥር-ቃል፦"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"ለስርዓት አስተዳዳሪው የ'ስር' ማለፊያቃል መሰየም ያስፈልግዎታል፡፡ የስር ማለፊያቃል፣ ተንኮለኛ ወይም የሚሰራውን "
"የማያውቅ ሰው እጅ ቢገባ በስርዓትዎ ላይ ከፍተኛ ጥፋት ሊደርስ ይችላል፡፡ ስለዚህ ማለፊያቃል በቀላሉ ሊገመት እንዳይችል፣ "
"ከመዝገበቃላት የተገኘ ወይም ከርስዎ ጋር በቀላሉ ሊገናኝ የሚችል መሆን የለበትም፡፡"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ጥሩ ማለፊያቃል የፊደላት፣ የቁጥሮችና ሌሎች ምልክቶች ድብልቅ መሆን ሲገባው በተወሰነ ጊዜ መቀየር ይኖርበታል፡፡ "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"ስር ተጠቃሚ ባዶ ማለፊያ ቃል ሊኖረው አይገባም። ባዶ ካደረጉት የስር መዝገብ ይሰረዝና የስርዓቱ መጀመሪያ ተጠቃሚ መዝገብ "
"የ\"sudo\" ትዕዛዝን በመጠቀም የስር ስልጣን ይኖረዋል።"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "የማለፊያ ቃላትን በሚተይቡበ ጊዜ እንደማያዩዋቸው ያስተውሉ።"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ለማረጋገጥ ማለፊያቃልን እንደገና ያስገቡ፦"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "በትክክል መተየብዎን ለማረጋገጥ እባክዎን የማለፊያ ቃሉን እንደገና ይጻፉ።"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "የተራ ተጠቃሚ መዝገብ አሁን ይፈጠር?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"የስር መዝገብን ለቀን ተቀን ስራ፣ እንደ ኤ-መልዕክት ማንበብና ለመሳሰሉት መጠቀም አደገኛ ነው። ምክንያቱም ትንሽ እንኳን "
"ስህተት ብትሆን ስርዓቱን ከጥቅም ወጭ ሊያደርገው ይችላል። ለቀን ተቀን ስራ የተራ ተጠቃሚ መዝገብ ይፍጠሩ።"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"እንደ ስር 'adduser <username>' በመጻፍ አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን በኋላ መፍጠር እንደሚችሉ ይገንዘቡ። "
"<username> ማለት እንደ 'imurdock' or 'rms' ያለ የተጠቃሚ ስም ነው።"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "የአዲሱ ተጠቃሚ ሙሉ ስም፦"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "ከስር(root) መዝገብ ይልቅ አስተዳደራዊ ላልሆኑ ነገሮች መጠቀሚያ ይሆን ዘንድ የተጠቃሚ መዝገብ ይከፈታል። "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"እባክዎ የዚህን ተጠቃሚ ትክክለኛ ስም ይጻፉ። ይህ መረጃ ለምሳሌ ኤ-መዕክት ሲላክ ወይም ሌሎች የተጠቃሚን ስም ማሳየት "
"የሚገባቸው ስልቶች ሲነሱ መጠቀሚያ ይሆናል።"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ለመዝገብዎ ተጠቃሚ-ስም፦"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"የተጠቃሚ ስም ለአዲሱ መዝገብ ይምረጡ። ለምሳሌ ስምዎ ጥሩ ምርጫ ነው። የተጠቃሚ ስም በትንሾቹ የእንግሊዘኛ ፊደል ጀምሮ "
"ቁጥሮችንና ሌሎች ትንሽ ፊደሎችን ሊያካትት ይችላል።"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "የማይሰራ የተጠቃሚ ስም"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ያስገቡት የተጠቃሚ ስም አይሰራም፡፡ የተጠቃሚ ስሞች የግድ በላቲን ትንሽ ፊደል መጀመር እንዳለባቸው፣ በማንኛውም ቁጥርና "
"ተጨማሪ ትንሽ ፊደላት ሊከተል እስደሚችልና ከ32 ፊደል በላይ መሆን እንደሌለበ ያስተውሉ፡፡"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "የተከለለ ተጠቃሚ-ስም"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr "ያስገቡት የተጠቃሚ ስም (${USERNAME}) ለስርዓቱ መጠቀሚያ የተጠበቀ ነው፡፡ እባክዎ ሌላ ይምረጡ፡፡"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ለአዲሱ ተጠቃሚ ማለፊያ ቃል ይምረጡ፦"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "በትክክል መጻፍዎትን ለማረጋገጥ የማለፊያ ቃሉን እንደገና ይጻፉት"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "ሚስጥር-ቃል ማስገባት ስህተት"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ያስገቧቸው ሁለት ማለፊያ ቃላት አንድ አይነት አይደሉም፡፡ እባክዎ እንደገና ይሞክሩ፡፡"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ባዶ የሚስጢር ቃል"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "ባዶ ማለፊያ ቃል አስገብተዋል፡፡ ይህ አይፈቀድም፡፡ እባክዎ ባዶ ያልሆነ ማለፊያ ቃል ያስገቡ፡፡"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "ተጠባባቂ ማለፊያቃል ይከወን?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"ጥላ ማለፊያ ቃል የስርዓቱን ደህንንነት የበለጠ ያጠናክረዋል፣ ምክንያቱም ማንም ሰው የተመሰጥሩ ማለፊያ ቃሎችን እንኳን "
"ማየት አይችልም። ማለፊያ ቃሎቹ ልዩ በሆነ ፕሮግራም ብቻ ሊነበብ በሚችል ፋይል ውስጥ ይቀመጣሉ። በአንዳንድ የNIS "
"ከባቢዎች በስተቀር የጥላ ማለፊያ ቃል መጠቀም ጥሩ መሆኑን አበክረን እንመክራለን"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ተጠቃሚዎችንና ማለፊያ ቃላትን ሰይም"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ተጠቃሚዎችንና ማለፊያ-ቃሎችን በመሰየም ላይ... "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "መጠቀም ይፈልጋሉ ደካማ የመግቢያ ቃል?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "ለዝርዝሩ /var/log/syslog ወይም virtual console 4ን ይመልከቱ።"
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of ar.po to Arabic
# Arabic messages for debian-installer. Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc. This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer. Ossama M. Khayat <>, 2005.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from kde-i18n/desktop.po:
# Ossama M. Khayat <>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj <>, 2004.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002, 2004.
# Ossama M. Khayat <>, 2006, 2008, 2010.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Mohammad Gamal <>, 2001.
# Ossama Khayat <>, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ar\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-26 10:26+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Ossama Khayat <>\n"
"Language-Team: American English <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n>=3 && n⇐10 ? "
"3 : n>=11 && n⇐99 ? 4 : 5\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "اسمح الإتّصال كالجذر"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"إن اخترت أن لا تسمح للمستخدم root بتسجيل الدخول، فسيتم إنشاء حساب مستخدم "
"يعطى صلاحية المستخدم root عبر الأمر 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "كلمة سر الجذر:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"عليك تعيين كلمة سر 'للجذر'، حساب مدير النّظام. حصول مستخدمٍ خبيث أو غير مؤهّل "
"على إمكانيّات الجذر قد يكون له عواقب وخيمة لذا حاول جهدك أن تختار كلمة سرٍّ "
"يصعب تخمينها. لا ينبغي أن تكون كلمةً موجودةً في القاموس أو كلمةً يسهل ربطها بك."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"كلمة السّر الجيّدة تحتوي خليطاً من الحروف والأرقام وعلامات التنقيط وتغيّر "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"يجب أن لا تكون كلمة المرور للمستخدم root فارغة. إن تركت هذا المربع فارغاً، "
"فسيتم تعطيل المستخدم root وسيُعطى حساب أول مستخدم صلاحية المستخدم root عبر "
"الأمر \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "لاحظ أنّك لن تتمكّن من رؤية كلمة السّر أثناء كتابتها."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "إدخال كلمة السّر مجدّداً للتّأكيد:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "رجاءً أدخل كلمة سرّ الجذر ذاتها مجدّداً للتّأكّد أنّك أدخلتها بشكلٍ صحيح."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "هل تريد إنشاء حساب مستخدمٍ عادي الآن؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"لا يحبّذ أن تستعمل الحساب الجذر للنّشاطات العاديّة اليوميّة كقراءة البريد "
"الإلكتروني، وذلك لأنّ أصغر الغلطات قد تأتي بكارثة. يستحسن أن تنشئ حساب مستخدمٍ "
"عادي وتخصّصه لتلك المهام اليوميّة."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"لاحظ أنّ بإمكانك إنشاءه لاحقاً (إضافةً لأيّ حساباتٍ أخرى) بإدخال 'adduser "
"<username>' بصفة الجذر حيث <username>' هو اسم مستخدم مثل 'imurdock' أو 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "الاسم الكامل للمستخدم الجديد:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "سيُنشأ حساب مستخدم لك لتستعمله بدلاً من الجذر للأغراض الغير إداريّة."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"الرجاء إدخال الاسم الحقيقي لهذا المستخدم. ستستخدم هذه المعلومات على سبيل "
"المثال كمصدر افتراضي للرسائل الإلكترونية المرسلة من قبل هذا المستخدم "
"بالإضافة إلى أي برنامج يعرض أو يستخدم اسم المستخدم الحقيقي. لذا فإن الاسم "
"الحقيقي خيار معقول."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "اسم المستخدم لحسابك:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"اختر اسم مستخدمٍ لحسابك الجديد. اسمك الأوّل اختيارٌ معقول. يفترض أن يبدأ اسم "
"المستخدم بحرفٍ صغير متبوعاً بأيّ خليطٍ من الأرقام و المزيد من الأحرف الصّغيرة."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "اسم مستخدم غير سليم"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"اسم المستخدم الذي أدخلته غير صالح. لاحظ أن أسماء المستخدمين يجب أن تبدأ بحرفٍ "
"صغير متبوعاً بأيّ خليطٍ من الأرقام والمزيد من الأحرف الصّغيرة، ويجب أن يتعدى "
"طوله 32 حرفاً."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "اسم مستخدم محجوز"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"اسم المستخدم الذي أدخلته (${USERNAME}) محجوز لاستخدام النظام. الرجاء اختيار "
"اسم آخر."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "كلمة مرور المستخدم الجديد:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"الرجاء إدخال كلمة سرّ المستخدم ذاتها مجدّداً للتّأكّد من أنّك أدخلتها بشكلٍ صحيح."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "خطأ في إدخال كلمة المرور"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "كلمتا السر اللتان أدخلتهما ليستا متطابقتين. الرجاء المحاولة مجدداً."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "كلمة مرور فارغة"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"لقد أدخلت كلمة مرور فارغة، والذي هو غير مسموح. الرجاء اختيار كلمة مرور غير "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "هل تريد تمكين كلمات المرور المظلّلة؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"كلمات المرور المظلّلة تجعل نظامك أكثر آماناً لأنّ لا أحد سيتمكّن من رؤية حتّى "
"كلمات المرور المشفّرة. كلمات المرور تخزّن في ملفٍّ منفصل لا يستطيع قراءته إلا "
"برامج خاصّة. ينصح بشدّة باستعمال كلمات المرور المظلّلة. عدا في حالة قليلة خاصة "
"كبيئات NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "إعداد المستخدمين وكلمات السر"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "تعيين المستخدمين وكلمات المرور..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "أأستخدم كلمة سر ضعيفة؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"لقد أدخلت كلمة سر مكونة من أقل من ثمانية أحرف، ويعد ذلك ضعيفاً جداً. يجب أن "
"تختار كلمة سر أقوى."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "أأعمّ دليل المنزل؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"ربما تضبط مجلدك المنزلي غلى التعمية، في مثل هذه الحالة أي ملفات تخزن هناك "
"تبقى محمية حتى لو سُرق الحاسوب لا قدر الله."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"سيوصل النظام دليل المنزل بسلاسة كلما تلج وسيفصله تلقائياً عند الخروج من جميع "
"الجلسات الفاعلة."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "فشل تشفير دليل المنزل"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"فشل المثبت في إعداد تعمية دليل المنزل. سيكون دليل المنزل غير مشفَّر بعد "
"التثبيت. يمكن أن تكون هذه علّة، و قد ترغب بالتحقق وإعادة التثبيت."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "تفقّد /var/log/syslog أو انظر الطرفية الافتراضية الرابعة للتفاصيل."
@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# astur <>, 2010
# Marquinos <>, 2010.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Marcos Alvarez Costales <>, 2009, 2010.
# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008
# Marquinos <>, 2008.
# Mikel González <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-09 13:08+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: ivarela <>\n"
"Language-Team: Softastur\n"
"Language: ast\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "¿Permitir identificación como root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Si escueyes nun permitir identificación de root, entós crearáse una cuenta "
"d'usuariu que tendrá'l poder de root, usando'l comandu 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Contraseña root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Necesites escoyer una contraseña pal superusuariu ('root'), la cuenta "
"d'alministración del sistema. Un usuariu maliciosu o que nun tenga accesu a "
"la cuenta d'alministración pue provocar dellos resultaos perdesastrosos, "
"asina que tienes de tener curiáu pa que la contraseña del superusuariu nun "
"seya fácil d'aldovinar. Nun tien que ser una pallabra del diccionariu, o una "
"pallabra que pueda asociase contigo fácilmente."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Una bona contraseña contendrá un entemezu de lletres, númberos y "
"puntuaciones y debiera camudase a intervalos regulares."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"L'usuariu root nun debiera tener una contraseña erma. Si la dexes erma, la "
"cuenta de root desactivaráse y la cuenta del usuariu inicial del sistema "
"tendrá los privilexos de root usando'l comandu \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Ten en cuenta que nun pues ver la contraseña qu'escribisti."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Reintroduz la contraseña pa verificar:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduz la mesma contraseña root otra vegada pa comprobar que la "
"escribisti bien."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "¿Crear una cuenta d'usuariu normal agora?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Ye una mala idega usar la cuenta root pa facer xeres diaries, como lleer el "
"corréu electrónicu, porque cualesquier pequeñu error puede resultar nun "
"desastre. Debieres crear una cuenta d'usuariu normal pa usar coles xeres del "
"día a día."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Ten en cuenta que pues crear esto n'otru momentu (como una cuenta adicional) "
"escribiendo 'adduser <username>' como root, au <username> ye un nome "
"d'usuariu, como 'xoseanton' o 'xahf'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nome completu pal nuevu usuariu:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Va crease una cuenta d'usuariu pa tí, pa usar en cuentes de la cuenta root, "
"pa xeres non alministratives."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduz el nome real d'esti usuariu. Esta información va usase "
"por defeutu como orixe d'emails unviaos por esti usuariu y por cualesquier "
"otru programa que visualice o use'l nome real del usuariu. El to nome "
"completu ye una bona eleición."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nome d'usuariu pa la to cuenta:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Seleiciona un nome d'usuariu pa la nueva cuenta. El to primer nome ye una "
"bona eleición. El nome d'usuariu pue entamar con lletres minúscules, que "
"pueden siguise de cualesquier entemzu de númberos y más lletres minúscules."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nome d'usuariu non válidu"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"El nome d'usuariu qu'introduxisti nun ye válidu. Ten en cuenta que los nomes "
"d'usuariu deben entamar por una lletra minúscula, que pue siguir de "
"cualesquier combinación de númberos o más lletres minúscules, y nun tien de "
"pasar de 32 caráuteres."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nome d'usuariu reserváu"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"El nome d'usuariu qu'introduxisti (${USERNAME}) ta reserváu pa usu pol "
"sistema. Por favor, seleiciona ún distintu."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Escueye una contraseña pal nuevu usuariu:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduz la mesma contraseña otra vegada pa comprobar que la "
"escribisti bien."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Fallu d'entrada de contraseña"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Les dos contraseñes qu'introduxisti nun son iguales. Por favor, intentalo "
"otra vegada."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Contraseña erma"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Introduxisti una contraseña erma, y eso nun ta permitío. Por favor, escueyi "
"una contraseña non balera."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "¿Habilitaste les contraseñes tapecíes?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Les contraseñes tapecíes faen el to sistema más seguru, porque naide podrá "
"ver nin les contraseñes cifraes. Les contraseñes atróxense nun ficheru a "
"parte, que namái puede lleese con programes especiales. Encamentámoste "
"permuncho l'emplegu de les contraseñes tapecíes, menos en dellos casos como "
"entornos NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Afitar usuarios y contraseñes"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Afitando usuarios y contraseñes..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "¿Habilitaste les contraseñes tapecíes?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Introduxo una conseña, que tien menos d'ocho carauteres, y esto considérase "
"enforma feble. Tien d'escoyer una conseña más fuerte."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "¿Cifrar la so carpeta personal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Puede configurar la so carpeta personal pa ser cifrada, de mou que los "
"ficheros queden atroxaos de mou priváu, inclusu si-y roben l'equipu."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"El sistema podrá montar la so carpeta personal cifrada cada vegada qu'anicie "
"sesión y automáticamente desmontala cuando salga de toles sesiones actives."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Falló'l cifráu del direutoriu personal"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"L'instalador falló al facer el cifráu del direutoriu personal. El so "
"direutoriu personal permanecerá ensin cifrar dempués de la instalación. Esto "
"ye dablemente un fallu, y seique quiera reinstalar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Comprobar /var/log/syslog o ver consola virtual 4 pa los detalles."
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of be.po to Belarusian (Official spelling)
# Andrei Darashenka <>, 2005, 2006.
# Nasciona Piatrouskaja <>, 2006.
# Pavel Piatruk <>, 2006, 2007, 2008.
# Hleb Rubanau <>, 2006, 2007.
# Nasciona Piatrouskaja <>, 2006.
# Paul Petruk <>, 2007.
# Pavel Piatruk <>, 2008, 2009, 2011.
# Viktar Siarheichyk <>, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Alexander Nyakhaychyk <>, 2009.
# Ihar Hrachyshka <>, 2007, 2010.
# Viktar Siarheichyk <viс>, 2014.
# Viktar Siarheichyk <>, 2014, 2015.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: be\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-04 01:58+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Viktar Siarheichyk <>\n"
"Language-Team: Belarusian <>\n"
"Language: be\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Дазваляць уваход карыстальніка root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Калі Вы не дазволіце адміністратыўны ўваход, будзе створаны рахунак "
"карыстальніка з магчымасцю набыцця правоў root праз каманду 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Пароль карыстальніка root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Вам трэба вызначыць пароль для карыстальніка 'root' (сістэмнага "
"адміністратара). Праца некваліфікаванага карыстальніка з правамі root можа "
"прывесці да катастрафічных наступстваў, таму паклапаціцеся, каб пароль не "
"было лёгка падабраць. Гэта не мусіць быць слова са слоўніку альбо нешта, што "
"шчыльна асацыюецца з Вашай асобай."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Добры пароль мусіць складацца з сумесі літараў, лічбаў і знакаў прыпынку. А "
"яшчэ яго варта рэгулярна змяняць."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Суперкарыстальнік не павінен мець пустога пароля. Калі пакінеце пустым, яго "
"рахунак будзе адключаны, і пачатковаму карыстальніку будзе нададзена "
"паўнамоцтва карыстальніка шляхам выканання каманды \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Майце на ўвазе, што пры ўвядзенні пароль не бачны."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Увядзіце пароль яшчэ раз, каб не памыліцца:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Калі ласка, увядзіце пароль зноў, каб пераканацца, што ён набраны правільна."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Стварыць рахунак звычайнага карыстальніка?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Выкарыстоўваць рахунак root для штодзённай працы (кшталту чытання пошты) - "
"благая ідэя, бо маленькая выпадковая памылка можа \"пакласці\" сістэму. Для "
"штодзённых задачаў варта стварыць звычайны рахунак."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Майце на ўвазе, што стварыць яго можна і пазней (гэтаксама як любы дадатковы "
"рахунак карыстальніка) з дапамогай каманды 'adduser <карыстальнік>' ад імя "
"root. Пры гэтым <карыстальнік> - імя новага карыстальніка (лацінкай)."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Поўнае імя новага карыстальніка:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Рахунак карыстальніка будзе створаны, каб Вы маглі ўжываць яго замест "
"рахунку root для любых не-адміністратыўных задачаў."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Калі ласка, адзначце сапраўднае імя гэтага карыстальніка. Гэтая інфармацыя "
"будзе ўжытая для подпісу ў лістах, якія ён дасылае. Таксама з яе можа "
"скарыстацца любая праграма, што ўжывае рэальнае імя карыстальніка. Поўныя "
"пашпартныя дадзеныя выглядаюць лагічна, але вырашайце самі, ці яно Вам трэба."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Імя карыстальніка для Вашага рахунку:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Пазначце імя карыстальніка для новага рахунку (лацінкай). Вашае імя або "
"псеўданім будуць нармалёвым варыянтам. Імя карыстальніка мусіць пачынацца з "
"маленькай літары, далей можа ісці любая камбінацыя лічбаў і маленькіх літар."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Няслушнае імя карыстальніка"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Імя карыстальніка, якое вы ўвялі, непрыдатнае. Майце на ўвазе, што імёны "
"карыстальнікаў мусяць пачынацца з маленькай лацінскай літары, пасля якой "
"можна ўжываць сумесь лічбаў і маленькіх лацінскіх літараў, не даўжэй за 32 "
"знакаў цалкам."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Імя карыстальніка занятае"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Прапанаванае імя карыстальніка ${USERNAME} занятае для выкарыстання ў "
"сістэме. Калі ласка, абярыце штосці іншае."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Вызначце пароль для новага карыстальніка:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Калі ласка, увядзіце такі самы пароль зноў, каб пераканацца, што ў ім няма "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Памылка пры ўводзе пароля"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Уведзеныя паролі не супадаюць. Калі ласка, паспрабуйце яшчэ раз."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Пусты пароль"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Вы прапанавалі пусты пароль - гэта, на жаль, не дазволена. Калі ласка, "
"абярыце непусты пароль."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Дазволіць прыхаваныя паролі?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Прыхаваныя паролі робяць сістэму больш абароненай, бо ніхто і ніколі не "
"зможа прачытаць зашыфраваныя паролі. У такім варыянце паролі захоўваюцца ў "
"асобным файле, доступ да чытання якога маюць толькі спецыяльныя праграмы. "
"Прыхаваныя паролі рэкамендаваныя ўсюды, апрэч NIS асяродкаў."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Наладзіць карыстальнікаў і паролі"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Наладка карыстальнікаў і пароляў..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Выкарыстоўваць слабы пароль?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Уведзены вамі пароль складаецца меньш чым з васьмі сымбаляў, таму ён "
"з'яўляецца слабым. Вы павінны выбраць больш моцны пароль."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Зашыфраваць хатні каталёг?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Шыфраваньне хатняга каталёга дазволіць захаваць прыватнасьць вашае асабістай "
"інфармацыі, нават калі ваш кампутар будзе скрадзены."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Сістэма будзе назаўважна мацаваць зашыфраваную хатнюю тэчку кожны раз пры "
"ўваходзе і размацоўваць яе пры выхадзе."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Нямагчыма зашыфраваць хатнюю тэчку"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Усталёўшчыку не ўдалося зашыфраваць хатнюю тэчку. Ваш хатні каталёг будзе "
"незашыфраваным пасьля ўстаноўкі. Магчыма гэта памылка, якую вам варта "
"дасьледаваць і ажыцьцявіць пераўсталёўку сістэмы."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Падрабязнасці чытайце ў /var/log/syslog і на віртуальнай кансолі 4."
@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of bg.po to Bulgarian
# Bulgarian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Ognyan Kulev <>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
# Nikola Antonov <>, 2004.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2004.
# Georgi Georgiev <>, 2001, 2004.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Ognyan Kulev <>, 2004.
# Damyan Ivanov <>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Copyright (C)
# (translations from drakfw)
# - further translations from ICU-3.9
# Translation of ISO 639 (language names) to Bulgarian
# Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (C)
# Roumen Petrov <>, 2010.
# Damyan Ivanov <>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bg\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-25 18:10+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Damyan Ivanov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Български <>\n"
"Language: bg\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Позволяване на влизане като root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ако изберете да не позволявате на root да влиза, ще бъде създаден "
"потребителски акаунт, който ще може да става root чрез командата 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Парола на root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Трябва да сложите парола за 'root', акаунтът за администриране на системата. "
"Злонамерен или неквалифициран потребител с права на root може да предизвика "
"пагубни резултати, така че трябва да се погрижите да изберете парола за "
"root, която не е лесно да се познае. Не трябва да е дума от речник или "
"такава, която лесно може да се свърже с Вас, като например презимето Ви."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Добрата парола съдържа смесица от букви, цифри и пунктуационни знаци и се "
"сменя през редовни интервали от време."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Потребителят „root“ не бива да има празна парола. Ако не въведете парола, на "
"„root“ ще бъде забранено да влиза в системата и на първоначалния потребител "
"на системата ще бъде дадена възможност да става „root“ чрез командата „sudo“."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Имайте предвид, че няма да виждате паролата, докато я въвеждате."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Въведете отново паролата, за да бъде проверена:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Въведете същата парола за root още веднъж, за да бъде проверено дали сте я "
"въвели правилно."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Създаване на обикновен потребителски акаунт сега?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Използването на акаунта root за ежедневна работа, като например четене на "
"поща, е лоша идея, защото даже малка грешка може да предизвика бедствие. Би "
"трябвало да създадете обикновен потребителски акаунт, който да ползвате за "
"тези ежедневни дейности."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Обърнете внимание, че можете да го създадете по-късно (както и други "
"допълнителни акаунти), като въведете 'adduser <потребителско име>' като "
"root, където <потребителско име> е име на потребител, като например "
"'imurdock' или 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Пълно име на новия потребител:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Ще бъде създаден потребителски акаунт за Вас, за да го използвате вместо "
"акаунта root за неадминистративни дейности."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Въведете истинското име на този потребител. Тази информация ще бъде "
"използвана, например, за подразбиращо се име при изпращане на поща, както и "
"в програми, които показват потребителско име. Вашето пълно име е добър избор."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Потребителско име за Вашия акаунт:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Изберете потребителско име за новия акаунт. Вашето първо (лично) име е "
"разумен избор. Потребителското име трябва да започва с малка латинска буква, "
"последвана от цифри и малки латински букви."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Невалидно потребителско име"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Потребителското име, което сте въвели е невалидно. Потребителските имена "
"трябва да започват с малка латинска буква, последвана от цифри и малки "
"латински букви и дължината им не трябва да надвишава 32 знака."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Запазено потребителско име"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Избраното потребителско име (${USERNAME}) е запазено за системата. Изберете "
"друго име."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Изберете парола за новия потребител:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Въведете отново същата потребителска парола, за да бъде проверена дали е "
"въведена правилно."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Грешка при въвеждане на паролата"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Двете пароли, които въведохте, не са едни и същи. Опитайте отново."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Празна парола"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Въведохте празна парола, което не е позволено. Изберете непразна парола."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Скриване на паролите?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Скриването на паролите прави Вашата система много по-сигурна, защото никой "
"няма да може да вижда дори шифрираните пароли. Паролите се съхраняват в "
"отделен файл, който може да бъде четен само от специални програми. "
"Използването на скриване на паролите е силно препоръчително, с изключение на "
"няколко случая, като например използване на NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Добавяне на потребители и задаване на пароли"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Задаване на потребители и пароли..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Използване на слаба парола?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Въведохте парола, която съдържа по-малко от осем, което се смята за слаба "
"парола. Трябва да въведете силна парола."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Шифроване на вашата домашна папка?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Можете да конфигурирате вашата домашна папка да бъде шифроване, като всички "
"файлове съхранени в нея ще станат лични дори и вашия компютър да бъде "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Системата едновременно ще монтира вашата шифрована домашна папка по време на "
"влизане в системата и автоматично ще я демонтира, когато излизате от "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Шифроването на домашната папка е неуспешно"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Инсталаторът не успя да шифрова вашата домашна папка. Това вероятно е грешка "
"и, ако желаете можете да я разследвате и да преинсталирате."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Проверете /var/log/bootstrap.log или вижте виртуална конзола 4 за "
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Bangla translation of Debian-Installer.
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, Debian Foundation.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Debian-Installer package.
# Anubadok, the en2bn auto-translator by Golam Mortuza Hossain <>, 2005.
# Baishampayan Ghose <>, 2005-2006.
# Quazi Ashfaq-ur Rahman <>, 2005.
# Khandakar Mujahidul Islam <>, 2005, 2006.
# Progga <progga@BengaLinux.Org>, 2005, 2006.
# Jamil Ahmed <>, 2006-2007.
# Mahay Alam Khan (মাহে আলম খান) <>, 2007.
# Tisa Nafisa <>, 2007.
# Md. Rezwan Shahid <>, 2009.
# Sadia Afroz <>, 2010.
# Israt Jahan <>, 2010.
# Zenat Rahnuma <>, 2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Debian Foundation, 2005.
# Progga <progga@BengaLinux.Org>, 2005.
# Jamil Ahmed <>, 2006.
# Md. Rezwan Shahid <>, 2009.
# Israt Jahan <>, 2010.
# Ayesha Akhtar <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: bn\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-11 11:32+0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Ayesha Akhtar <>\n"
"Language-Team: Bengali <>\n"
"Language: bn\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "রুট হিসেবে লগ-ইন করতে দেব কি?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"আপনি যদি রুট হিসেবে লগ-ইন করা অনুমতি না দেন, তবে এমন একটি সাধারণ অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি "
"করা হবে, যার 'sudo' কমান্ড ব্যবহার করে রুট হওয়ার ক্ষমতা থাকবে।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "রুট পাসওয়ার্ড:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"সিস্টেম অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেশনের অ্যাকাউন্ট রুট-এর জন্য আপনাকে একটি পাসওয়ার্ড নির্ধারণ করতে "
"হবে। খারাপ উদ্দেশ্যপূর্ণ বা অদক্ষ ব্যবহারকারী রুট হতে পারলে বড় ধরনের বিপর্যয় সৃষ্টি "
"হতে পারে। এ কারণে রুট পাসওয়ার্ড নির্বাচনের ব্যাপারে আপনাকে সতর্কতা অবলম্বন করতে "
"হবে। এমন কোন পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করবেন না যা সহজে অনুমান করা যায়। এছাড়া "
"পাসওয়ার্ডটি এমন হতে হবে যেন তা অভিধানে না পাওয়া যায়, বা আপনার সাথে কোনভাবে "
"সংশ্লিষ্ট না হয়।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ভাল একটি পাসওয়ার্ড তৈরি হবে অক্ষর, অংক ও যতিচিহ্নের সংমিশ্রণে এবং একে নিয়মিত "
"পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"রুট ব্যবহারকারী কোন ভাবেই পাসওয়ার্ড বিহীন থাকতে পারে না। আপনি যদি রুট হিসেবে লগ-"
"ইন করা অনুমতি না দেন, তবে এমন একটি সাধারণ অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করা হবে, যার 'sudo' "
"কমান্ড ব্যবহার করে রুট হওয়ার ক্ষমতা থাকবে।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "লক্ষ্য করুন যে, পাসওয়ার্ড টাইপ করার সময় আপনি তা দেখতে পাবেন না।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "বৈধতা পরীক্ষা করতে পুনরায় পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"অনুগ্রহপূর্বক পাসওয়ার্ডটি সঠিকভাবে টাইপ করেছেন কিনা তা নিশ্চিত হওয়ার জন্য আবার লিখুন।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "এখন কি একটি সাধারণ অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করবো?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"দৈনন্দিন কাজকর্মের জন্য রুট অ্যাকাউন্ট ব্যবহার করা মোটেই উচিৎ নয়। দৈনন্দিন কাজকর্ম "
"বলতে ই-মেইল পড়ার মত সাধারণ কাজকে বোঝানো হচ্ছে। এরকমটি বলার কারণ হল, রুট "
"অ্যাকাউন্ট ব্যবহারের সময় সামান্য একটি ভুল থেকেও বড় ধরনের বিপর্যয় ঘটে যেতে পারে। "
"তাই দৈনন্দিন কাজের জন্য আপনার একটি সাধারণ অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করা উচিৎ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"লক্ষ করুন যে, আপনি এটি (এবং অন্যান্য অতিরিক্ত অ্যাকাউন্ট) পরেও তৈরি করতে পারবেন। "
"এজন্য রুট হিসেবে 'adduser <username>' কমান্ড ব্যবহার করতে হবে। এখানে <username> "
"বলতে সাধারণ একটি নাম বোঝানো হচ্ছে, যেমন 'imurdock' বা 'rms' ।"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "নতুন ব্যবহারকারীর পূর্ণনাম:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেটিভ কাজকর্ম ছাড়া অন্যান্য কাজের জন্য রুট অ্যাকাউন্টের পরিবর্তে আপনার জন্য "
"একটি সাধারণ অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করা হবে।"
# FIXME: ভাল হইলো না :-(
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"অনুগ্রহপূর্বক এই ব্যবহারকারীর প্রকৃত নাম লিখুন। এই তথ্য বিভিন্ন কাজে ব্যবহার করা হবে, "
"যেমন এই ব্যবহারকারীর প্রেরিত ই-মেইলের ডিফল্ট উৎস হিসেবে, যে সব প্রোগ্রাম "
"ব্যবহারকারীর প্রকৃত নাম প্রদর্শন করতে চায় তাদের জন্য, ইত্যাদি। খুবই ভাল হয় যদি আপনি "
"আপনার পূর্ণনাম লেখেন।"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টের ব্যবহারকারীর-নাম:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"নতুন অ্যাকাউন্টের জন্য একটি ব্যবহারকারীর-নাম নির্বাচন করুন। এজন্য আপনার নামের "
"প্রথমাংশ ব্যবহার করতে পারেন। ব্যবহারকারীর-নাম এর প্রথম অক্ষরটি ছোট ছাঁদের হওয়া "
"বাঞ্ছনীয়। প্রথম অক্ষরটির পর যে কোন সংখ্যক অংক ও আরো ছোট ছাঁদের অক্ষর থাকতে পারে।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "অবৈধ ব্যবহারকারীর-নাম"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"আপনি ব্যবহারকারীর যে নাম লিখেছেন তা কার্যকর নয়। উল্লেখ্য ব্যবহারকারীর নাম আরম্ভ "
"হবে একটি ছোট ছাঁদের অক্ষর দিয়ে, যে কোন সংখ্যক সংখ্যার সমাবেশ এবং আরো ছোট ছাঁদের "
"অক্ষর যা অনুসরণ করা যাবে, এবং ৩২ অক্ষরের দীর্ঘ অবশ্যই হবেনা।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "সংরক্ষিত ব্যবহারকারীর-নাম"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"আপনি যে ব্যবহারকারীর-নাম (${USERNAME}) প্রবেশ করেছেন, সেটি সিস্টেম দ্বারা "
"সংরক্ষিত। অনুগ্রহ করে অন্য একটি বাছাই করুন।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "নতুন ব্যবহারকারীর জন্য একটি পাসওয়ার্ড লিখুন:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"সঠিকভাবে পাসওয়ার্ড টাইপ করেছেন কিনা তা নিশ্চিত হওয়ার জন্য অনুগ্রহপূর্বক আবারো "
"পাসওয়ার্ডটি লিখুন।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "পাসওয়ার্ড ইনপুট সংক্রান্ত ত্রুটি"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "আপনি যে পাসওয়ার্ডদ্বয় লিখেছেন, তারা এক নয়। অনুগ্রহপূর্বক পুনরায় চেষ্টা করুন।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ফাঁকা পাসওয়ার্ড"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"আপনি পাসওয়ার্ড হিসেবে কিছুই লেখেন নি; এটি অননুমোদিত। অনুগ্রহপূর্বক এমন কোন পাসওয়ার্ড "
"বেছে নিন যা ফাঁকা নয়।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "শ্যাডো পাসওয়ার্ড সক্রিয় করবো কি?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"শ্যাডো পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করলে আপনার সিস্টেমের নিরাপত্তা আরো বৃদ্ধি পাবে কারণ তখন "
"এমনকি এনক্রিপ্টেড পাসওয়ার্ড পড়াও কারো পক্ষে সম্ভব হবে না। এক্ষেত্রে পাসওয়ার্ডকে পৃথক "
"একটি ফাইলে সংরক্ষণ করা হয় যা শুধুমাত্র বিশেষ কিছু প্রোগ্রামই পড়তে পারে। শ্যাডো "
"পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করার জন্য জোরালো পরামর্শ দেওয়া যাচ্ছে, তবে এর কিছু ব্যতিক্রমও আছে, "
"যেমন এন.আই.এস. ব্যবহারকারী সিস্টেম।"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ব্যবহারকারী ও পাসওয়ার্ড নির্ধারণ করো"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ব্যবহারকারী ও পাসওয়ার্ড নির্ধারণ করা হচ্ছে..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "দুর্বল পাসওয়ার্ড ব্যবহার করা হবে?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"আপনি যে পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়েছেন তাতে আটটির কম অক্ষর রয়েছে, যা অত্যন্ত দুর্বল হিসেবে "
"বিবেচনা করা হয়। আপনার একটি শক্তিশালী পাসওয়ার্ড নির্বাচন করা উচিত।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "প্রধান ডিরেক্টরি এনক্রিপ্ট করা হবে কি?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"আপনি আপনার প্রধান ডিরেক্টরি এনক্রিপশনের জন্য কনফিগার করতে পারেন, যাতে আপনার "
"কম্পিউটার চুরি হয়ে গেলেও ব্যক্তিগত যেকোন ফাইল সেখানে সংরক্ষিত অবস্থায় থাকে।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"সব সক্রিয় সেশনে প্রতিবার লগইন করার সময় সিস্টেম আপনার এনক্রিপ্টকৃত প্রধান ডিরেক্টরি "
"মাউন্ট করবে এবং লগআউট করার সময় স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে আনমাউন্ট করবে।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "প্রধান ডিরেক্টরি এনক্রিপশন ব্যর্থ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"ইনস্টলার প্রধান ডিরেক্টরির এনক্রিপশন সেট আপ করতে ব্যর্থ। ইনস্টলেশনের পর আপনার প্রধান "
"ডিরেক্টরি আনএনক্রিপ্ট করা হবে। এটা সম্ভবত একটি বাগ, আপনি হয়ত অনুসন্ধান এবং পুনরায় "
"ইনস্টল করতে পারেন।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য /var/log/syslog পড়ুন অথবা চতুর্থ ভার্চুয়াল কনসোল দেখুন।"
@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Tibetan translation for Debian Installer.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-14 22:12+0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Tennom <,>\n"
"Language-Team: bo <>\n"
"Language: bo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "རྩ་བ་སྤྱད་ནས་ནང་དུ་འཛུལ་བཅུག་དགོས་སམ"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"གལ་སྲིད་རྩ་བ་སྤྱད་ནས་ནང་དུ་འཛུལ་མ་བཅུག་ན་སྤྱོད་མཁན་གྱི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ཞིག་གསར་འཛུགས་བྱས་ནས་sudo བཀའ་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "རྩ་བའི་གསང་གྲངས:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"'རྩ་བ' འམ་མ་ལག་གི་བདག་སྐྱོང་པའི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ལ་གསང་གྲངས་ཞིག་ཡོད་དགོས་པ རྡུབ་རྩུབ་ཅན་དང་ཆོག་ཆན་མེད་"
"པའི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་ལ་རྩ་བའི་དབང་ཆ་ཡོད་ན་མཇུག་འབྲས་ཚབས་ཆེན་བཟོ་ནུས། དེ་འདྲ་ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་ཚོད་དཔག་བྱེད་བཀའ་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"གསང་གྲངས་ལེགས་པོ་ཞིག་ལ་ཡི་གེ་དང་ཨང་ཀི ཚིག་ཤད་སོགས་སྲེལ་ནས་ཡོད་པ་དང་དུས་འཚམས་སུ་བརྗེ་དགོས"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"རྩ་བའི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་གྱི་གསང་གྲངས་སྟོང་བ་བཞག་མི་ཉན། འདི་སྟོང་བར་བསྐྱུར་ན་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ཞིག་གསར་འཛུགས་བྱེད་རྒྱུ་"
"ཡིན་པ་དང་\"sudo\" བཀའ་བརྡ་སྤྱོད་ནས་རྩ་བ་སྤྱོད་ཐུབ་བཟོ་རྒྱུ་ཡིན"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "གསལ་འདེབས གསང་གྲངས་འབྲི་སྐབས་ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་དེའི་ནང་དོན་མཐོང་མི་ཐུབ"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "གསང་གྲངས་བསྐྱར་དུ་འཇུག་ནས་དག་ཐེར་བྱེད་པ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "རྩ་བའི་གསང་གྲངས་དེ་བསྐྱར་དུ་ཅིག་འཇུག་ནས་ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བྲིས་པ་དེ་དག་ཐེར་བྱེད་རོགས"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "རྒྱུན་ལྡན་གྱི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ཞིག་གསར་འཛུགས་བྱེད་དགོས་སམ"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"རྩ་བའི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་སྤྱད་ནས་ནམ་རྒྱུན་གྱི་ལས་འགུལ་སྒྲུབ་ན་ཐབས་ཤེས་ལེགས་ཤོས་མ་རེད། དཔེར་ན་གློག་འཕྲིན་ཀློག་པ་ལྟ་"
"བུ། རྒྱུ་མཚན་ནི་ནོར་འཁྲུལ་ཆུང་ཆུང་ཞིག་གིས་གནོད་སྐྱོན་ཚབས་ཆེན་བཟོ་ཐུབ། ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་རྒྱུན་ལྡན་གྱི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ཞིག་"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"གསལ་བརྡ། རྗེས་སུ་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ཞིག་གསར་བཟོ་སྐབས་(ཡང་ཐོ་ཁོངས་མང་པོ་བཟོས་ན) རྩ་བའི་གནས་སུ་'adduser "
"<སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང>' འབྲི་བ དེའི་ནང་གི་<སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང> སྤྱོད་མཁན་གྱི་མིང་གང་རུང་ཞིག་དཔེར་ན་'དཔའ་བོ་བཀྲ་"
"ཤིས' སམ 'སངས་རྒྱས' ལྟ་བུ"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "སྤྱོད་མཁན་གསར་པའི་མིང་ཁྱོན:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "རྩ་བའི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་དེ་མིན་པ་བདག་སྐྱོང་པའི་ལས་བྱ་མི་དགོས་པའི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་གསར་བ་ཞིག་བཟོ་རྒྱུ་ཡིན"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"སྤྱོད་མཁན་འདིའི་མིང་དངོས་འཇུག་རོགས ཆ་འཕྲིན་འདི་དྲ་འཕྲིན་ཀྱི་སྐུར་མཁན་དང་བྱ་རིམ་གཞན་དག་གིས་སྤྱོད་མཁན་གྱི་"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་ཐོ་ཁོངས་ཀྱི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"ཐོ་ཁོངས་གསར་བ་ལ་སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང་ཞིག་འཇུག་དགོས ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་མིང་ཁོ་ན་འཇུག་ན་བཟང་། སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང་ལ་ཆུང་བྲིས་"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ཕན་མེད་ཀྱི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བྲིས་པའི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་གྱི་ནི་ཕན་མེད་རེད། སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང་གི་འགོ་རུ་ཆུང་བྲིས་ཡི་གེ་དགོས་པ་དང་དེ་མཚམས་"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "སྔོན་དུ་ཉར་བའི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བྲིས་པའི་སྤྱོད་མཁན་མིང་(${USERNAME}) མ་ལག་གིས་སྔོན་དུ་ཉར་ཚགས་བྱས་ཡོད་པས་གཞན་ཞིག་འདེམས་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "སྤྱོད་མཁན་གསར་པར་གསང་གྲངས་ཞིག་གདམ་རོགས:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "སྤྱོད་མཁན་གྱི་གསང་གྲངས་དེ་བསྐྱར་དུ་ཅིག་འཇུག་ནས་ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བྲིས་པ་དེ་དག་ཐེར་བྱེད་རོགས"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "གསང་གྲངས་མ་འགྲིག་པ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་འཇུག་པའི་གསང་གྲངས་གཉིས་མ་གཅིག་མཚུངས་མིན་པས་ཡང་བསྐྱར་འཇུག་རོགས"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "གསང་གྲངས་སྟོང་པ་ཡིན་པ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "གྲིབ་གཟུགས་ཅན་གྱི་གསང་གྲངས་ནུས་ཡོད་བཟོ་དགོས་སམ"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"གྲིབ་གཟུགས་ཅན་གྱི་གསང་གྲངས་དེ་སུས་ཀྱང་མཐོང་མི་ཐུབ། གསང་གྲངས་འདིའི་རིགས་ཡིག་ཆ་གཞན་ཞིག་གི་ནང་དུ་ཉར་"
"བ་དང་དམིགས་བསལ་གྱི་བྱ་རིམ་གྱིས་ཁོ་ན་ཀློག་ཐུབ། NIS ཁོར་ཡུག་འདྲ་བ་ཁ་ཤས་ཕུད་པའི་གནས་ཡོངས་ལ་གྲིབ་"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "སྤྱོད་མཁན་དང་གསང་གྲངས་སྒྲིག་འཛུགས་བྱེད་པ"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "སྤྱོད་མཁན་དང་གསང་གྲངས་སྒྲིག་འཛུགས་བྱེད་བཞིན་པ་་་"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "གྲིབ་གཟུགས་ཅན་གྱི་གསང་གྲངས་ནུས་ཡོད་བཟོ་དགོས་སམ"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_bs.po to Bosnian
# Bosnian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Safir Secerovic <>, 2006.
# Armin Besirovic <>, 2008.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2002.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2002,2003,2004
# Safir Šećerović <>, 2004,2006.
# Vedran Ljubovic <>, 2001
# (translations from drakfw).
# Translations from KDE:
# Nesiren Armin <>, 2002
# Vedran Ljubovic <>, 2002
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_bs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-29 19:21+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Amila Valjevčić <>\n"
"Language-Team: Bosnian <>\n"
"Language: bs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: 3;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Dozvoliti prijavljivanje kao root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ako odaberete da ne dozvolite root prijavljivanje, onda će biti kreiran "
"korisnički račun i date ovlasti postajanja root pomoću 'sudo' naredbe."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root šifra:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Trebate postaviti šifru za 'root', račun sistemskog administratora. "
"Zlonamjerni ili nekvalificirani korisnik sa root pristupom može napraviti "
"štetu, tako da se trebate pobrinuti da izaberete root šifru koju nije lahko "
"pogoditi. Ona ne bi trebala predstavljati riječ iz rječnika, ili riječ koja "
"bi se lahko mogla povezati s Vama, ili riječ koja se može lahko povezati s "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Dobra šifra sadržava mješavinu slova, brojeva i znakova interpunkcije i "
"treba se redovno mijenjati."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Root korisnik ne bi trebao imati praznu šifru. Ako ostavite prazno, root "
"nalog će biti isključen i početni sistemski korisnik će imati mogućnost da "
"postane root pomoću \"sudo\" komande."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Uočavate da se šifra ne vidi tokom ukucavanja."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ponovo unesite šifru radi provjere:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Molim unesite istu root šifru ponovo kako bi provjerili da ste je ispravno "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Kreirati normalni korisnički račun sada?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Korištenje root računa za normalne svakodnevne aktivnosti, poput čitanja "
"elektronske pošte, nije dobra ideja, jer čak i najmanja pogreška može "
"dovesti do katastrofe. Trebate napraviti normalni korisnički račun i "
"koristiti za svakodnevne aktivnosti."
# Type: boolean
# Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Primjetite da ga možete napraviti kasnije (kao i bilo koji drugi račun) "
"ukucavajući 'adduser <korisničko ime>' kao root, gdje je <korisničko ime> "
"korisničko ime, poput 'mujo' ili 'suljo'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Ime i prezime novog korisnika:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Korisnički račun će biti napravljen kako biste ga koristili umjesto root "
"računa za neadministrativne aktivnosti."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Molim unesite stvarno ime ovog korisnika. Ova informacija će biti korištena, "
"npr. kao podrazumjevano porijeklo email poruka poslatih od strane ovog "
"korisnika kao i od strane svakog programa koji prikazuje ili koristi "
"korisnikovo stvarno ime. Vaše ime i prezime je razuman izbor."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Korisničko ime za Vaš račun:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Izaberite korisničko ime za novi račun. Vaše ime je razuman izbor. "
"Korisničko ime treba počinjati malim slovom koje može pratiti bilo kakva "
"kombinacija brojeva i još malih slova."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Neispravno korisničko ime"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Korisničko ime koje ste unijeli nije ispravno. Obratite pažnju da korisnička "
"imena počinju malim slovom, koje može pratiti bilo kakva kombinacija brojeva "
"i još malih slova i ne smiju biti duža od 32 karaktera."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervisano korisničko ime"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Unešeno korisničko ime (${USERNAME}) je rezervisano za sistemsku upotrebu. "
"Molim odaberite drugo."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Odaberite šifru za novog korisnika:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Molim unesite istu korisničku šifru ponovo kako bi provjerili da ste je "
"ispravno ukucali."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Greška pri unosu šifre"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Dvije šifre koje ste unijeli nisu iste. Molim pokušajte ponovo."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Prazna šifra"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Unijeli ste praznu šifru što nije dopušteno. Molim odaberite šifru koja nije "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Uključiti shadow šifre?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Shadow šifre čine Vaš sistem sigurnijim zato što niko ne može vidjeti čak ni "
"ekriptovane šifre. Šifre se čuvaju u posebnoj datoteci koju samo posebni "
"programi mogu čitati. Upotreba shadow šifri se čvrsto preporučuje, osim u "
"nekoliko slučajeva poput NIS okolína."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Postavite korisnike i šifre"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Postavljanje korisnika i šifri..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Upotrijebi slabu lozinku?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Upisali ste šifru koja sadrži manje od osam znakova, što se smatra previše "
"slabom šifrom. Trebao bi koristiti jaču šifru."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Želite li zašifrovati svoj polazni direktorij?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Možete staviti zaštitu na svoje datoteke u osnovnom direktoriju, kako biste "
"ih zaštitili od krađe čak i ako vam računar ukradu."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistem će automatski da montira Vaš šifrovani lični direktorijum svaki put "
"kada se prijavite, kao i da ga demontira kada se odjavite iz svih aktivnih "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Zaštita vašeg osnovnog direktorija nije uspjela"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalacioni program nije uspio da podesi šifrovanje ličnog direktorijuma. "
"Nakon instalacije Vaš lični direktorijum neće biti šifrovan. Ovo je "
"vjerovatno neka greška, pa možete da je istražite i da ponovo instalirate."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Provjerite /var/log/messages ili pogledajte virtuelnu konzolu 4 za detalje."
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Catalan messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Jordi Mallach <>, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012.
# Guillem Jover <>, 2005, 2007.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004,2006
# Orestes Mas i Casals <>, 2004-2006. (orestes: He usat la nomenclatura de
# Softcatalà <>, 2000-2001
# Toni Hermoso Pulido <>, 2010.
# Traductor: Jordi Ferré <>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer wheezy\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-27 01:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jordi Mallach <>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan <>\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Voleu permetre les entrades com a root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Si trieu no permetre les entrades com a root, es crearà un compte d'usuari "
"que tindrà la capacitat de fer-se root utilitzant l'ordre «sudo»."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Contrasenya de root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Necessiteu definir una contrasenya per a «root», el compte d'administració "
"del sistema. Un usuari maliciós o no qualificat amb accés de root podria "
"aportar conseqüències desastroses, per tant heu de triar una contrasenya de "
"root que no sigui fàcil d'endevinar. No ha de ser una paraula del diccionari "
"o una paraula que pugui ser fàcilment associada a vosaltres."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Una bona contrasenya ha de contindre una barreja de lletres, nombres i "
"caràcters de puntuació i ser canviada a intervals regulars."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"L'usuari root no hauria de tindre una contrasenya buida. Si deixeu això en "
"blanc, s'hi inhabilitarà el compte del root i el compte de l'usuari inicial "
"tindrà la capacitat de fer-se root utilitzant l'ordre «sudo»."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Tingueu en compte que no veureu la contrasenya mentre la teclegeu."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Torneu a introduir la contrasenya per a verificar-la:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Si us plau introduïu la mateixa contrasenya de root un altre cop per a "
"verificar que l'heu teclejada correctament."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Voleu crear ara un compte d'usuari normal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"És una mala idea emprar el compte de root per a les activitats quotidianes, "
"com ara llegir el correu electrònic, perquè tan sols una petita errada pot "
"resultar en desastre. Heu de crear un compte d'usuari que podreu emprar per "
"a aquestes tasques quotidianes."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que podeu crear-lo després (de la mateixa manera que "
"qualsevol altre compte) teclejant «adduser <nom d'usuari>» com a root, on "
"<nom d'usuari> és quelcom semblant a «imurdock» o «rms»."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nom complet pel nou usuari:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Es crearà un compte d'usuari per a ser emprat en lloc del compte de «root» "
"per a tasques no administratives."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Si us plau introduïu el nom real d'aquest usuari. Aquesta informació serà "
"emprada per exemple com origen predeterminat per als correus electrònics "
"enviats per aquest usuari tant com per qualsevol programa que mostri o faci "
"servir el nom real de l'usuari. El vostre nom complet es una opció raonable."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nom d'usuari pel vostre compte:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Seleccioneu un nom d'usuari pel nou compte. El vostre primer nom és una bona "
"opció. El nom d'usuari ha de començar amb una lletra en minúscula, seguida "
"de qualsevol combinació de nombres o més lletres en minúscula."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "El nom d'usuari no és vàlid"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"El nom d'usuari introduït no és vàlid. Tingueu en compte que el nom d'usuari "
"ha de començar amb una lletra en minúscula, seguida de qualsevol combinació "
"de nombres o més lletres en minúscula, i no pot tindre més de 32 caràcters."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "El nom d'usuari està reservat"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"El nom d'usuari que heu introduït (${USERNAME}) està reservat per a l'ús "
"intern del sistema. Seleccioneu-ne un diferent."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Seleccioneu una contrasenya pel nou usuari:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Si us plau introduïu la mateixa contrasenya una altra vegada per a verificar "
"que l'heu teclejada correctament."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Error en la introducció de la contrasenya"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Les dues contrasenyes introduïdes no eren iguals. Si us plau proveu-ho de "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "La contrasenya és buida"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Heu introduït una contrasenya buida, que no és permès. Si us plau introduïu "
"una contrasenya no buida."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Voleu habilitar les contrasenyes ombra?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Les contrasenyes ombra fan el vostre sistema més segur perquè ningú és capaç "
"de veure ni tan sols les contrasenyes xifrades. Les contrasenyes són "
"emmagatzemades en un fitxer a part que només pot ser llegit per programes "
"especials. És molt recomanable l'ús de les contrasenyes ombra, tret d'en "
"pocs casos com en entorns NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Configura els usuaris i les contrasenyes"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "S'estan establint els usuaris i les contrasenyes..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Voleu utilitzar una contrasenya feble?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Heu introduït una contrasenya formada per menys de vuit caràcters, cosa que "
"la fa massa feble. Hauríeu de triar-ne una de més forta."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Voleu xifrar el vostre directori d'usuari?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Podeu configurar el vostre directori d'usuari per a xifrar-lo, de manera que "
"qualsevol fitxer que s'hi emmagatzemi romangui privat fins i tot si us roben "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"El sistema operatiu muntarà el vostre directori d'usuari de manera "
"transparent cada cop que entreu, i el desmuntarà automàticament un cop "
"sortiu de totes les sessions actives."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Ha fallat l'encriptació del directori de l'usuari"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"L'instal·lador no ha pogut configurar l'encriptació del directori de "
"l'usuari, per la qual cosa aquest romandrà sense encriptar després de la "
"instal·lació. Això és probablement un error, i potser voldreu considerar "
"investigar-lo i tornar a realitzar la instal·lació."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Comproveu /var/log/syslog o vegeu la consola virtual 4 per als detalls."
@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Czech messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Free Software Foundation, 2002,2004
# Miroslav Kure <>, 2004--2010.
# Petr Cech <> (Petr Čech), 2000.
# Stanislav Brabec <>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-18 10:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Povolit přihlášení jako root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Jestliže zakážete přihlášení uživateli root, vytvoří se uživatelský účet, "
"který se bude moci stát rootem pomocí příkazu 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Heslo uživatele root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Než budete pokračovat, musíte nastavit heslo pro uživatele 'root' - správce "
"systému. Zlomyslný nebo neznalý uživatel s rootovskými právy může v systému "
"napáchat neuvěřitelné škody, takže byste měli zvolit rootovo heslo co "
"nejvíce neuhodnutelné. To znamená, že by to nemělo být slovo ze slovníku, "
"ani údaj, který se s vámi dá lehce spojit."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Dobré heslo obsahuje směs písmen, číslic a dalších znaků a je pravidelně "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Uživatel root by neměl mít prázdné heslo. Ponecháte-li toto pole prázdné, "
"bude účet root deaktivován a prvnímu vytvořenému uživateli bude přiděleno "
"právo stát se rootem pomocí příkazu „sudo“."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Heslo se při psaní nezobrazuje."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Znovu zadejte heslo pro ověření:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Zadejte znovu rootovo heslo, abyste se přesvědčili, že jste jej zadali "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Vytvořit účet pro běžného uživatele?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Není dobrý nápad používat účet roota pro každodenní práci, jako třeba čtení "
"pošty, protože i malý překlep může způsobit veliké neštěstí. Nyní můžete "
"vytvořit účet běžného uživatele pro každodenní práci."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Tento a další účty můžete vytvořit později jako root příkazem 'adduser "
"<uzivjmeno>', kde <uzivjmeno> je uživatelské jméno jako např. 'imurdock' "
"nebo 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Celé jméno nového uživatele:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Nyní bude vytvořen uživatelský účet, který slouží k běžné "
"(neadministrátorské) práci."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte prosím skutečné jméno uživatele. Tato informace se použije v poli "
"odesílatel odchozí pošty tohoto uživatele a také v programech, které "
"zobrazují skutečné jméno uživatele. Rozumné je zadat vaše celé jméno."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Uživatelské jméno pro nový účet:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte uživatelské jméno pro nový účet. Rozumnou volbou bývá křestní jméno "
"uživatele. Uživatelské jméno musí začínat malým písmenem, za kterým může "
"následovat libovolná kombinace čísel a malých písmen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Neplatné uživatelské jméno"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Uživatelské jméno, které jste zadali, je neplatné. Uživatelská jména musí "
"začínat malým písmenem, za kterým může následovat libovolná kombinace čísel "
"a malých písmen až do maximální délky 32 znaků."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervované uživatelské jméno"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Zadané uživatelské jméno (${USERNAME}) je rezervováno pro systém. Vyberte si "
"prosím jiné jméno."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Zadejte heslo pro nového uživatele:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Zadejte prosím stejné heslo, abyste si ověřili, že jste jej zadali správně."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Chyba při zadávání hesla"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Zadaná hesla nejsou stejná. Zkuste to znovu."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Prázdné heslo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Zadali jste prázdné heslo, což není dovoleno. Zvolte si prosím neprázdné "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Povolit stínová hesla?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Stínová hesla zvyšují bezpečnost systému, protože nikdo nemůže vidět "
"zašifrovaná hesla jiných uživatelů. Hesla jsou uložena v samostatném "
"souboru, který mohou číst jen vybrané programy. Použití stínových hesel lze "
"jen doporučit. Problém by mohl nastat pouze při použití NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Nastavit uživatele a hesla"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Nastavují se uživatelé a hesla..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Použít slabé heslo?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Zadali jste heslo, jenž obsahuje méně než osm znaků, které je považováno za "
"příliš slabé. Měli by jste zvolit silnější heslo."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Šifrovat váš domovský adresář?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Můžete nastavit domovský adresář pro šifrování, takže všechny soubory "
"zůstanou uloženy jako soukromé, i když je počítač odcizen."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Systém připojí šifrovaný domovský adresář při každém přihlášení. Jakmile "
"ukončíte všechny sezení, automaticky bude odpojen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Šifrování domovského adresáře se nezdařilo."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalátoru se nezdařilo nastavit šifrování domovského adresáře. Po "
"dokončení instalace nebude váš domovský adresář šifrovaný. Jedná se "
"pravděpodobně o chybu, zkuste tento problém vyřešit a následně systém "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Podrobnosti naleznete ve /var/log/syslog nebo na 4. virtuální konzoli."
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of Debian Installer templates to Welsh
# Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Jonathan Price <>, 2008.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# - translations from ICU-3.0
# Dafydd Harries <>, 2002,2004,2006.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-14 09:46-0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Dafydd Tomos <>\n"
"Language-Team: Welsh <>\n"
"Language: cy\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Galluogi mewngofnodi fel root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Os ydych yn dewis peidio gadael root i fewngofnodi, yna bydd cyfrif "
"defnyddiwr yn gael ei creu ac yn gael y pwêr i ddod yn root trwy defnyddio'r "
"gorchymyn 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Cyfrinair 'root':"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Rhaid i chi osod cyfrinair ar gyfer 'root', cyfrif gweinyddol y system. Gall "
"ddefnyddiwr maleisus neu anghymwys gyda mynediad 'root' gael canlyniadau "
"trychinebus, felly cymerwch ofal i ddewis cyfrinair 'root' nad yw'n hawdd "
"i'w ddyfalu. Ni ddylai fod yn air mewn geiriadur, neu'n air a ellir ei "
"gysylltu'n hawdd a chi."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Bydd cyfrinair da yn cynnwys cymysg o lythrennau, rhifau a atalnodau, a "
"dylid ei newid yn rheolaidd."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Ni ddylai'r defnyddiwr root gael cyfrinair gwag. Os ydych yn gadael hwn yn "
"wag, yn fe fydd y cyfrif root yn cael ei analluogi a fe fydd cyfrif "
"defnyddiwr cyntaf y system yn cael yr hawliau i ddod yn root drwy'r "
"gorchymyn 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Noder na fyddwch yn gallu gweld y cyfrinair wrth ei deipio."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ail-rhowch y cyfrinair er mwyn dilysu:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Os gwelwch yn dda, rhowch yr un cyfrinair 'root' eto er mwyn gwirio eich bod "
"wedi ei deipio'n gywir."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Creu cyfrif defnyddiwr arferol nawr?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Mae'n syniad gwael defnyddio'r cyfrinair 'root' ar gyfer defnydd cyffredinol "
"megis darllen ebost, oherwydd gall hyd yn oed gamgymeriad bychan achosi "
"trychineb. Dylech greu cyfrif defnyddiwr cyffredin i'w ddefnyddio ar gyfer "
"tasgau cyffredinol."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Fe allwch chi ei greu nes ymlaen (ynghyd a unrhyw gyfrifon ychwanegol) drwy "
"deipio 'adduser <enw defnyddiwr>' fel root, lle mae <enw defnyddiwr> yn enw "
"cyfrif, fel 'imurdock' neu 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Enw llawn ar gyfer y defnyddiwr newydd:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Caiff cyfrif newydd ei greu ar eich cyfer i'w ddefnyddio yn hytrach na'r "
"cyfrif 'root' ar gyfer gweithgareddau nad ydynt yn weinyddol."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Rhowch enw go iawn y defnyddiwr hwn. Caiff y gwybodaeth hwn ei ddefnyddio er "
"enghraifft fel tardd diofyn ar gyfer ebost mae'r defnyddiwr hwn yn ei "
"ddanfon ynghyd a unrhyw rhaglen sy'n dangos neu ddefnyddio enw go iawn y "
"defnyddiwr. Mae eich enw llawn yn ddewis rhesymol."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Enw defnyddiwr ar gyfer eich cyfrif:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Dewiswch enw defnyddiwr ar gyfer y cyfrif newydd. Mae eich enw cyntaf yn "
"ddewis rhesymol. Dylai'r enw cyfrif gychwyn gyda llythyren fechan, wedi ei "
"ddilyn gan unrhyw gyfuniad o rhifau a mwy o lythrennau bychan."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Enw defnyddiwr annilys"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Mae'r enw defnyddiwr a roddwyd yn annilys. Mae'n rhaid i enw ddefnyddiwr "
"ddechrau gyda llythyren bach, wedi ei ddilyn gyda unrhyw gyfuniad o rifau a "
"mwy o lythrennau bach, ddim yn hirach na 32 llythyren."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Enw defnyddiwr neilltuedig"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Mae'r enw defnyddiwr a mewnosodwyd (${USERNAME}) wedi ei neillto ar gyfer "
"defnydd gan y system. Dewiswch un gwahanol."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Dewiswch gyfrinair ar gyfer y defnyddiwr newydd:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Os gwelwch yn dda, rhowch yr un cyfrinair defnyddiwr eto er mwyn gwirio eich "
"bod chi wedi ei deipio'n gywir."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Gwall mewnbwn cyfrinair"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Nid oedd y ddau gyfrinair y rhoddoch yr yn peth. Ceisiwch eto os gwelwch yn "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Cyfrinair gwag"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Fe rhoddoch gyfrinair gwag, ond ni chaniateir hyn. Dewiswch gyfrinair nad "
"yw'n wag."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Galluogi cyfrineiriau cysgod?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Mae cyfrineiriau cysgod yn gwneud eich system yn fwy diogel oherwydd does "
"neb yn gallu gweld hyd yn oed cyfrineiriau wedi eu amgryptio. Caiff "
"cyfrineiriau eu cadw mewn ffeil a gellir ei ddarllen dim ond gan rhaglenni "
"arbennig. Argymhellir defnydd cyfrineiriau cysgod yn gryf, ar wahan i rhai "
"sefyllfaoedd, megis amgylchfeydd NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Paratoi defnyddwyr a chyfrineiriau"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Gosod defnyddwyr a chyfrineiriau..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Defnyddio cyfrinair gwan?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Mi rhoddoch cyfrinair sy'n cynnwys llai nag 8 nod, ystyrier hyn yn rhy gwan. "
"Dylech dewis cyfrinair fwy cryf."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Amgryptio eich cyfeiriadur cartref?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Gallwch chi ffurfweddu eich cyfeiriadur am amgryptiad, fel bydd unrhyw "
"ffeiliau sydd wedi storio yn aros yn preifat hyd yn oed os yw eich "
"cyfrifiadur yn gael ei dwyn."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Bydd y system yn clymu eich cyfeiriadur cartref wedi amgryptio yn di-dor pob "
"amser yr ydych yn logio mewn ac yn dad-clymu yn awtomatig pryd rydych yn "
"logio mas o pob sesiwn gweithredol."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Methodd amgryptio'r cyfeiriadur cartref"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Methodd y sefydlydd gosod amgryptiad cyfeiriadur cartref. Ni bydd eich "
"cyfeiriadur cartref wedi amgryptio ar ol y sefydliad. Mae tebygol bod hwn yn "
"nam, ac efallau byddech yn eisiau ymchwilio ac ail-sefydlu."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Gwiriwch /var/log/syslog neu gwelwch consol rhithwir 4 am y manylion."
@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_da.po to
# Danish messages for debian-installer.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Joe Hansen <>, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.
# Ask Hjorth Larsen <>, 2010.
# Mads Bille Lundby <, 2009.
# Henrik Christian Grove <>, 2008.
# Jesper Dahl Nyerup <>, 2008.
# Jacob Sparre Andersen <>, 2008, 2010.
# Claus Hindsgaul <>, 2004-2007.
# Reviewed 2007 by Niels Rasmussen
# Volume er oversat til diskenhed. Ret hvis Dansk-gruppen finder en anbefaling.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Claus Hindsgaul <>, 2006.
# Claus Hindsgaul <>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
# Computeroversættelse Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2006.
# Frederik 'Freso' S. Olesen <>, 2008.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000, 2004, 2005.
# Joe Hansen <>, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Keld Simonsen <>, 2000, 2001.
# Kenneth Christiansen <>, 2000.
# Ole Laursen <>, 2001.
# vedrørende russisk:
# (bogstavet й bliver normalt til j på dansk og y på engelsk. Der er
# også nogle forskelle med de mange s/sh-agtige lyde)
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_da\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-05 20:12+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Joe Hansen <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"Language: da\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Tillad login som root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du vælger ikke at tillade root at logge ind, så vil der blive oprettet "
"en brugerkonto med mulighed for at blive root med kommandoen \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-adgangskode:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Du skal angive en adgangskode for 'root', systemets administrationskonto. "
"Hvis en ondsindet eller ukvalificeret bruger får adgang som root, kan det "
"have katastrofale følger, så du bør vælge en root-adgangskode, der ikke er "
"for let at gætte. Den bør ikke være et ord, der findes i ordbøger eller et "
"ord, som nemt kan forbindes med dig."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"En god adgangskode indeholder en blanding af bogstaver, tal og tegnsætning "
"og bør ændres fra tid til anden."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Root-brugeren bør ikke have en tom adgangskode. Hvis du lader dette felt stå "
"tomt, vil root-kontoen blive deaktiveret og systemets første brugerkonto vil "
"blive tildelt rettigheder til at blive root, når \"sudo\"-kommandoen bruges."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Bemærk at du ikke vil kunne se adgangskoden imens du skriver det."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Angiv adgangskoden igen for at tjekke:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Angiv den samme root-adgangskode igen for at tjekke at du har indtastet den "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Opret en almindelig brugerkonto nu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Det er en dårlig idé, at bruge root-kontoen til almindelige dagligdags "
"gøremål, som f.eks. at læse e-post, da selv en lille fejltagelse kan få "
"katastrofale følger. Du kan nu oprette en normal brugerkonto, som kan "
"benyttes til disse almindelige arbejdsopgaver."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Bemærk at du også kan oprette den senere (eller oprette flere konti) ved at "
"skrive »adduser <brugernavn>« som root, hvor <brugernavn> er et brugernavn, "
"som f.eks. »hansen« eller »rms«."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Den nye brugers fulde navn:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Der vil blive oprettet en brugerkonto, som du kan bruge i stedet for root-"
"kontoen til ikke-administrative aktiviteter."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Angiv brugerens rigtige navn. Denne oplysning vil f.eks. blive brugt som "
"standard afsendernavn for e-post, der sendes af denne bruger, og i alle "
"programmer, der viser eller bruger brugerens rigtige navn. Dit fulde navn er "
"et passende valg."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Brugernavn til din konto:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Vælg et brugernavn til den nye konto. Dit fornavn kan være et fornuftigt "
"valg. Brugernavnet skal starte med et lille bogstav, hvilket kan suppleres "
"med en hvilken som helst kombination af numre og små bogstaver."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ugyldigt brugernavn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Brugernavnet du har angivet, er ugyldigt. Bemærk at brugernavne skal starte "
"med et lille bogstav efterfulgt af en hvilken som helst kombination af numre "
"og flere små bogstaver. Brugernavne må ikke være længere end 32 tegn."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Reserveret brugernavn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Det valgte brugernavn (${USERNAME}) er reserveret til brug af systemet.Vælg "
"venligst et andet."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Vælg en adgangskode til den nye bruger:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Angiv den samme brugeradgangskode igen for at tjekke at du har indtastet den "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Adgangskode-indtastningsfejl"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "De to adgangskoder, du indtastede, var ikke ens. Prøv igen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tom adgangskode"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Du angav en tom adgangskode, hvilket ikke er tilladt. Vælg venligst en "
"adgangskode, der ikke er tom."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Aktivér skyggeadgangskoder?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Skyggeadgangskoder gør dit system mere sikkert, fordi de forhindrer at nogen "
"ser de krypterede adgangskoder. Adgangskoderne gemmes i en separat fil, som "
"kun kan læses af særlige programmer. Vi anbefaler kraftigt brugen af "
"skyggeadgangskoder, undtagen i ganske få tilfælde såsom NIS-miljøer."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Sæt brugere og adgangskoder op"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Sætter brugere og adgangskoder op ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Brug svag adgangskode?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Du har indtastet en adgangskode som består af mindre end otte tegn, hvilket "
"anses for en svag adgangskode. Du bør vælge en stærkere adgangskode."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Kryptér dit hjemmekatalog?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Du kan konfigurere dit hjemmekatalog til kryptering, sådan at alle filer, "
"der gemmes dér, forbliver private, selv hvis din computer bliver stjålet."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Systemet vil umærkeligt montere dit krypterede hjemmekatalog hver gang du "
"logger ind og automatisk afmontere, når du logger ud af alle aktive "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Kunne ikke kryptere hjemmemappe"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Installationsprogrammet kunne ikke opsætte kryptering af hjemmemappen. Din "
"hjemmemappe vil være ukrypteret efter installationen. Dette er sandsynligvis "
"en fejl, og du kan overveje at undersøge det nærmere og geninstallere."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Tjek /var/log/syslog eller kig på den virtuelle konsol 4 for detaljer."
@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# German messages for debian-installer (sublevel1).
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# Console-setup strings translations:
# (identified by "./console-setup.templates")
# Copyright (C) 2006, the console-setup package'c copyright holder
# Copyright (C) 2006, Matthias Julius
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Helge Kreutzmann
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Holger Wansing
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Holger Wansing <>, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
# Jens Seidel <>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
# Dennis Stampfer <>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
# Alwin Meschede <>, 2003, 2004.
# Bastian Blank <>, 2003.
# Jan Luebbe <>, 2003.
# Thorsten Sauter <>, 2003.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Björn Ganslandt <>, 2000, 2001.
# Bruno Haible <>, 2004, 2007.
# Christian Stimming <>, 2006.
# Dennis Stampfer <>, 2004.
# Karl Eichwalder <>, 2001.
# Simon Hürlimann <>, 2004.
# Stefan Siegel <>, 2001.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Wolfgang Rohdewald <>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-14 19:55+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Holger Wansing <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian German <>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "root das Anmelden erlauben?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie auswählen, dass root das Anmelden verwehrt werden soll, wird ein "
"Benutzerkonto angelegt und mit dem Recht versehen, root mittels des »sudo«-"
"Kommandos zu werden."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-Passwort:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen ein Passwort für »root«, das Systemadministrator-Konto, angeben. "
"Ein bösartiger Benutzer oder jemand, der sich nicht auskennt und Root-Rechte "
"besitzt, kann verheerende Schäden anrichten. Deswegen sollten Sie darauf "
"achten, ein Passwort zu wählen, das nicht einfach zu erraten ist. Es sollte "
"nicht in einem Wörterbuch vorkommen oder leicht mit Ihnen in Verbindung "
"gebracht werden können."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Ein gutes Passwort enthält eine Mischung aus Buchstaben, Zahlen und "
"Sonderzeichen und wird in regelmäßigen Abständen geändert."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Das Passwort für den Superuser root sollte nicht leer sein. Wenn Sie es leer "
"lassen, wird der root-Zugang deaktiviert und der als erstes eingerichtete "
"Benutzer in diesem System erhält die nötigen Rechte, mittels »sudo«-Befehl "
"zu root zu wechseln."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Hinweis: Sie werden das Passwort während der Eingabe nicht sehen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie das Passwort zur Bestätigung nochmals ein:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Bitte geben Sie dasselbe root-Passwort nochmals ein, um sicherzustellen, "
"dass Sie sich nicht vertippt haben."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Soll jetzt ein normales Benutzerkonto erstellt werden?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Es ist keine gute Idee, das root-Konto für die alltägliche Arbeit "
"einzusetzen, wie z.B. Lesen der E-Mails, denn selbst ein kleiner Fehler kann "
"in einer Katastrophe enden. Sie sollten nun ein normales Benutzerkonto "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Beachten Sie, dass Sie das Benutzerkonto auch später durch Eingabe von "
"»adduser <Benutzername>« als root (genauso wie weitere Benutzerkonten) "
"erstellen können, wobei <Benutzername> ein Benutzername ist, wie z.B. "
"»imurdock« oder »rms«."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Vollständiger Name des neuen Benutzers:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Für Sie wird ein Konto angelegt, das Sie statt dem root-Konto für die "
"alltägliche Arbeit verwenden können."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Bitte geben Sie den vollständigen Namen des Benutzers an. Diese Information "
"wird z.B. im Absender von E-Mails, die er verschickt, oder in Programmen, "
"die den Namen des Benutzers anzeigen, verwendet. Ihr kompletter Name wäre "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Benutzername für Ihr Konto:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Wählen Sie einen Benutzernamen für das neue Benutzerkonto. Der Vorname ist "
"meist eine gute Wahl. Der Benutzername sollte mit einem kleinen Buchstaben "
"beginnen, gefolgt von weiteren kleinen Buchstaben oder auch Zahlen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ungültiger Benutzername"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Der Benutzername, den Sie eingegeben haben, ist ungültig. Hinweis: Der "
"Benutzername sollte mit einem kleinen Buchstaben beginnen, gefolgt von einer "
"Kombination aus Zahlen oder weiteren klein geschriebenen Buchstaben und darf "
"nicht mehr als 32 Zeichen lang sein."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Reservierter Benutzername"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Der von Ihnen eingegebene Benutzername (${USERNAME}) ist für das System "
"reserviert. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Passwort für den neuen Benutzer:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Bitte geben Sie das gleiche Benutzerpasswort nochmals ein, um "
"sicherzustellen, dass Sie sich nicht vertippt haben."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Passworteingabefehler"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Die beiden Passwörter, die Sie eingegeben haben, sind nicht identisch. Bitte "
"versuchen Sie es noch einmal."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Leeres Passwort"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Sie haben ein leeres Passwort bzw. kein Passwort eingegeben, was nicht "
"erlaubt ist. Bitte geben Sie ein Passwort ein."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Shadow-Passwörter benutzen?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Shadow-Passwörter machen Ihr System sicherer, weil niemand die Passwörter "
"auslesen kann, nicht einmal die verschlüsselten. Passwörter werden in einer "
"separaten Datei gespeichert, welche nur von speziellen Programmen gelesen "
"werden kann. Shadow-Passwörter werden ausdrücklich empfohlen, außer in "
"wenigen Fällen, wie z.B. in NIS-Umgebungen."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Benutzer und Passwörter einrichten"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Einrichten von Benutzern und Passwörtern ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Schwaches Passwort verwenden?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Sie haben ein Passwort eingegeben, das weniger als 8 Zeichen beinhaltet und "
"somit zu schwach ist. Sie sollten ein stärkeres Passwort wählen."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Ihren persönlichen Ordner verschlüsseln?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Sie können Ihren persönlichen Ordner verschlüsseln, sodass alle darin "
"gespeicherten Dateien privat bleiben, selbst wenn Ihr Rechner gestohlen wird."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Das System wird Ihren verschlüsselten Ordner bei jedem Anmelden nahtlos "
"einbinden und diesen automatisch aushängen, sobald Sie sich aus allen "
"aktiven Sitzungen abmelden."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Verschlüsselung des persönlichen Ordners gescheitert"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Die Verschlüsselung des persönlichen Ordners ist gescheitert. Ihr "
"persönlicher Ordner wird nach der Installation nicht verschlüsselt sein. "
"Dies ist sehr wahrscheinlich ein Programmierfehler."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Prüfen Sie /var/log/syslog oder die virtuelle Konsole 4 für genauere "
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of dz.po to Dzongkha
# Translation of debian-installer level 1 Dzongkha
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Copyright @ 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Sonam Rinchen <>, 2006.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2006
# Kinley Tshering <>, 2006
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: dDz.po\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-29 04:41-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Jurmey Rabgay <>\n"
"Language-Team: Dzongkha <>\n"
"Language: dz\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "རྩ་འབྲེལ་བཟུམ་སྦེ་ནང་བསྐྱོད་འབད་བཅུག?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་དྲན་དེབ་ནང་གི་རྩ་འབྲེལ་འདི་ནང་བསྐྱོད་འབད་མི་བཅུག་ནིའི་གདམ་ཁ་རྐྱབ་པ་ཅིན་ དེ་ལས་ལག་ལེན་པའི་"
"རྩིས་ཐོ་གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ནི་དང་ 'sudo'བརྡ་བཀོད་འདི་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ནིའི་རྩ་འབྲེལ་འགྱུར་ནི་གྱི་ནུས་ཤུགས་བྱིན་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "རྩ་འབྲེལ་ཆོག་ཡིག་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"བདག་སྐྱོང་གི་རྩིས་ཐོ་རིམ་ལུགས་འདི་'root'ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་ཆོག་ཡིག་གཞི་སྒྲིག་འབད་དགོ། ངན་སེམས་ཅན་ཡང་"
"ན་རྩ་འབྲེལ་འཛུལ་སྤྱོད་འབད་ནི་དང་མཉམ་ཁྱོད་ཆོས་མ་ཚང་བའི་ལག་ལེན་པ་ལུ་རྐྱེན་ངན་ཅན་གྱི་གྲུབ་འབྲས་ཚུ་འོང་། "
"བཏོན་དགོ་ འདི་ཚིག་མཛོད་ཚུ་ནང་ལུ་ཐོབ་མ་ཚུགས་པའི་མིང་ཚིག་ཅིག་ཨིནམ་དང་ ཡང་ན་ ཁྱོད་དང་མཉམ་འཇམ་ཏོང་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ཡིག་རྟགས་དང་གྲངས་ཚུ་ ཡི་གེ་ཚུ་གི་བསྲེ་སྦྱོར་འདི་ཆོག་ཡིག་ལེགས་ཤོམ་ནང་ལུ་ལྡན་ནི་དང་ དུས་རྒྱུན་གྱི་བར་མཚམས་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"རྩ་བའི་ལག་ལེན་པ་ལུ་ ཆོག་ཡིག་མེད་པ་མི་འོང་། ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་འདི་སྟོངམ་སྦེ་བཞག་པ་ཅིན་ རྩ་བའི་རྩིས་ཐོ་འདི་ལྕོགས་"
"མིན་འགྱོ་ནི་དང་ རྩ་བ་སྦེ་ \"sudo\"བརྡ་བཀོད་བྱིན་ནིའི་དབང་ཚད་འདི་ལུ་འགོ་ཐོག་ལག་ལེན་རྩིས་ཐོ་འདི་ལུ་བྱིན་"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་ཡིག་དཔར་རྐྱབས་དོ་བཟུམ་སྦེ་ཆོག་ཡིག་འདི་ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བལྟ་མི་ཚུགས་དྲན་འཛིན་འབད།"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "བདེན་སྦྱོར་འབད་ནི་ལུ་ཆོག་ཡིག་སླར་ལོག་བཙུགས།"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "སྤྱིར་བཏང་ལག་ལེན་པའི་རྩིས་ཐོ་ད་ལྟོ་གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"གློག་ཆས་ཡིག་འཕྲིན་ལྷག་ནི་བཟུམ་གྱི་ སྤྱིར་བཏང་ཉིན་རིམ་ཞིན་གྱི་ལཱ་ཚུ་གི་དོན་ལུ་རྩ་འབྲེལ་རྩིས་ཐོ་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ནི་"
"འདི་གནས་སྐབས་བྱང་ཉེས་ཅིག་ཨིན་ ག་ཅི་འབད་ཟེར་བ་ཅིན་འཛོལ་བ་ཆུང་ཀུ་ཅིག་གིས་ཡང་གྲུབ་འབྲས་རྐྱེན་ངན་སྦེ་"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་རྩ་འབྲེལ་བཟུམ་སྦེ་'adduser <username>'ཡིག་དཔར་རྐྱབས་པའི་ཐོག་ལས་(as well as any "
"additional account) དེ་ཤུལ་ལས་གསར་བསྐྲུན་འབད་ཚུགས་འོང་ཟེར་དྲན་འཛིན་འབད་ 'imurdock' ཡང་"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "ལག་ལེན་པ་གསརཔ་གི་དོན་ལུ་མིང་ཆ་ཚང་།"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"བདག་སྐྱོང་མེན་ནའི་ལཱ་ཚུ་གི་དོན་ལུ་རྩ་འབྲེལ་རྩིས་ཐོ་འདི་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ནིའི་ཚབ་ལུ་ ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་ལག་ལེན་པའི་"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"ལག་ལེན་པ་འདི་གི་མིང་ངོ་མ་བཙུགས་གནང་། ལག་ལེན་པ་འདི་གིས་གཏང་བའི་གློག་འཕྲིན་ཚུ་གི་དོན་ལུ་དང་ལས་རིམ་"
"གང་རུང་བཀྲམ་སྟོན་འབད་མི་ཚུ་ ཡང་ན་ ལག་ལེན་པ་ཚུ་གི་མིང་ངོ་མ་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་མི་ཚུ་སྔོན་སྒྲིག་འགོ་ཐོག་བྱུང་"
"ས་བཟུམ་སྦེ་དུས་སྐབས་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་འ་ནི་བརྡ་དོན་འནི་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་འོང་། ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་མིང་ཆ་ཚང་འདི་ཁུངས་ལྡན་གྱི་"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་རྩིས་ཐོའི་དོན་ལུ་ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་།"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"རྩིས་ཐོ་གསརཔ་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་སེལ་འཐུ་འབད། ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་མིང་དང་པ་འདི་ཁུངས་ལྡན་གྱི་གདམ་ཁ་ཨིན། "
"ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་འདི་ཡིག་ཆུང་ཡི་གེ་ནང་འགོ་བཙུགས་དགོ་ འདི་གིས་ཡིག་ཆུང་ཡི་གེ་ཚུ་ལེ་ཤ་དང་ཨང་ཚུ་གི་མཉམ་"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ནུས་མེད་ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་།"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བཙུགས་མི་ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་འདི་ ནུས་མེད་ཨིན་པས། ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་འདི་ ཡིག་ཆུང་གིས་འགོ་བཙུགས་"
"དགོཔ་དང་ ཨང་ཡིག་དང་སླ་བསྲེས་ དེ་ལས་ ཡིག་ཆུང་གཙང་ཙ་འབད་རུང་བཏུབ་ཨིན་རུང་ ཡིག་འབྲུ་༣༢ལས་ ལྷག་ནི་"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ཟུར་གསོག་འབད་ཡོད་པའི་ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་།"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་ བཙུགས་ཡོད་པའི་ (${USERNAME}) ལག་ལེན་པའི་མིང་འདི་ རིམ་ལུགས་ཀྱིས་ལག་ལེན་འཐབ་ནི་གི་དོན་"
"ལུ་ ཟུར་གསོག་འབད་དེ་ཡོདཔ་ཨིན། སོ་སོ་སེལ་ཅིག་འཐུ་འབད་གནང་།"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ལག་ལེན་པ་གསངཔ་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་ཆོག་ཡིག་གདམ་ཁ་རྐྱབས།"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "ཆོག་ཡིག་ཨིན་པུཊི་འཛོལ་བ།"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་བཙུགས་ཡོད་པའི་ཆོག་ཡིག་གཉིས་པོ་དེ་གཅིག་པ་མིན་འདུག། སླར་ལོག་འབད་རྩོལ་བསྐྱེད་གནང་།"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ཆོག་ཡིག་སྟོངམ།"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "ཁྱོད་ཀྱིས་མ་ཆོག་པའི་ཆོག་ཡིག་སྟོངམ་བཙུགས་ནུག་ སྟོངམ་མིན་པའི་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཅིག་གདམ་ཁ་རྐྱབས་གནང་།"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "གྱིབ་མ་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཚུ་ལྕོག་ཅན་བཟོ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"གྱིབ་མ་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཚུ་གིས་ཁྱོད་ཀྱི་རིམ་ལུགས་ཧེང་བཀལ་མཐའ་བཙན་བཟོཝ་ཨིན་ ག་ཅི་སྦེ་ཟེར་བ་ཅིན་ ཆ་ཅན་གསང་"
"བཟོས་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཚུ་ག་གིས་ཡང་མཐོང་སྣང་འབད་མི་ཚུགས། ཆོག་ཡིག་འདི་ཚུ་སོ་སོ་ཡིག་སྣོད་ནང་ལུ་གསོག་འཇོག་འབད་"
"ཡོདཔ་དང་དེ་ཚུ་དམིགས་བསལ་ལས་རིམ་ཚུ་རྐྱངམ་ཅིག་གིས་ལྷག་ཚུགས་འོང་། ཨེན་ཨའི་ཨེས་མཐའ་འཁོར་ཚུ་བཟུམ་གྱི་"
"གནད་དོན་ཚུ་དག་པ་ཅིག་ནང་མ་གཏོགས་ གྱིབ་མ་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཚུ་གི་ལག་ལེན་འདི་སྒྲིང་སྒྲིང་སྦེ་འོས་སྦྱོར་འབད་འདི་ཡོད།"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ལག་ལེན་པ་ཚུ་དང་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཚུ་གཞི་སྦྱོར་འབད་ནི།"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ལག་ལེན་པ་ཚུ་དང་ཆོག་ཡིག་ཚུ་གཞི་སྦྱོར་འབད་དོ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "/var/log/syslog ཞིབ་དཔྱད་འབད་ཡང་ན་རྒྱས་བཤད་ཀྱི་དོན་ལུ་བར་ཅུ་ཡལ་མ་སྒྲོམ་༤་པ་འདི་བལྟ།"
@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of el.po to
# Greek messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Panayotis Pakos <>
# George Papamichelakis <>, 2004.
# Emmanuel Galatoulas <>, 2004.
# Konstantinos Margaritis <>, 2004, 2006.
# Greek Translation Team <>, 2004, 2005.
# <>, 2005, 2006, 2007.
# <>, 2006, 2008.
# <>, 2006.
# <>, 2009, 2011.
# Emmanuel Galatoulas <>, 2009, 2010.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2004.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# <>, 2006, 2010.
# Simos Xenitellis <>, 2001.
# Konstantinos Margaritis <>, 2004.
# Athanasios Lefteris <>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: el\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-19 17:03+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Greek <>\n"
"Language: el\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Να επιτρέπεται η είσοδος σαν χρήστης root;"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Αν επιλέξετε να μην επιτρέψεται η είσοδος στο σύστημα σαν χρήστης root, θα "
"δημιουργηθεί ένας άλλος λογαριασμός χρήστη με την δυνατότητα να γίνεται "
"χρήστης root χρησιμοποιώντας την εντολή 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Κωδικός του χρήστη root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Πρέπει να ορίσετε έναν κωδικό για το χρήστη root, τον λογαριασμό του "
"διαχειριστή του συστήματος. Ενας κακόβουλος ή μη εξουσιοδοτημένος χρήστης με "
"δικαιώματα χρήστη root μπορεί να έχει καταστροφικά αποτελέσματα, γι' αυτό θα "
"πρέπει να προσέξετε ιδιαίτερα διαλέγοντας έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης που δεν θα "
"είναι εύκολο να προβλέψει κανείς. Δεν θα πρέπει να είναι μια απλή λέξη που "
"μπορεί να βρεθεί σε λεξικό, ή μια λέξη η οποία να μπορεί να συσχετιστεί "
"εύκολα με σας."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Ένας καλός κωδικός θα πρέπει να περιέχει ένα μείγμα από χαρακτήρες, αριθμούς "
"και σημεία στίξης και θα πρέπει να αλλάζει σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Ο χρήστης root δεν θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιεί κενό κωδικό πρόσβασης. Αν "
"αφήσετε το πεδίο αυτό κενό, ο λογαριασμός του χρήστη root θα απενεργοποιηθεί "
"και ο αρχικός λογαριασμός απλού χρήστη του συστήματος θα αποκτήσει τη "
"δυνατότητα να γίνεται χρήστης root με την εντολή \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Ο κωδικός δε θα φαίνεται κατά την πληκτρολόγηση του."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ξαναδώστε τον κωδικό για επιβεβαίωση:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Παρακαλώ ξαναδώστε τον ίδιο κωδικό του root για την εξακρίβωση της ορθής "
"πληκτρολογησής του."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε έναν απλό χρήστη τώρα;"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Δε συνιστάται να χρησιμοποιείτε τον χρήστη root για καθημερινές εργασίες, "
"όπως ανάγνωση της αλληλογραφίας, γιατί ακόμη και ένα μικρό λάθος μπορεί να "
"αποβεί καταστροφικό. Τώρα, μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε έναν απλό χρήστη για "
"τις καθημερινές εργασίες."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Σημειώστε ότι μπορείτε αν θέλετε να δημιουργήσετε το λογαριασμό (ή και "
"περισσότερους αν επιθυμείτε) με την εκτέλεση της εντολής 'adduser "
"<username>' ως χρήστης root, όπου <username> είναι το όνομα χρήστη όπως "
"'imurdock' ή 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Το πλήρες όνομα του νέου χρήστη:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Θα δημιουργηθεί ένας λογαριασμός απλού χρήστη, τον οποίο συνιστάται να "
"χρησιμοποιείτε για τις καθημερινές μη διαχειριστικές εργασίες αντί του "
"λογαριασμού root."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το πραγματικό όνομα αυτού του χρήστη. Αυτή η πληροφορία θα "
"χρησιμοποιηθεί, για παράδειγμα, σαν προκαθορισμένη αφετηρία στα μηνύματα "
"email που θα αποστέλλονται από τον χρήστη αυτό καθώς και από οποιοδήποτε "
"πρόγραμμα εμφανίζει ή χρησιμοποιεί το πραγματικό όνομα του χρήστη. Το πλήρες "
"όνομά σας είναι μια εύλογη επιλογή."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Εισάγετε το όνομα χρήστη του λογαριασμού σας:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Επιλέξτε ένα ονομα χρήστη για το νέο λογαριασμό. Το μικρό σας όνομα είναι "
"μια λογική επιλογή. Το όνομα χρήστη θα πρέπει να ξεκινά με ένα πεζό γράμμα "
"και να ακολουθείται απο οποιονδήποτε συνδυασμό αριθμών και πεζών γραμμάτων."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Μη έγκυρο όνομα χρήστη"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Το όνομα χρήστη που δώσατε δεν είναι έγκυρο. Σημειώστε ότι το όνομα χρήστη "
"θα πρέπει να αρχίζει με πεζό γράμμα πού μπορεί να ακολουθείται από "
"οποιονδήποτε συνδυασμό αριθμών και πεζών γραμμάτων ενώ τό μήκος του δεν θα "
"πρέπει νά υπερβαίνει τους 32 χαρακτήρες."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Δεσμευμένο όνομα χρήστη"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Το όνομα χρήστη που εισάγατε (${USERNAME}) είναι δεσμευμένο για χρήση από το "
"σύστημα. Παρακαλώ διαλέξτε ένα διαφορετικό."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Διαλέξτε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης για το νέο χρήστη:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "Παρακαλώ ξαναδώστε τον ίδιο κωδικό για την επιβεβαίωσή του."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά την εισαγωγή του κωδικού"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Οι δύο κωδικοί που δώσατε διαφέρουν. Παρακαλώ ξαναπροσπαθήστε."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Κενός κωδικός πρόσβασης"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Εισάγατε έναν κενό κωδικό πρόσβασης, που δεν είναι επιτρεπτός. Παρακαλώ "
"διαλέξτε έναν μη κενό κωδικό πρόσβασης."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Θέλετε να ενεργοποιήσετε τους σκιώδεις κωδικούς;"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Οι σκιώδεις κωδικοί καθιστούν το σύστημά σας πιο ασφαλές, αφού κάποιος "
"μπορεί να διαβάσει ακόμα και κρυπτογραφημένους κωδικούς. Οι κωδικοί "
"πρόσβασης αποθηκεύονται σε ξεχωριστό αρχείο που είναι αναγνώσιμο μόνο από "
"ειδικά προγράμματα. Η χρήση των σκιωδών κωδικών πρόσβασης συνίσταται θερμά "
"εκτός από μερικές περιπτώσεις όπως αυτή σε περιβάλλοντα NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Ρύθμιση χρηστών και κωδικών πρόσβασης"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Ρύθμιση χρηστών και κωδικών πρόσβασης..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Χρήση αδύναμου κωδικού;"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Έχετε εισάγει έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης που αποτελείται από λιγότερους από οκτώ "
"χαρακτήρες, το οποίο θεωρείται πολύ ασθενές. Θα πρέπει να επιλέξετε έναν "
"ισχυρότερο κωδικό."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Κρυπτογράφηση του προσωπικού σας φακέλου;"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Μπορείτε να ρυθμίσετε το προσωπικό σας φάκελο για την κρυπτογράφηση, έτσι "
"ώστε τα αρχεία που αποθηκεύετε εκεί να παραμείνουν ιδιωτικά, ακόμη και αν ο "
"υπολογιστής σας κλαπεί."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Το σύστημα θα προσαρτά αυτόματα τον κρυπτογραφημένο αρχικό σας φάκελο κάθε "
"φορά που θα συνδέεστε και αυτομάτως θα τον αποπροσαρτά όταν θα αποσυνδέεστε "
"απ' όλες τις ενεργές συνεδρίες."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Απέτυχε η κρυπτογράφηση του προσωπικού σας φακέλου"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης απέτυχε να κρυπτογραφήσει τον προσωπικό σας "
"φάκελο. Όταν ολοκληρωθεί η εγκατάσταση, ο προσωπικός σας φάκελος δε θα "
"διαθέτει κρυπτογράφηση. Κατά πάσα πιθανότητα προέκυψε σφάλμα. Μπορείτε να "
"προσπαθήσετε να το διερευνήσετε και να κάνετε νέα εγκατάσταση."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Ελέγξτε το αρχείο /var/log/syslog ή δείτε την εικονική κονσόλα 4 για "
@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of Debian Installer templates to Esperanto.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Samuel Gimeno <>, 2005.
# Serge Leblanc <>, 2005, 2006, 2007.
# Felipe Castro <>, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKInstry <>, 2001,2002.
# Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# D. Dale Gulledge <> (translations from drakfw), 2001.
# Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS <>, 2004-2011
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-18 14:53-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Felipe Castro <>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto <>\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Ĉu oni permesu ĉefuzantan konekton?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Se vi ne permesis ĉefuzantan konekton, tiam estos kreota konto kies uzanto "
"havos la privilegiojn de ĉefuzanto per la komando 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Ĉefuzanta pasvorto:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Vi devas elekti pasvorton por ĉefuzanto ('root'), la sistem-administra "
"konto. Malica aŭ malsperta uzanto kiu alirus la konton povus provoki "
"katastrofon. Sekve, tiu pasvorto estu malfacile divenebla, ne ekzistu en "
"vortaro aŭ rilatu al vi."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Bona pasvorto enhavas miksaĵon el literoj, ciferoj, interpunkcio kaj ĝi "
"devus esti regule ŝanĝita."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"La ĉefadministranto ne devus havi malplenan pasvorton. Se vi lasas tion ĉi "
"malplena, la ĉefuzantan konton estos malebligata kaj la komenca uzant-konto "
"de la sistemo havos la povon fariĝi administranton per la komando \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Rimarku, ke la pasvorto ne estos videbla dum vi skribas ĝin."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Retajpu la pasvorton por konfirmi:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Bonvolu retajpi la saman ĉefuzantan pasvorton por kontroli ĝian tajpĝustecon."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Ĉu krei nun ordinaran konton de uzanto?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Preferinde ne uzu 'root' ĉefuzantan konton por ordinara ĉiutaga agado, "
"ekzemple retpoŝtado. Ĉar eĉ erareto povas provoki katastrofon. Vi devus krei "
"ordiran konton de uzanto por tiuj ĉiutagaj agoj."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Rimarku ke vi povas krei ĝin poste (same por aliaj aldonaj kontoj) tajponte "
"'adduser <uzantnomo>', kiel ĉefuzanto, kie <uzantnomo> estas salutnomo, "
"ekzemple 'lapenna' aŭ 'zam'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Plena nomo por la nova uzanto:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Konto de ordinara uzanto estos kreita por ke vi uzu ĝin anstataŭ la "
"ĉefuzanta konto ('root') dum ne-administra agado."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Bonvolu tajpi la veran nomon de tiu uzanto. Tiu informo ekzemple utilos en "
"la devena adreso de la sendotaj retmesaĝoj, kaj ankaŭ interne de ĉia "
"programo kiu vidigos aŭ uzos kompletan nomon. Via kompleta propra nomo estos "
"trafa elekto."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Salutnomo por via konto:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Elektu salutnomon por via konto. Via persona nomo estas bona elekto. La "
"salutnomo nepre komenciĝu per minusklaj literoj, sekvota de ajna kombino de "
"ciferoj kaj pliaj minusklaj literoj."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Malvalida salutnomo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"La salutnomo tajpita de vi estas malvalida. Rimarku ke tiu salutnomoj nepre "
"komenciĝu per minuskla litero, kiu povas esti sekvata de ajna kombino inter "
"ciferoj kaj pliaj minusklaj literoj, kaj ili ne devas havi pli ol 32 signoj."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervita salutnomo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"La tajpita salutnomo (${USERNAME}) estas rezervita por la sistemo. Bonvolu "
"elekti alian malsaman."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Elektu pasvorton por la nova uzanto:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Bonvolu retajpi la saman uzantan pasvorton por konfirmi ĝian tajpĝustecon."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Mistajpita pasvorto"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "La du tajpitaj pasvortoj malsamas. Bonvolu reprovi."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Malplena pasvorto"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Vi tajpis malplenan pasvorton, tio ne estas permesite. Bonvolu tajpi ne-"
"malplenan pasvorton."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Ĉu aktivigi kaŝitajn pasvortojn ('shadow passwords')?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Kaŝitaj pasvortoj sekurigas vian sistemon ĉar neniu kapablas vidi eĉ "
"ĉifritajn pasvortojn. La pasvortoj estas konservitaj en aparta dosiero kiu "
"estas legebla nur per specialaj programoj. Uzado de kaŝitaj pasvortoj estas "
"forte rekomendita, krom en maloftaj situacioj, kiel ekzemple en medioj 'NIS'."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Agordi uzulojn kaj pasvortojn"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Akomodado de uzantoj kaj pasvortoj..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi uzas malfortan pasvorton?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Vi entajpis pasvorton kiu enhavas malpli ol ok signojn. Tio konsideriĝas tro "
"malforta. Vi elektu pli fortan pasvorton."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi ĉifras vian hejmdosierujon?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Vi povas agordi vian hejmdosierujon por ĉifrado, tiel ke ajna dosiero kiu "
"konserviĝas tie restu privata eĉ kiam via komputilo ŝteliĝas."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"La sistemo senpere muntos vian ĉifritan hejmdosierujon ĉiam kiam vi "
"ensalutas kaj aŭtomate malmuntas ĝin kiam vi elsalutas el ĉiuj aktivaj "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Ĉifrado de la hejma dosierujo malsukcesis."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"La instalilo fiaskis agordi la hejmdosierujan ĉifradon. Via hejmdosierujo "
"estos neĉifrigita post instalo. Tio ĉi verŝajne estas cimo, kaj vi eble "
"deziras esplori kaj reinstali."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Vidu '/var/log/syslog' aŭ la kvara virtuala konzolo por akiri detalojn."
@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Spanish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Contributors to the translation of debian-installer:
# Teófilo Ruiz Suárez <>, 2003.
# David Martínez Moreno <>, 2003, 2005.
# Carlos Alberto Martín Edo <>, 2003
# Carlos Valdivia Yagüe <>, 2003
# Rudy Godoy <>, 2003-2006
# Steve Langasek <>, 2004
# Enrique Matias Sanchez (aka Quique) <>, 2005
# Rubén Porras Campo <>, 2005
# Omar Campagne <>, 2010
# Javier Fernández-Sanguino <>, 2003-2012
# Equipo de traducción al español, por favor lean antes de traducir
# los siguientes documentos:
# - El proyecto de traducción de Debian al español
# especialmente las notas de traducción en
# - La guía de traducción de po's de debconf:
# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
# o
# Si tiene dudas o consultas sobre esta traducción consulte con el último
# traductor (campo Last-Translator) y ponga en copia a la lista de
# traducción de Debian al español (
# - Se ha traducido en este fichero 'boot loader' de forma homogénea por
# 'cargador de arranque' aunque en el manual se utiliza éste término y
# también 'gestor de arranque'
# - 'array' no está traducido aún. La traducción como 'arreglo' suena
# fatal (y es poco conocida)
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2003,2004
# Javier Fernández-Sanguino <>, 2004-2008, 2010
# Juan Manuel García Molina <>, 2001.
# Ricardo Fernández Pascual <>, 2000, 2001.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-13 21:13+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Javier Fernández-Sanguino <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Spanish <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "¿Permitir acceso como superusuario («root»)?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Si decide no permitir el acceso como «root» (administrador) entonces se "
"creará una cuenta de usuario a la que se le darán permisos para convertirse "
"en dicho usuario utilizando la orden 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Clave del superusuario:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Necesita definir una contraseña para el superusuario («root»), la cuenta de "
"administración del sistema. Podría tener graves consecuencias que un usuario "
"malicioso o un usuario sin la debida cualificación tuviera acceso a la "
"cuenta del administrador del sistema, así que debe tener cuidado y elegir un "
"la contraseña para el superusuario que no sea fácil de adivinar. No debería "
"ser una palabra que se encuentre en el diccionario, o una palabra que pueda "
"asociarse fácilmente con usted."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Una buena contraseña debe contener una mezcla de letras, números y signos de "
"puntuación, y debe cambiarse regularmente."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"La contraseña del usuario «root» (administrador) no debería estar en blanco. "
"Si deja este valor en blanco, entonces se deshabilitará la cuenta de root "
"creará una cuenta de usuario a la que se le darán permisos para convertirse "
"en usuario administrador utilizando la orden «sudo»."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Tenga en cuenta que no podrá ver la contraseña mientras la introduce."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Vuelva a introducir la contraseña para su verificación:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduzca la misma contraseña de superusuario de nuevo para "
"verificar que la introdujo correctamente."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "¿Creo ahora una cuenta de usuario normal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Es una mala idea usar la cuenta de superusuario («root») para las "
"actividades diarias, como leer el correo electrónico, ya que incluso el "
"fallo más pequeño puede dar lugar a un desastre. Debería crear una cuenta de "
"usuario normal para esas tareas cotidianas."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"También puede crearla luego (igual que cualquier otra cuenta adicional) "
"ejecutando como superusuario «adduser <nombre>» donde <nombre> es un nombre "
"de usuario como «imurdock» o «rms»."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nombre completo para el nuevo usuario:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Se creará una cuenta de usuario para que la use en vez de la cuenta de "
"superusuario en sus tareas que no sean administrativas."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduzca el nombre real de este usuario. Esta información se "
"usará, por ejemplo, como el origen predeterminado para los correos enviados "
"por el usuario o como fuente de información para los programas que muestren "
"el nombre real del usuario. Su nombre completo es una elección razonable."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario para la cuenta:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Seleccione un nombre de usuario para la nueva cuenta. Su nombre, sin "
"apellidos ni espacios, es una elección razonable. El nombre de usuario debe "
"empezar con una letra minúscula, seguida de cualquier combinación de números "
"y más letras minúsculas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario inválido"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"El nombre de usuario que ha introducido no es válido. Los nombres de usuario "
"deben empezar con una letra minúscula, seguida de cualquier combinación de "
"números y más minúsculas, y su longitud máxima es de 32 caracteres."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario reservado"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"El nombre de usuario que introdujo (${USERNAME}) está reservado para que lo "
"utilice el sistema. Por favor, escoja otro nombre."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Elija una contraseña para el nuevo usuario:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduzca la misma contraseña de usuario de nuevo para verificar "
"que la introdujo correctamente."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Se ha producido un error al introducir la contraseña"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Las dos contraseñas que ha introducido son distintas. Por favor, intente de "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Contraseña vacía"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"No se permiten contraseñas vacías. Por favor, introduzca la contraseña otra "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "¿Habilito las contraseñas ocultas (shadow)?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Las contraseñas ocultas hacen su sistema más seguro, porque nadie podrá ver "
"ni siquiera las contraseñas cifradas. Las contraseñas se almacenan en un "
"fichero separado, que sólo puede ser leído por programas especiales. Le "
"recomendamos encarecidamente el uso de las contraseñas ocultas excepto en "
"algunos casos, como entornos NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Configurar usuarios y contraseñas"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Configurando usuarios y contraseñas..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "¿Usar contraseña débil?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Ha introducido una contraseña, que tiene menos de ocho caracteres, lo cual "
"es considerado demasiado débil. Debe elegir una contraseña más fuerte."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "¿Cifrar su carpeta personal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Puede configurar su carpeta personal para ser cifrada, de manera que los "
"archivos queden almacenados de forma privada, incluso si el equipo es robado."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"El sistema podrá montar su carpeta personal cifrada cada vez que inicie "
"sesión y automáticamente desmontarla cuando salga de todas las sesiones "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Falló el cifrado del directorio personal"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"El instalador falló al realizar el cifrado del directorio personal. Su "
"directorio personal permanecerá sin cifrar después de la instalación. Esto "
"es probablemente un error, y quizá desee investigar y reinstalar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Compruebe el archivo /var/log/syslog o la consola virtual número 4 para más "
@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Estonian translation of Debian-installer
# This translation is released under the same licence as the debian-installer.
# Siim Põder <>, 2007.
# Thanks to following Ubuntu Translators for review and fixes:
# Laur Mõtus
# Heiki Nooremäe
# tabbernuk
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2002.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000, 2004, 2006
# Hasso Tepper <>, 2006.
# Margus Väli <>, 2000.
# Siim Põder <>, 2006.
# Tõivo Leedjärv <>, 2000, 2001, 2008.
# Mattias Põldaru <>, 2009-2012, 2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-23 09:54+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Mattias Põldaru <>\n"
"Language-Team: Estonian <>\n"
"Language: et\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Kas lubada sisselogimine juurkasutajana?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Kui keelad juurkasutaja sisselogimise, luuakse tavakasutaja konto ning talle "
"antakse võime end 'sudo' käskluse abil juurkasutajaks teha."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Juurkasutaja parool:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Sa pead sisestama juurkasutajale (root) parooli. Juurkasutaja on süsteemi "
"administraator. Pahatahtliku või ebapädeva isiku ligipääs juurkasutajale "
"võib põhjustada katastroofilisi tagajärgi, niisiis vali parool, mida poleks "
"lihtne ära arvata. Parool ei tohiks olla ükski sõnaraamatust leitav või "
"sinuga hõlpsasti seostatav sõna."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Hea parool sisaldab nii tähti, numbreid kui ka kirjavahemärke ning seda "
"muudetakse regulaarselt."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Juurkasutaja parool peaks olema määratud. Kui sa jätad selle määramata, "
"keelatakse juurkasutaja konto ning süsteemi esimene kasutajakonto saab "
"juurkasutaja õigused käsuga \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Parool ei ilmu tippimise ajal ekraanile."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Sisesta parool uuesti:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "Palun sisesta sama parool uuesti, et välistada trükkimise vead."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Kas luua kohe tavakasutaja konto?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Igapäevaste asjatoimetuste ajamine juurkasutajana on halb mõte (isegi "
"näiteks e-maili lugemine, kuna juba väike viga võib katastroofi põhjustada). "
"Igapäevaste ülesannete toimetamiseks peaksid looma tavakasutaja."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Pane tähele, et võid tavakasutajakonto ka hiljem luua (või siis mitu kontot) "
"tippides juurkasutajana 'adduser <username>', kus <username> on soovitud "
"kasutajanimi, näiteks 'vleppikson' või 'kjp'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Sisesta uue kasutaja täispikk nimi:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Sulle luuakse kasutajakonto, mida peaksid juurkasutaja asemel kasutama "
"ülesannete jaoks, mille jaoks pole administraatoriõigusi tarvis."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Sisesta kasutaja täispikk nimi. Seda nime kasutatakse näiteks kasutaja poolt "
"saadetud e-kirjade saatjanimena ja ka mujal, kus kasutaja pärisnime tarvis "
"on. Mõistlik on sisestada nii ees- kui ka perenimi."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Sisesta oma kontole kasutajanimi:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Vali oma kontole kasutajanimi. Mõistlik valik on näiteks sinu eesnimi. "
"Kasutajanimi peaks algama väiketähega, millele järgneb kombinatsioon "
"väiketähtedest ja soovi korral ka numbritest."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Kasutajanimi ei sobi"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Sinu sisestatud kasutajanimi on sobimatu. Kasutajanimi peab algama "
"väiketähega, millele võivad järgneda numbrid või väiketähed. Kasutajanimi ei "
"saa olla pikem kui 32 märki."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Reserveeritud kasutajanimi"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Sinu valitud kasutajanimi (${USERNAME}) on reserveeritud süsteemi poolt "
"kasutamiseks. Palun vali mõni teine nimi."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Sisesta uue kasutaja parool:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Palun sisesta sama parool veel üks kord, et vead trükkimisel oleksid "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Tõrge parooli sisestamisel"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Sinu sisestatud paroolid olid erinevad. Palun proovi uuesti."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tühi parool"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "Sisestasid tühja parooli. See ei ole lubatud. Palun vali uus parool."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Kas lubada variparoolid?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Variparoolid teevad su süsteemi turvalisemaks, kuna isegi krüpteeritud "
"paroole ei saa keegi lugeda. Paroole hoitakse eraldi failis, mida saavad "
"lugeda ainult spetsiaalsed programmid. Variparoolide kasutamine on tungivalt "
"soovitatav, välja arvatud mõningatel juhtudel NIS keskkondades."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Kasutajate ja paroolide seadistamine"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Kasutajate ja paroolide seadistamine..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Kas lubada variparoolid?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Sa sisestasid vähem kui kaheksast märgist koosneva parooli, mis on liiga "
"nõrk. Soovitatav on valida tugevam parool."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Kas krüpteerida kodukataloog?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Sa võid lasta oma kodukataloogi krüpteerida. Sel juhul ei pääse keegi seal "
"olevatele failidele ligi isegi siis, kui su arvuti varastatakse."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Krüpteeritud kodukataloog ühendatakse automaatselt sisselogimisel ning "
"ühendatakse lahti, kui sa logid kõikidest sessioonidest välja."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Kodukataloogi krüpteerimine nurjus"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Paigaldusprogrammil ei õnnestunud kodukataloogi krüpteerimist rakendada, "
"sinu kodukataloog on peale paigaldust krüpteerimata. See on ilmselt tarkvara "
"viga, võid täpsemalt uurida ja proovida uuesti paigaldada."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Detailid leiad failist /var/log/syslog või 4. virtuaalkonsoolilt."
@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of eu.po to Euskara
# Basque messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Copyright (C)
# Translations from KDE:
# Piarres Beobide <>, 2004-2009, 2011.
# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2008, 2010.
# Mikel Olasagasti <>, 2004.
# Piarres Beobide Egaña <>, 2004,2006,2007, 2008, 2009.
# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <>, 2010.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002.
# Marcos Goienetxe <>, 2002.
# Piarres Beobide <>, 2008.
# Xabier Bilbao <>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: eu\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-13 00:19+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding=UTF-8Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Root bezala saio hastea onartu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Root bezala saioa hastea ez onartzea aukeratu baduzu, erabiltzaile arrunt "
"baten kontua sortu eta supererabiltzaile (root) bihurtzeko 'sudo' "
"erabiltzeko baimenak emango zaizkio."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-aren pasahitza:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"'root', sistemako administratzailearen pasahitza zehaztu behar duzu. "
"Erabiltzaile maltzur edo ez-jakin bat root gisa sartzen bada sisteman "
"hondamendia sor dezake, beraz, kontu handiz aukeratu pasahitza, eta ziurtatu "
"ez dela asmatzeko erraza izango. Ez luke hiztegian aurki daitekeen hitzik "
"izan beharko, edo zurekin erraz erreferentzia daitekeenik."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Pasahitz egoki bat hizki (maiuskulak eta minuskulak), zenbaki eta puntuazio "
"ikurren nahasketa izaten da, eta aldiro aldatzea gomendatzen da."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Root (administratzaile) erabiltzailearen pasahitza ez litzateke zurian egon "
"beharko. Hau zurian utziaz gero root kontua desgaitu eta \"sudo\" "
"komandoaren bidez root bihurtzeko baimena gehituko zaion erabiltzaile arrunt "
"kontu bat sortuko da."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Jakin ezazu idazten duzun heinean pasahitza ez duzula ikusiko."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Berretsi pasahitza:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Sartu root-aren pasahitz berdina berriro, ongi idatzi duzula ziurtatzeko."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Sortu erabiltzaile arrunta orain?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Burutazio txarra da supererabiltzailearen kontua eguneroko lanetarako "
"erabiltzea, posta elektronikoa irakurtzeko adibidez, akats txiki batek "
"sisteman izugarrizko kaltea sor bailezake. Sortu erabiltzaile arrunta "
"eguneroko lanak egiteko."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Jakin ezazu geroago ere sor dezakezula (beste kontu gehiago bezala) honakoa "
"exekutatuz root gisa: adduser <erabiltzaile-izena>. Erabiltzaile-izena saioa "
"hasteko erabiltzailearen izena da, adib 'igor' edo 'mikeltxo'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Sartu erabiltzaile berriaren izen osoa:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzailearen kontua sortuko da, root kontua ordenagailuaren "
"administrazio lanak egiteko bakarrik erabiltzeko."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Idatzi erabiltzaile honen benetako izena. Datu hau posta elektronikoak "
"bidaltzean jatorri bezala edo erabiltzailearen benetako izena erabiltzen "
"duen edozein programetan erabiliko da. Zure izen osoa aukera egokia izaten "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Sartu kontuaren erabiltzaile-izena:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu kontu berriaren erabiltzaile-izena. Zure izena aukera egokia da. "
"Erabiltzaile-izena letra minuskularekin hasi behar du eta zenbakiren eta "
"letra maiuskula/minuskulen konbinazioarekin jarraitu."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izen baliogabea"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Sartu duzun erabiltzaile-izena baliogabea da. Jakin ezazu erabiltzaile-izena "
"letra minuskulaz hasi behar dela, eta zenbaki eta letra maiuskula eta "
"minuskulen konbinazioarekin jarraitu eta ezin dela 32 karaktere baino "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Erreserbatutako erabiltzaile-izena"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Idatzitako erabiltzaile-izena (${USERNAME}) sistemak erabiltzeko "
"erreserbatuta dago. Hautatu beste izen bat."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Hautatu erabiltzaile berriaren pasahitza:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Sartu erabiltzailearen pasahitza berriro, ongi idatzi duzula ziurtatzeko."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Pasahitzaren sarreraren errorea"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Sartu dituzun bi pasahitzak ez dira berdinak. Saiatu berriro."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Pasahitz hutsa"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Pasahitz hutsa sartu duzu, eta ez dago onartuta. Hautatu hutsik ez dagoen "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Gaitu itzalpeko pasahitzak?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Itzalpeko pasahitzak sistema askoz ere seguruagoa egiten dute, inork ezin "
"baititu enkriptatutako pasahitzak ikusi. Pasahitzak bereiztutako fitxategi "
"batean gordetzen dira, eta programa oso bereziekin bakarrik ikus daiteke. "
"Biziki gomendatzen da itzalpeko pasahitzak erabiltzea, NIS ingurunea "
"bezalako salbuespenetan ezik."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Konfiguratu erabiltzailea eta pasahitzak"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Erabiltzailea eta pasahitzak ezartzen..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Pasahitz ahula erabili?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Zortzi hizki baino gutxiago dituen pasahitza hautatu duzu, eta hau ahulegia "
"kontsideratzen da. Pasahitz sendoagoa hautatu beharko zenuke"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Zure direktorio nagusia enkriptatu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Zure direktorio nagusia enkriptatu dezakezu, bertan dagoen edozein fitxategi "
"pribatua izan dadin naiz eta zure ordenagailua galdu."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistemak automatikoki mnuntatuko du zure direktorio nagusi enkriptatua, eta "
"automatikoki deskuntatuko du sesio aktibo guztiak amaitzean."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Ezin direktorioa nagusia enkriptatu"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalatzaileak ezin izan du direktorio nagusiaren enkripzioa ezarri. Zure "
"direktorio nagusia ez da enkriptatuta egongo instalazioa amaitzean. "
"Ziurrenik hau akats bat da, eta berriro instalatu nahiko duzu."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"/var/log/syslog egiaztatu edo 4garren kontsola birtualean begiratu itzazu "
@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Persian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# , 2005.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry - further translations from ICU-3.0
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2004.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2003,2004
# Roozbeh Pournader <>, 2004,2005.
# Sharif FarsiWeb, Inc., 2004
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from kde:
# - FarsiKDE Team <>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: fa\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-18 00:04+0330\n"
"Last-Translator: Hamid <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian-l10n-persian <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "اجازه ورود به صورت کاربر ریشه داده شود؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"در صورتی که احازه ورود به صورت کاربر ریشه داده نشود، مجوزهای کاربر ریشه، "
"برای کاربرانی که ساخته میشوند توسط دستور sudo داده میشود."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "کلمه عبوز کاربر ریشه :"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"شما باید اسمرمزی برای 'root' - مدیر سیستم - تعیین نمایید. یک کاربر خراب کار "
"و بدون صلاحیت با داشتن کلمه عبور کاربر ریشه میتواند نتایج تاسف بار ایجاد "
"کند؛ بنابریان در انتخاب کلمه عبور دقت کنید تا به راحتی قابل حدس زدن نباشد. "
"این کلمه نباید در لغتنامهها وجود داشته باشد و یا نباید کلمه ای باشد که به "
"شما ربط داشته باشد."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"یک پسود مناسب شامل مخلوطی از حروف، اعداد و نشانههاست و باید به طور منظم عوض "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"کاربر ریشه نمیتواند پسود خالی داشته باشد. در صورتی که آن را خالی بگذارید "
"حساب کاربر ریشه (root) غیر فعال خواهد شد و کاربر اول که ساخته خواهد شد "
"مجوزهای کاربر ریشه را توسط دستور «sudo» خواهد داشت."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"توجه داشته باشید که شما نمیتوانید کلمه عبوری که در حال تایپ آن هستید ببینید."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ورود مجدد کلمه عبور:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"لطفاً کلمه عبور ریشه را مجددا وارد کنید تا از ورود درست آن اطمینان حاصل شود."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "یک حساب کاربری معمولی ساخته شود؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"استفاده از حساب ریشه برای فعالیتهای معمول روز به روز مانند خواندن پستهای "
"الکترونیکی، ایدهٔ بدی است، زیرا حتی اشتباه کوچکی میتواند به بلا نتیجه دهد. "
"میبایست یک حساب کاربری معمولی برای آن وظایف روزانه بسازید."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"توجه کنید که ممکن است آنرا (و هر حساب اضافی را) بعداً با نوشتن دستور 'adduser "
"<username>' توسط ریشه بسازید، که <username> یک نامکاربری است، مانند "
"'imurdock' یا 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "نام کامل کاربر جدید را وارد کنید:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"به منظور آنکه کارهای غیر مدیریتی را به جای کاربر ریشه از طریق کاربر دیگری "
"انجام دهید، یک حساب کاربری برای شما ساخته خواهد شد."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"لطفا نام واقعی این کاربر را وارد نمایید. این اطلاعات برای مثال برای نرم "
"افزارهایی که نام واقعی کاربر را نمایش میدهند مورد استفاده قرار خواهد گرفت. "
"وارد کردن کامل، نام واقعی یک انتخاب مناسب و معقولانه است."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "نام کاربری حساب شما:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"یک نام کاربری برای حساب جدید انتخاب کنید. اسم کوچک شما میتواند یک انتخاب "
"مناسب باشد. نام کاربری باید با یک حرف کوچک آغاز شود و میتواند در ادامه هر "
"ترکیبی از اعداد و حروف کوچک دیگر باشد."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "نامکاربری نامعتبر"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"نامکاربری که وارد کردهاید نامعتبر است. توجه کنید که نامهایکاربری باید با "
"حرفکوچک شروع شوند، که میتواند با هر ترکیبی از اعداد و حروفکوچک بیشتر دنبال "
"شود و همچنین نباید بیشتر از ۳۲ کارکتر طول داشته باشند."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "نامکاربری محفوظ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"نامکاربری (${USERNAME}) که وارد کردهاید برای استفاده توسط سیستم حفظ شده است. "
"لطفاً نام متفاوتی انتخاب کنید."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "یک کلمه عبور برای کاربر جدید انتخاب کنید."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"لطفا کلمه عبور کاربر را مجدداً وارد کنید تا از ورود درست آن اطمینان حاصل شود."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "خطای ورودی کلمهٔعبور"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "دو کلمهٔعبوری که وارد کردهاید یکی نبودند. لطفاً دوباره سعی کنید."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "کلمهٔ عبور خالی"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"شما کلمهٔعبورخالی وارد کردهاید، که مجاز نیست. لطفاً یک کلمهٔعبور غیرخالی انتخاب "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "کلمههای عبور سایه فعال شوند؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"کلمههایعبور سایه سیستم شما را امنتر میسازند چون هیچکس توانایی مشاهدهٔ "
"کلمههایعبور رمزنگاری شده را ندارد. کلمههایعبور در پروندهای جداگانه نگهداری "
"شدهاند که فقط با برنامههای مخصوص میتواند خوانده شود. استفاده کلمههایعبور "
"سایه بسیار توصیهشده است، بجز در موارد معدودی مانند محیطهای NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ایجاد نامهای کاربری و کلمات عبور."
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "تنظیم نامهای کاربری و کلمات عبور"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "/var/log/syslog یا کنسول مجازی ۴ را برای جزئیات ببینید."
@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Finnish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Thanks to
# Tommi Vainikainen <>, 2003 - 2004.
# Tapio Lehtonen <>, 2004 - 2006.
# Esko Arajärvi <>, 2007 - 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Timo Jyrinki <>, 2012.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Copyright (C) 2007 Tobias Toedter <>.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Tommi Vainikainen <>, 2005-2010.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006, 2008-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-19 15:04+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Timo Jyrinki <>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <>\n"
"Language: fi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Sallitaanko sisäänkirjautuminen root-käyttäjänä?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Jos sisäänkirjautuminen root-käyttäjänä kielletään, luodaan tavallinen "
"käyttäjätunnus jolle sallitaan siirtyminen pääkäyttäjäksi komennolla ”sudo”."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Pääkäyttäjän salasana:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Järjestelmän ylläpidon tekevälle pääkäyttäjälle (”root”) täytyy asettaa "
"salasana. Pahantahtoinen tai epäpätevä käyttäjä voi saada tuhoa aikaan "
"pääkäyttäjätunnuksella, joten pääkäyttäjän salasana kannattaa valita "
"huolellisesti, jottei sitä voi helposti arvata. Sen ei pitäisi olla mikään "
"sanakirjasta löytyvä sana eikä sana, jonka voi helposti liittää sinuun, "
"kuten keskimmäinen nimesi."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Hyvä salasana sisältää sekoituksen kirjaimia, numeroita ja välimerkkejä ja "
"se vaihdetaan säännöllisin väliajoin."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Pääkäyttäjän salasanan ei tulisi olla tyhjä. Jos jätät tämän kentän "
"tyhjäksi, root-tunnus poistetaan käytöstä ja järjestelmän ensimmäiselle "
"käyttäjätunnukselle annetaan oikeudet siirtyä pääkäyttäjäksi komennolla "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Huomaa että salasana ei näy sitä kirjoitettaessa."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Syötä salasana uudelleen varmuuden vuoksi:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Syötäthän saman pääkäyttäjän salasanan uudelleen varmistaaksesi, että "
"kirjoitit sen oikein."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Luodaanko nyt normaali käyttäjätunnus?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Pääkäyttäjätunnuksen käyttäminen normaaleihin päivittäisiin toimiin, kuten "
"sähköpostin lukemiseen, ei ole hyvä idea, koska pienikin vahinko voi "
"aiheuttaa katastrofin. Nyt kannattaa luoda tavalliselle käyttäjälle tunnus "
"käytettäväksi päivittäisiin toimiin."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Huomaa, että voit luoda sen myöhemmin (ja lisääkin tunnuksia) komennolla "
"”adduser <käyttäjätunnus>” pääkäyttäjänä, jossa <käyttäjätunnus> on "
"käyttäjän tunnus kuten ”mvirtanen” tai ”rms”."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Uuden käyttäjän koko nimi:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Käyttäjätunnus luodaan, jotta voisit käyttää sitä pääkäyttäjätunnuksen "
"sijaan ei-ylläpidollisiin toimiin."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Syötä tämän käyttäjän oikea nimi. Tätä tietoa käytetään oletuksena "
"lähettäjän nimenä tämän käyttäjän lähettämissä sähköposteissa kuin myös "
"ohjelmissa, jotka näyttävät käyttäjän oikean nimen. Koko nimesi on järkevä "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnuksesi:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Valitse uusi käyttäjätunnus. Etunimesi on mielekäs vaihtoehto. "
"Käyttäjätunnuksen täytyy alkaa pienaakkosella, ja se voi sisältää "
"vapaavalintaisen yhdistelmän numeroita ja pienaakkosia. Älä käytä kirjaimia "
"å, ä tai ö."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Virheellinen käyttäjätunnus"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Syöttämäsi käyttäjätunnus on virheellinen. Huomaa, että käyttäjätunnuksen "
"täytyy alkaa pienaakkosella, jonka jälkeen tulee numeroita ja pienaakkosia. "
"Käyttäjänimi saa olla korkeintaan 32 merkkiä pitkä."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus on varattu"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Annettu käyttäjätunnus (${USERNAME}) on varattu järjestelmän käyttöön. "
"Valitse toinen käyttäjätunnus."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Valitse uudelle käyttäjälle salasana:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Syötä sama käyttäjäsalasana uudelleen varmistaaksesi, että kirjoitit sen "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Salasanan syöttövirhe"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Syöttämäsi kaksi salasanaa eivät olleet sama. Yritä uudelleen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tyhjä salasana"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Syötit tyhjän salasanan. Se ei ole sallittua, joten ole hyvä ja syötä ei-"
"tyhjä salasana."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Otetaanko varjosalasanat (/etc/shadow) käyttöön?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Varjosalasanat lisäävät järjestelmäsi turvallisuutta, koska kukaan ei voi "
"katsoa edes salakirjoitettuja salasanoja. Salasanat säilytetään erillisessä "
"tiedostossa, jota voi lukea vain erityisohjelmat. Varjosalasanojen "
"käyttäminen on vahvasti suositeltavaa paitsi muutamissa tapauksissa, kuten "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Luo käyttäjätunnukset ja salasanat"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Tehdään käyttäjätunnukset ja salasanat..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Käytetäänkö heikkoa salasanaa?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Syötit salasanan, joka sisältää vähemmän kuin kahdeksan merkkiä, mitä "
"pidetään liian heikkona. Sinun tulisi valita vahvempi salasana."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Salataanko kotikansio?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Kotikansio voidaan määritellä salatuksi, jolloin kaikki sinne tallennetut "
"tiedostot pysyvät yksityisinä vaikka tietokoneesi varastettaisiin."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Järjestelmä liittää saumattomasti salatun kotikansion jokaisella "
"kirjautumiskerralla, ja irrottaa sen kirjauduttaessa ulos kaikista "
"aktiivisista istunnoista."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Kotihakemiston salaus epäonnistui"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Asennusohjelma epäonnistui kotihakemiston salaamisessa. Kotihakemisto tulee "
"olemaan salaamaton asennuksen jälkeen. Tämä on luultavasti ohjelmavirhe, ja "
"saatat haluta tutkia asiaa tarkemmin tai asentaa uudelleen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Tarkista tiedosto /var/log/syslog tai katso tarkempaa tietoa "
"virtuaalikonsolista 4."
@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of Debian Installer templates to French
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Christian Perrier <>, 2002-2004.
# Pierre Machard <>, 2002-2004.
# Denis Barbier <>, 2002-2004.
# Philippe Batailler <>, 2002-2004.
# Michel Grentzinger <>, 2003-2004.
# Christian Perrier <>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Cedric De Wilde <>, 2001.
# Christian Perrier <>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Christophe Fergeau <>, 2000-2001.
# Christophe Merlet (RedFox) <>, 2001.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000-2001, 2004, 2005, 2006.
# Grégoire Colbert <>, 2001.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-17 07:17+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Christian Perrier <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Faut-il autoriser les connexions du superutilisateur ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Si vous choisissez de désactiver les connexions du superutilisateur "
"(« root »), le premier compte qui sera créé pourra obtenir les privilèges du "
"superutilisateur avec la commande « sudo »."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Mot de passe du superutilisateur (« root ») :"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Vous devez choisir un mot de passe pour le superutilisateur, le compte "
"d'administration du système. Un utilisateur malintentionné ou peu "
"expérimenté qui aurait accès à ce compte peut provoquer des désastres. En "
"conséquence, ce mot de passe ne doit pas être facile à deviner, ni "
"correspondre à un mot d'un dictionnaire ou vous être facilement associé."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Un bon mot de passe est composé de lettres, chiffres et signes de "
"ponctuation. Il devra en outre être changé régulièrement."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Le superutilisateur (« root ») ne doit pas avoir de mot de passe vide. Si "
"vous laissez ce champ vide, le compte du superutilisateur sera désactivé et "
"le premier compte qui sera créé aura la possibilité d'obtenir les privilèges "
"du superutilisateur avec la commande « sudo »."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Par sécurité, rien n'est affiché pendant la saisie."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Confirmation du mot de passe :"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Veuillez entrer à nouveau le mot de passe du superutilisateur afin de "
"vérifier qu'il a été saisi correctement."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Faut-il créer un compte d'utilisateur ordinaire maintenant ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Il est préférable d'éviter de se servir du compte du superutilisateur "
"(« root ») lors de l'utilisation normale du système, par exemple la lecture "
"du courrier. En effet, même une petite erreur pourrait alors avoir des "
"conséquences catastrophiques. Il est conseillé de créer un compte non "
"privilégié pour ces activités ordinaires."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez noter que vous pourrez le créer plus tard (de même que tout autre "
"compte supplémentaire) en utilisant la commande « adduser <utilisateur> » en "
"tant que « root », où <utilisateur> représente le compte à créer, par "
"exemple « imurdock » ou « rms »."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nom complet du nouvel utilisateur :"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Un compte d'utilisateur va être créé afin que vous puissiez disposer d'un "
"compte différent de celui du superutilisateur (« root »), pour l'utilisation "
"courante du système."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez indiquer le nom complet du nouvel utilisateur. Cette information "
"servira par exemple dans l'adresse origine des courriels émis ainsi que dans "
"tout programme qui affiche ou se sert du nom complet. Votre propre nom est "
"un bon choix."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Identifiant pour le compte utilisateur :"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez choisir un identifiant (« login ») pour le nouveau compte. Votre "
"prénom est un choix possible. Les identifiants doivent commencer par une "
"lettre minuscule, suivie d'un nombre quelconque de chiffres et de lettres "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Identifiant non valable"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"L'identifiant que vous avez indiqué n'est pas valable. Les identifiants "
"doivent commencer par une lettre minuscule, suivie d'un nombre quelconque de "
"chiffres et de lettres minuscules. Sa longueur ne doit pas excéder 32 "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Identifiant réservé"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"L'identifiant que vous avez choisi (${USERNAME}) est réservé pour le "
"système. Veuillez en choisir un autre."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Mot de passe pour le nouvel utilisateur :"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Veuillez entrer à nouveau le mot de passe pour l'utilisateur, afin de "
"vérifier que votre saisie est correcte."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Erreur de saisie du mot de passe"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Les deux mots de passe que vous avez entrés sont différents. Veuillez "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Mot de passe vide"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Vous avez choisi un mot de passe vide, ce qui n'est pas autorisé. Veuillez "
"choisir un mot de passe non vide."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Faut-il activer les mots de passe cachés (« shadow passwords ») ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Les mots de passe cachés rendent le système plus sûr car personne n'aura "
"accès aux mots de passe chiffrés. Les mots de passe seront conservés dans un "
"fichier à part et ne pourront être lus que par des programmes spéciaux. "
"L'utilisation des mots de passe cachés est fortement recommandée sauf dans "
"de rares cas comme lors de l'utilisation de NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Créer les utilisateurs et choisir les mots de passe"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Création des utilisateurs et mise en place des mots de passe..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Utiliser ce mot de passe faible ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Vous avez saisi un mot de passe de moins de huit caractères qui est "
"considéré comme trop faible. Vous devriez choisir un mot de passe plus "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Chiffrer votre dossier personnel ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez chiffrer votre dossier personnel, ainsi tous les fichiers qu'il "
"contient restent inaccessibles même en cas de vol de votre ordinateur."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Le système montera de manière transparente votre dossier personnel chiffré à "
"chaque connexion et le démontera automatiquement lorsque vous fermerez votre "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Le chiffrement du dossier personnel a échoué"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"L'installateur n'a pas pu activer le chiffrement du dossier personnel. Votre "
"dossier personnel ne sera pas chiffré après l'installation. C'est "
"probablement un bogue, il vous faudra peut-être vérifier et réinstaller."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Veuillez consulter le fichier /var/log/syslog ou la quatrième console "
"virtuelle pour obtenir des précisions."
@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Irish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2002
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2003
# Kevin Patrick Scannell <scannell@SLU.EDU>, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011.
# Sean V. Kelley <>, 1999
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-03-21 14:42-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Kevin Scannell <>\n"
"Language-Team: Irish <>\n"
"Language: ga\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "An bhfuil fonn ort cead logála isteach a thabhairt don fhorúsáideoir?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Mura gceadaíonn tú don fhorúsáideoir logáil isteach, cruthófar cuntas "
"úsáideora atá in ann cumhacht an fhorúsáideora a ghabháil leis an ordú "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Focal faire an fhorúsáideora:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Caithfidh tú focal faire a roghnú do 'root', cuntas an fhorúsáideora. "
"Tubaiste é má fhaigheann úsáideoir mailíseach nó neamhcháilithe rochtain ar "
"chuntas an fhorúsáideora, agus mar sin ba chóir duit focal faire a roghnú "
"nach féidir a dhéanamh amach go furasta. Mar shampla, ná roghnaigh focal "
"atá san fhoclóir, ná focal a bhaineann leatsa i slí ar bith."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Tá meascán de litreacha, uimhreacha agus poncaíocht i ngach focal faire "
"maith, agus ba chóir duit d'fhocal faire a athrú go rialta."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Ní ceart focal faire folamh a bheith ag an bhforúsáideoir. Má fhágann tú an "
"focal faire folamh, díchumasófar cuntas an fhorúsáideora agus tabharfar "
"ceadanna an fhorúsáideora don chéad chuntas úsáideora atá cruthaithe, tríd "
"an ordú \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Tabhair faoi deara nach mbeidh tú in ann an focal faire a fheiceáil le linn "
"a chlóscríofa."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Iontráil an focal faire arís chun é a fhíorú:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Iontráil focal faire an fhorúsáideora arís chun fíorú go raibh sé clóscríofa "
"mar is ceart."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Cruthaigh cuntas gnáthúsáideora anois?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Tá sé baolach cuntas an fhorúsáideora a úsáid i d'obair ó lá go lá, mar "
"shampla nuair a bhíonn tú ag léamh ríomhphoist, toisc is féidir mórthubaiste "
"a theacht as botún beag. Ba chóir duit cuntas a chruthú do ghnáthúsáideoir "
"agus é a úsáid do na tascanna laethúla sin."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Tabhair faoi deara gur féidir leat é a chruthú amach anseo (chomh maith le "
"cuntais eile) trí 'adduser <ainm>' a chlóscríobh mar an forúsáideoir. Is "
"ainm úsáideoir é <ainm>, mar shampla 'kscanne' nó 'kps'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Ainm iomlán an úsáideora nua:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Cruthófar cuntas úsáideora gur féidir leat a úsáid in ionad chuntas an "
"fhorúsáideora le haghaidh oibre nach mbaineann le riarachán an chórais."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Iontráil fíorainm an úsáideora seo. Úsáidfear an fhaisnéis seo mar "
"bhunphointe réamhshocraithe nuair a sheolann an t-úsáideoir seo ríomhphost, "
"mar shampla, nó in aon ríomhchlár a thaispeánann fíorainm an úsáideora. Is "
"é d'ainm iomlán rogha réasúnta maith."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Ainm úsáideora do do chuntas:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Roghnaigh ainm úsáideora don chuntas nua. Is rogha réasúnta é d'ainm gan "
"sloinne. Ba chóir litir bheag a bheith ar dtús, agus aon teaghrán "
"d'uimhreacha agus litreacha beaga tar éis sin."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ainm úsáideora neamhbhailí"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Chuir tú ainm neamhbhailí isteach. Ba chóir litir bheag a bheith ag tosach "
"an ainm, agus ceadaítear aon teaghrán d'uimhreacha agus litreacha beaga tar "
"éis sin, 32 carachtar ar a mhéad."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Ainm úsáideora in áirithe"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Tá an t-ainm a d'iontráil tú (${USERNAME}) curtha in áirithe ag an gcóras. "
"Roghnaigh ainm difriúil, le do thoil."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Roghnaigh focal faire an úsáideora nua:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Iontráil focal faire an úsáideora arís chun fíorú go raibh sé clóscríofa mar "
"is ceart."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Earráid agus focal faire á iontráil"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Níorbh ionann an dá fhocal faire. Bain triail eile as."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Focal faire folamh"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"D'iontráil tú focal faire folamh, agus ní cheadaítear é seo. Roghnaigh "
"focal faire neamhfholamh."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Cumasaigh focail faire scátha?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Beidh do chóras níos sláine le focail fhaire scátha toisc nach féidir le "
"héinne focail fhaire (fiú focail faire chriptithe) a fheiceáil. Coinnítear "
"na focail fhaire i gcomhad ar leith agus ní féidir ach le ríomhchláir "
"speisialta an comhad seo a léamh. Moltar go láidir duit focail fhaire scátha "
"a úsáid, seachas i roinnt cásanna speisialta, mar shampla i dtimpeallachtaí "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Socraigh úsáideoirí agus focail fhaire"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Úsáideoirí agus focail fhaire á socrú..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Bain úsáid as focal faire lag?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Tá níos lú na ocht gcarachtar san focal faire a iontráil tú agus meastar go "
"bhfuil sé lag. Ba chóir duit focal faire níos láidre a roghnú."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Seiceáil /var/log/syslog nó féach ar chonsól fíorúil 4 le tuilleadh eolais a "
@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of gl.po to Galician
# Galician messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Marce Villarino <>, 2009.
# marce villarino <>, 2009.
# Marce Villarino <>, 2009.
# Jorge Barreiro <>, 2010, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gl\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-21 21:39+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jorge Barreiro <>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <>\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Desexa permitir o acceso como administrador?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Se decide non permitir que «root» se conecte hase crear unha conta de "
"usuario que ha ter a posibilidade de se facer root coa orde «sudo»."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Contrasinal de root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Ha ter que indicar un contrasinal para a conta de root, o administrador do "
"sistema. Un usuario malicioso ou non cualificado con acceso de administrador "
"pode causar un desastre, así que debería asegurarse de escoller un "
"contrasinal difícil de adiviñar. Non debería ser unha palabra que apareza no "
"dicionario nin unha palabra que se poida asociar con facilidade a vostede."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Un bo contrasinal contén unha mestura de letras, números e signos de "
"puntuación, e debera trocarse con regularidade."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"O usuario «root» non debe ter un contrasinal en branco. Se deixa isto en "
"branco desactivarase a conta root e permitiráselle á conta do usuario "
"inicial do sistema ter a posibilidade de se facer root coa orde «sudo»."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Lembre que non se ha ver o contrasinal mentres o escribe."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Escriba de novo o contrasinal para verificalo:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Introduza o contrasinal de root outra vez para comprobar que o introduciu "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Desexa crear agora unha conta normal de usuario?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"É unha ma idea empregar a conta de administrador para as súas actividades "
"diarias, como ler o correo electrónico, xa que mesmo un erro pequeniño pode "
"producir un desastre. Debería crear unha conta de usuario normal para "
"empregar nesas tarefas diarias."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Lembre que pode crealo máis tarde (o mesmo que calquera outra conta "
"adicional) coa orden «adduser <usuario>» como administrador, onde <usuario> "
"é un nome de usuario como «proxectotrasno» ou «tonecho»."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nome completo do novo usuario:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Háselle crear unha conta de usuario para que vostede a empregue para tarefas "
"non administrativas, no canto da conta de root."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Indique o nome real deste usuario. Esta información hase empregar, por "
"exemplo, como a orixe predeterminada dos correos electrónicos enviados por "
"este usuario así como nos programas que mostren ou empreguen o nome real do "
"usuario. O máis razoábel é introducir o seu nome completo."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nome de usuario para a súa conta:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Escolla un nome de usuario para a nova conta. O seu nome é unha elección "
"razoábel. O nome de usuario debería comezar por unha letra minúscula, que "
"pode ir seguida por calquera combinación de números e letras minúsculas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nome de usuario non válido"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"O nome de usuario que introduciu non é válido. Lembre que os nomes de "
"usuario deben comezar por unha letra minúscula que pode ir seguida por "
"calquera combinación de números e letras minúsculas, e non debe ter máis de "
"32 caracteres de longo."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nome de usuario reservado"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"O nome de usuario que introduciu (${USERNAME}) está reservado para o "
"sistema. Escolla outro nome."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Escriba o contrasinal do novo usuario:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Escriba outra vez o contrasinal de usuario para comprobar que o introduciu "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Erro na introdución do contrasinal"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Os dous contrasinais que introduciu non son iguais. Volva tentalo."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Contrasinal baleiro"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Introduciu un contrasinal baleiro, e isto non se admite. Escolla un "
"contrasinal que non estea baleiro."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Desexa activar os contrasinais «shadow»?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Os contrasinais «shadow» fan máis seguro o sistema porque con eles ninguén "
"pode ver nin tan só contrasinais cifrados. Os contrasinais almacénanse nun "
"ficheiro separado que só poden ler algúns programas especiais. Recoméndase o "
"emprego de contrasinais «shadow» agás nalgúns poucos casos como os ambientes "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Configurar os usuarios e contrasinais"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Estase configurar os usuarios e contrasinais..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Empregar un contrasinal débil?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Escribiu un contrasinal que contén menos de oito caracteres, o que se "
"considera demasiado débil. Debería escoller un contrasinal máis forte."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Cifrar o directorio persoal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Pode configurar que se cifre o directorio persoal, de xeito que os ficheiros "
"almacenados nel fiquen privados mesmo se se rouba este computador."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"O sistema monta o directorio persoal cifrado sen máis cada vez que se entra "
"no sistema e desmóntao automaticamente cando se sae de todas as sesións "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Fallou o cifrado do directorio persoal"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"O instalador non deu cifrado o directorio persoal. O directorio persoal "
"quedará sen cifrar despois da instalación. Isto é probabelmente un erro; "
"recoméndase investigalo e reinstalar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Consulte os detalles en /var/log/syslog ou na consola virtual 4."
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of d-i.po to Gujarati
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files#
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# Contributor:
# Kartik Mistry <>, 2006-2011
# Translations from iso-codes:
# - translations from ICU-3.0
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Kartik Mistry <>, 2006, 2007, 2008.
# Ankit Patel <>, 2009,2010.
# Sweta Kothari <>, 2009, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: d-i\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-07 11:42+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Kartik Mistry <>\n"
"Language-Team: Gujarati <>\n"
"Language: gu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "રૂટ તરીકે પ્રવેશ માન્ય રાખશો?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"જો તમે રૂટ તરીકે પ્રવેશ ન કરવા માંગતા હોવ તો, વપરાશકર્તા ખાતું બનાવવામાં આવશે અને 'sudo' "
"આદેશનો ઉપયોગ કરીને રૂટની શક્તિ મેળવી શકાશે."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "રૂટ પાસવર્ડ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"તમારે 'રૂટ', સિસ્ટમ સંચાલન ખાતાં માટે પાસવર્ડ ગોઠવવો પડશે. ખરાબ અથવા અયોગ્ય "
"વપરાશકર્તાને રૂટની પરવાનગી ભયાનક પરિણામો લાવી શકે છે, તેથી તમારે રૂટ પાસવર્ડ પસંદ કરતી "
"વખતે કાળજી લેવી પડશે જે સહેલાઇથી ધારી શકાય ન હોય. તે શબ્દકોષમાં હોય તેવો શબ્દ ન હોવો "
"જોઇએ અથવા તમારી જોડે સહેલાઇથી સંબંધિત હોય તેવો પણ ન હોવો જોઇએ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"સારો પાસવર્ડ અક્ષરો, આંકડાઓ અને વિરામચિહ્નોનું મિશ્રણ ધરાવશે અને થોડા સમયાંતરે તેને બદલવો "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"રૂટ વપરાશકર્તાનો પાસવર્ડ ખાલી ન હોવો જોઇએ. જો તમે આ ખાલી રાખશો તો, રૂટ ખાતું "
"અસક્રીય કરવામાં આવશે, અને સિસ્ટમનું શરૂઆતનું વપરાશકર્તા ખાતું \"sudo\" આદેશનો ઉપયોગ કરીને "
"રૂટની શક્તિ મેળવી શકાશે."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "નોંધ રાખો કે તમે ટાઇપ કરો ત્યારે પાસવર્ડને જોઇ શકશો નહી."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ચકાસણી માટે પાસવર્ડ ફરી-દાખલ કરો:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"મહેરબાની કરી તમે તેને સાચો ટાઈપ કર્યો છે તેની ખાતરી કરવા એજ રૂટ પાસવર્ડ ફરીથી નાખો."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "સામાન્ય વપરાશકર્તા ખાતું અત્યારે બનાવશો?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"દૈનિક પ્રવૃતિઓ જેવી કે ઇમેલ વાંચવો વગેરે માટે, રૂટ ખાતાંનો ઉપયોગ કરવો એ ખરાબ વિચાર છે "
"કારણ કે નાની ભૂલ પણ ભયંકર પરિણામ આપી શકે છે. તમારે દૈનિક પ્રવૃતિઓ માટે સામાન્ય "
"વપરાશકર્તા ખાતું બનાવવું જોઇએ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"નોધ રાખો કે તમે તેને પાછળથી (અને બીજા કોઇપણ વધારાનાં ખાતાં) રૂટ તરીકે 'adduser "
"<username>' ટાઇપ કરીને બનાવી શકશો, જ્યાં <username> એ વપરાશકર્તા નામ છે, જેવું કે "
"'imurdock' અથવા 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "નવા વપરાશકર્તાનું પૂરૂં નામ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"રૂટ ખાતાંની જગ્યાએ વપરાશકર્તા ખાતું તમારા માટે સંચાલન સિવાયની પ્રવૃતિઓ માટે બનાવવામાં "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"મહેરબાની કરી આ વપરાશકર્તા માટે સાચું નામ દાખલ કરો. આ માહિતી આ વપરાશકર્તા દ્વારા "
"મોકલાતા મૂળભૂત ઇમેલની પસંદગી અને બીજા કાર્યક્રમોમાં વપરાશકર્તાનું સાચું નામ દર્શાવવા માટે "
"થશે. તમારું આખું નામ એ યોગ્ય પસંદગી છે."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "તમારા ખાતાનું વપરાશકર્તાનામ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"નવા ખાતાં માટે વપરાશકર્તાનામ પસંદ કરો. તમારુ પ્રથમ નામ એ યોગ્ય પસંદગી છે. "
"વપરાશકર્તાનામ એ નાના-અંગ્રેજી અક્ષરોમાં, આંકડાઓ અથવા વધુ નાનાં અક્ષરોનું મિશ્રણ હોઇ શકે છે."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "અયોગ્ય વપરાશકર્તાનામ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"તમે દાખલ કરેલ વપરાશકર્તાનામ અયોગ્ય છે. ધ્યાનમાં રાખો કે વપરાશકર્તાનામો નાનાં-અક્ષરોથી "
"શરુ થવા જોઇએ, જે પછી આંકડાઓ અને નાનાં અક્ષરોનું મિશ્રણ હોઇ શકે છે, અને ૩૨ અક્ષરોથી લાંબુ ન "
"જ હોવું જોઈએ."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "આરક્ષિત વપરાશકર્તાનામ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"તમે દાખલ કરેલ વપરાશકર્તાનામ (${USERNAME}) સિસ્ટમ દ્વારા ઉપયોગ માટે આરક્ષિત છે. "
"મહેરબાની કરી બીજું પસંદ કરો."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "નવા વપરાશકર્તા માટે પાસવર્ડ પસંદ કરો."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"મહેરબાની કરી એ જ પાસવર્ડ તમે સાચી રીતે ટાઇપ કર્યો છે તે ચકાસવા માટે ફરીથી દાખલ કરો."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "પાસવર્ડ દાખલ કરવામાં ક્ષતિ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "તમે દાખલ કરેલ બે પાસવર્ડ સરખાં નહોતા. મહેરબાની કરી ફરી પ્રયત્ન કરો."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ખાલી પાસવર્ડ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"તમે ખાલી પાસવર્ડ દાખલ કર્યો છે, જે માન્ય નથી. મહેરબાની કરી ખાલી ન હોય તેવો પાસવર્ડ "
"પસંદ કરો."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "શૅડો પાસવર્ડ સક્રિય કરશો?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"શેડો પાસવર્ડ તમારી સિસ્ટમને વધારે સલામત બનાવે છે કારણકે કોઇપણ એન્ક્રિપ્ટેડ કરેલા પાસવર્ડોને "
"પણ જોઇ શકશે નહી. પાસવર્ડો અલગ ફાઇલમાં સંગ્રહ થાય છે જને માત્ર ખાસ કાર્યક્રમો જ વાંચી શકે "
"છે. શેડો પાસવર્ડ વાપરવાનું ભારપૂર્વક સૂચવવામાં આવે છે, સિવાય કે ખાસ કિસ્સાઓ જેવા કે NIS "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "વપરાશકર્તાઓ અને પાસવર્ડો ગોઠવો"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "વપરાશકર્તાઓ અને પાસવર્ડો ગોઠવે છે..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "/var/log/syslog તપાસો અથવા માહિતી માટે વર્ચયુઅલ કોન્સોલ ૪ જુઓ."
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_he.po to Hebrew
# Hebrew messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from KDE:
# Translations taken from KDE:
# Amit Dovev <>, 2007.
# Meital Bourvine <>, 2007.
# Omer Zak <>, 2008, 2010, 2012.
# Lior Kaplan <>, 2004-2007, 2008, 2010, 2011.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002.
# Meni Livne <>, 2000.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2003.
# - Meni Livne <>, 2000.
# Lior Kaplan <>, 2005,2006, 2007, 2008, 2010.
# Meital Bourvine <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_he\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-17 01:53+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Omer Zak <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hebrew <>\n"
"Language: he\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "לאפשר כניסה כ-root ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"אם תבחר לא לאפשר כניסה של root, אז ייווצר חשבון משתמש שיקבל את הכוח להיות "
"משתמש-על (root) על ידי הפקודה 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "סיסמת root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"עליך להגדיר סיסמה ל-root, חשבון המשתמש הניהולי של המערכת. משתמש זדוני או לא "
"מיומן עם גישת root יכול לגרום לתוצאות הרסניות, כך שעליך לדאוג לבחור סיסמת "
"root שאינה קלה לניחוש. הסיסמה צריכה להיות מילה שלא ניתן למצוא במילון, או "
"מילה שלא ניתן לשייך אליך בקלות."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"סיסמה טובה מכילה תערובת של אותיות, מספרים ופיסוק, ועליך לשנות אותה במרווחי "
"זמן קבועים."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"הסיסמה של root לא אמורה להיות ריקה. אם הינך משאיר שדה זה ריק, חשבון root "
"ינוטרל וחשבון המשתמש ההתחלתי של המערכת יקבל את הרשאות root באמצעות הפקודה "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "שים לב שלא תוכל לראות את הסיסמה כאשר אתה מקליד אותה."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "הכנס שוב את הסיסמה לבדיקה אם הכנסת אותה נכון:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "אנא הכנס שוב את סיסמת ה-root על מנת לוודא שהכנסת אותה נכון."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "האם ליצור חשבון משתמש רגיל עכשיו?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"זהו רעיון רע להשתמש בחשבון root לשימושים יום-יומיים, למשל לקריאת דואר "
"אלקטרוני, מאחר ואפילו טעות קטנה יכולה לגרום לאסון. עליך ליצור חשבון משתמש "
"רגיל למשימות היום-יומיות."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"שים לב שתוכל ליצור אותו מאוחר יותר (כמו כל חשבון אחר) על ידי הקשת \"adduser "
"<username>\" כ-root, כאשר <username> הוא שם משתמש, כמו \"imurdoc\" או \"rms"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "הכנס שם מלא למשתמש החדש:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "חשבון משתמש ייווצר לשימושך במקום חשבון root לפעילויות לא-ניהוליות."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"הכנס את השם המלא של המשתמש. מידע זה ישמש, למשל, כברירת מחדל לשם השולח "
"במיילים הנשלחים על ידי המשתמש. כמו כן, תוכנות המציגות את שם המשתמש האמיתי "
"ישתמשו במידע זה. סביר להשתמש בשמך המלא."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "הכנס שם משתמש עבור החשבון שלך:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"בחר שם משתמש עבור החשבון החדש. שמך הפרטי הינו בחירה סבירה. שם המשתמש צריך "
"להתחיל באות לטינית קטנה, ואחריה יכול לבוא צירוף כלשהו של מספרים ואותיות "
"לטיניות קטנות."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "שם המשתמש שהוכנס אינו חוקי"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"שם המשתמש שהוכנס אינו חוקי. שים לב ששמות משתמש חייבים להתחיל באות קטנה, "
"ואחריה כל צירוף של מספרים ואותיות קטנות, ואורכם המקסימלי הינו 32 תווים."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "שם המשתמש תפוס"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"שם המשתמש שהכנסת (${USERNAME}) הנו שמור לשימוש על ידי המערכת. בחר שם משתמש "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "הכנס סיסמה עבור המשתמש החדש:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "אנא הכנס שוב את סיסמת המשתמש על מנת לבדוק שהכנסת אותה נכון."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "שגיאה בקליטת הסיסמה"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "שתי הסיסמאות שהכנסת אינן זהות. אנא נסה שוב."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "סיסמה ריקה"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "הכנסת סיסמה ריקה, דבר שאינו מורשה. בחר סיסמה שאינה ריקה."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "האם להפעיל הצללת סיסמאות?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"הצללת סיסמאות הופכת את המערכת שלך לבטוחה יותר, מאחר ואף אחד לא יוכל לראות "
"אפילו סיסמאות מוצפנות. הסיסמאות נשמרות בקובץ נפרד שניתן לקריאה רק על ידי "
"תוכניות מיוחדות. השימוש בהצללת סיסמאות מומלץ בחום, למעט במספר מקרים כמו למשל "
"בסביבות NIS."
# Type: text
# Description
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "קביעת משתמשים וסיסמאות"
# Type: text
# Description
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "קובע משתמשים וסיסמאות..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "האם להשתמש בסיסמה חלשה?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"הכנסת סיסמא אשר מכילה פחות משמונה תווים, אשר נחשבת חלשה מידי. יש לבחור סיסמא "
"חזקה יותר."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "האם להצפין את תיקיית הבית שלך?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"הינך יכול להקנפג את תקיית הבית שלך עבור הצפנה, כך שכל הקבצים שיאוחסנו שם "
"ישארו פרטיים גם אם מחשבך יגנב."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"המערכת תעגן בצורה חלקה את תקיית הבית המוצפנת שלך בכל פעם שתזדהה ותסיר אותה "
"בצורה אוטומטית כשאר תצא מכל התהליכים הפעילים."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "הצפנת תיקיית הבית נכשלה"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"תוכנית ההתקנה כשלה הצפנת תיקיית הבית. תיקיית הבית שלך תהיה חשופה לאחר "
"ההתקנה. דבר זה נובע לרב עקב תקלה, ויתכן שיש צורך לחקור ולהתקין מחדש."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"בדוק את /var/log/syslog או את הקונסול הווירטואלי מספר 4 בשביל פרטים נוספים."
@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_hi.po to Hindi
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_hi.po to
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Data taken from ICU-2.8; originally from:
# - Shehnaz Nagpurwala and Anwar Nagpurwala [first version]
# - Arundhati Bhowmick [IBM Cupertino]
# Nishant Sharma <>, 2005, 2006.
# Kumar Appaiah <>, 2008.
# Kumar Appaiah <>, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Kumar Appaiah <>, 2009.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Kumar Appaiah <>, 2008.
# Kumar Appaiah <>, 2008, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_hi\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-22 12:05-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Kumar Appaiah\n"
"Language-Team: American English <>\n"
"Language: en_US\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: 2X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "रूट की तरह लॉगिन की आज्ञा दें?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"यदि आप रूट को लॉगिन की आज्ञा नहीं देंगे तो एक उपयोक्ता खाता बनाया जाएगा जिसको ऐसा "
"अधिकार दिया जाएगा कि वह 'sudo' कमांड का प्रयोग करके रूट बन जाए."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "रूट कूटशब्द:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"आपको 'root', जोकि तंत्र प्रबंधक का खाता है, के लिए पासवर्ड सेट करना है. कोई दुर्जन या "
"अयोग्य उपयोक्ता जिसको रूट की पहुँच है, घातक सिद्ध हो सकता है, इसलिये ऐसा पासवर्ड चुनें "
"जिसका आसानी से अंदाज़ा लगाना कठिन हो. यह ऐसा शब्द नहीं होना चाहिए जोकि शब्दकोश में "
"आसानी से मिल जाए या आसानी से आपसे संबद्ध हो जाए."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"एक अच्छे कूटशब्द में अक्षरों, अंकों और विराम चिन्हों का अच्छा मिश्रण होना चाहिए और इसे आपको "
"समय-समय पर बदलते रहना चाहिए."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
" रूट लॉगिन का कूट शब्द रिक्त नहीं होना चाहिए. अगर आप इसे रिक्त छोडते हैं, तो प्रथम "
"उपयोक्ता खाता को ऐसा अधिकार दिया जाएगा कि वह 'sudo' कमांड का प्रयोग करके रूट बन "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ज्ञात रहे कि टाइप करते समय कूटशब्द आपको दिखाई नहीं पड़ेगा."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "पुष्टि करने के लिए कूटशब्द दोबारा भरें:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "वही रूट कूटशब्द पुनः भरें जिससे कि यह जाँचा जा सके की आपने सही टाइप किया है."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "अभी एक साधारण उपयोक्ता खाता बनाएँ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"रूट खाते को दिन-प्रतिदिन के कार्यकलापों, जैसे कि ई-मेल पढ़ना, के लिए प्रयोग करना समझदारी "
"का काम नहीं है क्योंकि एक छोटी सी भूल भी घातक सिद्ध हो सकती है. आपको ऐसे कार्यकलापों के "
"लिए एक साधारण उपयोक्ता खाता बना लेना चाहिए."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"संज्ञान लें कि आप इसे बाद में भी बना सकते हैं (साथ ही कोई अतिरिक्त खाता भी). इसके लिए रूट "
"की तरह टाइप करें 'adduser <username>', जहाँ <username> एक उपयोक्ता खाते का नाम है "
"जैसे कि 'imurdock' या 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "नए उपयोक्ता का पूरा नाम:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"गैर-प्रबंधन क्रियाकलापों के लिए रूट खाते का प्रयोग करने के स्थान पर आपके लिए एक सामान्य "
"उपयोक्ता खाता बनाया जाएगा."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"कृपया इस उपयोक्ता के वास्तविक नाम की प्रविष्टि करें. यह जानकारी उन अनुप्रयोगों में प्रयोग "
"की जाएगी जो उपयोक्ता का वास्तविक नाम प्रदर्शित करते हैं या फिर इस उपयोक्ता के द्वारा "
"भेजी गई ई-मेल में प्रेषक के नाम के स्थान पर इसका प्रयोग होगा. आपका पूरा नाम एक अच्छा "
"विकल्प है."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "आपके खाते के लिए उपयोक्ता नाम:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"नये खाते के लिए उपयोक्ता का नाम चुनें. आपका नाम एक अच्छा विकल्प है. उपयोक्ता का नाम "
"अंग्रेजी के छोटे अक्षर से प्रारंभ होना चाहिए, जिसके बाद अंकों या अन्य छोटे अक्षरों का प्रयोग "
"किसी भी क्रम में किया जा सकता है."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "अवैध उपयोक्ता नाम"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"आपके द्वारा प्रविष्ट उपयोगकर्ता नाम अवैध है. संज्ञान लें कि उपयोक्ता का नाम अंग्रेजी के छोटे "
"अक्षर से प्रारंभ होना चाहिए, जिसके बाद अंकें या अन्य छोटे अक्षरों का प्रयोग किसी भी क्रम में "
"किया जा सकता है, और इसे कुल ३२ अक्षरों से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "आरक्षित उपयोक्ता नाम"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"आपके द्वारा प्रविष्ट उपयोक्ता नाम (${USERNAME}) जोकि सिस्टम द्वारा उपयोग के लिए "
"आरक्षित है. कृपया कोई भिन्न नाम चुनें."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "नये उपयोक्ता के लिए कूटशब्द चुनें:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"यह पुष्टि करने के लिए कि आपने सही प्रविष्टि की है, कृपया उपयोक्ता का वही कूटशब्द फिर से "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "पासवर्ड भरने में त्रुटि"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "आपके द्वारा भरे गये दोनों कूटशब्द एक नहीं थे. कृपया पुनः प्रयास करें."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "खाली कूटशब्द"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "आपने रिक्त कूटशब्द भरा है जोकि स्वीकार्य नहीं है. कृपया रिक्त कूटशब्द न भरें."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "शैडो पासवर्ड समर्थ करें?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"शैडो कूटशब्द आपके तंत्र को अधिक सुरक्षित बनाते हैं क्योंकि कोई भी कूटबद्ध कूटशब्दो तक को नहीं "
"देख सकता है. कूटशब्द एक अलग फाइल में लिखे होते हैं जिन्हे कुछ विशेष अनुप्रयोग ही पढ़ सकते हैं. "
"शैडो कूटशब्दों के प्रयोग की संस्तुति की जाती है, पर कुछ परिस्थितयों को छोड़ कर जैसे कि "
"एनआईएस परिवेश."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "उपयोक्ता व पासशब्द सेटअप करें"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "उपयोक्ता व पासशब्द सेटअप कर रहे हैं..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "कमजोर कूटशब्द का उपयोग करें?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"आपने आठ अक्षरों से कम वाले कूटशब्द डाले हैं जो कमजोर प्रतिक होते हैं। आपको एक मजबुत कूटशब्द "
"चुनना चाहिए।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "आपके होम निर्देशिका को इन्क्रीप्ट करें?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"अपने होम निर्देशिका को इन्क्रीप्ट हेतु विन्यास कर सकते हैं, जैसे कि आपके कम्प्यूटर के चोरी हो "
"जाने पर भी उसमें संचित कोई फाइल गुप्त ही रहेगा।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"जितनी बार आप लाँगइन करेंगे यह तंत्र आपके इन्क्रीप्ट होम निर्देशिका को बाधारहित माउन्ट "
"करेगा तथा जब आप अपने सभी सक्रिय सत्र से लाँगआउट करेंगे तो स्वतः ही अनमाउन्ट कर देगा।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "होम निर्देशिका का इन्क्रीप्ट विफल हो गया"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"संस्थापक होम निर्देशिका का इन्क्रीप्ट करने में विफल रहा। आपका होम निर्देशिका संस्थापना "
"पश्चात अनइन्क्रीप्ट हो जाएगा। यह सम्भवतः बग है तथा आप इसका छानबीन तथा पुनः संस्थापना "
"कर सकते हैं।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "विस्तृत सूचना के लिए /var/log/messages या वर्चुअल कंसोल 4 देखें।"
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Croatian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001, 2004.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000,2004
# Josip Rodin, 2008
# Krunoslav Gernhard, 2004
# Vladimir Vuksan <>, 2000.
# Vlatko Kosturjak, 2001
# Tomislav Krznar <>, 2012, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Debian-installer 1st-stage master file HR\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-04-17 18:08+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Tomislav Krznar <>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Dopustiti logiranje kao root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ako ne dopustite rootu da se ulogira, tada će se napraviti korisnički račun "
"koji će dobiti sposobnost da postane root korištenjem naredbe 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Lozinka root korisnika:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Morate postaviti lozinku za root korisnika, račun administratora sustava. "
"Zlonamjeran ili nestručan korisnik koji ima root pristup može izazvati "
"golemu štetu pa se pobrinite da korijensku lozinku ne bude jednostavno "
"odgonetnuti. To ne bi trebala biti obična riječ, ili riječ koju je lako "
"povezati s vama."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Dobra lozinka se treba sastojati od slova, brojaka i interpunkcija te se "
"treba redovito mijenjati."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Korisnik root ne bi smio imati praznu lozinku. Ako ovo ostavite prazno, "
"korisnički račun root će biti onemogućen, a inicijalnom korisničkom računu "
"će biti omogućeno da postane root koristeći naredbu 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Primijetite da nećete moći vidjeti lozinku tipkajući je."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Iznova unesite lozinku za potvrdu:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Molim unesite istu korijensku lozinku kao potvrdu da ste ju ispravno "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Načini i običan korisnički račun?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Nije dobro koristiti administratorski račun za svakodnevne aktivnosti, "
"primjerice čitanje i slanje e-pošte, jer vam i mala greška može pričiniti "
"veliku štetu. Zato trebate načiniti običan korisnički račun."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Primijetite da ga možete načiniti i kasnije (kao i bilo koji dodatni "
"korisnički račun) tako da utipkate 'adduser <ime_korisnika>', prijavljeni "
"kao administratorski korisnik. To <ime_korisnika> može biti proizvoljno, "
"primjerice 'pero', 'ana'..."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Unesite puno ime novog korisnika:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Bit će načinjen obični korisnički račun da ga možete koristiti namjesto "
"administratorskog, za uobičajene aktivnosti."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Molim upišite pravo ime ovog korisnika. Ova informacija će se koristiti npr. "
"kao zadani izvor za poruke e-pošte koje taj korisnik pošalje, kao i u bilo "
"kojem programu koji prikazuje ili koristi pravo ime korisnika. Vaše puno ime "
"je razuman izbor za upisati ovdje."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Unesite ime za vaš korisnički račun:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Izaberite ime za novi korisnički račun. Vaše ime je uobičajeni izbor. "
"Korisničko ime treba započinjati malim slovom, a može se sastojati od bilo "
"koje kombinacije brojaka i malih slova."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Neispravno korisničko ime"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Korisničko ime koje ste unijeli nije ispravno. Korisnička imena moraju "
"započinjati malim slovom, mogu se sastojati od bilo koje kombinacije brojaka "
"i malih slova i ne smiju biti dulja od 32 znaka."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervirano korisničko ime"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Korisničko ime koje ste upisali (${USERNAME}) je rezervirano za sistemsku "
"upotrebu. Molim odredite drugo."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Unesite lozinku za novoga korisnika:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Molim unesite istu korisničku lozinku kao potvrdu da ste je ispravno "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Greška pri unošenju lozinke"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Lozinke koje ste unijeli nisu jednake. Molim pokušajte iznova."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Prazna lozinka"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Unijeli ste praznu lozinku, što nije dozvoljeno. Molim izaberite lozinku."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Omogući 'shadow' lozinke?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"'Shadow' lozinke čine vaš sustav sigurnijim jer nitko ne može vidjeti čak "
"niti šifrirane lozinke. Sve one su spremljene u posebnu datoteku koju mogu "
"čitati samo posebni programi. Korištenje 'shadow' lozinki se najtoplije "
"preporuča, osim u par slučajeva kao npr. ako ste u NIS okruženju."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Postavi korisnike i lozinke"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Postavljanje korisnika i lozinki..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Koristiti slabu lozinku?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Upisali ste lozinku koja sadrži manje od osam znakova i koja se smatra "
"preslabom. Trebali biste odabrati kvalitetniju lozinku."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Enkriptirati vašu osobnu mapu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Možete podesiti enkripciju vaše osobne mape kako bi sve datoteke spremljene "
"u njoj ostale privatne, čak i u slučaju krađe računala."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sustav će simultano montirati vašu osobnu mapu svaki put kad se prijavite i "
"automatski odmontirati kad se odjavite iz svih aktivnih sesija."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Nije uspijela enkripcija direktorija Home"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalacija nije uspjela postaviti enkripciju osobnog direktorija. Vaš "
"osobni direktorij neće biti enkriptiran nakon instalacije. Ovo je vjerojatno "
"pogreška u programu, stoga ćete možda htjeti istražiti i ponovno pokrenuti "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Za pojedinosti provjerite /var/log/syslog ili četvrtu konzolu."
@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Hungarian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# coor: SZERVÁC Attila - sas 321hu -- 2006-2008
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Arpad Biro <>, 2001.
# VERÓK István <>, 2004.
# SZERVÁC Attila <>, 2006.
# Kálmán Kéménczy <>, 2007, 2008.
# Gabor Kelemen <>, 2006, 2007.
# Kalman Kemenczy <>, 2010.
# Andras TIMAR <>, 2000-2001.
# SZERVÁC Attila <>, 2012.
# Dr. Nagy Elemér Károly <>, 2012.
# Judit Gyimesi <>, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-18 21:15+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Judit Gyimesi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian L10n Hungarian <debian-l10n-hungarian@lists.debian."
"Language: hu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Engedélyezi a bejelentkezést root-ként?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ha nem engedélyezi a root-ként való bejelentkezést, akkor a létrejövő "
"felhasználó a 'sudo' paranccsal érhet majd el root jogokat."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "A 'root' felhasználó jelszava:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Most kell megadni a 'root', vagyis a rendszergazda hozzáférés jelszavát. "
"Rosszakaró vagy egy nagyon hozzá nem értő felhasználó root hozzáférése "
"végzetes, így csak nagyon nehezen kitalálható root jelszót szabad adni. Ne "
"adjon szótári, vagy könnyen Önhöz köthető szót."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"A jó jelszó betűk, számok és írásjelek keverékéből áll és sűrű, szabályos "
"időközönként (legfeljebb havonta) cserére kerül."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"A root felhasználó jelszava nem lehet üres. Ha üresen hagyja, a root fiók ki "
"lesz kapcsolva és a rendszer kezdeti felhasználó fiókja a \"sudo\" "
"paranccsal kap root jogot."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Fontos, hogy a begépelés közben a jelszó nem jelenik meg."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Írja be újra a jelszavát megerősítés végett:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Írja be újra a 'root' felhasználó jelszavát, hogy megerősítse, hogy helyesen "
"gépelte be."
# Type: boolean
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Létrehoz most egy sima felhasználói hozzáférést?"
# Type: boolean
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"A mindennapi tevékenységekre a 'root' felhasználót, rendszergazdai jogokat "
"soha de soha nem használjuk, például nem olvasunk vele levelet és az "
"ilyenfajta felhasználás nagyon rossz ötlet, mert a legkisebb hiba is "
"katasztrófát okozhat. Hozzon létre egy sima felhasználói hozzáférést a "
"mindennapi használathoz."
# Type: boolean
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"A most létrehozandó sima felhasználó mellé továbbiakat később is létre lehet "
"hozni például az 'adduser <felhasználónév>' paranccsal rendszergazdaként, "
"ahol a <felhasználónév> szokásos felhasználónév formájú, mint például "
"'imurdock' vagy 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Az új felhasználó TELJES Neve:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Egy sima felhasználói hozzáférést hozunk létre, melynek célja az, hogy a "
"root fiók helyett EZT használja mindennap és ezzel végezze mindennapos "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Adja meg e felhasználó IGAZI Nevét. Ez az adat például e felhasználó által "
"küldött alapértelmezett feladóként használható levelekben, vagy más "
"programban, mely kiírja vagy használja a felhasználó IGAZI Nevét. A teljes "
"név egy jó választás."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Felhasználóneve:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Adjon felhasználónevet a hozzáféréshez. A keresztnév általában meg szokott "
"felelni a célra. A lényeg, hogy a felhasználónév kisbetűvel kezdődjön, "
"azután számok és további kisbetűk tetszőleges kombinációja állhat."
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Érvénytelen felhasználónév"
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"A megadott felhasználónév érvénytelen. A felhasználónévnek kisbetűvel kell "
"kezdődnie, azután számok és további kisbetűk tetszőleges kombinációja "
"állhat, és nem lehet 32 karakternél hosszabb."
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Foglalt felhasználónév"
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"A megadott felhasználónevet (${USERNAME}) a rendszer használja. Kérem, "
"válasszon másikat."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Az új felhasználó jelszavának megadása:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "Írja be újra a jelszót, hogy megerősítse, hogy helyesen gépelte be."
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Jelszóbeviteli hiba"
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "A két megadott jelszó eltér. Próbálja újra."
# #-#-#-#-# templates.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
# #-#-#-#-# templates.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl3:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Üres jelszó"
# #-#-#-#-# templates.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl2:
# #-#-#-#-# templates.pot (PACKAGE VERSION) #-#-#-#-#
# Type: error
# Description
# :sl3:
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "Üres jelszó megadása nem engedélyezett. Nem-üres jelszót kell megadni."
# Type: boolean
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Árnyék jelszavak legyenek?"
# Type: boolean
# Description
# :sl2:
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Az árnyék jelszavak a rendszert sokkal biztonságosabbá teszik, mert még a "
"titkosított jelszavak sem olvashatók. A jelszavak külön fájlba kerülnek, "
"mely csak különleges programokkal olvasható. Az árnyék jelszavak használata "
"erősen ajánlott, kivéve néhány esetet, például NIS környezetben."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Felhasználók és jelszavaik felvétele"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Felhasználók és jelszavaik beállítása..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "A megadott gyenge jelszót szeretné használni?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Kevesebb mint nyolc karaktert tartalmazó jelszót adott meg, ez a jelszó túl "
"gyenge. Adjon meg erősebb jelszót."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Szeretné titkosítani a saját mappáját?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Beállíthatja a saját mappájának titkosítását, így az ott tárolt adatai akkor "
"is biztonságban maradnak, ha ellopják a számítógépét."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Bejelentkezéskor a rendszer automatikusan csatolja a titkosított saját "
"könyvtárát, az összes aktív munkamenetből való kijelentkezéskor pedig "
"leválasztja azt."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "A saját könyvtár titkosítása meghiúsult"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"A telepítő nem tudta beállítani a saját mappa titkosítását. A saját mappája "
"telepítés után titkosítatlan marad. Ezt valószínűleg programhiba okozza, "
"próbálja újratelepíteni a rendszert vagy megkeresni a hibát."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Részletekért nézze meg a /var/log/syslog fájlt vagy a 4. virtuális konzolt."
@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of id.po to Bahasa Indonesia
# Indonesian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translators:
# Debian Indonesian L10N Team <>, 2004.
# * Parlin Imanuel Toh (, 2004-2005.
# * I Gede Wijaya S (, 2004.
# * Arief S F (, 2004-2007.
# * Setyo Nugroho (, 2004.
# Arief S Fitrianto <>, 2008-2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002.
# Andhika Padmawan <>, 2010,2011.
# Arief S Fitrianto <>, 2004-2006.
# Erwid M Jadied <>, 2008.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004
# Translations from KDE:
# Ahmad Sofyan <>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer (level1)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-20 17:09+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Mahyuddin Susanto <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Indonesia Translators <debian-l10n-indonesian@lists."
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Izinkan login sebagai root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memilih tidak mengizinkan root untuk login, maka sebuah akun "
"pengguna akan dibuat dan diberi wewenang untuk menjadi root dengan perintah "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Kata sandi root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Anda perlu membuat kata sandi untuk 'root', akun untuk administrasi sistem. "
"Pengguna tak bertanggung jawab yang memiliki akses root dapat mengakibatkan "
"bencana, jadi anda harus memilih kata sandi yang tidak mudah ditebak. Kata "
"sandi sebaiknya bukan kata yang dapat ditemukan dalam kamus, atau kata yang "
"dapat diasosiasikan dengan Anda."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Kata sandi yang baik berisi kombinasi huruf, angka dan tanda baca, serta "
"diganti secara berkala."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Akun root seharusnya diberi kata sandi. Jika tidak, maka akun root akan "
"dimatikan dan sebuah akun pengguna akan dibuat dan diberi wewenang untuk "
"menjadi root dengan perintah \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat melihat kata sandi saat Anda mengetiknya."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Masukkan lagi kata sandi untuk verifikasi:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Silakan masukkan kata sandi root yang sama lagi untuk memastikan bahwa Anda "
"mengetiknya dengan benar."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Membuat akun untuk pengguna biasa sekarang?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Merupakan hal yang buruk bila menggunakan akun root untuk aktifitas sehari-"
"hari, misalnya untuk membaca surat elektronik, karena kesalahan yang kecil "
"saja dapat mengakibatkan bencana. Anda disarankan membuat akun pengguna "
"biasa untuk tugas-tugas sehari-hari."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa Anda dapat membuatnya nanti (juga akun tambahan lain) "
"dengan mengetikkan 'adduser <namapengguna>' sebagai root, dengan "
"<namapengguna> merupakan nama pengguna, seperti 'jojond' atau 'kusno', dll."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nama lengkap dari pengguna baru:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Akun pengguna akan dibuatkan untuk Anda gunakan dalam aktifitas non-"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Silakan masukkan nama lengkap pengguna ini. Informasi ini digunakan misalnya "
"saat mengirim surat-e ataupun oleh program lain yang menampilkan nama "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nama untuk akun Anda:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Pilih nama pengguna untuk akun baru. Nama depan Anda merupakan pilihan yang "
"baik. Nama pengguna sebaiknya dimulai dengan huruf kecil, yang dapat diikuti "
"dengan kombinasi angka dan huruf kecil."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nama pengguna tidak sah"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Nama pengguna yang Anda masukkan tidak sah. Perhatikan bahwa nama pengguna "
"harus dimulai dengan huruf kecil, yang kemudian dapat diikuti dengan "
"kombinasi angka dan huruf kecil yang banyak, dan panjangnya tidak lebih dari "
"32 karakter."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nama pengguna khusus (sistem)"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Nama pengguna yang Anda masukkan: (${USERNAME}), telah dikhususkan untuk "
"sistem. Silahkan pilih nama lain."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Kata sandi untuk pengguna baru:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Silakan masukkan lagi kata sandi pengguna yang sama untuk memastikan Anda "
"mengetiknya dengan benar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Salah memasukkan kata sandi"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Kedua kata sandi yang Anda masukkan tidak sama. Silakan coba lagi."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Kata sandi kosong"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Anda memasukkan kata sandi kosong, yang tidak diperbolehkan. Silakan "
"masukkan kata sandi yang tidak kosong."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Menggunakan kata sandi bayangan?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Kata sandi bayangan membuat sistem Anda lebih aman, karena tak seorangpun "
"dapat melihat kata sandi terenkripsi. Kata sandi disimpan pada berkas "
"terpisah yang hanya dapat dibaca oleh program-program tertentu. Sangat "
"disarankan menggunakan kata sandi bayangan, kecuali beberapa kasus bila "
"menggunakan NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Menata pengguna dan kata sandi"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Menata pengguna dan kata sandi..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Anda ingin menggunakan kata sandi yang lemah?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Anda memasukkan kata kunci yang terdiri atas kurang dari delapan karakter, "
"yang mana dianggap kurang aman. Sebaiknya anda memilih kata kunci yang lebih "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Enkripsi direktori home anda?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Anda boleh mengkonfigurasi direktori rumah dengan enksipsi, sehingga semua "
"berkas yang disimpan disana menjadi privasi bahkan jika komputer anda dicuri."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr "Sistem akan"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Penyandian direktori rumah gagal"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Pemasang gagal menata penyandian direktori rumah. Direktori rumah Anda akan "
"tak tersandi setelah pemasangan. Ini mungkin kutu, dan Anda mungkin ingin "
"menyelidiki dan memasang ulang."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Periksa /var/log/syslog atau lihat konsol maya no. 4."
@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_is.po to Icelandic
# Icelandic messages for debian-installer.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation
# zorglubb <>, 2008.
# Sveinn í Felli <>, 2010.
# Alastair McKinstry, <>, 2002.
# Sveinn í Felli <>, 2010, 2011, 2012.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Copyright (C) 2002,2003, 2010, 2011, 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Translations from KDE:
# Þórarinn Rúnar Einarsson <>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_is\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-06 10:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli <>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <>\n"
"Language: is\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Leyfa innskráningu sem rót?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ef þú velur að leyfa ekki innskráningu sem rót verður búinn til notandi sem "
"getur verið rót með því að nota 'sudo' skipunina."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root lykilorð:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Þú þarft að stilla lykilorð fyrir „root‟, reikninginn fyrir kerfisstjóra. "
"Óhæfur eða illur notandi með root lykilorðið getur valdið mjög slæmum "
"vandamálum. Þú ættir því að vanda valið á lykilorðinu. Þetta ætti ekki að "
"vera orð sem má finna í orðabók eða orð sem auðveldlega má tengja við þig."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Gott lykilorð inniheldur blöndu af stöfum, tölum og punktum og ætti að "
"breyta reglulega."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Rótarnotandinn (kerfisstjóri, root) ætti ekki að vera með autt lykilorð. Ef "
"þetta er skilið eftir autt, verður root aðgangurinn gerður óvirkur og fyrsti "
"notandi kerfisins mun fá möguleika á að gerast kerfisstjóri með því að nota "
"\"sudo\" skipunina."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Athugaðu að þú munt ekki sjá lykilorðið þegar þú slærð það inn."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Sláðu lykilorð aftur inn til að staðfesta:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Sláðu inn sama kerfisstjóralykilorðið (root) aftur til að staðfesta að þú "
"hafir slegið það rétt inn."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Búa til venjulegan notanda núna?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Það er ekki góð hugmynd að nota root aðganginn í dagleg verk, eins og að "
"lesa tölvupóst, þar sem smávægileg mistök geta haft slæmar afleiðingar. Þú "
"ættir að búa til venjulegan notanda til að nota í þessi daglegu verk."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"ATHUGAÐU að þú getur búið til fleiri notendur með því að skrifa 'adduser "
"<notendanafn>' sem root, þar sem <notendanafn> er er notandanafnið, t.d "
"'jon' eða 'siggi'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Fullt nafn nýs notanda:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Notendareikningur verður stofnaður. Sem þú getur svo notað í stað root "
"reikningsins í önnur verkefni en kerfisstjórn."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Sláðu inn raunverulegt nafn þessa notanda. Þessar upplýsingar verða notaðar "
"t.d. sem nafn á tölvupóst sem þessi notandi sendir og í hvaða forrit sem "
"sýnir eða notar raunverulegt nafn notandans. Fullt nafn er ágætis kostur."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Notendanafn fyrir þennan reikning:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Veldu notendanafn fyrir nýja reikninginn. Skírnarnafnið þitt er ágætis "
"kostur. Þetta notendanafn ætti að byrja á lágstaf, sem má fylgja eftir með "
"einhverri blöndu af tölum og lágstöfum."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ógilt notandanafn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Notandanafnið sem þú valdir er ógilt. Athugaðu að notendanöfn verða að byrja "
"á lágstaf sem fylgja má eftir með hverskonar samsetningu talna og fleiri "
"lágstafa og verður að vera minna en 32 stafa langt."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Frátekið notandanafn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Notendanafnið (${USERNAME}) er frátekið fyrir kerfið. Vinsamlega veldu annað."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Veldu lykilorð fyrir nýja notandann:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Sláðu lykilorð notandans aftur inn til að staðfesta að það hafi verið rétt "
"slegið inn."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Villa í innslætti á lykilorði"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Lykilorðin sem þú slóst inn voru ekki eins. Reyndu aftur."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tómt lykilorð"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Þú slóst inn tómt lykilorð, sem er ekki leyfilegt. Veldu lykilorð sem er "
"ekki tómt."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Virkja skugga-lykilorð?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Skugga-lykilorð gera kerfið þitt öruggara, þar sem enginn getur séð "
"lykilorðin ekki einu sinni dulkóðuð. Lykilorðin eru geymd í sér skrá sem "
"aðeins sérstök forrit geta lesið. Það er sterklega mælt með þessu, nema í "
"einstaka tilvikum eins og t.d. NIS kerfum."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Stilla notendur og lykilorð"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Stilli notendur og lykilorð..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Viltu nota óöruggt lykilorð?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Þú skrifaðir lykilorð sem er minna en átta stafa langt, og er því óöruggt. "
"Reyndu að finna öruggara lykilorð."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Viltu dulrita heimasvæðið þitt?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Þú getur dulritað heimasvæðið þitt, það merkir að ekki er hægt að skoða "
"skrárnar sem eru geymdar þar ef tölvunni þinni er stolið."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Kerfið mun tengjast dulrituða heimasvæðinu þínu í hvert sinn sem þú skráir "
"þig inn, og það um aftengja það þegar þú skráir þig út."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Dulritun heimamöppu mistókst"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Uppsetningarforritinu mistókst að dulrita heimamöppu. Heimamappan þín verður "
"því ódulrituð eftir uppsetninguna. Þetta er væntanlega villa sem þú gætir "
"viljað rannsaka betur og keyra síðan uppsetninguna aftur."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Skoðaðu skránna /var/log/syslog, eða sýndarstjórnskjá (virtual console) 4 "
"fyrir nánari upplýsingar."
@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Italian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2103, 2014 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# The translation team (for all four levels):
# Cristian Rigamonti <>
# Danilo Piazzalunga <>
# Davide Meloni <>
# Davide Viti <>
# Filippo Giunchedi <>
# Giuseppe Sacco <>
# Lorenzo 'Maxxer' Milesi
# Renato Gini
# Ruggero Tonelli
# Samuele Giovanni Tonon <>
# Stefano Canepa <>
# Stefano Melchior <>
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001
# Alessio Frusciante <>, 2001
# Andrea Scialpi <>, 2001
# (translations from drakfw)
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Danilo Piazzalunga <>, 2004
# Davide Viti <>, 2006
# Marcello Raffa <>, 2001
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Milo Casagrande <>, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-19 17:03+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Milo Casagrande <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <>\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Permettere l'accesso a root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Scegliendo di non permettere a root di eseguire l'accesso, verrà creato un "
"account utente e gli verranno dati i diritti di diventare root usando il "
"comando «sudo»."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Password di root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"È necessario inserire una password per «root», l'account di amministrazione "
"del sistema. Un utente malintenzionato o inesperto con i privilegi di root "
"può provocare danni al sistema: di conseguenza, la password di root dovrebbe "
"essere difficile da indovinare e non deve essere una parola che si possa "
"trovare in un dizionario o che si possa facilmente associare con l'utente."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Una buona password contiene una combinazione di lettere, numeri e segni di "
"interpunzione e deve essere cambiata a intervalli regolari."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"L'utente root non dovrebbe avere una password nulla. Lasciando questo campo "
"vuoto l'account root viene disabilitato e vengono concessi i privilegi di "
"super utente attraverso l'uso del comando «sudo» all'account di sistema "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Tenere presente che non sarà possibile vedere la password mentre viene "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Inserire nuovamente la password per verifica:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Inserire nuovamente la stessa password di root per verificare che sia stata "
"digitata correttamente."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Creare un account per un utente normale?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"È una cattiva idea usare l'account di root per le normali attività di "
"utilizzo del computer, come leggere la posta, perché anche un piccolo errore "
"può causare danni al sistema. Si dovrebbe creare un account per un utente "
"normale da usare per svolgere questi compiti."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"È possibile creare tale account anche dopo (e se ne possono creare quanti si "
"desidera), digitando «adduser <nomeutente>» come root, dove <nomeutente> è "
"il nome dell'utente da creare, come «mario» o «carlo»."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nome completo del nuovo utente:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Verrà ora creato un account utente da usare al posto dell'account di root "
"per le attività normali, che non riguardano l'amministrazione del sistema."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Inserire il vero nome di questo utente, per esempio nome e cognome. Questa "
"informazione viene usata per indicare il mittente delle email e da altri "
"programmi che mostrano o usano il nome completo dell'utente."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nome utente per l'account:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Scegliere il nome utente per il nuovo account, per esempio il nome di "
"battesimo. Il nome dell'utente dovrebbe iniziare con una lettera minuscola, "
"che può essere seguita da una qualsiasi combinazione di numeri e lettere "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nome utente non valido"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Il nome utente inserito non è valido. I nomi utenti devono iniziare con una "
"lettera minuscola a cui fa seguito una qualsiasi combinazione di numeri e "
"lettere minuscole e non deve superare i 32 caretteri di lunghezza."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nome utente riservato"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Il nome utente inserito (${USERNAME}) è riservato per essere usato dal "
"sistema. Scegliere un nome diverso."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Scegliere una password per il nuovo utente:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Inserire nuovamente la stessa password per verificare che sia stata digitata "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Errore nell'inserire la password"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Le due password inserite non sono uguali; riprovare."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Password vuota"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"È stata inserita una password vuota. Questo non è permesso; scegliere una "
"password che non sia vuota."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Abilitare le «shadow password»?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Le «shadow password» rendono il sistema più sicuro, perché nessuno può "
"vedere nemmeno le password cifrate: queste ultime vengono memorizzate in un "
"file separato, visibile solo attraverso programmi speciali. L'uso delle "
"«shadow password» è raccomandato, tranne in alcuni casi come ambienti che "
"usano NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Impostazione utenti e password"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Impostazione utenti e password..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Usare una password non sicura?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"È stata inserita una password di meno di otto caratteri che viene "
"considerata non sicura. È consigliato scegliere una password migliore."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Cifrare la propria directory personale?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"È possibile configurare la propria directory personale affinché venga "
"cifrata, in modo che i file archiviati al suo interno mantengano la loro "
"riservatezza anche se il computer viene rubato."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Il sistema attiverà automaticamente la directory personale cifrata a ogni "
"accesso e la disattiverà al termine della sessione."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Cifratura della directory home non riuscita"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Il programma di installazione non è riuscito a impostare la directory home "
"cifrata. La propria directory home non sarà cifrata una volta completata "
"l'installazione. Questo è probabilmente un bug e potrebbe essere necessario "
"eseguire nuovamente l'installazione."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Controllare /var/log/syslog o la console virtuale 4 per i dettagli."
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Japanese messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001, 2002.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006
# IIDA Yosiaki <>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
# Kenshi Muto <>, 2006-2007
# Takayuki KUSANO <>, 2001.
# Takuro Ashie <>, 2001.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from KDE:
# - Taiki Komoda <>
# Yasuaki Taniguchi <>, 2010, 2011.
# Yukihiro Nakai <>, 2000.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-27 16:57+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Kenshi Muto <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian L10n Japanese <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "root でのログインを許可しますか?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ここで root のログインを許可しない場合、ユーザアカウントが作成され、'sudo' コ"
"マンドを使って root になる権限が与えられます。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "root のパスワード:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"'root' (システム管理者アカウント) のパスワードをここで設定する必要がありま"
"す。悪意のある、あるいは資格のないユーザが root 権限を得てしまうことは大損害"
"につながるので、root のパスワードは簡単に推測できるものにならないよう注意を払"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root ユーザのパスワードを空にすべきではありません。空のままにすると、root ア"
"カウントは無効にされ、システムの初期ユーザアカウントに \"sudo\" コマンドを"
"使って root になる権限が与えられます。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "パスワードの入力時はパスワードが表示されないことに注意してください。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "確認のため、再度パスワードを入力してください:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"確認のために、先ほど入力した同じ root のパスワードを再度入力してください。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ここで一般ユーザアカウントを作成しますか?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"root アカウントで電子メールのやりとりなどの日常業務を行うべきではありません。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Debian システムのインストール後でも、(追加ユーザアカウントの作成と同様に) あ"
"なたのユーザアカウントを作成することができます。root アカウントで 'adduser <"
"ユーザ名>' と入力してください。<ユーザ名> は 'imurdock' や 'rms' のようなアカ"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "新しいユーザの本名 (フルネーム):"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"ユーザアカウントは非管理者権限で、root アカウントの代わりとして使うために作成"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "あなたのアカウントのユーザ名:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "無効なユーザ名"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"入力されたユーザ名は無効です。 ユーザ名は数字・小文字アルファベットの任意の組"
"ず、32 文字以内の長さでなければなりません。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "予約されたユーザ名"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"入力したユーザ名 (${USERNAME}) は、システムでの利用のために予約されています。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "新しいユーザのパスワードを選んでください:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "パスワード入力エラー"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "2回入力されたパスワードは同じではありません。再度入力してください。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "空のパスワード"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "シャドーパスワードを有効にしますか?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"か参照できない別ファイルに保存されます。NIS 環境などのごく限られた場合を除"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ユーザとパスワードのセットアップ"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ユーザとパスワードをセットアップ中..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "脆弱なパスワードを使いますか?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "ホームディレクトリを暗号化しますか?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "ホームディレクトリの暗号化に失敗しました"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"詳細については、/var/log/syslog を確認するか、仮想コンソール 4 を見てくださ"
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Georgian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Aiet Kolkhi <>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
# This file is maintained by Aiet Kolkhi <>
# Includes contributions by Malkhaz Barkalaza <>,
# Alexander Didebulidze <>, Vladimer Sichinava <>
# Taya Kharitonashvili <>, Gia Shervashidze -
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer.2006071\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-01 11:42+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Aiet Kolkhi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Georgian\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "ვარეგისტრირებთ როგორც root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"თუ არ დაუშვებთ root-ით რეგისტრაციას, შეიქმნება მომხმარებლის ანგარიში, "
"რომელიც შემდგომში შეიძლება გადაკეთდეს root-ად ბრძანება 'sudo'-ს საშუალებით."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-ის პაროლი:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"სისტემის ადმინისტრატორის ანგარიშს ('root') პაროლი უნდა ედოს. სისტემაში "
"დაბალკვალიფიციური მომხმარებლის ან ბოროტგანმზრახველის ამ ანგარიშით შესვლამ "
"შეიძლება კატასტროფა გამოიწვიოს, ამიტომ დაადეთ მას პაროლი, თან სასურველია "
"რთული გამოსაცნობი - ის არ უნდა იყოს გავრცელებული სიტყვა, და არ უნდა "
"ასოცირდებოდეს თქვენს პიროვნებასთან."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"პაროლი სჯობს შეიცავდეს დიდი და პატარა (ლათინური) ასოების, ციფრებისა და "
"სასვენი ნიშნების უწესრიგო მიმდევრობას, და პერიოდულად იცვლებოდეს."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root მომხმარებელს არ შეიძლება პაროლი არ გააჩნდეს. თუ ამ ველს ცარიელს "
"დატოვებთ, root ანგარიში გაუქმდება, ხოლო სისტემაში შექმნილ პირველი "
"სამომხმარებლო ანგარიშს root-ად გახდომის ძალა მიენიჭება, „sudo“ ბრძანების "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "პაროლის აკრეფისას ეკრანზე არ გამოჩნდება არაფერი."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "პაროლის ხელახლა შეყვანა:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "შეცდომისაგან დასაზღვევად ხელახლა აკრიფეთ root-პაროლი."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "შევქმნათ ჩვეულებრივი მომხმარებლის ანგარიში?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"არ არის სასურველი ყოველდღიური საქმიანობისათვის (ფოსტის ნახვა და სხვ.) "
"გამოვიყენოთ root-ანგარიში - ნებისმიერმა შეცდომამ შეიძლება პრობლემები "
"შეგიქმნათ. სჯობს ამისათვის შექმნათ ჩვეულებრივი მომხმარებელი."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გახსნათ იგი მოგვიანებით (თან რამდენიმე). ამისათვის root-ით "
"რეგისტრირებულმა შეასრულეთ ბრძანება 'adduser <სახელი>'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "შეიყვანეთ ახალი მომხმარებლის სახელი:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"იქმნება მომხმარებელი, რომლის ანგარიშით (root-ის ნაცვლად) ისარგებლებთ "
"ყოველთვის, როცა არ გექნებათ ადმინისტრირების ამოცანა."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"მიუთითეთ მომხმარებლის სახელი. ეს სახელი ჩაიწერება მის მიერ გაგზავნილი "
"წერილების ველში \"ვისგან\", ასევე გამოიყენებს მას ყველა ის პროგრამა, რომელიც "
"აჩვენებს ან რამეში იყენებს მომხმარებლის სახელს. შეგიძლიათ ჩაწეროთ თქვენი "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "თქვენი ანგარიშის მომხმარებლის სახელი:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"მიუთითეთ სახელი ახალი ანგარიშისათვის. შეგიძლიათ ჩაწეროთ თქვენი სახელი. "
"სახელი უნდა იწყებოდეს პატარა ლათინური ასოთი და გრძელდებოდეს ციფრებისა და "
"პატარა ლათინური ასოების ნებისმიერი სიგრძის კომბინაციით."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "მომხმარებლის სახელი არასწორია"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with "
#| "a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers "
#| "and more lower-case letters."
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"მომხმარებლის ასეთი სახელი დაუშვებელია. ეს პატარა ლათინური ასოთი და "
"გრძელდებოდეს ციფრებისა და პატარა ლათინური ასოების ნებისმიერი კომბინაციით."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "რეზერვირებული სახელი"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"თქვენს მიერ შეყვანილი სახელი (${USERNAME}) რეზერვირებულია სისტემის "
"საჭიროებისათვის. აირჩიეთ სხვა სახელი."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ახალი მომხმარებლის პაროლი:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "შეცდომისაგან დასაზღვევად ხელახლა აკრიფეთ პაროლი."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "შეცდომა პაროლის შეყვანისას"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ორივე პაროლი ერთნაირი უნდა იყოს. გაიმეორეთ პროცედურა."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ცარიელი პაროლი"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "ცარიელი პაროლი დაუშვებელია. შეიყვანეთ რაიმე პაროლი."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "გამოვიყენოთ shadow პაროლები?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"ჩრდილოვანი (shadow) პაროლები აძლიერებს თქვენი სისტემის დაცულობას, რამდენადაც "
"ასეთი პაროლები ინახება სპეციალურ დაცულ ფაილში, რომლის ნახვა მხოლოდ "
"სპეციალური პროგრამითაა შესაძლებელი და დაფარულია ჩვეულებრივი "
"მომხმარებლისაგან. ჩრდილოვანი პაროლების გამოყენება რეკომენდებულია ყოველთვის, "
"გარდა განსაკუთრებული შემთხვევებისა (NIS-თან მუშაობა და სხვ.)."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ანგარიშებისა და პაროლების კონფიგურაცია"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "მომხმარებლების და პაროლების დაყენება..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "დაწვრილებით იხილეთ /var/log/syslog ან ვირტუალური კონსოლი 4."
@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Kazakh messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Talgat Daniyarov
# Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <>, 2008-2011
# Dauren Sarsenov <>, 2008, 2009
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Sairan Kikkarin <>, 2006
# KDE Kazakh l10n team, 2006
# Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <>, 2008, 2009, 2010
# Dauren Sarsenov <>, 2009
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-20 13:39+0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Baurzhan Muftakhidinov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Kazakh <>\n"
"Language: kk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Root cуперпайдаланушы ретінде жүйеге кіруге рұқсат беру керек пе?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Егер сіз жүйеңізге root атымен кіруге рұқсат бермесеңіз, онда тек кәдімгі "
"пайдаланушы тіркеу жазбасы құрылады, ал суперпайдаланушы құқығын алу үшін "
"'sudo' командасын қолдану керек."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root паролі:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Сіз \"root\" деген әкімшілік тіркелгіге пароль жазуыңыз керек. Жаман ойы бар "
"немесе тәжірибесіз пайдаланушы осы тіркелгімен кіретін болса, жүйеге кері "
"әсерін тигізуі мүмкін, сондықтан сіз қиын пароль таңдауыңыз керек. Пароль "
"сөздіктен алынған сөз немесе сізге байланысты сөз (мысалы, әкеңіздің аты) "
"болмауы тиіс."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Жақсы пароль әріптер, сандар мен тыныс белгілерінен тұруы керек, және уақыт "
"өте ауысу керек."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Root пайдаланушысының паролі бос болмауы керек. Оны бос қалдырсаңыз, "
"жүйеңізде root тіркелгісі сөндіріледі, ал бірінші тіркелген пайдаланушыға "
"root құқығын алу үшін 'sudo' командасын қолдану құқығы беріледі."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Енгізу кезінде пароль көрінбейтінін ескеріңіз."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Тексеру үшін парольді қайта енгізіңіз:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Енгізген суперпайдаланушы паролінің дұрыстығын тексеру үшін, оны тағы да бір "
"рет енгізіңіз."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Кәдімгі пайдаланушы жүйелік тіркеу жазбасын құру керек пе?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Суперпайдаланушының тіркеу жазбасын күнделікті жұмыс үшін қолдану (мысалы, "
"электронды пошта оқу) дұрыс емес, өйткені Сіз жіберген кішкентай қатенің "
"нәтижесі апатқа әкелуі мүмкін. Қазір Сіз кәдімгі пайдаланушы жүйелік тіркеу "
"жазбасын құра аласыз, оның атынан жүйеңізде күнделікті жұмыспен айналыса "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Сіз пайдаланушының жүйедегі тіркеу жазбасын (бірнешеуін де) кейін де қоса "
"аласыз, ол үшін (root атынан) 'adduser <аты>' командасын орындау керек, бұл "
"жердегі <аты> - пайдаланушы аты (басқаша атауы - тіркеу жазбасы ), мысалы "
"'imurdock' немесе 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Жаңа пайдаланушының толық аты:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Әкімшілік емес әрекеттерді жасауда суперпайдаланушы тіркелгісі орнына "
"қолдану үшін кәдімгі пайдаланушы тіркелгісі жасалады."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Пайдаланушының шын атын енгізіңіз. Бұл ақпарат пайдаланушы электронды пошта "
"жібергенде \"Кімнен\" жолында, басқа да пайдаланушының шын атын керек ететін "
"бағдарламалар үшін қолданылады. Сіздің толық атыңызды қолдануға болады."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Тіркелгіңіз үшін пайдаланушы аты:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Жүйеңізде тіркелетін пайдаланушы атын (тіркелгі) таңдаңыз. Ол ретінде сіздің "
"шын атыңызды қолдануға болады. Пайдаланушы аты кіші латын әрпінен басталуы "
"керек, одан кейін сандар мен кіші латын әріптерінің кез-келген саны болуы "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Пайдаланушы аты жарамсыз"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Сіз енгізген пайдаланушы аты қате. Пайдаланушы аты кіші әріптен басталуы "
"керек, ол әріптен кейін сандар мен әріптер кез-келген түрде келуі мүмкін, "
"және де 32 таңбадан аспауы тиіс."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Бұл пайдаланушы аты жүйелік қолдану үшін алынып қойған"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Сіз енгізген пайдаланушы аты (${USERNAME}) жүйелік қолдану үшін алынып "
"қойған. Басқасын таңдаңыз."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Жаңа пайдаланушының паролін енгізіңіз:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Енгізген парольдің дұрыстығын тексеру үшін, парольді тағы да бір рет "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Пароль енгізу қатесі"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Сіз енгізген парольдар бір-бірімен сәйкес келмейді. Парольді қайта енгізіңіз."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Бос пароль"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Сіз пароль жолын бос қалдырған сияқтысыз. Бос парольдерді қолдануға "
"болмайды, сондықтан дұрыс пароль енгізіңіз."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Көлеңкелі (shadow) парольдерді қолдауды қосу керек пе?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Көлеңкелі (shadow) парольдерді қолдану жүйеңіздің қауіпсіздігін арттырады, "
"өйткені бұл кезде кәдімгі пайдаланушылар үшін шифрленген парольдерді көруге "
"рұқсат жоқ. Шифрленген парольдерді тек кейбір бағдарламар оқи алатын файлда "
"сақтау арқылы іске асырылады. Көлеңкелі парольдерді ерекше жағдайлардан "
"басқа кезде (NIS-пен жұмыс істегенде) әрқашан қолдану ұсынылады."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Пайдаланушылардың тіркелгілерін мен парольдерін баптау"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Пайдаланушылардың тіркелгілерін мен парольдерін баптау..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Көлеңкелі (shadow) парольдерді қолдауды қосу керек пе?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Сіз енгізген құпия сөздің ұзындығы сегізден аз, сондықтан да ол әлсіз болып "
"саналады. Сіз аса қиын құпия сөзді ойлап табуыңыз қажет."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Жеке үй бумасын (/home) шифрлейін ба?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Жеке үй каталогты (/home) шифрлеу, компьютер ұрланған кезде де сіздің жеке "
"мағлұматтардың құпиясын сақтайды."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Жүйеге кіретін кезде шифрленген каталог сізге көрінбейтіндей құрастырылып, "
"қосылады (монтировать) да, жүйеден шыққан кезде қайта құрастырылып, яғни "
"босатады (размонтировать)."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Үй каталогының шифрлеуі сәтсіз болды."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Орнатылым бағдарламасы үй каталогының шифрлеуі сәтсіз болды. Сіздің үй "
"каталогыңыз орнатылым біткеннен кейін шифрленбеген болып қалады. Мүмкін бұл "
"қатені сіз қарастырып, және де жүйені қайта орнатылым жасайтын шығарсыз."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Қосымша мәліметті /var/log/syslog файлынан не 4 консольдан қараңыз."
@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of km.po to Khmer
# Khoem Sokhem <>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010.
# eng vannak <>, 2006.
# auk piseth <>, 2006.
# Khoem Sokhem <>, 2006, 2010, 2012.
# Translations from iso-codes:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: km\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-18 15:40+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Khoem Sokhem <>\n"
"Language-Team: Khmer <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "អនុញ្ញាតឲ្យចូលជា root ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"បើអ្នកជ្រើសថាមិនអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យ root ចូល នោះគណនីអ្នកប្រើមួយនឹងត្រូវបានបង្កើត ហើយគណនីអាចក្លាយជា "
"root ដោយប្រើពាក្យបញ្ជា 'sudo' ។"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ root ៖"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"អ្នកត្រូវតែកំណត់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់មួយសម្រាប់ 'root' ដែលជាគណនីគ្រប់គ្រងប្រព័ន្ធ ។ អ្នកដែលប៉ុនប៉ងចង់ព្យាបាទ"
"ប្រព័ន្ធរបស់អ្នក នឹងមិនអាចធ្វើអ្វីបានឡើយ បើមិនចូលជា root ដូច្នេះអ្នកត្រូវតែជ្រើសពាក្យសម្ងាត់ root "
"ដោយប្រុងប្រយ័ត្នបំផុត គឺជ្រើសពាក្យសម្ងាត់ណាដែលមិនងាយនឹងទស្សន៍ទាយបាន ។ អ្នកមិនគួរជ្រើសពាក្យណាដែលមាន"
"នៅក្នុងវចនានុក្រម ឬ ពាក្យដែលជាប់ទាក់ទងនឹងខ្លួនអ្នកឡើយ (ឧ. ឈ្មោះមិត្តភក្ដិ ឬ ថ្ងៃកំណើត...) ។"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ដែលល្អបំផុតគឺជាពាក្យសម្ងាត់ដែលមានទាំងអក្សរ ទាំងលេខ និង សញ្ញាវណ្ណយុត្តិ ហើយគួរតែដាក់នៅ"
"ឆ្លាស់គ្នាចុះឡើងៗ ។"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"អ្នកប្រើជា root មិនគួរមិនដាក់ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ទេ ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកទុកឲ្យវាទំនេរ គណនី root នឹងត្រូវបានបិទ "
"ហើយគណនីអ្នកប្រើដំបូងរបស់ប្រព័ន្ធនឹងត្រូវបានផ្ដល់សិទ្ធិក្លាយអ្នក root ដោយប្រើពាក្យបញ្ជា \"sudo\" ។"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "សូមចំណាំថា អ្នកនឹងមិនអាចមើលឃើញពាក្យសម្ងាត់ ពេលដែលអ្នកវាយវាឡើយ ។"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "សូមបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់ម្ដងទៀត ដើម្បីផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ ៖"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "សូមបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់ root ដដែលម្ដងទៀត ដើម្បីផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ថាអ្នកវាយវាបានត្រឹមត្រូវ ។។"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "បង្កើតគណនីអ្នកប្រើធម្មតាឥឡូវ ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"វាជាគំនិតមិនល្អឡើយដែលប្រើគណនី root សម្រាប់សកម្មភាពធម្មតាប្រចាំថ្ងៃ ដូចជាអានអ៊ីមែលជាដើម ពីព្រោះ"
"បើមានកំហុសអ្វីមួយ អ្នកអាចនឹងជួបប្រទះនូវមហន្តរាយនឹកស្មានមិនដល់មួយ ។ អ្នកគួរតែបង្កើតគណនីអ្នកប្រើធម្មតា"
"មួយ ដើម្បីប្រើសម្រាប់ការងារប្រចាំថ្ងៃទាំងនោះ ។"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"សូមចំណាំថា អ្នកអាចបង្កើតវាពេលក្រោយក៏បានដែរ (បន្ថែមគណនីផ្សេងទៀតក៏បានដែរ) ដោយចូលជា root ហើយ"
"វាយ 'adduser <ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ>' ដែល <ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ> គឺជាឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើមួយដូចជា 'nary' ឬ "
"'dara' ជាដើម ។"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "ឈ្មោះពេញសម្រាប់អ្នកប្រើថ្មី ៖"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"គណនីអ្នកប្រើនឹងត្រូវបានបង្កើតសម្រាប់អ្នក ដើម្បីប្រើជំនួសគណនី root សម្រាប់រាល់សកម្មភាពដែលមិនទាក់ទងនឹង"
"ការគ្រប់គ្រងប្រព័ន្ធ ។"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"សូមបញ្ចូលឈ្មោះពិតរបស់អ្នកប្រើនេះ ។ ព័ត៌មាននេះនឹងត្រូវបានប្រើជាឈ្មោះចូលលំនាំដើម សម្រាប់អ៊ីមែលដែលផ្ញើ"
"ដោយអ្នកប្រើនេះ ក៏ដូចជាកម្មវិធីដែលបង្ហាញ ឬ ប្រើឈ្មោះពិតរបស់អ្នកប្រើ ។"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ សម្រាប់គណនីរបស់អ្នក ៖"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"ជ្រើសឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើសម្រាប់គណនីថ្មី ។ ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើគួរតែចាប់ផ្ដើមដោយអក្សរតូច ហើយអាចបន្តដោយបន្សំរវាង"
"លេខ និង អក្សរតូចជាច្រើនទៀត ។"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"អ្នកបានបញ្ចូលឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើមិនត្រឹមត្រូវឡើយ ។ សូមចំណាំថា ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើត្រូវតែចាប់ផ្តើមដោយអក្សរតូច ដែល"
"អាចបន្តដោយបន្សំរវាងលេខ និង អក្សរតូចជាច្រើនទៀត ហើយមិនលើសពី ៣២ តួអក្សរទេ។"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើដែលបានបម្រុង"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"ឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ ដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ចូល (${USERNAME}) ត្រូវបានបម្រុងទុកសម្រាប់ប្រើដោយប្រព័ន្ធ ។ សូមជ្រើស"
"ភាពខុសគ្នាមួយ ។"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ជ្រើសពាក្យសម្ងាត់សម្រាប់អ្នកប្រើថ្មី ៖"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "សូមបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់អ្នកប្រើដដែលម្ដងទៀត ដើម្បីផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ថាអ្នកវាយវាបានត្រឹមត្រូវ ។"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "កំហុសបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ទាំងពីរដែលអ្នកបានបញ្ចូល មិនដូចគ្នាឡើយ ។ សូមព្យាយាមម្ដងទៀត ។"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ទទេ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"អ្នកបានបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់ទទេមួយ ដែលមិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឡើយ ។ សូមជ្រើសពាក្យសម្ងាត់មួយទៀត ដែលមិនមែន"
"ទទេ ។"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "អនុញ្ញាតពាក្យសម្ងាត់ស្រមោល ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ស្រមោលអាចធ្វើឲ្យប្រព័ន្ធរបស់អ្នកកាន់តែមានសុវត្ថិភាព ព្រោះមិនមាននរណាអាចមើលពាក្យសម្ងាត់"
"បានឡើយ ។ ពាក្យសម្ងាត់នឹងត្រូវបានរក្សាទុកក្នុងឯកសារដាច់ដោយឡែកមួយ ដែលមានតែកម្មវិធីពិសេសខ្លះ"
"ប៉ុណ្ណោះ អាចអានបាន ។ អ្នកគួរតែប្រើពាក្យសម្ងាត់ស្រមោល ដោយលើកលែងតែករណីមួយចំនួន ដូចជានៅក្នុង"
"បរិស្ថាន NIS ជាដើម ។"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "រៀបចំអ្នកប្រើ និង ពាក្យសម្ងាត់"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "កំពុងកំណត់អ្នកប្រើ និង ពាក្យសម្ងាត់..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "ប្រើពាក្យសម្ងាត់ខ្សោយឬ ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"អ្នកបានបញ្ចូលពាក្យសម្ងាត់ដែលមានអក្សរតិចជាងប្រាំបីតួ ដែលត្រូវបានចាត់ទុកថាខ្សោយពេក ។ អ្នកគួរតែជ្រើស"
"ពាក្យសម្ងាត់ខ្លាំងជាងនេះ ។"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "អ៊ិនគ្រីបថតផ្ទះរបស់អ្នកឬ ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"អ្នកអាចកំណត់រចនាសម្ព័ន្ធថតផ្ទះរបស់អ្នក សម្រាប់ការអ៊ិនគ្រីប ដូចដែលឯកសារមួយចំនួនបានរក្សាទុកជាឯកជន "
"ប្រសិនបើកុំព្យូទ័ររបស់អ្នកត្រូវបានចោរលួច ។"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"ប្រព័ន្ធនឹងម៉ោនថតផ្ទះដែលបានអ៊ិនគ្រីបរបស់អ្នក គ្រប់ពេលដែលអ្នកចូល ហើយនឹងអាន់ម៉ោនដោយស្វ័យប្រវត្តិ នៅពេល"
"ដែលអ្នកចេញពីសម័យទាំងអស់ដែលសកម្ម ។"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "បានបរាជ័យការអ៊ិនគ្រីបថតផ្ទះ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"បានបរាជ័យ ដើម្បីរៀបចំការអ៊ិនគ្រីបថតផ្ទះ ។ ថតផ្ទះរបស់អ្នកនឹងអាន់ម៉ោន ក្រោយពេលការដំឡើង ។ វាប្រហែល"
"ជាមានកំហុស អ្នកអាចស្វែងរក ហើយដំឡើងឡើងវិញ ។"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "សម្រាប់ព័ត៌មានលម្អិត សូមពិនិត្យមើល /var/log/syslog ឬ មើលកុងសូលនិម្មិតទី ៤ ។"
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Kannada Translations
# Vikram Vincent <>, 2007, 2010, 2011.
# Raghavendra S <>, 2010.
# Translators:
# shashi kiran <>, 2010, 2011.
# Prabodh CP <>, 2011.
# Credits: Thanks to contributions from Free Software Movement Karnataka (FSMK), 2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Shankar Prasad <>, 2009.
# Vikram Vincent <>, 2007.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kn\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-05 22:29+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Prabodh C P <>\n"
"Language-Team: Kannada <>\n"
"Language: kn\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "ಮೂಲವಾಗಿ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಲು ಅವಕಾಶ ನೀಡಿ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನಿಗೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶ ನೀಡಬಾರದೆಂದು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ಆಗ ಹೊಸದೊಂದು ಬಳಕೆದಾರ "
"ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು ಮತ್ತು 'sudo' ಸನ್ನೆಯ ಮೂಲಕ ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನಾಗುವ ಶಕ್ತಿಯನ್ನು "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "ಮೂಲ ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ರೂಟ್(ಗಣಕ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ ಖಾತೆ)ಗೆ ಒಂದು ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸ ಬೇಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ."
"ದುರುದ್ದೇಶವುಳ್ಳ ಅಥವಾ ಅಯೋಗ್ಯ್ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನಿಗೆ ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಪ್ರವೇಶಾವಕಾಶ ದೊರೆತೆರೆ ಹಾನಿಕರ "
"ಪರಿಣಾಮಗಳುಂಟಾಗಬಹುದು, ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ನೀವು ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆಯಿಂದ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಊಹಿಸಲಾಗದ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು "
"ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಗೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆಮಾಡಿ. ಈ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವು ಶಬ್ಧಕೋಶದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಪದವಾಗಿರಬಾರದು ಅಥವಾ ಈ "
"ಪದವು ನಿಮ್ಮೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸುವಂತಾಗಿರಬಾರದು."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ಒಂದು ಉತ್ತಮವಾದ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವು ಅಕ್ಷರ, ಅಂಕಿ ಹಾಗು ವಿರಾಮ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಗಳ ಮಿಶ್ರಣವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುತ್ತದೆ "
"ಮತ್ತು ಅದನ್ನು ಕಾಲಕಾಲಕ್ಕೆ ಬದಲಿಸುತ್ತಿರಬೇಕು. "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಗುಪ್ತಪದ ಖಾಲಿಯಿರಬಾರದು. ಹಾಗೆ ಖಾಲಿ ಬಿಟ್ಟಲ್ಲಿ ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು "
"ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿ ಗಣಕದ ಮೊದಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಗೆ \"sudo\" ಆಜ್ಞೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನಾಗುವ "
"ಶಕ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಲಾಗುವುದು."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ಗಮನಿಸಿ ನೀವು ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಕೀಲಿಸುವಾಗ ಅದು ನಿಮಗೆ ಕಾಣುವುದಿಲ್ಲ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮೂಲ(root) ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಸೂಚಿಸಿ,ನೀವು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಕೊಟ್ಟಿರುವಿರೆಂದು "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ಈಗ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆ ಸೃಜಿಸು?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"ದೈನಂದಿನ ಚಟುವಟಿಕೆಗಳಿಗೆ (ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ ಇ-ಅಂಚೆ ಓದುವುದು) ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು "
"ಬಳಸುವುದು ಉತ್ತಮ ಅಭ್ಯಾಸವಲ್ಲ ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಒಂದು ಸಣ್ಣ ತಪ್ಪು ಕೂಡ ವಿಪತ್ತನ್ನುಂಟು ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. "
"ಆದ್ದರಿಂದ ನೀವು ದೈನಂದಿನ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸುವುದು ಉತ್ತಮ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನಾಗಿ 'adduser <username>' ಅಜ್ಞೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡುವುದರಿಂದ ಅದನ್ನು "
"ನಂತರದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಬಹುದು (ಅಲ್ಲದೆ ಇನ್ನಾವುದಾದರೂ ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಹ), ಇಲ್ಲಿ "
"<username> ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ನಾಮವಾಗಿದೆ, ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ 'ಐಮುರ್ಡೊಕ್' ಅಥವಾ 'ಆರ್ಎಮ್ಎಸ್'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಪೂರ್ಣ ಹೆಸರು:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"ಆಡಳಿತಾತ್ಮಕವಲ್ಲದ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಮೂಲ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಯ ಬದಲಾಗಿ ಹೊಸದೊಂದು ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"ದಯಮಾಡಿ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ನಿಜವಾದ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ. ಈ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು "
"ಕಳುಹಿಸುವ ಈ-ಅಂಚೆಗಳ ಪೂರ್ವ ನಿರ್ಧಾರಿತ ಮೂಲವಾಗಿ ಅಥವಾ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ನಿಜ ನಾಮವನ್ನು ಪ್ರದರ್ಶಿಸುವ "
"ಅಥವಾ ಬಳಸುವ ಯಾವುದೇ ಗಣಕ ಪ್ರೋಗ್ರಾಂ. ಇದಕ್ಕೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪೂರ್ಣ ಹೆಸರು ಉತ್ತಮ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಗೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ನಾಮವೊಂದನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೆಸರು ಕೂಡ ಉತ್ತಮ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯಾಗಬಹುದು. "
"ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ಹೆಸರು ಯಾವುದಾದರೂ ಅಕ್ಷರದಿಂದ ಶುರುವಾಗಿ ನಂತರ ಅಂಕಿ ಹಾಗು ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳ ಯಾವುದೇ "
"ಸಂಯೋಜನೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಬಹುದು."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ಹೆಸರು ಸರಿಯಿಲ್ಲ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿದ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಗಮನಿಸಿ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ನಾಮಗಳು ಲೋವರ್ ಕೇಸ್ "
"ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳಿಂದ ಪ್ರಾರಂಭವಾಗಿರಬೇಕು ಮತ್ತು ನಂತರ ಅಂಕಿಗಳು ಹಾಗು ಲೋವರ್ ಕೇಸ್ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳ ಯಾವುದೇ "
"ಸಂಯೋಜನೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಬಹುದು ಮತ್ತು ಒಟ್ಟು ೩೨ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳನ್ನು ಮೀರದಂತಿರಬೇಕು."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ಕಾಯ್ದಿರಿಸಲಾದ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಹೆಸರು"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ಕೊಟ್ಟ್ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ನಾಮ (${USERNAME}) ಗಣಕವು ತನ್ನ ಬಳಕೆಗಾಗಿ ಕಾಯ್ದಿರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡಿದೆ. "
"ದಯಮಾಡಿ ಬೇರೊಂದನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಗೆ ಒಂದು ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಕೊಡಿ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಸೂಚಿಸಿ,ನೀವು ಸರಿಯಾಗಿ ಕೊಟ್ಟಿರುವಿರೆಂದು "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ ದಾಖಲಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ದಾಕಲಿಸಿದ ಎರಡೂ ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳು ಒಂದನ್ನೊಂದು ಹೋಲುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯಮಾಡಿ ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ಖಾಲಿ ಗುಪ್ತಪದ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"ನೀವು ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಖಾಲಿ ಬಿಟ್ಟಿದ್ದೀರಿ, ಇದನ್ನು ಗಣಕವು ಸಮ್ಮತಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ದಯಮಾಡಿ ಖಾಲಿಯಲ್ಲದ "
"ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "ಛಾಯಾ ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಸಾಧ್ಯಗೊಳಿಸುವುದೆ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"ಶ್ಯಾಡೊ ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕವನ್ನು ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಸುರಕ್ಷಿತವನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಯಾರೂ ಕೂಡ "
"ಗೂಢಲಿಪೀಕರಿಸಿದ ಗುಪ್ತ ಪದಗಳನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ನೋಡಲಾರರು. ಗುಪ್ತ ಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಕೇವಲ ವಿಶೇಷ ಪ್ರೋಗ್ರಾಂಗಳು "
"ಓದಬಲ್ಲಂತಹ ಒಂದು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾದ ಕಡತದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಲಾಗಿಡುತ್ತದೆ. ಕೆಲವು ವಿಶೇಷ ಸಂಧರ್ಭಗಳನ್ನು "
"ಬಿಟ್ಟು, ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ NIS ಪರಿಸರದಲ್ಲಿ, ಎಲ್ಲೆಡೆ ಶ್ಯಾಡೊ ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬಲವಾಗಿ "
"ಶಿಫಾರಸು ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರರನ್ನು ಹಾಗು ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸು"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರರನ್ನು ಹಾಗು ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ...."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "ಛಾಯಾ ಗುಪ್ತಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಸಾಧ್ಯಗೊಳಿಸುವುದೆ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Korean messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2008 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Changwoo Ryu <>, 2010, 2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Copyright (C)
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Changwoo Ryu <>, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Eungkyu Song <>, 2001.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2003
# Jaegeum Choe <>, 2001.
# (translations from drakfw)
# Kang, JeongHee <>, 2000.
# Sunjae Park <>, 2006-2007.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-04 00:24+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Changwoo Ryu <>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean <>\n"
"Language: ko\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "루트 로그인을 허용하시겠습니까?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"루트 로그인을 허용하지 않을 경우, 일반 사용자 계정을 만들고 그 일반 사용자에 "
"'sudo' 명령을 이용해 루트가 될 수 있는 권한을 줍니다."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "루트 암호:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"이제 루트, 'root'의 암호를 설정해야 합니다. 루트(root)는 시스템 관리자의 계정"
"입니다. 악의가 있는 사용자나 잘 모르는 사용자가 루트 권한을 갖게 되면 시스템"
"에 큰 피해를 입힐 수 있습니다. 그러므로 루트 암호를 정할 때 암호를 쉽게 추측"
"하지 못하도록 신경을 써야 합니다. 사전에 있는 단어를 사용하면 안 되고, 본인 "
"신상정보와 관계 있는 단어를 써도 안 됩니다."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"암호는 글자, 숫자, 기호를 섞어서 만드는 게 좋고, 정기적으로 바꾸는 게 좋습니"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"루트 사용자의 암호는 비워둘 수 없습니다. 암호를 비워두면 루트 계정을 사용할 "
"수 없는 대신, 시스템의 최초 사용자 계정에 \"sudo\" 명령어를 통해 루트 권한을 "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "암호를 입력할 때 입력한 글자는 보이지 않습니다."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "확인을 위해 암호를 다시 입력하십시오:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "제대로 입력했는지 확인하기 위해 루트 암호를 한번 더 입력하십시오."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "일반 사용자 계정을 지금 만드시겠습니까?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"자주 하는 일반적인 (예를 들어 전자메일 읽기) 컴퓨터 작업에서는 루트 계정을 쓰"
"지 않는 게 좋습니다. 루트 계정에서는 아주 작은 실수 때문에 큰 피해가 발생할 "
"수도 있기 때문입니다. 일반적인 작업에 사용할 일반 사용자 계정을 지금 만들 수 "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"나중에 루트 사용자로 'adduser <사용자이름>' 명령을 실행해서 계정을 만들 수도 "
"있습니다. 여기서 <사용자이름>은 'imurdock'이나 'rms'같은 사용자 이름입니다."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "새로 만들 사용자의 전체 이름:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"루트 계정이 아닌, 시스템 관리와 관계 없는 활동에 사용할 사용자 계정을 만듭니"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"이 사용자의 실제 이름을 입력하십시오. 여기 입력하는 정보는 사용자가 보낸 전자"
"메일의 기본 이름으로도 사용하고, 사용자의 실제 이름을 출력하는 여러가지 프로"
"그램에서도 사용합니다. 이름과 성으로 된 전체 이름을 사용하면 됩니다."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "계정의 사용자 이름:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"새로 만들 계정의 사용자 이름을 지정하십시오. 이름을 쓰는 것도 좋습니다. 사용"
"자 이름은 영문 소문자로 시작해야 하고, 그 뒤에는 숫자나 영문 소문자를 몇 개든"
"지 쓸 수 있습니다."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "잘못된 사용자 이름"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"입력한 사용자 이름이 잘못되었습니다. 사용자 이름은 영문 소문자로 시작해야 하"
"고, 그 뒤에는 숫자나 영문 소문자를 쓸 수 있습니다. 또 글자 수가 32자 이하여"
"야 합니다."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "예약 사용자 이름"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"입력한 사용자 이름은 (${USERNAME}) 시스템에서 사용하려고 예약해 놓은 사용자 "
"이름입니다. 다른 이름을 사용하십시오."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "새로 만들 사용자의 암호를 입력하십시오:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "제대로 입력했는지 확인하기 위해 사용자 암호를 다시 한번 입력하십시오."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "암호 입력 오류"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "입력한 두 암호가 같지 않습니다. 다시 입력하십시오."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "빈 암호"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "빈 암호를 사용할 수 없습니다. 암호를 입력하십시오."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "쉐도우 암호를 사용하시겠습니까?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"쉐도우 암호를 쓰면 암호화한 암호조차 아무나 볼 수 없기 때문에 시스템의 보안"
"에 좋습니다. 암호는 별도 파일에 저장하게 되고 일부 특별한 프로그램만 읽을 수 "
"있습니다. 쉐도우 암호를 사용하도록 권장하지만, NIS 환경 등 드물게 쉐도우 암"
"호 때문에 문제가 생기는 경우가 있습니다."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "사용자 및 암호 설정"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "사용자 및 암호 설정 중입니다..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "암호가 약한데 사용할까요?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"입력한 암호는 문자가 8개 미만으로 너무 약하며, 더 강력한 암호를 입력하세요."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "시작폴더를 암호화할까요?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"도난당한 컴퓨터의 어떤파일도 보호할 수 있는 암호화로 시작폴더를 설정할 수 있"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"시스템이 모든 동작중인 세션이 로그아웃할때 자동으로 로그인시간마다 암호화된 "
"시작디렉토리를 균일하게 마운트할 것입니다."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "홈 디렉토리 암호화 실패"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"홈 디렉토리 암호화에 실패했습니다. 설치 후 홈 디렉토리는 암호화되지 않은 상태"
"입니다. 이는 버그일 수 있습니다. 이에 대해 조사를 하거나, 재설치를 할 수 있습"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"자세한 정보를 확인하시려면 /var/log/messages를 보시거나 가상 콘솔 4을보십시"
@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of ku.po to Kurdish
# Kurdish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Rizoyê Xerzî <riza dot seckin at gmail dot com>
# Erdal Ronahi <erdal dot ronahi at gmail dot com>, 2008.
# Erdal <>, 2010.
# Erdal Ronahî <>, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ku\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-09 21:51+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Erdal Ronahi <>\n"
"Language-Team: Kurdish Team\n"
"Language: ku\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Bila destûr ji têketina wekî root were dayîn?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Heke tu destûrê bide têketine bikarhênerê root, wê hesabekî bikarhêneran yê "
"asayî were çêkirin û ev bikarhêner wê karibe bi fermana 'sudo' re bibe "
"xwediyê root."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Şîfreya root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Divê ji bo gerînendetiya pergalê, ji bo 'root'ê şîfreyekê binivîsî. Eger "
"kesekî nezan an jî xerab bikaribe hesaba root bi kar bîne, dê gelek nebaş "
"be. Ji bo ku şîfre ne hêsan be, bila ne peyveke ku di ferhengan de cih "
"digire an jî derbarê te de be."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Şîfreyeke baş divê ji tîp, hejmar û nîşanên xalan pêk were û divê her piştî "
"demekê bête guhartin."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Şîfreya bikarhêner root bila vala nebe. Heke vala bihêlî, hesaba root dê "
"were neçalakkirin û hesaba bikarhênera yekemîn wê karibe bi fermana \"sudo\" "
"re bibe xwediyê root."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Not: Dema tu şîfreyê binivîsî, nikarî wê bibînî."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ji bo rastkirinê şîfreyê carekî din binivîse:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ji kerema xwe re ji bo ku tu zanibî te rast nivîsandiye, heman şîfreya kokê "
"(rootê) dîsa binivîse."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Bila a niha hesabekî asayî yê bikarhêner were çêkirin?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Bikaranîna hesabê root ji bo çalakiyên rojane ne baş e. Çewtiyeke biçûk "
"dikare pirsgirçkçn mezin derxe holê. Ji bo çalakiyên rojane, divê hesabekî "
"bikarhêneriyê ya ji rêzê biafirînî."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Dibe ku vê dû re (wekî hesabekî ji rêzê baş) biafirînî. Ji bo wê 'adduser "
"<username>' wekî root binivîse, <username> li wir navekî bikarhêner e, wekî "
"'roj' an 'jiyan'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Ji bo bikarhênerê nû navê tam:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Ji dêvla hesabê root dê hesabekî bikarhêneriyê ku nikare çalakiyên gerînende "
"pêk bîne dê bê afirandin."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Ji kerema xwe re navê rastîn ji bo vî/ê bikarhênerî/ê têkevê. Ev nav dê di "
"dema şandina e-peyaman de bê bikaranîn. Navê te baş hatiye hilbijartin."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Navê bikarhêner yê hesaba te:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Ji bo hesabê nû navekî bikarhêneriyê hilbijêre. Nav bi awayekî baş hatiye "
"hilbijartin. Divê navê bikarhêneriyê ji tîp an jî reqeman pêk bê."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Navê bikarhêner ê nederbasdar"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with "
#| "a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers "
#| "and more lower-case letters."
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Navê bikarhêner ê te nivîsî ne derbasdar e. Navê bikarhêner encax dikare bi "
"tîpên biçûk dest pê bibe û dûmahîk jî divê bi tîpên biçûk û hejmaran pêk bê."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Vî navê bikarhêner berê hatiye hilbijartin"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Navê bikarhêner yê te nivîsand (${USERNAME}) ji bo xebitandina pergalê "
"hatiye veqetandin. Ji kerema xwe re navekî cuda yê bikarhêneran hilbijêrî."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Şîfreyeke ji bo bikarhênera/ê nû hilbijêre:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ji bo rastkirina te rast nivîsand, vê şîfreya bikarhêner carekî din binivîse."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Çewtiya nivîsandina şîfreyê"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Herdu şîfreyên ku te nivîsandiye ne wekî hev in. Ji kerema xwe re dîsa "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Nasnavê vala"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Te şîfreyeke vala nivîsand. Destûr ji vî tiştî re nayê dayîn. Ji kerema xwe "
"re şîfreyeke ne vala binivîse."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Şîfreyên siyê (shadow) bila were çalakkirin?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Ji bo ewlekariyê nasnavên xwe veşêre.Nasnav di nava pelên ku tenê bi "
"bernameyên taybet tên xwendin de tên veşartin. Bikaranîna veşartina nasnavan "
"-ji bilî yên di qutîkên dorhêla NIS de- tê pêşniyarkirin."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Bikarhêner û şîfreyan çêbike"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Bikarhêner û şîfre têne mîhengkirin..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Ji bo agahiyên kîtekît yan li pela /var/log/syslog binihêrî yan jî konsola 4 "
@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of lo.po to Lao
# Lao translation of debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Anousak Souphavanh <>, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: lo\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-24 14:01+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Anousak Souphavanh <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lao <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ເຂົ້າລະບົບເປັນ root ຫລືບໍ່?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ຖ້າທ່ານເລືອກທີ່ຈະບໍ່ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ເຂົ້າລະບົບເປັນถ root ໂປຣແກມຈະສ້າງບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ໜຶ່ງຂື້ນມາ ແລະ "
"ໃຫ້ສິດໃນການເປັນroot ໄດ້ຜ່ານຄຳສັ່ງ 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "ລະຫັດຜ່ານ root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"ທ່ານຕ້ອງຕັ້ງລະຫັດຜ່ານສຳຫລັບ 'root' ເຊີ່ງເປັນບັນຊີຜູ້ເບີ່ງແຍງຮັກສາລະບົບ ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ບໍ່ຫວັງດີ ຫລື "
"ບໍ່ມີຄວາມຮູ້ໃນການເບີ່ງແຍງຮັກສາລະບົບ ຫາກມີສິດຂອງ root ຈະສາມາດເຮັດຄວາມເສຍຫາຍໃຫຍ່ຫລວງໄດ້ ດັ່ງນັ້ນ "
"ທ່ານຄວນລະວັງໃນການຕັ້ງລະຫັດຜ່ານ ບໍ່ໃຫ້ສາມາດເດົາໄດ້ງ່າຍເກີນໄປ ບໍ່ຄວນຈະເປັນຄຳທີ່ເຫັນໃນພົດຈະນານຸກົມ ຫລື "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr "ລະຫັດຜ່ານທີ່ດີຄວນມີໂຕອັກສອນ ໂຕເລກ ແລະ ເຄື່ອງໝາຍວັກປົນກັນ ແລະ ຄວນປ່ຽນລະຫັດຜ່ານເປັນປະຈຳ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"ຜູ້ໃຊ້ root ບໍ່ຄວນມີລະຫັດຜ່ານວ່າງເປົ່າ ຖ້າທ່ານປ່ອຍຄ່ານີ້ໃຫ້ວ່າງເປົ່າ ບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ root ຈະຖືກລະງັບບໍ່ໃຫ້ໃຊ້ "
"ແລະ ບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ຄນທຳອິດຂອງລະບົບຈະໄດ້ຮັບສິດໃຫ້ເປັນน root ໄດ້ໂດຍໃຊ້ຄຳສັ່ງ \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ໃນກໍລະນີ ທ່ານຈະບໍ່ເຫັນລະຫັດຜ່ານໃນເວລາພິມ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ປ້ອນລະຫັດຜ່ານອີກເທື່ອໜຶ່ງເພື່ອກວດສອບ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "ກະລຸນາປ້ອນລະຫັດຜ່ານເກົ່າສຳຫລັບ root ອີກເທື່ອໜຶ່ງເພື່ອກວດສອບວ່າທ່ານພິມບໍ່ຜິດ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ຈະສ້າງບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ປັກກະຕິເລີຍຫຼືບໍ່?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"ບໍ່ແມ່ນຄວາມຄິດທີ່ດີທີ່ຈະໃຊ້ບັນຊີ root ສຳລັບການທຳງານປະຈຳວັນທົ່ວໄປ ເຊັ່ນ ການອ່ານອີແມວ "
"ເພາະຄວາມຜິດພາດໜອ້ຍດຽວກໍສາມາດສ້າງປັນຫາໄດ້ "
"ເຈົ້າຄວນສ້າງບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ປົກກະຕິເພື່ອໃຊ້ເຮັດວຽກປະຈຳວັນເຫຼົ່ານັ້ນ "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"ສັງເກດວ່າ ເຈົ້າສາມາດສ້າງບັນຊີດັ່ງກ່າວພາຍຫຼັງໄດ້ (ລວມເຖິງບັນຊີເພີ້ມເຕີມອື່ນໆ)ໂດຍພິມຄຳສັ່ງ 'adduser "
"<ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້>' ຂະນະເປັນroot ເມື່ອ <ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້> ຄືຊື່ສຳລັບເຂົ້າລະບົບຂອງຜູ້ໃຊ້ ເຊັ່ນ 'imurdock' ຫຼື 'rms'"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "ຊື່ເຕັມຂອງຜູ້ໃຊ້ໃໝ່:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "ຈະສ້າງບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ເພື່ອໃຫ້ທ່ານໃຊ້ບັນຊີ root ໃນການໃຊ້ງານທີ່ບໍ່ໃຊ້ການເບີ່ງແຍງຮັກສາລະບົບ."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"ກະລຸນາປ້ອນຊື່ແທ້ຂອງຜູ້ໃຊ້ນີ້ ຊື່ນີ້ຈະຖືກໃຊ້ໃນກໍລະນີ ຢ່າງເຊັ່ນ ຊື່ຜູ້ສົ່ງອີເມວທີ່ສົ່ງໂດຍຜູ້ໃຊ້ນີ້ "
"ລວມເຖີງໂປຣແກມທີ່ສະແດງຫລື ໃຊ້ຊື່ແທ້ຂອງຜູ້ໃຊ້ໂດຍປົກກະຕິ ຊື່ເຕັມຂອງທ່ານແມ່ນຄຳຕອບທີ່ສົມເຫດສົມຜົນ."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ສຳຫລັບບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"ກະລຸນາຕັ້ງຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ສຳຫລັບບັນຊີໃໝ່ ໂດຍປົກກະຕິ ຊື່ຕົ້ນຂອງທ່ານແມ່ນຄຳຕອບທີ່ສົມເຫດສົມຜົນ "
"ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ຄວນຂື້ນຕົ້ນແມ່ນໂຕອັກສອນພິມນ້ອຍ ແລະສາມາດຕໍ່ດ້ວຍໂຕເລກຫລືໂຕພິມນ້ອຍຫລາຍໂຕໄດ້."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ຜິດພາດ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ເຈົ້າປອ້ນບໍ່ສາມາດໃຊ້ໄດ້ ໂປດສັງເກດວ່າຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ຕອ້ງຂື້ນຕົ້ນດວ້ຍອັກສອນຕົວພິມນອ້ຍ "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ສະຫງວນໄວ້"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr "ຊື່ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ເຈົ້າປອ້ນ (${USERNAME}) ໄດ້ສະຫງວນໄວ້ສຳລັບການເຮັດວຽກຂອງລະບົບ ກະລຸນາຕັ້ງຊື່ໃໝ່"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ຕັ້ງລະຫັດຜ່ານສຳຫລັບຜູ້ໃຊ້ໃໝ່:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "ກະລຸນາປ້ອນລະຫັດຜ່ານເກົ່າອີກເທື່ອໜຶ່ງ ເພື່ອກວດສອບວ່າທ່ານບໍ່ໄດ້ພິມຜິດ."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "ການປ້ອນລະຫັດຜ່ານຜິດພາດ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ລະຫັດຜ່ານທີ່ເຈົ້າປອ້ນທັງສອງເທື່ອບໍ່ຕົງກັນ ກະລຸນາລອງໃໝ່"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ລະຫັດຜ່ານວ່າງເປົ່າ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "ເຈົ້າປອ້ນລະຫັດຜ່ານວ່າງເປົ່າ ຊື່ງບໍ່ອະນຸຍາດ ກະລຸນາຕັ້ງລະຫັດຜ່ານທີ່ບໍ່ວ່າງເປົ່າ"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "ເປີດໃຊ້ລະຫັດຜ່ານ shadow ຫຼືບໍ່?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"ລະຫັດຜ່ານເງົາ (shadow) ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ລະບົບຂອງເຈົ້າປອດໄພດີຂື້ນ ເພາະຈະບໍ່ມີໃຜເບີ່ງໄດ້ "
"ນອກຈາກລະຫັດຜ່ານທີ່ເຂົ້າໄວ້ ລະຫັດຜ່ານຈະຖືກເກັບໄວ້ໃນແຟັມຕ່າງຫາກທີ່ສາມາດອ່ານໄດ້ໂດຍໂປແກຣັມພິເສດເທົ່ານັ້ນ "
"ເຮົາຂໍແນະນຳຢ່າງຍິ່ງໃຫ້ໃຊ້ລະຫັດຜ່ານເງົານີ້ ຍົກເວັ້ນບາງກໍລະນີທີ່ບໍ່ເຫັນຫຼາຍເທື່ອ ເຊັ່ນ ໃນສະພາບແວດລອ້ມທີ່ໃຊ້ "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ຕັ້ງບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ ແລະ ລະຫັດຜ່ານ"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ກຳລັງຕັ້ງບັນຊີຜູ້ໃຊ້ ແລະ ລະຫັດຜ່ານ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "ກະລຸນາກວດສອບ /var/log/syslog ຫຼືເບີ່ງທີ່ຄອນໂຊຄວາມແທ້ຈິງທີ 4 ເພື່ອເບິ່ງລາຍລະອຽດ."
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Lithuanian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Marius Gedminas <>, 2004.
# Darius Skilinskas <>, 2005.
# Kęstutis Biliūnas <>, 2004...2010.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Gintautas Miliauskas <>, 2008.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from KDE:
# - Ričardas Čepas <>
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000-2001, 2004
# Gediminas Paulauskas <>, 2000-2001.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2002.
# Kęstutis Biliūnas <>, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Rimas Kudelis <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-27 19:07+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rimas Kudelis <>\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian <>\n"
"Language: lt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n"
"%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Ar leisti prisijungti (login) prie sistemos naudotojui root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Jei pasirinksite neleisti supernaudotojui root prisijungti prie sistemos, "
"bus sukurta eilinio naudotojo paskyra su galimybe įgyti root teises, "
"pasinaudojus 'sudo' komanda."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Administratoriaus (root) slaptažodis:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Turite nurodyti naudotojo 'root' (sistemos administravimo paskyros) "
"slaptažodį. Piktavalis ar nekvalifikuotas naudotojas, turintis 'root' "
"teises, gali sugadinti sistemą, todėl turėtumėte pasirinkti slaptažodį, kurį "
"būtų sunku atspėti. Tai neturėtų būti žodis, randamas žodyne ar lengvai "
"susiejamas su jumis. Geras slaptažodis turėtų būti sudarytas iš raidžių, "
"skaitmenų ir skyrybos ženklų, ir turėtų būti reguliariai keičiamas. "
"Slaptažodis keičiamas programa 'passwd'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Saugus slaptažodis turėtų būti sudarytas iš raidžių, skaitmenų bei skyrybos "
"ženklų, ir turėtų būti reguliariai keičiamas."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Naudotojas root negali neturėti slaptažodžio. Jei Jūs paliksite jį tuščią, "
"root (administratoriaus) paskyra bus uždrausta, ir pirmajai kuriamai "
"naudotojo paskyrai bus suteikta galimybė įgyti root teises, pasinaudojus "
"\"sudo\" komanda."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Įvesdami slaptažodį, įvedamų simbolių ekrane nematysite."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Dar kartą įveskite slaptažodį patikrinimui:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Prašau įvesti tą patį 'root' slaptažodį dar kartą, kad būtų galima "
"patikrinti, ar teisingai įvedėte."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Ar norite dabar sukurti paprasto naudotojo paskyrą?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Naudoti administratoriaus (root) paskyrą kasdieniniams darbams, pavyzdžiui, "
"elektroninio pašto skaitymui, yra pavojinga, nes net menka klaida gali "
"pridaryti daug žalos. Dabar galite sukurti paprasto naudotojo paskyrą, kurią "
"naudosite kasdieniam darbui."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad šią paskyrą (account) galite sukurti ir vėliau (kaip "
"ir bet kokią papildomą paskyrą), pasinaudodami komanda 'adduser "
"<username>' (dirbant 'root' teisėmis), kur <username> - naudotojo vardas, "
"pvz., 'imurdock' ar 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Naudotojo vardas, pavardė:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Jums bus sukurta naudotojo paskyra (account), kurią galėsite naudoti vietoje "
"'root' paskyros ne administravimo darbams atlikti."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Įveskite naudotojo realų vardą. Ši informacija bus naudojama šio naudotojo "
"siunčiamų el. laiškų siuntėjui įvardinti bei kitose programose, kurios rodo "
"ar naudoja naudotojo vardą. Paprastai čia įvedamas Jūsų vardas ir pavardė."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Naudotojo vardas Jūsų paskyrai:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Pasirinkite naudotojo vardą naujajai paskyrai. Jūsų vardas yra tinkamas "
"pasirinkimas. Naudotojo vardas turėtų prasidėti iš mažosios raidės, po "
"kurios gali būti mažųjų raidžių ir skaitmenų kombinacija."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Netaisyklingas naudotojo vardas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Įvestas naudotojo vardas netaisyklingas. Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad naudotojo "
"vardas turi prasidėti mažąja raide, po kurios gali būti mažųjų raidžių ir "
"skaitmenų kombinacija, o jo ilgis negali viršyti 32 simbolių."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervuotas naudotojo vardas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Jūsų įvestas vardas (${USERNAME}) yra rezervuotas sisteminiam naudojimui."
"Įveskite kitą vardą."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Įveskite naujojo naudotojo slaptažodį:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Prašau įvesti tą patį slaptažodį vėl, patikrinimui ar teisingai jį įvedėte."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Slaptažodžio įvedimo klaida"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Jūsų įvesti slaptažodžiai nesutampa. Bandykite dar kartą."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tuščias slaptažodis"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Įvedėte tuščią slaptažodį, tačiau tai neleistina. Pasirinkite netuščią "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Ar leisti paslėptų (shadow) slaptažodžių palaikymą?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Paslėpti (shadow) slaptažodžiai pagerina sistemos saugumą, kadangi niekas "
"negalės matyti net ir užšifruotų slaptažodžių. Slaptažodžiai saugomi "
"atskirame faile, kurį skaityti gali tik specialios programos. Labai "
"rekomenduojama naudoti paslėptus slaptažodžius, bet jei žadate naudoti NIS, "
"gali kilti problemų."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Naudotojų ir slaptažodžių nustatymas"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Nustatomi naudotojai ir slaptažodžiai..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Naudoti nesaugų slaptažodį?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Jūs įvedėte trumpesnį nei 8 simbolių slaptažodį. Trumpi slaptažodžiai "
"dažniausiai būna nesaugūs, todėl Jūs turėtumėte įvesti ilgesnį ir saugesnį "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Šifruoti jūsų asmeninių duomenų („namų“) aplanką?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Jei norite, kad jūsų privačių duomenų niekas negalėtų peržiūrėti (pvz. "
"pavogus kompiuterį), galite įjungti „namų“ aplanko šifravimą."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistema automatiškai prijungs jūsų užšifruotą pradžios katalogą kiekvieną "
"kartą prisijungiant ir automatiškai atjungs, kai jūs atsijungsite nuo visų "
"aktyvių seansų."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Nepavyko pradžios katalogo užšifravimas"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Diegimo programai nepavyko nustatyti pradžios katalogo užšifravimo. Po "
"įdiegimo jūsų pradžios katalogas nebus užšifruotas. Tai tikriausiai yra "
"klaida, kurią turbūt norėsite ištirti ir diegti iš naujo."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Detaliau žiūrėkite į /var/log/syslog arba ketvirtojoje virtualioje konsolėje."
@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of lv.po to Latvian
# Latvian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2003.
# Translations from KDE:
# Andris Maziks <>
# Aigars Mahinovs <>, 2006, 2008.
# Viesturs Zarins <>, 2008.
# Aigars Mahinovs <>, 2006.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001, 2002.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004.
# Juris Kudiņš <>, 2001.
# Rihards Priedītis <>, 2009, 2010.
# Rūdolfs Mazurs <>, 2012.
# Peteris Krisjanis <>, 2008, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: lv\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-27 12:29+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rūdolfs Mazurs <>\n"
"Language-Team: Latviešu <>\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Atļaut root lietotāja pieteikšanos?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ja izvēlēsieties neatļaut root lietotāja pieteikšanos sistēmā, tiks "
"izveidots vienkāršs lietotāja konts ar tiesībām kļūt par superlietotāju, "
"izmantojot komandu \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root parole:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Jums jāiestata superlietotāja (root) konta parole. Ļaunprātīgs vai nezinošs "
"lietotājs ar superlietotāja piekļuvi var radīt postošas sekas, tāpēc jums "
"būtu jāizvēlas grūti uzminama parole. Tam nevajadzētu būt kādam parastam "
"vārdam vai vārdam, ko viegli varētu saistīt ar jums personiski."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Laba parole sastāv no burtu, ciparu un dažādu simbolu kombinācijas. Paroli "
"vajadzētu regulāri mainīt."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Galvenajam jeb root lietotājam nevajadzētu būt tukšai parolei. Ja jūs to "
"atstāsiet tukšu, root konts tiks atslēgts un sistēmas sākotnējā lietotāja "
"kontam tiks piešķirtas tiesības kļūt par root, izmantojot \"sudo\" komandu."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Ņemiet vērā, ka ievadot paroli, jūs nevarēsiet to redzēt drošības apsvērumu "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ievadiet paroli vēlreiz:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu, ievadiet to pašu superlietotāja paroli vēlreiz, lai pārliecinātos, ka "
"tā ievadīta pareizi."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Izveidot parasta lietotāja kontu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Lietot superlietotāja (root) kontu normālajam ikdienas darbam (piemēram, "
"epasta lasīšanai) nav laba doma, jo pat mazākā kļūda var izraisīt "
"ievērojamus bojājumus jūsu sistēmai. Jums vajadzētu izveidot parastu "
"lietotāja kontu, ar kuru veikt ikdienas aktivitātes."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Jūs varēsiet izveidot šādu lietotāja kontu (un arī citus papildu ierakstus) "
"arī vēlāk ar komandas 'adduser <lietotājavārds>' palīdzību, kur "
"<lietotājavārds> varētu būt, piemēram, 'janis' vai 'peterisk'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Jaunā lietotāja pilnais vārds:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Lietotāja konts tiks izveidots neadministratīvu darbību veikšanai, lai šim "
"nolūkam nebūtu jāizmanto lietotāja 'root' konts."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu, ievadiet šī lietotāja īsto vārdu. Šī informācija tiks lietota, "
"piemēram, kā vārds pēc noklusējuma epasta programmās vai jebkurā citā "
"programmā, kas jebkādā veidā izmanto lietotāja īsto vārdu. Parasti šeit "
"norāda vārdu un uzvārdu."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Jūsu konta lietotājvārds:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Izvēlieties konta lietotājvārdu. Laba izvēle ir jūsu vārds (bez uzvārda). "
"Lietotāja vārdam jāsākas ar mazo latīņu alfabēta burtu aiz kura var sekot "
"jebkāda mazo latīņu alfabēta burtu un ciparu kombinācija."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nederīgs lietotājvārds"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Ievadītais lietotājvārds ir nederīgs. Lietotājvārds var sākties ar mazo "
"latīņu alfabēta burtu, aiz kura var sekot jebkāda mazo latīņu alfabēta burtu "
"un ciparu kombinācija. Tas nedrīkst būt garāks ka 32 rakstzīmes."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervēts / speciāls lietotāja vārds"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Sistēma ir jau rezervējusi jūsu ievadīto lietotāja vārdu (${USERNAME}). "
"Lūdzu, izvēlieties citu."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Ievadiet paroli jaunajam lietotājam:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Lūdzu, ievadiet to pašu paroli vēlreiz, lai pārliecinātos, ka jūs to "
"ievadījāt pareizi."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Kļūda, ievadot paroli"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Jūsu ievadītās paroles atšķiras. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tukša parole"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Jūs ievadījāt tukšu paroli, kas nav atļauts. Lūdzu, ievadiet paroli, kas nav "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Aktivēt paroļu ēnošanu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Paroļu ēnošana (Shadow passwords) padara jūsu sistēmu drošāku, jo neviens "
"sistēmas lietotājs nevar redzēt paroles pat šifrētā formā. Paroles tiek "
"glabātas īpašā datnē, ko var lasīt tikai speciālas programmas. Paroļu "
"ēnošanas lietošana ir ļoti ieteicama, izņemot dažus īpašos gadījumus, kā "
"piemēram, NIS izmantošana."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Iestatīt lietotājus un paroles"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Iestata lietotājus un paroles..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Izmantot nedrošu paroli?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Jūs ievadījāt paroli, kurā ir mazāk kā astoņi simboli, tāda parole tiek "
"uzskatīta par vāju. Jums vajadzētu izvēlēties stiprāku paroli."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Šifrēt mājas direktoriju?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Jūs varat izvēlēties šifrēt mājas direktoriju, lai nodrošinātos, ka jūsu "
"faili paliek privāti pat, ja dators tiek nozagts."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistēma viegli piemontēs jūsu šifrēto mājas direktoriju katru reizi, kad jūs "
"pieslēgsieties, un atmontēs to pārtraucot darba sesiju."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Mājas mapes šifrēšana neizdevās"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalatoram neizdevās izveidot mājas mapes šifrēšanu. Jūsu mājas mape pēc "
"instalēšanas nebūs šifrēta. Tā droši vien ir kļūda, jūs varētu vēlēties to "
"izmeklēt un pārinstalēt."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Pārbaudiet /var/log/syslog vai skatieties sīkāk ceturtajā virtuālajā konsolē "
@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_mk.po to Macedonian
# translation of mk.po to
# Macedonian strings from the debian-installer.
# Georgi Stanojevski, <>, 2004, 2005, 2006.
# Georgi Stanojevski <>, 2005, 2006.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002
# Arangel Angov <>, 2008.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004
# Georgi Stanojevski <>, 2004, 2006.
# Translations from KDE:
# Danko Ilik <>
# Arangel Angov <>, 2008, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_mk\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-11 15:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Arangel Angov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Macedonian <>\n"
"Language: mk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n!=1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Дозволи логирање како root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ако избереш да оневозможиш root да се логира , тогаш ќе се создаде "
"корисничка сметка на која ќе и се даде можноста да стане root користејќи ја "
"„sudo“ командата."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root лозинка:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Потребно е да поставиш лозинка за „root“, главната администраторска сметка. "
"Злобен или неквалификуван корисник со root пристап може да има разурнувачки "
"ефекти, па треба да се осигураш дека root лозинката не е лесна да се погоди. "
"Не треба да биде збор од речник или збор кој може лесно да се поврзе со "
"тебе, како твоето презиме. Добра лозинка ќе содржи мешавина од букви, бројки "
"и интерпукциски знаци и ќе биде менувана редовно."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Добра лозинка е лозинка со мешавина на букви, бројки и интерпукциски знаци и "
"која се менува на редовни периоди."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Корисникот root не трбеа да има празна лозинка. Ако го оставите ова празно "
"тогаш ќе се создаде корисничка сметка на која ќе и се даде можноста да стане "
"root користејќи ја „sudo“ командата."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Имај на ум дека нема да можеш да ја гледаш лозинката како што ја куцаш."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Повторно внеси ја лозинката за потврда:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Те молам внеси ја повторно истата root лозинка повторно за да се потврди "
"дека правилно си ја внел."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Да креирам сметка за нормален корисник сега?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Лоша идеја е да се користи root сметката за нормални секојдневни активности, "
"како што се читање на електронска пошта, бидејќи и најмала грешка може да "
"предизвика катастрофа. Треба да направиш нормален корисник кој ќе се користи "
"за тие секојдневни задачи."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Имајте на ум дека можете да го направите подоцна (како и било која "
"дополнителна сметка) со командата „adduser <корисничко име>“ како root, каде "
"корисничко име е нешто како „petko“ или „stanko“."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Целосно име за новиот корисник:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Коринисчка сметка ќе биде направена за да ја користиш наместо root сметката "
"за неадминистративни активности."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Те молам внеси го вистинското име на овој корисник. Оваа информација ќе биде "
"користена, на пример, како вообичаено име при праќање на електронска пошта "
"како и било која друга програма која го прикажува или користи вистинското "
"име. Твоето целосно име и презиме е добар избор."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Корисничко име за твојата сметка:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Одбери корисничко име за новата сметка. Твоето име е добар избор. "
"Корисничкото име треба да почне со мала буква по која може да има било каква "
"комбинација на бројки или мали букви."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Неправилно корисничко име"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Корисничкото име кое го внесе е невалидно. Имај на ум дека корисничкото име "
"треба да почне со мала буква по која може да има било каква комбинација на "
"бројки или мали букви и дека не може да надмине повеќе од 32 знаци."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Резервирано корисничко име"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Корисничкото име кое го внесе (${USERNAME}) е системско и резервирано. Те "
"молам избери различно."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Одбери лозинка за новиот корисник:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Те молам внеси ја истата лозинка повторно за да се потврди дека правилно си "
"ја искуцал."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Грешка при внесувањето на лозинка"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Двете лозинки кои ги внесе не се исти. Те молам пробај повторно."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Празна лозинка"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Внесе празна лозинка, што е недозволиво Те молам одбери не-празна лозинка."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Да овозможам прикриени лозинки?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Прикриени лозинки го прават твојот систем уште побезбеден бидејќи никој "
"неможе да ги види ни енкриптираните лозинки. Лозинките се чуваат по посебна "
"датотека која може да ја прочитаат само посебни програми. Користењето на "
"прикриени лозинки е препорачливо. освен во неколку исклучоци како НИС "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Постави корисници и лозинки"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Поставување корисници и лозинки..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Провери во /var/log/syslog или види ја виртуелната конзола 4 за детали."
@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of Debian Installer Level 1 - sublevel 1 to malayalam
# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Debian Project
# Praveen|പ്രവീണ് A|എ <>, 2006-2010.
# Santhosh Thottingal <>, 2006.
# Sreejith :: ശ്രീജിത്ത് കെ <>, 2006.
# Credits: V Sasi Kumar, Sreejith N, Seena N, Anivar Aravind, Hiran Venugopalan and Suresh P
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt#
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Praveen A <>, 2006, 2008.
# Ani Peter <>, 2009
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Debian Installer Level 1\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 19:33+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Malayalam <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "റൂട്ടായി ലോഗിന് അനുവദിക്കണമോ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"റൂട്ട് ലോഗിന് അനുവദിക്കണ്ട എന്നു് നിങ്ങള് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുകയാണെങ്കില് 'sudo' എന്ന ആജ്ഞ ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് "
"റൂട്ടാകാന് കഴിവുള്ള ഒരു ഉപയോക്തൃ അക്കൌണ്ട് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നതായിരിയ്ക്കും."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "റൂട്ടിന്റ അടയാള വാക്ക്:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"സിസ്റ്റം ഭരണ അക്കൌണ്ടായ 'root' ന് നിങ്ങള് അടയാള വാക്ക് സെറ്റ് ചെയ്യേണ്ടതുണ്ടു്. റൂട്ട് സമീപനത്തോട് "
"കൂടിയ ഒരു ചീത്തയോ അല്ലെങ്കില് കഴിവു കെട്ടതോ ആയ ഉപയോക്താവിന് വിനാശകരമായ അനന്തരഫലങ്ങള് "
"ഉണ്ടാക്കാനാകും, അതു കൊണ്ടു് തന്നെ നിങ്ങള് എളുപ്പത്തില് ഊഹിക്കാനാകാത്ത ഒരു അടയാള വാക്ക് "
"തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാന് ശ്രദ്ധിക്കണം. അതു് നിഘണ്ടുക്കളില് കാണുന്നതോ അല്ലെങ്കില് എളുപ്പത്തില് നിങ്ങളോട് "
"ബന്ധപ്പെടുത്താന് പറ്റാത്തതോ ആയിരിക്കണം."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ഒരു നല്ല അടയാള വാക്ക് അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടേയും അക്കങ്ങളുടേയും വിരാമചിഹ്നത്തിനു്റേയും ഒരു മിശ്രിതം "
"ഉള്കൊള്ളുന്നതായിരിക്കണം എന്നു് മാത്രമല്ല ഇടക്കിടേ മാറ്റികൊണ്ടുമിരിക്കണം."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"റൂട്ട് ഉപയോക്താവിനു് ശൂന്യമായ അടയാളവാക്കു് ഉണ്ടായിരിയ്ക്കരുതു്. ഇതു് ശൂന്യമായി വിട്ടാല് റൂട്ട് അക്കൌണ്ട് "
"പ്രവര്ത്തനരഹിതമാക്കുകയും \"sudo\" എന്ന ആജ്ഞ ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് റൂട്ടാകാനുള്ള കഴിവു് ആദ്യം ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്ന "
"ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ അക്കൌണ്ടിനു് നല്കുന്നതുമായിരിയ്ക്കും."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"നിങ്ങള് ടൈപ് ചെയ്യുന്ന അതേ സമയത്തു് തന്നെ അടയാള വാക്ക് കാണാന് സാധിക്കില്ല എന്നു് മനസ്സിലാക്കുക."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "അടയാള വാക്ക് ഉറപ്പാക്കാനായി ഒന്നു കൂടി നല്കുക:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "ദയവായി ശരിക്കും ടൈപ് ചെയ്തു എന്നുറപ്പു വരുത്താനായി അതേ അടയാള വാക്ക് ഒന്നുകൂടി നല്കുക."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ഒരു സാധാരണ ഉപയോക്തൃ അക്കൌണ്ട് ഇപ്പോള് സൃഷ്ടിക്കണോ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"ഇലക്ട്രോണിക് മെയില് വായിക്കുക തുടങ്ങിയ നിത്യേനയുള്ള സാധാരണ പ്രവൃത്തികള്ക്ക് റൂട്ട് അക്കൌണ്ട് "
"ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് ഒരു ചീത്ത ആശയമാണു്, ഒരു ചെറിയ തെറ്റു് പോലും നാശത്തില് കലാശിച്ചേക്കാം."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"നിങ്ങള്ക്കിതു് 'adduser <ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര്>', ഇവിടെ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര് 'imurdock' "
"അല്ലെങ്കില് 'rms' എന്ന പോലെ ഉള്ള ഒരു പേരാണ്, എന്നു് റൂട്ടായി ടൈപ് ചെയ്തു് പിന്നീടും സൃഷ്ടിക്കാം "
"(അതുപോലെ എത്ര കൂടുതല് അക്കൌണ്ടുകള് ആവശ്യമാണോ അത്രയും) എന്നു് മനസ്സിലാക്കുക."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "പുതിയ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ മുഴുവന് പേരു്:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"ഭരണപരമായ നടപടികള്ക്ക് റൂട്ട് അക്കൌണ്ടിനു പകരം ഉപയോഗിക്കാനായി നിങ്ങള്ക്കു് ഒരു ഉപയോക്തൃ അക്കൌണ്ട് "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"ഈ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ യഥാര്ത്ഥ പേരു് നല്കുക. ഉദാഹരണത്തിനു് ഈ ഉപയോക്താവ് അയക്കുന്ന ഇ മെയിലുകളുടെ "
"ഡിഫാള്ട്ട് സ്രോതസ്സായോ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ യഥാര്ത്ഥ പേരു് പ്രദര്ശിപ്പിക്കുകയോ ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കുകയോ ചെയ്യുന്ന "
"പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളോ ഈ വിവരം ഉപയോഗിക്കും. നിങ്ങളുടെ മുഴുവന് പേരു് ഉത്തമമായൊന്നാണു്."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൌണ്ടിനു വേണ്ട ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു്:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"പുതിയ അക്കൌണ്ടിനു വേണ്ട ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക. നിങ്ങളുടെ പേരു് ഉത്തമമായൊന്നാണു്. "
"ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു് ഒരു ചെറിയക്ഷരം വച്ച് തുടങ്ങണം, അതിന് ശേഷം അക്കങ്ങളുടേയോ കൂടുതല് "
"ചെറിയക്ഷരങ്ങളുടേയോ എത്ര സമ്മിശ്രണം വേണമെങ്കിലുമാകാം."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "അസാധുവായ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര്"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"നിങ്ങള് നല്കിയ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര് അസാധുവാണു്. ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര് ഒരു ചെറിയക്ഷരം വച്ച് "
"തുടങ്ങണം, അതിന് ശേഷം അക്കങ്ങളുടേയോ കൂടുതല് ചെറിയക്ഷരങ്ങളുടേയോ 32 അക്ഷരങ്ങളില് കൂടാത്ത എത്ര "
"സമ്മിശ്രണം വേണമെങ്കിലുമാകാം എന്നോര്ക്കുക."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര് മാറ്റിവച്ചതാണ്"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"നിങ്ങള് നല്കിയ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേര് (${USERNAME}) സിസ്റ്റത്തിന്റെ ഉപയോഗത്തിനായി "
"മാറ്റിവച്ചതാണു്. ദയവായി വേറൊരെണ്ണം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "പുതിയ ഉപയോക്താവിനായി ഒരു അടയാള വാക്ക് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"ദയവായി അതേ ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ അടയാള വാക്ക് ശരിക്കും ടൈപ് ചെയ്തു എന്നു് ഉറപ്പാക്കാനായി ഒന്നു കൂടി "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "അടയാള വാക്ക് ഇന്പുട്ട് തെറ്റു്"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "നിങ്ങള് നല്കിയ രണ്ട് അടയാള വാക്കുകളും ഒരേതല്ല. ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിയ്ക്കുക."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ശൂന്യ അടയാള വാക്ക്"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"നിങ്ങള് ഒരു ശൂന്യ അടയാള വാക്ക് നല്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു. ദയവായി ഒരു ശൂന്യമല്ലാത്ത അടയാള വാക്ക് "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "നിഴല് അടയാള വാക്കുകള് ഇനേബിള് ചെയ്യണോ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"നിഴല് അടയാള വാക്കുകള് നിങ്ങളുടെ സിസ്റ്റത്തെ കൂടുതല് സുരക്ഷിതമാക്കും കാരണം എന്ക്രിപ്റ്റഡ് അടയാള "
"വാക്കുകള് പോലും ആര്ക്കും കാണാനാവില്ല. അടയാള വാക്കുകള് ചില പ്രത്യേക പ്രോഗ്രാമുകള്ക്ക് മാത്രം "
"വായിക്കാവുന്ന വേറൊരു ഫയലിലാണു് സൂക്ഷിച്ച് വെക്കുന്നതു്. NIS പരിസ്ഥിതി പോലുള്ള ചില കുറച്ചു് "
"സന്ദര്ബങ്ങളിലൊഴികെ നിഴല് അടയാള വാക്കുകള് ശക്തമായി ശുപാര്ശ ചെയ്തിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ഉപയോക്താക്കളും അടയാള വാക്കുകളും ഒരുക്കുക"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ഉപയോക്താക്കളും അടയാള വാക്കുകളും ഒരുക്കികൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "വിവരങ്ങള്ക്കായി /var/log/syslog പരിശോധിക്കുക അല്ലെങ്കില് വിര്ച്വല് കണ്സോള് 4 കാണുക."
@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Priti Patil <>, 2007.
# Sampada Nakhare, 2007.
# Sandeep Shedmake <>, 2009, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-21 21:03+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: sampada <>\n"
"Language-Team: Marathi, janabhaaratii, C-DAC, Mumbai, India "
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "मूल म्हणून सत्रारंभ करू द्यायचा?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"मूल ला सत्रारंभ करू द्यायचा नाही असे आपण ठरवल्यास, वापरदाराचे खाते बनवले जाईल, ज्याला "
"'सुडो' आज्ञा देऊन मूल होता येईल."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "मूल साठी परवलीचा शब्द:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"आपल्याला प्रणालीच्या प्रशासकाचे खाते 'मूल' साठी परवलीचा शब्द देणे जरूरीचे आहे. अपात्र वा "
"अपायकारी हेतूच्या वापरदाराला मूल अधिकार मिळाल्यास त्याचे गंभीर परिणाम होउ शकतात, "
"त्यामुळे आपण मूल करिता सहज अंदाज न येण्याजोगा परवलीचा शब्द निवडण्याची काळजी घेतली "
"पाहिजे. शब्दकोषात आढळणारा शब्द किंवा तुमच्याशी सहज निगडीत होऊ शकणारा शब्द टाळावा."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"चांगला परवलीचा शब्द अंक, अक्षरे व विरामचिन्हे यांच्या मिश्रणातून बनवता येईल. तसेच तो "
"वेळोवेळी बदलला पाहिजे."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"मूल वापरदाराचा परवलीचा शब्द रिक्त असता कामा नये. आपण हा रिक्त ठेवल्यास, मूल "
"वापरदाराचे खाते कार्यअक्षम होईल, व प्रणालीच्या सर्वप्रथम वापरदाराला \"sudo\" आज्ञा "
"देऊन मूल होता येण्याची शक्ती प्रदान केली जाईल."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "परवलीचा शब्द टाईप करताना तुम्हाला तो दिसणार नाही, याची नोंद घ्या."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "पडताळणीकरिता परवलीचा शब्द पुन्हा लिहा:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "अचूकपणे टाईप झाल्याची खात्री करण्याकरिता मूल परवलीचा शब्द पुन्हा टाईप करा."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "आता सर्वसाधारण वापरदाराचे खाते बनवायचे?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"इ-मेल वाचणे यासारख्या नेहमीच्या दैनंदिन बाबींकरिता मूल खाते वापरणे योग्य नाही, कारण "
"एखादी क्षुल्लक चूक देखिल गंभीर परिणाम घडवू शकते. नेहमीच्या दैनंदिन बाबींसाठी आपण "
"सर्वसाधारण वापरदाराचे खाते बनवणे आवश्यक आहे."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"मूल असताना 'adduser <username>' टाइप करून आपण हे (तसेच आणखी खाते) नंतरसुद्धा बनवू "
"शकता. यात <username> हे वापरदाराचे नाव आहे."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "नवीन वापरदाराचे संपूर्ण नाव:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"प्रशासकीय नसलेली कार्ये करण्याकरिता मूल खात्याऐवजी वापरदाराचे खाते आपल्याकरिता बनविले "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"या वापरदाराचे खरे नाव द्या. या माहितीचा वापर या वापरदाराने पाठवलेल्या इमेलकरिता "
"मूलनिर्धारित उगम म्हणून किंवा जे प्रोग्रॅम वापरदाराचे खरे नाव वापरतात वा दर्शवतात, "
"त्यांच्याकडून केला जाईल. येथे आपले संपूर्ण नाव देणे योग्य ठरेल."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "आपल्या खात्याकरिता वापरदारनाव:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"नवीन खात्याकरिता वापरदारनाव ठरवा. आपले पहिले नाव यासाठी निवडणे उचित ठरेल. "
"वापरदारनाव (इंग्रजीसाठी लहान अक्षराने सुरू होणे आवश्यक) अंक व अक्षरे कशीही एकत्रित करून "
"बनवता येईल."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "अवैध वापरदारनाव"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"आपण दिलेले वापरदारनाव अवैध आहे. वापरदारनाव लहान अक्षराने सुरू होणे आवश्यक आहे, त्यानंतर "
"अंक व अक्षरे कशीही एकत्रित करून बनवता येईल, व 32 वर्णांहून अधिक असता कामा नये."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "राखीव वापरदारनाव"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"आपण ठरवलेले (${USERNAME}) हे वापरदारनाव प्रणालीच्या वापराकरिता राखीव आहे. आपण अन्य "
"नाव निवडा."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "नवीन वापरदारासाठी परवलीचा शब्द निवडा:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "आपण परवलीचा शब्द अचूक टाईप केला आहे याची खात्री करण्यासाठी तोच पुन्हा लिहा."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "परवलीशब्द निवेश त्रुटी"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "दोन्ही परवलीचे शब्द एकसमान नव्हते. पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "रिक्त परवलीशब्द"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"आपण परवलीचा शब्द रिक्त ठेवला आहे, जे मान्य नाही. रिक्त नसलेला परवलीचा शब्द निवडा."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "छाया परवलीचे शब्द कार्यसक्षम करायवे?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"छाया परवलीचे शब्द आपल्या प्रणालीला जास्त सुरक्षित बनवतात, कारण सांकेतिक केलेले परवलीचे "
"शब्द देखिल कोणीही पाहू शकत नाही. एनआयएस एनव्हायर्नमेंट सारख्या काही बाबी वगळता छाया "
"परवलीचे शब्द वापरण्याची जोरदार शिफारस केली जात आहे."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "वापरदार व परवलीशब्द निश्चिती करा"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "वापरकर्ते व परवलीशब्द निश्चिती केले जात आहेत..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "कमजोर"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "आधिक माहितीसाठी/var/log/syslog तपासा किंवा आभासी कन्सोल ४ पहा."
@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of nb.po to Norwegian Bokmål
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Knut Yrvin <>, 2004.
# Klaus Ade Johnstad <>, 2004.
# Axel Bojer <>, 2004.
# Bjørn Steensrud <>, 2004-2007.
# Hans Fredrik Nordhaug <>, 2005, 2007-2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002
# Axel Bojer <>, 2004.
# Bjørn Steensrud <>, 2006.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2004
# Hans Fredrik Nordhaug <>, 2007-2011.
# Håvard Korsvoll <>, 2004.
# Knut Yrvin <>, 2004.
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from KDE:
# Rune Nordvik <>, 2001
# Kjartan Maraas <>, 2009.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nb\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-08 23:41+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hans Fredrik Nordhaug <>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Bokmål <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Tillate innlogging som root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du velger at root ikke skal kunne logge inn, så blir det opprettet en "
"brukerkonto som har rett til å bli root ved å bruke «sudo»-kommandoen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-passord:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Her må root-passordet bestemmes. Root er sjefskontoen for "
"systemadministrator. At en ondsinnet eller ukvalifisert bruker har root-"
"tilgang kan få katastrofale følger. Velg derfor et root-passord som er "
"vanskelig å gjette. Ordet bør ikke stå i en ordbok eller lett assosieres med "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Et bra passord inneholder en blanding av bokstaver, tall og skilletegn, og "
"blir også endret jevnlig."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Root-brukeren bør ikke ha et tomt passord. Hvis du lar det være tomt, så "
"blir root-kontoen deaktivert og systemets initielle brukerkonto vil få rett "
"til å bli root ved å bruke «sudo»-kommandoen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Merk at du vil ikke kunne se passordet mens du skriver det."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Skriv passordet på nytt som en sjekk:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Skriv inn det samme root-passordet på nytt for å kontrollere at du tastet "
"det inn korrekt."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Skal det opprettes en vanlig brukerkonto?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Det kan være særdeles dumt å bruke root-kontoen til daglige gjøremål, slik "
"som f.eks å lese e-post. Den minste feil kan da få katastrofale følger. Du "
"bør heller opprette en vanlig brukerkonto for dine daglige gjøremål."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Du kan også opprette vanlige brukerkontoer ved en senere anledning. Nye "
"brukerkontoer kan opprettes ved å taste «adduser 'brukernavn'» som root. "
"'brukernavn' er brukernavnet, f.eks «ihansen» eller «petter»."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Skriv inn brukerens hele og fulle navn:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"En brukerkonto lages så root-kontoen kan brukes til ikke-administrative "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Oppgi denne brukerens virkelige navn. Dette blir brukt f.eks. som standard "
"avsender for e-post som denne brukeren sender, og i alle programmer som "
"viser eller bruker vedkommendes navn. Ditt fulle navn er et fornuftig valg."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Brukernavnet for kontoen din:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Velg et brukernavn for den nye kontoen. Fornavnet ditt er et rimelig valg. "
"Merk at brukernavn må starte med liten bokstav, deretter kan du bruke en "
"hvilken som helst kombinasjon av tall og små bokstaver."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ugyldig brukernavn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Brukernavnet du skrev inn er ugyldig. Merk at brukernavn må starte med en "
"liten bokstav, fulgt av en hvilken som helst kombinasjon av tall og små "
"bokstaver, men ikke mer enn 32 tegn langt."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Reservert brukernavn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Brukernavnet du oppga (${USERNAME}) er reservert for systemets eget bruk. "
"Velg et annet navn."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Velg et passord for den nye brukeren:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Skriv inn det samme bruker-passordet på nytt for å sjekke at du skrev det "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Feil ved inntastingen av passordet"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "De to passordene du oppga var ikke like. Prøv igjen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tomt passord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "Du oppga et tomt passord, noe som ikke er tillatt. Velg et passord."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Vil du bruke skyggepassord?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Skyggepassord gjør systemet mer sikkert fordi ingen kan se de krypterte "
"passordene en gang. Passord lagres i en separat fil som bare helt spesielle "
"programmer kan lese. Det anbefales sterkt å bruke skyggepassord,men hvis du "
"bruker NIS får du vanskeligheter."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Sett opp brukere og passord"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Setter opp brukere og passord ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Bruk svakt passord?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Du tastet inn et passord som inneholder færre enn åtte tegn, noe som "
"betraktes som svakt. Du bør velge et sterkere passord."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Vil du kryptere hjemmekatalogen din?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Du kan kryptere hjemmekatalogen din slik at filer som lagres forblir "
"fortrolige selv om datamaskinen din blir stjålet."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Systemet vil automatisk montere/avmontere den krypterte hjemmekatalogen din "
"når du logger ut eller inn."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Feil ved kryptering av hjemmemappe"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Installasjonen kunne ikke kryptere hjemmekatalogen din. Denne vil derfor "
"være ukryptert etter installasjonen. Dette er sannsynligvis en feil. Det kan "
"være lurt å undersøke dette nærmere og eventuelt gjøre en reinstallasjon."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Detaljer finner du i /var/log/syslog eller på virtuelt konsoll 4."
@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_ne.po to Nepali
# Shyam Krishna Bal <>, 2006.
# Shiva Pokharel <>, 2006.
# Shyam Krishna Bal <>, 2006.
# Shiva Prasad Pokharel <>, 2006.
# Shiva Pokharel <>, 2007, 2008.
# Shiva Prasad Pokharel <>, 2007.
# shyam krishna bal <>, 2007.
# Nabin Gautam <>, 2007.
# Shyam Krishna Bal <>, 2008.
# Shiva Prasad Pokharel <>, 2008, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer_packages_po_sublevel1_ne\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-09 12:14+0545\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: American English <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n !=1\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "मूलको रुपमा लगइन अनुमति दिनुहुन्छ ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"यदि तपाईँ मूललाई लगइन गर्न अनुमति नदिने रोज्नुहुन्छ भने, प्रयोगकर्ता खाता सिर्जना हुनेछ र "
"'sudo' आदेश प्रयोग गरेर मूल बन्ने शक्ति दिइनेछ ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "मूल पासवर्ड:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"तपाईँले मूलका लागि पासवर्ड सेट गर्नुपर्दछ, प्रणाली प्रशासनिक खाता । मूल पहुँच सँगै एउटा "
"दोषी वा अयोग्य प्रयोगकर्ता सँग दुःखद् परिणामहरू हुन सक्छन्, त्यसैले मूल पासवर्ड रोज्न सावधान "
"रहनुहोस् जुन अनुमान गर्न सजिलो छैन । यो शब्दकोषहरुमा फेला परेको शब्द होइन, वा तपाईँ सँग "
"सजिलै सम्बन्ध जोड्ने शब्द होइन ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"एउटा असल पासवर्डमा अक्षरहरूको, संख्याहरूको र विराम चिन्हहरूको समिश्रण समाविष्ट हुन्छ र "
"नियमित अन्तरालहरुमा परिवर्तन हुन्छ ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"यदि तपाईँ मूललाई लगइन गर्न अनुमति नदिने रोज्नुहुन्छ भने, प्रयोगकर्ता खाता सिर्जना हुनेछ र "
"\"sudo\" आदेश प्रयोग गरेर मूल बन्ने शक्ति दिइनेछ ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "द्रष्टब्य यो छ कि तपाईँले यसरी टाइप गर्नु भएको पासवर्ड तपाईँ देख्न सक्नुहुन्न । "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "रूजु गर्नलाई पासवर्ड पुन-प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"तपाईँले टाइप गर्नु भएको पासवर्ड सही छ छैन रूजु गर्नलाई कृपया फेरी उही मूल पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट "
"गर्नुहोस् ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "अहिल्यै सामन्य प्रयोगकर्ता खाता सिर्जना गर्नुहोस्?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"सामान्य दिन प्रति दिनको क्रियाकलापहरुका लागि मूल खाता प्रयोग गर्नु खराब विचार हो "
"किन भने सानै गल्तिले पनि आकस्मिक दुर्घटना गराउँदछ, जस्तै विद्युतीय मेल पढ्नु । तपाईँले दिन "
"प्रति दिनको कार्यहरू प्रयोग गर्न सामान्य प्रयोगकर्ता खाता सिर्जना गर्नुपर्दछ ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"द्रष्टब्य यो छ कि तपाईँ यसलाई मूलको रुपमा 'adduser <username>' टाइप गरेर (कुनै थप "
"खाता जस्तै ) पछि सिर्जना गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ, जहाँ <username> एउटा प्रयोगकर्ता नाम हो, जस्तै "
"'imurdock' वा 'rms'"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "नयाँ प्रयोगकर्ताका लागि पूरै नाम:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"अप्रशासनिक क्रियाकलापका लागि तपाईँलाई प्रयोग गर्न मूल खाताको सट्टा प्रयोगकर्ता खाता "
"सिर्जना हुनेछ ।"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"कृपया यो प्रयोगकर्ताको वास्तविक नाम प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस् । यो सूचना प्रयोगकर्ताले पठाएको "
"इमेलहरुलाई पूर्वनिर्धारित उत्पत्तिको रुपमा प्रतिरुप गर्न एवं प्रकारले कुनै कार्यक्रममा "
"प्रयोगकर्ताको वास्तविक नाम प्रयोग वा प्रदर्शित गर्न प्रयोग हुनेछ ।"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "तपाईँको खाताका लागि प्रयोगकर्ता नाम:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"नयाँ खाताका लागि प्रयोगकर्ता नाम चयन गर्नुहोस् । तपाईँको पहिलो नाम उचित छनौट हो । "
"प्रयोगकर्ता नामहरू सानो अक्षरबाट सुरू हुन्छ, जसलाई कुनै पनि संख्याहरुको संयोजन र धेरै सानो "
"अक्षरहरूले पछ्याउँन सक्ने छन् ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "अवैध प्रयोगकर्ता नाम"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with "
#| "a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers "
#| "and more lower-case letters."
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"तपाईँले प्रविष्टि गर्नु भएको प्रयोगकर्ता नाम अवैध छ । द्रष्टब्य यो छ कि प्रयोगकर्ता नामहरू "
"सानो अक्षरबाट सुरू हुन्छ, जसलाई कुनै पनि संख्याहरुको संयोजन र धेरै सानो अक्षरहरूले पछ्याउँन "
"सक्ने छन् ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "सञ्चित प्रयोगकर्ता नाम"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"तपाईँले प्रविष्ट गर्नु भएको (${USERNAME}) प्रयोगकर्तानाम प्रणालीलाई प्रयोग गर्न सञ्चित "
"गरिएको हुन्छ । कृपया विभिन्न चयन गर्नुहोस् ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "नयाँ प्रयोगकर्ताका लागि पासवर्ड रोज्नुहोस्:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"तपाईँले टाइप गर्नु भएको पासवर्ड सही छ छैन रूजु गर्नलाई कृपया फेरी उही मूल पासवर्ड प्रविष्ट "
"गर्नुहोस् ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "पासवर्ड आगत त्रुटि"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "तपाईँले प्रविष्टि गर्नु भएको दुईटा पासवर्डहरू उही छैनन । कृपया फेरी प्रयास गर्नुहोस् ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "खाली पासवर्ड"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"तपाईँले अनुमति नभएको, खाली पासवर्ड प्रविष्टि गर्नुभयो । कृपया खाली नभएको पासवर्ड "
"रोज्नुहोस् ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "स्याडो पासवर्डहरू सक्षम गर्नुहुन्छ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"स्याडो पासवर्डहरुले तपाईँको प्रणालीलाई धेरै सुरक्षित बनाउँदछ यद्यपि गुप्तीकृत पासवर्डहरू पनि "
"कसैले देख्न सक्दैन । पासवर्डहरू अलग्गै फाइलमा भण्डारण भएको हुन्छ जुन विशेष कार्यक्रमहरुले मात्रै "
"पढ्न सक्छ । स्याडो पासवर्डहरू केही केसहरू जस्तै NIS परिवेशहरुमा बाहेक अरुमा जोडदार सिफारिस "
"गरिन्छ ।"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "प्रयोगकर्ताहरू र पासवर्डहरू सेट गर्नुहोस्"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "प्रयोगकर्ताहरू र पासवर्डहरू सेट गरिदै..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "विस्तृतका लागि /var/log/syslog जाच्नुहोस् वा अवास्तविक कन्सोल ४ लाई हेर्नुहोस् ।"
@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of nl.po to Dutch
# Dutch messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Frans Pop <>, 2005.
# Frans Pop <>, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Eric Spreen <>, 2010.
# Jeroen Schot <>, 2011, 2012.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09.
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Elros Cyriatan <>, 2004.
# Luk Claes <>, 2005.
# Freek de Kruijf <>, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Taco Witte <>, 2004.
# Reinout van Schouwen <>, 2007.
# Frans Spiesschaert <>, 2014, 2015.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer/sublevel1\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-14 23:04+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Frans Spiesschaert <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian Dutch l10n Team <>\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Wilt u aanmelden als 'root' toelaten?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Wanneer u ervoor kiest om aanmelden als 'root' te verhinderen wordt er een "
"gebruikersaccount aangemaakt die de mogelijkheid krijgt om commando's uit te "
"voeren als 'root' via het 'sudo'-commando."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Beheerderswachtwoord (root):"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Er dient nu een wachtwoord gekozen te worden voor het beheerdersaccount "
"('root'). Omdat een onwetende of kwaadwillige gebruiker die zich als 'root' "
"aanmeldt rampzalige gevolgen kan hebben is het belangrijk dat het dit "
"wachtwoord moeilijk te raden is. Dit houdt in dat het geen woord mag zijn "
"uit het woordenboek, of iets dat makkelijk met u te associëren valt "
"(banknummer, huisdier, ...)."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Een goed wachtwoord bevat een mengeling van letters, cijfers, leestekens, en "
"speciale tekens, en wordt regelmatig veranderd."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Het beheerdersaccount behoort geen leeg wachtwoord te hebben. Als u dit leeg "
"laat wordt het beheerdersaccount uitgeschakeld en krijgt het eerste "
"gebruikersaccount de mogelijkheid om commando's uit te voeren als 'root' via "
"het commando 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Merk op dat u het wachtwoord niet kunt zien terwijl u het typt."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Wachtwoord nogmaals (ter bevestiging):"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ter controle op eventuele typfouten dient u het beheerderswachtwoord "
"nogmaals in te voeren."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Wilt u nu een normale gebruikersaccount aanmaken?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Het is een slecht idee om de beheerdersaccount (root) te gebruiken voor "
"alledaagse activiteiten zoals het lezen van e-mail. De reden hiervoor is dat "
"zelfs een kleine fout rampzalige gevolgen kan hebben wanneer die gemaakt "
"wordt als 'root'. Het is aan te raden om nu een normale gebruikersaccount "
"aan te maken voor die dagelijkse taken."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Merk op dat u later nog gewone gebruikers kunt aanmaken met het commando "
"'adduser <gebruikersnaam>', waarbij <gebruikersnaam> de loginnaam is voor de "
"nieuwe account (zoals 'imurdock' of 'rms')."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Wat is de volledige naam van de nieuwe gebruiker?"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Er wordt een gebruikersaccount voor u aangemaakt. Het is sterk aan te raden "
"om deze te gebruiken (i.p.v. het beheerdersaccount) wanneer u niet met het "
"beheer van dit systeem bezig bent."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Gelieve de 'echte' naam van de gebruiker in te voeren. Deze informatie wordt "
"o.a. standaard gebruikt als afzender voor e-mails die door de gebruiker "
"verstuurd worden, maar ook door andere programma's die de naam van de "
"gebruiker weergeven of gebruiken. Uw volledige naam is een goede keuze."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Wat is de gebruikersnaam voor uw account?"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Wat is de gebruikersnaam voor het nieuwe account? Uw voornaam is een "
"redelijke keuze. Merk op dat een gebruikersnaam dient te beginnen met een "
"kleine letter, eventueel gevolgd door een combinatie van kleine letters en "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ongeldige gebruikersnaam"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"De door u ingevoerde gebruikersnaam is ongeldig. Merk op dat de "
"gebruikersnamen dienen te bestaan uit een kleine letter eventueel gevolgd "
"een combinatie van kleine letters en cijfers, en niet langer dan 32 tekens "
"mogen zijn."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Gereserveerde gebruikersnaam"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"De door u ingegeven gebruikersnaam (${USERNAME}) is gereserveerd voor "
"gebruik door het systeem. U dient een andere naam te kiezen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Wat is het wachtwoord voor de nieuwe gebruiker?"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ter controle op eventuele typfouten dient u hetzelfde wachtwoord nogmaals in "
"te voeren."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Fout bij het invoeren van het wachtwoord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"De twee door u ingevoerde wachtwoorden waren niet identiek. Gelieve nogmaals "
"te proberen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Leeg wachtwoord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"U heeft een leeg wachtwoord ingevoerd, dit is niet toegestaan. U dient een "
"niet-leeg wachtwoord te kiezen."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Wilt u schaduwwachtwoorden activeren?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Schaduwwachtwoorden maken uw systeem veiliger omdat dan zelfs de "
"versleutelde versies van de wachtwoorden door niemand gezien kunnen worden. "
"Bij het gebruik van schaduwwachtwoorden worden de versleutelde wachtwoorden "
"opgeslagen in een apart bestand dat enkel door speciale programma's gelezen "
"kan worden. Het gebruik van schaduwwachtwoorden is ten sterkste aan te raden "
"buiten in een een paar speciale omstandigheden zoals een NIS-omgeving."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Gebruikers en wachtwoorden instellen"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Gebruikers en wachtwoorden instellen..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Onveilig wachtwoord gebruiken?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"U heeft een wachtwoord van minder dan acht tekens ingevuld. Dit is geen "
"sterk wachtwoord, en het wordt dan ook aangeraden om een sterker wachtwoord "
"te gebruiken."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Uw persoonlijke map versleutelen?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"U kunt uw persoonlijke map laten versleutelen. Op deze manier worden uw "
"persoonlijke bestanden beveiligd, zelfs na diefstal van uw computer."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"De computer zal uw versleutelde map naadloos aankoppelen wanneer u aanmeldt, "
"en zal deze weer afkoppelen als alle actieve sessies zijn beëindigd."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Versleuteling persoonlijke map is mislukt"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"De installatie kon de versleuteling van de persoonlijke map niet opzetten. "
"Uw persoonlijke map zal onversleuteld zijn na de installatie. Dit is "
"waarschijnlijk een programmafout, en u wilt waarschijnlijk de situatie "
"onderzoeken en opnieuw installeren."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Controleer /var/log/syslog of kijk op de vierde virtuele console (VT4) voor "
"de details."
@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Norwegian Nynorsk translation of debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003–2010 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Håvard Korsvoll <>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
# Eirik U. Birkeland <>, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: nn\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-05 21:42+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Eirik U. Birkeland <>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk <>\n"
"Language: nn\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Tillat innlogging for root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Viss du vel å ikkje la root få logge inn, så vil ein brukarkonto bli "
"oppretta som har høve til å blir root ved hjelp av «sudo»-kommandoen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Rotpassord:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"No må du lage eit passord for «root», kontoen for systemadministrasjon. Ein "
"ukvalifisert brukar eller ein brukar med uærlege føremål som har root-"
"tilgang kan ha katastrofale følgjer. Du bør difor velje passord med varsemd "
"slik at det ikkje er lett å gjette seg til. Det bør ikkje vere eit ord som "
"står i ordlista, eller eit ord som lett vert assosiert med deg, som til "
"dømes mellomnamnet ditt."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Eit godt passord inneheld ei blanding av bokstavar, tal og andre teikn og "
"blir endra regelmessig."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Rotbrukaren må ha eit passord. Viss du ikkje skriv inn eit, vil kontoen "
"verta fjerna, og den fyrste brukarkontoen på systemet får rottilgang ved å "
"bruka «sudo»-kommandoen."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Merk at du ikkje vil kunna sjå passordet medan du skriv det inn."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Skriv inn passordet på ny for verifikasjon:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Skriv inn det same root-passordet ein gong til for å kontrollera at du har "
"skrive det inn rett."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Oppretta ein vanleg brukarkonto no?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Det er ikkje lurt å bruke root-kontoen for vanleg bruk av datamaskina, slik "
"som lesing av e-post, fordi berre ein liten tabbe kan føra til katastrofe. "
"No kan du lage ein vanleg brukarkonto som du kan ha til dagleg bruk."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Merk at du kan lage ein konto seinar (i tillegg til fleire kontoar) ved å "
"skrive «adduser <brukarnamn>» som root, der <brukarnamn> er eit brukarnamn, "
"som «oladunk» eller «jensbond»."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Fullt namn for den nye brukaren:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Ein brukarkonto vil bli oppretta for deg til ikkje-administrative oppgåver."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Oppgje det verkelege namnet til brukaren. Denne informasjonen vil til dømes "
"bli brukt som standard opphav for e-postar som vert sendt av denne brukaren "
"samt av alle program som viser namnet til brukaren. Fullt namn er eit "
"fornuftig val."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Brukarnamn for kontoen din:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Vel eit brukarnamn for den nye kontoen. Førenamnet ditt er eit godt val. "
"Brukarnamnet må starte med ein liten bokstav, resten av brukarnamnet kan "
"vera ein kombinasjon av tal og fleire små bokstavar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ugyldig brukarnamn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with "
#| "a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers "
#| "and more lower-case letters."
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Brukarnamnet du skreiv inn er ugyldig. Merk at brukarnamn må starte med ein "
"liten bokstav, resten av brukarnamnet kan vere ein kombinasjon av tal og "
"fleire små bokstavar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Reservert brukarnamn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Brukarnamnet du oppgav (${USERNAME}) er reservert for eige bruk i systemet. "
"Vel eit anna namn."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Lag eit passord for den nye brukaren:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Skriv inn det same brukarpassordet igjen for å verifisera at du har skrive "
"passordet rett."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Feil ved inntasting av passord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Dei to passorda du skreiv inn er ikkje like. Prøv igjen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Tomt passord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Du skreiv inn eit tomt passord, noko som ikkje er tillate. Lag eit passord "
"som ikkje er tomt."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Ta i bruk skuggepassord?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Skuggepassord gjer systemet ditt tryggare fordi ingen kan lese passorda, "
"ikkje ein gong i kryptert tilstand. Passorda er lagra i ei separat fil som "
"berre kan lesast av spesielle program. Vi tilrår bruk av skuggepassord. Viss "
"du skal bruke NIS derimot, kan du få problem."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Set opp brukarar og passord"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Set opp brukarar og passord ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Bruke svakt passord?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Du har oppgitt eit passord som inneheld mindre enn åtte teikn, noko som er "
"rekna som for veikt. Du bør velje eit sterkare passord."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Vil du kryptere heimekatalogen din?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Du kan setje opp heimekatalogen din for kryptering, slik at alle filer som "
"blir lagra der forblir fortrulige sjølv om datamaskina di blir stolen."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Systemet vil automatisk montere/avmontere den krypterte heimekatalogen din "
"når du loggar inn eller ut av alle aktive økter."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Feil ved kryptering av heimekatalog"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Installasjonen kunne ikkje kryptere heimekatalogen din. Den vil derfor være "
"ukryptert etter installasjonen. Dette er truleg ein progamvarefeil. Det kan "
"være lurt å undersøkje dette nærare og eventuelt gjere ein reinstallasjon."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Sjekk /var/log/messages eller sjå virituelt konsoll 4 for detaljar."
@ -1 +0,0 @@
2 utf8
@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of pa.po to Punjabi
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files#
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt#
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Amanpreet Singh Alam <>, 2005.
# Amanpreet Singh Alam <>, 2006.
# A S Alam <>, 2006, 2007.
# A S Alam <>, 2007, 2010.
# Amanpreet Singh Alam <>, 2008.
# Amanpreet Singh Brar <>, 2008.
# Amanpreet Singh Alam <>, 2008, 2009.
# Amanpreet Singh Alam[ਆਲਮ] <>, 2005.
# A S Alam <>, 2009, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: pa\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-06 12:14+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: A S Alam <>\n"
"Language-Team: Punjabi/Panjabi <>\n"
"Language: pa\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "ਕੀ ਰੂਟ (root) ਲਾਗਇਨ ਕਰ ਸਕੇ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ਜੇਕਰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪਰਸ਼ਾਸ਼ਕ (root) ਦੇ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਨਾ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕੀਤੀ ਤਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਬਣਾਇਆ "
"ਜਾਵੇਗਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ 'sudo' ਕਮਾਂਡ ਵਰਤ ਕੇ root ਬਣਾਉਣ ਦਾ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root ਪਾਸਵਰਡ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ (root), ਇੱਕ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕੀ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਹੈ, ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦੇਣ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ। ਇੱਕ ਗਲਤ "
"ਜਾਂ ਅਣਜਾਣ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਪੈਦਾ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ, ਇਸ ਕਰਕੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕੀ "
"(root) ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਇਹ ਧਿਆਨ ਰੱਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਆਸਾਨ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ, ਇਹ ਸ਼ਬਦ-ਕੋਸ਼ "
"ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕੋਈ ਅੱਖਰ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ, ਜਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਨਾਂ ਆਦਿ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ਇੱਕ ਚੰਗੇ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਅੱਖਰ, ਅੰਕ ਅਤੇ ਵਿਰਾਮ ਚਿੰਨ੍ਹ ਹੁੰਦੇ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਨਿਯਮਤ ਸਮੇਂ ਉਪਰੰਤ ਬਦਲਦੇ "
"ਰਹਿਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"ਰੂਟ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦਾ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਖਾਲੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ। ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਹ ਖੇਤਰ ਖਾਲੀ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਤਾਂ ਰੂਟ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਨੂੰ "
"ਆਯੋਗ ਕਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ ਅਤੇ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਦੇ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤੀ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਨੂੰ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ ਕਿ ਉਹ "
"'sudo' ਕਮਾਂਡ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਰੂਟ ਬਣ ਸਕੇ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਲਿਖਣ ਸਮੇਂ ਆਪਣਾ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੇਖ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਮੁੜ ਦਿਓ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"ਰੂਟ (root) ਦੇ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਮੁੜ ਲਿਖੋ ਤਾਂ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਸਕੇ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਠੀਕ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ਕੀ ਹੁਣੇ ਸਧਾਰਨ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ ਹੈ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ (root) ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਨੂੰ ਰੋਜ਼ਾਨਾ ਦੇ ਕੰਮਾਂ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਈ-ਮੇਲ ਪੜ੍ਹਨ, ਲਈ ਵਰਤਣਾ ਇੱਕ ਗਲਤ ਹੈ, ਕਿਉਕਿ "
"ਇੱਕ ਛੋਟੀ ਜਿਹੀ ਗਲਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਵੀ ਵੱਡੀ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ। ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਸਤਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਸਧਾਰਨ "
"ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਬਣਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੀ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ (root) ਦੇ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ 'adduser <username>' ਲਿਖ "
"ਕੇ ਬਣਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਕਿ <username> ਇੱਕ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ 'imurdock' ਜਾਂ 'rms' "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "ਨਵੇਂ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਲਈ ਪੂਰਾ ਨਾਂ ਦਿਓ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਲਈ ਨਾ-ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕੀ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਰੂਟ (root) ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਤੋਂ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਤਿਆਰ "
"ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"ਇਸ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਲਈ ਸਹੀਂ ਨਾਂ ਦਿਉ। ਇਹ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਉਸ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਵਲੋਂ ਈ-ਮੇਲ ਭੇਜਣ ਲਈ ਮੂਲ ਖੇਤਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਵਰਤਣ ਤੋਂ "
"ਇਲਾਵਾ ਉਸ ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਵਿਖਾਉਦੇ ਹਨ ਜਾਂ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦੇ ਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਨ। "
"ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਪੂਰਾ ਨਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਮੰਨਣਯੋਗ ਚੋਣ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਖਾਤੇ ਲਈ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"ਨਵੇਂ ਖਾਤੇ ਲਈ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰੋ। ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਨਾਂ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵਧੀਆ ਚੋਣ ਹੈ। ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ "
"ਹੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਰ ਕੋਈ ਅੰਕ ਜਾਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਅੱਖਰ ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ਗਲਤ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ਦਿੱਤਾ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ ਗਲਤ ਹੈ। ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ ਕਿ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਹੀ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ "
"ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਅੰਕ ਜਾਂ ਛੋਟੇ ਅੱਖਰ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ 32 ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਣੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ਰਾਖਵਾਂ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ-ਨਾਂ (${USERNAME}), ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ, ਉਹ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਵਲੋਂ ਰਾਖਵਾਂ ਹੈ। ਹੋਰ ਨਾਂ ਚੁਣੋ ਜੀ।"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ਨਵੇਂ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਲਈ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦਿਓ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਮੁੜ ਲਿਖੋ ਤਾਂ ਕਿ ਇਹ ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਸਕੇ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਲਿਖਿਆ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਇੰਪੁੱਟ ਗਲਤੀ ਹੈ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ਦੋ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ, ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਹਨ, ਇੱਕੋ ਜਿਹੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ। ਮੁੜ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ਖਾਲੀ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"ਤੁਸੀਂ ਖਾਲੀ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਖਾਲੀ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "ਕੀ ਸ਼ੈਡੋ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਯੋਗ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"ਸ਼ੈਡੋ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਿਸਟਮ ਹੋਰ ਵੀ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਹੋ ਜਾਦਾ ਹੈ, ਕਿਉਕਿ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਇਕ੍ਰਿਪਟਡ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ "
"ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਪਾਸਵਰਡਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਵੱਖਰੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਜਾਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਖਾਸ ਕਾਰਜਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ "
"ਹੀ ਖੋਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਸ਼ੈਡੋ ਪਾਸਵਰਡਾਂ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਦੀ ਜ਼ੋਰਦਾਰ ਸਿਫਾਰਸ਼ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਦੀ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਕੁਝ NIS "
"ਵਾਤਾਵਰਨ 'ਚ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਤੇ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਤੇ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "ਸੌਖਾ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਹੀ ਵਰਤਣਾ ਹੈ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਭਰਿਆ ਹੈ ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਅੱਠ ਤੋਂ ਘੱਟ ਅੱਖਰ ਹਨ, ਜੋ ਕਮਜ਼ੋਰ ਮੰਨਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸਖਤ "
"ਸ਼ਬਦ ਚੁਣਨਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "ਘਰ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਕਰਨੀ ਹੈ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"ਤੁਸੀਂ ਘਰ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਕਿ ਉੱਥੇ ਸਟੋਰ ਕੀਤੀ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਫਾਇਲ "
"ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਰਹੇ, ਭਾਵੇਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਦੀ ਚੋਰੀ ਵੀ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇ।"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"ਸਿਸਟਮ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪਤਾ ਲੱਗੇ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਹੀ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਘਰ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ "
"ਮਾਊਂਟ ਕਰੇਗਾ ਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਸਭ ਐਕਟਿਵ ਸ਼ੈਸ਼ਨਾਂ 'ਚੋਂ ਲਾਗ ਆਉਟ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਹੀ ਅਣ-ਮਾਊਂਟ ਕਰੇਗਾ।"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "ਘਰ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ ਇੰਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "ਵੇਰਵੇ ਵਾਸਤੇ /var/log/syslog ਦੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰੋ ਜਾਂ ਆਰਜੀ ਕੰਸੋਲ 4 ਵੇਖੋ।"
@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Polish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Bartosz Feński <>
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Translations from KDE:
# - Jacek Stolarczyk <>
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Jakub Bogusz <>, 2009-2011.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Alastair McKinstry, <>, 2004.
# Andrzej M. Krzysztofowicz <>, 2007.
# Cezary Jackiewicz <>, 2000-2001.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000-2010.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2004-2009.
# GNOME PL Team <>, 2001.
# Jakub Bogusz <>, 2007-2011.
# Tomasz Z. Napierala <>, 2004, 2006.
# Marcin Owsiany <>, 2011.
# Michał Kułach <>, 2012, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-17 19:39+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Michał Kułach <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Umożliwić logowanie jako root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Jeśli wybierzesz brak możliwości logowania jako root, zostanie utworzone "
"konto użytkownika, które z użyciem polecenia 'sudo' służyć będzie do "
"wykonywania czynności administracyjnych."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Hasło administratora (root):"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Musisz ustalić hasło dla konta root - administratora systemu. Złośliwy lub "
"niewykwalifikowany użytkownik z uprawnieniami administratora może dokonać "
"strasznych szkód, więc powinieneś postarać się by hasło było trudne do "
"odgadnięcia. Hasło to nie powinno być słowem ze słownika lub słowem, które "
"łatwo z Tobą skojarzyć."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Dobre hasło powinno zawierać litery, cyfry i znaki przestankowe i powinno "
"być zmieniane w regularnych odstępach czasu."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Użytkownik root nie powinien mieć pustego hasła. Jeśli zostawisz je puste "
"konto roota zostanie zablokowane, a konto użytkownika założone podczas "
"instalacji otrzyma możliwość zalogowania się na roota za pomocą polecenia "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Zwróć uwagę, że hasło nie będzie widoczne podczas wpisywania."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Potwierdź hasło:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Proszę wpisać to samo hasło ponownie, aby upewnić się, że zostało wpisane "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Czy chcesz teraz utworzyć konto dla zwykłego użytkownika?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Nie jest dobrze używać konta root do codziennych czynności, jak czytanie "
"poczty elektronicznej, ponieważ nawet niewielka pomyłka może spowodować "
"katastrofę. Powinieneś utworzyć konto zwykłego użytkownika, przeznaczone na "
"te codzienne czynności."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Zwróć uwagę, że możesz utworzyć je później (podobnie jak każde dodatkowe "
"konto) wpisując jako root polecenie 'adduser <nazwa>', gdzie <nazwa> jest "
"(ośmio- lub mniej znakową) nazwą użytkownika, na przykład 'jnowak' albo "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Pełna nazwa nowego użytkownika:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Zostanie dla Ciebie utworzone konto do użytku zamiast konta root do celów "
"nie związanych z czynnościami administracyjnymi."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Proszę wprowadzić prawdziwą nazwę dla tego użytkownika. Ta informacja "
"zostanie wykorzystana na przykład jako domyślna nazwa nadawcy wiadomości e-"
"mail lub przez inne programy używające prawdziwej nazwy użytkownika. "
"Wprowadzenie imienia i nazwiska jest najczęściej dobrym wyborem."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika dla Twojego konta:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Wybierz nazwę dla nowego konta. Twoje imię wydaje się być rozsądnym wyborem. "
"Nazwa użytkownika powinna zaczynać się od małej litery, po której mogą "
"następować cyfry i inne małe litery."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nieprawidłowa nazwa użytkownika"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Wprowadzona przez Ciebie nazwa użytkownika jest nieprawidłowa. Nazwa "
"użytkownika musi zaczynać się od małej litery, po której mogą następować "
"cyfry i inne małe litery, i nie może być dłuższa niż 32 znaki."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Zarezerwowana nazwa użytkownika"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Wprowadzona nazwa (${USERNAME}) jest zarezerwowana do użycia przez system. "
"Proszę wybrać inną nazwę."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Wprowadź hasło dla nowego użytkownika:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Proszę wpisać to samo hasło ponownie, aby upewnić się, że zostało wpisane "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Błąd podczas wprowadzania"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Hasła, które zostały wpisane nie są identyczne. Proszę spróbować jeszcze raz."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Puste hasło"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Wprowadzono puste hasło, a jest to zabronione. Proszę wprowadzić hasło "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Czy włączyć ukryte hasła?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Ukryte hasła (shadow passwords) sprawiają, że system staje się "
"bezpieczniejszy dzięki temu, że nikt nie ma uprawnień do czytania nawet "
"zakodowanych haseł. Hasła są przechowywane w oddzielnym pliku, który może "
"być czytany tylko przez specjalne programy. Zalecamy używanie ukrytych haseł "
"chyba, że masz zamiar używać środowiska NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Ustaw użytkowników i hasła"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Ustawianie użytkowników i haseł..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Użyć słabego hasła?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Wprowadzone hasło zawiera mniej niż osiem znaków, co jest traktowane jako "
"słabe hasło. Należy wybrać silniejsze hasło."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Szyfrować katalog domowy?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Można skonfigurować katalog domowy do szyfrowania, tak aby wszystkie pliki w "
"nim zawarte były bezpieczne nawet w przypadku kradzieży komputera."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"System zamontuje szyfrowany katalog domowy za każdym logowaniem i "
"automatycznie odmontuje po wylogowaniu z wszystkich aktywnych sesji."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Szyfrowanie katalogu domowego nie powiodło się"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalator nie był w stanie ustawić szyfrowania katalogu domowego. Twój "
"katalog domowy nie będzie zaszyfrowany po instalacji. Jest to prawdopodobnie "
"błąd; można spróbować znaleźć jego przyczynę i ponownie przeprowadzić "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Sprawdź szczegóły w /var/log/syslog lub na czwartej konsoli wirtualnej."
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Portuguese messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# Console-setup strings translations:
# (identified by "./console-setup.templates")
# Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Miguel Figueiredo <>
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Miguel Figueiredo <>, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2001,2004
# Filipe Maia <>, 2001.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-17 19:06+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Miguel Figueiredo <>\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese <>\n"
"Language: pt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Permitir login como root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Se escolher não permitir que o root faça login, então uma conta de "
"utilizador será criada e ser-lhe-á dado o poder de se tornar root utilizando "
"o comando 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Palavra-passe de root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"É necessário definir uma palavra-passe para o 'root', a conta administrativa "
"do sistema. Um utilizador malicioso ou não qualificado com acesso à root "
"pode trazer consequências desastrosas, portanto deve ter o cuidado de "
"escolher uma palavra-passe de root que não seja fácil de adivinhar. A "
"palavra-passe não deve ser uma palavra encontrada em dicionários ou uma "
"palavra que possa ser facilmente associada a si."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Uma boa palavra-passe contém uma mistura de letras, números e pontuação e "
"deve ser modificada em intervalos regulares."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"O utilizador root não deve ter uma palavra-passe vazia. Se deixar isto "
"vazio, a conta de root será desactivada e a conta de utilizador inicial do "
"sistema terá o poder de se tornar root utilizando o comando \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Note que não conseguirá ver a palavra-passe enquanto a digita."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Introduza novamente a password para verificação:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor introduza novamente a mesma palavra-passe de root para verificar "
"se a introduziu correctamente."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Criar uma conta de utilizador normal agora?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"É uma má ideia utilizar a conta de root para actividades normais do dia-a-"
"dia, como ler mensagens electrónicas, porque até mesmo um pequeno erro pode "
"resultar num desastre. Agora pode criar uma conta de utilizador normal para "
"utilizar nas tarefas do dia-a-dia."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Note que pode criar essa conta posteriormente (como também qualquer outra "
"conta adicional) digitando 'adduser <nome do utilizador>' como root, onde "
"<nome do utilizador> é um nome de utilizador, como 'imurdock' ou 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nome completo do novo utilizador:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Será criada uma conta de utilizador para si para ser utilizada em vez da "
"conta de root para actividades não-administrativas."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Por favor introduza o nome verdadeiro deste utilizador. Esta informação será "
"utilizada por exemplo como origem pré-definida de emails enviados por este "
"utilizador bem como qualquer programa que apresente ou utilize o verdadeiro "
"nome do utilizador. O seu nome completo é uma escolha razoável."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador para a sua conta:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Escolha um nome de utilizador para a nova conta. O primeiro nome é uma "
"escolha razoável. O nome de utilizador deve começar com uma letra minúscula, "
"que pode ser seguida de qualquer combinação de números e mais letras "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador inválido"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"O nome de utilizador que introduziu é inválido. Note que os nomes de "
"utilizador têm de começar por uma letra minúscula, a qual pode ser seguida "
"de qualquer combinação de números e de mais letras minúsculas, e não pode "
"excder os 32 caracteres de comprimento."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nome de utilizador reservado"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"O nome de utilizador que introduziu (${USERNAME}) é reservado para ser "
"utilizado pelo sistema. Por favor escolha outro diferente."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Escolha uma palavra-passe para o novo utilizador:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, introduza novamente a mesma palavra-passe para verificar se a "
"digitou correctamente."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Erro na introdução da palavra-passe"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"As duas palavra-passe que você introduziu não são iguais. Por favor, tente "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Palavra-passe vazia"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Introduziu uma palavra-passe vazia, o que não é permitido. Por favor escolha "
"uma palavra-passe não-vazia."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Activar as palavra-passes 'shadow'?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"As palavras-passe 'shadow' tornam o seu sistema mais seguro porque ninguém "
"consegue ver as palavra-passe encriptadas. As palavra-passe são guardadas "
"num ficheiro separado, o qual apenas pode ser lido por programas especiais. "
"É recomendada a utilização de palavras-passe 'shadow', excepto em alguns "
"casos tais como ambientes NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Definir utilizadores e palavras-passe"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "A definir utilizadores e palavras-passe..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Usar senha fraca?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Você introduziu uma senha que tem menos de 8 caracteres, que é considerada "
"fraca. Você deve escolher uma senha mais forte."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Encriptar a sua pasta pessoal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Pode configurar a sua pasta pessoal para encriptação, de forma a que todos "
"os ficheiros aí guardados permaneçam privados mesmo que o seu computador "
"seja roubado."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"O sistema irá montar a sua pasta home assim que faça login e desmontá-la "
"assim que faça logout de todas as sessões activas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Falhou a encriptação do directório Home"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"O programa de instalação não conseguiu configurar a encriptação do "
"directório \"home\" Após a instalação, o seu directório \"home\" não ficará "
"encriptado. Provavelmente, isto é um \"bug\" que poderá querer investigar. "
"Poderá tentar repetir a instalacão."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Verifique o ficheiro /var/log/syslog ou a consola virtual 4 para detalhes."
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Translation of Debian Installer templates to Brazilian Portuguese.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <>, 2008-2012.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001-2002.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000
# Juan Carlos Castro y Castro <>, 2000-2005.
# Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <>, 2006-2009.
# Lisiane Sztoltz <>
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-07 19:57-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <>\n"
"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese <debian-l10n-portuguese@lists.debian."
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Permitir login como root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Se você optar por não permitir que o root se autentique, uma conta de "
"usuário será criada e receberá o poder de tornar-se root usando o comando "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Senha do root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Você precisa definir uma senha para o 'root', a conta administrativa do "
"sistema. Um usuário malicioso ou não qualificado com acesso root pode levar "
"a resultados desastrosos, portanto você deve tomar o cuidado de escolher uma "
"senha que não seja fácil de ser adivinhada. Essa senha não deve ser uma "
"palavra encontrada em dicionários ou uma palavra que possa ser facilmente "
"associada a você."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Uma boa senha conterá uma mistura de letras, números e pontuação e deverá "
"ser modificada em intervalos regulares."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"O usuário root não deverá ter uma senha em branco. Se você deixar este campo "
"vazio, a conta do root será desabilitada e a conta do usuário inicial do "
"sistema receberá o poder de tornar-se root usando o comando \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Note que você não poderá ver a senha enquanto a digita."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Informe novamente a senha para verificação:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, informe novamente a mesma senha de root para verificar se você "
"digitou-a corretamente."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Criar uma conta de usuário normal agora?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"É uma má ideia usar a conta de root para atividades normais do dia-a-dia, "
"como ler mensagens eletrônicas (e-mail), porque mesmo um erro pequeno pode "
"resultar em um desastre. Você deveria criar uma conta de usuário normal e "
"usá-la para essas tarefas do dia-a-dia."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Note que você pode criar essa conta posteriormente (como também qualquer "
"outra conta adicional) digitando 'adduser <nome-do-usuário>' como root, onde "
"<nome-do-usuário> é um nome de usuário, como 'imurdock' ou 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Nome completo para o novo usuário:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Uma conta de usuário será criada para você usar no lugar da conta de root "
"para tarefas não-administrativas."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Por favor, informe o nome real deste usuário. Esta informação será usada, "
"por exemplo, como a origem padrão para mensagens enviadas por este usuário "
"bem como por qualquer programa que exiba ou use o nome real do usuário. Seu "
"nome completo é uma escolha razoável."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Nome de usuário para sua conta:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Informe um nome de usuário para a nova conta. Seu primeiro nome é uma "
"escolha razoável. O nome de usuário deverá ser iniciado com uma letra "
"minúscula, que pode ser seguida de qualquer combinação de números e mais "
"letras minúsculas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nome de usuário inválido"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"O nome de usuário informado é inválido. Note que nomes de usuários devem "
"iniciar com uma letra minúscula, a qual pode ser seguida por qualquer "
"combinação de números e mais letras minúsculas, não podendo ter mais do que "
"32 caracteres."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nome de usuário reservado"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"O nome de usuário que você informou (${USERNAME}) é reservado para uso do "
"sistema. Por favor, informe um nome de usuário diferente."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Escolha uma senha para o novo usuário:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Por favor, informe novamente a mesma senha de usuário para verificar se você "
"digitou-a corretamente."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Erro ao informar a senha"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"As duas senhas que você informou não foram as mesmas. Por favor, tente "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Senha em branco"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Você informou uma senha em branco, o que não é permitido. Por favor, informe "
"uma senha não vazia."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Habilitar senhas sombra (shadow)?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Senhas sombra (shadow) fazem com que seu sistema fique mais seguro devido a "
"ninguém ser capaz de ver até mesmo senhas criptografadas. As senhas são "
"armazenadas em um arquivo separado, o qual pode ser lido somente por "
"programas especiais. O uso de senhas sombra é altamente recomendado, exceto "
"em alguns casos como em ambientes NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Configurar usuários e senhas"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Configurando usuários e senhas..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Usar senha fraca?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Você entrou com uma senha com menos de 8 caracteres, que é considerada "
"fraca. Você deve escolher uma senha mais forte"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Encriptar sua pasta pessoal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Você pode configurar sua pasta pessoal para criptografia, de tal forma que "
"quaisquer arquivos armazenados lá permanecem privados mesmo se seu "
"computador for roubado."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"O sistema irá consistentemente montar sua pasta pessoal criptografado toda "
"vez que você conectar e desmontá-lo automaticamente quando você desconectar "
"de todas sessões ativas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Criptografia da pasta pessoal falhou"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"O instalador falhou em criptografar sua pasta pessoal. Sua pasta pessoal não "
"estará criptografada após a instalação. Isto é provavelmente um bug, e você "
"pode querer investigar e reinstalar."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Confira o arquivo /var/log/syslog ou consulte o console 4 para maiores "
@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of ro.po to Romanian
# Romanian translation
# Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
# documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
# this format, e.g. by running:
# info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
# info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
# Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
# /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
# or
# Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
# Eddy Petrișor <>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004
# Andrei Popescu <>, 2010.
# Eddy Petrișor <>, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000, 2001
# Lucian Adrian Grijincu <>, 2009, 2010.
# Mişu Moldovan <>, 2000, 2001.
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Ioan Eugen Stan <>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ro\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-08 22:04+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Ioan Eugen Stan <>\n"
"Language-Team: Romanian <>\n"
"Language: ro\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: utf-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < "
"20)) ? 1 : 2;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Se permite autentificare ca super-utilizator?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Dacă optați să nu permiteți autentificarea ca super-utilizator, atunci va fi "
"creat un cont de utilizator căruia i se va da puterea de a deveni super-"
"utilizator folosind comanda 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Parola super-utilizatorului (root):"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Trebuie să introduceți o parolă pentru 'root', contul de administrare al "
"sistemului. Un utilizator rău-voitor sau necalificat care capătă acces la "
"contul de root poate provoca dezastre, deci ar trebui să aveți grijă să "
"alegeți o parolă de root care nu poate fi ușor ghicită. N-ar trebui să fie "
"un cuvânt care se găsește în dicționare sau un cuvânt care poate fi asociat "
"ușor cu dumneavoastră."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"O parolă bună va conține un amestec de litere, numere și semne de punctuație "
"și ar trebui schimbată la intervale regulate de timp."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Utilizatorul root nu ar trebui să aibă o parolă vidă. Dacă lăsați acest câmp "
"gol, contul de super-utilizator va fi dezactivat și primul cont de "
"utilizator din sistem va avea puterea de a deveni root folosind comanda "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "A se observa că nu veți putea să vedeți parola în timp ce o scrieți."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Reintroduceți parola pentru verificare:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Vă rugăm să introduceți din nou aceiași parolă de root pentru a verifica "
"faptul că ați scris-o corect."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Creați acum un cont de utilizator obișnuit?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Este o idee proastă să folosiți contul de root pentru activitățile normale "
"de zi cu zi, ca citirea de poștă electronică, deoarece chiar și o mică "
"greșeală poate duce la un dezastru. Este recomandat să creați un cont de "
"utilizator obișnuit pe care să-l utilizați pentru sarcinile de zi cu zi."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"A se observa că puteți crea contul mai târziu (ca de altfel și alte conturi) "
"tastând 'adduser <numeutilizator>' ca root, unde <numeutilizator> este un "
"nume de utilizator ca „imurdock” sau „rms”."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Numele complet pentru noul utilizator:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Un cont de utilizator va fi creat pentru dumneavoastră spre a fi utilizat în "
"locul contului de root pentru activități non-administrative."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Vă rugăm să introduceți numele real al acestui utilizator. Această "
"informație va fi folosită, de exemplu, ca origine implicită a poștei "
"electronice trimise de acest utilizator cât și de orice program care "
"afișează sau utilizează numele real al utilizatorului. Numele dumneavoastră "
"complet (numele și prenumele) este o alegere rezonabilă."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Numele de utilizator pentru contul dumneavoastră:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Selectați un nume pentru noul cont. Prenumele dumneavoastră este o alegere "
"rezonabilă. Numele de utilizator ar trebui să înceapă cu literă mică, care "
"poate fi urmată de orice combinație de numere și litere mici."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Nume de utilizator invalid"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Numele de utilizator introdus de dumneavoastră este invalid. Numele de "
"utilizator trebuie să înceapă cu literă mică urmată de orice combinație de "
"cifre și alte litere mici, și nu poate fi mai lung de 32 de caractere."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Nume de utilizator rezervat"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Numele de utilizator introdus (${USERNAME})este rezervat pentru a fi "
"utilizat de către sistem. Selectați altul."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Alegeți o parolă pentru noul utilizator:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Vă rugăm să introduceți din nou aceiași parolă de utilizator pentru a "
"verifica faptul că ați scris-o corect."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Eroare la introducerea parolei"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Cele două parole introduse de dumneavoastră nu au fost identice. Vă rugăm să "
"încercați din nou."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Parolă vidă"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Ați introdus o parolă vidă, lucru nepermis. Vă rugăm să alegeți o parolă "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Se activează parolele de tip „shadow”?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Parolele de tip „shadow” vă fac sistemul mai sigur deoarece nimeni nu poate "
"vedea nici măcar parolele criptate. Parolele sunt păstrate într-un fișier "
"separat care nu poate fi citit decât de programe speciale. Utilizarea "
"parolelor de tip „shadow” este chiar indicată, cu excepția unor cazuri rare "
"cum ar fi mediile NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Configurare utilizatori și parole"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Se configurează utilizatorii și parolele..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Doriți să folosiți o parolă slabă?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Ați introdus o parolă ce conține mai puțin de opt caractere, aceasta fiind "
"considerată slabă. Puteți alege o parolă mai puternică."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Doriți criptarea dosarului personal?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Puteți configurarea dosarul personal pentru criptare, astfel încât orice "
"fișier stocat acolo va rămâne confidențial chiar și în cazul în care "
"calculatorul este furat."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistemul va monta transparent dosarul personal criptat la fiecare "
"autentificare și va demonta după ieșirea din toate sesiunile active."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Criptarea dosarului personal a eșuat"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instalatorul nu a reușit să configureze criptarea dosarului personal. "
"Dosarul personal va rămâne necriptat după instalare. Acest comportament este "
"un defect, puteți să investigați problema sau să reinstalați."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Verificați fișierul /var/log/syslog sau consola virtuală 4 pentru detalii."
@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of ru.po to Russian
# Russian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Russian L10N Team <>, 2004.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2004, 2005.
# Dmitry Beloglazov <>, 2005.
# Sergey Alyoshin <>, 2011.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004.
# Mikhail Zabaluev <>, 2006.
# Nikolai Prokoschenko <>, 2004.
# Pavel Maryanov <>, 2009,2010.
# Yuri Kozlov <>, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ru\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-19 08:59+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuri Kozlov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian <>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Разрешить вход в систему суперпользователем root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Если вы не разрешите входить в систему под именем root, то будет создана "
"только пользовательская учётная запись, а для получения прав "
"суперпользователя нужно будет использовать команду 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Пароль суперпользователя:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Необходимо ввести пароль учётной записи суперпользователя (root), "
"используемой для администрирования системы. Доступ к компьютеру с "
"использованием этой учётной записи злонамеренных или низкоквалифицированных "
"пользователей может привести к катастрофическим последствиям. Поэтому пароль "
"суперпользователя не должен легко угадываться, подбираться по словарю, и он "
"не должен быть связан с вашей личностью."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Хороший пароль представляет из себя смесь букв, цифр и знаков препинания, и "
"должен периодически меняться."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Пароль учётной записи суперпользователя не должен быть пустым, иначе она "
"будет заблокирована, а настроенной в программе установки пользовательской "
"учётной записи будет разрешено работать с правами суперпользователя через "
"команду \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Во время ввода пароля вводимые символы не будут отображаться на экране."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Введите пароль ещё раз:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Введите тот же самый пароль ещё раз, чтобы убедиться в правильности ввода."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Создать учётную запись обычного пользователя?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Использование учётной записи суперпользователя для выполнения повседневной "
"работы, (чтения электронной почты, например), крайне нежелательно, так как в "
"этом случае малейшая оплошность с вашей стороны может привести к катастрофе. "
"Сейчас вы можете создать учётную запись обычного пользователя, от имени "
"которого вы будете заниматься повседневной работой в системе."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Вы сможете создать пользовательскую запись (или даже несколько) и позже, "
"выполнив (от имени суперпользователя) команду 'adduser <имя>', где <имя> - "
"имя пользователя (иначе называемое учётной записью), например 'imurdock' или "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Введите полное имя нового пользователя:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Будет создана учётная запись пользователя, которая будет использоваться "
"вместо учётной записи суперпользователя (root) для выполнения всех действий, "
"не связанных с администрированием."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Введите реальное имя этого пользователя. Эта информация будет использована в "
"письмах в поле \"От кого\", посылаемых этим пользователем, а также всеми "
"программами, которые показывают или используют реальное имя пользователя в "
"своей работе. Ваше имя и фамилия вполне подходят."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Имя вашей учётной записи:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Выберите имя пользователя (учётную запись), под которым вы будете известны в "
"системе. В качестве учётной записи может быть использовано ваше реальное "
"имя. Учётная запись должна начинаться со строчной латинской буквы, за "
"которой может следовать любое количество строчных латинских букв или цифр."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Введено некорректное имя."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Вы ввели некорректное имя пользователя. Имя пользователя должно начинаться "
"со строчной латинской буквы, за которой может следовать любая комбинация "
"строчных латинских букв и цифр; длина не должна превышать 32 символов."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "зарезервированное имя пользователя"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Введённое вами имя пользователя (${USERNAME}) зарезервировано для системного "
"использования. Введите другое."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Введите пароль для нового пользователя:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Проверка правильности ввода осуществляется путём повторного ввода пароля и "
"сравнения результатов."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Ошибка ввода пароля"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Введённые вами пароли не совпадают. Попробуйте ещё раз."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Пустой пароль"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "Был введён пустой пароль, что запрещено. Введите не пустой пароль."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Включить поддержку теневых (shadow) паролей?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Использование теневых (shadow) паролей повышает безопасность вашей системы, "
"так как при этом блокируется доступ обычных пользователей к зашифрованным "
"паролям. Это достигается путём хранения зашифрованных паролей в отдельном "
"файле, доступ к котором имеют только специальные программы. Рекомендуется "
"всегда использовать теневые пароли, за рядом исключений, например при работе "
"с NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Настройка учётных записей пользователей и паролей"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Настройка учётных записей пользователей и паролей..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Использовать слабый пароль?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Введённый вами пароль состоит менее чем из восьми символов, поэтому он "
"является слабым. Вы должны выбрать более сильный пароль."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Зашифровать домашний каталог?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Шифрование домашнего каталога позволит сохранить в тайне вашу личную "
"информацию, даже если ваш компьютер украдут."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Система будет незаметно монтировать зашифрованный домашний каталог каждый "
"раз при входе и размонтировать его при выходе."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Шифрование домашнего каталога не удалось."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Установщику не удалось зашифровать домашний каталог. Ваш домашний каталог "
"будет незашифрованным после установки. Возможно это ошибка, которую вам "
"следует изучить и осуществить переустановку системы."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Подробности смотрите в файле /var/log/syslog или на консоли 4."
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of se.po to Northern Saami
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files#
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt#
# Børre Gaup <>, 2006, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: se\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-12-31 02:09+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Børre Gaup <>\n"
"Language-Team: Northern Sami <>\n"
"Language: se\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Galgágo root-sisačáliheapmi leat olámuttus?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Jus válljet ahte root-sisačáliheapmi ii galgga leat olámuttus, de \n"
"geavaheaddjikontu ráhkaduvvo ja oažžu root-vuoigatvuođaid «sudo»-gohččumiin."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-beassansátni:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Fertet ráhkadit beassansátni «root»-kontui. Root leat "
"Bahádahki dahje čuorbi mas lea root-vuoigatvuođat sáhttá leat ruossu, danne\n"
"galggat válljet beassansáni mii ii galgga leat álki árvidit.\n"
"Dat ii galgga leat sátni mii gávdno sátnegirjjiin, dahje sátni mii lea álki\n"
"čatnat dutnje."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Buorre beassansánis galgá leat bustávat, logut ja erenoamáš mearkkat, ja \n"
"dan galggašii rievdadit dávjá."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root-geavaheaddjis ii galgga leat guorus beassansátni. Jus guođát dan\n"
"guorusin, de root-kontu ii aktiverejuvvo, ja vuogádaga vuosttaš "
"oažžu vejolašvuohta šaddat root «sudo»-gohččuma bokte."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Fuomáš ahte it oainne beassansáni dan čáledettiin."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Čális beassansáni ođđasit nannen dihte:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Čális seamma beassansáni ođđasit nannen dihte ahte lea rievttes beassansátni."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Ođđa geavaheaddji olles namma:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Geavaheaddjikontu ráhkaduvvo dutnje mii geavahuvvo beaivválaš bargguide, "
"iige administratiiva bargguide."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Čális dán geavaheaddji albma nama. Dát diehtu geavahuvvo ovdamearka dihte go "
"e-boasta sáddejuvvo ja maid eará prográmmain mat čájehit dahje geavahit "
"geavaheaddji albma nama. "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Du konttu geavaheaddjinama:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Vállje geavaheaddjinama dan ođđa kontui. Geavat áinnas iežat nama, gaskkaid "
"haga. Geavaheaddjinama ferte álgit smávva bustávain, muđuid "
"geavaheaddjinamas sáhttá leat sihke logut ja eará smávva bustávaid (muhto "
"eai sáhte leat gaskamearkkat)."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Gustohis sturrodat"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Vállje geavaheaddjenama dan ođđa kontui. Geavat áinnas iežat nama, gaskkaid "
"haga. Geavaheaddjenama ferte álgit smávva bustávain, muđuid "
"geavaheaddjenamas sáhttá leat sihke logut ja eará smávva bustávaid (muhto "
"eai sáhte leat gaskamearkkat)."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Ovdagihtii várrejuvvon geavaheaddjinamma"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Vállje beassansáni ođđa geavaheaddjái:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Čális seamma beassansáni ođđasit nannen dihte ahte lea rievttes beassansátni."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
#, fuzzy
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Dát beassansánit eai leat seamma lágán. Geahččal fas."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Guorus beassansátni"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Leat čállán guorus beassansáni, mii lea geldojuvvon. Čális beassansáni mii "
"ii leat guorus."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Heivet geavaheaddjiid ja beassansániid"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Heivet geavaheddjiid ja beassansániid"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Heiveheamen geavaheddjiid ja beassansániid"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# Danishka Navin <>, 2009, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-28 10:16+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Danishka Navin <>\n"
"Language-Team: Sinhala <>\n"
"Language: si\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "root ලෙස පිවිසීම අනුමත කරන්න ද?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ඔබ root ට ප්රවේශ වීමට අවසර නොදීමට තේරුවොත්, එවිට භාවිතා කරන්නෙකුගේ ගිණුමක් සෑදෙන අතර "
"'sudo' විධානය භාවිතා කර root බවට පත් වීමේ බලය ලබා දෙනු ඇත."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root රහස්පදය:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"පද්ධති පරිපාලක ගිණුම වන 'root' ට රහස්පදයක් යෙදීමට අවශ්යයි. root ප්රවේශය සහිත ද්වේශසහගත හෝ "
"සුදුසුකම් නැති භාවිතා කරන්නෙකුට විනාශදායක ප්රතිඵල ඇති කළ හැක. එම නිසා අනුමාන කිරීමට අපහසු "
"root රහස්පදයක් තෝරා ගැනීමට ඔබ සැලකිලිමත් විය යුතුය. එය ශබ්දකෝෂ වල හමුවන හෝ ඔබට පහසුවෙන් "
"අදාළ වන වචනයක් නොවිය යුතුය."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"හොඳ රහස් පදයක අකුරු, ඉලක්කම් සහ විරාම ලකුණු වල මිශ්රණයක් අඩංගු වන අතර ක්රමවත් කාල අන්තර තුල "
"වෙනස් කළ යුතුයි."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"මූල පරිශීලකට හිස් මුරපදයක් නොතිබිය යුතුයි. ඔබ මෙය හිස්ව තැබුවොත්, මූල ගිණුම අහෝසි වන අතර පද්ධතියේ "
"ආරම්භක පරිශීලක ගිණුමට \"sudo\" විධානය භාවිතා කරමින් මූලය වීමට බලය ලබා දෙනු ඇත."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ඔබ රහස්පදය යතුරු ලියනය කරන විට ඔබට එක එය බලාගැනීමට හැකි නොවන බව සටහන් කර ගන්න."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "සත්යාපනය කිරීම සඳහා රහස්පදය නැවත ඇතුල් කරන්න:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "ඔබ නිවැරදිව යතුරුකර ඇත්දැයි බැලීම සඳහා කරුණාකර එම root රහස්පදයම යළි ඇතුළත් කරන්න."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "දැන් සාමාන්ය පරිශීලක ගිනුමක් සකසන්නද?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"කුඩා වරදකින් විශාල හානියක් විය හැකි බැවින්, මූල ගිනුම ලිපි බැලීම වැනි එදිනෙදා කටයුතු සඳහා භාවිත "
"කිරීම හොඳ අදහසක් නොවේ. ඔබ එවැනි කාර්යයන් සඳහා සාමාන්ය පරිශීලක ගිනුමක් සකසා ගත යුතුයි."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"ඔබට මූල පරිශීලක ලෙස 'adduser <username>' යෙදීමෙන් පසු ඕනෑම අවස්ථාවක එය පසුව එක්කල "
"හැක , <username> යනු saman , hanthana වැනි පරිශීලක නාමයකි"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "නව පරිශීලකගේ සමපූර්ණ නම:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"ඔබේ පරිපාලන නොවන ක්රියාකාරකම් සඳහා root ගිණුම වෙනුවට පිරිශීලක ගිණුමක් නිර්මාණය කරනු ඇත."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"කරුණාකර මෙම භාවිතා කරන්නාගේ නියම නම ඇතුල් කරන්න. මෙම තොරතුරු මෙම භාවිතා කරන්නා විසින් යවා "
"ඇති විද්යුත් ලිපි සඳහා පෙරනිමි ප්රභවය සේම භාවිතා කරන්නාගේ සැබෑ නම ප්රදර්ශනය කරන හෝ භාවිතා "
"කරන ඕනෑම වැඩසටහනක් වැනි අවස්ථාවන්හිදී භාවිතා කෙරෙනු ඇත. ඔබගේ සම්පූර්ණ නම සාධාරණ තේරීමකි."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ඔබගේ ගිණුම සඳහා භාවිතා කරන්නාගේ නම:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"නව ගිණුම සඳහා භාවිතා කරන්නාගේ නමක් තොරන්න. ඔබගේ පලමු නම සාධාරණ තේරීමකි. භාවිතා කරන්නාගේ "
"නම කුඩා අකුරකින් පටන් ගත යුතු අතර පසුව ඉලක්කම් සහ කුඩා අකුරු වල ඕනෑම සංකලනයක් භාවිතා කළ හැක."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "වලංගු නොවන පරිශීලක නාමයක්"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ඔබ ඇතුළත් කල පරිශීලක නාමය වැරදියි. පරිශීලක නම ඇරඹිය යුත්තේ කුඩා අකුරකින් වන අතර එයින් පසු ඕනෑම "
"අංක හෝ කුඩා අකුරු සංයුක්තයක් පැවතිය හැක. අක්ෂර 32 කට වඩා දිගු නොවිය යුතුයි."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "වෙන්කල පරිශීලක නාමයක්:"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"ඔබ විසින් ඇතුළත් කල (${USERNAME}) පරිශීලක නාමය පද්ධතිය විසින් භාවිතය සඳහා වෙන්කර ඇත. "
"කරුණාකර අනෙකක් තෝරන්න."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "නව පරිශීලක සඳහා රහස්පදය:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"ඔබ නිවැරදිව යතුරු ලියනය කර ඇති බව තහවුරු කිරීම සඳහා කරුණාකර එම භාවිතා කරන්නාගේ රහස්පදය "
"නැවත ඇතුල් කරන්න."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "මුරපද ආදාන දෝශයක්"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ඔබ විසින් ඇතුළත් කල මුරපද දෙක නොගැලපේ, කරුණාකර නැවත උත්සාහ කරන්න."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "හිස් මුරපදයක්"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"ඔබ විසින් හිස් මුරපදයක් ඇතුළු කර ඇත, එයට ඉඩදිය නොහැකි බැවින් එසේ නොවන මුරපදයක් ඇතුළත් කරන්න."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "සෙවනැලි මුරපද සක්රීය කරන්නද?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"සෙවණැලි මුරපද භාවිතය ඒවා කිසිවෙකුට නැරඹිය නොහැකි නිසා ඔබේ පද්ධතිය වඩාත් ආරක්ෂිත කරයි. එම "
"මුරපද විශේෂිත මෘදුකාංග මගින් පමණක් කියවිය හැකි සේ. වෙන් වෙන් ගොනු වල ගබඩා වේ. NIS වැනි "
"අවස්ථා කිහිපයක හැරුනු විට අනෙක් සැමවිටම සෙවණැලි මුරපද භාවිතය දැඩිලෙස නිර්දේශිතයි."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "පරිශීලක සහ රහස්පදය සැකසීම"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "පරිශීලක සහ රහස්පදය සකසමින්..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "තොරතුරු සඳහා /var/log/syslog හෝ 4 වැනි අතත්ය කොන්සෝලය පිරික්සන්න."
@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Slovak messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Peter Mann <>
# Ivan Masár <>, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# (translations from drakfw)
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001, 2002.
# Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2004
# Ivan Masár <>, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Translations taken from on 2008-06-17
# Pavol Cvengros <>, 2001.
# Peter Mann <>, 2004, 2006.
# bronto, 2007.
# source:
# (historic names)
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-17 14:17+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Ivan Masár <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Umožniť prihlásenie používateľa root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ak neumožníte prihlásenie používateľa root, tak sa vytvorí používateľské "
"konto, ktorým budete môcť vykonávať správu systému pomocou príkazu „sudo“."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Heslo používateľa root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Pre správcu systému - používateľa „root“ - musíte nastaviť heslo. Zlomyseľný "
"alebo neskúsený používateľ s prístupovými právami používateľa root môže v "
"systéme napáchať nenapraviteľné škody, takže by ste mali pre používateľa "
"root zvoliť heslo, ktoré je veľmi ťažké uhádnuť. To znamená, že by to nemalo "
"byť slovo zo slovníka ani údaj, ktorý sa s vami dá ľahko spojiť (napr. "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Dobré heslo obsahuje zmes písmen, číslic, interpunkčných znamienok a malo by "
"sa pravidelne meniť."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Používateľ root by nemal mať prázdne heslo. Ak toto pole ponecháte "
"nevyplnené, používateľský účet root sa vypne a účet prvého používateľa "
"systému dostane oprávnenie vykonávať správu systému pomocou príkazu „sudo“."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Uvedomte si, že pri písaní sa heslo nezobrazuje."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Znovu zadajte heslo na overenie:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Zadajte znovu heslo pre používateľa root, aby ste sa ubezpečili, že ste ho "
"napísali správne."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Chcete teraz vytvoriť bežný používateľský účet?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Je veľmi zlým zvykom používať účet root pre každodennú prácu ako je napr. "
"čítanie elektronickej pošty, pretože aj malý preklep môže spôsobiť veľké "
"škody. Na každodennú prácu by ste si mali vytvoriť účet pre normálneho "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Tento a ďalšie účty môžete vytvoriť neskôr ako root pomocou príkazu „adduser "
"<meno>“, kde <meno> je používateľské meno ako napr. „imurdock“ alebo „rms“."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Meno a priezvisko nového používateľa:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Teraz sa vytvorí používateľský účet, ktorý by ste mali používať namiesto "
"účtu root na bežnú prácu okrem aktivít správcu."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Zadajte skutočné meno tohto používateľa. Toto meno sa použije ako predvolené "
"pri odosielaní pošty týmto používateľom a podobne bude zobrazené aj inými "
"programami, ktoré používajú skutočné meno používateľa. Rozumnou voľbou je "
"vaše úplné meno a priezvisko."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Používateľské meno pre nový účet:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Zvoľte si používateľské meno pre nový účet. Rozumnou voľbou by mohlo byť "
"vaše krstné meno. Používateľské mená by mali začínať malým písmenom, za "
"ktorým môže nasledovať ľubovoľná kombinácia čísel a malých písmen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Chybné používateľské meno"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Používateľské meno, ktoré ste zadali je nesprávne. Pamätajte, že "
"používateľské mená musia začínať malým písmenom, za ktorým môže nasledovať "
"ľubovoľná kombinácia čísel a malých písmen a nesmú byť dlhšie ako 32 znakov."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezervované používateľské meno"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Zadané používateľské meno (${USERNAME}) je rezervované na použitie systémom. "
"Zvoľte si iné používateľské meno."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Zvoľte heslo pre nového používateľa:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "Zadajte rovnaké heslo, aby ste si overili jeho správnosť."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Chyba pri zadávaní hesla"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Zadané heslá nie sú rovnaké. Skúste to znova."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Prázdne heslo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Zadali ste prázdne heslo, čo nie je dovolené. Zvoľte, prosím, neprázdne "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Povoliť tieňové (shadow) heslá?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Tieňové heslá zvyšujú bezpečnosť systému, pretože sú uložené v samostatnom "
"súbore, ktorý môžu čítať iba niektoré programy. Nikto tak nemôže čítať hoci "
"aj zašifrované heslá iných používateľov. Použitie tieňových hesiel možno iba "
"odporučiť. Problém by mohol nastať iba pri použití NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Nastavenie používateľov a hesiel"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Nastavenie používateľov a hesiel..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Použiť slabé heslo?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Zadali ste heslo, ktoré má menej ako osem znakov, čo znamená, že heslo je "
"slabé. Mali by ste zadať silnejšie heslo."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Zašifrovať váš domovský adresár?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Môžete si nastaviť šifrovaný domovský adresár, takže akékoľvek tam uložené "
"súbory zostanú zabezpečené aj keby vám ukradli počítač."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Systém sám pripojí váš šifrovaný domovský adresár zakaždým, keď sa "
"prihlásite a automaticky ho odpojí, keď sa odhlásite zo všetkých aktívnych "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Šifrovanie domovského adresára sa nepodarilo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Inštalačnému programu sa nepodarilo nastaviť šifrovanie domovského adresára. "
"Váš domovský adresár nebude po inštalácii šifrovaný. Toto je pravdepodobne "
"chyba, ktorú možno budete chcieť vyšetriť a vykonať inštaláciu znova."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Podrobnosti nájdete v súbore /var/log/syslog alebo na štvrtej virtuálnej "
@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of sl.po to Slovenian
# Slovenian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Jure Čuhalev <>, 2005.
# Jure Cuhalev <>, 2006.
# Matej Kovačič <>, 2006.
# Jožko Škrablin <>, 2006.
# Vanja Cvelbar <>, 2008
# Vanja Cvelbar <>, 2009, 2010.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Primož Peterlin <>, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002.
# Translations from KDE:
# Roman Maurer <>, 2002.
# Primož Peterlin <>, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
# Andraz Tori <> 2000.
# Alastair McKinstry, <>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sl\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-27 15:43+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Vanja Cvelbar <>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <>\n"
"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n"
"%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Dovolim prijave kot root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"V primeru, da ne dovolite prijave preko uporabnika root, bo ustvarjen "
"uporabniški račun, ki bo dobil dostop root preko ukaza 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Geslo za root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Za račun sistemskega administratorja, 'root', morate nastaviti geslo. Zloben "
"ali neprimeren uporabnik z root dostopom lahko resno ogrozi vaš sistem, zato "
"pazite, da gesla za root ni lahko uganiti. Geslo naj ne bo beseda, ki jo je "
"mogoče najti v slovarju, ali beseda ki se jo zlahka poveže z vami."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Dobro geslo sestavlja mešanica črk, številk in ločil in ga je priporočljivo "
"redno spreminjati."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Uporabnik root bi moral imeti geslo. V primeru, da pustite to polje prazno "
"bo uporabnik root onemogočen. Prvi uporabniški račun ustvarjen na sistemu bo "
"dobil pravico postati root preko ukaza \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Vedite, da ne boste videli gesla med tipkanjem"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ponovno vnesite geslo za potrditev:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Prosim vnesite isto geslo root še enkrat za potrditev, da ste ga pravilno "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Ustvarim običajen uporabniški račun?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Root računa ni pametno uporabljati za vsakodnevna opravila, kot je branje "
"elektronske pošte, ker celo majhne napake lahko resno ogrozijo vaš sistem. "
"Za vsakodnevna opravila si naredite običajen uporabniški račun."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Naredite ga lahko tudi kasneje (kot tudi ostale dodatne račune) s pomočjo "
"ukaza 'adduser <uporabniško ime>' kot root, kjer je <uporabniško ime> "
"uporabniško ime kot 'imurdock' ali 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Polno ime novega uporabnika:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Ustvarjen bo uporabniški račun, ki ga boste lahko uporabljali za vsakodnevna "
"ne-administrativna opravila."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Vnesite pravo ime tega uporabnika. Ta informacija bo na primer uporabljena "
"kot privzeti vir za elektronsko pošto, ki jo bo pošiljal ta uporabnik ali pa "
"jo bodo uporabljali programi, ki prikazujejo ali uporabljajo uporabnikovo "
"pravo ime. Vaše polno ime je primerna izbira."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime za vaš račun:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Izberite ime za vaš uporabniški račun. Vaše ime je primerna izbira. "
"Uporabniško ime naj bi se začelo z malo začetnico, ki ji lahko sledi "
"kakršnakoli kombinacija številk in malih črk."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Neveljavno uporabniško ime"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Vnesli ste neprimerno uporabniško ime. Uporabniško ime se mora začeti z malo "
"začetnico, ki ji lahko sledi kakršnakoli kombinacija številk in malih črk "
"ter ne sme biti daljše kot 32 znakov."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Neveljavno uporabniško ime"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Uporabniško ime, ki ste ga vnesli (${USERNAME}) že uporablja sistem. Prosim, "
"izberite si drugačnega."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Vnesite geslo za novega uporabnika:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "Ponovno vnesite geslo za istega uporabnika za potrditev vnosa."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Napaka pri vnosu gesla"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Gesli, ki ste ju vpisali, se ne ujemata. Prosimo poskusite znova."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Prazno geslo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "Vnesli ste prazno geslo, kar ni dovoljeno. Izberite ne-prazno geslo."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Želite omogočiti senčenje gesel?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Senčenje gesel naredi vaš sistem varnejši, ker nihče ne more videti niti "
"šifriranih gesel. Gesla so shranjena v ločeni datoteki, ki jo lahko berejo "
"samo posebni programi. Uporaba zasenčenih gesel je močno priporočena. Vendar "
"lahko pride do težav v okolju NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Nastavitev uporabnikov in gesel"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Nastavljanje uporabnikov in gesel ..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Uporabi šibko geslo?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Vnesli ste geslo, ki je sestavljeno iz manj kot osem znakov, zato je "
"ocenjeno kot prešibko. Dobro bi bilo, da izberete močnejše geslo."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Zakodiram vašo domačo mapo?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Nastavite lahko, da se vaša domača mapa zakodira, tako da bodo datoteke, ki "
"so tam shranjene, ostale zasebne, tudi če vaš računalnik ukradejo."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistem bo vašo zakodirano domačo mapo neopazno priklopil vedno, ko se boste "
"prijavili in samodejno odklopil, ko se boste odjavili iz vseh aktivnih sej."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Šifriranje domače mape ni uspelo"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Namestitveni program ni uspel nastaviti šifriranja za domači direktorij. Vaš "
"domači direktorij bo nešifriran po namestitvi. Verjetno gre za hrošča. Če "
"hočete, bi lahko raziskali težavo in ponovno namestili sistem."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Preverite /var/log/syslog ali poglejte navidezno konzolo 4 za podrobnosti."
@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Albanian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2004
# Elian Myftiu <>, 2004,2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-21 18:30+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Elian Myftiu <>\n"
"Language-Team: Albanian \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Ta lejoj hyrjen si root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Nëse zgjedh të mos lejosh root të hyjë, atëhere do të krijohet një llogari "
"përdoruesi të cilit do t'i jepet mundësia të bëhet root duke përdorur "
"komandën 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Fjalëkalimi për root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Duhet të caktosh një fjalëkalim për 'root', llogarinë administrative të "
"sistemit. Një përdorues keqdashës apo i papërgatitur me të drejta root mund "
"të krijojë pasoja katastrofike, kështu që duhet të zgjedhësh me kujdes një "
"fjalëkalim jo të lehtë për t'u marrë me mend. Nuk duhet të jetë një fjalë e "
"gjetur në fjalorë, apo një fjalë që lidhet lehtë me ty."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Një fjalëkalim i mirë do përmbante një përzierje gërmash, numrash dhe "
"shenjash pikësimi dhe duhet të ndërrohej rregullisht."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Përdoruesi 'root' nuk duhet të ketë një fjalëkalim bosh. Nëse e lë këtë pa "
"plotësuar, llogaria 'root' do të çaktivizohet dhe llogarisë së përdoruesit "
"fillestar të sistemit do t'i jepet do t'i jepet mundësia të bëhet 'root' "
"duke përdorur komandën 'sudo'."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Vër re që nuk do kesh mundësi ta shohësh fjalëkalimin ndërsa e shkruan."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ri-fut fjalëkalimin për t'a verifikuar:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Të lutem fut sërish të njëjtin fjalëkalim të root për të verifikuar që e ke "
"shtypur saktë."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Ta krijoj një llogari përdoruesi të thjeshtë tani?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Nuk është një ide e mirë përdorimi i llogarisë root për veprimtari "
"përditore, si leximi i postës elektronike, pasi i vetmi gabim mund të "
"shkaktojë një katastrofë. Tani mund të krijosh një llogari përdoruesi të "
"thjeshtë për ta përdorur për veprimet normale përditore."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Kujdes pasi mund ta krijosh më vonë (po ashtu edhe ndonjë llogari tjetër) "
"duke shtypur 'shto <emri i përdoruesit>' si root, ku <emri i përdoruesit> "
"është një emër si 'imurdock' apo 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Emri i plotë për përdoruesin e ri:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Një llogari përdoruesi do krijohet për t'u përdorur në vend të asaj root për "
"veprimtari jo-administrative."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Të lutem shkruaj emrin e vërtetë për këtë përdorues. Këto të dhëna do të "
"përdoren për shembull si origjinë e email-ave të nisur nga ky përdorues po "
"ashtu dhe në programet që shfaqin apo përdorin emrin e vërtetë të "
"përdoruesit. Emri yt i plotë është një zgjedhje e arsyeshme."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Emri i përdoruesit për llogarinë tënde:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Zgjidh një emër përdoruesi për llogarinë e re. Emri yt është një zgjedhje e "
"arsyeshme. Emri i përdoruesit duhet të fillojë me një gërmë të vogël, e cila "
"mund të ndiqet nga një kombinim çfarëdo numrash dhe akoma më shumë gërma të "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Emër përdoruesi i pavlefshëm"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Emri i përdoruesit që caktove është i pavlefshëm. Vër re që emrat e "
"përdoruesve duhet të fillojnë me një gërmë të vogël, e cila mund të ndiqet "
"nga një kombinim çfarëdo numrash dhe akoma më shumë gërma të vogla."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Emër përdoruesi i ruajtur"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Emri i përdoruesit që shtype (${USERNAME}) është i ruajtur për t'u përdorur "
"nga sistemi. Të lutem zgjidh një tjetër."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Zgjidh një fjalëkalim për përdoruesin e ri:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Të lutem fut të njëjtin fjalëkalim sërish për të verifikuar që e ke shtypur "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Gabim në futjen e fjalëkalimit"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Dy fjalëkalimet që fute nuk ishin të njëjtë. Të lutem provoje dhe njëherë."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Fjalëkalim bosh"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Nuk shkruajte një fjalëkalim, gjë që nuk lejohet. Të lutem zgjidh një "
"fjalëkalim jo bosh."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "T'i aktivizoj fjalëkalimet hije?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Fjalëkalimet hije (shadow passwords) sigurojnë më tepër sistemin tënd pasi "
"asnjëri nuk është në gjendje të shikojë as fjalëkalimet e kriptuara. "
"Fjalëkalimet ruhen në një file të veçantë i cila mund të lexohet vetëm nga "
"programe të posaçëm. Përdorimi i fjalëkalimeve hije këshillohet fuqimisht, "
"përveç disa rasteve të paktë, si në mjediset NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Përgatit përdoruesit dhe fjalëkalimet"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Duke rregulluar përdoruesit dhe fjalëkalimet..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Të përdorim një fjalëkalim të dobët?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Ju vendosët një fjalëkalim që ka më pak se tetë gërma, i cili konsiderohet "
"të jetë i dobët. Ju duhet të zgjidhni një fjalëkalim më të fortë."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Ta kriptojmë direktorinë tuaj bazë?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Ju mund ta konfiguroni direktorinë tuaj bazë për kodifikim, në mënyrë që çdo "
"skedar i regjistruar atje të ngelet privat edhe nëse kompjuteri juaj vidhet."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Kompjuteri do ta montojë direktorinë tuaj bazë sa herë që ju hyni dhe do ta "
"çmontojë atë kur ju dilni nga të gjitha seksionet aktive."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Kriptimi i direktorisë shtëpi dështoi"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Instaluesi nuk mundi të vendosë kriptimin e direktorisë shtëpi. Direktoria "
"juaj shtëpi do të dekriptohet pas instalimit. Ky ndoshta është një defekt, "
"të cilin ju mund të dëshironi ta hetoni dhe riinstaloni."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Kontrollo /var/log/syslog ose shiko konsolën virtuale 4 për hollësitë."
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Serbian/Cyrillic messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2008 THE cp6Linux'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the debian-installer package.
# Karolina Kalic <>, 2010-2011.
# Janos Guljas <>, 2010-2011.
# Veselin Mijušković <>, 2008.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Aleksandar Jelenak <>, 2010.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Danilo Segan <>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
# Milos Komarcevic <>, Caslav Ilic <>, 2009.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-17 21:48+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Karolina Kalic <>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian/Cyrillic\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Дозволити логовање на систем као „root“ корисник?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Ако одаберете да не дозволите логовање за „root“ корисника, онда ће бити "
"креиран кориснички налог и дата му могућност да постане корисник „root“ "
"користећи „sudo“ команду."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Лозинка за „root“ корисника:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Морате поставити лозинку за „root“ корисника, системски административни "
"налог. Злонамеран или неквалификован корисник са правима приступа „root“ "
"корисника може имати погубне ефекте, тако да водите рачуна да одаберете "
"лозинку која се не може лако погодити. То не би требало да буде реч из "
"речника или реч која се може лако повезати са вама."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Добра лозинка ће садржати мешавину слова, цифара и знакова интерпункције и "
"треба да буде мењана у регуларним интервалима."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Корисник „root“ не би требало да има празну лозинку. Уколико остане празно "
"поље, „root“ корисник ће бити онемогућен и иницијални кориснички налог ће "
"имати могућност да добије „root“ дозволе користећи „sudo“ команду."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Обратите пажњу да нећете моћи да видите лозинку док је укуцавате."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Поново унесите лозинку ради провере:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Унесите исту „root“ лозинку поново ради провере да ли сте је унели исправно."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Креирати нормалан кориснички налог?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Лоша пракса је да се root налог користи за нормалне свакодневне активности "
"као што је читање електронске поште, пошто и најмања грешка може довести до "
"катастрофе. Требало би да креирате нормалан кориснички налог ради "
"свакодневних активности."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Обратите пажњу да налог можете креирати и касније (као и било који додатни "
"налог) извршавајући команду „adduser <username>“ као root, где је <username> "
"корисничко име, као „imurdock“ или „rms“."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Пуно име новог корисника:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Кориснички налог ће бити креиран за употребу уместо „root“ налога за "
"неадминистративне активности."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Унесите име овог корисника. Ова информација ће бити употребљена нпр. у "
"адреси пошиљаоца имејла као и у било ком програму који исписује или користи "
"корисниково право име. Ваше пуно име је разуман избор за вредност овог поља."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Корисничко име за ваш налог:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Изаберите корисничко име за нови налог. Ваше име је разуман избор. "
"Корисничко име мора почети са малим словом, које може бити праћено било "
"каквом комбинацијом цифара и малих слова."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Неисправно корисничко име"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Корисничко име које сте унели није исправно. Обратите пажњу да корисничка "
"имена морају почети са малим словом, које може бити праћено било којом "
"комбинацијом цифара и малих слова, и мора бити највише 32 карактера дуго."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Резервисано корисничко име"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Корисничко име (${USERNAME}) је резервисано за системску употребу. "
"Изаберите неко друго корисничко име."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Изаберите лозинку за новог корисника:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Унесите исту корисничку лозинку поново како би проверили да ли сте је "
"исправно унели."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Грешка при уносу лозинке"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Две лозинке које сте унели се разликују. Пробајте поново."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Празна лозинка"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "Унели сте празну лозинку, што није допуштено. Изаберите лозинку."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Укључити скривене лозинке?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Скривене лозинке чине ваш систем сигурнијим зато што нико не може да види "
"чак ни шифроване лозинке. Лозинке су смештене у засебном фајлу којем могу "
"приступити само посебни програми. Употреба скривених лозинки се строго "
"препоручује, изузев у малом броју случајева као што су NIS окружења."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Подеси кориснике и лозинке"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Подешавање корисника и лозинки..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Kористити слабу лозинку?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Унели сте лозинку која садржи мање од осам слова, и која се сматра сувише "
"слабом. Треба да изаберете јачу лозинку."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Шифровати Ваш лични директоријум?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Можете да конфигуришете Ваш лични директоријум за шифровање, тако да нико "
"осим Вас неће моћи да приступи Вашим фајловима чак иако рачунар буде украден."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Систем ће аутоматски да монтира Ваш шифровани лични директоријум сваки пут "
"када се пријавите, као и да га демонтира када се одјавите из свих активних "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Шифровање личног директоријума није успело"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Инсталациони програм није успео да подеси шифровање личног директоријума. "
"Након инсталације Ваш лични директоријум неће бити шифрован. Ово је "
"вероватно нека грешка, тако да можете да је проучите и да поново инсталирате "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "За детаље погледајте /var/log/syslog или виртуелну конзолу 4."
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Swedish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Swedish translation by:
# Per Olofsson <>
# Daniel Nylander <>, 2006.
# Martin Bagge / brother <>, 2012
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Mattias Newzella <, 2001.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# Christian Rose <>, 2004.
# Daniel Nylander <>, 2007.
# Martin Bagge <>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-26 17:13+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Bagge / brother <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Tillåt inloggning som root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Om du väljer att inte tillåta root att logga in kommer ett användarkonto att "
"skapas och ges möjligheten att bli root genom kommandot \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root-lösenord:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Nu måste du ange ett lösenord för \"root\", systemadministratörskontot. En "
"illvillig eller oerfaren användare med root-tillgång kan få katastrofala "
"följder, så du bör se till att välja ett root-lösenord som inte är lätt att "
"gissa. Det bör inte vara ett ord som kan hittas i ordbok, inte heller ett "
"ord som lätt kan förknippas med dig."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Ett bra lösenord innehåller en blandning av bokstäver, siffror och "
"specialtecken och bör ändras regelbundet."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Root-användaren bör inte ha ett tomt lösenord. Om du lämnar detta tomt så "
"kommer root-kontot att inaktiveras och systemets första användarkonto kommer "
"att ges möjligheten att bli root genom kommandot \"sudo\"."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Observera att du inte kommer att kunna se lösenordet när du skriver det"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ange lösenordet igen som bekräftelse:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ange samma root-lösenord igen för att bekräfta att du skrev det korrekt."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Skapa ett vanligt användarkonto nu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Det är inte bra att använda root-kontot för dagliga aktiviteter som att läsa "
"e-post eftersom även ett litet misstag kan sluta i katastrof. Du bör skapa "
"ett vanligt användarkonto och använda det för dagliga sysslor."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Observera att du kan skapa det senare (liksom ytterligare konton) genom att "
"skriva \"adduser <användarnamn>\" som root, där <användarnamn> är ett "
"användarnamn som \"imurdock\" eller \"rms\"."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Fullständigt namn för den nya användaren:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Ett användarkonto kommer att skapas som du bör använda istället för root-"
"kontot för icke-administrativa sysslor."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Ange användarens verkliga namn. Den här informationen kommer att användas "
"för till exempel e-post som skickas av den här användaren och i stort sett "
"alla program som visar eller använder användarens verkliga namn. Ditt "
"fullständiga namn är ett rimligt val."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Användarnamn för ditt konto:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Välj ett användarnamn för det nya kontot. Ditt förnamn är ofta ett bra val. "
"Användarnamnet bör inledas med liten bokstav och kan sedan följas av en "
"godtycklig kombination av siffror och små bokstäver."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Ogiltigt användarnamn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Användarnamnet som du angav är ogiltigt. Observera att användarnamn måste "
"inledas med en liten bokstav, vilken sedan kan följas av en valfri "
"kombination av siffror och fler gemena bokstäver."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Reserverat användarnamn"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Användarnamnet (${USERNAME}) som du angav är reserverat för användning av "
"systemet. Välj ett annat namn."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Välj ett lösenord för den nya användaren:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ange samma användarlösenord igen för att bekräfta att du skrev det korrekt."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Inmatningsfel av lösenord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "De två lösenorden som du angav var inte samma. Försök igen."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Blankt lösenord"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Du angav ett blankt lösenord, som inte är tillåtet. Välj ett icke-blankt "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Aktivera shadow-lösenord?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Shadow-lösenord gör ditt system säkrare eftersom ingen kan se ens krypterade "
"lösenord. Lösenordet lagras i en separat fil som bara kan läsas av speciella "
"program. Det rekommenderas starkt att du använder shadow-lösenord. Om du ska "
"använda NIS kan du dock stöta på problem."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Skapa användare och lösenord"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Ställer in användare och lösenord..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Använd svagt lösenord?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Du angav ett lösenord som innehöll mindre än åtta tecken, vilket anses vara "
"för svagt. Du bör välja ett starkare lösenord."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Kryptera din hemkatalog?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Du kan konfigurera din hemkatalog för kryptering, så att alla filer som "
"lagras där kommer att kvarstå som privata även om din dator stjäls."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Systemet kommer sömlöst att montera din krypterade hemkatalog varje gång som "
"du loggar in och automatiskt avmontera den när du loggar ut från alla aktiva "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Kryptering av hemkatalog misslyckades"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Installationsprogrammet misslyckades med att ställa in kryptering för din "
"hemkatalog. Din hemkatalog kommer att vara okrypterad efter installation. "
"Detta är antagligen ett fel i programvaran och du bör undersöka det och "
"installera om."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Kontrollera /var/log/syslog eller se på den virtuella konsollen 4 för mer "
@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of ta.po to Tamil
# Tamil messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# drtvasudevan <>, 2006.
# Damodharan Rajalingam <>, 2006.
# Dr.T.Vasudevan <>, 2007, 2008, 2010.
# Dr,T,Vasudevan <>, 2010.
# Dr.T.Vasudevan <>, 2007, 2008, 2011.
# Dwayne Bailey <>, 2009.
# I. Felix <>, 2009, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ta\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-07 19:44-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Kumar Appaiah\n"
"Language-Team: Tamil <>\n"
"Language: ta\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "மூலமாக (ரூட்) உள் நுழைய அனுமதிக்க வேண்டுமா?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"மூலமாக (ரூட்) உள் நுழைய அனுமதிக்க வேண்டாம் எனில் உங்களுக்கு ஒரு பயனர் கணக்கு தரப் பட்டு "
"சூடொ ('sudo' ) கட்டளை மூலம் ரூட் ஆக செயல் பட அதிகாரம் தரப் படும்."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "மூல (ரூட்) கடவுச் சொல்:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"கணினி நிர்வாகியான மூல ( 'root') கணக்கிற்கு கடவுச் சொல் ஒன்றை பதிய வேண்டும். ஒரு கெட்ட "
"எண்ணம் கொண்டவரோ அல்லது பழக்கமின்மையால் தெளிவில்லாதவரோ ரூட் ஆக நுழைய முடியுமானால் அது "
"மிக ஆபத்தில் முடியும். ஆகவே இந்த கடவுச் சொல் சுலபமாக கண்டு பிடிக்க முடியாததாக இருக்க "
"வேண்டும். அகராதியில் காணக் கூடிய சொல்லாகவோ அல்லது உங்களுடன் இணைக்கக் கூடிய சொல்லாகவோ "
"இருத்தல் ஆகாது."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"ஒரு நல்ல கடவுச்சொல் என்பது எழுத்துக்கள் எண்கள் மற்ற குறியீடுகள் உள்ளடக்கிய ஒரு கலவை. இதை "
"அடிக்கடி மாற்ற வேண்டும்."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"ரூட் பயனருக்கு கடவுசொல் வெற்றாக இருக்கலாகாது. இதை நீங்கள் வெற்றாக விட்டால் ரூட் கணக்கு "
"செயலிழக்கப்பட்டு அதன் சக்திகள் கணினியின் முதல் பயனர் பயனர் கணக்குக்கு தரப் பட்டு சூடொ "
"('sudo' ) கட்டளை மூலம் ரூட் ஆக செயல் பட அதிகாரம் தரப் படும்."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "நீங்கள் உள்ளிடும் சொல்லை பார்க்க இயலாது என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்ளவும்."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "கடவுச்சொல்லை உறுதி செய்ய மீண்டும் உள்ளிடுக:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"அதே சொல்லை மீண்டும் உள்ளீடு செய்க. இதனால் சரியாக உள்ளீடு செய்யப் பட்டதா என சோதிக்க இயலும்."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "இப்போது இயல்பான பயனர் கணக்கு ஒன்றை உருவாக்கலாமா ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"மின்னஞ்சல் படிப்பது போன்ற தினசரி வேலைகளுக்கு மூல (ரூட்) கணக்கை பயன் படுத்துவது நல்ல "
"யோசனை அல்ல. ஏனெனில் ஒரு சிறு தவறு கூட பெரும் பிரச்சினை ஆகி விடக் கூடும். அதனால் "
"தினசரி வேலைகளுக்கு ஒரு சாதாரண பயனர் கணக்கை துவக்க வேண்டும்."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"மூலமாக (ரூட்) 'adduser <username>' என முனையத்தில் உள்ளீடு செய்வதால் இந்த (மற்றும் "
"கூடுதல்) கணக்கை பின்னர் எப்போது வேண்டுமானாலும் உருவாக்கலாம்.<username> என்பது பயனர் "
"பெயர் பாரதி அல்லது திவா போன்று."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "புதிய பயனரின் முழு பெயர்:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "நிர்வாகமல்லாத பயன்பாடுகளுக்கு மூல கணக்குக்கு பதில் பயனர் கணக்கு துவக்கப் படும்."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"இந்த பயனரின் உண்மை பெயரை உள்ளிடவும். இந்த தகவல் மின்னஞ்சலின் அனுப்புனர் பெயர், உடையவர் "
"பெயரை பயன்படுத்தும் நிரல்கள் ஆகியவற்றுக்கு முன்னிருப்பாக பயன் படும். உங்கள் உண்மைப் பெயர் "
"இதற்கு ஒரு நல்ல தேர்வாகும்."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "கணக்குக்கு பயனீட்டாளர் பெயர்:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"இந்த புதிய கணக்குக்கு பயனரின் உண்மை பெயரை உள்ளிடவும். உங்கள் முதல் உண்மைப் பெயர் இதற்கு "
"ஒரு நல்ல தேர்வாகும். பயனரின் பெயர் ஆங்கிலம் போன்ற இரு நிலை உள்ளீடுகளில் இருப்பின் கீழ் "
"நிலையில் துவங்க வேண்டும். அதற்குப் பின் எந்த எண் எந்த கீழ் நிலை எழுத்துறுக்களின் கலவையாகவும் "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "செல்லுபடியாகாத பயனர்பெயர்"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்டது செல்லுபடியாகாத பயனர்பெயர். பயனரின் பெயர் ஆங்கிலம் போன்று இரு நிலை "
"உள்ளீடு இருப்பின் கீழ் நிலையில் துவங்க வேண்டும். அதற்குப் பின் எந்த எண்/ எந்த கீழ் நிலை "
"எழுத்துருக்களின் கலவையாகவும் இருக்கலாம் ஆனால் 32 எழுத்துக்களுக்கு மேல் இருக்க கூடாது."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ஒதுக்கப்பட்டன பயனர்பெயர்"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட பயனர் பெயர் (${USERNAME})· இயங்குதளத்தின் பயன்பாட்டிற்காக "
"ஒதுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, தயவு செய்து வேறொன்றை தேர்வு செய்யவும்."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "புதிய பயனருக்கான கடவுச்சொல்லை தேர்வு செய்க:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"அதே சொல்லை மீண்டும் உள்ளீடு செய்க. இதனால் சரியாக உள்ளீடு செய்யப் பட்டதா என சோதிக்க இயலும்."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "கடவுச்சொல் உள்ளீட்டு பிழை"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "தாங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட இரு கடவுச்சொற்களும் வெவ்வேறானவை. மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்க."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "வெற்று கடவுச்சொல்"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"நீங்கள் வெற்று கடவுச்சொலை உள்ளிட்டீர்கள். இதற்கு அனுமதியில்லை. வெற்றல்லாத கடவுச்சொல்லை "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "நிழல் கடவுச்சொல்லை செயல்படுத்தவா?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"நிழல் கடவுச்சொற்கள் கணினியை அதிக பாதுகாப்பு கொண்டதாக்கும். ஏனெனில் மறையாக்கம் செய்த "
"கடவுச்சொல்லை யாரும் பார்க்க இயலாது. தனி கோப்பில் வைக்கப் படும் இவற்றை விசேட நிரல்களால் "
"மட்டுமே படிக்கவியலும். ஆகவே நிஸ் (NIS) போன்ற சூழல்கள் தவிர மற்ற இடங்களில் நிழல் "
"கடவுச்சொல்லை செயல்படுத்துமாறு பலமாக பரிந்துரைக்கப் படுகிறது."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "பயனர்கள் மற்றும் கடவுச்சொற்களை அமை"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "பயனர்கள் மற்றும் கடவுச்சொற்கள் அமைக்கப் படுகின்றன....."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "பலவீனமான கடவுச்சொல்லை பயன்படுத்து?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"/var/log/syslog அல்லது மெய்நிகர் முனையம் 4 (virtual console 4) ஐ விளக்கங்களுக்கு "
@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of te.po to Telugu
# Telugu translation for debian-installer
# This file is distributed under the same license as the debian-installer package.
# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007
# Translations from iso-codes:
# వీవెన్ (Veeven) <>, 2007.
# Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <>, 2008.
# Arjuna Rao Chavala <>,2010.
# Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <>, 2008, 2009.
# Krishna Babu K <>, 2009.
# Arjuna Rao Chavala <>, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: te\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-08 22:29+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: Arjuna Rao Chavala <>\n"
"Language-Team: d-i <>\n"
"Language: te\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "root లాగ్ ఇన్ అనుమతించాలా? "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"root లాగ్ ఇన్ అనుమతించనట్లయితే, వాడుకరి ఖాతా సృష్టించి,'sudo' కమాండ్ ద్వారా దానికి root వలే "
"పనిచేయటానికి అధికారము ఇవ్వబడుతుంది. "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root సంకేతపదం:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"సిస్టమ్ నిర్వహణ ఖాతా 'root' కి సంకేతపదం చేర్చాలి. దురుద్దేశపూరిత లేకఆర్హత లేని వాడుకరికి root "
"అధికారం వుంటే, వినాశకర ఫలితాలు సంభవించవచ్చు. అందుకని సులభంగా ఊహకు వీలులేకుండా వుండే root "
"సంకేతపదంఎంపికలో జాగ్రత్త వహించాలి. మీకు సంబంధించినది కాని, పదకోశంలో వుండే పదం కాకూడదు."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"మంచి సంకేత పదంలో అక్షరాలు, అంకెలు, సంఙ్ఞలు మిళితమై వుంటాయి, దానిని క్రమం తప్పక కొంత సమయం తర్వాత "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root వాడుకరి సంకేతపదం ఖాళీ గా వుండకూడదు. ఖాళీగా వుంచినట్లయితే, root ఖాతా అచేతనము "
"చేయబడుతుంది. సిస్టమ్ యొక్క మొదటి వాడుకరి ఖాతా కి \"sudo\" కమాండ్ ద్వారా root అవటానికి అధికారం "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "మీరు టైపు చేస్తున్నప్పుడు, మీ సంకేత పదం కనపడదని గుర్తుంచుకోండి."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ధృవీకరణకు సంకేత పదాన్ని మరల టైప్ చేయండి:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "సరిగా టైపు చేసినట్లు ధృవీకరణకు అదే సంకేత పదాన్ని మరల టైప్ చేయండి"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ఒక మామూలు వాడుకదారి ఖాతా ఇప్పుడు సృష్టించు?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"రూట్ ఖాతా ని ఎలెక్ట్రానిక్ మెయిల్ చదవడం లాంటి రోజువారి పనులకు వాడటం మంచి ఆలోచన కాదు ఎందుకంటే, చిన్న "
"తప్పు,పెద్ద వినాశానికి దారితీయవచ్చు. రోజువారి పనులకు సాధారణ వాడుకరి ఖాతా సృష్టించుకోండి."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
" రూట్ గా 'adduser <username>'అనే కమాండ్ ద్వారా దానిని (మరియు అదనపు ఖాతాలను)తరువాత "
"సృష్టించవచ్చని తెలుసుకోండి. (<username> అనేది వాడుకరి పేరు 'imurdock' లేక 'rms' లాగా)"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "కొత్త వాడుకరి యొక్క పూర్తి పేరు:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "నిర్వహణేతర పనులకు, root ఖాతా కాక, ఒక వాడుకరి ఖాతా మీ కొరకు సృష్టించబడుతుంది."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"వాడుకరి అసలు పేరు ప్రవేశపెట్టండి. ఈ వివరము, ఈ వాడుకరి పంపించే ఈ-మెయిళ్లుకి మూలం గా, ఏదైనా వాడుకరి "
"అసలు పేరుని చూపించే లేక వాడే ప్రోగ్రామ్ లో వాడబడుతుంది. మీ పూర్తి పేరు మీ ఇష్టానుసారంగా ఎంచుకోవచ్చు."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ఖాతాకి వాడుకరి పేరు:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"కొత్త ఖాతా కి వాడుకరి పేరుని ఎంచుకో. మీ పూర్తి పేరు మీ ఇష్టానుసారంగా ఎంచుకోవచ్చు.వాడుకరి పేరు ఆంగ్ల "
"చిన్న అక్షరాలతో మొదలు పెట్టి, ఇంకొన్ని అంకెలు, ఏక్కువ చిన్ని అక్షరాల మిళితమై వుండవచ్చు."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "చెల్లని వాడుకరి పేరు"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"మీరు ప్రవేశపెట్టిన వాడుకరిపేరు సరిగాలేదు. వాడుకరిపేరులు చిన్న అక్షరాలతో మొదలై, తరువాత అంకెలు లేక "
"ఇంకొన్ని చిన్న అక్షరాల కలగలుపుగా వుంటాయి మరియు 32 అక్షరాలకు మించకూడదు."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "వాడుకరిపేరు కేటాయించబడినది"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"మీరు ప్రవేశపెట్టిన వాడుకరిపేరు (${USERNAME}) వ్యవస్థకు కేటాయించబడినది. దయచేసి వేరొకటి ఎంచుకో"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "కొత్త వాడుకరికి సంకేతపదం ఎంచుకో :"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "సరిగా టైపు చేసినట్లు ధృవీకరణకు అదే వాడుకరి సంకేత పదాన్ని మరల టైప్ చేయండి"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "సంకేత పదం ప్రవేశపెట్టటంలో తప్పు"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "మీరు ప్రవేశపెట్టిన రెండు సంకేతపదాలు ఒకేలాగా లేవు. మరల ప్రయత్నించండి."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ఖాళీ సంకేతపదం"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "మీరు ప్రవేశపెట్టిన సంకేతపదం ఖాళీ గా వుంది.దీనికి అనుమతి లేదు. ఖాళీకాని సంకేతపదం ఎంచుకోండి."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "షాడో సంకేతపదాలని చేతనం చెయ్యి?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"షాడో సంకేతపదాలు, మీ సిస్టమ్ కు ఎక్కువ రక్షణ కలిగిస్తాయి, ఎవరైనా ఎన్క్రిప్టెడ్ సంకేతపదాలను చూడటానికి "
"వీలుండదు. సంకేతపదాలు, ఒక ప్రత్యేక ఫైలులో నిల్వచేస్తారు. దీనిని చదవడానికి ప్రత్యేక ప్రోగ్రాములు కావాలి. "
"NIS పరిస్థితులలో తప్ప,షాడో సంకేతపదాలు గట్టిగా సిఫారస్ చేయబడినవి."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "వాడుకరులను మరియ సంకేతపదాలను సృష్టించు"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "వాడుకరులను మరియు సంకేతపదాలను అమరుస్తున్నాం..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "వివరాలకు /var/log/syslog లేక virtual console 4 చూడండి."
@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr ""
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Debian Installer master translation file template
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# Victor Ibragimov <>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-15 16:26+0500\n"
"Last-Translator: Victor Ibragimov <>\n"
"Language-Team: Tajik <>\n"
"Language: Tajik\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=1;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Барои ворид шудан ҳамчун root иҷозат медиҳед?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Агар шумо интихоб кунед, ки ба root воридшавиро иҷозат надиҳед, он гоҳ "
"ҳисоби корбар эҷод карда мешавад, ва он ҳисоб метавонад тавассути фармони "
"\"sudo\" ба root табдил ёбад."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Пароли root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Шумо бояд барои \"root\", ҳисоби маъмурии система паролро таъин кунед. "
"Корбари бадқасд ё бесалоҳият бо дастрасии root метавонад натиҷаҳои фоҷиавиро "
"ба вуҷуд орад, барои ҳамин шумо бояд барои root паролеро интихоб кунед, ки "
"дарёфтани он душвор аст. Он бояд калима ё ҷумлае набошад, ки дар луғатҳо "
"ёфта мешавад, ё ба осонӣ бо шумо алоқаманд мешавад."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Пароли хуб дорои маҷмӯи ҳарфҳо, рақамҳо ва аломатҳои китобатӣ мебошад, ва "
"бояд дар давраҳои доимӣ тағйир дода шавад."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Корбари root наметавонад пароли холӣ дошта бошад. Агар шумо инро холӣ монед, "
"ҳисоби root ғайрифаъол карда мешавад, ва ҳисоби аслии корбари система "
"метавонад тавассути фармони \"sudo\" ба root табдил ёбад."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Ба қайд гиред, ки шумо ҳангоми ворид кардани парол онро дида наметавонед."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Паролро барои тайид кардан аз нав ворид кунед:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, он пароли root як маротибаи дигар ворид кунед, то ин ки тасдиқ "
"кунед, ки шумо онро ба таври дуруст чоп кардед."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Ҳисоби корбари оддиро ҳозир эҷод мекунед?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Истифодаи ҳисоби root барои амалиётҳои муқаррарии рӯзона, ба мисли хондани "
"почтаи электронӣ, тавсия намешавад, чунки ҳатто хатогии хурд метавонад "
"сабаби фоҷиа гардад. Барои чунин вазифаҳои ҳаррӯза шумо бояд ҳисоби корбари "
"муқаррариро эҷод кунед."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Ба қайд гиред, ки шумо метавонед онро баъдтар эҷод кунед (инчунин ягон "
"ҳисоби иловагӣ) - барои ин фармони \"adduser <username>\"-ро ҳамчун root "
"иҷро кунед, ки дар он ҷо <username> номи корбар мебошад, ба мисли \"imurdock"
"\" ё \"rms\"."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Номи ҳақиқии шумо барои корбари нав:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Барои амалҳои ғайримаъмурӣ, барои шумо ҳисоби корбар ба ҷойи ҳисоби решагӣ "
"эҷод карда мешавад."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, номи воқеии корбарро ворид кунед. Ин маълумот ҳангоми навиштани "
"паёмҳои электронии ин корбар, инчунин бо ягон барномае, ки номи воқеии "
"корбарро намиоиш медиҳад, истифода мешавад. Тавсия мешавад, ки номи пурраи "
"худро ворид кунед."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Номи корбар барои ҳисоби шумо:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Номи корбарро барои ҳисоби нав интихоб кунед. Номи шумо интихоби беҳтарин "
"аст. Номи корбар бояд бо ҳарфи хурд оғоз ёбад, ки метавонад бо ягон маҷмӯи "
"рақамҳо ва ҳарфҳои дигари хурд идома ёбад."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Номи корбари беэътибор"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Номи корбаре, ки шумо ворид кардед нодуруст аст. Таваҷҷӯҳ кунед, ки номи "
"корбар бояд бо ҳарфи хурд сар карда шавад ва бояд рақамҳо ва ҳарфҳои хурдро "
"дар бар гирад, вале дарозии номи корбар бояд на зиёда аз 32 аломат бошад."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Номи корбари истифодашуда"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Номи корбари воридшудаи (${USERNAME}) бо система истифода шудааст. Лутфан, "
"номи дигареро интихоб кунед."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Паролеро барои корбари нав интихоб кунед:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Лутфан, он пароли корбарро як маротибаи дигар ворид кунед, то ин ки тасдиқ "
"кунед, ки шумо онро ба таври дуруст чоп кардед."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Паролро нодуруст ворид кардед"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Ду паролеро, ки шумо ворид кардед, бо ҳамдигар мувофиқат намекунанд. Лутфан, "
"амалро такрор кунед."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Парол ворид нашудааст"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Шумо пароли холиеро, ки иҷозат намешавад, ворид кардед. Лутфан, пароли "
"дигареро интихоб кунед."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Паролҳои соягиро фаъол мекунед?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Паролҳои соягӣ амнияти системаи шуморо баландтар мегардонанд, чунки ягон "
"нафар наметавонад ҳатто паролҳои рамздорро бинад. Паролҳо дар файли ҷудошуда "
"нигоҳ дошта мешаванд, ки он файл метавонад танҳо бо барномаҳои мушаххас "
"хонда шавад. Истифодаи паролҳои соягӣ тавсия мешавад, ба ғайр аз баъзе "
"ҳолатҳо ба мисли муҳитҳои NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Танзими корбарон ва паролҳо"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Корбарон ва паролҳо танзим шуда истодаанд..."
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Thai translation of debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <>, 2006-2015.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002,2003,2004
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2002, 2004
# Translations from KDE:
# Thanomsub Noppaburana <>
# Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <>, 2005-2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-30 14:14+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Theppitak Karoonboonyanan <>\n"
"Language-Team: Thai <>\n"
"Language: th\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "อนุญาตให้เข้าระบบเป็น root หรือไม่?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ถ้าคุณเลือกที่จะไม่อนุญาตให้เข้าระบบเป็น root โปรแกรมจะสร้างบัญชีผู้ใช้หนึ่งขึ้นมา "
"และให้สิทธิ์ในการเป็น root ได้ผ่านคำสั่ง 'sudo'"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "รหัสผ่าน root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"คุณต้องตั้งรหัสผ่านสำหรับ 'root' ซึ่งเป็นบัญชีผู้ดูแลระบบ ผู้ใช้ที่ไม่หวังดี "
"หรือไม่มีความรู้ในการดูแลระบบ หากมีสิทธิ์ของ root จะสามารถทำความเสียหายใหญ่หลวงได้ ดังนั้น "
"คุณควรระวังในการตั้งรหัสผ่าน ไม่ให้สามารถเดาได้ง่ายเกินไป ไม่ควรจะเป็นคำที่พบในพจนานุกรม "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"รหัสผ่านที่ดีควรมีตัวอักษร ตัวเลข และเครื่องหมายวรรคตอนผสมกัน และคุณควรเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านเป็นประจำ"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"ผู้ใช้ root ไม่ควรมีรหัสผ่านว่างเปล่า ถ้าคุณปล่อยค่านี้ให้ว่างเปล่า บัญชีผู้ใช้ root จะถูกระงับไม่ให้ใช้ "
"และบัญชีผู้ใช้คนแรกของระบบจะได้รับสิทธิ์ให้เป็น root ได้โดยใช้คำสั่ง \"sudo\""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "ในการนี้ คุณจะไม่เห็นรหัสผ่านขณะพิมพ์"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "ป้อนรหัสผ่านอีกครั้งเพื่อตรวจสอบ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "กรุณาป้อนรหัสผ่านเดิมสำหรับ root อีกครั้ง เพื่อตรวจสอบว่าคุณพิมพ์ไม่ผิด"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "จะสร้างบัญชีผู้ใช้ปกติเลยหรือไม่?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"ไม่ใช่ความคิดที่ดีที่จะใช้บัญชี root สำหรับการทำงานประจำวันทั่วไป เช่นการอ่านอีเมล "
"เพราะความผิดพลาดเพียงเล็กน้อยก็สามารถสร้างหายนะได้ "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"สังเกตว่า คุณสามารถสร้างบัญชีดังกล่าวภายหลังได้ (รวมถึงบัญชีเพิ่มเติมอื่นๆ) โดยพิมพ์คำสั่ง "
"'adduser <ชื่อผู้ใช้>' ขณะเป็น root เมื่อ <ชื่อผู้ใช้> คือชื่อสำหรับเข้าระบบของผู้ใช้ เช่น "
"'imurdock' หรือ 'rms'"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "ชื่อเต็มของผู้ใช้ใหม่:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "กำลังจะสร้างบัญชีผู้ใช้เพื่อให้คุณใช้แทนบัญชี root ในการทำงานที่ไม่ใช่การดูแลระบบ"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"กรุณาป้อนชื่อจริงของผู้ใช้นี้ ชื่อนี้จะถูกใช้ในกรณีอย่างเช่น ชื่อผู้ส่งอีเมลที่ผู้ใช้นี้ส่ง "
"รวมถึงโปรแกรมที่แสดงหรือใช้ชื่อจริงของผู้ใช้ โดยปกติ ชื่อเต็มของคุณคือคำตอบที่สมเหตุสมผล"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้สำหรับบัญชีของคุณ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"กรุณาตั้งชื่อผู้ใช้สำหรับบัญชีใหม่ โดยปกติ ชื่อต้นของคุณคือคำตอบที่สมเหตุสมผล "
"ชื่อผู้ใช้ควรขึ้นต้นด้วยอักษรตัวพิมพ์เล็ก และสามารถตามด้วยตัวเลขหรือตัวพิมพ์เล็กหลายตัวได้"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้ผิดพลาด"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"ชื่อผู้ใช้ที่คุณป้อนไม่สามารถใช้ได้ โปรดสังเกตว่าชื่อผู้ใช้ต้องขึ้นต้นด้วยอักษรตัวพิมพ์เล็ก "
"และสามารถตามด้วยตัวเลขหรือตัวพิมพ์เล็กหลายตัวได้ โดยต้องยาวไม่เกิน 32 ตัว"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้สงวนไว้"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr "ชื่อผู้ใช้ที่คุณป้อน (${USERNAME}) ได้สงวนไว้สำหรับการทำงานของระบบ กรุณาตั้งชื่อใหม่"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "ตั้งรหัสผ่านสำหรับผู้ใช้ใหม่:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "กรุณาป้อนรหัสผ่านเดิมอีกครั้ง เพื่อตรวจสอบว่าคุณไม่ได้พิมพ์ผิด"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "การป้อนรหัสผ่านผิดพลาด"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "รหัสผ่านที่คุณป้อนทั้งสองครั้งไม่ตรงกัน กรุณาลองใหม่"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "รหัสผ่านว่างเปล่า"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "คุณป้อนรหัสผ่านว่างเปล่า ซึ่งไม่อนุญาต กรุณาตั้งรหัสผ่านที่ไม่ว่างเปล่า"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "เปิดใช้รหัสผ่าน shadow หรือไม่?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"รหัสผ่านเงา (shadow) จะทำให้ระบบของคุณปลอดภัยยิ่งขึ้น "
"เพราะจะไม่มีใครดูได้แม้แต่รหัสผ่านที่เข้ารหัสไว้ "
"รหัสผ่านจะถูกเก็บไว้ในแฟ้มต่างหากที่สามารถอ่านได้โดยโปรแกรมพิเศษเท่านั้น "
"เราขอแนะนำอย่างยิ่งให้ใช้รหัสผ่านเงานี้ ยกเว้นในบางกรณีที่พบไม่บ่อย เช่น ในสภาพแวดล้อมที่ใช้ NIS"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ตั้งบัญชีผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่าน"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "กำลังตั้งบัญชีผู้ใช้และรหัสผ่าน..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "ใช้รหัสผ่านแบบสั้น?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"คุณเลือกรหัสผ่านที่มีตัวอักษรน้อยกว่า8ตัว ซึ่งถือว่าง่ายมากไม่ปลอดภัย คุณควรเลือกรหัสผ่านที่ยาวกว่านี้"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "เข้ารหัสแฟ้มบ้านของคุณ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"คุณอาจเลือกที่จะเข้ารหัสแฟ้มบ้านของคุณ "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr "ระบบจะเมานท์แฟ้มบ้านของคุณที่เข้ารหัสไว้ทุกครั้งที่คุณล็อกอินและเลิกเมานท์โดยอัตโนมัตืทุกครั้งที่คุณปิดวาระทั้งหมดที่ทำงานอยู่"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "การเข้ารหัสไดเรกทอรีบ้านล้มเหลว"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"ตัวติดตั้งทำการตั้งค่าการเข้ารหัสไดเรกทอรีบ้านล้มเหลว "
"ไดเรกทอรีบ้านของคุณจะไม่ถูกเข้ารหัสหลังการติดตั้งเสร็จ นี่เป็นจุดบกพร่อง, "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "กรุณาตรวจสอบ /var/log/syslog หรือดูที่คอนโซลเสมือนที่ 4 เพื่อดูรายละเอียด"
@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Tagalog messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Ipinamamahagi ang talaksang ito alinsunod sa lisensiya ng debian-installer.
# Eric Pareja <>, 2004-200
# Rick Bahague, Jr. <>, 2004
# Reviewed by Roel Cantada on Feb-Mar 2005.
# Sinuri ni Roel Cantada noong Peb-Mar 2005.
# This file is maintained by Eric Pareja <>
# Inaalagaan ang talaksang ito ni Eric Pareja <>
# ituloy angsulong mga kapatid
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-09 22:53+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Eric Pareja <>\n"
"Language-Team: Tagalog <>\n"
"Language: tl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Payagan makapasok bilang root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Kung piliin niyong hindi payagang makapasok bilang root, may lilikhaing user "
"account na bibigyan ng kakayahang maging root na gamit ang 'sudo' command."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Kontrasenyas ng root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Kailangan niyong magtakda ng kontrasenyas para sa 'root', ang account ng "
"tagapangasiwa ng sistema. Ang gumagamit na malisyoso o walang alam na may "
"akses sa root ay maaaring magdulot ng pinsala o kaguluhan sa sistema, kaya't "
"kailangan niyong ingatan ang pagpili ng kontrasenyas para sa root na hindi "
"madaling mahulaan. Dapat ay hindi ito mahahanap sa diksyonaryo, o salit na "
"maaaring madaling maanib sa inyo, tulad ng inyong panggitnang pangalan."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Ang magandang kontrasenyas ay binubuo ng halo-halong mga titik, numero at "
"marka at pinapalitan ito ng madalas."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Kung piliin niyong hindi payagang makapasok bilang root, may lilikhaing user "
"account na bibigyan ng kakayahang maging root na gamit ang 'sudo' command."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr ""
"Dapat mabatid na hindi niyo mababasa ang kontrasenyas habang ito'y inyong "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Ibigay muli ang kontrasenyas para ma-tiyak:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Pakibigay uli ang parehong kontrasenyas ng root upang matiyak na naipasok "
"niyo ito ng tama."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Bumuo ng account ng karaniwang gumagamit ngayon?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Hindi minumungkahi na gamitin ang account na root para sa pang-araw-araw na "
"mga gawain, katulad ng pagbabasa ng koreong elektroniko (email), dahil kahit "
"na isang maliit na pagkakamali ay maaaring bumunga ng peligro. Kailangan "
"niyong bumuo ng account ng karaniwang gumagamit upang gawin ang mga pang-"
"araw-araw na mga gawain."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Batirin na maaari kayong bumuo nito mamaya (pati na rin mga karagdagang mga "
"account) sa pamamagitan ng pagutos na 'adduser <pangalan>' bilang root, na "
"kung saan ang <pangalan> ay pangalan ng gumagamit, tulad ng 'imurdock', "
"'rms' o 'jdlcruz'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Ibigay ang buong pangalan ng bagong user:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Gagawa ng bagong account ng gumagamit para sa inyong pag-gamit sa halip ng "
"account na root para sa gawaing hindi pangangasiwa."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Ibigay ang tunay na pangalan ng user na ito. Gagamitin ang impormasyon na "
"ito sa alinmang programa na nagpapakita o gumagamit ng tunay na pangalan ng "
"user. Ang buong pangalan ay angkop na sagot dito."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Magbigay ang pangalan ng inyong account:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Pumili ng pangalan para sa bagong account. Ang inyong unang pangalan ay "
"rasonable. Kinakailangang mag-umpisa sa maliit na titik ang pangalan, na "
"maaaring sundan ng kahit anong kumbinasyon ng numero at mga maliit na titik."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Hindi tanggap na pangalan ang ibinigay."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with "
#| "a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers "
#| "and more lower-case letters."
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Ang pangalan na ibinigay niyo ay hindi tinatanggap. Batirin na ang mga "
"pangalan ay kailangan mag-umpisa sa maliit na titik na susundan ng "
"kumbinasyon ng mga numero at maliliit na mga titik."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Naka-reserbang pangalan"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Ang pangalan na inyong ibinigay (${USERNAME}) ay nakareserba para sa "
"sistema. Magbigay ng ibang pangalan."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Magbigay ng kontrasenyas para sa bagong gagamit:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Ibigay muli ang parehong kontrasenyas ng gagamit upang matiyak na inyong "
"naibigay ito ng tugma."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "May pagkakamali sa pagbigay ng kontrasenyas"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr ""
"Ang ibinigay ninyong mga kontrasenyas ay hindi magkatugma. Subukan ninyong "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Walang kontrasenyas"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Wala kayong binigay na kontrasenyas at hindi ito pinahihintulutan. Pumili ng "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Itakdang aktibo ang mga shadow kontrasenyas?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Ang mga shadow kontrasenyas ay ginagawang mas-ligtas ang inyong sistema "
"dahil walang maaaring maka-silip ng mga kontrasenyas kahit sila'y naka-"
"encrypt. Ang mga kontrasenyas ay iniimbak sa ibang talaksan na maaari lamang "
"basahin ng mga programang nakatakda. Ang pag-gamit ng shadow kontrasenyas ay "
"malakas na minumungkahi. Kung gagamit kayo ng NIS, maaari kayong magkaroon "
"ng problema."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Ihanda ang mga gagamit at mga kontrasenyas"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Ihanda ang mga gagamit at mga kontrasenyas..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Basahin ang /var/log/syslog o tignan ang virtuwal na konsol 4 para sa mga "
@ -1,428 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Turkish messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Recai Oktaş <>, 2004, 2005, 2008.
# Osman Yüksel <>, 2004.
# Özgür Murat Homurlu <>, 2004.
# Halil Demirezen <>, 2004.
# Murat Demirten <>, 2004.
# Mert Dirik <>, 2008-2012, 2014.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001.
# (translations from drakfw)
# Fatih Demir <>, 2000.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2000,2004
# Kemal Yilmaz <>, 2001.
# Mert Dirik <>, 2008, 2014.
# Nilgün Belma Bugüner <>, 2001.
# Recai Oktaş <>, 2004.
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Ömer Fadıl USTA <>, 1999.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-06-30 01:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Mert Dirik <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian L10N Turkish\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "'root' olarak oturum açmaya izin verilsin mi?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Eğer 'root' kullanıcısının giriş yapmasına izin vermezseniz normal bir "
"kullanıcı hesabı oluşturulacak ve bu kullanıcının 'sudo' komutuyla \"root"
"\"haklarına sahip olması sağlanacaktır."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root parolası:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Sistem yöneticisi 'root' için bir parola girmeniz gerekiyor. Kötü niyetli "
"veya yetersiz kabiliyetleri olan bir kullanıcının root haklarına sahip "
"olması çok kötü sonuçlar yaratabilir. Bu yüzden kolayca tahmin edilemeyecek "
"bir root parolası seçmeye özen göstermelisiniz. Bu parola sözlükte bulunan "
"ya da sizinle olan alâkasından dolayı kolaylıkla bulunabilecek bir sözcük "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"İyi bir parola harfler, rakamlar ve noktalama işaretlerinin uygun bir "
"kombinasyonundan oluşmalı ve düzenli aralıklarla değiştirilmelidir."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root kullanıcısının parolası boş olamaz. Eğer bu alanı boş bırakırsanız root "
"hesabı devre dışı bırakılacak ve sistemde oluşturulacak ilk normal kullanıcı "
"hesabının \"sudo\" komutuyla root haklarına sahip olması sağlanacaktır."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Parolayı yazarken parolanın görünmeyeceğini unutmayın."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Doğrulamak için parolayı tekrar girin:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Lütfen hatasız yazdığınızı doğrulamak için aynı root parolasını tekrar girin."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Şimdi normal bir kullanıcı hesabı oluşturulsun mu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Root kullanıcısını elektronik posta okumak gibi normal günlük etkinliklerde "
"kullanmak kötü bir fikirdir, çünkü küçük bir hata bile felâketle "
"sonuçlanabilir. Bu tip günlük işlemlerde kullanmak için normal bir kullanıcı "
"hesabı oluşturmalısınız."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Aklınızda bulunsun, bu kullanıcı hesabını (ve diğer ek kullanıcı "
"hesaplarını) daha sonra 'adduser <kullanıcı_adı>' komutunu root olarak "
"yazarak yaratabilirsiniz. <kullanıcı_adı>, 'imurdock' ya da 'rms' gibi bir "
"kullanıcı adıdır."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Yeni kullanıcının tam adı:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"İdari olmayan etkinliklerde root kullanıcısı yerine kullanabilmeniz için "
"normal bir kullanıcı hesabı oluşturulacak."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Lütfen kullanıcının gerçek adını girin. Bu bilgi, meselâ, bu kullanıcı "
"tarafından gönderilen e-postalarda öntanımlı ad olarak kullanılacaktır. "
"Kullanıcının gerçek adını kullanan veya gösteren programlar da bu bilgiyi "
"esas alacaktır. Bu alana \"Ad Soyad\" olarak tam adını girmeniz uygun bir "
"seçim olacaktır."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Hesabınız için kullanıcı adı:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Yeni kullanıcı hesabı için bir kullanıcı adı seçin. İlk adınız makul bir "
"seçimdir. Kullanıcı adları küçük harfle başlamak zorundadır. Daha sonra "
"rakam ve başka küçük harflerin kombinasyonu ile devam edebilir."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Geçersiz kullanıcı adı"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Girdiğiniz kullanıcı adı geçersiz. Dikkat edin, kullanıcı adları küçük "
"harfle başlamak zorundadır. Daha sonra rakam ve başka küçük harflerin "
"bileşimi ile devam edebilir. Kullanıcı adları 32 karakterden daha uzun "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Rezerve edilmiş kullanıcı adı"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Seçtiğiniz kullanıcı adı (${USERNAME}) sistem tarafından kullanılmak üzere "
"rezerve edilmiş. Lütfen başka bir ad seçin."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Yeni kullanıcı için bir parola girin:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"Hatasız yazdığınızı doğrulamak için aynı kullanıcı parolasını tekrar girin."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Parola giriş hatası"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Girdiğiniz iki parola aynı değil. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Boş parola"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Boş bir parola girdiniz. Buna izin verilmiyor. Lütfen boş olmayan bir parola "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Gölge (shadow) parolaları etkinleştirilsin mi?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Gölge (shadow) parolalar sisteminizi daha güvenli yapar, zira hiç kimse bu "
"parolaları şifrelenmiş halde dahî göremez. Parolalar sadece özel "
"programlarla okunabilecek ayrı bir dosyada saklanır. Gölge parola kullanımı, "
"NIS gibi nadir bazı ortamlar hariç, şiddetle tavsiye edilir."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Kullanıcıları ve parolaları oluştur"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Kullanıcılar ve parolalar ayarlanıyor..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Zayıf parola kullanılsın mı?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Girdiğiniz parola, sekizden daha az karakterden oluşuyor ve çok zayıf "
"görünüyor. Daha güçlü bir parola seçmelisiniz."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Ev dizininiz şifrelensin mi?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Ev dizininizi şifreleme için yapılandırabilirsiniz, böylelikle burada "
"saklanan dosyalar bilgisayarınız çalınsa bile özel olarak kalırlar."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Sistem şifrelenmiş ana dizininizi her giriş yaptığınızda sorunsuz bir "
"şekilde bağlayacak ve tüm etkin oturumlarınızdan çıkış yaptığınızda "
"bağlantıyı otomatik olarak kaldıracaktır."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Ev dizini şifrelenemedi"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Yükleyici ev dizini şifrelemede başarısız oldu. Ev dizininiz bu kurulumdan "
"sonra şifresiz olacak. Bu muhtemelen bir böcek ve siz incelemeli ve yeniden "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Ayrıntılı bilgi için /var/log/syslog dosyasına veya dördüncü konsola bakın."
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Debian Installer master translation for Uyghur
# Don't forget to properly fill-in the header of PO files
# Debian Installer translators, please read the D-I i18n documentation
# in doc/i18n/i18n.txt
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Sahran <>, 2010.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-27 17:17+0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Sahran <>\n"
"Language-Team: Uyghur Computer Science Association <>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "باشقۇرغۇچى (root) سالاھىيىتىدە كىرىشكە يول قويامسىز؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"ئەگەر سىز باشقۇرغۇچى سالاھىيىتىدە كىرىشكە يول قويمىسىڭىز، ئۇنداقتا ئادەتتىكى "
"ئىشلەتكۈچىدىن بىرى قۇرۇلۇپ 'sudo' بۇيرۇقى بىلەن باشقۇرغۇچىغا ئايلىنىدىغان "
"ھوقۇق بېرىلىدۇ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "ئالىي ئىشلەتكۈچى(Root) ئىمى:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"'root' ئىشلەتكۈچى (سىستېما باشقۇرغۇچى ھېساباتى)گە ئىم بەلگىلەش لازىم. "
"زەھەرخەندە ياكى سالاھىيىتى يوق ئىشلەتكۈچى 'root' ھوقۇقىغا ئېرىشسە ئاپەت "
"خاراكتېرلىك ئاقىۋەت كەلتۈرۈپ چىقىرىشى مۇمكىن، شۇڭا ئېھتىياتچانلىق بىلەن "
"ئاسان تېپىۋالغىلى بولمايدىغان root ئىم تاللاڭ. ئىم لۇغەتتىن تاپقىلى "
"بولىدىغان سۆز ياكى سىز بىلەن زىچ ئالاقىدار سۆز بولماسلىقى لازىم."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"بىخەتەر ئىم ئادەتتە ھەرپ، سان ۋە ھەرپ بەلگىلەرنىڭ ئارىلاشمىسىدىن تەشكىل "
"تاپىدۇ، ھەمدە قەرەللىك ئالماشتۇرۇپ تۇرۇلىدۇ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root نىڭ ئىمى قۇرۇق بولسا بولمايدۇ. ئەگەر ئىم بېكىتمىسىڭىز root ھېسابى "
"ئىناۋەتسىز قىلىنىدۇ ھەم دەسلەپكى ئىشلەتكۈچىگە \"sudo\" بۇيرۇقى ئارقىلىق root "
"نىڭ ھوقۇقلىرى بېرىلىدۇ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "دىققەت، سىز كىرگۈزگەن ئىم مەزمۇنىنى كۆرەلمەيسىز."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "دەلىللەش ئۈچۈن ئىمنى قايتا كىرگۈزۈڭ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"root ئىشلەتكۈچىنىڭ ئىمنى قايتا كىرگۈزۈپ، كىرگۈزگىنىڭىزنىڭ توغرىلىقىنى "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "ھازىر ئادەتتىكى ئىشلەتكۈچى ھېساباتى قۇرامسىز؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"root ئىشلەتكۈچى ھېساباتىدا ئېلخەت ئوقۇشقا ئوخشاش كۈندىلىك مەشغۇلات ئېلىپ "
"بېرىش ناھايىتى قاملاشمىغان چارە. چۈنكى root ھوقۇقىدا ئۆتكۈزۈلگەن ئەڭ كىچىك "
"خاتالىقنىڭ ئاقىۋىتىمۇ ئاپەت خاراكتېرلىك بولۇشى مۇمكىن. سىز ھازىرلا ئادەتتىكى "
"ئىشلەتكۈچىدىن بىرنى قۇرۇپ كۈندىلىك خىزمەت ۋەزىپىلىرىنى ئېلىپ بارالايسىز."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"دىققەت، سەل تۇرۇپ بۇ ھېسابات (باشقا ھەر قانداق ئىشلەتكۈچىنى ئۆز ئىچىگە "
"ئالىدۇ) نى قۇرسىڭىز بولىدۇ. ئۇسۇلى root سالاھىيىتىدە 'adduser <username>' "
"بۇيرۇقىنى ئىجرا قىلىش، بۇ يەردىكى <username> ئىشلەتكۈچىنىڭ ئاتى، مەسىلەن، "
"'Bilik' ياكى 'UKIJ'"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "يېڭى ئىشلەتكۈچىنىڭ تولۇق ئاتىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"پروگرامما ئادەتتىكى ئىشلەتكۈچىدىن بىرنى قۇرۇپ root نىڭ باشقۇرۇشتىن باشقا "
"ۋەزىپىلىرىنى ئىجرا قىلىدۇ."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"بۇ ئىشلەتكۈچىنىڭ ھەقىقىي ئاتىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ. بۇ ئۇچۇر مەزكۇر ئىشلەتكۈچى "
"يوللىغان ئېلخەتنىڭ كۆڭۈلدىكى مەنبەسى قىلىپ ئىشلىتىلىدۇ، شۇنىڭ بىلەن بىللە "
"مەزكۇر ئىشلەتكۈچىنىڭ ھەقىقىي ئاتىنى كۆرسىتىشكە تېگىشلىك بولغان بارلىق "
"پروگراممىلاردا كۆرسىتىلىدۇ. ئۆزىڭىزنىڭ ئاتى ناھايىتى مۇۋاپىق تاللىشىڭىز "
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "ھېساباتىڭىزنىڭ ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"يېڭى ئىشلەتكۈچىگە ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى تاللاڭ. مەسىلەن، ئاتىڭىز ناھايىتى مۇۋاپىق "
"تاللاش بولالايدۇ. ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى چوقۇم بىر ھەرپتىن باشلىنىپ، ئاخىرىغا ھەر "
"قانداق سان ۋە باشقا كىچىك يېزىلىشتىكى ھەرپلەر ئەگىشىپ كەلسە بولىدۇ."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "ئىناۋەتسىز ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"سىز كىرگۈزگەن ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى ئىناۋەتسىز. دىققەت، ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى چوقۇم بىر "
"كىچىك ھەرپتىن باشلىنىپ، ئاخىرىغا ھەر قانداق سان ۋە باشقا كىچىك ھەرپلەر كەلسە "
"بولىدۇ,32 ھەرپتىن ئۇزۇن بولماسلىقى لازىم."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "زاپاس ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"سىز كىرگۈزگەن ئىشلەتكۈچى ئاتى (${USERNAME}) سىستېمىغا قالدۇرۇلغان. باشقا ئات "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "يېڭى ئىشلەتكۈچىگە ئىم تاللاڭ:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr ""
"مەزكۇر ئىشلەتكۈچىنىڭ ئىمنى قايتا كىرگۈزۈپ كىرگۈزگىنىڭىزنىڭ توغرىلىقىنى "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "كىرگۈزگەن ئىم خاتا"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "ئىككى قېتىم كىرگۈزگەن ئىم ئوخشاش ئەمەس. قايتا سىناڭ."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "ئىم يوق"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "ئىمنى بوش قالدۇرۇلغاچقا سىستېما قوبۇل قىلمىدى. باشقا ئىم تاللاڭ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "يوشۇرۇن ئىم ئىقتىدارىنى(shadow password) قوزغىتامسىز؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"يوشۇرۇن ئىم ئىشلىتىلگەندىن كېيىن ھېچقانداق كىشى شىفىرلانغان ئىم بولسىمۇ "
"كۆرەلمەيدۇ، شۇڭا سىستېما تېخىمۇ بىخەتەر بولىدۇ. ئىم مۇستەقىل بىر ھۆججەتكە "
"ساقلىنىدۇ ھەمدە بەلگىلەنگەن پروگراممىلا ئوقۇيالايدۇ. ناھايىتى ئاز ساندىكى "
"ئەھۋالدىن سىرت، مەسىلەن NIS مۇھىتى، يوشۇرۇن ئىم ئىشلىتىشىڭىزنى كۈچلۈك "
"تەۋسىيە قىلىمىز."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "ئىشلەتكۈچى ۋە ئىم سەپلەش"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "ئىشلەتكۈچى ۋە ئىم سەپلەۋاتىدۇ…"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "ئاجىز ئىم ئىشلىتەمسىز؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"سىز كىرگۈزگەن ئىم جۈملىسىدىكى ھەرپ سانى سەككىزدىن ئاز، بۇنداق بولسا بەك "
"ئاجىز. سىز تېخىمۇ كۈچلۈك ئىم تاللاڭ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "ماكان مۇندەرىجىڭىزنى شىفىرلامسىز؟"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"ماكان مۇندەرىجىنى شىفىرلاپ سەپلىسىڭىز بولىدۇ، ئەگەر كومپيۇتېرىڭىز "
"ئوغرىلانغان تەقدىردىمۇ ساقلىغان ھۆججەتلىرىڭىزنى ئوغرىلىۋالالمايدۇ."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"سىز سىستېمىغا كىرگەندە شىفىرلىق ماكان مۇندەرىجە ئۆزلۈكىدىن ئېگەرلىنىدۇ، "
"ھەرىكەتتىكى ھەممە پروگراممىدىن چېكىنىپ تىزىمدىن چىققاندا ئۆزلۈكىدىن "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "ماكان مۇندەرىجىنى شىفىرلىيالمىدى."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"ئورناتقۇچ ماكان مۇندەرىجىنى شىفىرلىيالمىدى. ئورنىتىش تاماملانغاندا ماكان "
"مۇندەرىجىنىڭ شىفىرى يېشىۋېتىلىدۇ. بۇ كەمتۈك بولۇشى مۇمكىن، تەكشۈرۈپ قايتا "
"ئورنىتىپ بېقىڭ."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"/var/log/syslog نى تەكشۈرۈڭ ياكى 4-مەۋھۇم كونترول سۇپىسىنى(console) كۆرۈپ "
"تېخىمۇ كۆپ تەپسىلىي ئۇچۇرغا ئېرىشىڭ."
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# translation of uk.po to Ukrainian
# translation of uk.po to
# Ukrainian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Eugeniy Meshcheryakov <>, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010.
# Євгеній Мещеряков <>, 2008.
# Borys Yanovych <>, 2010, 2011.
# Maxim V. Dziumanenko <>, 2010.
# Yuri Chornoivan <>, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: uk\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-10-02 18:46+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan <>\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian <>\n"
"Language: uk\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Дозволити реєстрацію для користувача root?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Якщо ви не дозволите реєстрацію в системі для користувача root, то буде "
"створено нормальний обліковий запис і йому буде надана можливість "
"становитися root'ом за допомогою команди sudo."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Пароль користувача root:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Вам потрібно встановити пароль для \"root\", адміністративного облікового "
"запису системи. Недоброзичливий або некваліфікований користувач з правами "
"\"root\" може привести систему до непрацездатного стану. Тому ви повинні "
"вибирати пароль користувача root так, щоб його не можна було легко вгадати. "
"Це не повинно бути слово, яке можна знайти в словнику, або слово, яке може "
"бути легко пов'язано з вами."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Гарний пароль повинен містити суміш латинських літер, цифр та знаків "
"пунктуації, він повинен регулярно змінюватися."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Пароль користувача root не повинен бути порожнім. Якщо ви залишите це поле "
"порожнім, обліковий запис користувача root буде вимкнено, натомість "
"звичайний користувач, обліковий запис якого буде створено під час "
"ініціалізації системи, зможе стати користувачем root за допомогою команди "
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Зауважте, що ви не будете бачити пароль під час його набору."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Повторіть ввід паролю для перевірки:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "Введіть той самий пароль root для перевірки його коректності."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Створити звичайний обліковий запис?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Виконання повсякденної роботи, такої як перегляд електронної пошти, з "
"використанням облікового запису \"root\" не є гарною ідеєю, оскільки навіть "
"невелика помилка може призвести до катастрофи. Зараз ви можете створити "
"звичайний обліковий запис для виконання повсякденних задач."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Зауважте, що ви можете створити його пізніше (як і інших додаткових "
"користувачів) шляхом введення команди 'adduser <ім'я>' як root. Тут ім'я - "
"це вхідне ім'я, наприклад imurdock' або 'rms'."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Повне ім'я нового користувача:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Для вас буде створений обліковий запис користувача замість облікового запису "
"\"root\" для виконання не-адміністративних задач."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Введіть, будь ласка, справжнє ім'я користувача. Цю інформацію буде "
"використано серед іншого як типове джерело для електронних листів надісланих "
"користувачем та будь-якими програмами, що відображують справжнє ім'я "
"користувача. Ваше повне ім'я - прийнятний вибір."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Назва облікового запису:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Виберіть ім'я користувача для нового облікового запису. Ваше ім'я - це "
"гарний вибір. Ім'я користувача повинно починатися із малої латинської "
"літери, за якою може слідувати довільна комбінація цифр та малих латинських "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Непридатне ім'я користувача"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Ім'я користувача, яке ви ввели, невірне. Зауважте, що ім'я користувача "
"повинно починатися з малої літери, за якою може слідувати будь-яка "
"комбінація цифр та літер нижнього регістру; довжина не повинна перевищувати "
"32 символів."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Зарезервоване ім'я користувача"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Ім'я користувача, яке ви ввели, (${USERNAME}) зарезервоване для використання "
"системою. Виберіть, будь ласка, інше ім'я."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Введіть пароль для нового користувача:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "Введіть той самий пароль користувача для перевірки його коректності."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Помилка при вводі пароля"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Два введені вами пароля неоднакові. Спробуйте ще раз."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Порожній пароль"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Ви ввели порожній пароль, що недозволено. Виберіть, будь ласка, непорожній "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Ввімкнути підтримку прихованих паролів?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Приховані паролі роблять вашу систему більш захищеною, оскільки ніхто не "
"може бачити навіть зашифровані паролі. Паролі зберігаються в окремому файлі "
"так, що тільки спеціальні програми можуть їх прочитати. Ми дуже рекомендуємо "
"використовувати приховані паролі, за виключенням деяких випадків, таких як "
"використання NIS."
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Налаштувати користувачів та паролі"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Налаштування користувачів і паролів..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Використовувати слабкий пароль?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Пароль, що ви ввели, скаладється з менш як восьми символів і є надто "
"простим. Оберіть складніший пароль."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Зашифрувати вашу домашню директорію?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Ви можете налаштувати вашу домашню теку для шифрування, таким чином, що будь-"
"які файли, що зберігаються там, залишатися приватними, навіть якщо комп'ютер "
"буде вкрадено."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Ця система буде просто монтувати зашифрований домашній каталог кожного разу, "
"коли Ви ввійдете і автоматично відключати, коли Ви виходите зі всіх активних "
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Не вдалося зашифрувати домашній каталог"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Програмі установки не вдалося здійснити шифрування домашньої директорії. "
"Ваша домашня директорія після установки буде незакодованою. Ймовірно, це "
"помилка, і ви, можливо, захочете провести перевірку і перевстановити."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "Подробиці дивіться в /var/log/syslog або на віртуальній консолі 4."
@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Vietnamese translation for Debian Installer Level 1.
# Copyright © 2010 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Jean Christophe André <>
# Vũ Quang Trung <>
# Trịnh Minh Thành <>
# Clytie Siddall <>, 2005-2010
# Hai-Nam Nguyen <>, 2012
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Clytie Siddall <>, 2005-2009.
# Copyright © 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Nguyễn Hùng Vũ <>, 2001.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer Level 1\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-11 00:58+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Hai-Nam Nguyen <>\n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
"Language: vi\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "Cho phép đăng nhập như người chủ không?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"Nếu bạn chọn không cho phép người chủ (root) đăng nhập, một tài khoản người "
"dùng sẽ được tạo và được gán quyền trở thành người chủ bằng lệnh « sudo »."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Mật khẩu chủ :"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"Bạn cần phải đặt mật khẩu cho người chủ (root), tài khoản quản trị hệ thống. "
"Một người dùng hiểm độc hoặc người dùng không có kinh nghiệm, khi có quyền "
"truy cập của người chủ có thể gây ra kết quả tai hại. Vì vậy bạn nên chọn "
"cẩn thận mật khẩu người chủ không phải dễ đoán. Đừng chọn từ nằm trong từ "
"điển nào (có chương trình xử lý toàn bộ mỗi từ điển), hoặc từ liên quan đến "
"bạn một cách dễ dàng. Mật khẩu mạnh gồm có cả chữ lẫn con số và có độ dài ít "
"nhất 8 chữ (dài hơn là mạnh hơn)."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr ""
"Mật khẩu tốt chứa phối hợp chữ, con số và chấm câu, và nên được thay đổi "
"theo định kỷ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"Người dùng chủ không nên có mật khẩu trống. Nếu bạn để trống thì tài khoản "
"người chủ bị tắt và người dùng đầu tiên của hệ thống được gán quyền trở "
"thành người chủ bằng lệnh « sudo »."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "Ghi chú rằng bạn sẽ không thể xem mật khẩu trong khi gõ."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "Hãy nhập lại mật khẩu cần xác nhận:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "Hãy nhập lại mật khẩu người chủ này, để xác nhận bạn đã gõ đúng."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "Tạo một tài khoản người dùng chuẩn ngay bây giờ chứ?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"Không phải là ý kiến tốt khi bạn sử dụng tài khoản người chủ để làm các công "
"việc hàng ngày, như là đọc thư điện tử, vì ngay cả một lỗi nhỏ có thể gây ra "
"kết thúc rất xấu. Bạn nên tạo một tài khoản người dùng chuẩn, để sử dụng khi "
"làm các công việc hàng ngày như vậy. "
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"Ghi chú rằng bạn có thể tạo nó sau này (cùng với tài khoản thêm nào) bằng "
"cách gõ « adduser <tên_người_dùng> » với tư cách người chủ, mà "
"<tên_người_dùng> là tên người dùng, v.d. « nguyenvan » hoặc « ngv »."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "Họ tên của người dùng mới:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr ""
"Một tài khoản người dùng sẽ được tạo cho bạn sử dụng thay cho tài khoản "
"người chủ, khi làm việc khác quản trị."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
"Hãy nhập họ tên thật của người dùng này. Thông tin này sẽ được dùng, chẳng "
"hạn, như là gốc mặc định cho các thư điện tử được gởi bởi người dùng này, "
"cũng như trong chương trình nào hiển thị hoặc sử dụng họ tên thật của người "
"dùng. Họ tên của bạn là sự chọn hữu ích."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "Tên người dùng cho tài khoản của bạn:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
"Hãy chọn tên người dùng cho tải khoản mới này. Tên của bạn là sự chọn hữu "
"ích. Tên người dùng nên bắt đầu với chữ thường, với bất cứ phối hợp con số "
"và chữ thường nào theo sau."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "Tên người dùng không hợp lệ"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"Bạn đã nhập một tên người dùng không hợp lệ. Ghi chú rằng tên người dùng nên "
"bắt đầu với chữ thường, với bất cứ phối hợp con số và chữ thường nào theo "
"sau, và không được dài quá 32 kí tự."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "Tên người dùng dành riêng"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"Bạn đã nhập một tên người dùng (${USERNAME}) được dành riêng cho hệ thống sử "
"dụng. Hãy chọn tên khác."
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "Hãy chọn mật khẩu cho người dùng mới:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "Hãy nhập lại mật khầu người dùng mới nhập, để xác nhận bạn đã gõ đúng."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "Lỗi nhập mật khẩu"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "Bạn đã gõ hai mật khẩu khác nhau. Hãy thử lại."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "Mật khẩu rỗng"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr ""
"Bạn đã nhập một mật khẩu rỗng, mà không được phép. Hãy chọn một mật khẩu "
"khác rỗng."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "Bật mật khẩu bóng không?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"Mật khẩu bóng (shadow passwords) làm cho hệ thống của bạn là bảo mật hơn, vì "
"không có ai xem được ngay cả mật khẩu đã mật mã. Các mật khẩu được cất giữ "
"vào một tập tin riêng mà chỉ có thể được đọc bởi chương trình đặc biệt. Rất "
"khuyên bạn sử dụng mật khẩu bóng, trừ trong vài trường hợp như môi trường "
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "Thiết lập người dùng và mật khẩu"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "Đang đặt các người dùng và mật khẩu..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "Dùng mật khẩu yếu?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr ""
"Bạn đã nhập một mật khẩu ít hơn tám ký tự, được xem là quá yếu. Bạn nên chọn "
"một mật khẩu mạnh hơn."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "Mã hóa thư mục home của bạn?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
"Bạn có thể chọn mã hóa thư mục cá nhân, giúp giữ bí mật cho các tài liệu cá "
"nhân của bạn cho dù máy tính của bạn bị mất cắp."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
"Hệ thống sẽ tự động gắn kết thư mục cá nhân đã được mã hóa, và hủy gắn kết "
"này mỗi khi bạn đăng xuất khỏi tất cả các phiên làm việc."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "Trang chủ thư mục mã hóa không thành công"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
"Trình cài đặt không thành công để thiết lập mã hóa thư mục chính. Thư mục "
"chính của bạn sẽ được mã hóa sau khi cài đặt. Điều này có thể là một lỗi, và "
"bạn có thể để điều tra và cài đặt lại."
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr ""
"Xem bản ghi hệ thống « /var/log/syslog » hoặc bàn giao tiếp ảo 4 để tìm chi "
@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Simplified Chinese translation for Debian Installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translated by Yijun Yuan (2004), Carlos Z.F. Liu (2004,2005,2006),
# Ming Hua (2005,2006,2007,2008), Xiyue Deng (2008), Kov Chai (2008),
# Kenlen Lai (2008), WCM (2008), Ren Xiaolei (2008).
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Toedter <>, 2007.
# Translations taken from ICU SVN on 2007-09-09
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008.
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2002.
# Translations taken from KDE:
# - Wang Jian <>, 2000.
# - Carlos Z.F. Liu <>, 2004 - 2006.
# LI Daobing <>, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
# YunQiang Su <>, 2011.
# Mai Hao Hui <>, 2001 (translations from galeon)
# YunQiang Su <>, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-05 14:59+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: YunQiang Su <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "允许以根用户 (root) 登录吗?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root 用户密码:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"您需要为“root”用户 (即系统管理员帐号) 设置一个密码。如果恶意或无资格的用户获"
"得了 root 权限将可能会导致灾难性的结果,因此您应该小心地选择一个不容易猜出的 "
"root 密码。它不应该是一个能在字典中找得到的单词或者一个跟您本人有紧密关系的词"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr "一个安全的密码应该是由字母、数字和标点符号组合而成,而且要定期更新。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "请注意,您将不会看到所输入的密码内容。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "请再次输入密码以验证其正确性:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "为了保证您的密码正确无误,请再次输入相同的 root 密码。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "现在就要创建一个普通用户帐号吗?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"以 root 帐户进行诸如阅读电子邮件这类普通的日常操作是一个糟糕的主意。因为在 "
"root 权限下,哪怕犯一个极小的错误,其结果也可能会是灾难性的。您现在就可以创建"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"请注意,您也可以稍后再创建此帐户 (也包括任何其他帐户)。方法是以 root 身份执"
"行“adduser <username>”,此处的 <username> 就是一个用户名,例"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "请输入新用户的全名:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "程序将创建一个用来取代 root 执行非管理任务的普通用户帐号。"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "您的帐号的用户名:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "无效的用户名"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"其他小写字母的任意组合,且不得多于 32 个字符。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "系统保留的用户名"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"您所输入的用户名 (${USERNAME}) 是被保留为系统使用的。请另选择一个用户名。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "请为新用户选择一个密码:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "请再次输入相同用户密码以保证您的输入不会出错。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "密码输入错误"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "您所输入的两个密码并不相同。请重新输入。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "空密码"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "您输入的是空密码,这不被系统所接受。请选择一个非空的密码。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "启用影子口令吗?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"令将被保存在一个单独的文件中,而且只能被特定程序读取。除了极少数情况外,例如 "
"NIS 环境,我们强烈推荐您使用影子口令。"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "设置用户和密码"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "正在设置用户和密码..."
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "使用弱口令?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr "你输入的密码少于八个字符,属于弱口令。您应该选择一个更强的密码。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "加密您的主目录?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr "您可以配置对主目录加密,这样即使电脑被盗,保存在那的文件也不会被窃取。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "主文件夹加密失败"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "请检查 /var/log/syslog 或查看第四虚拟控制台以获得详细信息。"
@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
# The master files can be found under packages/po/
# Traditional Chinese messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Translations from iso-codes:
# Tobias Quathamer <>, 2007.
# Wei-Lun Chao <>, 2008, 2009.
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 2002, 2003
# Alastair McKinstry <>, 2001,2002
# Translations from KDE:
# - AceLan <>, 2001
# - Kenduest Lee <>, 2001
# Tetralet <> 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
# 趙惟倫 <> 2010
# LI Daobing <>, 2007.
# Hominid He(viperii) <>, 2007.
# Mai Hao Hui <>, 2001.
# Abel Cheung <>, 2007.
# JOE MAN <>, 2001.
# Chao-Hsiung Liao <>, 2005.
# Yao Wei (魏銘廷) <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debian-installer\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-16 22:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-03 03:11+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Yao Wei (魏銘廷) <>\n"
"Language-Team: Debian-user in Chinese [Big5] <debian-chinese-big5@lists."
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid "Allow login as root?"
msgstr "是否允許以 root 登入?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:5001
msgid ""
"If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be "
"created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command."
msgstr ""
"如果您選擇不允許 root 登入,則將會建立一個使用者帳號並會被賦與使用 'sudo' 指"
"令的權力以便能切換成 root。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Root password:"
msgstr "Root 的密碼:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative account. A "
"malicious or unqualified user with root access can have disastrous results, "
"so you should take care to choose a root password that is not easy to guess. "
"It should not be a word found in dictionaries, or a word that could be "
"easily associated with you."
msgstr ""
"您必須替 'root' (系統管理用帳號) 設定密碼。如果讓懷有惡意或未經授權的使用者取"
"得 root 權限將會導致極嚴重的後果,因此您應該小心地選擇一個不容易被猜到的 "
"root 密碼。它不應該是個能在字典中找到的單字或是個容易和您聯想在一起的字詞。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid ""
"A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation "
"and should be changed at regular intervals."
msgstr "一個恰當的密碼應當由字母、數字和標點符號混雜而成,並得要定期更換。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid ""
"The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this empty, "
"the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user account will "
"be given the power to become root using the \"sudo\" command."
msgstr ""
"root 使用者不應當使用空密碼。若您在此置空,root 帳號將被關閉,而系統的第一個"
"使用者帳號將被賦與使用 \"sudo\" 指令來成為 root 的權限。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it."
msgstr "請注意,您將不會看到您正在鍵入的密碼。"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001 ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid "Re-enter password to verify:"
msgstr "請再次輸入密碼以進行確認:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:7001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it "
msgstr "請再次輸入相同的 root 密碼以確認您是否正確鍵入。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid "Create a normal user account now?"
msgstr "是否要立即建立一個一般的使用者帳號?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, "
"such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can "
"result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those "
"day-to-day tasks."
msgstr ""
"使用 root 帳號來進行諸如閱讀電子郵件這類普通的日常操作並不是恰當的做法,因為"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:8001
msgid ""
"Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by "
"typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username, like "
"'imurdock' or 'rms'."
msgstr ""
"請注意,您也可以在稍後以 root 的身份執行 'adduser <username>' 指令來建立這個"
"帳號 (任何的其它帳號做法也是雷同),其中的 <username> 則為使用者名稱,例如 "
"imurdock 或 rms。"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid "Full name for the new user:"
msgstr "請替新的使用者輸入完整姓名:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account "
"for non-administrative activities."
msgstr "將替您建立一個在進行非管理性之事務時,用來替代 root 帳號的使用者帳號。"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:9001
msgid ""
"Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for "
"instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any "
"program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a "
"reasonable choice."
msgstr ""
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "Username for your account:"
msgstr "您的帳號的使用者名稱:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid ""
"Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable "
"choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be "
"followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid "Invalid username"
msgstr "不正確的使用者名稱"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:11001
msgid ""
"The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a "
"lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and "
"more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long."
msgstr ""
"可以是任意數字或其它的小寫字母之組合,並不能超過 32 個字元。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid "Reserved username"
msgstr "預留的使用者名稱"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:12001
msgid ""
"The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. "
"Please select a different one."
msgstr ""
"您所輸入的使用者名稱 (${USERNAME}) 是預留給系統使用的。請選擇另一個不同的名"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:13001
msgid "Choose a password for the new user:"
msgstr "請替新的使用者輸入密碼:"
#. Type: password
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:14001
msgid ""
"Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it "
msgstr "請再次輸入相同的使用者密碼以確認您是否正確鍵入。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "Password input error"
msgstr "密碼輸入錯誤"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:15001
msgid "The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again."
msgstr "您所輸入的兩個密碼並不相同。請再次輸入密碼。"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid "Empty password"
msgstr "空的密碼"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:16001
msgid ""
"You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-"
"empty password."
msgstr "您所輸入的是空的密碼,而這是不允許的。請選擇一個不是空的密碼。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid "Enable shadow passwords?"
msgstr "是否啟用 shadow 密碼?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:17001
msgid ""
"Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to view "
"even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file that "
"can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords is "
"strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments."
msgstr ""
"啟用 shadow 密碼後,沒有任何人能夠看到已加了密的密碼,因而會使得系統更加安"
"像是使用 NIS 環境,否則強烈建議您使用 shadow 密碼。"
#. Type: title
#. Description
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:18001
msgid "Set up users and passwords"
msgstr "設定使用者及密碼"
#. Type: text
#. Description
#. finish-install progress bar item
#. :sl1:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:19001
msgid "Setting users and passwords..."
msgstr "正在設定使用者及密碼……"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid "Use weak password?"
msgstr "使用弱密碼?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:20001
msgid ""
"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which is "
"considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password."
msgstr "您輸入一個少於八個字元組成的密碼,太弱了。您應該選用一個強點的密碼。"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid "Encrypt your home directory?"
msgstr "加密您的個人目錄?"
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files "
"stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen."
msgstr ""
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:21001
msgid ""
"The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time you "
"login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions."
msgstr "系統將您登入時無縫掛載加密後的家目錄,並在登出所有連線時自動卸載"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Home directory encryption failed"
msgstr "家目錄加密錯誤"
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid ""
"The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home "
"directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug, "
"and you may wish to investigate and reinstall."
msgstr ""
#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl2:
#: ../user-setup-udeb.templates:22001
msgid "Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details."
msgstr "請查看 /var/log/syslog 或是第四個虛擬主控台來獲得詳細訊息。"
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/make -f
dh $@
@ -1 +0,0 @@
3.0 (native)
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
finish-install.d usr/lib
|||| usr/lib/user-setup
reserved-usernames usr/lib/user-setup
user-setup-apply usr/bin
user-setup-ask usr/bin
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
# In rescue mode, skip setting up a user.
if db_get rescue/enable && [ "$RET" = true ]; then
exit 1
exit 0
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
set -e
user-setup-ask /target || CODE="$?"
if [ "$CODE" = 30 ]; then
exit 10
exit $CODE
@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
# Allow preseeding the root password with a crypted password
# rather than cleartext
Template: passwd/root-password-crypted
Type: password
Description: for internal use only
# Allow preseeding the user password with a crypted password
# rather than cleartext
Template: passwd/user-password-crypted
Type: password
Description: for internal use only
# Allow preseeding the UID allocated to the first created user
Template: passwd/user-uid
Type: string
Description: for internal use only
# Allow preseeding the groups to which the first created user is added
Template: passwd/user-default-groups
Type: string
Default: adm cdrom dip lpadmin plugdev sambashare debian-tor libvirtd lxd
Description: for internal use only
Template: passwd/root-login
Type: boolean
Default: false
# :sl1:
_Description: Allow login as root?
If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be
created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command.
Template: passwd/root-password
Type: password
# :sl1:
_Description: Root password:
You need to set a password for 'root', the system administrative
account. A malicious or unqualified user with root access can have
disastrous results, so you should take care to choose a root password
that is not easy to guess. It should not be a word found in dictionaries,
or a word that could be easily associated with you.
A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation
and should be changed at regular intervals.
The root user should not have an empty password. If you leave this
empty, the root account will be disabled and the system's initial user
account will be given the power to become root using the "sudo"
Note that you will not be able to see the password as you type it.
Template: passwd/root-password-again
Type: password
# :sl1:
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it
Template: passwd/make-user
Type: boolean
Default: true
# :sl2:
_Description: Create a normal user account now?
It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities,
such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can
result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for
those day-to-day tasks.
Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by
typing 'adduser <username>' as root, where <username> is an username,
like 'imurdock' or 'rms'.
Template: passwd/user-fullname
Type: string
# :sl1:
_Description: Full name for the new user:
A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root
account for non-administrative activities.
Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used
for instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as
any program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full
name is a reasonable choice.
Template: passwd/username
Type: string
# :sl1:
_Description: Username for your account:
Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable choice.
The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be
followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters.
Template: passwd/username-bad
Type: error
# :sl2:
_Description: Invalid username
The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with
a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers
and more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long.
Template: passwd/username-reserved
Type: error
# :sl2:
_Description: Reserved username
The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system.
Please select a different one.
Template: passwd/user-password
Type: password
# :sl1:
_Description: Choose a password for the new user:
A good password will contain a mixture of letters, numbers and punctuation
and should be changed at regular intervals.
Template: passwd/user-password-again
Type: password
# :sl1:
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it
Template: user-setup/password-mismatch
Type: error
# :sl2:
_Description: Password input error
The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again.
Template: user-setup/password-empty
Type: error
# :sl2:
_Description: Empty password
You entered an empty password, which is not allowed.
Please choose a non-empty password.
Template: passwd/shadow
Type: boolean
Default: true
# :sl2:
_Description: Enable shadow passwords?
Shadow passwords make your system more secure because nobody is able to
view even encrypted passwords. The passwords are stored in a separate file
that can only be read by special programs. The use of shadow passwords
is strongly recommended, except in a few cases such as NIS environments.
Template: debian-installer/user-setup-udeb/title
Type: title
# :sl1:
_Description: Set up users and passwords
Template: finish-install/progress/user-setup
Type: text
# finish-install progress bar item
# :sl1:
_Description: Setting users and passwords...
Template: user-setup/password-weak
Type: boolean
# :sl2:
_Description: Use weak password?
You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters, which
is considered too weak. You should choose a stronger password.
Template: user-setup/encrypt-home
Type: boolean
Default: false
# :sl2:
_Description: Encrypt your home directory?
You may configure your home directory for encryption, such that any files
stored there remain private even if your computer is stolen.
The system will seamlessly mount your encrypted home directory each time
you login and automatically unmount when you log out of all active sessions.
Template: user-setup/encrypt-home-failed
Type: error
# :sl2:
_Description: Home directory encryption failed
The installer failed to set up home directory encryption. Your home
directory will be unencrypted after installation. This is probably a bug,
and you may wish to investigate and reinstall.
Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details.
# Allow preseeding whether to automatically log in the first created user
Template: passwd/auto-login
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: for internal use only
# Back up the pre-auto-login configuration files?
Template: passwd/auto-login-backup
Type: string
Description: for internal use only
# Allow preseeding whether to permit a blank password for created non-root user
Template: user-setup/allow-password-empty
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: for internal use only
# Allow preseeding whether to permit a weak password for created user
Template: user-setup/allow-password-weak
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: for internal use only
Template: user-setup/progress/wipe-swap
Type: text
_Description: Wiping swap space for security (this may take a while)...
# Do not preseed this, it will be overwritten.
Template: user-setup/force-encrypt-home
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: for internal use only
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
||| usr/lib/user-setup
reserved-usernames usr/lib/user-setup
user-setup usr/bin
user-setup-apply usr/lib/user-setup
user-setup-ask usr/lib/user-setup
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
user-setup: debconf-is-not-a-registry usr/lib/user-setup/user-setup-apply
user-setup: debconf-is-not-a-registry usr/lib/user-setup/user-setup-ask
user-setup: no-debconf-config
user-setup: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/user-setup
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
exit 0
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ root_password () {
if [ -e $ROOT/etc/shadow ] && \
[ -n "`grep ^root: $ROOT/etc/shadow | cut -d : -f 2`" ] && \
[ "x`grep ^root: $ROOT/etc/shadow | cut -d : -f 2`" != 'x*' ] && \
[ "x`grep ^root: $ROOT/etc/shadow | cut -d : -f 2`" != 'x!*' ] && \
[ "x`grep ^root: $ROOT/etc/shadow | cut -d : -f 2`" != 'x!' ]; then
return 0
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
set -e
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
if db_get passwd/root-login && [ "$RET" = false ] && \
db_get tasksel/desktop && [ "$RET" = kde ]; then
echo "kdesudo kdesudo/kdesu boolean true" | \
LANG=C chroot /target debconf-set-selections
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Static users from base-passwd/passwd.master (3.5.11).
# Static users from base-passwd/passwd.master (3.5.41).
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ irc
# Other static groups from base-passwd/group.master (3.5.11).
# Other static groups from base-passwd/group.master (3.5.41).
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ staff
# Reserved usernames listed in base-passwd/README (3.5.11).
# Reserved usernames listed in base-passwd/README (3.5.41).
@ -59,6 +59,17 @@ qmailp
# Ubuntu creates the admin group and adds the first user to it in order to
# grant them sudo privileges.
@ -75,6 +86,7 @@ cupsys
@ -84,8 +96,10 @@ gdm
@ -93,9 +107,11 @@ mythtv
@ -76,13 +76,7 @@ EOF
# Enable/disable shadow passwords.
db_get passwd/shadow
if [ "$RET" = true ]; then
$log $chroot $ROOT shadowconfig on
$log $chroot $ROOT shadowconfig off
$log $chroot $ROOT shadowconfig on
if ! root_password; then
# Was the root password preseeded encrypted?
@ -13,28 +13,12 @@ export ROOT
. /usr/lib/user-setup/
# For the convenience of heavy testers
set_special_users() {
local realname
case "$fullname" in
bubulle) realname="Christian PERRIER" ;;
tbm) realname="Martin Michlmayr" ;;
*) return 1 ;;
db_set passwd/user-fullname "$realname"
db_fset passwd/username seen true
return 0
# Main loop starts here. Use a state machine to allow jumping back to
# previous questions.
while :; do
case "$STATE" in
# Ask how the password files should be set up.
db_input low passwd/shadow || true
# Ask if root should be allowed to login.
db_input medium passwd/root-login || true
@ -134,10 +118,8 @@ while :; do
if [ -z "$RET" ]; then
db_get passwd/user-fullname
if ! set_special_users; then
userdefault=$(echo "$fullname" | \
sed 's/ .*//' | LC_ALL=C tr A-Z a-z)
userdefault=$(echo "$fullname" | \
sed 's/ .*//' | LC_ALL=C tr A-Z a-z)
if test -n "$userdefault" && \
LC_ALL=C expr "$userdefault" : '[a-z][-a-z0-9]*$' >/dev/null; then
db_set passwd/username "$userdefault"
Reference in New Issue