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# Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later.
# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from virtinst import StoragePool
class parser_class(object):
Base class for particular config file format definitions of
a VM instance.
Warning: this interface is not (yet) considered stable and may
change at will.
def identify_file(input_file):
Return True if the given file is of this format.
raise NotImplementedError
def export_libvirt(conn, input_file):
Import a configuration file and turn it into a libvirt Guest object
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_parsers():
from .vmx import vmx_parser
from .ovf import ovf_parser
return [vmx_parser, ovf_parser]
def _is_test():
return bool(os.getenv("VIRTINST_TEST_SUITE"))
def _find_parser_by_name(input_name):
Return the parser of the given name.
parsers = [p for p in _get_parsers() if == input_name]
if len(parsers):
return parsers[0]
raise RuntimeError(_("No parser found for type '%s'") % input_name)
def _find_parser_by_file(input_file):
Return the parser that is capable of comprehending the given file.
for p in _get_parsers():
if p.identify_file(input_file):
return p
raise RuntimeError(_("Don't know how to parse file %s") % input_file)
def _run_cmd(cmd):
Return the exit status and output to stdout and stderr.
logging.debug("Running command: %s", " ".join(cmd))
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
stdout, stderr = proc.communicate()
ret = proc.wait()
logging.debug("stdout=%s", stdout)
logging.debug("stderr=%s", stderr)
if ret == 0:
out = stdout
if stderr:
if out:
out += "\n"
out += stderr
raise RuntimeError("%s: failed with exit status %d: %s" %
(" ".join(cmd), ret, out))
def _find_input(input_file, parser, print_cb):
Given the input file, determine if its a directory, archive, etc
force_clean = []
ext = os.path.splitext(input_file)[1]
tempdir = None
binname = None
pkg = None
if ext and ext[1:] in ["zip", "gz", "ova",
"tar", "bz2", "bzip2", "7z", "xz"]:
basedir = "/var/tmp"
if _is_test():
tempdir = os.path.join(basedir, "virt-convert-tmp")
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
prefix="virt-convert-tmp", dir=basedir)
base = os.path.basename(input_file)
if (ext[1:] == "zip"):
binname = "unzip"
pkg = "unzip"
cmd = ["unzip", "-o", "-d", tempdir, input_file]
elif (ext[1:] == "7z"):
binname = "7z"
pkg = "p7zip"
cmd = ["7z", "-o" + tempdir, "e", input_file]
elif (ext[1:] == "ova" or ext[1:] == "tar"):
binname = "tar"
pkg = "tar"
cmd = ["tar", "xf", input_file, "-C", tempdir]
elif (ext[1:] == "gz"):
binname = "gzip"
pkg = "gzip"
cmd = ["tar", "zxf", input_file, "-C", tempdir]
elif (ext[1:] == "bz2" or ext[1:] == "bzip2"):
binname = "bzip2"
pkg = "bzip2"
cmd = ["tar", "jxf", input_file, "-C", tempdir]
elif (ext[1:] == "xz"):
binname = "xz"
pkg = "xz"
cmd = ["tar", "Jxf", input_file, "-C", tempdir]
if not find_executable(binname):
raise RuntimeError(_("%s appears to be an archive, "
"but '%s' is not installed. "
"Please either install '%s', or extract the archive "
"yourself and point virt-convert at "
"the extracted directory.") % (base, pkg, pkg))
print_cb(_("%s appears to be an archive, running: %s") %
(base, " ".join(cmd)))
input_file = tempdir
if not os.path.isdir(input_file):
if not parser:
parser = _find_parser_by_file(input_file)
return input_file, parser, force_clean
parsers = parser and [parser] or _get_parsers()
for root, ignore, files in os.walk(input_file):
for p in parsers:
for f in [f for f in files if f.endswith(p.suffix)]:
path = os.path.join(root, f)
if p.identify_file(path):
return path, p, force_clean
raise RuntimeError("Could not find parser for file %s" % input_file)
except Exception:
for f in force_clean:
class VirtConverter(object):
Public interface for actually performing the conversion
def __init__(self, conn, input_file, print_cb=-1, input_name=None):
self.conn = conn
self._err_clean = []
self._force_clean = []
2016-04-19 04:42:12 +08:00
# pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type
2014-06-01 05:37:19 +08:00
if print_cb == -1 or print_cb is None:
def cb(msg):
2014-06-01 05:37:19 +08:00
if print_cb == -1:
2014-06-01 05:37:19 +08:00
self.print_cb = cb
self.print_cb = print_cb
parser = None
if input_name:
parser = _find_parser_by_name(input_name)
input_file = os.path.abspath(input_file)
logging.debug("converter __init__ with input=%s parser=%s",
input_file, parser)
self._force_clean) = _find_input(input_file, parser, self.print_cb)
self._top_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self._input_file))
logging.debug("converter not input_file=%s parser=%s",
self._input_file, self.parser)
self._guest = self.parser.export_libvirt(self.conn,
def __del__(self):
for f in self._force_clean:
def get_guest(self):
return self._guest
def cleanup(self):
Remove any generated output.
for path in self._err_clean:
if os.path.isfile(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
def _copy_file(self, absin, absout, dry):
self.print_cb("Copying %s to %s" % (os.path.basename(absin), absout))
if not dry:
shutil.copy(absin, absout)
def _qemu_convert(self, absin, absout, disk_format, dry):
Use qemu-img to convert the given disk. Note that at least some
version of qemu-img cannot handle multi-file VMDKs, so this can
easily go wrong.
Gentoo, Debian, and Ubuntu (potentially others) install kvm-img
with kvm and qemu-img with qemu. Both would work.
binnames = ["qemu-img", "kvm-img"]
decompress_cmd = None
if _is_test():
executable = "/usr/bin/qemu-img"
for binname in binnames:
executable = find_executable(binname)
if executable:
if executable is None:
raise RuntimeError(_("None of %s tools found.") % binnames)
base = os.path.basename(absin)
ext = os.path.splitext(base)[1]
if (ext and ext[1:] == "gz"):
if not find_executable("gzip"):
raise RuntimeError("'gzip' is needed to decompress the file, "
"but not found.")
decompress_cmd = ["gzip", "-d", absin]
base = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
absin = absin[0:-3]
self.print_cb("Running %s" % " ".join(decompress_cmd))
cmd = [executable, "convert", "-O", disk_format, base, absout]
self.print_cb("Running %s" % " ".join(cmd))
if dry:
cmd[4] = absin
if decompress_cmd is not None:
def convert_disks(self, disk_format, destdir=None, dry=False):
Convert a disk into the requested format if possible, in the
given output directory. Raises RuntimeError or other failures.
if disk_format == "none":
disk_format = None
if destdir is None:
destdir = StoragePool.get_default_dir(self.conn, build=not dry)
guest = self.get_guest()
for disk in guest.devices.disk:
if disk.device != "disk":
if disk_format and disk.driver_type == disk_format:
logging.debug("path=%s is already in requested format=%s",
disk.path, disk_format)
disk_format = None
basepath = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(disk.path))[0]
newpath = re.sub(r'\s', '_', basepath)
if disk_format:
newpath += ("." + disk_format)
newpath = os.path.join(destdir, newpath)
if os.path.exists(newpath) and not _is_test():
raise RuntimeError(_("New path name '%s' already exists") %
if not disk_format or disk_format == "none":
self._copy_file(disk.path, newpath, dry)
self._qemu_convert(disk.path, newpath, disk_format, dry)
disk.driver_type = disk_format
disk.path = newpath