XMLBuilder: Split up massive get/set helpers
This should be a no-op, just a big cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -211,11 +211,79 @@ def _remove_xpath_node(ctx, xpath, dofree=True):
class _XMLProperty(property):
def __init__(self, fget, fset, doc, xpath):
property.__init__(self, fget=fget, fset=fset, doc=doc)
class _xml_property(property):
def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, doc=None,
xpath=None, get_converter=None, set_converter=None,
xml_get_xpath=None, xml_set_xpath=None,
xml_set_list=None, is_bool=False, is_multi=False,
default_converter=None, clear_first=None):
Set a XMLBuilder class property that represents a value in the
<domain> XML. For example
name = _xml_property(get_name, set_name, xpath="/domain/name")
When building XML from scratch (virt-install), name is a regular
class property. When parsing and editting existing guest XML, we
use the xpath value to map the name property to the underlying XML
@param fget: typical getter function for the property
@param fset: typical setter function for the property
@param doc: option doc string for the property
@param xpath: xpath string which maps to the associated property
in a typical XML document
@param get_converter:
@param set_converter: optional function for converting the property
value from the virtinst API to the guest XML. For example,
the Guest.memory API is in MB, but the libvirt domain memory API
is in KB. So, if xpath is specified, on a 'get' operation we need
to convert the XML value with int(val) / 1024.
@param xml_get_xpath:
@param xml_set_xpath: Not all props map cleanly to a static xpath.
This allows passing functions which generate an xpath for getting
or setting.
@param xml_set_list: Return a list of xpaths to set for each value
in the val list
@param is_bool: Whether this is a boolean property in the XML
@param is_multi: Whether data is coming multiple or a single node
@param default_converter: If the virtinst value is "default", use
this function to get the actual XML value
@param clear_first: List of xpaths to unset before any 'set' operation.
For those weird interdependent XML props like disk source type and
path attribute.
self._xpath = xpath
self._is_bool = is_bool
self._is_multi = is_multi
self._xpath_for_getter_cb = xml_get_xpath
self._xpath_for_setter_cb = xml_set_xpath
self._xml_set_list = xml_set_list
self._convert_value_for_getter_cb = get_converter
self._convert_value_for_setter_cb = set_converter
self._default_converter = default_converter
self._setter_clear_these_first = clear_first or []
if not fget:
fget = self._default_orig_fget
fset = self._default_orig_fset
if _trackprops:
self._orig_fget = fget
self._orig_fset = fset
property.__init__(self, fget=self.new_getter, fset=self.new_setter,
# Public-ish API #
def __repr__(self):
ret = property.__repr__(self)
if self._xpath:
@ -223,163 +291,165 @@ class _XMLProperty(property):
return ret
def _xml_property(fget=None, fset=None, doc=None,
xpath=None, get_converter=None, set_converter=None,
xml_get_xpath=None, xml_set_xpath=None,
xml_set_list=None, is_bool=False, is_multi=False,
default_converter=None, clear_first=None):
Set a XMLBuilder class property that represents a value in the
<domain> XML. For example
# Internal helpers #
name = _xml_property(get_name, set_name, xpath="/domain/name")
When building XML from scratch (virt-install), name is a regular
class property. When parsing and editting existing guest XML, we
use the xpath value to map the name property to the underlying XML
@param fget: typical getter function for the property
@param fset: typical setter function for the property
@param doc: option doc string for the property
@param xpath: xpath string which maps to the associated property
in a typical XML document
@param get_converter:
@param set_converter: optional function for converting the property
value from the virtinst API to the guest XML. For example,
the Guest.memory API is in MB, but the libvirt domain memory API
is in KB. So, if xpath is specified, on a 'get' operation we need
to convert the XML value with int(val) / 1024.
@param xml_get_xpath:
@param xml_set_xpath: Not all props map cleanly to a static xpath.
This allows passing functions which generate an xpath for getting
or setting.
@param xml_set_list: Return a list of xpaths to set for each value
in the val list
@param is_bool: Whether this is a boolean property in the XML
@param is_multi: Whether data is coming multiple or a single node
@param default_converter: If the virtinst value is "default", use
this function to get the actual XML value
@param clear_first: List of xpaths to unset before any 'set' operation.
For those weird interdependent XML props like disk source type and
path attribute.
# pylint: disable=W0212
# Accessing _xml vals of self. This should be a class method, but
# we break it out to be more readable
def _findpropname(self):
for key, val in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
if val is retprop:
def _findpropname(self, xmlbuilder):
Map the raw property() instance to the param name it's exposed
as in the XMLBuilder class. This is just for debug purposes.
for key, val in xmlbuilder.__class__.__dict__.items():
if val is self:
return key
raise RuntimeError("Didn't find expected property")
def _default_fset(self, val, *args, **kwargs):
if _trackprops and retprop not in _seenprops:
def _default_orig_fset(self, xmlbuilder, val, *args, **kwargs):
If no fset specified, this stores the value in XMLBuilder._propstore
dict as propname->value. This saves us from having to explicitly
track every variable.
ignore = args
ignore = kwargs
propname = _findpropname(self)
self._propstore[propname] = val
if propname in self._proporder:
propstore = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_propstore")
proporder = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_proporder")
def _default_fget(self, *args, **kwargs):
if _trackprops and self not in _seenprops:
propname = self._findpropname(xmlbuilder)
propstore[propname] = val
if propname in proporder:
def _default_orig_fget(self, xmlbuilder, *args, **kwargs):
The flip side to default_orig_fset, fetch the value from
ignore = args
ignore = kwargs
return self._propstore.get(_findpropname(self), None)
propstore = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_propstore")
return propstore.get(self._findpropname(xmlbuilder), None)
isdefault = False
if not fget:
fget = _default_fget
fset = _default_fset
isdefault = True
def _xpath_for_getter(self, xmlbuilder):
if self._xpath_for_getter_cb:
return self._xpath_for_getter_cb(xmlbuilder)
return self._xpath
def _xpath_for_setter(self, xmlbuilder):
if self._xpath_for_setter_cb:
return self._xpath_for_setter_cb(xmlbuilder)
return self._xpath
def new_getter(self, *args, **kwargs):
val = None
getval = fget(self, *args, **kwargs)
if not self._xml_node:
return getval
def _convert_value_for_setter(self, xmlbuilder):
# Convert from API value to XML value
val = self._orig_fget(xmlbuilder)
if self._convert_value_for_setter_cb:
val = self._convert_value_for_setter_cb(xmlbuilder, val)
elif self._default_converter and val == "default":
val = self._default_converter(xmlbuilder)
return val
if default_converter and getval == "default":
return getval
def _build_node_list(self, xmlbuilder, xpath):
Build list of nodes that the passed xpaths reference
root_ctx = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_xml_ctx")
nodes = _get_xpath_node(root_ctx, xpath, self._is_multi)
return util.listify(nodes)
node_xpath = xpath
if xml_get_xpath:
node_xpath = xml_get_xpath(self)
if node_xpath is None:
return getval
def _build_clear_list(self, xmlbuilder, setternodes):
Build a list of nodes that we should erase first before performing
a set operation. But we don't want to unset a node that we are
just going to 'set' on top of afterwards, so skip those ones.
root_ctx = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_xml_ctx")
clear_nodes = []
nodes = util.listify(_get_xpath_node(self._xml_ctx,
node_xpath, is_multi))
if nodes:
for cpath in self._setter_clear_these_first:
cnode = _get_xpath_node(root_ctx, cpath, False)
if not cnode:
if any([(n and n.nodePath() == cnode.nodePath())
for n in setternodes]):
return clear_nodes
def new_getter(self, xmlbuilder, *args, **kwargs):
fgetval = self._orig_fget(xmlbuilder, *args, **kwargs)
root_node = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_xml_node")
if root_node is None:
return fgetval
xpath = self._xpath_for_getter(xmlbuilder)
if xpath is None:
return fgetval
if self._default_converter and fgetval == "default":
return fgetval
nodelist = self._build_node_list(xmlbuilder, xpath)
if nodelist:
ret = []
for node in nodes:
for node in nodelist:
val = node.content
if get_converter:
val = get_converter(self, val)
elif is_bool:
if self._convert_value_for_getter_cb:
val = self._convert_value_for_getter_cb(xmlbuilder, val)
elif self._is_bool:
val = True
if not is_multi:
if not self._is_multi:
return val
# If user is querying multiple nodes, return a list of results
return ret
elif is_bool:
elif self._is_bool:
return False
elif get_converter:
getval = get_converter(self, None)
elif self._convert_value_for_getter_cb:
return self._convert_value_for_getter_cb(xmlbuilder, None)
return fgetval
return getval
def new_setter(self, val, *args, **kwargs):
def new_setter(self, xmlbuilder, val, *args, **kwargs):
# Do this regardless, for validation purposes
fset(self, val, *args, **kwargs)
if not self._xml_node:
self._orig_fset(xmlbuilder, val, *args, **kwargs)
root_node = getattr(xmlbuilder, "_xml_node")
if root_node is None:
# Convert from API value to XML value
val = fget(self)
if set_converter:
val = set_converter(self, val)
elif default_converter and val == "default":
val = default_converter(self)
node_xpath = xpath
if xml_set_xpath:
node_xpath = xml_set_xpath(self)
if node_xpath is None:
xpath = self._xpath_for_setter(xmlbuilder)
if xpath is None:
nodes = util.listify(_get_xpath_node(self._xml_ctx,
node_xpath, is_multi))
clear_nodes = []
for cpath in clear_first or []:
cnode = _get_xpath_node(self._xml_ctx, cpath, False)
if not cnode:
if any([(n and n.nodePath() == cnode.nodePath()) for n in nodes]):
setval = self._convert_value_for_setter(xmlbuilder)
nodelist = self._build_node_list(xmlbuilder, xpath)
clearlist = self._build_clear_list(xmlbuilder, nodelist)
xpath_list = node_xpath
if xml_set_list:
xpath_list = xml_set_list(self)
xpath_list = xpath
if self._xml_set_list:
xpath_list = self._xml_set_list(xmlbuilder)
node_map = []
if clear_nodes:
node_map += _tuplify_lists(clear_nodes, None, "")
node_map += _tuplify_lists(nodes, val, xpath_list)
if clearlist:
node_map += _tuplify_lists(clearlist, None, "")
node_map += _tuplify_lists(nodelist, setval, xpath_list)
for node, val, use_xpath in node_map:
if node:
use_xpath = node.nodePath()
if val not in [None, False]:
if not node:
node = _build_xpath_node(self._xml_node, use_xpath)
node = _build_xpath_node(root_node, use_xpath)
if val is True:
# Boolean property, creating the node is enough
@ -387,13 +457,7 @@ def _xml_property(fget=None, fset=None, doc=None,
_remove_xpath_node(self._xml_node, use_xpath)
retprop = _XMLProperty(new_getter, new_setter, doc,
(xpath or xml_set_xpath or xml_get_xpath))
if _trackprops and isdefault:
return retprop
_remove_xpath_node(root_node, use_xpath)
class XMLBuilderDomain(object):
Reference in New Issue