# This work is licensed under the GNU GPLv2 or later. # See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. import os import re import time import signal import subprocess import sys import unittest from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import Gdk import pyatspi import dogtail.utils from virtinst import log import tests if not dogtail.utils.isA11yEnabled(): print("Enabling gsettings accessibility") dogtail.utils.enableA11y() # This will trigger an error if accessibility isn't enabled import dogtail.tree # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,ungrouped-imports class UITestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Common testcase bits shared for ui tests """ def setUp(self): self.app = VMMDogtailApp(tests.utils.URIs.test_full) def tearDown(self): self.app.stop() _default_vmname = "test-many-devices" # Helpers to save testfile imports @staticmethod def sleep(*args, **kwargs): return time.sleep(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def pressKey(*args, **kwargs): return dogtail.rawinput.pressKey(*args, **kwargs) def holdKey(self, keyName): # From dogtail 9.9.0 which isn't widely distributed yet code = dogtail.rawinput.keyNameToKeyCode(keyName) pyatspi.Registry().generateKeyboardEvent( code, None, pyatspi.KEY_PRESS) def releaseKey(self, keyName): # From dogtail 9.9.0 which isn't widely distributed yet code = dogtail.rawinput.keyNameToKeyCode(keyName) pyatspi.Registry().generateKeyboardEvent( code, None, pyatspi.KEY_RELEASE) def point(self, x, y): # From dogtail 9.9.0 which isn't widely distributed yet pyatspi.Registry().generateMouseEvent(x, y, 'abs') ################################# # virt-manager specific helpers # ################################# def _open_host_window(self, tab, conn_label="test testdriver.xml"): """ Helper to open host connection window and switch to a tab """ self.app.root.find_fuzzy(conn_label, "table cell").click() self.app.root.find_fuzzy("Edit", "menu").click() self.app.root.find_fuzzy("Connection Details", "menu item").click() win = self.app.root.find_fuzzy( "%s Connection Details" % conn_label, "frame") win.find_fuzzy(tab, "page tab").click() return win def _open_details_window(self, vmname=None, shutdown=False, double=False): if vmname is None: vmname = self._default_vmname if double: self.app.root.find_fuzzy(vmname, "table cell").doubleClick() else: self.app.root.find_fuzzy(vmname, "table cell").click(button=3) self.app.root.find("Open", "menu item").click() win = self.app.root.find("%s on" % vmname, "frame") win.find("Details", "radio button").click() if shutdown: win.find("Shut Down", "push button").click() run = win.find("Run", "push button") check_in_loop(lambda: run.sensitive) return win def _walkUIList(self, win, lst, error_cb, reverse=False): """ Toggle down through a UI list like addhardware, net/storage/iface lists, and ensure an error isn't raised. """ # Walk the lst UI and find all labelled table cells, these are # the actual list entries all_cells = lst.findChildren(lambda w: w.roleName == "table cell") if reverse: all_cells.reverse() all_cells[0].click() cells_per_selection = len([c for c in all_cells if c.focused]) idx = 0 while idx < len(all_cells): cell = all_cells[idx] if not cell.state_selected: # Could be a separator table cell. Try to figure it out if not any([c.name for c in all_cells[idx:(idx + cells_per_selection)]]): idx += cells_per_selection continue self.assertTrue(cell.state_selected) dogtail.rawinput.pressKey(reverse and "Up" or "Down") if not win.active: # Should mean an error dialog popped up self.app.root.find("Error", "alert") raise AssertionError("Error dialog raised?") if error_cb(): raise AssertionError("Error found on a page") idx += cells_per_selection if idx >= len(all_cells): # Last cell, selection shouldn't have changed self.assertTrue(cell.state_selected) else: self.assertTrue(not cell.state_selected) def _test_xmleditor_interactions(self, win, finish): """ Helper to test some common XML editor interactions """ # Click the tab, make a bogus XML edit win.find("XML", "page tab").click() xmleditor = win.find("XML editor") xmleditor.text = xmleditor.text.replace("<", " timeout: raise RuntimeError("Loop condition wasn't met") time.sleep(interval) def drag(win, x, y): """ Drag a window to the x/y coordinates """ win.click() clickX = win.position[0] + win.size[0] / 2 clickY = win.position[1] + 10 dogtail.rawinput.drag((clickX, clickY), (x, y)) class VMMDogtailNode(dogtail.tree.Node): """ Our extensions to the dogtail node wrapper class. """ # The class hackery means pylint can't figure this class out # pylint: disable=no-member @property def active(self): """ If the window is the raised and active window or not """ return self.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_ACTIVE) @property def state_selected(self): return self.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_SELECTED) @property def onscreen(self): # We need to check that full widget is on screen because we use this # function to check whether we can click a widget. We may click # anywhere within the widget and clicks outside the screen bounds are # silently ignored. if self.roleName in ["menu", "menu item", "frame"]: return True screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default() return (self.position[0] > 0 and self.position[0] + self.size[0] < screen.get_width() and self.position[1] > 0 and self.position[1] + self.size[1] < screen.get_height()) def click_secondary_icon(self): """ Helper for clicking the secondary icon of a text entry """ button = 1 clickX = self.position[0] + self.size[0] - 10 clickY = self.position[1] + (self.size[1] / 2) dogtail.rawinput.click(clickX, clickY, button) def click_combo_entry(self): """ Helper for clicking the arrow of a combo entry, to expose the menu. Clicks middle of Y axis, but 1/10th of the height from the right side. Using a small, hardcoded offset may not work on some themes (e.g. when running virt-manager on KDE) """ button = 1 clickX = self.position[0] + self.size[0] - self.size[1] / 4 clickY = self.position[1] + self.size[1] / 2 dogtail.rawinput.click(clickX, clickY, button) def click_expander(self): """ Helper for clicking expander, hitting the text part to actually open it. Basically clicks top left corner with some indent """ button = 1 clickX = self.position[0] + 10 clickY = self.position[1] + 5 dogtail.rawinput.click(clickX, clickY, button) def click(self, *args, **kwargs): """ click wrapper, give up to a second for widget to appear on screen, helps reduce some test flakiness """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ check_in_loop(lambda: self.onscreen) dogtail.tree.Node.click(self, *args, **kwargs) def bring_on_screen(self, key_name="Down", max_tries=100): """ Attempts to bring the item to screen by repeatedly clicking the given key. Raises exception if max_tries attempts are exceeded. """ cur_try = 0 while not self.onscreen: dogtail.rawinput.pressKey(key_name) cur_try += 1 if cur_try > max_tries: raise RuntimeError("Could not bring widget on screen") return self ######################### # Widget search helpers # ######################### def find(self, name, roleName=None, labeller_text=None, check_active=True): """ Search root for any widget that contains the passed name/role regex strings. """ pred = _FuzzyPredicate(name, roleName, labeller_text) try: ret = self.findChild(pred) except dogtail.tree.SearchError: raise dogtail.tree.SearchError("Didn't find widget with name='%s' " "roleName='%s' labeller_text='%s'" % (name, roleName, labeller_text)) # Wait for independent windows to become active in the window manager # before we return them. This ensures the window is actually onscreen # so it sidesteps a lot of race conditions if ret.roleName in ["frame", "dialog", "alert"] and check_active: check_in_loop(lambda: ret.active) return ret def find_fuzzy(self, name, roleName=None, labeller_text=None): """ Search root for any widget that contains the passed name/role strings. """ name_pattern = None role_pattern = None labeller_pattern = None if name: name_pattern = ".*%s.*" % name if roleName: role_pattern = ".*%s.*" % roleName if labeller_text: labeller_pattern = ".*%s.*" % labeller_text return self.find(name_pattern, role_pattern, labeller_pattern) ##################### # Debugging helpers # ##################### def node_string(self): msg = "name='%s' roleName='%s'" % (self.name, self.roleName) if self.labeller: msg += " labeller.text='%s'" % self.labeller.text return msg def fmt_nodes(self): strs = [] def _walk(node): try: strs.append(node.node_string()) except Exception as e: strs.append("got exception: %s" % e) self.findChildren(_walk, isLambda=True) return "\n".join(strs) def print_nodes(self): """ Helper to print the entire node tree for the passed root. Useful if to figure out the roleName for the object you are looking for """ print(self.fmt_nodes()) # This is the same hack dogtail uses to extend the Accessible class. _bases = list(pyatspi.Accessibility.Accessible.__bases__) _bases.insert(_bases.index(dogtail.tree.Node), VMMDogtailNode) _bases.remove(dogtail.tree.Node) pyatspi.Accessibility.Accessible.__bases__ = tuple(_bases) class VMMDogtailApp(object): """ Wrapper class to simplify dogtail app handling """ def __init__(self, uri): self._proc = None self._root = None self._topwin = None self.uri = uri @property def root(self): if self._root is None: self.open() return self._root @property def topwin(self): if self._topwin is None: self.open() return self._topwin def error_if_already_running(self): # Ensure virt-manager isn't already running dbus = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync( Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SESSION, None), 0, None, "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus", "org.freedesktop.DBus", None) if "org.virt-manager.virt-manager" in dbus.ListNames(): raise RuntimeError("virt-manager is already running. " "Close it before running this test suite.") def is_running(self): return bool(self._proc and self._proc.poll() is None) def open(self, extra_opts=None, check_already_running=True, use_uri=True, window_name=None, xmleditor_enabled=False): extra_opts = extra_opts or [] if tests.utils.clistate.debug: stdout = sys.stdout stderr = sys.stderr extra_opts.append("--debug") else: stdout = open(os.devnull) stderr = open(os.devnull) cmd = [sys.executable] if tests.utils.clistate.use_coverage: cmd += ["-m", "coverage", "run", "--append", "--omit", "/usr/*", "--omit", "*/virtinst/*"] cmd += [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "virt-manager"), "--test-first-run", "--no-fork"] if use_uri: cmd += ["--connect", self.uri] if xmleditor_enabled: cmd += ["--test-options=xmleditor-enabled"] cmd += extra_opts if check_already_running: self.error_if_already_running() self._proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) self._root = dogtail.tree.root.application("virt-manager") self._topwin = self._root.find(window_name, "(frame|dialog|alert)") def stop(self): """ Try graceful process shutdown, then kill it """ if not self._proc: return try: self._proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) except Exception: log.debug("Error terminating process", exc_info=True) self._proc = None return # Wait for shutdown for 1 second, with 20 checks for ignore in range(20): time.sleep(.05) if self._proc.poll() is not None: self._proc = None return log.warning("App didn't exit gracefully from SIGINT. Killing...") try: self._proc.kill() finally: time.sleep(1) self._proc = None