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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkWindBladeReader.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
* @class vtkWindBladeReader
* @brief class for reading WindBlade data files
* vtkWindBladeReader is a source object that reads WindBlade files
* which are block binary files with tags before and after each block
* giving the number of bytes within the block. The number of data
* variables dumped varies. There are 3 output ports with the first
* being a structured grid with irregular spacing in the Z dimension.
* The second is an unstructured grid only read on on process 0 and
* used to represent the blade. The third is also a structured grid
* with irregular spacing on the Z dimension. Only the first and
* second output ports have time dependent data.
#ifndef vtkWindBladeReader_h
#define vtkWindBladeReader_h
#include "vtkIOGeometryModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkStructuredGridAlgorithm.h"
class vtkDataArraySelection;
class vtkCallbackCommand;
class vtkStringArray;
class vtkFloatArray;
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkPoints;
class vtkStructuredGrid;
class vtkUnstructuredGrid;
class vtkMultiBlockDataSetAglorithm;
class vtkStructuredGridAlgorithm;
class WindBladeReaderInternal;
class VTKIOGEOMETRY_EXPORT vtkWindBladeReader : public vtkStructuredGridAlgorithm
static vtkWindBladeReader* New();
vtkTypeMacro(vtkWindBladeReader, vtkStructuredGridAlgorithm);
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent) override;
vtkSetVector6Macro(WholeExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(WholeExtent, int);
vtkSetVector6Macro(SubExtent, int);
vtkGetVector6Macro(SubExtent, int);
* Get the reader's output
vtkStructuredGrid* GetFieldOutput(); // Output port 0
vtkUnstructuredGrid* GetBladeOutput(); // Output port 1
vtkStructuredGrid* GetGroundOutput(); // Output port 2
* The following methods allow selective reading of solutions fields.
* By default, ALL data fields on the nodes are read, but this can
* be modified.
int GetNumberOfPointArrays();
const char* GetPointArrayName(int index);
int GetPointArrayStatus(const char* name);
void SetPointArrayStatus(const char* name, int status);
void DisableAllPointArrays();
void EnableAllPointArrays();
static float DRY_AIR_CONSTANT;
static int NUM_PART_SIDES; // Blade parts rhombus
static const int NUM_BASE_SIDES; // Base pyramid
static const int LINE_SIZE;
static int DIMENSION;
static int BYTES_PER_DATA;
static int SCALAR;
static int VECTOR;
static int FLOAT;
static int INTEGER;
~vtkWindBladeReader() override;
char* Filename; // Base file name
// Extent information
vtkIdType NumberOfTuples; // Number of tuples in subextent
// Field
int WholeExtent[6]; // Extents of entire grid
int SubExtent[6]; // Processor grid extent
int UpdateExtent[6];
int Dimension[3]; // Size of entire grid
int SubDimension[3]; // Size of processor grid
// Ground
int GExtent[6]; // Extents of ground grid
int GSubExtent[6]; // Processor grid extent
int GDimension[3]; // Size of ground grid
float Step[3]; // Spacing delta
int UseTopographyFile; // Topography or flat
vtkStdString TopographyFile; // Name of topography data file
vtkPoints* Points; // Structured grid geometry
vtkPoints* GPoints; // Structured grid geometry for ground
vtkPoints* BPoints; // Unstructured grid geometry
float Compression; // Stretching at Z surface [0,1]
float Fit; // Cubic or quadratic [0,1]
// Rectilinear coordinate spacing
vtkFloatArray* XSpacing;
vtkFloatArray* YSpacing;
vtkFloatArray* ZSpacing;
float* ZTopographicValues;
float ZMinValue;
// Variable information
int NumberOfFileVariables; // Number of variables in data file
int NumberOfDerivedVariables; // Number of variables derived from file
int NumberOfVariables; // Number of variables to display
vtkStringArray* DivideVariables; // Divide data by density at read
vtkStdString* VariableName; // Names of each variable
int* VariableStruct; // SCALAR or VECTOR
int* VariableCompSize; // Number of components
int* VariableBasicType; // FLOAT or INTEGER
int* VariableByteCount; // Number of bytes in basic type
long int* VariableOffset; // Offset into data file
size_t BlockSize; // Size of every data block
size_t GBlockSize; // Size of every data block
vtkFloatArray** Data; // Actual data arrays
vtkStdString RootDirectory; // Directory where the .wind file is.
vtkStdString DataDirectory; // Location of actual data
vtkStdString DataBaseName; // Base name of files
// Time step information
int NumberOfTimeSteps; // Number of time steps
int TimeStepFirst; // First time step
int TimeStepLast; // Last time step
int TimeStepDelta; // Delta on time steps
double* TimeSteps; // Actual times available for request
// Turbine information
int NumberOfBladeTowers; // Number of turbines
int NumberOfBladePoints; // Points for drawing parts of blades
int NumberOfBladeCells; // Turbines * Blades * Parts
vtkFloatArray* XPosition; // Location of tower
vtkFloatArray* YPosition; // Location of tower
vtkFloatArray* HubHeight; // Height of tower
vtkFloatArray* AngularVeloc; // Angular Velocity
vtkFloatArray* BladeLength; // Blade length
vtkIntArray* BladeCount; // Number of blades per tower
int UseTurbineFile; // Turbine data available
vtkStdString TurbineDirectory; // Turbine unstructured data
vtkStdString TurbineTowerName; // Name of tower file
vtkStdString TurbineBladeName; // Base name of time series blade data
int NumberOfLinesToSkip; // New format has lines that need to be skipped in
// blade files
// Selected field of interest
vtkDataArraySelection* PointDataArraySelection;
// Observer to modify this object when array selections are modified
vtkCallbackCommand* SelectionObserver;
// Read the header file describing the dataset
virtual bool ReadGlobalData();
void ReadDataVariables(istream& inStr);
virtual bool FindVariableOffsets();
// Turbine methods
virtual void SetupBladeData();
virtual void LoadBladeData(int timeStep);
// Calculate the coordinates
void FillCoordinates();
void FillGroundCoordinates();
void CreateCoordinates();
virtual void CreateZTopography(float* zdata);
float GDeform(float sigma, float sigmaMax, int flag);
void Spline(float* x, float* y, int n, float yp1, float ypn, float* y2);
void Splint(float* xa, float* ya, float* y2a, int n, float x, float* y, int);
// Load a variable from data file
virtual void LoadVariableData(int var);
// Variables which must be divided by density after being read from file
void DivideByDensity(const char* name);
// Calculate derived variables
virtual void CalculatePressure(int pres, int prespre, int tempg, int density);
virtual void CalculateVorticity(int vort, int uvw, int density);
// convenience functions shared between serial and parallel version
void InitFieldData(
vtkInformationVector* outVector, std::ostringstream& fileName, vtkStructuredGrid* field);
void SetUpFieldVars(vtkStructuredGrid* field);
void InitBladeData(vtkInformationVector* outVector);
void SetUpGroundData(vtkInformationVector* outVector);
void InitPressureData(int pressure, int prespre, float*& pressureData, float*& prespreData);
void SetUpPressureData(
float* pressureData, float* prespreData, const float* tempgData, const float* densityData);
void SetUpVorticityData(float* uData, float* vData, const float* densityData, float* vortData);
void InitVariableData(
int var, int& numberOfComponents, float*& varData, int& planeSize, int& rowSize);
bool SetUpGlobalData(const std::string& fileName, std::stringstream& inStr);
void ProcessZCoords(float* topoData, float* zValues);
void ReadBladeHeader(const std::string& fileName, std::stringstream& inStr, int& numColumns);
void ReadBladeData(std::stringstream& inStr);
int RequestInformation(vtkInformation*, vtkInformationVector**, vtkInformationVector*) override;
int RequestData(vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector,
vtkInformationVector* outputVector) override;
static void SelectionCallback(
vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eid, void* clientdata, void* calldata);
static void EventCallback(vtkObject* caller, unsigned long eid, void* clientdata, void* calldata);
int FillOutputPortInformation(int, vtkInformation*) override;
* We intercept the requests to check for which port
* information is being requested for and if there is
* a REQUEST_DATA_NOT_GENERATED request then we mark
* which ports won't have data generated for that request.
vtkTypeBool ProcessRequest(
vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inInfo, vtkInformationVector* outInfo) override;
WindBladeReaderInternal* Internal;
vtkWindBladeReader(const vtkWindBladeReader&) = delete;
void operator=(const vtkWindBladeReader&) = delete;