
2046 lines
64 KiB

#include "PIOAdaptor.h"
#include "BHTree.h"
#include "vtkCellArray.h"
#include "vtkCellData.h"
#include "vtkCellType.h"
#include "vtkDirectory.h"
#include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
#include "vtkErrorCode.h"
#include "vtkFloatArray.h"
#include "vtkIdList.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkIntArray.h"
#include "vtkMultiPieceDataSet.h"
#include "vtkMultiProcessController.h"
#include "vtkNew.h"
#include "vtkPoints.h"
#include "vtkStdString.h"
#include "vtkStringArray.h"
#include "vtkBitArray.h"
#include "vtkHyperTree.h"
#include "vtkHyperTreeGrid.h"
#include "vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor.h"
#include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h"
#include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
#include <float.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <vtksys/FStream.hxx>
#ifdef _WIN32
const static char* Slash = "\\/";
const static char* Slash = "/";
// Global size information
int dimension = 0;
int numberOfDaughters = 0;
unsigned int gridSize[3];
double gridOrigin[3];
double gridScale[3];
double minLoc[3];
double maxLoc[3];
// Global geometry information from dump file
// Used on geometry and variable data for selection
std::valarray<int64_t> daughter;
// Used in load balancing of unstructured grid
int* startCell;
int* endCell;
int* countCell;
// mpi tag
const int mpiTag = 2564961;
// Used in load balancing of hypertree grid
std::map<int, int> myHyperTree;
bool sort_desc(const std::pair<int, int>& a, const std::pair<int, int>& b)
return (a.first > b.first);
void BroadcastString(vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::string& str, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(str.size()) + 1;
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (len)
if (rank)
std::vector<char> tmp;
controller->Broadcast(&(tmp[0]), len, 0);
str = &tmp[0];
const char* start = str.c_str();
std::vector<char> tmp(start, start + len);
controller->Broadcast(&tmp[0], len, 0);
void BroadcastStringVector(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::vector<std::string>& svec, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(svec.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<std::string>::iterator it;
for (it = svec.begin(); it != svec.end(); ++it)
BroadcastString(controller, *it, rank);
void BroadcastStringList(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::list<std::string>& slist, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(slist.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::list<std::string>::iterator it;
for (it = slist.begin(); it != slist.end(); ++it)
BroadcastString(controller, *it, rank);
void BroadcastDoubleVector(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::vector<double>& dvec, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(dvec.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
if (len)
controller->Broadcast(&dvec[0], len, 0);
// Constructor and destructor
PIOAdaptor::PIOAdaptor(vtkMultiProcessController* ctrl)
this->Controller = ctrl;
if (this->Controller)
this->Rank = this->Controller->GetLocalProcessId();
this->TotalRank = this->Controller->GetNumberOfProcesses();
this->Rank = 0;
this->TotalRank = 1;
this->pioData = nullptr;
// For load balancing in unstructured grid
startCell = new int[this->TotalRank];
endCell = new int[this->TotalRank];
countCell = new int[this->TotalRank];
delete this->pioData;
this->Controller = nullptr;
delete[] startCell;
delete[] endCell;
delete[] countCell;
// Read descriptor file, collect meta data on proc 0, share with other procs
int PIOAdaptor::initializeGlobal(const char* PIOFileName)
if (this->Rank == 0)
if (!collectMetaData(PIOFileName))
return 0;
// Share with all processors
BroadcastStringVector(this->Controller, this->dumpFileName, this->Rank);
BroadcastStringVector(this->Controller, this->variableName, this->Rank);
BroadcastStringVector(this->Controller, this->variableDefault, this->Rank);
BroadcastStringList(this->Controller, this->fieldsToRead, this->Rank);
BroadcastDoubleVector(this->Controller, this->CycleIndex, this->Rank);
BroadcastDoubleVector(this->Controller, this->SimulationTime, this->Rank);
BroadcastDoubleVector(this->Controller, this->PIOFileIndex, this->Rank);
int tmp = static_cast<int>(this->useHTG);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
this->useHTG = static_cast<bool>(tmp);
tmp = static_cast<int>(this->useTracer);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
this->useTracer = static_cast<bool>(tmp);
tmp = static_cast<int>(this->useFloat64);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
this->useFloat64 = static_cast<bool>(tmp);
tmp = static_cast<int>(this->hasTracers);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
this->hasTracers = static_cast<bool>(tmp);
return 1;
// Read the global descriptor file (name.pio) collecting dump directory info
// Read dump file to collect variable names, cycle indices, simulation times
int PIOAdaptor::collectMetaData(const char* PIOFileName)
// Parse descriptor file collecting dump directory, base name, and
// booleans indicating type structure to build, data precision and tracers
if (parsePIOFile(PIOFileName) == 0)
return 0;
// Using the dump directories and base name form the dump file names
// Cycle number is always at the end but a variable number of digits
auto directory = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDirectory>::New();
uint64_t numFiles = 0;
std::map<long, std::string> fileMap;
std::map<long, std::string>::iterator miter;
for (size_t dir = 0; dir < this->dumpDirectory.size(); dir++)
if (directory->Open(this->dumpDirectory[dir].c_str()) == false)
vtkGenericWarningMacro("Dump directory does not exist: " << this->dumpDirectory[dir]);
numFiles = directory->GetNumberOfFiles();
uint64_t numDumps = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++)
std::string fileName = directory->GetFile(i);
std::size_t found = fileName.find(this->dumpBaseName);
if (found != std::string::npos)
std::size_t cyclePos = found + this->dumpBaseName.size();
std::string timeStr = fileName.substr(cyclePos, fileName.size());
if (!timeStr.empty())
char* p;
long cycle = std::strtol(timeStr.c_str(), &p, 10);
if (*p == 0)
std::ostringstream tempStr;
tempStr << this->dumpDirectory[dir] << Slash << fileName;
std::pair<long, std::string> pair(cycle, tempStr.str());
if (numDumps == 0)
// get the original base name for the warning message
std::string basename = this->dumpBaseName;
std::string::size_type pos = basename.find("-dmp");
if (pos != std::string::npos)
basename = basename.substr(0, pos);
vtkGenericWarningMacro("No files exist with the base name: '"
<< basename << "' in the dump directory: " << this->dumpDirectory[dir]);
for (miter = fileMap.begin(); miter != fileMap.end(); ++miter)
if (this->dumpFileName.empty())
return 0;
// Read the first file to get its index, cycle and simtime, and variables
this->pioData = new PIO_DATA(this->dumpFileName[0].c_str());
double firstCycle = 0;
double firstTime = 0;
size_t firstCycleIndex = 0;
if (this->pioData->good_read())
std::valarray<double> histCycle;
std::valarray<double> histTime;
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histCycle, "hist_cycle");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histTime, "hist_time");
firstCycleIndex = histCycle.size() - 1;
firstCycle = histCycle[firstCycleIndex];
firstTime = histTime[firstCycleIndex];
// Read the variable meta data for AMR and tracers
vtkGenericWarningMacro("PIOFile " << this->dumpFileName[0] << " can't be read ");
return 0;
delete this->pioData;
this->pioData = nullptr;
// Read the last file to get index, cycle and simtimes for all file in directory
// If this is a standard directory all files do not have to be read to get
// the cycle and simulation time information
size_t numberOfTimeSteps = this->dumpFileName.size();
this->pioData = new PIO_DATA(this->dumpFileName[numberOfTimeSteps - 1].c_str());
double lastCycle = 0;
double lastTime = 0;
size_t lastCycleIndex = 0;
if (this->pioData->good_read())
// Collect all of the simulation times and cycles for entire run
std::valarray<double> histCycle;
std::valarray<double> histTime;
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histCycle, "hist_cycle");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histTime, "hist_time");
lastCycleIndex = histCycle.size() - 1;
lastCycle = histCycle[lastCycleIndex];
lastTime = histTime[lastCycleIndex];
// Collect information for entire run which is good if no wraparound of names
for (size_t step = 0; step < numberOfTimeSteps; step++)
this->CycleIndex.push_back(histCycle[step + firstCycleIndex]);
this->SimulationTime.push_back(histTime[step + firstCycleIndex]);
"PIOFile " << this->dumpFileName[numberOfTimeSteps - 1] << " can't be read ");
return 0;
// If the number of files in the history does not match number in directory
// all files must be opened to collect cycle, simtime, index and file names
// must be reordered
if ((this->dumpDirectory.size() == 1) &&
(lastCycleIndex - firstCycleIndex == numberOfTimeSteps - 1))
return 1;
// Read every file between first and last and add to information for ordering
std::map<double, int> fileInfo;
std::map<double, int>::iterator miter2;
std::vector<double> cycleIndex(numberOfTimeSteps);
std::vector<double> simulationTime(numberOfTimeSteps);
std::vector<double> pioFileIndex(numberOfTimeSteps);
std::vector<std::string> fileName(numberOfTimeSteps);
// Information from first and last files already read so add to map
cycleIndex[0] = firstCycle;
simulationTime[0] = firstTime;
pioFileIndex[0] = 0;
fileName[0] = dumpFileName[0];
std::pair<double, int> firstPair(firstTime, 0);
cycleIndex[numberOfTimeSteps - 1] = lastCycle;
simulationTime[numberOfTimeSteps - 1] = lastTime;
pioFileIndex[numberOfTimeSteps - 1] = static_cast<double>(numberOfTimeSteps - 1);
fileName[numberOfTimeSteps - 1] = dumpFileName[numberOfTimeSteps - 1];
std::pair<double, int> lastPair(lastTime, static_cast<int>(numberOfTimeSteps - 1));
// Process all files in between
PIO_DATA* tmpData;
for (size_t step = 1; step < (numberOfTimeSteps - 1); step++)
tmpData = new PIO_DATA(this->dumpFileName[step].c_str());
if (tmpData->good_read())
std::valarray<double> histCycle;
std::valarray<double> histTime;
tmpData->set_scalar_field(histCycle, "hist_cycle");
tmpData->set_scalar_field(histTime, "hist_time");
cycleIndex[step] = histCycle[histCycle.size() - 1];
simulationTime[step] = histTime[histCycle.size() - 1];
pioFileIndex[step] = histCycle.size() - 1;
fileName[step] = this->dumpFileName[step];
std::pair<double, int> pair(simulationTime[step], static_cast<int>(step));
vtkGenericWarningMacro("PIOFile " << this->dumpFileName[step] << " can't be read ");
return 0;
delete tmpData;
// Move information from map into permanent arrays
int index = 0;
for (miter2 = fileInfo.begin(); miter2 != fileInfo.end(); ++miter2)
this->CycleIndex[index] = cycleIndex[miter2->second];
this->SimulationTime[index] = simulationTime[miter2->second];
this->PIOFileIndex[index] = pioFileIndex[miter2->second];
this->dumpFileName[index] = fileName[miter2->second];
return 1;
// Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string
std::string PIOAdaptor::trimString(const std::string& str)
std::string whitespace = " \n\r\t\f\v";
size_t start = str.find_first_not_of(whitespace);
size_t end = str.find_last_not_of(whitespace);
if (start == std::string::npos || end == std::string::npos)
// the whole line is whitespace
return std::string("");
return str.substr(start, end - start + 1);
// Read the global descriptor file (name.pio)
// DUMP_BASE_NAME base (Required)
// DUMP_DIRECTORY dumps0 (Defaults to "." if missing)
// MAKE_HTG YES (Default NO) means create unstructured grid
// MAKE_TRACER NO (Default NO) means don't create unstructured grid of particles
// FLOAT64 YES (Default NO) means use 32 bit float for data
int PIOAdaptor::parsePIOFile(const char* PIOFileName)
this->descFileName = PIOFileName;
vtksys::ifstream pioStr(this->descFileName.c_str());
if (!pioStr)
vtkGenericWarningMacro("Could not open the global description .pio file: " << PIOFileName);
return 0;
// Get the directory name from the full path of the .pio file in GUI
// or simple name from python script
std::string::size_type dirPos = this->descFileName.find_last_of(Slash);
std::string dirName;
if (dirPos == std::string::npos)
// No directory name included
std::ostringstream tempStr;
tempStr << "." << Slash;
dirName = tempStr.str();
// Directory name before final slash
dirName = this->descFileName.substr(0, dirPos);
// Either .pio file or an actual basename-dmp000000 to guide open file
// Opening actual dump file requires asking for All files and picking PIOReader
// Opening a pio suffix file defaults to the correct action
std::string::size_type pos = this->descFileName.rfind('.');
std::string suffix = this->descFileName.substr(pos + 1);
if (suffix == "pio")
// Parse the pio input file
char inBuf[256];
std::string rest;
std::string keyword;
this->useHTG = false;
this->useTracer = false;
this->useFloat64 = false;
this->hasTracers = false;
while (pioStr.getline(inBuf, 256))
std::string localline(inBuf);
localline = trimString(localline);
if (localline.length() > 0)
if (localline[0] != '#' && localline[0] != '!')
// Remove quotes from input
localline.erase(std::remove(localline.begin(), localline.end(), '\"'), localline.end());
localline.erase(std::remove(localline.begin(), localline.end(), '\''), localline.end());
// check for comments in the middle of the line
std::string::size_type poundPos = localline.find('#');
if (poundPos != std::string::npos)
localline = localline.substr(0, poundPos);
std::string::size_type bangPos = localline.find('!');
if (bangPos != std::string::npos)
localline = localline.substr(0, bangPos);
std::string::size_type keyPos = localline.find(' ');
keyword = trimString(localline.substr(0, keyPos));
rest = trimString(localline.substr(keyPos + 1));
if (keyword == "DUMP_DIRECTORY")
if (rest[0] == '/')
// If a full path is given use it
// If partial path append to the dir of the .pio file
std::ostringstream tempStr;
tempStr << dirName << Slash << rest;
if (keyword == "DUMP_BASE_NAME")
std::ostringstream tempStr;
tempStr << rest << "-dmp";
this->dumpBaseName = tempStr.str();
if (keyword == "MAKE_HTG")
if (rest == "YES")
this->useHTG = true;
if (keyword == "MAKE_TRACER")
if (rest == "YES")
this->useTracer = true;
if (keyword == "FLOAT64")
if (rest == "YES")
this->useFloat64 = true;
if (this->dumpDirectory.empty())
// Use the basename-dmp000000 file to discern the info that is in the pio file
std::string::size_type pos1 = this->descFileName.rfind(Slash);
std::string::size_type pos2 = this->descFileName.find("-dmp");
this->dumpBaseName = this->descFileName.substr(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 + 3);
this->dumpDirectory.push_back(this->descFileName.substr(0, pos1));
this->useHTG = false;
this->useTracer = false;
this->useFloat64 = false;
this->hasTracers = false;
return 1;
// Read the variable meta data from first pio dump file
void PIOAdaptor::collectVariableMetaData()
std::valarray<int> histsize;
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histsize, "hist_size");
int numberOfCells = histsize[histsize.size() - 1];
int numberOfFields = this->pioData->get_pio_num();
PIO_FIELD* pioField = this->pioData->get_pio_field();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++)
// Are tracers available in file
char* pioName = pioField[i].pio_name;
if (strcmp(pioName, "tracer_num_pnts") == 0)
this->hasTracers = true;
// Default variable names that are initially enabled for loading if pres
if ((strcmp(pioName, "tev") == 0) || (strcmp(pioName, "pres") == 0) ||
(strcmp(pioName, "rho") == 0) || (strcmp(pioName, "rade") == 0) ||
(strcmp(pioName, "cell_energy") == 0) || (strcmp(pioName, "kemax") == 0) ||
(strcmp(pioName, "vel") == 0) || (strcmp(pioName, "eng") == 0))
if (pioField[i].length == numberOfCells && pioField[i].cdata_len == 0)
// index = 0 is scalar, index = 1 is vector, index = -1 is request from input deck
int index = pioField[i].index;
if (index == 0 || index == 1 || index == -1)
// Discard names used in geometry and variables with too many components
// which are present for use in tracers
size_t numberOfComponents = this->pioData->VarMMap.count(pioName);
if ((numberOfComponents <= 9) && (strcmp(pioName, "cell_has_tracers") != 0) &&
(strcmp(pioName, "cell_level") != 0) && (strcmp(pioName, "cell_mother") != 0) &&
(strcmp(pioName, "cell_daughter") != 0) && (strcmp(pioName, "cell_center") != 0) &&
(strcmp(pioName, "cell_active") != 0) && (strcmp(pioName, "amr_tag") != 0))
sort(this->variableName.begin(), this->variableName.end());
// List of all data fields to read from dump files
// If tracers are contained in the file
if (this->hasTracers == true)
// Requested variable fields from pio meta file
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->variableName.size(); i++)
// Initialize with the *.pio file giving the name of the dump file, whether to
// create hypertree grid or unstructured grid, and variables to read
int PIOAdaptor::initializeDump(int timeStep)
// Open file and read metadata on proc 0, broadcast
if (this->Rank == 0)
// Start with a fresh pioData initialized for this time step
if (this->pioData != nullptr)
delete this->pioData;
this->pioData = nullptr;
// Create one PIOData which accesses the PIO file to fetch data
if (this->pioData == nullptr)
this->pioData = new PIO_DATA(this->dumpFileName[timeStep].c_str(), &this->fieldsToRead);
if (this->pioData->good_read())
// First collect the sizes of the domains
const double* amhc_i = this->pioData->GetPIOData("amhc_i");
const double* amhc_r8 = this->pioData->GetPIOData("amhc_r8");
const double* amhc_l = this->pioData->GetPIOData("amhc_l");
if (amhc_i != nullptr && amhc_r8 != nullptr && amhc_l != nullptr)
dimension = uint32_t(amhc_i[Nnumdim]);
numberOfDaughters = (int)pow(2.0, dimension);
// Save sizes for use in creating structures
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
gridOrigin[i] = 0.0;
gridScale[i] = 0.0;
gridSize[i] = 0;
gridOrigin[0] = amhc_r8[NZero0];
gridScale[0] = amhc_r8[Nd0];
gridSize[0] = static_cast<int>(amhc_i[Nmesh0]);
if (dimension > 1)
gridOrigin[1] = amhc_r8[NZero1];
gridScale[1] = amhc_r8[Nd1];
gridSize[1] = static_cast<int>(amhc_i[Nmesh1]);
if (dimension > 2)
gridOrigin[2] = amhc_r8[NZero2];
gridScale[2] = amhc_r8[Nd2];
gridSize[2] = static_cast<int>(amhc_i[Nmesh2]);
vtkGenericWarningMacro("PIOFile " << this->dumpFileName[timeStep] << " can't be read ");
return 0;
// Needed for the BHTree and locating level 1 cells for hypertree
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
minLoc[i] = gridOrigin[i];
maxLoc[i] = minLoc[i] + (gridSize[i] * gridScale[i]);
// Broadcast the metadata
this->Controller->Broadcast(&dimension, 1, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&numberOfDaughters, 1, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(gridSize, 3, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(gridOrigin, 3, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(gridScale, 3, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(minLoc, 3, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(maxLoc, 3, 0);
return 1;
// Create the geometry for either unstructured or hypertree grid using sizes
// already collected and the dump file geometry and load balancing information
void PIOAdaptor::create_geometry(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid)
// Create Blocks in the grid as requested (unstructured, hypertree, tracer)
if (this->useHTG == false)
// Create a multipiece dataset and an unstructured grid to hold the dump file data
vtkNew<vtkMultiPieceDataSet> multipiece;
vtkNew<vtkUnstructuredGrid> ugrid;
multipiece->SetPiece(this->Rank, ugrid);
grid->SetBlock(0, multipiece);
grid->GetMetaData((unsigned int)0)->Set(vtkCompositeDataSet::NAME(), "AMR Grid");
// Create a multipiece dataset and hypertree grid to hold the dump file data
vtkNew<vtkMultiPieceDataSet> multipiece;
vtkNew<vtkHyperTreeGrid> htgrid;
multipiece->SetPiece(this->Rank, htgrid);
grid->SetBlock(0, multipiece);
grid->GetMetaData((unsigned int)0)->Set(vtkCompositeDataSet::NAME(), "AMR Grid");
// If tracers are used add a second block of unstructured grid particles
if (this->hasTracers == true && this->useTracer == true)
vtkNew<vtkMultiPieceDataSet> multipiece;
vtkNew<vtkUnstructuredGrid> tgrid;
multipiece->SetPiece(this->Rank, tgrid);
grid->SetBlock(1, multipiece);
grid->GetMetaData((unsigned int)1)->Set(vtkCompositeDataSet::NAME(), "Tracers");
// Create the VTK structures within multiblock
if (this->useHTG == true)
// Create Tracer Unstructured if tracers exist
if (this->useTracer == true)
if (this->hasTracers == true)
if (this->Rank == 0)
vtkGenericWarningMacro("Tracers don't exist in .pio file: " << this->descFileName);
// Collect other information from PIOData
std::valarray<double> simCycle;
std::valarray<double> simTime;
double currentCycle;
double currentTime;
double currentIndex;
vtkStdString eap_version;
vtkStdString user_name;
vtkStdString problem_name;
if (this->Rank == 0)
const char* cdata;
this->pioData->GetPIOData("l_eap_version", cdata);
eap_version = cdata;
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(simCycle, "hist_cycle");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(simTime, "hist_time");
int curIndex = static_cast<int>(simCycle.size()) - 1;
this->pioData->GetPIOData("hist_usernm", cdata);
user_name = cdata;
this->pioData->GetPIOData("hist_prbnm", cdata);
problem_name = cdata;
currentCycle = simCycle[curIndex];
currentTime = simTime[curIndex];
currentIndex = static_cast<double>(curIndex);
// Share information
BroadcastString(this->Controller, eap_version, 0);
BroadcastString(this->Controller, user_name, 0);
BroadcastString(this->Controller, problem_name, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&currentCycle, 1, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&currentTime, 1, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&currentIndex, 1, 0);
// Add FieldData array for version number
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> versionArray;
// Add FieldData array for user name
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> userNameArray;
// Add FieldData array for problem name
vtkNew<vtkStringArray> probNameArray;
// Add FieldData array for cycle number
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> cycleArray;
cycleArray->SetTuple1(0, currentCycle);
// Add FieldData array for simulation time
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> simTimeArray;
simTimeArray->SetTuple1(0, currentTime);
// Add FieldData array for pio file index
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> pioFileIndexArray;
pioFileIndexArray->SetTuple1(0, currentIndex);
// Build unstructured grid for tracers
void PIOAdaptor::create_tracer_UG(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid)
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(1));
vtkUnstructuredGrid* tgrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(multipiece->GetPiece(this->Rank));
// Get tracer information from PIOData
std::valarray<int> tracer_num_pnts;
std::valarray<int> tracer_num_vars;
std::valarray<int> tracer_record_count;
std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> tracer_position;
std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> tracer_data;
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(tracer_num_pnts, "tracer_num_pnts");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(tracer_num_vars, "tracer_num_vars");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(tracer_record_count, "tracer_record_count");
this->pioData->set_vector_field(tracer_position, "tracer_position");
this->pioData->set_vector_field(tracer_data, "tracer_data");
int numberOfTracers = tracer_num_pnts[0];
int numberOfTracerVars = tracer_num_vars[0];
int numberOfTracerRecords = tracer_record_count[0];
int lastTracerCycle = numberOfTracerRecords - 1;
// Names of the tracer variables
std::vector<std::string> tracer_type(numberOfTracerVars);
int tracer_name_len = 4;
const char* cdata;
PIO_FIELD* pioField = this->pioData->VarMMap.equal_range("tracer_type").first->second;
this->pioData->GetPIOData(*pioField, cdata);
size_t cdata_len = pioField->cdata_len * tracer_name_len;
for (int var = 0; var < numberOfTracerVars; var++)
tracer_type[var] = cdata + var * cdata_len;
// For each tracer insert point location and create an unstructured vertex
vtkNew<vtkPoints> points;
tgrid->Allocate(numberOfTracers, numberOfTracers);
vtkIdType cell[1];
double pointPos[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTracers; i++)
for (int dim = 0; dim < dimension; dim++)
pointPos[dim] = tracer_position[dim][i];
points->InsertNextPoint(pointPos[0], pointPos[1], pointPos[2]);
cell[0] = i;
tgrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_VERTEX, 1, cell);
// Add other tracer data which appears by time step, then by tracer, then by variable
// Variable data starts with cycle time and coordinate[numdim]
int tracerDataOffset = 1 + dimension;
if (this->useFloat64 == true)
std::vector<double*> varData(numberOfTracerVars);
for (int var = 0; var < numberOfTracerVars; var++)
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> arr;
varData[var] = arr->GetPointer(0);
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTracers; i++)
index += tracerDataOffset;
for (int var = 0; var < numberOfTracerVars; var++)
varData[var][i] = tracer_data[lastTracerCycle][index++];
std::vector<float*> varData(numberOfTracerVars);
for (int var = 0; var < numberOfTracerVars; var++)
vtkNew<vtkFloatArray> arr;
varData[var] = arr->GetPointer(0);
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTracers; i++)
index += tracerDataOffset;
for (int var = 0; var < numberOfTracerVars; var++)
varData[var][i] = (float)tracer_data[lastTracerCycle][index++];
// Build unstructured grid geometry
// Consider dimension and load balancing
// Proc 0 has geometry information for all and calculates distribution
void PIOAdaptor::create_amr_UG(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid)
// On proc 0 the valarray holds all data
// On other processors the correct size for the piece is allocated
std::valarray<int> level;
std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> center;
int numberOfCells;
int64_t* cell_daughter;
int* cell_level;
double* cell_center[3];
// Proc 0 calculates what cells are distributed storing the
// first index, last index and count going to each other rank
if (this->Rank == 0)
// Collect geometry information for distribution schedule
std::valarray<int> histsize;
std::valarray<int> numcell;
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histsize, "hist_size");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(numcell, "global_numcell");
int* global_numcell = &numcell[0];
int procsInDump = static_cast<int>(numcell.size());
std::vector<int> procsPerRank(this->TotalRank);
// More PIO processors than paraview processors
if (procsInDump > this->TotalRank)
for (int rank = 0; rank < this->TotalRank; rank++)
procsPerRank[rank] = procsInDump / this->TotalRank;
procsPerRank[0] += (procsInDump % this->TotalRank);
// Fewer PIO processors than paraview processors so one or none per
for (int rank = 0; rank < procsInDump; rank++)
procsPerRank[rank] = 1;
for (int rank = procsInDump; rank < this->TotalRank; rank++)
procsPerRank[rank] = 0;
// Calculate the first and last cell index per rank for redistribution
int currentCell = 0;
int globalIndx = 0;
for (int rank = 0; rank < this->TotalRank; rank++)
startCell[rank] = currentCell;
endCell[rank] = currentCell;
for (int i = 0; i < procsPerRank[rank]; i++)
endCell[rank] += global_numcell[globalIndx++];
countCell[rank] = endCell[rank] - startCell[rank];
currentCell = endCell[rank];
// Collect the rest of the data for sharing via Send and Receive
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(daughter, "cell_daughter");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(level, "cell_level");
this->pioData->set_vector_field(center, "cell_center");
cell_daughter = &daughter[0];
cell_level = &level[0];
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
cell_center[d] = &center[d][0];
numberOfCells = countCell[0];
for (int rank = 1; rank < this->TotalRank; rank++)
this->Controller->Send(&countCell[rank], 1, rank, mpiTag);
this->Controller->Send(&cell_level[startCell[rank]], countCell[rank], rank, mpiTag);
this->Controller->Send(&cell_daughter[startCell[rank]], countCell[rank], rank, mpiTag);
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
this->Controller->Send(&cell_center[d][startCell[rank]], countCell[rank], rank, mpiTag);
this->Controller->Receive(&numberOfCells, 1, 0, mpiTag);
// Allocate space for holding geometry information
cell_level = new int[numberOfCells];
cell_daughter = new int64_t[numberOfCells];
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
cell_center[d] = new double[numberOfCells];
this->Controller->Receive(cell_level, numberOfCells, 0, mpiTag);
this->Controller->Receive(cell_daughter, numberOfCells, 0, mpiTag);
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
this->Controller->Receive(cell_center[d], numberOfCells, 0, mpiTag);
// Copy the daughter into the namespace valarray so it looks like proc 0
// It is the only one that must be saved because load_variables use it
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++)
daughter[i] = cell_daughter[i];
// Based on dimension and cell range build the unstructured grid pieces
// Called for all processors
if (dimension == 1)
create_amr_UG_1D(grid, numberOfCells, cell_level, cell_daughter, cell_center);
else if (dimension == 2)
create_amr_UG_2D(grid, numberOfCells, cell_level, cell_daughter, cell_center);
create_amr_UG_3D(grid, numberOfCells, cell_level, cell_daughter, cell_center);
// Only delete space allocated by receiving processors
if (this->Rank > 0)
delete[] cell_level;
delete[] cell_daughter;
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
delete[] cell_center[d];
// Build 1D geometry of line cells
// Geometry is created for each time step
void PIOAdaptor::create_amr_UG_1D(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid,
int numberOfCells, // Number of cells all levels
int* cell_level, // Level of the cell in the AMR
int64_t* cell_daughter, // Daughter ID, 0 indicates no daughter
double* cell_center[1]) // Cell center
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(0));
vtkUnstructuredGrid* ugrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(multipiece->GetPiece(this->Rank));
// Get count of cells which will be created for allocation
int numberOfActiveCells = 0;
for (int cell = 0; cell < numberOfCells; cell++)
if (cell_daughter[cell] == 0)
// Geometry
vtkIdType* cell = new vtkIdType[numberOfDaughters];
vtkNew<vtkPoints> points;
ugrid->Allocate(numberOfActiveCells, numberOfActiveCells);
double xLine[2];
int numberOfPoints = 0;
// Insert regular cells
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++)
if (cell_daughter[i] == 0)
double cell_half = gridScale[0] / pow(2.0f, cell_level[i]);
xLine[0] = cell_center[0][i] - cell_half;
xLine[1] = cell_center[0][i] + cell_half;
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfDaughters; j++)
points->InsertNextPoint(xLine[j], 0.0, 0.0);
cell[j] = numberOfPoints - 1;
ugrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_LINE, numberOfDaughters, cell);
delete[] cell;
// Build 2D geometry of quad cells
// Geometry is created for each time step
void PIOAdaptor::create_amr_UG_2D(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid,
int numberOfCells, // Number of cells all levels
int* cell_level, // Level of the cell in the AMR
int64_t* cell_daughter, // Daughter ID, 0 indicates no daughter
double* cell_center[2]) // Cell center
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(0));
vtkUnstructuredGrid* ugrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(multipiece->GetPiece(this->Rank));
// Get count of cells which will be created for allocation
int numberOfActiveCells = 0;
for (int cell = 0; cell < numberOfCells; cell++)
if (cell_daughter[cell] == 0)
// Geometry
vtkIdType* cell = new vtkIdType[numberOfDaughters];
vtkNew<vtkPoints> points;
ugrid->Allocate(numberOfActiveCells, numberOfActiveCells);
int numberOfPoints = 0;
// Create the BHTree to ensure unique points
BHTree* bhTree = new BHTree(dimension, numberOfDaughters, minLoc, maxLoc);
float xBox[4], yBox[4];
double cell_half[2];
double point[2];
// Insert regular cells
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++)
if (cell_daughter[i] == 0)
for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++)
cell_half[d] = gridScale[d] / pow(2.0f, cell_level[i]);
xBox[0] = cell_center[0][i] - cell_half[0];
xBox[1] = cell_center[0][i] + cell_half[0];
xBox[2] = xBox[1];
xBox[3] = xBox[0];
yBox[0] = cell_center[1][i] - cell_half[1];
yBox[1] = yBox[0];
yBox[2] = cell_center[1][i] + cell_half[1];
yBox[3] = yBox[2];
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfDaughters; j++)
point[0] = xBox[j];
point[1] = yBox[j];
// Returned index is one greater than the ParaView index
int pIndx = bhTree->insertLeaf(point);
if (pIndx > numberOfPoints)
points->InsertNextPoint(xBox[j], yBox[j], 0.0);
cell[j] = pIndx - 1;
ugrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_QUAD, numberOfDaughters, cell);
delete bhTree;
delete[] cell;
// Build 3D geometry of hexahedron cells
// Geometry is created for each time step
void PIOAdaptor::create_amr_UG_3D(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid,
int numberOfCells, // Number of cells all levels
int* cell_level, // Level of the cell in the AMR
int64_t* cell_daughter, // Daughter ID, 0 indicates no daughter
double* cell_center[3]) // Cell center
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(0));
vtkUnstructuredGrid* ugrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(multipiece->GetPiece(this->Rank));
// Get count of cells which will be created for allocation
int numberOfActiveCells = 0;
for (int cell = 0; cell < numberOfCells; cell++)
if (cell_daughter[cell] == 0)
// Geometry
vtkIdType* cell = new vtkIdType[numberOfDaughters];
vtkNew<vtkPoints> points;
ugrid->Allocate(numberOfActiveCells, numberOfActiveCells);
// Create the BHTree to ensure unique points IDs
BHTree* bhTree = new BHTree(dimension, numberOfDaughters, minLoc, maxLoc);
// Insert regular cells
float xBox[8], yBox[8], zBox[8];
double cell_half[3];
double point[3];
int numberOfPoints = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++)
if (cell_daughter[i] == 0)
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
cell_half[d] = gridScale[d] / pow(2.0f, cell_level[i]);
xBox[0] = cell_center[0][i] - cell_half[0];
xBox[1] = cell_center[0][i] + cell_half[0];
xBox[2] = xBox[1];
xBox[3] = xBox[0];
xBox[4] = xBox[0];
xBox[5] = xBox[1];
xBox[6] = xBox[1];
xBox[7] = xBox[0];
yBox[0] = cell_center[1][i] - cell_half[1];
yBox[1] = yBox[0];
yBox[2] = yBox[0];
yBox[3] = yBox[0];
yBox[4] = cell_center[1][i] + cell_half[1];
yBox[5] = yBox[4];
yBox[6] = yBox[4];
yBox[7] = yBox[4];
zBox[0] = cell_center[2][i] - cell_half[2];
zBox[1] = zBox[0];
zBox[2] = cell_center[2][i] + cell_half[2];
zBox[3] = zBox[2];
zBox[4] = zBox[0];
zBox[5] = zBox[0];
zBox[6] = zBox[2];
zBox[7] = zBox[2];
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfDaughters; j++)
point[0] = xBox[j];
point[1] = yBox[j];
point[2] = zBox[j];
// Returned index is one greater than the ParaView index
int pIndx = bhTree->insertLeaf(point);
if (pIndx > numberOfPoints)
points->InsertNextPoint(xBox[j], yBox[j], zBox[j]);
cell[j] = pIndx - 1;
ugrid->InsertNextCell(VTK_HEXAHEDRON, numberOfDaughters, cell);
delete bhTree;
delete[] cell;
// Recursive part of the level 1 cell count used in load balancing
int PIOAdaptor::count_hypertree(int64_t curIndex, int64_t* _daughter)
int64_t curDaughter = _daughter[curIndex];
if (curDaughter == 0)
return 1;
int totalVertices = 1;
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfDaughters; d++)
totalVertices += count_hypertree(curDaughter + d, _daughter);
return totalVertices;
// Recursive part of the hypertree grid build
// Saves the order that cells are made into nodes and leaves for data ordering
void PIOAdaptor::build_hypertree(
vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor* treeCursor, int64_t curIndex, int64_t* _daughter)
int64_t curDaughter = _daughter[curIndex];
if (curDaughter == 0)
// Indices stored in the daughter are Fortran one based so fix for C access
// If daughter has children continue to subdivide and recurse
// All variable data must be stored to line up with all nodes and leaves
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfDaughters; d++)
this->indexNodeLeaf.push_back(curDaughter + d);
// Process each child in the subdivided daughter by descending to that
// daughter, calculating the index that matches the global value of the
// daughter, recursing, and finally returning to the parent
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfDaughters; d++)
build_hypertree(treeCursor, curDaughter + d, _daughter);
// Build 3D hypertree grid geometry method:
// XRAGE numbering of level 1 grids does not match the HTG numbering
// HTG varies X grid fastest, then Y, then Z
// XRAGE groups the level 1 into blocks of 8 in a cube and numbers as it does AMR
// 2 3 10 11 4 5 6 7
// 0 1 8 9 vs 0 1 2 3
// 6 7 14 15 12 13 14 15
// 4 5 12 13 8 9 10 11
// So using the cell_center of a level 1 cell we have to calculate the index
// in x,y,z and then the tree index from that
void PIOAdaptor::create_amr_HTG(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid)
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(0));
vtkHyperTreeGrid* htgrid =
htgrid->SetDimensions(gridSize[0] + 1, gridSize[1] + 1, gridSize[2] + 1);
int numberOfTrees = htgrid->GetMaxNumberOfTrees();
int numberOfCells;
std::valarray<int> histsize;
std::valarray<int> level;
std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> center;
int64_t* cell_daughter = nullptr;
int* cell_level = nullptr;
double* cell_center[3];
if (this->Rank == 0)
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(histsize, "hist_size");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(daughter, "cell_daughter");
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(level, "cell_level");
this->pioData->set_vector_field(center, "cell_center");
numberOfCells = histsize[histsize.size() - 1];
cell_daughter = &daughter[0];
cell_level = &level[0];
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
cell_center[d] = &center[d][0];
// Allocate space on other processors for all cells
this->Controller->Broadcast(&numberOfCells, 1, 0);
if (this->Rank > 0)
cell_level = new int[numberOfCells];
cell_daughter = new int64_t[numberOfCells];
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
cell_center[d] = new double[numberOfCells];
// Share the necessary data
this->Controller->Broadcast(cell_daughter, numberOfCells, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(cell_level, numberOfCells, 0);
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
this->Controller->Broadcast(cell_center[d], numberOfCells, 0);
// Copy the daughter into the namespace valarray so it looks like proc 0
// It is the only one that must be saved because load_variables use it
if (this->Rank > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++)
daughter[i] = cell_daughter[i];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> coords;
unsigned int n = gridSize[i] + 1;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
double coord = gridOrigin[i] + gridScale[i] * static_cast<double>(j);
coords->SetValue(j, coord);
switch (i)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
// Locate the level 1 cells which are the top level AMR for a grid position
// Count the number of nodes and leaves in each level 1 cell for load balance
int64_t* level1_index = new int64_t[numberOfTrees];
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> treeCount;
std::vector<int> _myHyperTree;
int planeSize = gridSize[1] * gridSize[0];
int rowSize = gridSize[0];
int gridIndx[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCells; i++)
if (cell_level[i] == 1)
// Calculate which tree because the XRAGE arrangement does not match the HTG
for (int dim = 0; dim < dimension; dim++)
gridIndx[dim] =
gridSize[dim] * ((cell_center[dim][i] - minLoc[dim]) / (maxLoc[dim] - minLoc[dim]));
// Collect the count per tree for load balancing
int whichTree = (gridIndx[2] * planeSize) + (gridIndx[1] * rowSize) + gridIndx[0];
int gridCount = count_hypertree(i, cell_daughter);
treeCount.emplace_back(gridCount, whichTree);
// Save the xrage cell which corresponds to a level 1 cell
level1_index[whichTree] = i;
// Sort the counts and associated hypertrees
sort(treeCount.begin(), treeCount.end(), sort_desc);
// Process in descending count order and distribute round robin
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTrees; i++)
int tree = treeCount[i].second;
int distIndx = i % this->TotalRank;
if (distIndx == this->Rank)
// Process assigned hypertrees in order
sort(_myHyperTree.begin(), _myHyperTree.end());
// Keep a running map of nodes and vertices to xrage indices for displaying data
vtkNew<vtkHyperTreeGridNonOrientedCursor> treeCursor;
int globalIndx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _myHyperTree.size(); i++)
int tree = _myHyperTree[i];
int xrageIndx = level1_index[tree];
htgrid->InitializeNonOrientedCursor(treeCursor, tree, true);
// First node in the hypertree must get a slot
// Recursion
build_hypertree(treeCursor, xrageIndx, cell_daughter);
vtkHyperTree* htree = htgrid->GetTree(tree);
int numberOfVertices = htree->GetNumberOfVertices();
globalIndx += numberOfVertices;
delete[] level1_index;
if (this->Rank > 0)
delete[] cell_level;
delete[] cell_daughter;
for (int d = 0; d < dimension; d++)
delete[] cell_center[d];
// Load all requested variable data into the requested Block() structure
void PIOAdaptor::load_variable_data(
vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid, vtkDataArraySelection* cellDataArraySelection)
if (this->useHTG == false)
load_variable_data_UG(grid, cellDataArraySelection);
load_variable_data_HTG(grid, cellDataArraySelection);
// Load all requested variable data into unstructured grid which reads on proc 0
// and distributes pieces to other processors
void PIOAdaptor::load_variable_data_UG(
vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid, vtkDataArraySelection* cellDataArraySelection)
int64_t* cell_daughter = &daughter[0];
for (size_t var = 0; var < this->variableName.size(); var++)
int numberOfComponents;
int numberOfCells;
double** dataVector;
std::valarray<double> scalarArray;
std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> vectorArray;
if (cellDataArraySelection->ArrayIsEnabled(this->variableName[var].c_str()))
// Using PIOData fetch the variable data from the file only on proc 0
if (this->Rank == 0)
numberOfCells = countCell[0];
numberOfComponents =
dataVector = new double*[numberOfComponents];
bool status = true;
if (numberOfComponents == 1)
status = this->pioData->set_scalar_field(scalarArray, this->variableName[var].c_str());
dataVector[0] = &scalarArray[0];
status = this->pioData->set_vector_field(vectorArray, this->variableName[var].c_str());
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
dataVector[d] = &vectorArray[d][0];
if (status == false)
// send a -1 as the number of cells to signal to other ranks to skip this variable
int negative_one = -1;
for (int rank = 1; rank < this->TotalRank; rank++)
this->Controller->Send(&negative_one, 1, rank, mpiTag);
vtkGenericWarningMacro("Error, PIO data was not retrieved: " << this->variableName[var]);
// Send number of cells, number of components and data
for (int rank = 1; rank < this->TotalRank; rank++)
this->Controller->Send(&countCell[rank], 1, rank, mpiTag);
this->Controller->Send(&numberOfComponents, 1, rank, mpiTag);
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
&dataVector[d][startCell[rank]], countCell[rank], rank, mpiTag);
// Add the data to the structure
add_amr_UG_scalar(grid, this->variableName[var], cell_daughter, dataVector, numberOfCells,
delete[] dataVector;
this->Controller->Receive(&numberOfCells, 1, 0, mpiTag);
if (numberOfCells == -1)
// there was a problem reading this variable, skip
this->Controller->Receive(&numberOfComponents, 1, 0, mpiTag);
// Allocate space to receive data
dataVector = new double*[numberOfComponents];
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
dataVector[d] = new double[numberOfCells];
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
this->Controller->Receive(&dataVector[d][0], numberOfCells, 0, mpiTag);
// Add the data to the structure
add_amr_UG_scalar(grid, this->variableName[var], cell_daughter, dataVector, numberOfCells,
// Delete allocated data after processed
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
delete[] dataVector[d];
delete[] dataVector;
// Load all requested variable data into hypertree grid which reads on proc 0
// and distributes everything to other processors because it needs recursion
void PIOAdaptor::load_variable_data_HTG(
vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid, vtkDataArraySelection* cellDataArraySelection)
for (size_t var = 0; var < this->variableName.size(); var++)
double** dataVector = nullptr;
std::valarray<double> scalarArray;
std::valarray<std::valarray<double>> vectorArray;
int numberOfComponents;
int numberOfCells;
if (cellDataArraySelection->ArrayIsEnabled(this->variableName[var].c_str()))
if (this->Rank == 0)
// Using PIOData fetch the variable data from the file
numberOfComponents =
dataVector = new double*[numberOfComponents];
if (numberOfComponents == 1)
this->pioData->set_scalar_field(scalarArray, this->variableName[var].c_str());
numberOfCells = static_cast<int>(scalarArray.size());
dataVector[0] = &scalarArray[0];
this->pioData->set_vector_field(vectorArray, this->variableName[var].c_str());
numberOfCells = static_cast<int>(vectorArray[0].size());
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
dataVector[d] = &vectorArray[d][0];
// Broadcast number of components and number of cells
this->Controller->Broadcast(&numberOfCells, 1, 0);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&numberOfComponents, 1, 0);
// Other processors allocate dataVector
if (this->Rank > 0)
// Allocate space to receive data
dataVector = new double*[numberOfComponents];
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
dataVector[d] = new double[numberOfCells];
// Broadcast the data
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
this->Controller->Broadcast(dataVector[d], numberOfCells, 0);
// Adding data to hypertree grid uses indirect array built when geometry was built
add_amr_HTG_scalar(grid, this->variableName[var], dataVector, numberOfComponents);
// Clear out allocated data for other processors
if (this->Rank > 0)
for (int d = 0; d < numberOfComponents; d++)
delete[] dataVector[d];
delete[] dataVector;
// Add scalar data to hypertree grid points
// Problem with HTG is that both nodes (not visible) and leaves (visible)
// have values, but node values should not be used because they will skew the
// color range of the render. For each component get a legal value from a leaf
// to set as the value of the nodes. Not viewed so it will render OK.
// Called each time step
void PIOAdaptor::add_amr_HTG_scalar(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid, vtkStdString varName,
double* data[], // Data for all cells
int numberOfComponents) // Number of components
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(0));
vtkHyperTreeGrid* htgrid =
int numberOfNodesLeaves = static_cast<int>(this->indexNodeLeaf.size());
// Find the first leaf value to use on all nodes so color range is good
std::vector<double> nodeValue(numberOfComponents);
bool done = false;
int n = 0;
while (!done && n < numberOfNodesLeaves)
if (daughter[this->indexNodeLeaf[n]] == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfComponents; j++)
nodeValue[j] = data[j][this->indexNodeLeaf[n]];
done = true;
// Data array in same order as the geometry cells
if (this->useFloat64 == true)
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> arr;
double* varData = arr->GetPointer(0);
// Copy the data in the order needed for recursive create of HTG
int varIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodesLeaves; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfComponents; j++)
if (daughter[this->indexNodeLeaf[i]] == 0)
varData[varIndex++] = data[j][this->indexNodeLeaf[i]];
varData[varIndex++] = nodeValue[j];
vtkNew<vtkFloatArray> arr;
float* varData = arr->GetPointer(0);
// Copy the data in the order needed for recursive create of HTG
int varIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodesLeaves; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfComponents; j++)
if (daughter[this->indexNodeLeaf[i]] == 0)
varData[varIndex++] = (float)data[j][this->indexNodeLeaf[i]];
varData[varIndex++] = (float)nodeValue[j];
// Add scalar data to unstructured grid cells
// daughter array indicates whether data should be used because it is top level
// Called each time step
void PIOAdaptor::add_amr_UG_scalar(vtkMultiBlockDataSet* grid, vtkStdString varName,
int64_t* _daughter, // Indicates top level cell or not
double* data[], // Data for all cells
int numberOfCells,
int numberOfComponents) // Number of components
vtkMultiPieceDataSet* multipiece = vtkMultiPieceDataSet::SafeDownCast(grid->GetBlock(0));
vtkUnstructuredGrid* ugrid = vtkUnstructuredGrid::SafeDownCast(multipiece->GetPiece(this->Rank));
int numberOfActiveCells = ugrid->GetNumberOfCells();
// Data array in same order as the geometry cells
if (this->useFloat64 == true)
vtkNew<vtkDoubleArray> arr;
double* varData = arr->GetPointer(0);
// Set the data in the matching cells skipping lower level cells
int index = 0;
for (int cell = 0; cell < numberOfCells; cell++)
if (_daughter[cell] == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfComponents; j++)
varData[index++] = data[j][cell];
vtkNew<vtkFloatArray> arr;
float* varData = arr->GetPointer(0);
// Set the data in the matching cells skipping lower level cells
int index = 0;
for (int cell = 0; cell < numberOfCells; cell++)
if (_daughter[cell] == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfComponents; j++)
varData[index++] = (float)data[j][cell];