mirror of https://gitee.com/openkylin/vtk9.git
244 lines
6.9 KiB
244 lines
6.9 KiB
#if !defined(_PIODATA_H)
#define _PIODATA_H
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <valarray>
struct Cstring_less
bool operator()(const char* p, const char* q) const { return strcmp(p, q) < 0; };
// Class Declarations
class PIO_DATA;
class PIO_FIELD;
char* pio_name;
int index;
int64_t length;
int64_t position;
int64_t chksum;
size_t cdata_len;
bool read_field_data;
friend class PIO_DATA;
double* data;
char* cdata;
}; // End class PIO_FIELD
// Typedefs for the mapping between the names of the PIO blocks in the PIO file and
// the PIO_FIELD's used to store the data values in the PIO blocks.
typedef std::multimap<const char*, PIO_FIELD*, Cstring_less> VAR_MAP;
typedef VAR_MAP::iterator VMI;
typedef VAR_MAP::const_iterator CVMI;
typedef std::pair<VMI, VMI> VMP;
typedef std::pair<CVMI, CVMI> CVMP;
class PIO_DATA
PIO_DATA(const char* piofile = 0, const std::list<std::string>* fields_to_read = 0,
bool _defer_read_data = true, const std::set<const char*, Cstring_less>* rdata = 0,
const std::set<const char*, Cstring_less>* cdata = 0);
bool GetPIOfileTime(const char*, double&);
void print(std::ostream&);
void print(const char*);
bool set_scalar_field(std::valarray<int>&, const char*);
bool set_scalar_field(std::valarray<int64_t>&, const char*);
bool set_scalar_field(std::valarray<uint64_t>&, const char*);
bool set_scalar_field(std::valarray<double>&, const char*);
bool set_vector_field(std::valarray<std::valarray<double>>&, const char*);
inline bool good_read() { return (pio_field != 0) ? true : false; }
VAR_MAP VarMMap; // Multimap from pio_name to a PIO_FIELD class
const char* get_name() const { return name; }
bool get_reverse_endian() const { return reverse_endian; }
int get_PIO_VERSION() const { return PIO_VERSION; }
int get_PIO_NAME_LENGTH() const { return PIO_NAME_LENGTH; }
int get_PIO_HEADER_LENGTH() const { return PIO_HEADER_LENGTH; }
int get_PIO_INDEX_LENGTH() const { return PIO_INDEX_LENGTH; }
const char* get_pio_dandt() const { return pio_dandt; }
int get_pio_num() const { return pio_num; }
int get_pio_num_with_size(int64_t n) const;
int get_pio_signature() const { return pio_signature; }
PIO_FIELD* get_pio_field() const { return pio_field; }
void GetPIOData(PIO_FIELD&, const double*&, const char*&);
void GetPIOData(PIO_FIELD&, const double*&);
void GetPIOData(PIO_FIELD&, const char*&);
const double* GetPIOData(PIO_FIELD&);
void GetPIOData(const char*, const double*&, const char*&);
void GetPIOData(const char*, const double*&);
void GetPIOData(const char*, const char*&);
const double* GetPIOData(const char*);
double GetPIOData(const char*, int);
void AddRealData(const char* _name)
if (RealData.find(_name) == RealData.end())
void AddCharData(const char* _name)
if (CharData.find(_name) == CharData.end())
void FreePIOData(PIO_FIELD& pio_field);
bool verbose;
std::set<const char*, Cstring_less> RealData;
std::set<const char*, Cstring_less> CharData;
const char* name;
std::istream* Infile;
bool reverse_endian;
const char* pio_dandt; // Date and Time
int pio_num;
int64_t pio_position;
int pio_signature;
PIO_FIELD* pio_field;
bool defer_read_data;
size_t matident_len;
size_t timertype_len;
char* buf;
size_t size_buf;
void ReadPioFieldData(PIO_FIELD& pio_field);
bool read(const char*, const std::list<std::string>* fields_to_read = 0);
bool read(const std::list<std::string>* fields_to_read = 0);
inline void byte_flip(char* word, int64_t size)
if (size_buf < (size_t)size)
if (buf)
delete[] buf;
size_buf = size;
buf = new char[size_buf];
memcpy((void*)buf, (const void*)word, size);
for (int64_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
word[i] = buf[size - 1 - i];
} // End byte_flip
template <class T>
inline T read_pio_word(T& val)
double word;
this->Infile->read((char*)&word, sizeof(word));
if (reverse_endian)
byte_flip((char*)&word, sizeof(word));
val = T(word);
return val;
} // End read_pio_word
inline bool read_pio_bool()
double word;
this->Infile->read((char*)&word, sizeof(word));
if (reverse_endian)
byte_flip((char*)&word, sizeof(word));
return (word != 0) ? true : false;
} // End read_pio_bool
inline void fstr2Cstr(char* s, size_t len) const
s[len] = '\0';
size_t i = len - 1;
if (s[i--] == ' ')
s[i + 1] = '\0';
} while (i != 0);
} // End fstr2Cstr
inline char* read_pio_char_string(size_t len)
if (size_buf <= len)
if (buf)
delete[] buf;
size_buf = len + 1;
buf = new char[size_buf];
this->Infile->read(buf, len);
buf[len] = '\0';
fstr2Cstr(buf, len);
char* val = new char[strlen(buf) + 1];
strcpy(val, buf);
return val;
} // End read_pio_char_string
inline void insert_VAR_MAP_pairs()
for (int i = 0; i < pio_num; ++i)
if (pio_field[i].read_field_data)
#if !defined __SUNPRO_CC
VarMMap.insert(std::make_pair(pio_field[i].pio_name, pio_field + i));
#else //! defined __SUNPRO_CC
VAR_MAP::value_type type(pio_field[i].pio_name, pio_field + i);
#endif //! defined __SUNPRO_CC
} // End insert_VAR_MAP_pairs
inline bool read_field(const char* pio_name, const std::list<std::string>* fields_to_read)
std::string spio_name = std::string(pio_name);
if (fields_to_read == 0)
return true;
for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator pos = fields_to_read->begin();
pos != fields_to_read->end(); ++pos)
if (spio_name == *pos)
return true;
return false;
}; // End class PIO_DATA
// Locations of various data items from the input arrays, amhc_i, amhc_r8,
// amch_l, and controller_r8
Ntime = 0, // time = controller_r8[Ntime];
Nnumdim = 42, // numdim = amhc_i[Nnumdim]
Nmesh0 = 16, // N[0] = amhc_i[Nmesh0]
Nmesh1 = 17, // N[1] = amhc_i[Nmesh1]
Nmesh2 = 29, // N[2] = amhc_i[Nmesh2]
Nd0 = 21, // d[0] = amhc_r8[Nd0]
Nd1 = 22, // d[1] = amhc_r8[Nd1]
Nd2 = 38, // d[2] = amhc_r8[Nd2]
NZero0 = 19, // Zero[0] = amhc_r8[NZero0]
NZero1 = 20, // Zero[1] = amhc_r8[NZero1]
NZero2 = 35, // Zero[2] = amhc_r8[NZero2]
Ncylin = 1, // cylindrically (axisymmetric) symmetric
// geometry if amhc_l[Ncylin]!=0
Nsphere = 8 // spherically symmetirc geometry if
// amhc_l[Nsphere]!=0
// Prototypes
bool GetPIOfileTime(const char*, double&);
bool IsPIOfile(const char*);
#endif //! defined(_PIODATA_H)