
1484 lines
47 KiB

Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkPExodusIIReader.cxx
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
See Copyright.txt or http://www.paraview.org/HTML/Copyright.html for details.
#include "vtkPExodusIIReader.h"
#include "vtkAppendCompositeDataLeaves.h"
#include "vtkCellData.h"
#include "vtkCommand.h"
#include "vtkDoubleArray.h"
#include "vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate.h"
#include "vtkFloatArray.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkInformationVector.h"
#include "vtkIntArray.h"
#include "vtkLogger.h"
#include "vtkMultiBlockDataSet.h"
#include "vtkMultiProcessController.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkPointData.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
#include "vtkUnstructuredGrid.h"
#include "vtk_exodusII.h"
#include "vtk_netcdf.h"
#include "vtksys/SystemTools.hxx"
#include <vector>
#include <vtksys/RegularExpression.hxx>
#include <cctype>
#define vtkPExodusIIReaderMAXPATHLEN 2048
static const int objTypes[] = { vtkExodusIIReader::EDGE_BLOCK, vtkExodusIIReader::FACE_BLOCK,
vtkExodusIIReader::ELEM_BLOCK, vtkExodusIIReader::NODE_SET, vtkExodusIIReader::EDGE_SET,
vtkExodusIIReader::FACE_SET, vtkExodusIIReader::SIDE_SET, vtkExodusIIReader::ELEM_SET,
vtkExodusIIReader::NODE_MAP, vtkExodusIIReader::EDGE_MAP, vtkExodusIIReader::FACE_MAP,
vtkExodusIIReader::ELEM_MAP };
static const int numObjTypes = sizeof(objTypes) / sizeof(objTypes[0]);
static const int objResultTypes[] = { vtkExodusIIReader::NODAL, vtkExodusIIReader::EDGE_BLOCK,
vtkExodusIIReader::FACE_BLOCK, vtkExodusIIReader::ELEM_BLOCK, vtkExodusIIReader::NODE_SET,
vtkExodusIIReader::EDGE_SET, vtkExodusIIReader::FACE_SET, vtkExodusIIReader::SIDE_SET,
vtkExodusIIReader::ELEM_SET, vtkExodusIIReader::GLOBAL };
static const int numObjResultTypes = sizeof(objResultTypes) / sizeof(objResultTypes[0]);
static const int objAttribTypes[] = { vtkExodusIIReader::EDGE_BLOCK, vtkExodusIIReader::FACE_BLOCK,
vtkExodusIIReader::ELEM_BLOCK };
static const int numObjAttribTypes = sizeof(objAttribTypes) / sizeof(objAttribTypes[0]);
class vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress : public vtkCommand
vtkTypeMacro(vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress, vtkCommand)
static vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress* New() { return new vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress; }
void SetReader(vtkPExodusIIReader* r) { Reader = r; }
void SetIndex(int i) { Index = i; }
Reader = nullptr;
Index = 0;
~vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress() override = default;
void Execute(vtkObject*, unsigned long event, void* callData) override
if (event == vtkCommand::ProgressEvent)
double num = Reader->GetNumberOfFileNames();
if (num <= 1)
num = Reader->GetNumberOfFiles();
double* progress = static_cast<double*>(callData);
double newProgress = *progress / num + Index / num;
vtkPExodusIIReader* Reader;
int Index;
// Description:
// Instantiate object with nullptr filename.
this->ProcRank = 0;
this->ProcSize = 1;
// NB. SetController will initialize ProcSize and ProcRank
this->Controller = nullptr;
this->FilePattern = nullptr;
this->CurrentFilePattern = nullptr;
this->FilePrefix = nullptr;
this->CurrentFilePrefix = nullptr;
this->FileRange[0] = -1;
this->FileRange[1] = -1;
this->CurrentFileRange[0] = 0;
this->CurrentFileRange[1] = 0;
this->NumberOfFiles = 1;
this->FileNames = nullptr;
this->NumberOfFileNames = 0;
this->MultiFileName = new char[vtkPExodusIIReaderMAXPATHLEN];
this->XMLFileName = nullptr;
this->LastCommonTimeStep = -1;
this->VariableCacheSize = 100;
// If we've allocated filenames then delete them
if (this->FileNames)
for (int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfFileNames; i++)
delete[] this->FileNames[i];
delete[] this->FileNames;
// Delete all the readers we may have
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReader*>::iterator it;
for (it = this->ReaderList.begin(); it != this->ReaderList.end(); ++it)
if (this->CurrentFilePrefix)
delete[] this->CurrentFilePrefix;
delete[] this->CurrentFilePattern;
delete[] this->MultiFileName;
void vtkPExodusIIReader::SetController(vtkMultiProcessController* c)
if (this->Controller == c)
if (this->Controller)
this->Controller = c;
if (this->Controller)
this->ProcRank = this->Controller->GetLocalProcessId();
this->ProcSize = this->Controller->GetNumberOfProcesses();
if (!this->Controller || this->ProcSize <= 0)
this->ProcRank = 0;
this->ProcSize = 1;
int vtkPExodusIIReader::RequestInformation(
vtkInformation* request, vtkInformationVector** inputVector, vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
int requestInformationRetVal = 0;
if (this->ProcRank == 0)
bool newName = this->GetMetadataMTime() < this->FileNameMTime;
bool newPattern =
((this->FilePattern &&
(!this->CurrentFilePattern ||
!vtksys::SystemTools::ComparePath(this->FilePattern, this->CurrentFilePattern) ||
((this->FileRange[0] != this->CurrentFileRange[0]) ||
(this->FileRange[1] != this->CurrentFileRange[1])))) ||
(this->FilePrefix &&
!vtksys::SystemTools::ComparePath(this->FilePrefix, this->CurrentFilePrefix)));
// setting filename for the first time builds the prefix/pattern
// if one clears the prefix/pattern, but the filename stays the same,
// we should rebuild the prefix/pattern
bool rebuildPattern = newPattern && this->FilePattern[0] == '\0' && this->FilePrefix[0] == '\0';
bool sanity = ((this->FilePattern && this->FilePrefix) || this->FileName);
if (!sanity)
vtkErrorMacro(<< "Must SetFilePattern AND SetFilePrefix, or SetFileName(s)");
return 0;
if (newPattern && !rebuildPattern)
size_t nmSize = strlen(this->FilePattern) + strlen(this->FilePrefix) + 20;
char* nm = new char[nmSize];
snprintf(nm, nmSize, this->FilePattern, this->FilePrefix, this->FileRange[0]);
delete[] this->FileName;
this->FileName = nm;
else if (newName || rebuildPattern)
if (this->NumberOfFileNames == 1)
// A singleton file may actually be a hint to look for
// a series of files with the same base name. Must compute
// this now for ParaView.
// Read meta-data from 1st file.
// Previously, this went over all files. This was unnecessary.
// First file will have all necessary information.
// Otherwise we end up with bugs like paraview/paraview#20559
// and paraview/paraview#20558 when the files have no arrays at all.
if (this->NumberOfFileNames > 1)
strcpy(this->MultiFileName, this->FileNames[0]);
if (this->GetGenerateFileIdArray())
else if (this->FilePattern)
this->MultiFileName, vtkPExodusIIReaderMAXPATHLEN, this->FilePattern, this->FilePrefix, 0);
delete[] this->FileName;
this->FileName = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(this->MultiFileName);
// Read in info based on this->FileName
requestInformationRetVal =
this->Superclass::RequestInformation(request, inputVector, outputVector);
this->Controller->Broadcast(&requestInformationRetVal, 1, 0);
if (!requestInformationRetVal)
return 0;
if (this->ProcSize > 1)
if (this->ProcRank)
// The rank 0 node's RequestInformation annotates the output with the available
// time steps. Now that we've received time steps, advertise them on other procs.
// Check whether we have been given a certain timestep to stop at. If so,
// override the output time keys with the actual range that ALL readers can read.
// If files are still being written to, some files might be on different timesteps
// than others.
if ((this->LastCommonTimeStep >= 0) && !this->GetHasModeShapes())
double* times = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS());
int numTimes = outInfo->Length(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS());
numTimes = this->LastCommonTimeStep + 1 < numTimes ? this->LastCommonTimeStep + 1 : numTimes;
std::vector<double> commonTimes;
commonTimes.insert(commonTimes.begin(), times, times + numTimes);
double timeRange[2];
timeRange[1] = commonTimes[numTimes - 1];
timeRange[0] = commonTimes[0];
outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_RANGE(), timeRange, 2);
outInfo->Set(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS(), &commonTimes[0], numTimes);
if (this->CurrentFilePrefix)
delete[] this->CurrentFilePrefix;
this->CurrentFilePrefix = nullptr;
delete[] this->CurrentFilePattern;
this->CurrentFilePattern = nullptr;
this->CurrentFileRange[0] = 0;
this->CurrentFileRange[1] = 0;
if (this->FilePrefix)
this->CurrentFilePrefix = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(this->FilePrefix);
this->CurrentFilePattern = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(this->FilePattern);
this->CurrentFileRange[0] = this->FileRange[0];
this->CurrentFileRange[1] = this->FileRange[1];
return 1;
int vtkPExodusIIReader::RequestData(vtkInformation* vtkNotUsed(request),
vtkInformationVector** vtkNotUsed(inputVector), vtkInformationVector* outputVector)
int fileIndex;
int processNumber;
int numProcessors;
int min, max, idx;
int reader_idx;
vtkInformation* outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0);
// get the output
vtkMultiBlockDataSet* output =
// The whole notion of pieces for this reader is really
// just a division of files between processors
processNumber = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER());
numProcessors = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_PIECES());
int numFiles = this->NumberOfFileNames;
int start = 0;
if (numFiles <= 1)
start = this->FileRange[0]; // use prefix/pattern/range
numFiles = this->NumberOfFiles;
// Someone has requested a file that is above the number
// of pieces I have. That may have been caused by having
// more processors than files. So I'm going to create an
// empty unstructured grid that contains all the meta
// information but has 0 cells
if (processNumber >= numFiles)
vtkWarningMacro("Creating empty grid for processor: " << processNumber);
return 1;
// Divide the files evenly between processors
int num_files_per_process = numFiles / numProcessors;
// This if/else logic is for when you don't have a nice even division of files
// Each process computes which sequence of files it needs to read in
int left_over_files = numFiles - (num_files_per_process * numProcessors);
if (processNumber < left_over_files)
min = (num_files_per_process + 1) * processNumber + start;
max = min + (num_files_per_process + 1) - 1;
min = num_files_per_process * processNumber + left_over_files + start;
max = min + num_files_per_process - 1;
vtkWarningMacro("Processor: " << processNumber << " reading files: " << min << " " << max);
vtkWarningMacro("Parallel read for processor: " << processNumber);
// We are going to read in the files one by one and then
// append them together. So now we make sure that we have
// the correct number of serial exodus readers and we create
// our append object that puts the 'pieces' together
unsigned int numMyFiles = max - min + 1;
vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendCompositeDataLeaves> append =
if ( this->ExodusModelMetadata )
if (this->ReaderList.size() < numMyFiles)
for (reader_idx = static_cast<int>(this->ReaderList.size());
reader_idx < static_cast<int>(numMyFiles); ++reader_idx)
vtkExodusIIReader* er = vtkExodusIIReader::New();
vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress* progress = vtkPExodusIIReaderUpdateProgress::New();
er->AddObserver(vtkCommand::ProgressEvent, progress);
else if (this->ReaderList.size() > numMyFiles)
for (reader_idx = static_cast<int>(this->ReaderList.size()) - 1;
reader_idx >= static_cast<int>(numMyFiles); --reader_idx)
// If this is the first execution, we need to initialize the arrays
// that store the number of points/cells output by each reader
if (this->NumberOfCellsPerFile.empty())
this->NumberOfCellsPerFile.resize(max - min + 1, 0);
if (this->NumberOfPointsPerFile.empty())
this->NumberOfPointsPerFile.resize(max - min + 1, 0);
cout << "\n\n ************************************* Parallel master reader dump\n";
// setup the cache size for each reader
double fractionalCacheSize = 0;
if (this->VariableCacheSize > 0)
fractionalCacheSize = this->VariableCacheSize / static_cast<int>(this->ReaderList.size());
// This constructs the filenames
for (fileIndex = min, reader_idx = 0; fileIndex <= max; ++fileIndex, ++reader_idx)
int fileId = -1;
if (this->NumberOfFileNames > 1)
strcpy(this->MultiFileName, this->FileNames[fileIndex]);
if (this->GetGenerateFileIdArray())
fileId = vtkPExodusIIReader::DetermineFileId(this->FileNames[fileIndex]);
else if (this->FilePattern)
snprintf(this->MultiFileName, vtkPExodusIIReaderMAXPATHLEN, this->FilePattern,
this->FilePrefix, fileIndex);
if (this->GetGenerateFileIdArray())
fileId = fileIndex;
vtkErrorMacro("Some weird problem with filename/filepattern");
return 0;
if (outInfo->Has(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEP()))
{ // Get the requested time step. We only support requests of a single time step in this reader
// right now
double requestedTimeStep = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_TIME_STEP());
// Save the time value in the output data information.
int length = outInfo->Length(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS());
double* steps = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::TIME_STEPS());
if (!this->GetHasModeShapes())
int cnt = 0;
int closestStep = 0;
double minDist = -1;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < length; ++cnt)
double tdist = (steps[cnt] - requestedTimeStep > requestedTimeStep - steps[cnt])
? steps[cnt] - requestedTimeStep
: requestedTimeStep - steps[cnt];
if (minDist < 0 || tdist < minDist)
minDist = tdist;
closestStep = cnt;
this->TimeStep = closestStep;
output->GetInformation()->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP(), steps[this->TimeStep]);
// Let the metadata know the time value so that the
// Metadata->RequestData call below will generate the animated mode
// shape properly.
// Don't use this->SetModeShapeTime because that will cause Modified
// to be called.
// this->SetModeShapeTime( requestedTimeStep );
double phase = requestedTimeStep - floor(requestedTimeStep);
this->Metadata->ModeShapeTime = phase;
output->GetInformation()->Set(vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP(), requestedTimeStep);
// output->GetInformation()->Remove( vtkDataObject::DATA_TIME_STEP() );
// this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->SetExodusModelMetadata( this->ExodusModelMetadata );
// For now, this *must* come last before the UpdateInformation() call because its MTime is
// compared to the metadata's MTime, which is modified by the calls above.
// this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->PackExodusModelOntoOutputOff();
// BUG #15632: Pass time information from first file to all others.
if (reader_idx > 1)
cout << "\n\n ************************************* Reader " << reader_idx << " dump\n";
int typ;
for (typ = 0; typ < numObjTypes; ++typ)
int nObj = this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->GetNumberOfObjects(objTypes[typ]);
for (idx = 0; idx < nObj; ++idx)
objTypes[typ], idx, this->GetObjectStatus(objTypes[typ], idx));
for (typ = 0; typ < numObjAttribTypes; ++typ)
int nObj = this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->GetNumberOfObjects(objAttribTypes[typ]);
for (idx = 0; idx < nObj; ++idx)
int nObjAtt = this->GetNumberOfObjectAttributes(objAttribTypes[typ], idx);
for (int aidx = 0; aidx < nObjAtt; ++aidx)
this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->SetObjectAttributeStatus(objAttribTypes[typ], idx, aidx,
this->GetObjectAttributeStatus(objAttribTypes[typ], idx, aidx));
for (typ = 0; typ < numObjResultTypes; ++typ)
int nObjArr = this->GetNumberOfObjectArrays(objResultTypes[typ]);
for (idx = 0; idx < nObjArr; ++idx)
objResultTypes[typ], idx, this->GetObjectArrayStatus(objResultTypes[typ], idx));
// set this reader to use the full amount of the cache
// call the reader
// set the reader back to the fractional amount
#if 0
vtkCompositeDataSet* subgrid = this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->GetOutput();
//subgrid->ShallowCopy( this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->GetOutput() );
int ncells = subgrid->GetNumberOfCells();
if ( ( ncells > 0 ) && this->Metadata->GetGenerateFileIdArray() )
vtkIntArray* ia = vtkIntArray::New();
for ( idx = 0; idx < ncells; ++ idx )
ia->SetValue( idx, fileId );
ia->SetName( "vtkFileId" );
subgrid->GetCellData()->AddArray( ia );
// Don't append if you don't have any cells
if ( ncells != 0 )
if ( this->ExodusModelMetadata )
vtkExodusModel* em = this->ReaderList[reader_idx]->GetExodusModel();
if ( em )
this->ExodusModel->MergeExodusModel( em );
totalCells += ncells;
totalPoints += subgrid->GetNumberOfPoints();
this->NumberOfCellsPerFile[reader_idx] = ncells;
this->NumberOfPointsPerFile[reader_idx] = subgrid->GetNumberOfPoints();
append->AddInput( subgrid );
#else // 0
#endif // 0
// Append complains/barfs if you update it without any inputs
if (append->GetNumberOfInputConnections(0) != 0)
// I've copied append's output to the 'output' so delete append
append = nullptr;
#if 0 // FIXME: Need multiblock version... or not?
if ( this->PackExodusModelOntoOutput )
// The metadata is written to field arrays and attached
// to the output unstructured grid.
if ( this->ExodusModel )
vtkModelMetadata::RemoveMetadata( output );
this->ExodusModel->GetModelMetadata()->Pack( output );
#endif // 0
return 1;
void vtkPExodusIIReader::SetFileRange(int min, int max)
if (min == this->FileRange[0] && max == this->FileRange[1])
this->FileRange[0] = min;
this->FileRange[1] = max;
this->NumberOfFiles = max - min + 1;
void vtkPExodusIIReader::SetFileName(const char* name)
vtkLogScopeF(TRACE, "%s: SetFileName(%s)", vtkLogIdentifier(this), name);
this->SetFileNames(1, &name);
void vtkPExodusIIReader::SetFileNames(int nfiles, const char** names)
vtkLogScopeF(TRACE, "%s: SetFileNames(%d, %s)", vtkLogIdentifier(this), nfiles,
nfiles > 0 ? names[0] : "nullptr");
// If I have an old list of filename delete them
if (this->FileNames)
for (int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfFileNames; ++i)
delete[] this->FileNames[i];
delete[] this->FileNames;
this->FileNames = nullptr;
// Set the number of files
this->NumberOfFileNames = nfiles;
// Allocate memory for new filenames
this->FileNames = new char*[this->NumberOfFileNames];
// Copy filenames
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i)
this->FileNames[i] = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(names[i]);
int vtkPExodusIIReader::DetermineFileId(const char* file)
// Assume the file number is the last digits found in the file name.
int fileId = 0;
const char* start = file;
const char* end = file + strlen(file) - 1;
const char* numString = end;
if (!isdigit(*numString))
while (numString > start)
if (isdigit(*numString))
if (numString == start)
if (isdigit(*numString))
fileId = atoi(numString);
return fileId; // no numbers in file name
while (numString > start)
if (!isdigit(*numString))
if ((numString == start) && (isdigit(*numString)))
fileId = atoi(numString);
fileId = atoi(++numString);
return fileId;
int vtkPExodusIIReader::DeterminePattern(const char* file)
char pattern[20] = "%s";
int scount = 0;
int cc = 0;
int min = 0, max = 0;
// First check for file names for which we should _not_ look for a numbered
// sequence. If using the extension .ex2 or .ex2v2, then we should not.
// Furthermore, if the filename ends in .e-s#, then this number is indicative
// of a restart number, not a partition number, so we should not look for
// numbered sequences there either.
vtksys::RegularExpression ex2RegEx("\\.ex2$");
vtksys::RegularExpression ex2v2RegEx("\\.ex2v2$");
vtksys::RegularExpression restartRegEx("\\.e-s\\.?[0-9]+(\\.ex2v[0-9]+)?$");
// This regular expression finds the number for a numbered sequence. This
// number appears at the end of file (or potentially right before an extension
// like .ex2v3 or perhaps a future version of this extension). The matches
// (in parentheses) are as follows:
// 1 - The prefix.
// 2 - The sequence number.
// 3 - The optional extension.
vtksys::RegularExpression numberRegEx("^(.*[^0-9])([0-9]+)(\\.ex2v[0-9]+)?$");
if (ex2RegEx.find(file) || ex2v2RegEx.find(file) || restartRegEx.find(file) ||
// Set my info
// this->SetFilePattern( pattern ); // XXX Bad set
// this->SetFilePrefix( file ); // XXX Bad set
// this->SetFileRange( min, max ); // XXX Bad set
delete[] this->FilePattern;
delete[] this->FilePrefix;
this->FilePattern = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(pattern);
this->FilePrefix = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(file);
this->FileRange[0] = min;
this->FileRange[1] = max;
this->NumberOfFiles = max - min + 1;
return VTK_OK;
// If we are here, then numberRegEx matched and we have found the part of
// the filename that is the number. Extract the filename parts.
std::string prefix = numberRegEx.match(1);
scount = static_cast<int>(numberRegEx.match(2).size());
std::string extension = numberRegEx.match(3);
// Determine the pattern
snprintf(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "%%s%%0%ii%s", scount, extension.c_str());
// Count up the files
char buffer[1024];
vtksys::SystemTools::Stat_t fs;
// First go up every 100
for (cc = min + 100; true; cc += 100)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pattern, prefix.c_str(), cc);
if (vtksys::SystemTools::Stat(buffer, &fs) == -1)
// Okay if I'm here than stat has failed so -100 on my cc
cc = cc - 100;
for (cc = cc + 1; true; ++cc)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pattern, prefix.c_str(), cc);
if (vtksys::SystemTools::Stat(buffer, &fs) == -1)
// Okay if I'm here than stat has failed so -1 on my cc
max = cc - 1;
// Second, go down every 100
// We can't assume that we're starting at 0 because the file selector
// will pick up every file that ends in .ex2v3... not just the first one.
for (cc = min - 100; true; cc -= 100)
if (cc < 0)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pattern, prefix.c_str(), cc);
if (vtksys::SystemTools::Stat(buffer, &fs) == -1)
cc += 100;
// Okay if I'm here than stat has failed so -100 on my cc
for (cc = cc - 1; true; --cc)
if (cc < 0)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), pattern, prefix.c_str(), cc);
if (vtksys::SystemTools::Stat(buffer, &fs) == -1)
min = cc + 1;
// If the user did not specify a range before this,
// than set the range to the min and max
if ((this->FileRange[0] == -1) && (this->FileRange[1] == -1))
// this->SetFileRange( min, max ); // XXX Bad set
this->FileRange[0] = min;
this->FileRange[1] = max;
this->NumberOfFiles = max - min + 1;
// Set my info
// this->SetFilePattern( pattern ); // XXX Bad set
// this->SetFilePrefix( prefix ); // XXX Bad set
// delete [] prefix;
delete[] this->FilePattern;
delete[] this->FilePrefix;
this->FilePattern = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(pattern);
this->FilePrefix = vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(prefix.c_str());
return VTK_OK;
void vtkPExodusIIReader::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
vtkExodusIIReader::PrintSelf(os, indent);
if (this->FilePattern)
os << indent << "FilePattern: " << this->FilePattern << endl;
os << indent << "FilePattern: nullptr\n";
if (this->FilePattern)
os << indent << "FilePrefix: " << this->FilePrefix << endl;
os << indent << "FilePrefix: nullptr\n";
os << indent << "FileRange: " << this->FileRange[0] << " " << this->FileRange[1] << endl;
os << indent << "NumberOfFiles: " << this->NumberOfFiles << endl;
os << indent << "Controller: " << this->Controller << endl;
os << indent << "VariableCacheSize: " << this->VariableCacheSize << endl;
vtkIdType vtkPExodusIIReader::GetTotalNumberOfElements()
vtkIdType total = 0;
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReader*>::iterator it;
for (it = this->ReaderList.begin(); it != this->ReaderList.end(); ++it)
total += (*it)->GetTotalNumberOfElements();
return total;
vtkIdType vtkPExodusIIReader::GetTotalNumberOfNodes()
vtkIdType total = 0;
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReader*>::iterator it;
for (it = this->ReaderList.begin(); it != this->ReaderList.end(); ++it)
total += (*it)->GetTotalNumberOfNodes();
return total;
static void BroadcastXmitString(vtkMultiProcessController* ctrl, char* str)
int len;
if (str)
len = static_cast<int>(strlen(str)) + 1;
ctrl->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
ctrl->Broadcast(str, len, 0);
len = 0;
ctrl->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
static bool BroadcastRecvString(vtkMultiProcessController* ctrl, std::vector<char>& str)
int len;
ctrl->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (len)
ctrl->Broadcast(&str[0], len, 0);
return true;
return false;
static void BroadcastDoubleVector(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::vector<double>& dvec, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(dvec.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
if (len)
controller->Broadcast(&dvec[0], len, 0);
static void BroadcastIntVector(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::vector<int>& ivec, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(ivec.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
if (len)
controller->Broadcast(&ivec[0], len, 0);
static void BroadcastString(vtkMultiProcessController* controller, vtkStdString& str, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(str.size()) + 1;
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (len)
if (rank)
std::vector<char> tmp;
controller->Broadcast(&(tmp[0]), len, 0);
str = &tmp[0];
const char* start = str.c_str();
std::vector<char> tmp(start, start + len);
controller->Broadcast(&tmp[0], len, 0);
static void BroadcastStringVector(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::vector<vtkStdString>& svec, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(svec.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkStdString>::iterator it;
for (it = svec.begin(); it != svec.end(); ++it)
BroadcastString(controller, *it, rank);
static void BroadcastObjectInfo(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ObjectInfoType* oinfo, int rank)
controller->Broadcast(&oinfo->Size, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&oinfo->Status, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&oinfo->Id, 1, 0);
BroadcastString(controller, oinfo->Name, rank);
static void BroadcastBlockSetInfo(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockSetInfoType* bsinfo, int rank)
BroadcastObjectInfo(controller, bsinfo, rank);
controller->Broadcast(&bsinfo->FileOffset, 1, 0);
unsigned long len;
unsigned long i;
std::map<vtkIdType, vtkIdType>::iterator it;
vtkIdType item[2];
if (rank == 0)
len = static_cast<unsigned long>(bsinfo->PointMap.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
for (it = bsinfo->PointMap.begin(); it != bsinfo->PointMap.end(); ++it)
item[0] = it->first;
item[1] = it->second;
controller->Broadcast(item, 2, 0);
if (bsinfo->CachedConnectivity)
bsinfo->CachedConnectivity = nullptr;
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
controller->Broadcast(item, 2, 0);
bsinfo->PointMap[item[0]] = item[1];
bsinfo->ReversePointMap[item[1]] = item[0];
controller->Broadcast(&bsinfo->NextSqueezePoint, 1, 0);
static void BroadcastBlockInfo(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockInfoType* binfo, int rank)
BroadcastBlockSetInfo(controller, binfo, rank);
BroadcastString(controller, binfo->TypeName, rank);
controller->Broadcast(binfo->BdsPerEntry, 3, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&binfo->AttributesPerEntry, 1, 0);
BroadcastStringVector(controller, binfo->AttributeNames, rank);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, binfo->AttributeStatus, rank);
controller->Broadcast(&binfo->CellType, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&binfo->PointsPerCell, 1, 0);
static void BroadcastPartInfo(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::PartInfoType* pinfo, int rank)
BroadcastObjectInfo(controller, pinfo, rank);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, pinfo->BlockIndices, rank);
static void BroadcastAssemblyInfo(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::AssemblyInfoType* ainfo, int rank)
BroadcastObjectInfo(controller, ainfo, rank);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, ainfo->BlockIndices, rank);
static void BroadcastMaterialInfo(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MaterialInfoType* minfo, int rank)
BroadcastObjectInfo(controller, minfo, rank);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, minfo->BlockIndices, rank);
static void BroadcastSetInfo(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::SetInfoType* sinfo, int rank)
BroadcastBlockSetInfo(controller, sinfo, rank);
controller->Broadcast(&sinfo->DistFact, 1, 0);
static void BroadcastArrayInfo(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoType* ainfo, int rank)
if (rank)
BroadcastString(controller, ainfo->Name, rank);
controller->Broadcast(&ainfo->Components, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&ainfo->GlomType, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&ainfo->StorageType, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&ainfo->Source, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&ainfo->Status, 1, 0);
BroadcastStringVector(controller, ainfo->OriginalNames, rank);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, ainfo->OriginalIndices, rank);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, ainfo->ObjectTruth, rank);
static void BroadcastArrayInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoType>& ainfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(ainfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
BroadcastArrayInfo(controller, &ainfo[i], rank);
static void BroadcastSortedObjectIndices(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, std::map<int, std::vector<int>>& oidx, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(oidx.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank == 0)
std::map<int, std::vector<int>>::iterator it;
int tmp;
for (it = oidx.begin(); it != oidx.end(); ++it)
tmp = it->first;
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
BroadcastIntVector(controller, it->second, rank);
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
std::vector<int> blank;
int key;
controller->Broadcast(&key, 1, 0);
oidx[key] = blank;
BroadcastIntVector(controller, oidx[key], rank);
static void BroadcastArrayInfoMap(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoType>>& oidx, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(oidx.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank == 0)
int tmp;
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoType>>::iterator it;
for (it = oidx.begin(); it != oidx.end(); ++it)
tmp = it->first;
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
BroadcastArrayInfoVector(controller, it->second, rank);
unsigned long i;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::ArrayInfoType> blank;
int key;
controller->Broadcast(&key, 1, 0);
oidx[key] = blank;
BroadcastArrayInfoVector(controller, oidx[key], rank);
static void BroadcastModelParameters(
vtkMultiProcessController* controller, ex_init_params& params, int vtkNotUsed(rank))
controller->Broadcast(params.title, MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_dim, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_nodes, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_edge, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_edge_blk, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_face, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_face_blk, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_elem, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_elem_blk, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_node_sets, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_edge_sets, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_face_sets, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_side_sets, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_elem_sets, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_node_maps, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_edge_maps, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_face_maps, 1, 0);
controller->Broadcast(&params.num_elem_maps, 1, 0);
static void BroadcastBlockInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockInfoType>& binfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(binfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockInfoType>::iterator it;
for (it = binfo.begin(); it != binfo.end(); ++it)
BroadcastBlockInfo(controller, &(*it), rank);
static void BroadcastBlockInfoMap(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockInfoType>>& binfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(binfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
int tmp;
if (rank == 0)
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockInfoType>>::iterator it;
for (it = binfo.begin(); it != binfo.end(); ++it)
tmp = it->first;
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
BroadcastBlockInfoVector(controller, it->second, rank);
unsigned long i;
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::BlockInfoType> blank;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
binfo[tmp] = blank;
BroadcastBlockInfoVector(controller, binfo[tmp], rank);
static void BroadcastSetInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::SetInfoType>& sinfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(sinfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::SetInfoType>::iterator it;
for (it = sinfo.begin(); it != sinfo.end(); ++it)
BroadcastSetInfo(controller, &(*it), rank);
static void BroadcastSetInfoMap(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::SetInfoType>>& sinfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(sinfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
int tmp;
if (rank == 0)
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::SetInfoType>>::iterator it;
for (it = sinfo.begin(); it != sinfo.end(); ++it)
tmp = it->first;
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
BroadcastSetInfoVector(controller, it->second, rank);
unsigned long i;
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::SetInfoType> blank;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
sinfo[tmp] = blank;
BroadcastSetInfoVector(controller, sinfo[tmp], rank);
static void BroadcastMapInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MapInfoType>& minfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(minfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MapInfoType>::iterator it;
for (it = minfo.begin(); it != minfo.end(); ++it)
BroadcastObjectInfo(controller, &(*it), rank);
static void BroadcastMapInfoMap(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MapInfoType>>& minfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(minfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
int tmp;
if (rank == 0)
std::map<int, std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MapInfoType>>::iterator it;
for (it = minfo.begin(); it != minfo.end(); ++it)
tmp = it->first;
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
BroadcastMapInfoVector(controller, it->second, rank);
unsigned long i;
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MapInfoType> blank;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
controller->Broadcast(&tmp, 1, 0);
minfo[tmp] = blank;
BroadcastMapInfoVector(controller, minfo[tmp], rank);
static void BroadcastPartInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::PartInfoType>& pinfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(pinfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::PartInfoType>::iterator it;
for (it = pinfo.begin(); it != pinfo.end(); ++it)
BroadcastPartInfo(controller, &(*it), rank);
static void BroadcastMaterialInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MaterialInfoType>& minfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(minfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::MaterialInfoType>::iterator it;
for (it = minfo.begin(); it != minfo.end(); ++it)
BroadcastMaterialInfo(controller, &(*it), rank);
static void BroadcastAssemblyInfoVector(vtkMultiProcessController* controller,
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::AssemblyInfoType>& ainfo, int rank)
unsigned long len = static_cast<unsigned long>(ainfo.size());
controller->Broadcast(&len, 1, 0);
if (rank)
std::vector<vtkExodusIIReaderPrivate::AssemblyInfoType>::iterator it;
for (it = ainfo.begin(); it != ainfo.end(); ++it)
BroadcastAssemblyInfo(controller, &(*it), rank);
void vtkPExodusIIReader::Broadcast(vtkMultiProcessController* ctrl)
if (ctrl)
int rank = ctrl->GetLocalProcessId();
BroadcastBlockInfoMap(ctrl, this->Metadata->BlockInfo, rank);
BroadcastSetInfoMap(ctrl, this->Metadata->SetInfo, rank);
BroadcastMapInfoMap(ctrl, this->Metadata->MapInfo, rank);
BroadcastPartInfoVector(ctrl, this->Metadata->PartInfo, rank);
BroadcastMaterialInfoVector(ctrl, this->Metadata->MaterialInfo, rank);
BroadcastAssemblyInfoVector(ctrl, this->Metadata->AssemblyInfo, rank);
BroadcastSortedObjectIndices(ctrl, this->Metadata->SortedObjectIndices, rank);
BroadcastArrayInfoMap(ctrl, this->Metadata->ArrayInfo, rank);
ctrl->Broadcast(&this->Metadata->AppWordSize, 1, 0);
ctrl->Broadcast(&this->Metadata->DiskWordSize, 1, 0);
ctrl->Broadcast(&this->Metadata->ExodusVersion, 1, 0);
ctrl->Broadcast(&this->Metadata->ExodusVersion, 1, 0);
BroadcastModelParameters(ctrl, this->Metadata->ModelParameters, rank);
BroadcastDoubleVector(ctrl, this->Metadata->Times, rank);
ctrl->Broadcast(this->TimeStepRange, 2, 0);
if (rank == 0)
BroadcastXmitString(ctrl, this->FilePattern);
BroadcastXmitString(ctrl, this->FilePrefix);
std::vector<char> tmp;
delete[] this->FilePattern;
delete[] this->FilePrefix;
// this->SetFilePattern( BroadcastRecvString( ctrl, tmp ) ? &tmp[0] : 0 ); // XXX Bad set
// this->SetFilePrefix( BroadcastRecvString( ctrl, tmp ) ? &tmp[0] : 0 ); // XXX Bad set
this->FilePattern =
BroadcastRecvString(ctrl, tmp) ? vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(&tmp[0]) : nullptr;
this->FilePrefix =
BroadcastRecvString(ctrl, tmp) ? vtksys::SystemTools::DuplicateString(&tmp[0]) : nullptr;
ctrl->Broadcast(this->FileRange, 2, 0);
ctrl->Broadcast(&this->NumberOfFiles, 1, 0);