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1185 lines
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1185 lines
37 KiB
Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader.cxx
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
#include "vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader.h"
#include "vtkArrayDispatch.h"
#include "vtkCellArray.h"
#include "vtkDataArrayRange.h"
#include "vtkIdTypeArray.h"
#include "vtkInformation.h"
#include "vtkNew.h"
#include "vtkObjectFactory.h"
#include "vtkPointSet.h"
#include "vtkPoints.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h"
#include "vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.h"
#include "vtkUnsignedCharArray.h"
#include "vtkXMLDataElement.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
// Ensures that array1 and array2 are of the same type. Returns a pair with
// array type selected as follows:
// * if both arrays have different element bytesize, the one with the larger size
// is chosen
// * if both arrays have different element types, then the type for the second
// argument is chosen
std::pair<vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray>, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray>> MatchArrayTypes(
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> array1, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> array2)
if (array1->GetElementComponentSize() > array2->GetElementComponentSize())
auto new2 = vtk::TakeSmartPointer(array1->NewInstance());
return std::make_pair(array1, new2);
else if (array2->GetElementComponentSize() > array1->GetElementComponentSize() ||
array1->GetDataType() != array2->GetDataType())
auto new1 = vtk::TakeSmartPointer(array2->NewInstance());
return std::make_pair(new1, array2);
return std::make_pair(array1, array2);
this->PointElements = nullptr;
this->NumberOfPoints = nullptr;
this->TotalNumberOfPoints = 0;
this->TotalNumberOfCells = 0;
this->PointsTimeStep = -1; // invalid state
this->PointsOffset = static_cast<unsigned long>(-1);
if (this->NumberOfPieces)
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
this->Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
vtkPointSet* vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::GetOutputAsPointSet()
return vtkPointSet::SafeDownCast(this->GetOutputDataObject(0));
vtkXMLDataElement* vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader ::FindDataArrayWithName(
vtkXMLDataElement* eParent, const char* name)
// Find a nested element that represents a data array with the given name.
// and proper TimeStep
int i;
for (i = 0; i < eParent->GetNumberOfNestedElements(); ++i)
vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = eParent->GetNestedElement(i);
if (strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "DataArray") == 0)
const char* aName = eNested->GetAttribute("Name");
if (aName && (strcmp(aName, name) == 0))
int numTimeSteps =
eNested->GetVectorAttribute("TimeStep", this->NumberOfTimeSteps, this->TimeSteps);
assert(numTimeSteps <= this->NumberOfTimeSteps);
// Check if CurrentTimeStep is in the array and particular field is also:
int isCurrentTimeInArray =
vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(this->CurrentTimeStep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps);
// If no time is specified or if time is specified and match then read
if (!numTimeSteps || isCurrentTimeInArray)
return eNested;
return nullptr;
vtkIdTypeArray* vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ConvertToIdTypeArray(vtkDataArray* a)
// If it is already a vtkIdTypeArray, just return it.
vtkIdTypeArray* ida = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkIdTypeArray>(a);
if (ida)
return ida;
// Need to convert the data.
ida = vtkIdTypeArray::New();
return ida;
vtkUnsignedCharArray* vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ConvertToUnsignedCharArray(vtkDataArray* a)
// If it is already a vtkUnsignedCharArray, just return it.
vtkUnsignedCharArray* uca = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkUnsignedCharArray>(a);
if (uca)
return uca;
// Need to convert the data.
uca = vtkUnsignedCharArray::New();
return uca;
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupEmptyOutput()
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupOutputTotals()
this->TotalNumberOfPoints = 0;
for (int i = this->StartPiece; i < this->EndPiece; ++i)
this->TotalNumberOfPoints += this->NumberOfPoints[i];
this->StartPoint = 0;
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupNextPiece()
this->StartPoint += this->NumberOfPoints[this->Piece];
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupUpdateExtent(int piece, int numberOfPieces, int ghostLevel)
this->UpdatePieceId = piece;
this->UpdateNumberOfPieces = numberOfPieces;
this->UpdateGhostLevel = ghostLevel;
// If more pieces are requested than available, just return empty
// pieces for the extra ones.
if (this->UpdateNumberOfPieces > this->NumberOfPieces)
this->UpdateNumberOfPieces = this->NumberOfPieces;
// Find the range of pieces to read.
if (this->UpdatePieceId < this->UpdateNumberOfPieces)
this->StartPiece = ((this->UpdatePieceId * this->NumberOfPieces) / this->UpdateNumberOfPieces);
this->EndPiece =
(((this->UpdatePieceId + 1) * this->NumberOfPieces) / this->UpdateNumberOfPieces);
this->StartPiece = 0;
this->EndPiece = 0;
// Find the total size of the output.
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ReadXMLData()
// Get the update request.
int piece;
int numberOfPieces;
int ghostLevel;
vtkInformation* outInfo = this->GetCurrentOutputInformation();
piece = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_PIECE_NUMBER());
numberOfPieces = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_PIECES());
ghostLevel = outInfo->Get(vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline::UPDATE_NUMBER_OF_GHOST_LEVELS());
"Updating piece " << piece << " of " << numberOfPieces << " with ghost level " << ghostLevel);
// Setup the range of pieces that will be read.
this->SetupUpdateExtent(piece, numberOfPieces, ghostLevel);
// If there are no data to read, stop now.
if (this->StartPiece == this->EndPiece)
"Reading piece range [" << this->StartPiece << ", " << this->EndPiece << ") from file.");
// Let superclasses read data. This also allocates output data.
// Split current progress range based on fraction contributed by
// each piece.
float progressRange[2] = { 0, 0 };
// Calculate the cumulative fraction of data contributed by each
// piece (for progress).
float* fractions = new float[this->EndPiece - this->StartPiece + 1];
int i;
fractions[0] = 0;
for (i = this->StartPiece; i < this->EndPiece; ++i)
int index = i - this->StartPiece;
fractions[index + 1] =
(fractions[index] + this->GetNumberOfPointsInPiece(i) + this->GetNumberOfCellsInPiece(i));
if (fractions[this->EndPiece - this->StartPiece] == 0)
fractions[this->EndPiece - this->StartPiece] = 1;
for (i = this->StartPiece; i < this->EndPiece; ++i)
int index = i - this->StartPiece;
fractions[index + 1] = fractions[index + 1] / fractions[this->EndPiece - this->StartPiece];
// Read the data needed from each piece.
for (i = this->StartPiece; (i < this->EndPiece && !this->AbortExecute && !this->DataError); ++i)
// Set the range of progress for this piece.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, i - this->StartPiece, fractions);
if (!this->Superclass::ReadPieceData(i))
// An error occurred while reading the piece.
this->DataError = 1;
delete[] fractions;
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupPieces(int numPieces)
this->NumberOfPoints = new vtkIdType[numPieces];
this->PointElements = new vtkXMLDataElement*[numPieces];
for (int i = 0; i < numPieces; ++i)
this->PointElements[i] = nullptr;
this->NumberOfPoints[i] = 0;
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::DestroyPieces()
delete[] this->PointElements;
delete[] this->NumberOfPoints;
this->PointElements = nullptr;
this->NumberOfPoints = nullptr;
vtkIdType vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::GetNumberOfPoints()
return this->TotalNumberOfPoints;
vtkIdType vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::GetNumberOfCells()
return this->TotalNumberOfCells;
vtkIdType vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::GetNumberOfPieces()
return this->NumberOfPieces;
vtkIdType vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::GetNumberOfPointsInPiece(int piece)
return this->NumberOfPoints[piece];
// Note that any changes (add or removing information) made to this method
// should be replicated in CopyOutputInformation
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupOutputInformation(vtkInformation* outInfo)
if (this->NumberOfPieces > 1)
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::CopyOutputInformation(vtkInformation* outInfo, int port)
this->Superclass::CopyOutputInformation(outInfo, port);
void vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::SetupOutputData()
// Create the points array.
vtkPoints* points = vtkPoints::New();
// Use the configuration of the first piece since all are the same.
vtkXMLDataElement* ePoints = this->PointElements[0];
if (ePoints)
// Non-zero volume.
vtkAbstractArray* aa = this->CreateArray(ePoints->GetNestedElement(0));
vtkDataArray* a = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkDataArray>(aa);
if (a)
// Allocate the points array.
if (aa)
this->DataError = 1;
"No Points element available in first piece found in file. Reading file may fail.");
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ReadPiece(vtkXMLDataElement* ePiece)
if (!this->Superclass::ReadPiece(ePiece))
return 0;
if (!ePiece->GetScalarAttribute("NumberOfPoints", this->NumberOfPoints[this->Piece]))
vtkErrorMacro("Piece " << this->Piece << " is missing its NumberOfPoints attribute.");
this->NumberOfPoints[this->Piece] = 0;
return 0;
// Find the Points element in the piece.
int i;
this->PointElements[this->Piece] = nullptr;
for (i = 0; i < ePiece->GetNumberOfNestedElements(); ++i)
vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePiece->GetNestedElement(i);
if (strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "Points") == 0)
// make sure the XML file is somehow valid:
if ((this->NumberOfTimeSteps > 0 && eNested->GetNumberOfNestedElements() >= 1) ||
(this->NumberOfTimeSteps == 0 && eNested->GetNumberOfNestedElements() == 1))
this->PointElements[this->Piece] = eNested;
// If there are some points, we require a Points element.
if (!this->PointElements[this->Piece] && (this->NumberOfPoints[this->Piece] > 0))
vtkErrorMacro("A piece is missing its Points element "
"or element does not have exactly 1 array.");
return 0;
return 1;
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ReadPieceData()
// The amount of data read by the superclass's ReadPieceData comes
// from point/cell data (we read point specifications here).
vtkIdType superclassPieceSize =
(this->NumberOfPointArrays * this->GetNumberOfPointsInPiece(this->Piece) +
this->NumberOfCellArrays * this->GetNumberOfCellsInPiece(this->Piece));
// Total amount of data in this piece comes from point/cell data
// arrays and the point specifications themselves.
vtkIdType totalPieceSize = superclassPieceSize + 1 * this->GetNumberOfPointsInPiece(this->Piece);
if (totalPieceSize == 0)
totalPieceSize = 1;
// Split the progress range based on the approximate fraction of
// data that will be read by each step in this method.
float progressRange[2] = { 0, 0 };
float fractions[3] = { 0, float(superclassPieceSize) / totalPieceSize, 1 };
// Set the range of progress for the superclass.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, 0, fractions);
// Let the superclass read its data.
if (!this->Superclass::ReadPieceData())
return 0;
vtkPointSet* output = vtkPointSet::SafeDownCast(this->GetCurrentOutput());
// Set the range of progress for the Points.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, 1, fractions);
// Read the points array.
vtkXMLDataElement* ePoints = this->PointElements[this->Piece];
if (ePoints)
for (int i = 0; (i < ePoints->GetNumberOfNestedElements() && !this->AbortExecute); ++i)
vtkXMLDataElement* eNested = ePoints->GetNestedElement(i);
if (strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "DataArray") != 0 && strcmp(eNested->GetName(), "Array") != 0)
vtkErrorMacro("Invalid Array.");
this->DataError = 1;
return 0;
int needToRead = this->PointsNeedToReadTimeStep(eNested);
if (needToRead)
// Read the array. Test for abort before and after the read. Before
// so that we can skip the read, after to prevent unwanted error
// messages.
if (!this->AbortExecute &&
!this->ReadArrayForPoints(eNested, output->GetPoints()->GetData()) && !this->AbortExecute)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read points array from "
<< ePoints->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< ". The data array in the element may be too short.");
return 0;
return 1;
// We just need this to use the ArrayDispatch mechanism to evaluate
// whether the offset type array is valid, so the functor does nothing.
struct ValidateOffsetsType
template <typename ArrayT>
void operator()(ArrayT*)
struct ValidateOffsets
bool Valid{ false };
vtkIdType ConnSize{ 0 };
template <typename ArrayT>
void operator()(ArrayT* offsets)
using ValueType = vtk::GetAPIType<ArrayT>;
auto range = vtk::DataArrayValueRange<1>(offsets);
if (range.size() == 0)
this->Valid = false;
// First offset must be zero:
if (*range.cbegin() != 0)
this->Valid = false;
// Ensure that offsets are increasing:
auto it = std::adjacent_find(range.cbegin(), range.cend(),
[](const ValueType a, const ValueType b) -> bool { return b < a; });
this->Valid = it == range.cend();
if (this->Valid)
{ // The last entry in the offsets is the size of the connectivity
this->ConnSize = static_cast<vtkIdType>(*(range.cend() - 1));
struct ConstructCellArray
vtkCellArray* CellArray;
vtkDataArray* Connectivity;
bool ConnectivityIsValid;
ConstructCellArray(vtkCellArray* cellArray, vtkDataArray* connectivity)
: CellArray{ cellArray }
, Connectivity{ connectivity }
, ConnectivityIsValid{ false }
template <typename ArrayT>
void operator()(ArrayT* offsets)
// Connectivity should have the same type as offsets:
ArrayT* conn = vtkArrayDownCast<ArrayT>(this->Connectivity);
if (!conn)
this->ConnectivityIsValid = false;
this->CellArray->SetData(offsets, conn);
this->ConnectivityIsValid = true;
} // end anon namespace
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ReadCellArray(vtkIdType numberOfCells,
vtkIdType vtkNotUsed(totalNumberOfCells), vtkXMLDataElement* eCells, vtkCellArray* outCells)
if (numberOfCells <= 0)
return 1;
if (!eCells)
return 0;
// Split progress range into 1/5 for offsets array and 4/5 for
// connectivity array. This assumes an average of 4 points per
// cell. Unfortunately, we cannot know the length of the
// connectivity array ahead of time to calculate the real fraction.
float progressRange[2] = { 0, 0 };
float fractions[3] = { 0, 0.2f, 1 };
// Set range of progress for offsets array.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, 0, fractions);
// Read the cell offsets.
if (this->AbortExecute)
return 0;
// ------------------------ Read offsets -------------------------------------
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> cellOffsets;
vtkXMLDataElement* eOffsets = this->FindDataArrayWithName(eCells, "offsets");
if (!eOffsets && !this->AbortExecute)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell offsets from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"offsets\" array could not be found.");
return 0;
if (this->AbortExecute)
return 0;
auto aOffsets = vtk::TakeSmartPointer(this->CreateArray(eOffsets));
if (!aOffsets)
vtkErrorMacro("Cell offsets array missing from " << eCells->GetName());
return 0;
if (!aOffsets->IsA("vtkDataArray"))
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot cast cell offsets from " << eCells->GetName() << " to vtkDataArray.");
return 0;
cellOffsets = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkDataArray>(aOffsets.Get());
if (cellOffsets->GetNumberOfComponents() != 1)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell offsets from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"offsets\" array could not be created"
<< " with one component.");
return 0;
// The file format skips the first 0 in the offsets array, so set the first
// value in the array to 0 and read the data into the array starting at
// index 1.
cellOffsets->SetNumberOfTuples(numberOfCells + 1);
cellOffsets->SetComponent(0, 0, 0);
if (!this->ReadArrayValues(eOffsets, 1, cellOffsets, 0, numberOfCells, CELL_DATA) &&
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell offsets from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"offsets\" array is not long enough.");
return 0;
if (this->AbortExecute)
return 0;
// Validate the offsets
ValidateOffsets offsetValidator;
using SupportedArrays = vtkCellArray::InputArrayList;
// Convert array to supported type if necessary
using Dispatch = vtkArrayDispatch::DispatchByArray<SupportedArrays>;
bool offsetsNeedConversion = !Dispatch::Execute(cellOffsets, ValidateOffsetsType{});
if (offsetsNeedConversion)
// Use a vtkCellArray::ArrayType64 to ensure we can represent the incoming offset array type.
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray::ArrayType64> newArray =
// DeepCopy takes care of the type conversion.
cellOffsets = newArray;
if (!Dispatch::Execute(cellOffsets, offsetValidator))
"Error reading cell offsets: Unsupported array type: " << cellOffsets->GetClassName());
return 0;
if (!offsetValidator.Valid)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell connectivity from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece << " because the \"offsets\" array is"
<< " not monotonically increasing or starts with a"
<< " value other than 0.");
return 0;
// Set range of progress for connectivity array.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, 1, fractions);
const vtkIdType connLength = offsetValidator.ConnSize;
// ------------------------ Read connectivity---------------------------------
vtkSmartPointer<vtkDataArray> conn;
vtkXMLDataElement* eConn = this->FindDataArrayWithName(eCells, "connectivity");
if (!eConn)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell connectivity from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"connectivity\" array could not be found.");
return 0;
if (this->AbortExecute)
return 0;
auto aConn = vtk::TakeSmartPointer(this->CreateArray(eConn));
if (!aConn)
vtkErrorMacro("Cell connectivity array missing from " << eCells->GetName());
return 0;
if (!aConn->IsA("vtkDataArray"))
"Cannot cast cell connectivity from " << eCells->GetName() << " to vtkDataArray.");
return 0;
conn = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkDataArray>(aConn.Get());
if (conn->GetNumberOfComponents() != 1)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell connectivity from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"connectivity\" array could not be created"
<< " with one component.");
return 0;
if (this->AbortExecute)
return 0;
if (!this->ReadArrayValues(eConn, 0, conn, 0, connLength, CELL_DATA) && !this->AbortExecute)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell connectivity from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"connectivity\" array is not long enough.");
return 0;
if (this->AbortExecute)
return 0;
// Ensure that `conn` and `cellOffsets` arrays have same types.
std::tie(conn, cellOffsets) = MatchArrayTypes(conn, cellOffsets);
//------------------- Construct vtkCellArray ---------------------------------
if (outCells->GetNumberOfCells() == 0)
{ // First execution: Directly construct output cell array:
ConstructCellArray builder{ outCells, conn };
if (!Dispatch::Execute(cellOffsets, builder))
"Cannot read cell data from " << eCells->GetName() << ". Offset array type is invalid.");
return 0;
if (!builder.ConnectivityIsValid)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell data from "
<< eCells->GetName()
<< ". Offsets and connectivity arrays must be the same "
return 0;
{ // Construct a temporary vtkCellArray that holds the arrays, and then
// append to the input outCells.
vtkNew<vtkCellArray> tmpCells;
ConstructCellArray builder{ tmpCells, conn };
if (!Dispatch::Execute(cellOffsets, builder))
"Cannot read cell data from " << eCells->GetName() << ". Offset array type is invalid.");
return 0;
if (!builder.ConnectivityIsValid)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell data from "
<< eCells->GetName()
<< ". Offsets and connectivity arrays must be the same "
return 0;
outCells->Append(tmpCells, this->StartPoint);
return 1;
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ReadFaceArray(vtkIdType numberOfCells, vtkXMLDataElement* eCells,
vtkIdTypeArray* outFaces, vtkIdTypeArray* outFaceOffsets)
if (numberOfCells <= 0)
return 1;
if (!eCells || !outFaces || !outFaceOffsets)
return 0;
// Split progress range into 1/5 for faces array and 4/5 for
// faceoffsets array. This assumes an average of 4 points per
// face. Unfortunately, we cannot know the length ahead of time
// to calculate the real fraction.
float progressRange[2] = { 0, 0 };
float fractions[3] = { 0, 0.2f, 1 };
// Set range of progress for offsets array.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, 0, fractions);
// Read the cell offsets.
vtkXMLDataElement* efaceOffsets = this->FindDataArrayWithName(eCells, "faceoffsets");
if (!efaceOffsets)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read face offsets from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faceoffsets\" array could not be found.");
return 0;
vtkAbstractArray* ac1 = this->CreateArray(efaceOffsets);
vtkDataArray* c1 = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkDataArray>(ac1);
if (!c1 || (c1->GetNumberOfComponents() != 1))
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read face offsets from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faceoffsets\" array could not be created"
<< " with one component.");
if (ac1)
return 0;
if (!this->ReadArrayValues(efaceOffsets, 0, c1, 0, numberOfCells))
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read face offsets from "
<< eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faceoffsets\" array is not long enough.");
return 0;
vtkIdTypeArray* faceOffsets = this->ConvertToIdTypeArray(c1);
if (!faceOffsets)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read cell offsets from " << eCells->GetName() << " in piece "
<< this->Piece
<< " because the \"offsets\" array could not be"
<< " converted to a vtkIdTypeArray.");
return 0;
// Note that faceOffsets[i] points to the end of the i-th cell's faces + 1. We
// now Extract the size of the faces array from faceOffsets array. We compute
// it by subtracting the size of outFaces from the maximum value of faceOffset
// array element. The faceOffsets array is incremental, but contains -1 to
// indicate a non-polyhedron cell.
vtkIdType* faceoffsetPtr = faceOffsets->GetPointer(0);
vtkIdType maxOffset = -1;
for (vtkIdType i = numberOfCells - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (faceoffsetPtr[i] > -1)
maxOffset = faceoffsetPtr[i];
// Paraview-BUG-13892. The facesArrayLength here should be relative
// to the current piece being read, NOT the outFaces already read.
vtkIdType facesArrayLength = maxOffset;
// special handling of the case of all non-polyhedron cells
if (facesArrayLength <= 0)
return 1;
// Set range of progress for faces array.
this->SetProgressRange(progressRange, 1, fractions);
// Read the faces array.
vtkXMLDataElement* efaces = this->FindDataArrayWithName(eCells, "faces");
if (!efaces)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read faces from " << eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faces\" array could not be found.");
return 0;
vtkAbstractArray* ac0 = this->CreateArray(efaces);
vtkDataArray* c0 = vtkArrayDownCast<vtkDataArray>(ac0);
if (!c0 || (c0->GetNumberOfComponents() != 1))
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read faces from " << eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faces\" array could not be created"
<< " with one component.");
if (ac0)
return 0;
if (!this->ReadArrayValues(efaces, 0, c0, 0, facesArrayLength))
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read faces from " << eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faces\" array is not long enough.");
return 0;
vtkIdTypeArray* faces = this->ConvertToIdTypeArray(c0);
if (!faces)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read faces from " << eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faces\" array could not be"
<< " converted to a vtkIdTypeArray.");
return 0;
// Copy the contents of the faceoffsets array.
// Note that faceOffsets[i] points to the end of the i-th cell + 1. While
// vtkUnstructuredGrid::FaceLocations[i] points to the beginning of the
// i-th cell. Need to convert. Also note that for both arrays, a
// non-polyhedron cell has a offset of -1.
vtkIdType* facesPtr = faces->GetPointer(0);
vtkIdType startLoc = outFaceOffsets->GetNumberOfTuples();
vtkIdType* outFaceOffsetsPtr = outFaceOffsets->WritePointer(startLoc, numberOfCells);
vtkIdType currLoc = startLoc;
// (Paraview-BUG-13892)
// outFaceOffsets should point to the offset location in the outFaces array
vtkIdType currFaceLoc = outFaces->GetNumberOfTuples();
for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < numberOfCells; ++i, ++outFaceOffsetsPtr)
if (faceoffsetPtr[i] < 0)
*outFaceOffsetsPtr = -1;
*outFaceOffsetsPtr = currFaceLoc;
// find next offset
// read numberOfFaces in a cell
vtkIdType numberOfCellFaces = facesPtr[currLoc - startLoc];
currLoc += 1;
for (vtkIdType j = 0; j < numberOfCellFaces; j++)
// read numberOfPoints in a face
vtkIdType tmpLoc = currLoc - startLoc;
vtkIdType numberOfFacePoints = facesPtr[tmpLoc];
// update the point ids with StartPoint (Paraview-BUG-13892)
if (this->StartPoint > 0)
for (vtkIdType pidx = tmpLoc + 1; pidx < tmpLoc + 1 + numberOfFacePoints; pidx++)
facesPtr[pidx] += this->StartPoint;
currLoc += numberOfFacePoints + 1;
currFaceLoc += numberOfFacePoints + 1;
// sanity check
if (currLoc - startLoc != facesArrayLength)
vtkErrorMacro("Cannot read faces from " << eCells->GetName() << " in piece " << this->Piece
<< " because the \"faces\" and"
<< " \"faceoffsets\" arrays don't match.");
return 0;
// Copy the contents of the faces array.
startLoc = outFaces->GetNumberOfTuples();
vtkIdType length = faces->GetNumberOfTuples();
vtkIdType* outFacesPtr = outFaces->WritePointer(startLoc, length);
for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < length; ++i, ++outFacesPtr)
*outFacesPtr = facesPtr[i];
return 1;
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::ReadArrayForPoints(
vtkXMLDataElement* da, vtkAbstractArray* outArray)
vtkIdType startPoint = this->StartPoint;
vtkIdType numPoints = this->NumberOfPoints[this->Piece];
vtkIdType components = outArray->GetNumberOfComponents();
return this->ReadArrayValues(
da, startPoint * components, outArray, 0, numPoints * components, POINT_DATA);
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::PointsNeedToReadTimeStep(vtkXMLDataElement* eNested)
// Easy case no timestep:
int numTimeSteps =
eNested->GetVectorAttribute("TimeStep", this->NumberOfTimeSteps, this->TimeSteps);
assert(numTimeSteps <= this->NumberOfTimeSteps);
if (!numTimeSteps && !this->NumberOfTimeSteps)
assert(this->PointsTimeStep == -1); // No timestep in this file
return 1;
// else TimeStep was specified but no TimeValues associated were found
// case numTimeSteps > 1
int isCurrentTimeInArray =
vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(this->CurrentTimeStep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps);
if (!isCurrentTimeInArray && numTimeSteps)
return 0;
// we know that time steps are specified and that CurrentTimeStep is in the array
// we need to figure out if we need to read the array or if it was forwarded
// Need to check the current 'offset'
unsigned long offset;
if (eNested->GetScalarAttribute("offset", offset))
if (this->PointsOffset != offset)
// save the pointsOffset we are about to read
assert(this->PointsTimeStep == -1); // cannot have mixture of binary and appended
this->PointsOffset = offset;
return 1;
// No offset is specified this is a binary file
// First thing to check if numTimeSteps == 0:
if (!numTimeSteps && this->NumberOfTimeSteps && this->PointsTimeStep == -1)
// Update last PointsTimeStep read
this->PointsTimeStep = this->CurrentTimeStep;
return 1;
int isLastTimeInArray =
vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(this->PointsTimeStep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps);
// If no time is specified or if time is specified and match then read
if (isCurrentTimeInArray && !isLastTimeInArray)
// CurrentTimeStep is in TimeSteps but Last is not := need to read
// Update last PointsTimeStep read
this->PointsTimeStep = this->CurrentTimeStep;
return 1;
// all other cases we don't need to read:
return 0;
// Returns true if we need to read the data for the current time step
int vtkXMLUnstructuredDataReader::CellsNeedToReadTimeStep(
vtkXMLDataElement* eNested, int& cellstimestep, unsigned long& cellsoffset)
// Easy case no timestep:
int numTimeSteps =
eNested->GetVectorAttribute("TimeStep", this->NumberOfTimeSteps, this->TimeSteps);
assert(numTimeSteps <= this->NumberOfTimeSteps);
if (!numTimeSteps && !this->NumberOfTimeSteps)
assert(cellstimestep == -1); // No timestep in this file
return 1;
// else TimeStep was specified but no TimeValues associated were found
// case numTimeSteps > 1
int isCurrentTimeInArray =
vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(this->CurrentTimeStep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps);
if (!isCurrentTimeInArray && numTimeSteps)
return 0;
// we know that time steps are specified and that CurrentTimeStep is in the array
// we need to figure out if we need to read the array or if it was forwarded
// Need to check the current 'offset'
unsigned long offset;
if (eNested->GetScalarAttribute("offset", offset))
if (cellsoffset != offset)
// save the cellsOffset we are about to read
assert(cellstimestep == -1); // cannot have mixture of binary and appended
cellsoffset = offset;
return 1;
// No offset is specified this is a binary file
// First thing to check if numTimeSteps == 0:
if (!numTimeSteps && this->NumberOfTimeSteps && cellstimestep == -1)
// Update last PointsTimeStep read
cellstimestep = this->CurrentTimeStep;
return 1;
int isLastTimeInArray =
vtkXMLReader::IsTimeStepInArray(cellstimestep, this->TimeSteps, numTimeSteps);
// If no time is specified or if time is specified and match then read
if (isCurrentTimeInArray && !isLastTimeInArray)
// CurrentTimeStep is in TimeSteps but Last is not := need to read
// Update last cellstimestep read
cellstimestep = this->CurrentTimeStep;
return 1;
// all other cases we don't need to read:
return 0;