2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
#include "utils.h"
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDir>
#include <QRegularExpression>
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
#include <QThread>
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
#include <QUuid>
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
#include <QRegularExpression>
2021-10-13 16:31:58 +08:00
#include <QProcess>
2021-11-20 17:50:17 +08:00
#include <QSettings>
#include <QTextCodec>
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
#include <QEventLoop>
#include <QTimer>
2022-01-13 14:06:40 +08:00
#include <QStorageInfo>
2022-03-09 15:02:01 +08:00
#include "../backup-daemon/parsebackuplist.h"
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
#include "mylittleparse.h"
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
#include "mydefine.h"
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
2021-11-11 16:03:58 +08:00
QString SystemInfo::m_os;
QString SystemInfo::m_arch;
QString SystemInfo::m_archDetect;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
QString Utils::m_sysRootPath = "/";
* @brief initSysRootPath, 根据应用程序路径推断系统根目录
* @param qsAppPath,应用程序所在路径
* @note
* 本方法依赖于发布后应用程序会部署到目录/usr/bin中
* 1. grub引导中根目录为/root
* 2. livecd中根目录为/target
* 3. 正常使用中根目录为/
void Utils::initSysRootPath(const QString& qsAppPath)
QString sysRootPath = qsAppPath;
if (sysRootPath.contains(DEFAULT_APP_PATH)) {
sysRootPath.replace(DEFAULT_APP_PATH, "/");
} else {
sysRootPath = "/";
m_sysRootPath = sysRootPath;
* @brief customMessageHandler,日志重定向句柄
* @param type 日志类型,debug等
* @param context 上下文
* @param msg 日志信息
void Utils::customMessageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString& msg)
QByteArray localMsg = msg.toLocal8Bit();
QString strMsg("");
switch (type) {
case QtDebugMsg:
strMsg = QString("[Debug]");
case QtWarningMsg:
strMsg = QString("[Warning]");
case QtCriticalMsg:
strMsg = QString("[Critical]");
case QtFatalMsg:
strMsg = QString("[Fatal]");
strMsg = QString("[Debug]");
// 设置输出信息格式
QString strDateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss ddd");
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
QString strMessage = strMsg + QString("DateTime:%1 ThreadId:%2 Message:%3 File:%4(%5)")
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
std::cout << strMessage.toUtf8().data() << std::endl;
// 输出信息至文件中(读写、追加形式)
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
QString fileName = m_sysRootPath + PROC_LOG;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
fileName.replace("//", "/");
QFile file(fileName);
file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Append);
QTextStream stream(&file);
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
stream << strMessage << END_LINE;
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
* @brief 文件锁,锁定应用程序
* @param frontUid,锁定程序的用户id
* @return 锁文件的文件描述符
* @note 使用方式类似于QLockFile,后面时间充足时也可以自行封装一个独立类来处理文件锁
* 这个文件锁的作用是,在关机时关机模块会自行校验/tmp/lock路径下的锁文件,如果存在则提醒用户xx程序在运行不允许关机等
int Utils::lockProgram(int frontUid)
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
if (!dir.exists()) {
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
int lock_file_fd = ::open(LOCK_FILE, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
if (0 > lock_file_fd) {
return -2;
fchmod(lock_file_fd, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
int lock_ret = flock(lock_file_fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
if (0 > lock_ret) {
return -11;
ftruncate(lock_file_fd, 0);
char write_string[PID_STRING_LEN] = { 0 };
snprintf(write_string, PID_STRING_LEN, "%d\n%s\n", frontUid, BACKUP_CLI_NAME);
write(lock_file_fd, write_string, strlen(write_string));
return lock_file_fd;
* @brief 解除应用程序文件锁
* @param lock_file_fd 锁文件的文件描述符
* @return 0,解除成功;1,解除失败
int Utils::unLockProgram(int lock_file_fd)
int lock_ret = flock(lock_file_fd, LOCK_UN);
if (lock_ret < 0) {
qCritical("unlock fail!");
return 1;
qDebug("unlock success!");
return 0;
* @brief 删除锁文件
* @return bool
bool Utils::rmLockFile()
bool res = QFile::remove(LOCK_FILE);
if (!res)
qCritical() << QString("remove %s fail").arg(LOCK_FILE);
return res;
* @brief 检查/etc/.bootinfo是否存在并可读,里面存放备份分区的UUID等信息
* @return bool
bool Utils::checkBootInfoExists()
QString bootinfoPath = Utils::m_sysRootPath + BOOTINFO_PATH;
bootinfoPath.replace("//", "/");
QFile bootinfoFile(bootinfoPath);
if (!bootinfoFile.exists()) {
qCritical("%s is not exists!", qUtf8Printable(bootinfoPath));
return false;
if (!bootinfoFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCritical("%s file can't open!", qUtf8Printable(bootinfoPath));
return false;
return true;
* @brief 获取备份分区的UUID
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
* @return 备份分区的UUID
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
QString Utils::getBackupPartitionUuid()
QString bootinfoPath = Utils::m_sysRootPath + BOOTINFO_PATH;
bootinfoPath.replace("//", "/");
MyLittleParse parse(bootinfoPath);
QString restoreUuid;
parse.find("RECOVERY_DEV_UUID", restoreUuid);
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
if (restoreUuid.isEmpty()) {
QString fstab = Utils::m_sysRootPath + FSTAB_PATH;
fstab.replace("//", "/");
QFile file(fstab);
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream in(&file);
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
QString preLine;
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
if (line.isEmpty())
if (line.startsWith("#")) {
preLine = line;
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
if (line.startsWith("UUID=") && line.contains("/backup")) {
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
// like:
// # /dev/add4 LABEL=KYLIN-BACKUP
// UUID=40be1cac-cd92-49db-8a98-68ee21ddbc49 /backup ext4 noauto 0 0
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
int indexOfSpace = line.indexOf(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"), 0);
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
QString uuid = line.mid(0, indexOfSpace);
uuid.replace("UUID=", "");
restoreUuid = uuid.trimmed();
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
parse.Add("RECOVERY_DEV_UUID", restoreUuid);
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
break ;
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
} else if (line.startsWith("/dev/") && line.contains("/backup")) {
// like:
// # UUID=40be1cac-cd92-49db-8a98-68ee21ddbc49 LABEL=KYLIN-BACKUP
// /dev/add4 /backup ext4 noauto 0 0
if (preLine.startsWith("#") && preLine.contains("UUID=")) {
preLine.replace("# ", "");
preLine.replace("#", "");
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
int indexOfSpace = preLine.indexOf(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"), 0);
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
QString uuid = preLine.mid(0, indexOfSpace);
uuid.replace("UUID=", "");
restoreUuid = uuid.trimmed();
parse.Add("RECOVERY_DEV_UUID", restoreUuid);
break ;
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
return restoreUuid;
* @brief 获取分区对应的UUID映射关系
* @param fstab文件路径
* @return “分区挂载目录-分区UUID”键值对
QHash<QString, QString> Utils::getPartUuidMap(const QString &fstab)
QHash<QString, QString> result;
QFile file(fstab);
if (file.exists()) {
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream in(&file);
QString preLine;
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
if (line.isEmpty())
if (line.startsWith("#")) {
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
preLine = line;
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
// 配置文件/etc/fstab每行6个域: <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>, 形如:
// UUID=232f5fb4-53e0-46b9-ba9b-22bfec64f2a2 /boot ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
QStringList list = line.split(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"));
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
QStringList fields;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
QString field = list.at(i);
field = field.trimmed();
if (field.isEmpty())
fields << field;
QString mountPonit = fields.at(1);
if (line.startsWith("UUID=")) {
// like:
// # /dev/add4 LABEL=KYLIN-BACKUP
// UUID=40be1cac-cd92-49db-8a98-68ee21ddbc49 /backup ext4 noauto 0 0
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
int indexOfSpace = line.indexOf(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"), 0);
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
QString uuid = line.mid(0, indexOfSpace);
uuid.replace("UUID=", "");
uuid = uuid.trimmed();
result.insert(mountPonit, uuid);
} else if (line.startsWith("/dev/")) {
// like:
// # UUID=40be1cac-cd92-49db-8a98-68ee21ddbc49 LABEL=KYLIN-BACKUP
// /dev/add4 /backup ext4 noauto 0 0
if (preLine.startsWith("#") && preLine.contains("UUID=")) {
preLine.replace("# ", "");
preLine.replace("#", "");
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
int indexOfSpace = preLine.indexOf(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"), 0);
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
QString uuid = preLine.mid(0, indexOfSpace);
uuid.replace("UUID=", "");
uuid = uuid.trimmed();
result.insert(mountPonit, uuid);
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
return result;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
* @brief 路径不存在则创建,不支持递归创建
* @param path
void Utils::mkdir(const QString& path)
QDir dir(path);
if (!dir.exists())
* @brief 创建路径,支持递归创建
* @param path
* @return bool
bool Utils::mkpath(const QString& path)
QDir dir(path);
if (!dir.exists()) {
return dir.mkpath(path);
return true;
* @brief 备份还原时,需要排除绑定挂载的路径,因为数据不是存放在挂载路径内
* @param excludes,存放需要排除的绑定路径
void Utils::excludeFstabBindPath(QStringList &excludes)
QString fstabPath = Utils::m_sysRootPath + FSTAB_PATH;
fstabPath.replace("//", "/");
QFile file(fstabPath);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
const QString &line = in.readLine();
if (line.startsWith("#"))
continue ;
if (line.startsWith("UUID="))
continue ;
2021-09-16 16:05:46 +08:00
if (line.startsWith("/dev/"))
continue ;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
if (line.isEmpty())
continue ;
if (!line.contains("bind"))
continue ;
// 配置文件/etc/fstab每行6个域: <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>, 形如:
// UUID=232f5fb4-53e0-46b9-ba9b-22bfec64f2a2 /boot ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
QStringList list = line.split(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"));
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
QStringList fields;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
QString field = list.at(i);
field = field.trimmed();
if (field.isEmpty())
fields << field;
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
// 配置文件/etc/fstab每行6个域,第二个域为挂载路径, 为统一路径使用挂接点,排除第一个域
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
if (6 == fields.size())
2021-09-16 16:05:46 +08:00
excludes << fields.at(0);
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
2021-12-06 14:55:00 +08:00
* @brief 备份还原时,需要一些用户家目录下的路径,因为这些路径备份还原程序无权操作
* @param excludes,存放需要排除的路径
void Utils::excludeSomeHomePath(QStringList &excludes)
QSet<QString> homeSet;
// 获取/home下的用户家目录
QString homePath = Utils::m_sysRootPath + "/home";
homePath.replace("//", "/");
QDir dir(homePath);
QStringList list = dir.entryList(QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs);
for (const QString& item : list) {
// /home/oem跳过
if (item == "oem")
continue ;
QString home("/home/");
home += item;
excludes << home + "/.box";
QString dataHome("/data/home/");
dataHome += item;
excludes << dataHome + "/.box";
2022-04-26 16:06:54 +08:00
* @brief 排除自定义备份路径
* @param excludes,存放需要排除的路径
void Utils::excludeCustomizePath(QStringList &excludes)
// 本地xml文件中的信息
QString xmlPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_XML_PATH;
xmlPath.replace("//", "/");
ParseBackupList parse(xmlPath);
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
* @brief 生成rsync --exclude-from排除路径规则文件
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
* @return
bool Utils::generateExcludePathsFile()
QString excludeFile = Utils::m_sysRootPath + EXCLUDE_FILE_PATH;
excludeFile.replace("//", "/");
QFile excludePathFile(excludeFile);
// 暂时改为每次都重写文件内容,以便能随版本更新排除路径
if (!excludePathFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
qCritical("%s create failed", qUtf8Printable(excludeFile));
return false;
QTextStream in(&excludePathFile);
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
in << "/backup" << END_LINE; //分区
// in << "/boot/efi" << END_LINE;
in << "/cdrom" << END_LINE;
in << "/dev" << END_LINE;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
// efi原始目录在/boot/efi,备份到目标目录为/efi下,再还原时已经单独处理了,批量还原时应该屏蔽此目录
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
in << "/efi" << END_LINE;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
// 安全模块会将文件/usr/share/kysec-utils/data/readonly_list中的文件列表限制只读,无法修改、备份(包含扩展属性时)、删除等
// 现在里面仅有/etc/uid_list,先暂时排除掉;等后续安全模块有其它保护方案后再进一步修改
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
in << "/etc/uid_list" << END_LINE;
in << "/data/ghost" << END_LINE; //ghost镜像文件
in << "/ghost" << END_LINE; //ghost镜像文件
in << "/lost+found" << END_LINE;
in << "/media" << END_LINE;
in << "/mnt" << END_LINE;
in << "/proc" << END_LINE;
in << "/run" << END_LINE;
in << "/swap_file" << END_LINE;
in << "/sys" << END_LINE; //添加*(/sys/*),表示如果/sys目录不存在,则会拷贝/sys,但不会拷贝/sys下的内容
in << "/tmp" << END_LINE;
in << "/var/lib/docker/overlay2" << END_LINE;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
// 安卓兼容的这个里面很多文件都是设置了特殊扩展文件属性,lsetxattr无法设置成功,听取安卓兼容模块同事的意见不用管这个文件夹,其实是从home下挂载的
2022-06-20 15:54:46 +08:00
in << "/var/lib/kmre/data" << END_LINE;
in << "/var/lib/kmre/kmre-*-*/data/media/0/0-麒麟*" << END_LINE;
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
in << "/var/lib/udisks2" << END_LINE;
in << "/var/log" << END_LINE;
2022-04-19 16:13:38 +08:00
in << "*/backup/snapshots" << END_LINE;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
2021-09-23 11:21:58 +08:00
// 系统安装后有的会将/data/home /data/root挂载到的/home /root上,实际文件是存放在/data/home /data/root下面,为了统一标准保留/home /root排除/data/home /data/root
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
QStringList excludes;
2021-12-06 14:55:00 +08:00
2022-04-26 16:06:54 +08:00
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
for (const QString& item : excludes) {
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
in << item << END_LINE;
2021-08-06 10:20:03 +08:00
return true;
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
* @brief 判断目录是否存在
* @param 目录路径
* @return true,存在;false,不存在
bool Utils::isDirExist(const QString& fullDirName)
QDir dir(fullDirName);
if (dir.exists())
return true;
return false;
* @brief 获取系统备份还原排除路径列表, rsync --exclude-from排除路径规则文件中读取
* @return 系统备份还原排除路径列表
QStringList Utils::getFromExcludePathsFile()
QStringList list;
list << "/backup";
2021-09-16 16:05:46 +08:00
// list << "/boot/efi";
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
list << "/cdrom";
list << "/dev";
list << "/efi";
list << "/etc/uid_list";
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
list << "/data/ghost";
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
list << "/ghost";
list << "/lost+found";
list << "/media";
list << "/mnt";
list << "/proc";
list << "/run";
list << "/swap_file";
list << "/sys";
list << "/tmp";
2021-08-19 19:24:49 +08:00
list << "/var/lib/docker/overlay2";
2022-06-20 15:54:46 +08:00
list << "/var/lib/kmre/data";
list << "/var/lib/kmre/kmre-*-*/data/media/0/0-麒麟*";
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
list << "/var/lib/udisks2";
list << "/var/log";
2022-04-19 16:13:38 +08:00
list << "*/backup/snapshots";
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
// 系统安装后有的会将/data/home /data/root挂载到的/home /root上,实际文件是存放在/data/home /data/root下面
QStringList excludes;
2021-12-06 14:55:00 +08:00
2022-04-26 16:06:54 +08:00
2021-08-17 10:07:35 +08:00
for (const QString& item : excludes) {
list << item;
return list;
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
* @brief 生成Uuid
* @return UUID
QString Utils::createUuid()
QString uuid;
do {
uuid = QUuid::createUuid().toString();
} while (uuid == AUTO_BACKUP_UUID || uuid == FACTORY_BACKUP_UUID);
return uuid;
* @brief 将列表中内容写入指定文件中
* @param fileName,文件全路径
* @param lines,内容列表
* @return true,成功写入;false,写入失败
bool Utils::writeFileByLines(const QString& fileName, const QStringList& lines)
QFile file(fileName);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
return false;
QTextStream out(&file);
for (const QString& line : lines) {
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
out << line << END_LINE;
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
2021-08-24 18:08:18 +08:00
return true;
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
* @brief 判断文件是否存在
* @param fileName 文件明
* @return bool,true-存在;false-不存在
* @author zhaominyong
* @since 2021/05/29
bool Utils::filsExists(const QString &fileName)
struct stat buffer;
return (stat(fileName.toStdString().data(), &buffer) == 0);
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
* @brief 判断目录是否为空
* @param fullDirName 目录路径
* @return true-目录不存在或为空目录; false-非空目录
bool Utils::isDirEmpty(const QString& fullDirName)
QDir dir(fullDirName);
if (!dir.exists())
return true;
if (dir.isEmpty())
return true;
return false;
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
* @brief 记录备份日志
* @param line,日志内容
* @return bool, true-成功;false-失败
* @author zhaominyong
* @since 2021/05/29
* @note
* 因为系统恢复成功后马上需要reboot,但是此时的文件缓存可能还未能落盘,故此增加此函数,其中调用了系统函数fdatasync确保缓存落盘
bool Utils::writeBackupLog(QString line)
line = line + "\n";
QString logFile = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_LOG_TEXT_PATH;
logFile.replace("//", "/");
std::string fileName(logFile.toStdString());
// 判断文件是否存在
bool exists = filsExists(logFile);
std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, int (*)(std::FILE*)> fp(std::fopen(fileName.data(), "a+"), std::fclose);
if (!fp) {
std::perror("file opening failed!");
return false;
if (!exists) {
std::fputs("#This file must not be deleted and it is for the backup tool.\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#0:new system backup\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#1:update system backup\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#2:new data backup\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#3:update data backup\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#4:restore system\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#5:retaining user data\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#6:restore data\n", fp.get());
std::fputs("#8:delete backup\n", fp.get());
2021-12-30 10:27:03 +08:00
std::fputs("#for example: 17-04-25 10:43:56,{uuidxxxxx},0,this is a note,21.19KB,userid-1000,备份名称\n", fp.get());
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
std::fputs(line.toStdString().data(), fp.get());
return true;
2021-09-23 11:21:58 +08:00
* @brief 立即写文件
* @param fileName 文件名,包含路径
* @param content 文件内容
* @return bool
bool Utils::syncWriteFile(const QString &fileName, const QString& content)
std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, int (*)(std::FILE*)> fp(std::fopen(fileName.toStdString().data(), "a+"), std::fclose);
if (!fp) {
std::perror("file opening failed!");
return false;
QStringList lines = content.split("\n");
for (const QString& line : lines) {
std::fputs(line.toStdString().data(), fp.get());
return true;
2021-08-26 20:12:48 +08:00
* @brief 将字节大小转换为GB等表示的字符串
* @param size,qint64,空间大小,单位字节
* @return GB/MB/KB等表示的字符串型大小
QString Utils::StringBySize(qint64 size)
#define GB (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
#define MB (1024 * 1024)
#define KB (1024)
float fcount = size * 1.0;
if (size > GB)
return QString(QString::number(fcount / GB, 10, 2) + "GB");
else if (size > MB)
return QString(QString::number(fcount / MB, 10, 2) + "MB");
return QString(QString::number(fcount / KB, 10, 2) + "KB");
2021-10-13 16:31:58 +08:00
* @brief 获取挂接的移动设备列表
* @return MOUNTPOINT,PATH键值对列表
* @author zhaominyong
* @since 2021/06/07
* @note
* for bug 59636 【cpm】【HUAWEI】【KOS】【L0】【V3试制】备份时选择移动设备,会出现一个dev/sdc的路径(一般+必现+不常用功能)
* QStorageInfo::mountedVolumes获取的磁盘列表区分不出来是否移动设备
QHash<QString, QString> Utils::getRemovableStorages()
QHash<QString, QString> removalbeStorages;
QProcess process_lsblk;
process_lsblk.start("lsblk -P -o PATH,RM,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT,TRAN");
if (!process_lsblk.waitForStarted(-1)) {
return removalbeStorages;
if (!process_lsblk.waitForFinished(-1)) {
return removalbeStorages;
QString result = process_lsblk.readAllStandardOutput();
result like bellow :
2022-04-26 16:06:54 +08:00
PATH="/dev/sda" RM="0" TYPE="disk" MOUNTPOINT="" TRAN="sata"
PATH="/dev/sda1" RM="0" TYPE="part" MOUNTPOINT="/media/zhaominyong/DATA1" TRAN=""
2021-10-13 16:31:58 +08:00
PATH="/dev/sdb" RM="1" TYPE="disk" MOUNTPOINT="" TRAN="usb"
PATH="/dev/sdb4" RM="1" TYPE="part" MOUNTPOINT="/media/zhaominyong/31 GB" TRAN=""
PATH="/dev/sr0" RM="1" TYPE="rom" MOUNTPOINT="/media/zhaominyong/Kylin-Desktop-V10-SP1" TRAN=""
QStringList items = result.split("\n");
QStringList usbDevs;
for (QStringList::const_iterator it = items.constBegin(); it != items.constEnd(); ++it) {
const QString &line = (*it);
if (line.contains(" TRAN=\"usb\"")) {
QStringList storageAttrs = line.split("\" ");
if (5 != storageAttrs.size())
continue ;
QString path = storageAttrs.at(0);
path = path.replace("PATH=\"", "");
if (line.contains(" RM=\"1\" ") || line.contains(" MOUNTPOINT=\"/media/")) {
if (line.contains(" TYPE=\"rom\" "))
if (line.contains(" MOUNTPOINT=\"\""))
// "PATH RM TYPE MOUNTPOINT TRAN" for each row, split by "\" "
QStringList storageAttrs = line.split("\" ");
if (5 != storageAttrs.size())
continue ;
QString path = storageAttrs.at(0);
path = path.replace("PATH=\"", "");
bool isSubPart = false;
for (const QString& usbDev : usbDevs) {
if (path.contains(usbDev)) {
isSubPart = true;
if (!isSubPart)
QString mount_point = storageAttrs.at(3);
mount_point = mount_point.replace("MOUNTPOINT=\"", "");
removalbeStorages.insert(path, mount_point);
return removalbeStorages;
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
2022-04-26 16:06:54 +08:00
* @brief 获取挂接的计算机内部磁盘
* @return 内部磁盘挂接路径列表
QList<QString> Utils::getLocalDisks()
QList<QString> localDisks;
QProcess process_lsblk;
process_lsblk.start("lsblk -P -o PATH,RM,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT,TRAN");
if (!process_lsblk.waitForStarted(-1)) {
return localDisks;
if (!process_lsblk.waitForFinished(-1)) {
return localDisks;
QString result = process_lsblk.readAllStandardOutput();
QString userName = qgetenv("USER");
QString mountPointPre("/media/");
mountPointPre += userName;
result like bellow :
PATH="/dev/sda" RM="0" TYPE="disk" MOUNTPOINT="" TRAN="sata"
PATH="/dev/sda1" RM="0" TYPE="part" MOUNTPOINT="/media/zhaominyong/DATA1" TRAN=""
PATH="/dev/sdb" RM="1" TYPE="disk" MOUNTPOINT="" TRAN="usb"
PATH="/dev/sdb4" RM="1" TYPE="part" MOUNTPOINT="/media/zhaominyong/31 GB" TRAN=""
PATH="/dev/sr0" RM="1" TYPE="rom" MOUNTPOINT="/media/zhaominyong/Kylin-Desktop-V10-SP1" TRAN=""
QStringList items = result.split("\n");
QStringList usbDevs;
for (QStringList::const_iterator it = items.constBegin(); it != items.constEnd(); ++it) {
const QString &line = (*it);
if (line.contains(QRegularExpression(" TRAN=\".+\"")) && !line.contains(" TRAN=\"usb\"")) {
QStringList storageAttrs = line.split("\" ");
if (5 != storageAttrs.size())
continue ;
QString path = storageAttrs.at(0);
path = path.replace("PATH=\"", "");
if (line.contains(" TYPE=\"part\" ") && line.contains(mountPointPre)) {
if (line.contains(" MOUNTPOINT=\"\""))
// "PATH RM TYPE MOUNTPOINT TRAN" for each row, split by "\" "
QStringList storageAttrs = line.split("\" ");
if (5 != storageAttrs.size())
continue ;
QString path = storageAttrs.at(0);
path = path.replace("PATH=\"", "");
bool isSubPart = false;
for (const QString& usbDev : usbDevs) {
if (path.contains(usbDev)) {
isSubPart = true;
if (!isSubPart)
// 默认挂载的内部磁盘不太可能使用中文字符等,暂不考虑挂载路径被转义的场景
QString mount_point = storageAttrs.at(3);
mount_point = mount_point.replace("MOUNTPOINT=\"", "");
localDisks << mount_point;
return localDisks;
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
* @brief 设置安全状态
* @param enable——true,开启保护;false,关闭保护
void Utils::setKysecStatus(bool enable)
QFile file("/usr/bin/setstatus");
if (!file.exists()) {
if (!file.exists())
return ;
if (enable) {
QProcess::execute("setstatus enable");
} else {
QProcess::execute("setstatus softmode");
* @brief 启动或关闭kysec-sync-daemon服务
* @param enable——true,开启;false,关闭
void Utils::setKysecDaemon(bool enable){
QProcess::execute("systemctl start kysec-sync-daemon");
QProcess::execute("systemctl stop kysec-sync-daemon");
* @brief 判断程序是否已开启
* @param processName
* @return bool
bool Utils::isRunning(const QString &processName)
bool bRet = false;
QProcess ps;
QProcess grep;
ps.start("ps", QStringList() << "-ef");
grep.start("grep", QStringList() << processName);
if (grep.waitForFinished()) {
QString result(grep.readAll());
qDebug() << result;
QStringList lines = result.split("\n");
for (const QString& line : lines) {
if (line.contains("grep"))
if (line.contains(processName)){
bRet = true;
2022-03-11 17:08:43 +08:00
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
return bRet;
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
* @brief 判断是否990或9006C、PANGU处理器
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
* @return bool
bool Utils::isHuawei990()
QString result;
Utils::executeCMD("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i \"kirin.*9.0\"", result);
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
if (result.isEmpty()) {
Utils::executeCMD("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i \"PANGU\"", result);
if (result.isEmpty())
return false;
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
return true;
* @brief popen()函数通过创建一个管道,调用fork()产生一个子进程,执行一个shell以运行命令来开启一个进程。
* @param cmd,是一个指向以 NULL 结束的 shell 命令字符串的指针。这行命令将被传到 bin/sh 并使用 -c 标志,shell 将执行这个命令
* @param result 输出结果
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
* @note
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
void Utils::executeCMD(const char* cmd, QString &result)
char buf_ps[1024] = { 0 };
FILE* ptr = nullptr;
// 只能是读或者写中的一种,得到的返回值(标准 I/O 流)也具有和 type 相应的只读或只写类型。
// 如果 type 是 “r” 则文件指针连接到 command 的标准输出;如果 type 是 “w” 则文件指针连接到 command 的标准输入。
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
qDebug() << cmd;
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
if ((ptr = popen(cmd, "r")) != nullptr) {
while (fgets(buf_ps, 1024, ptr) != nullptr) {
result += buf_ps;
memset(buf_ps, 0, 1024);
ptr = nullptr;
} else {
qCritical("popen %s error", cmd);
2021-11-08 09:52:01 +08:00
* @brief Utils::executeCmd
* @param cmd
* @param args
* @return 输出
QString Utils::executeCmd(const QString &cmd, const QStringList &args)
QString cmdLine(cmd);
for (const QString &arg : args) {
cmdLine += " ";
cmdLine += arg;
qDebug() << cmdLine;
QString result;
char buf_ps[1024] = { 0 };
FILE* ptr = nullptr;
// 只能是读或者写中的一种,得到的返回值(标准 I/O 流)也具有和 type 相应的只读或只写类型。
// 如果 type 是 “r” 则文件指针连接到 command 的标准输出;如果 type 是 “w” 则文件指针连接到 command 的标准输入。
if ((ptr = popen(cmdLine.toStdString().data(), "r")) != nullptr) {
while (fgets(buf_ps, 1024, ptr) != nullptr) {
result += buf_ps;
memset(buf_ps, 0, 1024);
ptr = nullptr;
} else {
qCritical("popen %s error", cmdLine.toStdString().data());
return result;
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
* @brief 获取备份日志列表
* @return
QList<BackupWrapper> Utils::getBackupLogList()
2022-03-09 15:02:01 +08:00
// 为兼容以前的老备份数据,在此处先获取uuid-name键值对
QMap<QString, QString> uuid_name = Utils::getBackupUuidNameMap();
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
QString logFile = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_LOG_TEXT_PATH;
logFile.replace("//", "/");
QFile file(logFile);
QList<BackupWrapper> list;
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QString line = in.readLine();
if (line.startsWith("#") || line.isEmpty())
QStringList fields = line.split(",");
BackupWrapper record;
int index = 0;
for (const QString &field : fields) {
switch (index) {
case 0: // 备份时间
record.m_time = field;
case 1: // uuid
record.m_uuid = field;
case 2: // 操作类型
record.m_type = field.toInt();
case 3: // 备注
record.m_note = field;
case 4: // 备份大小
record.m_size = field;
case 5: // 备份用户id
if (field.isEmpty())
record.m_frontUid = -1;
record.m_frontUid = field.toInt();
case 6: // 备份名称
record.m_backupName = field;
if (record.m_backupName.isEmpty()) {
2021-12-30 10:27:03 +08:00
if (FACTORY_BACKUP_UUID == record.m_uuid) {
record.m_backupName = QObject::tr("Factory Backup");
2022-03-09 15:02:01 +08:00
// else if (AUTO_BACKUP_UUID == record.m_uuid) {
// record.m_backupName = QObject::tr("Auto Backup");
// }
else if (uuid_name.contains(record.m_uuid)) {
record.m_backupName = uuid_name.value(record.m_uuid);
2022-03-09 10:27:29 +08:00
2021-12-30 10:27:03 +08:00
else {
2022-03-09 10:27:29 +08:00
record.m_backupName = record.m_time;
2021-12-30 10:27:03 +08:00
2021-10-26 09:24:05 +08:00
list << record;
return list;
2021-11-11 16:03:58 +08:00
* @brief 初始化系统信息
void Utils::initSystemInfo()
SystemInfo::m_os = Utils::getOs();
SystemInfo::m_arch = Utils::getArch();
SystemInfo::m_archDetect = Utils::getArchDetect();
* @brief getOs
* @return 操作系统名字, 如:
* Kylin-Desktop V10-SP1
* Build 20210407
QString Utils::getOs()
QString path = Utils::getSysRootPath() + "/etc/kylin-build";
path.replace("//", "/");
QFile file(path);
/* 文件内容形如:
Kylin-Desktop V10-SP1
Build 20210407
QString os;
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
QTextStream in(&file);
if (!in.atEnd()) {
os = in.readLine();
return os;
* @brief getArch
* @return 架构,arch命令的结果,如:x86_64
QString Utils::getArch()
QString arch = Utils::executeCmd("arch");
return arch.replace("\n", "");
* @brief getArchDetect
* @return archdetect命令的结果,如:amd64/efi
QString Utils::getArchDetect()
QString arch = Utils::executeCmd("archdetect");
return arch.replace("\n", "");
2021-11-20 12:09:26 +08:00
* @brief 获取分区剩余大小
* @return
QHash<QString, QString> Utils::getLeftSizeOfPartitions()
QString root = Utils::getSysRootPath();
QString backup = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_PATH;
backup.replace("//", "/");
QString data = Utils::getSysRootPath() + DATA_PATH;
data.replace("//", "/");
QStringList args;
args << "-h";
args << backup;
args << data;
args << root;
QHash<QString, QString> hash;
QProcess df;
df.start("df", args);
if (df.waitForFinished()) {
QString result(df.readAll());
QStringList lines = result.split("\n");
文件系统 容量 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点
/dev/nvme0n1p4 26G 45M 25G 1% /backup
/dev/nvme0n1p3 98G 54G 40G 58% /
/dev/nvme0n1p5 90G 8.6G 77G 11% /data
// 排除第一行标题
for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
QString line = lines.at(i);
line = line.trimmed();
if (line.isEmpty())
QStringList fields = line.split(QRegularExpression("[ \t]+"));
if (fields.size() != 6)
QString path = fields.at(5);
QString left = fields.at(3);
hash.insert(path, left);
return hash;
2021-11-20 17:50:17 +08:00
2022-01-13 14:06:40 +08:00
* @brief 获取分区可用大小,主要是/和/data分区
* @return 路径和大小(单位:字节)键值对
QHash<QString, qint64> Utils::getAvailableSizeOfPartitions()
QHash<QString, qint64> hash;
QString root = Utils::getSysRootPath();
QStorageInfo rootInfo(root);
hash.insert(root, rootInfo.bytesAvailable());
QString data = Utils::getSysRootPath() + DATA_PATH;
data.replace("//", "/");
QStorageInfo dataInfo(data);
hash.insert(data, dataInfo.bytesAvailable());
return hash;
2021-11-20 17:50:17 +08:00
* @brief 获取文件夹或文件的大小
* @param path 路径
* @return 大小
qint64 Utils::getDirOrFileSize(const QString &path)
char cmd[1024] = { 0 };
sprintf(cmd, "du -sb '%s' 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}'", path.toLocal8Bit().data()); //s:total k:1024 bytes b:1 byte
QString qsSize;
Utils::executeCMD(cmd, qsSize);
qsSize.replace("\n", "");
qsSize = qsSize.trimmed();
return qsSize.toLongLong();
* @brief 记录下备份点uuid及其名称
2021-12-06 14:55:00 +08:00
* @param uuid 备份点识别码
* @param backupName 备份点名称
2021-11-20 17:50:17 +08:00
void Utils::update_backup_unique_settings(const QString &uuid, const QString &backupName)
// 由于历史原因(原来只校验U盘备份的唯一性),文件名暂不改变
QString backupUniqueSetting = Utils::getSysRootPath() + UDISK_UNIQUE_SETTINGS;
backupUniqueSetting.replace("//", "/");
QSettings udisk_unique_settings(backupUniqueSetting, QSettings::IniFormat);
udisk_unique_settings.setValue("uuid", uuid);
2021-12-06 14:55:00 +08:00
* @brief 根据备份点名称,删除备份点uuid记录
* @param backupName 备份点名称
void Utils::deleteBackupUniqueRecord(const QString& backupName)
QString backupUniqueSetting = Utils::getSysRootPath() + UDISK_UNIQUE_SETTINGS;
backupUniqueSetting.replace("//", "/");
QSettings udisk_unique_settings(backupUniqueSetting, QSettings::IniFormat);
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
2022-03-09 15:02:01 +08:00
* @brief 获取备份点Uuid-BackupName键值对
* @return Uuid-BackupName键值对
2022-03-09 10:27:29 +08:00
QMap<QString, QString> Utils::getBackupUuidNameMap()
2022-03-09 15:02:01 +08:00
// 1、udisk_unique_file文件中的信息
2022-03-09 10:27:29 +08:00
QString backupUniqueSetting = Utils::getSysRootPath() + UDISK_UNIQUE_SETTINGS;
backupUniqueSetting.replace("//", "/");
QSettings udisk_unique_settings(backupUniqueSetting, QSettings::IniFormat);
QStringList groups = udisk_unique_settings.childGroups();
QMap<QString, QString> result;
2022-03-09 15:02:01 +08:00
for (const QString& group : groups) {
QString uuid = udisk_unique_settings.value("uuid").toString();
result.insert(uuid, group);
// 2、本地xml文件中的信息
QString xmlPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_XML_PATH;
xmlPath.replace("//", "/");
ParseBackupList parse(xmlPath);
2022-03-09 10:27:29 +08:00
return result;
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
* @brief 前后两次调用,然后取文件修改时间用于判断缓存数据是否落盘
* @return
bool Utils::updateSyncFile()
QString fileIfSync = Utils::getSysRootPath() + FILE_IF_SYNC;
fileIfSync.replace("//", "/");
QFile file(fileIfSync);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
return false;
QTextStream out(&file);
2022-03-10 15:59:33 +08:00
out << "sync" << END_LINE;
2021-12-09 10:00:07 +08:00
return true;
* @brief 用事件循环替换sleep,以便事件尽量得到处理
* @param sec,等待时间,单位秒
* @author zhaominyong
* @since 2021/05/29
void Utils::wait(uint sec)
QEventLoop loop;
QTimer::singleShot(1000 * sec, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
2022-01-13 14:06:40 +08:00