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#include "systembackupproxy.h"
#include <QStorageInfo>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
#include <kysec/status.h>
#include "../common/utils.h"
#include "../common/mydusizetool.h"
#include "mymountproxy.h"
#include "myprocess/calcbackupsize.h"
m_bSuccess = false;
m_p = nullptr;
m_size = 0;
delete m_p;
m_p = nullptr;
* @brief 环境检测
* @return false,检测失败;true,检测成功
bool SystemBackupProxy::checkEnvEx()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::checkEnv invoke begin";
// 1、检查/backup分区是否挂载上(不管是本地磁盘还是u盘设备都得保证/backup挂载上); 若没挂载,挂载
MyMountProxy mountProxy;
if ( MountResult::MOUNTED != mountProxy.mountBackupPartition() ) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::BACKUP_PARTITION_MOUNT_FAIL));
return false;
// 2、判断备份是否增量备份
// 3、检测空间是否满足备份
bool result = checkFreeCapacity();
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::checkEnv invoke end";
return result;
* @brief 执行备份逻辑
void SystemBackupProxy::doWorkEx()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::doWorkEx invoke begin";
// 环境检测
if (!checkEnvEx())
return ;
// 开始备份
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::doWorkEx invoke end";
void SystemBackupProxy::cancelEx()
* @brief 判断是否增量备份
* @return true,增量备份; false全量备份
bool SystemBackupProxy::isIncBackup()
QString backupPath;
ParseBackupList::BackupPoint point;
if (m_backupWrapper.m_uuid.isEmpty()) {
QString xmlPath(Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_XML_PATH);
xmlPath.replace("//", "/");
ParseBackupList parser(xmlPath);
point = parser.getLastSysBackupPoint();
if (point.m_uuid.isEmpty())
return false;
backupPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_SNAPSHOTS_PATH + "/" + point.m_uuid + "/data";
} else {
backupPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_SNAPSHOTS_PATH + "/" + m_backupWrapper.m_uuid + "/data";
backupPath.replace("//", "/");
if (Utils::isDirExist(backupPath)) {
m_backupWrapper.m_baseUuid = point.m_uuid;
m_backupWrapper.m_bIncrement = true;
m_backupWrapper.m_type = BackupType::INC_BACKUP_SYSTEM;
return true;
return false;
* @brief 校验剩余空间是否满足备份
bool SystemBackupProxy::checkFreeCapacity()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::checkFreeCapacity invoke begin";
// 1、计算待备份数据的大小
qint64 itotalSize = calcSizeForBackup();
m_size = itotalSize;
// 备份过程中会有一些临时文件产生会占用一部分空间故我们预留500M的空间
itotalSize += 500 * MB;
// 2、计算备份分区剩余空间大小
QString backupPath(Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_PATH);
backupPath.replace("//", "/");
QStorageInfo backupDisk(backupPath);
qint64 freeSize = backupDisk.bytesAvailable();
// 3、校验空间是否足够
bool result = true;
if (itotalSize > freeSize) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::BACKUP_CAPACITY_IS_NOT_ENOUGH));
result = false;
} else {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::CHECK_ENV_SUCCESS));
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::checkFreeCapacity invoke end";
return result;
* @brief 计算备份所需空间大小
* @return 计算备份所需空间大小,单位字节
qint64 SystemBackupProxy::calcSizeForBackup()
QString destPath = Utils::getSysRootPath();
QStringList args;
if (m_backupWrapper.m_bIncrement) {
if (m_backupWrapper.m_uuid.isEmpty()) {
// 新增增量备份点场景
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::TRY_INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP);
destPath += CHECK_PATH;
} else {
// 在原来的备份点上增量备份场景
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::TRY_INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP_AT_BASE);
destPath += "/";
destPath += m_backupWrapper.m_uuid;
destPath += "/data/";
} else {
// 全量备份场景
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::TRY_SYSTEM_BACKUP);
destPath += CHECK_PATH;
// 拼接备份源路径和目标路径
QString srcPath = Utils::getSysRootPath();
srcPath += "/";
srcPath.replace("//", "/");
args << srcPath;
destPath.replace("//", "/");
args << destPath;
CalcBackupSize calcator;
return calcator.start(args);
* @brief 根据场景获取rsync命令参数
* @param scene场景
* @return rsync的参数信息
QStringList SystemBackupProxy::getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene scene)
QStringList args;
switch (scene) {
case SystemBackupScene::SYSTEM_BACKUP :
args << "-avAHXr";
args << "--info=progress2";
args << "--no-inc-recursive";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
args << "--delete";
break ;
case SystemBackupScene::INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP :
args << "-avAXr";
args << "--info=progress2";
args << "--no-inc-recursive";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
args << QString("--link-dest=../../%1/data").arg(m_backupWrapper.m_baseUuid);
break ;
case SystemBackupScene::INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP_AT_BASE :
args << "-avAHXr";
args << "--info=progress2";
args << "--no-inc-recursive";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
args << "--delete";
break ;
case SystemBackupScene::TRY_SYSTEM_BACKUP :
args << "-aAHXrn";
args << "--stats";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
break ;
case SystemBackupScene::TRY_INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP :
args << "-aAXrn";
args << "--stats";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
args << QString("--link-dest=../../%1/data").arg(m_backupWrapper.m_baseUuid);
break ;
case SystemBackupScene::TRY_INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP_AT_BASE :
args << "-aAHXrn";
args << "--stats";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
args << "--delete";
break ;
case SystemBackupScene::EFI_BACKUP :
args << "-avAHXr";
args << "--info=progress2";
args << "--ignore-missing-args";
break ;
return args;
if (SystemBackupScene::EFI_BACKUP != scene) {
// --exclude=排除路径设置
for (const QString & item : m_backupWrapper.m_backupExcludePaths) {
args << QString("--exclude=%1").arg(item);
// 系统更新备份不再备份用户数据目录
if (AUTO_BACKUP_UUID == m_curUuid) {
if (Utils::isHuawei990()) {
args << "/data";
} else {
args << "/data/usershare";
args << "/home";
args << "/data/home";
args << "/root";
args << "/data/root";
return args;
* @brief 备份
void SystemBackupProxy::doBackup()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::doBackup invoke begin";
// 准备
if (!doPrepare())
return ;
// 启动备份efi, 修改为和其它目录统一备份,不再单独进行备份
// if (!backupEfi()) {
// emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::EFI_RSYNC_FAIL));
// return ;
// }
// 启动系统备份
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::doBackup invoke end";
* @brief 备份准备
* @return true,准备成功false准备失败
bool SystemBackupProxy::doPrepare()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::doPrepare invoke begin";
m_bSuccess = false;
// 1、设置当前备份的Uuid
if (m_backupWrapper.m_uuid.isEmpty()) {
// 新增备份点不指定uuid的场景
m_curUuid += Utils::createUuid();
} else {
// 指定uuid备份的场景
m_curUuid = m_backupWrapper.m_uuid;
// 2、准备备份目录及文件
m_destPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_SNAPSHOTS_PATH + "/" + m_curUuid + "/data";
m_destPath.replace("//", "/");
if (!Utils::mkpath(m_destPath)) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::WRITE_BACKUP_PATHS_TO_USER_FAILED));
qCritical() << QString("mkdir %1 failed !").arg(m_destPath) ;
return false;
QString userFile = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_SNAPSHOTS_PATH + "/" + m_curUuid + "/" + PATHS_USER_FILE;
userFile.replace("//", "/");
if (!Utils::writeFileByLines(userFile, m_backupWrapper.m_backupPaths)) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::WRITE_BACKUP_PATHS_TO_USER_FAILED));
qCritical() << QString("create file %1 failed !").arg(userFile) ;
return false;
QString excludeUserFile = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_SNAPSHOTS_PATH + "/" + m_curUuid + "/" + EXCLUDE_PATHS_USER_FILE;
excludeUserFile.replace("//", "/");
if (!Utils::writeFileByLines(excludeUserFile, m_backupWrapper.m_backupExcludePaths)) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::WRITE_BACKUP_PATHS_TO_USER_FAILED));
qCritical() << QString("create file %1 failed !").arg(excludeUserFile) ;
return false;
// 3、记录/backup/snapshots/backuplist.xml文件
if (!recordBackupPoint()) {
qCritical() << "add or update item to backuplist.xml failed !";
return false;
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::doPrepare invoke end";
return true;
* @brief 记录/backup/snapshots/backuplist.xml文件
* @return true-成功false-失败
bool SystemBackupProxy::recordBackupPoint()
m_backupPoint.m_backupName = m_backupWrapper.m_backupName;
m_backupPoint.m_uuid = m_curUuid;
m_backupPoint.m_iPosition = m_backupWrapper.m_iPosition;
m_backupPoint.m_type = m_backupWrapper.m_type;
m_backupPoint.m_size = Utils::StringBySize(m_size);
m_backupPoint.m_time = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
m_backupPoint.m_state = BACKUP_PARSE_STATE_FAIL_STRTING;
QString xmlPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_XML_PATH;
xmlPath.replace("//", "/");
ParseBackupList parse(xmlPath);
if (m_backupWrapper.m_uuid.isEmpty() || !m_backupWrapper.m_bIncrement) {
if (parse.addItem(m_backupPoint) != ParseBackupList::SUCCESS) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::WRITE_STORAGEINFO_ADD_ITEM_FAIL));
return false;
} else {
if (parse.updateItem(m_backupPoint) != ParseBackupList::SUCCESS) {
emit checkResult(int(BackupResult::WRITE_STORAGEINFO_UPDATE_ITEM_FAIL));
return false;
return true;
* @brief 备份/boot/efi
* @return true备份成功false备份失败
bool SystemBackupProxy::backupEfi()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::backupEfi invoke begin";
// /boot/efi分区是自动挂载的这里不用去挂载
QString efiPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + "/boot/efi";
efiPath.replace("//", "/");
QStringList args;
if (Utils::isDirExist(efiPath)) {
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::EFI_BACKUP);
args << efiPath;
QString destPath = m_destPath + "/boot/efi";
destPath.replace("//", "/");
args << destPath;
m_p = new RsyncPathToDirProcess(this);
bool result = m_p->start(args);
delete m_p;
m_p = nullptr;
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::backupEfi invoke end";
return result;
* @brief 备份系统
* @return true备份成功false备份失败
bool SystemBackupProxy::backupSystem()
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::backupSystem invoke begin";
QStringList args;
if (m_backupWrapper.m_bIncrement) {
if (m_backupWrapper.m_uuid.isEmpty()) {
// 新增增量备份点场景
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP);
} else {
// 在原来的备份点上增量备份场景
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::INC_SYSTEM_BACKUP_AT_BASE);
} else {
// 全量备份场景
args = getRsyncArgs(SystemBackupScene::SYSTEM_BACKUP);
// 拼接备份源路径和目标路径
QString srcPath = Utils::getSysRootPath();
srcPath += "/";
srcPath.replace("//", "/");
args << srcPath;
QString destPath = m_destPath + "/";
destPath.replace("//", "/");
args << destPath;
m_p = new RsyncPathToDirProcess(this);
connect(m_p, &RsyncPathToDirProcess::progress, this, &SystemBackupProxy::progress);
connect(m_p, &RsyncPathToDirProcess::finished, this, [&](bool result) {
if (result) {
// m_backupPoint.m_size = Utils::StringBySize(Utils::getDirOrFileSize(m_destPath));
QString xmlPath = Utils::getSysRootPath() + BACKUP_XML_PATH;
xmlPath.replace("//", "/");
ParseBackupList parse(xmlPath);
// Utils::writeBackupLog(time + "," + m_curUuid + "," + QString::number(m_backupWrapper.m_type) + ","+ m_backupWrapper.m_note + "," + m_backupPoint.m_size+ "," + QString::number(m_backupWrapper.m_frontUid));
Utils::writeBackupLog(m_backupPoint.m_time + ","
+ m_curUuid + "," + QString::number(m_backupWrapper.m_type) + ","
+ m_backupWrapper.m_note + "," + m_backupPoint.m_size
+ ",," + m_backupWrapper.m_backupName);
Utils::update_backup_unique_settings(m_curUuid, m_backupPoint.m_backupName);
m_bSuccess = true;
emit this->workResult(result);
m_p->start(args, false);
qDebug() << "SystemBackupProxy::backupSystem invoke end";
return true;
void SystemBackupProxy::do_kylin_security(const QString& dstDir)
int ret = 0;
ret = kysec_getstatus();
if (ret > 0) {
QString seFilePath(dstDir + "/.exectl");
QFile file(seFilePath);