
180 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable File

QT += core gui
QT += dbus xml
QT += network
# 适配窗口管理器圆角阴影
QT += KWindowSystem x11extras
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
CONFIG += c++11
# 适配窗口管理器圆角阴影
LIBS +=-lpthread
LIBS +=-lX11
# 配置gsettings
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += gsettings-qt
PKGCONFIG += kysdk-qtwidgets kysdk-waylandhelper kysdk-systime
# The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
# any Qt feature that has been marked deprecated (the exact warnings
# depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
# deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
# You can also make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
# In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
# You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt.
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wall -ggdb -Wno-implicit-fallthrough
../backup-daemon/parsebackuplist.h \
../common/dynamiccreator.h \
../common/mydefine.h \
../common/mylittleparse.h \
../common/singleton.h \
../common/spinlock_mutex.h \
../common/utils.h \
aboutdialog.h \
backup_manager_interface.h \
backuppointlistdialog.h \
component/backuplistwidget.h \
component/backuppositionselectdialog.h \
component/circlelabel.h \
component/clicklabel.h \
component/doubleclickwidget.h \
component/filefilterproxymodelforbackup.h \
component/filepathedit.h \
component/hoverwidget.h \
component/imageutil.h \
component/inputvalidator.h \
component/linelabel.h \
component/mycheckbox.h \
component/myfileselect.h \
component/myiconbutton.h \
component/myiconlabel.h \
component/mylabel.h \
component/mylineedit.h \
component/mypushbutton.h \
component/mywidget.h \
component/pixmapbutton.h \
component/pixmaplabel.h \
component/ringsprogressbar.h \
datetimeutils.h \
deletebackupdialog.h \
functypeconverter.h \
globalbackupinfo.h \
globalsignals.h \
gsettingswrapper.h \
leftsiderbarwidget.h \
maindialog.h \
messageboxutils.h \
module/databackup.h \
module/datarestore.h \
module/ghostimage.h \
module/managebackuppointlist.h \
module/operationlog.h \
module/selectrestorepoint.h \
module/systembackup.h \
module/systemrestore.h \
module/udiskdetector.h \
qtsingleapplication/qtlocalpeer.h \
qtsingleapplication/qtlockedfile.h \
qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.h \
../backup-daemon/parsebackuplist.cpp \
../common/mydefine.cpp \
../common/mylittleparse.cpp \
../common/utils.cpp \
aboutdialog.cpp \
backup_manager_interface.cpp \
backuppointlistdialog.cpp \
component/backuplistwidget.cpp \
component/backuppositionselectdialog.cpp \
component/circlelabel.cpp \
component/clicklabel.cpp \
component/doubleclickwidget.cpp \
component/filefilterproxymodelforbackup.cpp \
component/filepathedit.cpp \
component/hoverwidget.cpp \
component/imageutil.cpp \
component/inputvalidator.cpp \
component/linelabel.cpp \
component/mycheckbox.cpp \
component/myfileselect.cpp \
component/myiconbutton.cpp \
component/myiconlabel.cpp \
component/mylabel.cpp \
component/mylineedit.cpp \
component/mypushbutton.cpp \
component/mywidget.cpp \
component/pixmapbutton.cpp \
component/pixmaplabel.cpp \
component/ringsprogressbar.cpp \
datetimeutils.cpp \
deletebackupdialog.cpp \
functypeconverter.cpp \
gsettingswrapper.cpp \
leftsiderbarwidget.cpp \
main.cpp \
maindialog.cpp \
messageboxutils.cpp \
module/databackup.cpp \
module/datarestore.cpp \
module/ghostimage.cpp \
module/managebackuppointlist.cpp \
module/operationlog.cpp \
module/selectrestorepoint.cpp \
module/systembackup.cpp \
module/systemrestore.cpp \
module/udiskdetector.cpp \
qtsingleapplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp \
qtsingleapplication/qtlockedfile.cpp \
qtsingleapplication/qtlockedfile_unix.cpp \
qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.cpp \
FORMS += \
aboutdialog.ui \
backuppointlistdialog.ui \
deletebackupdialog.ui \
TRANSLATIONS += qt_zh_CN.ts \
qt_bo_CN.ts \
qt_mn.ts \
qt_zh_HK.ts \
qt_de.ts \
qt_es.ts \
qt_fr.ts \
qt_kk_KZ.ts \
qt_ky_KG.ts \
#system(rm -f qt_zh_CN.qm)
#!system(lrelease qt_zh_CN.ts): error("Failed to generate cp qt_zh_CN.qm")
#system(cp qt_zh_CN.qm resource/language/)
#system(rm -f qt_bo_CN.qm)
#!system(lrelease qt_bo_CN.ts): error("Failed to generate qt_bo_CN.qm")
#system(cp qt_bo_CN.qm resource/language/)
#system(rm -f qt_mn_MN.qm)
#!system(lrelease qt_mn_MN.ts): error("Failed to generate qt_mn_MN.qm")
#system(cp qt_mn_MN.qm resource/language/)
# Default rules for deployment.
#qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
#else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
#!isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target