2016-09-06 17:41:54 +08:00
var gulp = require ( 'gulp' ) ,
wiredep = require ( 'wiredep' ) . stream ,
eventStream = require ( 'event-stream' ) ,
gulpLoadPlugins = require ( 'gulp-load-plugins' ) ,
fs = require ( 'fs' ) ,
path = require ( 'path' ) ,
url = require ( 'url' ) ,
uri = require ( 'urijs' ) ,
urljoin = require ( 'url-join' ) ,
s = require ( 'underscore.string' ) ,
stringifyObject = require ( 'stringify-object' ) ,
hawtio = require ( 'hawtio-node-backend' ) ,
argv = require ( 'yargs' ) . argv ,
del = require ( 'del' ) ;
var plugins = gulpLoadPlugins ( { } ) ;
var pkg = require ( './package.json' ) ;
var config = {
main : '.' ,
ts : [ 'plugins/**/*.ts' ] ,
less : [ 'plugins/**/*.less' ] ,
templates : [ 'plugins/**/*.html' ] ,
templateModule : pkg . name + '-templates' ,
dist : argv . out || './dist/' ,
js : pkg . name + '.js' ,
css : pkg . name + '.css' ,
tsProject : plugins . typescript . createProject ( {
target : 'ES5' ,
module : 'commonjs' ,
declarationFiles : true ,
noExternalResolve : false
} )
} ;
gulp . task ( 'bower' , function ( ) {
return gulp . src ( 'index.html' )
. pipe ( wiredep ( { } ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( '.' ) ) ;
} ) ;
/** Adjust the reference path of any typescript-built plugin this project depends on */
gulp . task ( 'path-adjust' , function ( ) {
return gulp . src ( 'libs/**/includes.d.ts' )
. pipe ( plugins . replace ( /"\.\.\/libs/gm , '"../../../libs' ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( 'libs' ) ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'clean-defs' , function ( ) {
return del ( 'defs.d.ts' ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'tsc' , [ 'clean-defs' ] , function ( ) {
var cwd = process . cwd ( ) ;
var tsResult = gulp . src ( config . ts )
. pipe ( plugins . sourcemaps . init ( ) )
. pipe ( plugins . typescript ( config . tsProject ) )
. on ( 'error' , plugins . notify . onError ( {
onLast : true ,
message : '<%= error.message %>' ,
title : 'Typescript compilation error'
} ) ) ;
return eventStream . merge (
tsResult . js
. pipe ( plugins . concat ( 'compiled.js' ) )
. pipe ( plugins . sourcemaps . write ( ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( '.' ) ) ,
tsResult . dts
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( 'd.ts' ) ) )
. pipe ( plugins . filter ( '**/*.d.ts' ) )
. pipe ( plugins . concatFilenames ( 'defs.d.ts' , {
root : cwd ,
prepend : '/// <reference path="' ,
append : '"/>'
} ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( '.' ) ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'less' , function ( ) {
return gulp . src ( config . less )
. pipe ( plugins . less ( {
paths : [ path . join ( _ _dirname , 'less' , 'includes' ) ]
} ) )
. on ( 'error' , plugins . notify . onError ( {
onLast : true ,
message : '<%= error.message %>' ,
title : 'less file compilation error'
} ) )
. pipe ( plugins . concat ( config . css ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( config . dist ) ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'template' , [ 'tsc' ] , function ( ) {
return gulp . src ( config . templates )
. pipe ( plugins . angularTemplatecache ( {
filename : 'templates.js' ,
root : 'plugins/' ,
standalone : true ,
module : config . templateModule ,
templateFooter : '}]); hawtioPluginLoader.addModule("' + config . templateModule + '");'
} ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( '.' ) ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'concat' , [ 'template' ] , function ( ) {
return gulp . src ( [ 'compiled.js' , 'templates.js' ] )
. pipe ( plugins . concat ( config . js ) )
. pipe ( plugins . ngAnnotate ( ) )
. pipe ( gulp . dest ( config . dist ) ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'clean' , [ 'concat' ] , function ( ) {
return del ( [ 'templates.js' , 'compiled.js' , './site/' ] ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'watch-less' , function ( ) {
plugins . watch ( config . less , function ( ) {
gulp . start ( 'less' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'watch' , [ 'build' , 'watch-less' ] , function ( ) {
plugins . watch ( [ 'libs/**/*.js' , 'libs/**/*.css' , 'index.html' , config . dist + '/*' ] , function ( ) {
gulp . start ( 'reload' ) ;
} ) ;
plugins . watch ( [ 'libs/**/*.d.ts' , config . ts , config . templates ] , function ( ) {
gulp . start ( [ 'tsc' , 'template' , 'concat' , 'clean' ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'connect' , [ 'watch' ] , function ( ) {
// lets disable unauthorised TLS issues with kube REST API
process . env . NODE _TLS _REJECT _UNAUTHORIZED = "0" ;
var kubeBase = process . env . KUBERNETES _MASTER || 'https://localhost:8443' ;
console . log ( "==== using KUBERNETES URL: " + kubeBase ) ;
var kube = uri ( urljoin ( kubeBase , 'api' ) ) ;
var kubeapis = uri ( urljoin ( kubeBase , 'apis' ) ) ;
var oapi = uri ( urljoin ( kubeBase , 'oapi' ) ) ;
console . log ( "Connecting to Kubernetes on: " + kube ) ;
var staticAssets = [ {
path : '/' ,
dir : '.'
} ] ;
var dirs = fs . readdirSync ( './libs' ) ;
dirs . forEach ( function ( dir ) {
var dir = './libs/' + dir ;
console . log ( "dir: " , dir ) ;
if ( fs . statSync ( dir ) . isDirectory ( ) ) {
console . log ( "Adding directory to search path: " , dir ) ;
staticAssets . push ( {
path : '/' ,
dir : dir
} ) ;
} ) ;
var localProxies = [ ] ;
if ( process . env . LOCAL _APP _LIBRARY === "true" ) {
localProxies . push ( {
proto : "http" ,
port : "8588" ,
hostname : "localhost" ,
path : '/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/app-library' ,
targetPath : "/"
} ) ;
console . log ( "because of $LOCAL_APP_LIBRARY being true we are using a local proxy for /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/app-library" ) ;
if ( process . env . LOCAL _FABRIC8 _FORGE === "true" ) {
localProxies . push ( {
proto : "http" ,
port : "8080" ,
hostname : "localhost" ,
path : '/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/fabric8-forge' ,
targetPath : "/"
} ) ;
console . log ( "because of LOCAL_FABRIC8_FORGE being true we are using a local proxy for /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/fabric8-forge" ) ;
if ( process . env . LOCAL _GOGS _HOST ) {
var gogsPort = process . env . LOCAL _GOGS _PORT || "3000" ;
//var gogsHostName = process.env.LOCAL_GOGS_HOST + ":" + gogsPort;
var gogsHostName = process . env . LOCAL _GOGS _HOST ;
console . log ( "Using gogs host: " + gogsHostName ) ;
localProxies . push ( {
proto : "http" ,
port : gogsPort ,
hostname : gogsHostName ,
path : '/kubernetes/api/v1/proxy/services/gogs-http-service' ,
targetPath : "/"
} ) ;
console . log ( "because of LOCAL_GOGS_HOST being set we are using a local proxy for /kubernetes/api/v1/proxy/services/gogs-http-service to point to http://" + process . env . LOCAL _GOGS _HOST + ":" + gogsPort ) ;
if ( process . env . LOCAL _JENKINSHIFT ) {
var jenkinshiftPort = process . env . LOCAL _JENKINSHIFT _PORT || "9090" ;
var jenkinshiftHost = process . env . LOCAL _JENKINSHIFT ;
console . log ( "Using jenkinshift host: " + jenkinshiftHost ) ;
var proxyPath = '/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/default/services/templates/oapi/v1' ;
console . log ( "Using jenkinshift host: " + jenkinshiftHost ) ;
localProxies . push ( {
proto : "http" ,
port : jenkinshiftPort ,
hostname : jenkinshiftHost ,
path : proxyPath ,
targetPath : "/oapi/v1"
} ) ;
localProxies . push ( {
proto : "http" ,
port : jenkinshiftPort ,
hostname : jenkinshiftHost ,
path : "/oapi/v1" ,
targetPath : "/oapi/v1"
} ) ;
console . log ( "because of LOCAL_JENKINSHIFT being set we are using a local proxy for " + proxyPath + " to point to http://" + jenkinshiftHost + ":" + jenkinshiftPort ) ;
var defaultProxies = [ {
proto : kube . protocol ( ) ,
port : kube . port ( ) ,
hostname : kube . hostname ( ) ,
path : '/kubernetes/api' ,
targetPath : kube . path ( )
} , {
proto : kubeapis . protocol ( ) ,
port : kubeapis . port ( ) ,
hostname : kubeapis . hostname ( ) ,
path : '/apis' ,
targetPath : kubeapis . path ( )
} , {
proto : oapi . protocol ( ) ,
port : oapi . port ( ) ,
hostname : oapi . hostname ( ) ,
path : '/kubernetes/oapi' ,
targetPath : oapi . path ( )
} , {
proto : kube . protocol ( ) ,
hostname : kube . hostname ( ) ,
port : kube . port ( ) ,
path : '/jolokia' ,
targetPath : '/hawtio/jolokia'
} , {
proto : kube . protocol ( ) ,
hostname : kube . hostname ( ) ,
port : kube . port ( ) ,
path : '/git' ,
targetPath : '/hawtio/git'
} , {
proto : "http" ,
2016-10-20 16:31:36 +08:00
port : "8088" ,
hostname : "" ,
2016-09-06 17:41:54 +08:00
path : '/java/console/api' ,
targetPath : "/"
} ] ;
var staticProxies = localProxies . concat ( defaultProxies ) ;
hawtio . setConfig ( {
port : process . env . DEV _PORT || 9000 ,
staticProxies : staticProxies ,
staticAssets : staticAssets ,
fallback : 'index.html' ,
liveReload : {
enabled : true
} ) ;
var debugLoggingOfProxy = process . env . DEBUG _PROXY === "true" ;
var useAuthentication = process . env . DISABLE _OAUTH !== "true" ;
var googleClientId = process . env . GOOGLE _OAUTH _CLIENT _ID ;
var googleClientSecret = process . env . GOOGLE _OAUTH _CLIENT _SECRET ;
hawtio . use ( '/osconsole/config.js' , function ( req , res , next ) {
var config = {
api : {
openshift : {
proto : oapi . protocol ( ) ,
hostPort : oapi . host ( ) ,
prefix : oapi . path ( )
} ,
k8s : {
proto : kube . protocol ( ) ,
hostPort : kube . host ( ) ,
prefix : kube . path ( )
} ;
if ( googleClientId && googleClientSecret ) {
config . master _uri = kubeBase ;
config . google = {
clientId : googleClientId ,
clientSecret : googleClientSecret ,
authenticationURI : "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth" ,
authorizationURI : "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth" ,
scope : "profile" ,
redirectURI : "http://localhost:9000"
} ;
} else if ( useAuthentication ) {
config . master _uri = kubeBase ;
config . openshift = {
oauth _authorize _uri : urljoin ( kubeBase , '/oauth/authorize' ) ,
oauth _client _id : 'fabric8'
} ;
var answer = "window.OPENSHIFT_CONFIG = window.HAWTIO_OAUTH_CONFIG = " + stringifyObject ( config ) ;
res . set ( 'Content-Type' , 'application/javascript' ) ;
res . send ( answer ) ;
} ) ;
hawtio . use ( '/' , function ( req , res , next ) {
var path = req . originalUrl ;
// avoid returning these files, they should get pulled from js
if ( s . startsWith ( path , '/plugins/' ) && s . endsWith ( path , 'html' ) ) {
console . log ( "returning 404 for: " , path ) ;
res . statusCode = 404 ;
res . end ( ) ;
} else {
if ( debugLoggingOfProxy ) {
console . log ( "allowing: " , path ) ;
next ( ) ;
} ) ;
hawtio . listen ( function ( server ) {
var host = server . address ( ) . address ;
var port = server . address ( ) . port ;
console . log ( "started from gulp file at " , host , ":" , port ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'reload' , function ( ) {
gulp . src ( '.' )
. pipe ( hawtio . reload ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'build' , [ 'bower' , 'path-adjust' , 'tsc' , 'less' , 'template' , 'concat' , 'clean' ] ) ;
gulp . task ( 'site' , [ 'clean' , 'build' ] , function ( ) {
gulp . src ( [ 'index.html' , 'osconsole/config.js.tmpl' , 'css/**' , 'images/**' , 'img/**' , 'libs/**' , 'dist/**' ] , { base : '.' } ) . pipe ( gulp . dest ( 'site' ) ) ;
var dirs = fs . readdirSync ( './libs' ) ;
dirs . forEach ( function ( dir ) {
var path = './libs/' + dir + "/img" ;
try {
if ( fs . statSync ( path ) . isDirectory ( ) ) {
console . log ( "found image dir: " + path ) ;
var pattern = 'libs/' + dir + "/img/**" ;
gulp . src ( [ pattern ] ) . pipe ( gulp . dest ( 'site/img' ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// ignore, file does not exist
} ) ;
} ) ;
gulp . task ( 'default' , [ 'connect' ] ) ;