
351 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-09-06 17:41:54 +08:00
/// <reference path="../../includes.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../../kubernetes/ts/kubernetesHelpers.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../../kubernetes/ts/kubernetesInterfaces.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../../kubernetes/ts/kubernetesModel.ts"/>
/// <reference path="developerPlugin.ts"/>
/// <reference path="developerEnrichers.ts"/>
/// <reference path="developerHelpers.ts"/>
/// <reference path="developerNavigation.ts"/>
module Developer {
export function clickApprove(element, url) {
var $scope: any = angular.element(element).scope();
if ($scope) {
$scope.approve(url, element.text);
export var JenkinsLogController = _module.controller("Developer.JenkinsLogController", ($scope, KubernetesModel:Kubernetes.KubernetesModelService, KubernetesState, KubernetesSchema,
$templateCache:ng.ITemplateCacheService, $location:ng.ILocationService, $routeParams, $http, $timeout, $modal, KubernetesApiURL, ServiceRegistry, $element) => {
$scope.kubernetes = KubernetesState;
$scope.model = KubernetesModel;
$scope.selectedBuild = $scope.$eval('build') || $scope.$eval('selectedBuild');
$ = $scope.$eval('') || $routeParams["id"];
$scope.schema = KubernetesSchema;
$scope.entityChangedCache = {};
$element.on('$destroy', () => {
$scope.log = {
html: "",
start: 0,
firstIdx: null
$scope.$on('kubernetesModelUpdated', function () {
$scope.$on('jenkinsSelectedBuild', (event, build) => {"==== jenkins build selected! " + + " " + build.$jobId);
$scope.selectedBuild = build;
$scope.$watch('selectedBuild', (selectedBuild) => {"Selected build updated: ", selectedBuild);
Kubernetes.initShared($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, KubernetesModel, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL);
$scope.breadcrumbConfig = createJenkinsBreadcrumbs($, getJobId(), getBuildId());
$scope.subTabConfig = createJenkinsSubNavBars($, getJobId(), getBuildId(), {
label: "Log",
title: "Views the logs of this build"
function getJobId() {
// lets allow the parent scope to be used too for when this is used as a panel
return $routeParams["job"] || ($scope.selectedBuild || {}).$jobId;
$scope.getJobId = getJobId;
function getBuildId() {
// lets allow the parent scope to be used too for when this is used as a panel
return $routeParams["build"] || ($scope.selectedBuild || {}).id;
$scope.getBuildId = getBuildId;
function updateJenkinsLink() {
var jenkinsUrl = jenkinsLink();
if (jenkinsUrl) {
$scope.$viewJenkinsBuildLink = UrlHelpers.join(jenkinsUrl, "job", getJobId(), getBuildId());
$scope.$viewJenkinsLogLink = UrlHelpers.join($scope.$viewJenkinsBuildLink, "console");
var querySize = 50000;
$scope.approve = (url, operation) => {
var modal = ${
templateUrl: UrlHelpers.join(templatePath, 'jenkinsApproveModal.html'),
controller: ['$scope', '$modalInstance', ($scope, $modalInstance) => {
$scope.operation = operation;
$scope.header = operation + "?";
$scope.ok = () => {
postToJenkins(url, operation);
$scope.cancel = () => {
function postToJenkins(uri, operation) {
var url = Kubernetes.kubernetesProxyUrlForServiceCurrentNamespace(jenkinsServiceNameAndPort, uri);
if (url) {
var body = null;
var config = {
headers: {
};"posting to jenkinsUrl: " + url);
$, body, config).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {"Managed to " + operation + " at " + url);
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
log.warn("Failed " + operation + " job at " + url + " " + data + " " + status);
} else {
log.warn("Cannot post to jenkins URI: " + uri + " as no jenkins found!");
$scope.$keepPolling = () => Kubernetes.keepPollingModel;
$scope.fetch = PollHelpers.setupPolling($scope, (next:() => void) => {
if ($scope.$eval('hideLogs && !build.building')) {
log.debug("Log hidden, not fetching logs");
} else {
log.debug("Fetching logs for build: ", $scope.$eval('build'));
var buildId = getBuildId();
var jobId = getJobId();
//"=== jenkins log querying job " + jobId + " build " + buildId + " selected build " + $scope.selectedBuild);
if (jobId && buildId) {
if ($scope.buildId !== buildId || $scope.jobId !== jobId) {
// lets clear the query
$scope.log = {
html: "",
start: 0,
firstIdx: null
$scope.buildId = buildId;
$scope.jobId = jobId;
var url = Kubernetes.kubernetesProxyUrlForServiceCurrentNamespace(jenkinsServiceNameAndPort, UrlHelpers.join("job", jobId, buildId, "fabric8/logHtml?tail=1&start=" + $scope.log.start + "&size=" + querySize));
if ($scope.log.firstIdx !== null) {
url += "&first=" + $scope.log.firstIdx;
if (url && (!$scope.log.fetched || Kubernetes.keepPollingModel)) {
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
if (data) {
var replaceClusterIPsInHtml = replaceClusterIpFunction();
if (!$scope.log.logs) {
$scope.log.logs = [];
var lines = data.lines;
var returnedLength = data.returnedLength;
var logLength = data.logLength;
var returnedStart = data.start;
var earlierLog = false;
if (angular.isDefined(returnedStart)) {
earlierLog = returnedStart < $scope.log.start;
var lineSplit = data.lineSplit;
//"start was: " + $scope.log.start + " first: " + $scope.log.firstIdx + " => returnedLength: " + returnedLength + " logLength: " + logLength + " returnedStart: " + returnedStart + " earlierLog: " + earlierLog + " lineSplit: " + lineSplit);
if (lines) {
var currentLogs = $scope.log.logs;
// lets re-join split lines
if (lineSplit && currentLogs.length) {
var lastIndex;
var restOfLine;
if (earlierLog) {
lastIndex = 0;
restOfLine = lines.pop();
if (restOfLine) {
currentLogs[lastIndex] = replaceClusterIPsInHtml(restOfLine + currentLogs[lastIndex]);
} else {
lastIndex = currentLogs.length - 1;
restOfLine = lines.shift();
if (restOfLine) {
currentLogs[lastIndex] = replaceClusterIPsInHtml(currentLogs[lastIndex] + restOfLine);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
lines[i] = replaceClusterIPsInHtml(lines[i]);
if (earlierLog) {
$scope.log.logs = lines.concat(currentLogs);
} else {
$scope.log.logs = currentLogs.concat(lines);
var moveForward = true;
if (angular.isDefined(returnedStart)) {
if (returnedStart > $scope.log.start && $scope.log.start === 0) {
// we've jumped to the end of the file to read the tail of it
$scope.log.start = returnedStart;
$scope.log.firstIdx = returnedStart;
} else if ($scope.log.firstIdx === null) {
// lets remember where the first request started
$scope.log.firstIdx = returnedStart;
} else if (returnedStart < $scope.log.firstIdx) {
// we've got an earlier bit of the log
// after starting at the tail
// so lets move firstIdx backwards and leave start as it is (at the end of the file)
$scope.log.firstIdx = returnedStart;
moveForward = false;
if (moveForward && returnedLength && !earlierLog) {
$scope.log.start += returnedLength;
if (logLength && $scope.log.start > logLength) {
$scope.log.start = logLength;
$scope.log.fetched = true;
// Core.$apply($scope);
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
log.warn("Failed to load " + url + " " + data + " " + status);
} else {
$scope.log.fetched = true;
if (angular.isFunction($scope.fetch)) {
function replaceClusterIpFunction() {
function createReplaceFunction(from, to) {
return (text) => replaceText(text, from, to);
var replacements = [];
angular.forEach($, (service) => {
var $portalIP = service.$portalIP;
var $serviceUrl = service.$serviceUrl;
var $portsText = service.$portsText;
if ($portalIP && $serviceUrl) {
var idx = $serviceUrl.indexOf("://");
if (idx > 0) {
var replaceWith = $serviceUrl.substring(idx, $serviceUrl.length);
if (!replaceWith.endsWith("/")) {
replaceWith += "/";
if (replaceWith.length > 4) {
"://" + $portalIP + "/",
if ($portsText) {
var suffix = ":" + $portsText;
var serviceWithPort = replaceWith.substring(0, replaceWith.length - 1);
if (!serviceWithPort.endsWith(suffix)) {
serviceWithPort += suffix;
serviceWithPort += "/";
"://" + $portalIP + ":" + $portsText + "/",
function addReplaceFn(from, to) {
replacements.push((text) => {
return replaceText(text, from, to);
addReplaceFn("[INFO]", "<span class='log-success'>[INFO]</span>");
addReplaceFn("[WARN]", "<span class='log-warn'>[WARN]</span>");
addReplaceFn("[WARNING]", "<span class='log-warn'>[WARNING]</span>");
addReplaceFn("[ERROR]", "<span class='log-error'>[ERROR]</span>");
addReplaceFn("FAILURE", "<span class='log-error'>FAILURE</span>");
addReplaceFn("SUCCESS", "<span class='log-success'>SUCCESS</span>");
// lets try convert the Proceed / Abort links
replacements.push((text) => {
var prefix = "<a href='#' onclick=\"new Ajax.Request('";
var idx = 0;
while (idx >= 0) {
idx = text.indexOf(prefix, idx);
if (idx >= 0) {
var start = idx + prefix.length;
var endQuote = text.indexOf("'", start + 1);
if (endQuote <= 0) {
var endDoubleQuote = text.indexOf('"', endQuote + 1);
if (endDoubleQuote <= 0) {
var url = text.substring(start, endQuote);
// TODO using $compile is a tad complex, for now lets cheat with a little onclick ;)
//text = text.substring(0, idx) + "<a class='btn btn-default btn-lg' ng-click=\"approve('" + url + "')\"" + text.substring(endDoubleQuote + 1);
text = text.substring(0, idx) + "<a class='btn btn-default btn-lg' onclick=\"Developer.clickApprove(this, '" + url + "')\"" + text.substring(endDoubleQuote + 1);
return text;
return function(text) {
var answer = text;
angular.forEach(replacements, (fn) => {
answer = fn(answer);
return answer;
function replaceText(text, from, to) {
if (from && to && text) {
//"Replacing '" + from + "' => '" + to + "'");
var idx = 0;
while (true) {
idx = text.indexOf(from, idx);
if (idx >= 0) {
text = text.substring(0, idx) + to + text.substring(idx + from.length);
idx += to.length;
} else {
return text;