/// /// /// /// /// /// module Developer { export var PipelinesController = _module.controller("Developer.PipelinesController", ($scope, KubernetesModel:Kubernetes.KubernetesModelService, KubernetesState, KubernetesSchema, $templateCache:ng.ITemplateCacheService, $location:ng.ILocationService, $routeParams, $http, $timeout, KubernetesApiURL, ServiceRegistry, $element) => { $scope.kubernetes = KubernetesState; $scope.kubeModel = KubernetesModel; $scope.id = $routeParams["id"]; $scope.jobId = $scope.jobId || $routeParams["job"]; $scope.schema = KubernetesSchema; $scope.entityChangedCache = {}; $element.on('$destroy', () => { $scope.$destroy(); }); $scope.model = { job: null, pendingOnly: $scope.pendingPipelinesOnly }; Kubernetes.initShared($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, $routeParams, KubernetesModel, KubernetesState, KubernetesApiURL); $scope.breadcrumbConfig = Developer.createProjectBreadcrumbs($scope.id); $scope.subTabConfig = Developer.createProjectSubNavBars($scope.id, $scope.jobId); $scope.$on('kubernetesModelUpdated', function () { updateData(); }); $scope.$on('$routeUpdate', ($event) => { updateData(); }); $scope.$watch('model.pendingOnly', ($event) => { updateData(); }); $scope.selectBuild = (build) => { var id = build.id; if (id) { if (id !== $scope.selectedBuildId) { $scope.selectedBuildId = id; $scope.$broadcast("jenkinsSelectedBuild", build); } } }; var updateData = _.debounce(() => { var entity = $scope.entity; if ($scope.jobId) { if ((!entity || entity.$jenkinsJob)) { var queryPath = "fabric8/stages/"; if ($scope.model.pendingOnly) { queryPath = "fabric8/pendingStages/"; } var url = Kubernetes.kubernetesProxyUrlForServiceCurrentNamespace(jenkinsServiceNameAndPort, UrlHelpers.join("job", $scope.jobId, queryPath)); if (url && (!$scope.model.job || Kubernetes.keepPollingModel)) { $http.get(url). success(function (data, status, headers, config) { if (data) { enrichJenkinsPipelineJob(data, $scope.id, $scope.jobId); if (hasObjectChanged(data, $scope.entityChangedCache)) { log.info("entity has changed!"); $scope.model.job = data; var builds = data.builds; if (builds && builds.length) { $scope.selectBuild(builds[0]); } } } $scope.model.fetched = true; Core.$apply($scope); }). error(function (data, status, headers, config) { log.warn("Failed to load " + url + " " + data + " " + status); $scope.model.fetched = true; }); } } else { if ($scope.model) { Kubernetes.enrichBuilds($scope.kubeModel.builds); var builds = []; angular.forEach($scope.kubeModel.builds, (build) => { var labels = Kubernetes.getLabels(build); var app = labels["app"]; if (app === $scope.projectId) { builds.push(build); } }); builds = _.sortBy(builds, "$creationDate").reverse(); var allBuilds = builds; if (allBuilds.length > 1) { builds = _.filter(allBuilds, (b) => !b.$creationDate); if (!builds.length) { builds = [allBuilds[0]]; } } var pipelines = []; angular.forEach(builds, (build) => { var buildStatus = build.status || {}; var result = buildStatus.phase || ""; var resultUpperCase = result.toUpperCase(); var description = ""; var $viewLink = build.$viewLink; var $logLink = build.$logsLink; var $timestamp = build.$creationDate; var duration = buildStatus.duration; if (duration) { // 17s = 17,000,000,000 on openshift duration = duration / 1000000; } var displayName = Kubernetes.getName(build); var $iconClass = createBuildStatusIconClass(resultUpperCase); var $backgroundClass = createBuildStatusBackgroundClass(resultUpperCase); var stage = { stageName: "OpenShift Build", $viewLink: $viewLink, $logLink: $logLink, $startTime: $timestamp, duration: duration, status: result, $iconClass: $iconClass, $backgroundClass: $backgroundClass }; var pipeline = { description: description, displayName: displayName, $viewLink: $viewLink, $logLink: $logLink, $timestamp: $timestamp, duration: duration, stages: [stage] }; pipelines.push(pipeline); }); // lets filter the OpenShift builds and make a pipeline from that $scope.model.job = { $jobId: $scope.jobId, $project: $scope.projectId, builds: pipelines }; } $scope.model.fetched = true; Core.$apply($scope); } } else { $scope.model.fetched = true; Core.$apply($scope); } }, 50); updateData(); }); }