Uploaded new VR hand assets, fixed VR body speed issues, made modifications to pbr/non-pbr demos and updated data saving to work with new VR changes. In addition, tested action saving and put both state saving and action saving demos into the data_save_replay folder.

This commit is contained in:
kenzomenzo 2020-11-04 17:54:31 +00:00
parent c431129721
commit eb4bda8480
15 changed files with 620 additions and 306 deletions

View File

@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ Run vr_demo_save to save a demo to a log file, and vr_demo_replay to run it agai
Please see the demos and gibson2/utils/vr_logging.py for more details on the data saving/replay system.
To use the VR hand asset, please download and unzip the asset and put it into assets/models under the folder name 'vr_hand'.
The asset is stored in a drive folder and is entitled vr_hand.zip.
Link to VR hand zip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zm3ZpPc7yHwyALEGfsb0_NybFMvV81Um?usp=sharing
Have fun in VR!

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
""" VR replay demo using simplified VR playground code.
This demo runs the log saved at vr_logs/vr_demo_save.h5"""
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
from gibson2.utils.vr_logging import VRLogReader
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import translate_vr_position_by_vecs
from gibson2 import assets_path
sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
# Playground configuration: edit this to change functionality
optimize = True
# Toggles fullscreen companion window
fullscreen = False
# Initialize simulator
s = Simulator(mode='vr', timestep = 1/90.0, optimized_renderer=optimize, vrFullscreen=fullscreen, vrMode=False)
scene = StaticIndoorScene('Placida')
rHand = VrHand()
# Note: We do not call set_start_state, as this would add in a constraint that messes up data replay
# Add playground objects to the scene
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
basket_path = os.path.join(sample_urdf_folder, 'object_ZU6u5fvE8Z1.urdf')
basket = ArticulatedObject(basket_path)
basket.set_position([1, 0.2, 1])
p.changeDynamics(basket.body_id, -1, mass=5)
mass_list = [5, 10, 100, 500]
mustard_start = [1, -0.2, 1]
for i in range(len(mass_list)):
mustard = YCBObject('006_mustard_bottle')
mustard.set_position([mustard_start[0], mustard_start[1] - i * 0.2, mustard_start[2]])
p.changeDynamics(mustard.body_id, -1, mass=mass_list[i])
if optimize:
# Note: the VRLogReader plays back the demo at the recorded fps, so there is not need to set this
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save.h5'
vr_reader = VRLogReader(log_filepath=vr_log_path)
while vr_reader.get_data_left_to_read():
# Note: Please see the code in gibson2/utils/vr_logging.py to extract custom
# data for experiments
vr_reader.read_frame(s, fullReplay=True)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,28 @@
""" VR replay demo using simplified VR playground code.
""" VR saving demo using simplified VR playground code.
This demo runs the log saved at vr_logs/vr_demo_save.h5"""
This demo replays the actions of certain objects in the scene.
Note: This demo does not use PBR so it can be supported on a wide range of devices, including Mac OS.
This demo saves to vr_logs/vr_demo_save_states.h5
If you would like to replay the data, please run
vr_demo_replay using this file path as an input.
Run this demo if you would like to save your own data."""
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
from gibson2.render.mesh_renderer.mesh_renderer_cpu import MeshRendererSettings
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrHand
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrBody, VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
from gibson2.utils.vr_logging import VRLogReader
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import translate_vr_position_by_vecs
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import move_player_no_body
from gibson2 import assets_path
sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
@ -21,21 +30,49 @@ sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
optimize = True
# Toggles fullscreen companion window
fullscreen = False
# Toggles SRAnipal eye tracking
use_eye_tracking = True
# Enables the VR collision body
enable_vr_body = True
# Toggles movement with the touchpad (to move outside of play area)
touchpad_movement = True
# Set to one of hmd, right_controller or left_controller to move relative to that device
relative_movement_device = 'hmd'
# Movement speed for touchpad-based movement
movement_speed = 0.03
# Whether we should hide a mustard bottle when the menu button is presed
hide_mustard_on_press = True
# Initialize simulator
s = Simulator(mode='vr', timestep = 1/90.0, optimized_renderer=optimize, vrFullscreen=fullscreen, vrMode=False)
# Initialize simulator with specific rendering settings
s = Simulator(mode='vr', physics_timestep = 1/90.0, render_timestep = 1/90.0,
rendering_settings=MeshRendererSettings(optimized=optimize, fullscreen=fullscreen, enable_pbr=False),
vr_eye_tracking=use_eye_tracking, vr_mode=False)
scene = StaticIndoorScene('Placida')
rHand = VrHand()
# Note: We do not call set_start_state, as this would add in a constraint that messes up data replay
# Player body is represented by a translucent blue cylinder
if enable_vr_body:
vr_body = VrBody()
# Note: we don't call init_body since we will be controlling the body directly through pos/orientation actions
# Add playground objects to the scene
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
# The hand can either be 'right' or 'left'
# It has enough friction to pick up the basket and the mustard bottles
r_hand = VrHand(hand='right')
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
r_hand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0, 0, 1.5])
l_hand = VrHand(hand='left')
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
l_hand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0, 0.5, 1.5])
if use_eye_tracking:
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
basket_path = os.path.join(sample_urdf_folder, 'object_ZU6u5fvE8Z1.urdf')
basket = ArticulatedObject(basket_path)
@ -45,8 +82,10 @@ p.changeDynamics(basket.body_id, -1, mass=5)
mass_list = [5, 10, 100, 500]
mustard_start = [1, -0.2, 1]
mustard_list = []
for i in range(len(mass_list)):
mustard = YCBObject('006_mustard_bottle')
mustard.set_position([mustard_start[0], mustard_start[1] - i * 0.2, mustard_start[2]])
p.changeDynamics(mustard.body_id, -1, mass=mass_list[i])
@ -54,14 +93,62 @@ for i in range(len(mass_list)):
if optimize:
# Note: the VRLogReader plays back the demo at the recorded fps, so there is not need to set this
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save.h5'
# Start user close to counter for interaction
s.set_vr_offset([-0.5, 0.0, -0.5])
# State of can hiding, toggled by a menu press
hide_mustard = False
# Modify this path to save to different files
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save_actions.h5'
vr_right_hand_action_path = 'vr_hand/right'
vr_left_hand_action_path = 'vr_hand/left'
vr_menu_button_action_path = 'vr_menu_button'
vr_body_action_path = 'vr_body'
vr_reader = VRLogReader(log_filepath=vr_log_path)
vr_hand_action_path = 'vr_hand'
# In this demo, we feed actions into the simulator and simulate
# everything else.
# The VR reader automatically shuts itself down and performs cleanup once the while loop has finished running
while vr_reader.get_data_left_to_read():
vr_hand_actions = vr_reader.read_action(vr_hand_action_path)
print(vr_hand_actions.shape, vr_hand_actions)
# We set fullReplay to false so we only simulate using actions
vr_reader.read_frame(s, fullReplay=False)
# Contains validity [0], trans [1-3], orn [4-7], trig_frac [8], touch coordinates (x and y) [9-10]
vr_rh_actions = vr_reader.read_action(vr_right_hand_action_path)
vr_lh_actions = vr_reader.read_action(vr_left_hand_action_path)
vr_menu_state = vr_reader.read_action(vr_menu_button_action_path)
vr_body_actions = vr_reader.read_action(vr_body_action_path)
# Set mustard hidden state based on recorded button action
if vr_menu_state == 1:
s.set_hidden_state(mustard_list[2], hide=True)
elif vr_menu_state == 0:
s.set_hidden_state(mustard_list[2], hide=False)
# Move VR hands
if vr_rh_actions[0] == 1.0:
r_hand.move(vr_rh_actions[1:4], vr_rh_actions[4:8])
if vr_lh_actions[0] == 1.0:
l_hand.move(vr_lh_actions[1:4], vr_lh_actions[4:8])
# Move VR body
vr_body.set_position_orientation(vr_body_actions[0:3], vr_body_actions[3:7])
# Get stored eye tracking data - this is an example of how to read values that are not actions from the VRLogReader
eye_data = vr_reader.read_value('vr/vr_eye_tracking_data')
is_eye_data_valid = eye_data[0]
origin = eye_data[1:4]
direction = eye_data[4:7]
left_pupil_diameter = eye_data[7]
right_pupil_diameter = eye_data[8]
if is_eye_data_valid:
# Move gaze marker based on eye tracking data
updated_marker_pos = [origin[0] + direction[0], origin[1] + direction[1], origin[2] + direction[2]]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
""" VR replay demo using simplified VR playground code.
This demo replay the states of all objects in their entirety, and does
not involve any meaningful physical simulation.
Note: This demo does not use PBR so it can be supported on a wide range of devices, including Mac OS.
This demo reads logs from to vr_logs/vr_demo_save_states.h5
If you would like to replay your own data, please run
vr_demo_save_states and change the file path where data is recoded."""
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
from gibson2.render.mesh_renderer.mesh_renderer_cpu import MeshRendererSettings
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrBody, VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
from gibson2.utils.vr_logging import VRLogReader
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import move_player_no_body
from gibson2 import assets_path
sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
# Playground configuration: edit this to change functionality
optimize = True
# Toggles fullscreen companion window
fullscreen = False
# Toggles SRAnipal eye tracking
use_eye_tracking = True
# Enables the VR collision body
enable_vr_body = True
# Toggles movement with the touchpad (to move outside of play area)
touchpad_movement = True
# Set to one of hmd, right_controller or left_controller to move relative to that device
relative_movement_device = 'hmd'
# Movement speed for touchpad-based movement
movement_speed = 0.03
# Initialize simulator with specific rendering settings
s = Simulator(mode='vr', physics_timestep = 1/90.0, render_timestep = 1/90.0,
rendering_settings=MeshRendererSettings(optimized=optimize, fullscreen=fullscreen, enable_pbr=False),
vr_eye_tracking=use_eye_tracking, vr_mode=False)
scene = StaticIndoorScene('Placida')
# Player body is represented by a translucent blue cylinder
if enable_vr_body:
vr_body = VrBody()
# Note: we don't call init_body for the VR body to avoid constraints interfering with the replay
# The hand can either be 'right' or 'left'
# It has enough friction to pick up the basket and the mustard bottles
r_hand = VrHand(hand='right')
# Note: we don't call set start state for the VR hands to avoid constraints interfering with the replay
l_hand = VrHand(hand='left')
# Note: we don't call set start state for the VR hands to avoid constraints interfering with the replay
if use_eye_tracking:
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
basket_path = os.path.join(sample_urdf_folder, 'object_ZU6u5fvE8Z1.urdf')
basket = ArticulatedObject(basket_path)
basket.set_position([1, 0.2, 1])
p.changeDynamics(basket.body_id, -1, mass=5)
mass_list = [5, 10, 100, 500]
mustard_start = [1, -0.2, 1]
mustard_list = []
for i in range(len(mass_list)):
mustard = YCBObject('006_mustard_bottle')
mustard.set_position([mustard_start[0], mustard_start[1] - i * 0.2, mustard_start[2]])
p.changeDynamics(mustard.body_id, -1, mass=mass_list[i])
if optimize:
# Start user close to counter for interaction
s.set_vr_offset([-0.5, 0.0, -0.5])
# Note: the VRLogReader plays back the demo at the recorded fps, so there is not need to set this
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save_states.h5'
vr_reader = VRLogReader(log_filepath=vr_log_path)
# The VR reader automatically shuts itself down and performs cleanup once the while loop has finished running
while vr_reader.get_data_left_to_read():
# Note: Please see the code in gibson2/utils/vr_logging.py to extract custom
# data for experiments
vr_reader.read_frame(s, fullReplay=True)

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
""" VR saving demo using simplified VR playground code.
This demo saves to vr_logs/vr_demo_save.h5
If you would like to replay the data, please run
vr_demo_replay using this file path as an input.
Run this demo if you would like to save your own data."""
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
from gibson2.utils.vr_logging import VRLogWriter
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import translate_vr_position_by_vecs
from gibson2 import assets_path
sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
# Playground configuration: edit this to change functionality
optimize = True
vr_mode = True
print_fps = False
# Toggles fullscreen companion window
fullscreen = False
# Toggles SRAnipal eye tracking
use_eye_tracking = True
# Toggles movement with the touchpad (to move outside of play area)
touchpad_movement = True
# Set to one of hmd, right_controller or left_controller to move relative to that device
relative_movement_device = 'hmd'
# Movement speed for touchpad movement
movement_speed = 0.01
# Initialize simulator
s = Simulator(mode='vr', timestep = 1/90.0, optimized_renderer=optimize, vrFullscreen=fullscreen, vrEyeTracking=use_eye_tracking, vrMode=vr_mode)
scene = StaticIndoorScene('Placida')
# This playground only uses one hand - it has enough friction to pick up some of the
# mustard bottles
rHand = VrHand()
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
rHand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0.0, 0.5, 1.5])
# Add playground objects to the scene
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
basket_path = os.path.join(sample_urdf_folder, 'object_ZU6u5fvE8Z1.urdf')
basket = ArticulatedObject(basket_path)
basket.set_position([1, 0.2, 1])
p.changeDynamics(basket.body_id, -1, mass=5)
mass_list = [5, 10, 100, 500]
mustard_start = [1, -0.2, 1]
for i in range(len(mass_list)):
mustard = YCBObject('006_mustard_bottle')
mustard.set_position([mustard_start[0], mustard_start[1] - i * 0.2, mustard_start[2]])
p.changeDynamics(mustard.body_id, -1, mass=mass_list[i])
if optimize:
# Start user close to counter for interaction
s.setVROffset([1.0, 0, -0.4])
# Modify this path to save to different files
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save.h5'
# Saves every 2 seconds or so (200 / 90fps is approx 2 seconds)
vr_writer = VRLogWriter(frames_before_write=200, log_filepath=vr_log_path, profiling_mode=True)
# Save Vr hand transform, validity and trigger fraction
# action->vr_hand (dataset)
# Total size of numpy array: 1 (validity) + 3 (pos) + 4 (orn) + 1 (trig_frac) = (9,)
vr_hand_action_path = 'vr_hand'
vr_writer.register_action(vr_hand_action_path, (9,))
# Call set_up_data_storage once all actions have been registered
# Main simulation loop - 20 to 30 seconds of simulation data recorded
for i in range(210):
# Optionally print fps during simulator step
rIsValid, rTrans, rRot = s.getDataForVRDevice('right_controller')
rTrig, rTouchX, rTouchY = s.getButtonDataForController('right_controller')
# VR eye tracking data
is_eye_data_valid, origin, dir, left_pupil_diameter, right_pupil_diameter = s.getEyeTrackingData()
if is_eye_data_valid:
# Move gaze marker based on eye tracking data
updated_marker_pos = [origin[0] + dir[0], origin[1] + dir[1], origin[2] + dir[2]]
# Get coordinate system for relative movement device
right, _, forward = s.getDeviceCoordinateSystem(relative_movement_device)
# Save VR hand data
vr_hand_data = [1.0 if rIsValid else 0.0]
vr_hand_data = np.array(vr_hand_data)
vr_writer.save_action(vr_hand_action_path, vr_hand_data)
if rIsValid:
rHand.move(rTrans, rRot)
s.setVROffset(translate_vr_position_by_vecs(rTouchX, rTouchY, right, forward, s.getVROffset(), movement_speed))
# Record this frame's data in the VRLogWriter
# Note: always call this after the simulation is over to close the log file
# and clean up resources used.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
""" VR saving demo using simplified VR playground code.
This demo saves the actions of certain objects as well as states. Either can
be used to playback later in the replay demo.
Note: This demo does not use PBR so it can be supported on a wide range of devices, including Mac OS.
This demo saves to vr_logs/vr_demo_save_states.h5
If you would like to replay the data, please run
vr_demo_replay using this file path as an input.
Run this demo if you would like to save your own data."""
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
from gibson2.render.mesh_renderer.mesh_renderer_cpu import MeshRendererSettings
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrBody, VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
from gibson2.utils.vr_logging import VRLogWriter
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import move_player_no_body
from gibson2 import assets_path
sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
# Playground configuration: edit this to change functionality
optimize = True
# Toggles fullscreen companion window
fullscreen = False
# Toggles SRAnipal eye tracking
use_eye_tracking = True
# Enables the VR collision body
enable_vr_body = True
# Toggles movement with the touchpad (to move outside of play area)
touchpad_movement = True
# Set to one of hmd, right_controller or left_controller to move relative to that device
relative_movement_device = 'hmd'
# Movement speed for touchpad-based movement
movement_speed = 0.03
# Initialize simulator with specific rendering settings
s = Simulator(mode='vr', physics_timestep = 1/90.0, render_timestep = 1/90.0,
rendering_settings=MeshRendererSettings(optimized=optimize, fullscreen=fullscreen, enable_pbr=False),
vr_eye_tracking=use_eye_tracking, vr_mode=True)
scene = StaticIndoorScene('Placida')
# Player body is represented by a translucent blue cylinder
if enable_vr_body:
vr_body = VrBody()
# The hand can either be 'right' or 'left'
# It has enough friction to pick up the basket and the mustard bottles
r_hand = VrHand(hand='right')
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
r_hand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0, 0, 1.5])
l_hand = VrHand(hand='left')
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
l_hand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0, 0.5, 1.5])
if use_eye_tracking:
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
basket_path = os.path.join(sample_urdf_folder, 'object_ZU6u5fvE8Z1.urdf')
basket = ArticulatedObject(basket_path)
basket.set_position([1, 0.2, 1])
p.changeDynamics(basket.body_id, -1, mass=5)
mass_list = [5, 10, 100, 500]
mustard_start = [1, -0.2, 1]
mustard_list = []
for i in range(len(mass_list)):
mustard = YCBObject('006_mustard_bottle')
mustard.set_position([mustard_start[0], mustard_start[1] - i * 0.2, mustard_start[2]])
p.changeDynamics(mustard.body_id, -1, mass=mass_list[i])
if optimize:
# Start user close to counter for interaction
s.set_vr_offset([-0.5, 0.0, -0.5])
# Modify this path to save to different files
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save_actions.h5'
# Saves every 2 seconds or so (200 / 90fps is approx 2 seconds)
vr_writer = VRLogWriter(frames_before_write=200, log_filepath=vr_log_path, profiling_mode=True)
# Register all actions. In this demo we register the following actions:
# Save Vr hand transform, validity and trigger fraction for each hand
# action->vr_hand->right/left (dataset)
# Total size of numpy array: 1 (validity) + 3 (pos) + 4 (orn) + 1 (trig_frac) + 2 (touch coordinates)= (11,)
vr_right_hand_action_path = 'vr_hand/right'
vr_writer.register_action(vr_right_hand_action_path, (11,))
vr_left_hand_action_path = 'vr_hand/left'
vr_writer.register_action(vr_left_hand_action_path, (11,))
# Save menu button to we can replay hiding the mustard bottle
vr_menu_button_action_path = 'vr_menu_button'
# We will save the state - 1 is pressed, 0 is not pressed (-1 indicates no data for the given frame)
vr_writer.register_action(vr_menu_button_action_path, (1,))
# Save body position and orientation as an action - it is quite complicated to replay the VR body using VR data,
# so we will just record its position and orientation as an action
vr_body_action_path = 'vr_body'
# Total size of numpy array: 3 (pos) + 4 (orn) = (7,)
vr_writer.register_action(vr_body_action_path, (7,))
# Call set_up_data_storage once all actions have been registered (in this demo we only save states so there are none)
# Despite having no actions, we need to call this function
# Main simulation loop
for i in range(3000):
# We save the right controller menu press that hides/unhides the mustard - this can be replayed
# VR button data is saved by default, so we don't need to make it an action
# Please see utils/vr_logging.py for more details on what is saved by default for the VR system
# In this example, the mustard is visible until the user presses the menu button, and then is toggled
# on/off depending on whether the menu is pressed or unpressed
event_list = s.poll_vr_events()
for event in event_list:
device_type, event_type = event
if device_type == 'right_controller':
if event_type == 'menu_press':
# Toggle mustard hidden state
s.set_hidden_state(mustard_list[2], hide=True)
vr_writer.save_action(vr_menu_button_action_path, np.array([1]))
elif event_type == 'menu_unpress':
s.set_hidden_state(mustard_list[2], hide=False)
vr_writer.save_action(vr_menu_button_action_path, np.array([0]))
# Step the simulator - this needs to be done every frame to actually run the simulation
# VR device data
hmd_is_valid, hmd_trans, hmd_rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device('hmd')
l_is_valid, l_trans, l_rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device('left_controller')
r_is_valid, r_trans, r_rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device('right_controller')
# VR button data
l_trig, l_touch_x, l_touch_y = s.get_button_data_for_controller('left_controller')
r_trig, r_touch_x, r_touch_y = s.get_button_data_for_controller('right_controller')
# Create actions and save them
vr_right_hand_data = [1.0 if r_is_valid else 0.0]
vr_right_hand_data.extend([r_touch_x, r_touch_y])
vr_right_hand_data = np.array(vr_right_hand_data)
vr_writer.save_action(vr_right_hand_action_path, vr_right_hand_data)
vr_left_hand_data = [1.0 if l_is_valid else 0.0]
vr_left_hand_data.extend([l_touch_x, l_touch_y])
vr_left_hand_data = np.array(vr_left_hand_data)
vr_writer.save_action(vr_left_hand_action_path, vr_left_hand_data)
vr_body_data = list(vr_body.get_position())
vr_body_data = np.array(vr_body_data)
vr_writer.save_action(vr_body_action_path, vr_body_data)
# VR eye tracking data
if use_eye_tracking:
is_eye_data_valid, origin, dir, left_pupil_diameter, right_pupil_diameter = s.get_eye_tracking_data()
if is_eye_data_valid:
# Move gaze marker based on eye tracking data
updated_marker_pos = [origin[0] + dir[0], origin[1] + dir[1], origin[2] + dir[2]]
if r_is_valid:
r_hand.move(r_trans, r_rot)
if enable_vr_body:
# See VrBody class for more details on this method
vr_body.move_body(s, r_touch_x, r_touch_y, movement_speed, relative_movement_device)
# Right hand used to control movement
# Move VR system based on device coordinate system and touchpad press location
move_player_no_body(s, r_touch_x, r_touch_y, movement_speed, relative_movement_device)
# Trigger haptic pulse on right touchpad, modulated by trigger close fraction
# Close the trigger to create a stronger pulse
# Note: open trigger has closed fraction of 0.05 when open, so cutoff haptic input under 0.1
# to avoid constant rumbling
s.trigger_haptic_pulse('right_controller', r_trig if r_trig > 0.1 else 0)
if l_is_valid:
l_hand.move(l_trans, l_rot)
s.trigger_haptic_pulse('left_controller', l_trig if l_trig > 0.1 else 0)
# Record this frame's data in the VRLogWriter
# Note: always call this after the simulation is over to close the log file
# and clean up resources used.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
""" VR saving demo using simplified VR playground code.
This demo saves the states of all objects in their entirety. The replay
resulting from this is completely controlled by the saved state data, and does
not involve any meaningful physical simulation.
Note: This demo does not use PBR so it can be supported on a wide range of devices, including Mac OS.
This demo saves to vr_logs/vr_demo_save_states.h5
If you would like to replay the data, please run
vr_demo_replay using this file path as an input.
Run this demo if you would like to save your own data."""
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
from gibson2.render.mesh_renderer.mesh_renderer_cpu import MeshRendererSettings
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrBody, VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
from gibson2.utils.vr_logging import VRLogWriter
from gibson2.utils.vr_utils import move_player_no_body
from gibson2 import assets_path
sample_urdf_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'sample_urdfs')
# Playground configuration: edit this to change functionality
optimize = True
# Toggles fullscreen companion window
fullscreen = False
# Toggles SRAnipal eye tracking
use_eye_tracking = True
# Enables the VR collision body
enable_vr_body = True
# Toggles movement with the touchpad (to move outside of play area)
touchpad_movement = True
# Set to one of hmd, right_controller or left_controller to move relative to that device
relative_movement_device = 'hmd'
# Movement speed for touchpad-based movement
movement_speed = 0.03
# Initialize simulator with specific rendering settings
s = Simulator(mode='vr', physics_timestep = 1/90.0, render_timestep = 1/90.0,
rendering_settings=MeshRendererSettings(optimized=optimize, fullscreen=fullscreen, enable_pbr=False),
vr_eye_tracking=use_eye_tracking, vr_mode=True)
scene = StaticIndoorScene('Placida')
# Player body is represented by a translucent blue cylinder
if enable_vr_body:
vr_body = VrBody()
# The hand can either be 'right' or 'left'
# It has enough friction to pick up the basket and the mustard bottles
r_hand = VrHand(hand='right')
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
r_hand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0, 0, 1.5])
l_hand = VrHand(hand='left')
# This sets the hand constraints so it can move with the VR controller
l_hand.set_start_state(start_pos=[0, 0.5, 1.5])
if use_eye_tracking:
# Eye tracking visual marker - a red marker appears in the scene to indicate gaze direction
gaze_marker = VisualMarker(radius=0.03)
basket_path = os.path.join(sample_urdf_folder, 'object_ZU6u5fvE8Z1.urdf')
basket = ArticulatedObject(basket_path)
basket.set_position([1, 0.2, 1])
p.changeDynamics(basket.body_id, -1, mass=5)
mass_list = [5, 10, 100, 500]
mustard_start = [1, -0.2, 1]
mustard_list = []
for i in range(len(mass_list)):
mustard = YCBObject('006_mustard_bottle')
mustard.set_position([mustard_start[0], mustard_start[1] - i * 0.2, mustard_start[2]])
p.changeDynamics(mustard.body_id, -1, mass=mass_list[i])
if optimize:
# Start user close to counter for interaction
s.set_vr_offset([-0.5, 0.0, -0.5])
# Modify this path to save to different files
vr_log_path = 'vr_logs/vr_demo_save_states.h5'
# Saves every 2 seconds or so (200 / 90fps is approx 2 seconds)
vr_writer = VRLogWriter(frames_before_write=200, log_filepath=vr_log_path, profiling_mode=True)
# Call set_up_data_storage once all actions have been registered (in this demo we only save states so there are none)
# Despite having no actions, we need to call this function
# Main simulation loop
for i in range(3000):
# Step the simulator - this needs to be done every frame to actually run the simulation
# VR device data
hmd_is_valid, hmd_trans, hmd_rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device('hmd')
l_is_valid, l_trans, l_rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device('left_controller')
r_is_valid, r_trans, r_rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device('right_controller')
# VR button data
l_trig, l_touch_x, l_touch_y = s.get_button_data_for_controller('left_controller')
r_trig, r_touch_x, r_touch_y = s.get_button_data_for_controller('right_controller')
# VR eye tracking data
if use_eye_tracking:
is_eye_data_valid, origin, dir, left_pupil_diameter, right_pupil_diameter = s.get_eye_tracking_data()
if is_eye_data_valid:
# Move gaze marker based on eye tracking data
updated_marker_pos = [origin[0] + dir[0], origin[1] + dir[1], origin[2] + dir[2]]
if r_is_valid:
r_hand.move(r_trans, r_rot)
if enable_vr_body:
# See VrBody class for more details on this method
vr_body.move_body(s, r_touch_x, r_touch_y, movement_speed, relative_movement_device)
# Right hand used to control movement
# Move VR system based on device coordinate system and touchpad press location
move_player_no_body(s, r_touch_x, r_touch_y, movement_speed, relative_movement_device)
# Trigger haptic pulse on right touchpad, modulated by trigger close fraction
# Close the trigger to create a stronger pulse
# Note: open trigger has closed fraction of 0.05 when open, so cutoff haptic input under 0.1
# to avoid constant rumbling
s.trigger_haptic_pulse('right_controller', r_trig if r_trig > 0.1 else 0)
if l_is_valid:
l_hand.move(l_trans, l_rot)
s.trigger_haptic_pulse('left_controller', l_trig if l_trig > 0.1 else 0)
# Record this frame's data in the VRLogWriter
# Note: always call this after the simulation is over to close the log file
# and clean up resources used.

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
""" VR playground containing various objects and VR options that can be toggled
to experiment with the VR experience in iGibson. This playground operates in a
PBR scene. Please see vr_playground_no_pbr.py for a non-PBR experience.
Important: VR functionality and where to find it:
1) Most VR functions can be found in the gibson2/simulator.py
2) VR utility functions are found in gibson2/utils/vr_utils.py
3) The VR renderer can be found in gibson2/render/mesh_renderer.py
4) The underlying VR C++ code can be found in vr_mesh_render.h and .cpp in gibson2/render/cpp
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
import time
import gibson2
from gibson2.render.mesh_renderer.mesh_renderer_cpu import MeshRendererSettings
from gibson2.scenes.igibson_indoor_scene import InteractiveIndoorScene
from gibson2.simulator import Simulator
# Playground configuration: edit this to change functionality
optimize = True
vr_mode = False
# HDR files for PBR rendering
hdr_texture = os.path.join(
gibson2.ig_dataset_path, 'scenes', 'background', 'probe_02.hdr')
hdr_texture2 = os.path.join(
gibson2.ig_dataset_path, 'scenes', 'background', 'probe_03.hdr')
light_modulation_map_filename = os.path.join(
gibson2.ig_dataset_path, 'scenes', 'Rs_int', 'layout', 'floor_lighttype_0.png')
background_texture = os.path.join(
gibson2.ig_dataset_path, 'scenes', 'background', 'urban_street_01.jpg')
# VR rendering settings
vr_rendering_settings = MeshRendererSettings(optimized=optimize,
# Initialize simulator with specific rendering settings
s = Simulator(mode='vr', physics_timestep = 1/90.0, render_timestep = 1/90.0, rendering_settings=vr_rendering_settings,
vr_eye_tracking=False, vr_mode=vr_mode)
scene = InteractiveIndoorScene('Rs_int')
if not vr_mode:
camera_pose = np.array([0, 0, 1.2])
# Look out over the main body of the Rs scene
view_direction = np.array([0, -1, 0])
s.renderer.set_camera(camera_pose, camera_pose + view_direction, [0, 0, 1])
if optimize:
while True:
start_time = time.time()
frame_time = time.time() - start_time
print('Frame time: {}'.format(frame_time))
print('Fps: {}'.format(round(1/max(0.0001, frame_time), 2)))

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import pybullet as p
from gibson2.render.mesh_renderer.mesh_renderer_cpu import MeshRendererSettings
from gibson2.scenes.gibson_indoor_scene import StaticIndoorScene
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject, VArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.articulated_object import ArticulatedObject
from gibson2.objects.vr_objects import VrBody, VrHand
from gibson2.objects.visual_marker import VisualMarker
from gibson2.objects.ycb_object import YCBObject
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ if optimize:
# Start user close to counter for interaction
s.set_vr_offset([-0.5, 0.0, -0.4])
s.set_vr_offset([-0.5, 0.0, -0.5])
# State of mustard hiding, toggled by a menu press
hide_mustard = False

View File

@ -71,12 +71,13 @@ vr_rendering_settings = MeshRendererSettings(optimized=optimize,
s = Simulator(mode='vr', physics_timestep = 1/90.0, render_timestep = 1/90.0, rendering_settings=vr_rendering_settings,
vr_eye_tracking=use_eye_tracking, vr_mode=True)
scene = InteractiveIndoorScene('Rs_int')
# Turn this on when debugging to speed up loading
# scene._set_first_n_objects(10)
# Player body is represented by a translucent blue cylinder
if enable_vr_body:
vr_body = VrBody()
print("Importing body!")
s.import_object(vr_body, use_pbr=False, use_pbr_mapping=False, shadow_caster=False)
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ if optimize:
# Set VR starting position in the scene
s.set_vr_offset([0, 0, -0.3])
s.set_vr_offset([0, 0, -0.6])
# State of can hiding, toggled by a menu press
hide_can = False

View File

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ class VrBody(Object):
# Keep track of start x and y rotation so we can lock object to these values
self.start_x_rot = 0.0
self.start_y_rot = 0.0
# Need this extra factor to amplify HMD movement vector, since body doesn't reach HMD each frame (since constraints don't set position)
self.hmd_vec_amp = 3
# TIMELINE: Call this after loading the VR body into the simulator
def init_body(self, start_pos):
@ -89,8 +91,8 @@ class VrBody(Object):
curr_offset = s.get_vr_offset()
# Translate VR offset using controller information
translated_offset = translate_vr_position_by_vecs(rTouchX, rTouchY, right, forward, curr_offset, movement_speed)
# New player position calculated
new_player_pos = hmd_wp + translated_offset
# New player position calculated - amplify delta in HMD positiion to account for constraints not moving body exactly to new position each frame
new_player_pos = (hmd_wp - self.prev_hmd_wp) * self.hmd_vec_amp + translated_offset + self.prev_hmd_wp
# Attempt to set the vr body to this new position (will stop if collides with wall, for example)
# This involves setting translation and rotation constraint
x, y, z = new_player_pos
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ class VrBody(Object):
# Use starting x and y rotation so our body does not get knocked over when we collide with low objects
new_rot = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([self.start_x_rot, self.start_y_rot, curr_z])
p.changeConstraint(self.movement_cid, [x, y, new_center], new_rot, maxForce=500)
p.changeConstraint(self.movement_cid, [x, y, new_center], new_rot, maxForce=2000)
# Update previous HMD world position at end of frame
self.prev_hmd_wp = hmd_wp
@ -134,14 +136,15 @@ class VrHand(ArticulatedObject):
Joint 16 has name Itip__Imiddle
def __init__(self, hand='right'):
# VR hand can be one of three types - no_pbr (diffuse white/grey color), skin or metal
def __init__(self, hand='right', tex_type='no_pbr'):
self.vr_hand_folder = os.path.join(assets_path, 'models', 'vr_hand')
self.hand = hand
if self.hand not in ['left', 'right']:
print('ERROR: hand parameter must either be left or right!')
self.filename = os.path.join(self.vr_hand_folder, 'vr_hand_{}.urdf'.format(self.hand))
self.filename = os.path.join(self.vr_hand_folder, tex_type, 'vr_hand_{}.urdf'.format(self.hand))
super(VrHand, self).__init__(filename=self.filename, scale=1)
# Hand needs to be rotated to visually align with VR controller
if self.hand == 'right':

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
VRLog classes that write/read iGibson VR data to/from HDF5.
TODO: Save velocity/torque for algorithmic training? Not necessary for replay, but might be helpful.
Can easily save velocity for joints, but might have to use link states for normal pybullet objects.
HDF5 hierarchy:
/ (root)
@ -85,7 +82,6 @@ class VRLogWriter():
# If true, will print out time it takes to save to hd5
self.profiling_mode = profiling_mode
# PyBullet body ids to be saved
# TODO: Make sure this is the correct way to get the body ids!
self.pb_ids = [p.getBodyUniqueId(i) for i in range(p.getNumBodies())]
self.pb_id_data_len_map = dict()
self.data_map = None
@ -95,8 +91,8 @@ class VRLogWriter():
self.frame_counter = 0
# Counts number of frames and does not reset
self.persistent_frame_count = 0
# Time when last frame ended (not valid for first frame, so set to 0)
self.last_frame_end_time = 0
# Time when last frame ended (not valid for first frame, set to current time to get a reasonable estimate)
self.last_frame_end_time = time.time()
# Handle of HDF5 file
self.hf = None
# Name path data - used to extract data from data map and save to hd5
@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ class VRLogWriter():
self.data_map['vr']['vr_camera']['right_eye_proj'][self.frame_counter, ...] = s.renderer.P
for device in ['hmd', 'left_controller', 'right_controller']:
is_valid, trans, rot = s.getDataForVRDevice(device)
is_valid, trans, rot = s.get_data_for_vr_device(device)
if is_valid is not None:
data_list = [is_valid]
@ -264,11 +260,11 @@ class VRLogWriter():
self.data_map['vr']['vr_device_data'][device][self.frame_counter, ...] = np.array(data_list)
if device == 'left_controller' or device == 'right_controller':
button_data_list = s.getButtonDataForController(device)
button_data_list = s.get_button_data_for_controller(device)
if button_data_list[0] is not None:
self.data_map['vr']['vr_button_data'][device][self.frame_counter, ...] = np.array(button_data_list)
is_valid, origin, dir, left_pupil_diameter, right_pupil_diameter = s.getEyeTrackingData()
is_valid, origin, dir, left_pupil_diameter, right_pupil_diameter = s.get_eye_tracking_data()
if is_valid is not None:
eye_data_list = [is_valid]
@ -406,6 +402,16 @@ class VRLogReader():
if read_duration < frame_duration:
time.sleep(frame_duration - read_duration)
def read_value(self, value_path):
"""Reads any saved value at value_path for the current frame.
value_path: /-separated string representing the value to fetch. This should be one of the
values list in the comment at the top of this file.
Eg. vr/vr_button_data/right_controller
return self.hf[value_path][self.frame_counter]
def read_action(self, action_path):
"""Reads the action at action_path for the current frame.