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// Copyright 2016 - 2023 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.16 or later.
package excelize
import "encoding/xml"
// xlsxSlicers directly maps the slicers element that specifies a slicer view on
// the worksheet.
type xlsxSlicers struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/main slicers"`
XMLNSXMC string `xml:"xmlns:mc,attr"`
XMLNSX string `xml:"xmlns:x,attr"`
XMLNSXR10 string `xml:"xmlns:xr10,attr"`
Slicer []xlsxSlicer `xml:"slicer"`
// xlsxSlicer is a complex type that specifies a slicer view.
type xlsxSlicer struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
XR10UID string `xml:"xr10:uid,attr,omitempty"`
Cache string `xml:"cache,attr"`
Caption string `xml:"caption,attr,omitempty"`
StartItem *int `xml:"startItem,attr"`
ColumnCount *int `xml:"columnCount,attr"`
ShowCaption *bool `xml:"showCaption,attr"`
Level int `xml:"level,attr,omitempty"`
Style string `xml:"style,attr,omitempty"`
LockedPosition bool `xml:"lockedPosition,attr,omitempty"`
RowHeight int `xml:"rowHeight,attr"`
// slicerCacheDefinition directly maps the slicerCacheDefinition element that
// specifies a slicer cache.
type xlsxSlicerCacheDefinition struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/main slicerCacheDefinition"`
XMLNSXMC string `xml:"xmlns:mc,attr"`
XMLNSX string `xml:"xmlns:x,attr"`
XMLNSX15 string `xml:"xmlns:x15,attr,omitempty"`
XMLNSXR10 string `xml:"xmlns:xr10,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
XR10UID string `xml:"xr10:uid,attr,omitempty"`
SourceName string `xml:"sourceName,attr"`
PivotTables *xlsxSlicerCachePivotTables `xml:"pivotTables"`
Data *xlsxSlicerCacheData `xml:"data"`
ExtLst *xlsxExtLst `xml:"extLst"`
// xlsxSlicerCachePivotTables is a complex type that specifies a group of
// pivotTable elements that specify the PivotTable views that are filtered by
// the slicer cache.
type xlsxSlicerCachePivotTables struct {
PivotTable []xlsxSlicerCachePivotTable `xml:"pivotTable"`
// xlsxSlicerCachePivotTable is a complex type that specifies a PivotTable view
// filtered by a slicer cache.
type xlsxSlicerCachePivotTable struct {
TabID int `xml:"tabId,attr"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
// xlsxSlicerCacheData is a complex type that specifies a data source for the
// slicer cache.
type xlsxSlicerCacheData struct {
OLAP *xlsxInnerXML `xml:"olap"`
Tabular *xlsxTabularSlicerCache `xml:"tabular"`
// xlsxTabularSlicerCache is a complex type that specifies non-OLAP slicer items
// that are cached within this slicer cache and properties of the slicer cache
// specific to non-OLAP slicer items.
type xlsxTabularSlicerCache struct {
PivotCacheID int `xml:"pivotCacheId,attr"`
SortOrder string `xml:"sortOrder,attr,omitempty"`
CustomListSort *bool `xml:"customListSort,attr"`
ShowMissing *bool `xml:"showMissing,attr"`
CrossFilter string `xml:"crossFilter,attr,omitempty"`
Items *xlsxTabularSlicerCacheItems `xml:"items"`
ExtLst *xlsxExtLst `xml:"extLst"`
// xlsxTabularSlicerCacheItems is a complex type that specifies non-OLAP slicer
// items that are cached within this slicer cache.
type xlsxTabularSlicerCacheItems struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr,omitempty"`
I []xlsxTabularSlicerCacheItem `xml:"i"`
// xlsxTabularSlicerCacheItem is a complex type that specifies a non-OLAP slicer
// item that is cached within this slicer cache.
type xlsxTabularSlicerCacheItem struct {
X int `xml:"x,attr"`
S bool `xml:"s,attr,omitempty"`
ND bool `xml:"nd,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxTableSlicerCache specifies a table data source for the slicer cache.
type xlsxTableSlicerCache struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"x15:tableSlicerCache"`
TableID int `xml:"tableId,attr"`
Column int `xml:"column,attr"`
SortOrder string `xml:"sortOrder,attr,omitempty"`
CustomListSort *bool `xml:"customListSort,attr"`
CrossFilter string `xml:"crossFilter,attr,omitempty"`
ExtLst *xlsxExtLst `xml:"extLst"`
// xlsxX14SlicerList specifies a list of slicer.
type xlsxX14SlicerList struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"x14:slicerList"`
Slicer []*xlsxX14Slicer `xml:"x14:slicer"`
// xlsxX14Slicer specifies a slicer view,
type xlsxX14Slicer struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"x14:slicer"`
RID string `xml:"r:id,attr"`
// xlsxX15SlicerCaches directly maps the x14:slicerCache element.
type xlsxX14SlicerCache struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"x14:slicerCache"`
RID string `xml:"r:id,attr"`
// xlsxX15SlicerCaches directly maps the x15:slicerCaches element.
type xlsxX15SlicerCaches struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"x15:slicerCaches"`
XMLNS string `xml:"xmlns:x14,attr"`
Content string `xml:",innerxml"`
// decodeTableSlicerCache defines the structure used to parse the
// x15:tableSlicerCache element of the table slicer cache.
type decodeTableSlicerCache struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"tableSlicerCache"`
TableID int `xml:"tableId,attr"`
Column int `xml:"column,attr"`
// decodeSlicerList defines the structure used to parse the x14:slicerList
// element of a list of slicer.
type decodeSlicerList struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"slicerList"`
Slicer []*decodeSlicer `xml:"slicer"`
// decodeSlicer defines the structure used to parse the x14:slicer element of a
// slicer.
type decodeSlicer struct {
RID string `xml:"id,attr"`
// decodeX15SlicerCaches defines the structure used to parse the
// x15:slicerCaches element of a slicer cache.
type decodeX15SlicerCaches struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"slicerCaches"`
Content string `xml:",innerxml"`