This closes #314, closes #1520 and closes #1521 (#1574)

- Add new function GetStyle support for get style definition
This commit is contained in:
cnmlgbgithub 2023-08-24 23:51:07 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent cb5a8e2d1e
commit db22452398
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 446 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -430,6 +430,30 @@ func float64Ptr(f float64) *float64 { return &f }
// stringPtr returns a pointer to a string with the given value.
func stringPtr(s string) *string { return &s }
// Value extracts string data type text from a attribute value.
func (attr *attrValString) Value() string {
if attr != nil && attr.Val != nil {
return *attr.Val
return ""
// Value extracts boolean data type value from a attribute value.
func (attr *attrValBool) Value() bool {
if attr != nil && attr.Val != nil {
return *attr.Val
return false
// Value extracts float64 data type numeric from a attribute value.
func (attr *attrValFloat) Value() float64 {
if attr != nil && attr.Val != nil {
return *attr.Val
return 0
// MarshalXML convert the boolean data type to literal values 0 or 1 on
// serialization.
func (avb attrValBool) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error {

View File

@ -238,6 +238,12 @@ func TestInStrSlice(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualValues(t, -1, inStrSlice([]string{}, "", true))
func TestAttrValue(t *testing.T) {
assert.Empty(t, (&attrValString{}).Value())
assert.False(t, (&attrValBool{}).Value())
assert.Zero(t, (&attrValFloat{}).Value())
func TestBoolValMarshal(t *testing.T) {
bold := true
node := &xlsxFont{B: &attrValBool{Val: &bold}}

View File

@ -4692,7 +4692,7 @@ func (f *File) getBuiltInNumFmtCode(numFmtID int) (string, bool) {
if fmtCode, ok := builtInNumFmt[numFmtID]; ok {
return fmtCode, true
if (27 <= numFmtID && numFmtID <= 36) || (50 <= numFmtID && numFmtID <= 81) {
if isLangNumFmt(numFmtID) {
if f.options.CultureInfo == CultureNameEnUS {
return f.langNumFmtFuncEnUS(numFmtID), true

View File

@ -1032,6 +1032,303 @@ func (f *File) NewStyle(style *Style) (int, error) {
return setCellXfs(s, fontID, numFmtID, fillID, borderID, applyAlignment, applyProtection, alignment, protection)
var (
// styleBorders list all types of the cell border style.
styleBorders = []string{
// styleBorderTypes list all types of the cell border.
styleBorderTypes = []string{
"left", "right", "top", "bottom", "diagonalUp", "diagonalDown",
// styleFillPatterns list all types of the cell fill style.
styleFillPatterns = []string{
// styleFillVariants list all preset variants of the fill style.
styleFillVariants = []xlsxGradientFill{
{Degree: 90, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 270, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 90, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 0.5}, {Position: 1}}},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 180, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 0.5}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 45, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 255, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 45, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 0.5}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 135, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 315, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}},
{Degree: 135, Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 0.5}, {Position: 1}}},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}, Type: "path"},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}, Type: "path", Left: 1, Right: 1},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}, Type: "path", Bottom: 1, Top: 1},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}, Type: "path", Bottom: 1, Left: 1, Right: 1, Top: 1},
{Stop: []*xlsxGradientFillStop{{}, {Position: 1}}, Type: "path", Bottom: 0.5, Left: 0.5, Right: 0.5, Top: 0.5},
// getThemeColor provides a function to convert theme color or index color to
// RGB color.
func (f *File) getThemeColor(clr *xlsxColor) string {
var RGB string
if clr == nil || f.Theme == nil {
return RGB
if clrScheme := f.Theme.ThemeElements.ClrScheme; clr.Theme != nil {
if val, ok := map[int]*string{
0: &clrScheme.Lt1.SysClr.LastClr,
1: &clrScheme.Dk1.SysClr.LastClr,
2: clrScheme.Lt2.SrgbClr.Val,
3: clrScheme.Dk2.SrgbClr.Val,
4: clrScheme.Accent1.SrgbClr.Val,
5: clrScheme.Accent2.SrgbClr.Val,
6: clrScheme.Accent3.SrgbClr.Val,
7: clrScheme.Accent4.SrgbClr.Val,
8: clrScheme.Accent5.SrgbClr.Val,
9: clrScheme.Accent6.SrgbClr.Val,
}[*clr.Theme]; ok && val != nil {
return strings.TrimPrefix(ThemeColor(*val, clr.Tint), "FF")
if len(clr.RGB) == 6 {
return clr.RGB
if len(clr.RGB) == 8 {
return strings.TrimPrefix(clr.RGB, "FF")
if f.Styles.Colors != nil && clr.Indexed < len(f.Styles.Colors.IndexedColors.RgbColor) {
return strings.TrimPrefix(ThemeColor(strings.TrimPrefix(f.Styles.Colors.IndexedColors.RgbColor[clr.Indexed].RGB, "FF"), clr.Tint), "FF")
if clr.Indexed < len(IndexedColorMapping) {
return strings.TrimPrefix(ThemeColor(IndexedColorMapping[clr.Indexed], clr.Tint), "FF")
return RGB
// extractBorders provides a function to extract borders styles settings by
// given border styles definition.
func (f *File) extractBorders(xf xlsxXf, s *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) {
if xf.ApplyBorder != nil && *xf.ApplyBorder &&
xf.BorderID != nil && s.Borders != nil &&
*xf.BorderID < len(s.Borders.Border) {
if bdr := s.Borders.Border[*xf.BorderID]; bdr != nil {
var borders []Border
extractBorder := func(lineType string, line xlsxLine) {
if line.Style != "" {
borders = append(borders, Border{
Type: lineType,
Color: f.getThemeColor(line.Color),
Style: inStrSlice(styleBorders, line.Style, false),
for i, line := range []xlsxLine{
bdr.Left, bdr.Right, bdr.Top, bdr.Bottom, bdr.Diagonal, bdr.Diagonal,
} {
if i < 4 {
extractBorder(styleBorderTypes[i], line)
if i == 4 && bdr.DiagonalUp {
extractBorder(styleBorderTypes[i], line)
if i == 5 && bdr.DiagonalDown {
extractBorder(styleBorderTypes[i], line)
style.Border = borders
// extractFills provides a function to extract fill styles settings by
// given fill styles definition.
func (f *File) extractFills(xf xlsxXf, s *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) {
if fl := s.Fills.Fill[*xf.FillID]; fl != nil {
var fill Fill
if fl.GradientFill != nil {
fill.Type = "gradient"
for shading, variants := range styleFillVariants {
if fl.GradientFill.Bottom == variants.Bottom &&
fl.GradientFill.Degree == variants.Degree &&
fl.GradientFill.Left == variants.Left &&
fl.GradientFill.Right == variants.Right &&
fl.GradientFill.Top == variants.Top &&
fl.GradientFill.Type == variants.Type {
fill.Shading = shading
for _, stop := range fl.GradientFill.Stop {
fill.Color = append(fill.Color, f.getThemeColor(&stop.Color))
if fl.PatternFill != nil {
fill.Type = "pattern"
fill.Pattern = inStrSlice(styleFillPatterns, fl.PatternFill.PatternType, false)
if fl.PatternFill.FgColor != nil {
fill.Color = []string{f.getThemeColor(fl.PatternFill.FgColor)}
style.Fill = fill
// extractFont provides a function to extract font styles settings by given
// font styles definition.
func (f *File) extractFont(xf xlsxXf, s *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) {
if xf.ApplyFont != nil && *xf.ApplyFont &&
xf.FontID != nil && s.Fonts != nil &&
*xf.FontID < len(s.Fonts.Font) {
if fnt := s.Fonts.Font[*xf.FontID]; fnt != nil {
var font Font
if fnt.B != nil {
font.Bold = fnt.B.Value()
if fnt.I != nil {
font.Italic = fnt.I.Value()
if fnt.U != nil {
font.Underline = fnt.U.Value()
if fnt.Name != nil {
font.Family = fnt.Name.Value()
if fnt.Sz != nil {
font.Size = fnt.Sz.Value()
if fnt.Strike != nil {
font.Strike = fnt.Strike.Value()
if fnt.Color != nil {
font.Color = strings.TrimPrefix(fnt.Color.RGB, "FF")
font.ColorIndexed = fnt.Color.Indexed
font.ColorTheme = fnt.Color.Theme
font.ColorTint = fnt.Color.Tint
style.Font = &font
// extractNumFmt provides a function to extract number format by given styles
// definition.
func (f *File) extractNumFmt(xf xlsxXf, s *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) {
if xf.NumFmtID != nil {
numFmtID := *xf.NumFmtID
if _, ok := builtInNumFmt[numFmtID]; ok || isLangNumFmt(numFmtID) {
style.NumFmt = numFmtID
if s.NumFmts != nil {
for _, numFmt := range s.NumFmts.NumFmt {
style.CustomNumFmt = &numFmt.FormatCode
if strings.Contains(numFmt.FormatCode, ";[Red]") {
style.NegRed = true
for numFmtID, fmtCode := range currencyNumFmt {
if style.NegRed {
fmtCode += ";[Red]" + fmtCode
if numFmt.FormatCode == fmtCode {
style.NumFmt = numFmtID
// extractAlignment provides a function to extract alignment format by
// given style definition.
func (f *File) extractAlignment(xf xlsxXf, s *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) {
if xf.ApplyAlignment != nil && *xf.ApplyAlignment && xf.Alignment != nil {
style.Alignment = &Alignment{
Horizontal: xf.Alignment.Horizontal,
Indent: xf.Alignment.Indent,
JustifyLastLine: xf.Alignment.JustifyLastLine,
ReadingOrder: xf.Alignment.ReadingOrder,
RelativeIndent: xf.Alignment.RelativeIndent,
ShrinkToFit: xf.Alignment.ShrinkToFit,
TextRotation: xf.Alignment.TextRotation,
Vertical: xf.Alignment.Vertical,
WrapText: xf.Alignment.WrapText,
// extractProtection provides a function to extract protection settings by
// given format definition.
func (f *File) extractProtection(xf xlsxXf, s *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) {
if xf.ApplyProtection != nil && *xf.ApplyProtection && xf.Protection != nil {
style.Protection = &Protection{}
if xf.Protection.Hidden != nil {
style.Protection.Hidden = *xf.Protection.Hidden
if xf.Protection.Locked != nil {
style.Protection.Locked = *xf.Protection.Locked
// GetStyle get style details by given style index.
func (f *File) GetStyle(idx int) (*Style, error) {
var style *Style
s, err := f.stylesReader()
if err != nil {
return style, err
if idx < 0 || s.CellXfs == nil || len(s.CellXfs.Xf) <= idx {
return style, newInvalidStyleID(idx)
style = &Style{}
xf := s.CellXfs.Xf[idx]
if xf.ApplyFill != nil && *xf.ApplyFill &&
xf.FillID != nil && s.Fills != nil &&
*xf.FillID < len(s.Fills.Fill) {
f.extractFills(xf, s, style)
f.extractBorders(xf, s, style)
f.extractFont(xf, s, style)
f.extractAlignment(xf, s, style)
f.extractProtection(xf, s, style)
f.extractNumFmt(xf, s, style)
return style, nil
// getXfIDFuncs provides a function to get xfID by given style.
var getXfIDFuncs = map[string]func(int, xlsxXf, *Style) bool{
"numFmt": func(numFmtID int, xf xlsxXf, style *Style) bool {
@ -1406,9 +1703,15 @@ func getCustomNumFmtID(styleSheet *xlsxStyleSheet, style *Style) (customNumFmtID
// isLangNumFmt provides a function to returns if a given number format ID is a
// built-in language glyphs number format code.
func isLangNumFmt(ID int) bool {
return (27 <= ID && ID <= 36) || (50 <= ID && ID <= 62) || (67 <= ID && ID <= 81)
// setLangNumFmt provides a function to set number format code with language.
func setLangNumFmt(style *Style) int {
if (27 <= style.NumFmt && style.NumFmt <= 36) || (50 <= style.NumFmt && style.NumFmt <= 81) {
if isLangNumFmt(style.NumFmt) {
return style.NumFmt
return 0

View File

@ -488,3 +488,105 @@ func TestGetNumFmtID(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotEqual(t, id1, id2)
assert.NoError(t, f.SaveAs(filepath.Join("test", "TestStyleNumFmt.xlsx")))
func TestGetThemeColor(t *testing.T) {
assert.Empty(t, (&File{}).getThemeColor(&xlsxColor{}))
f := NewFile()
assert.Empty(t, f.getThemeColor(nil))
var theme int
assert.Equal(t, "FFFFFF", f.getThemeColor(&xlsxColor{Theme: &theme}))
assert.Equal(t, "FFFFFF", f.getThemeColor(&xlsxColor{RGB: "FFFFFF"}))
assert.Equal(t, "FF8080", f.getThemeColor(&xlsxColor{Indexed: 2, Tint: 0.5}))
assert.Empty(t, f.getThemeColor(&xlsxColor{Indexed: len(IndexedColorMapping), Tint: 0.5}))
func TestGetStyle(t *testing.T) {
f := NewFile()
expected := &Style{
Border: []Border{
{Type: "left", Color: "0000FF", Style: 3},
{Type: "right", Color: "FF0000", Style: 6},
{Type: "top", Color: "00FF00", Style: 4},
{Type: "bottom", Color: "FFFF00", Style: 5},
{Type: "diagonalUp", Color: "A020F0", Style: 7},
{Type: "diagonalDown", Color: "A020F0", Style: 7},
Fill: Fill{Type: "gradient", Shading: 16, Color: []string{"0000FF", "00FF00"}},
Font: &Font{
Bold: true, Italic: true, Underline: "single", Family: "Arial",
Size: 8.5, Strike: true, Color: "777777", ColorIndexed: 1, ColorTint: 0.1,
Alignment: &Alignment{
Horizontal: "center",
Indent: 1,
JustifyLastLine: true,
ReadingOrder: 1,
RelativeIndent: 1,
ShrinkToFit: true,
TextRotation: 180,
Vertical: "center",
WrapText: true,
Protection: &Protection{Hidden: true, Locked: true},
NumFmt: 49,
styleID, err := f.NewStyle(expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
style, err := f.GetStyle(styleID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Border, style.Border)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Fill, style.Fill)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Font, style.Font)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Alignment, style.Alignment)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Protection, style.Protection)
assert.Equal(t, expected.NumFmt, style.NumFmt)
expected = &Style{
Fill: Fill{Type: "pattern", Pattern: 1, Color: []string{"0000FF"}},
styleID, err = f.NewStyle(expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
style, err = f.GetStyle(styleID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected.Fill, style.Fill)
expected = &Style{NumFmt: 27}
styleID, err = f.NewStyle(expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
style, err = f.GetStyle(styleID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected.NumFmt, style.NumFmt)
expected = &Style{NumFmt: 165}
styleID, err = f.NewStyle(expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
style, err = f.GetStyle(styleID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected.NumFmt, style.NumFmt)
expected = &Style{NumFmt: 165, NegRed: true}
styleID, err = f.NewStyle(expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
style, err = f.GetStyle(styleID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expected.NumFmt, style.NumFmt)
// Test get style with custom color index
f.Styles.Colors = &xlsxStyleColors{
IndexedColors: xlsxIndexedColors{
RgbColor: []xlsxColor{{RGB: "FF012345"}},
assert.Equal(t, "012345", f.getThemeColor(&xlsxColor{Indexed: 0}))
// Test get style with invalid style index
style, err = f.GetStyle(-1)
assert.Nil(t, style)
assert.Equal(t, err, newInvalidStyleID(-1))
// Test get style with unsupported charset style sheet
f.Styles = nil
f.Pkg.Store(defaultXMLPathStyles, MacintoshCyrillicCharset)
style, err = f.GetStyle(1)
assert.Nil(t, style)
assert.EqualError(t, err, "XML syntax error on line 1: invalid UTF-8")

View File

@ -300,12 +300,19 @@ type xlsxNumFmt struct {
FormatCode16 string `xml:" formatCode16,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxIndexedColors directly maps the single ARGB entry for the corresponding
// color index.
type xlsxIndexedColors struct {
RgbColor []xlsxColor `xml:"rgbColor"`
// xlsxStyleColors directly maps the colors' element. Color information
// associated with this stylesheet. This collection is written whenever the
// associated with this style sheet. This collection is written whenever the
// legacy color palette has been modified (backwards compatibility settings) or
// a custom color has been selected while using this workbook.
type xlsxStyleColors struct {
Color string `xml:",innerxml"`
IndexedColors xlsxIndexedColors `xml:"indexedColors"`
MruColors xlsxInnerXML `xml:"mruColors"`
// Alignment directly maps the alignment settings of the cells.