Commit Graph

15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
xuri d9a0da7b48
This closes #1687 and closes #1688
- Using sync map internally to get cell value concurrency safe
- Support set the height and width for the comment box
- Update the unit test
2023-10-11 00:04:38 +08:00
xuri 95fc35f46c
This fix #1682, removes table and content type parts when deleting the table
- Move worksheet-related functions in one place
2023-10-06 00:04:38 +08:00
xuri 0861faf2f2
Add new exported function `DeletePivotTable`
- Support adding pivot table by specific table name
- Update unit tests
2023-10-03 00:59:31 +08:00
xuri 93c72b4d55
This optimizes internal functions signature and mutex declarations 2023-04-24 00:02:13 +08:00
xuri b39626fae9
This fixed worksheet protection issue
- Update example code in the documentation
- Update unit tests
- Rename `PictureOptions` to `GraphicOptions`
- Adjust partial options fields data types for the `PictureOptions` and `Shape` structure
- Update dependencies module
2023-01-02 11:47:31 +08:00
xuri f58dabd492
Breaking change: changed the function signature for 11 exported functions
* Change
    `func (f *File) NewConditionalStyle(style string) (int, error)`
    `func (f *File) NewConditionalStyle(style *Style) (int, error)`
* Change
    `func (f *File) NewStyle(style interface{}) (int, error)`
    `func (f *File) NewStyle(style *Style) (int, error)`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddChart(sheet, cell, opts string, combo ...string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddChart(sheet, cell string, chart *ChartOptions, combo ...*ChartOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddChartSheet(sheet, opts string, combo ...string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddChartSheet(sheet string, chart *ChartOptions, combo ...*ChartOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddShape(sheet, cell string, opts *Shape) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddPictureFromBytes(sheet, cell, opts, name, extension string, file []byte) error`
    `func (f *File) AddPictureFromBytes(sheet, cell, name, extension string, file []byte, opts *PictureOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AddTable(sheet, hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) AddTable(sheet, reference string, opts *TableOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(reference string, opts *TableOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) AutoFilter(sheet, hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) AutoFilter(sheet, reference string, opts *AutoFilterOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) SetPanes(sheet, panes string) error`
    `func (f *File) SetPanes(sheet string, panes *Panes) error`
* Change
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(hCell, vCell, opts string) error`
    `func (sw *StreamWriter) AddTable(reference string, opts *TableOptions) error`
* Change
    `func (f *File) SetConditionalFormat(sheet, reference, opts string) error`
    `func (f *File) SetConditionalFormat(sheet, reference string, opts []ConditionalFormatOptions) error`
* Add exported types:
  * AutoFilterListOptions
  * AutoFilterOptions
  * Chart
  * ChartAxis
  * ChartDimension
  * ChartLegend
  * ChartLine
  * ChartMarker
  * ChartPlotArea
  * ChartSeries
  * ChartTitle
  * ConditionalFormatOptions
  * PaneOptions
  * Panes
  * PictureOptions
  * Shape
  * ShapeColor
  * ShapeLine
  * ShapeParagraph
  * TableOptions
* This added support for set sheet visible as very hidden
* Return error when missing required parameters for set defined name
* Update unit test and comments
2022-12-30 00:50:08 +08:00
Gin 0c76766c2b
Add support for workbook protection (#1431) 2022-12-27 00:06:18 +08:00
郭伟匡 6a5ee811ba
This closes #1425, breaking changes for sheet name (#1426)
- Checking and return error for invalid sheet name instead of trim invalid characters
- Add error return for the 4 functions: `DeleteSheet`, `GetSheetIndex`, `GetSheetVisible` and `SetSheetName`
- Export new error 4 constants: `ErrSheetNameBlank`, `ErrSheetNameInvalid`, `ErrSheetNameLength` and `ErrSheetNameSingleQuote`
- Rename exported error constant `ErrExistsWorksheet` to `ErrExistsSheet`
- Update unit tests for 90 functions: `AddChart`,  `AddChartSheet`, `AddComment`, `AddDataValidation`, `AddPicture`, `AddPictureFromBytes`, `AddPivotTable`, `AddShape`, `AddSparkline`, `AddTable`, `AutoFilter`, `CalcCellValue`, `Cols`, `DeleteChart`, `DeleteComment`, `DeleteDataValidation`, `DeletePicture`, `DeleteSheet`, `DuplicateRow`, `DuplicateRowTo`, `GetCellFormula`, `GetCellHyperLink`, `GetCellRichText`, `GetCellStyle`, `GetCellType`, `GetCellValue`, `GetColOutlineLevel`, `GetCols`, `GetColStyle`, `GetColVisible`, `GetColWidth`, `GetConditionalFormats`, `GetDataValidations`, `GetMergeCells`, `GetPageLayout`, `GetPageMargins`, `GetPicture`, `GetRowHeight`, `GetRowOutlineLevel`, `GetRows`, `GetRowVisible`, `GetSheetIndex`, `GetSheetProps`, `GetSheetVisible`, `GroupSheets`, `InsertCol`, `InsertPageBreak`, `InsertRows`, `MergeCell`, `NewSheet`, `NewStreamWriter`, `ProtectSheet`, `RemoveCol`, `RemovePageBreak`, `RemoveRow`, `Rows`, `SearchSheet`, `SetCellBool`, `SetCellDefault`, `SetCellFloat`, `SetCellFormula`, `SetCellHyperLink`, `SetCellInt`, `SetCellRichText`, `SetCellStr`, `SetCellStyle`, `SetCellValue`, `SetColOutlineLevel`, `SetColStyle`, `SetColVisible`, `SetColWidth`, `SetConditionalFormat`, `SetHeaderFooter`, `SetPageLayout`, `SetPageMargins`, `SetPanes`, `SetRowHeight`, `SetRowOutlineLevel`, `SetRowStyle`, `SetRowVisible`, `SetSheetBackground`, `SetSheetBackgroundFromBytes`, `SetSheetCol`, `SetSheetName`, `SetSheetProps`, `SetSheetRow`, `SetSheetVisible`, `UnmergeCell`, `UnprotectSheet` and
- Update documentation of the set style functions

Co-authored-by: guoweikuang <>
2022-12-23 00:54:40 +08:00
xuri ac564afa56
Remove internal error log print, throw XML deserialize error 2022-11-13 00:40:04 +08:00
xuri 53a495563a
This closes #1358, made a refactor with breaking changes, see details:
This made a refactor with breaking changes:

Motivation and Context

When I decided to add set horizontal centered support for this library to resolve #1358, the reason I made this huge breaking change was:

- There are too many exported types for set sheet view, properties, and format properties, although a function using the functional options pattern can be optimized by returning an anonymous function, these types or property set or get function has no binding categorization, so I change these functions like `SetAppProps` to accept a pointer of options structure.
- Users can not easily find out which properties should be in the `SetSheetPrOptions` or `SetSheetFormatPr` categories
- Nested properties cannot proceed modify easily

Introduce 5 new export data types:
`HeaderFooterOptions`, `PageLayoutMarginsOptions`, `PageLayoutOptions`, `SheetPropsOptions`, and `ViewOptions`

Rename 4 exported data types:
- Rename `PivotTableOption` to `PivotTableOptions`
- Rename `FormatHeaderFooter` to `HeaderFooterOptions`
- Rename `FormatSheetProtection` to `SheetProtectionOptions`
- Rename `SparklineOption` to `SparklineOptions`

Remove 54 exported types:
`AutoPageBreaks`, `BaseColWidth`, `BlackAndWhite`, `CodeName`, `CustomHeight`, `Date1904`, `DefaultColWidth`, `DefaultGridColor`, `DefaultRowHeight`, `EnableFormatConditionsCalculation`, `FilterPrivacy`, `FirstPageNumber`, `FitToHeight`, `FitToPage`, `FitToWidth`, `OutlineSummaryBelow`, `PageLayoutOption`, `PageLayoutOptionPtr`, `PageLayoutOrientation`, `PageLayoutPaperSize`, `PageLayoutScale`, `PageMarginBottom`, `PageMarginFooter`, `PageMarginHeader`, `PageMarginLeft`, `PageMarginRight`, `PageMarginsOptions`, `PageMarginsOptionsPtr`, `PageMarginTop`, `Published`, `RightToLeft`, `SheetFormatPrOptions`, `SheetFormatPrOptionsPtr`, `SheetPrOption`, `SheetPrOptionPtr`, `SheetViewOption`, `SheetViewOptionPtr`, `ShowFormulas`, `ShowGridLines`, `ShowRowColHeaders`, `ShowRuler`, `ShowZeros`, `TabColorIndexed`, `TabColorRGB`, `TabColorTheme`, `TabColorTint`, `ThickBottom`, `ThickTop`, `TopLeftCell`, `View`, `WorkbookPrOption`, `WorkbookPrOptionPtr`, `ZeroHeight` and `ZoomScale`

Remove 2 exported constants:
`OrientationPortrait` and `OrientationLandscape`

Change 8 functions:
- Change the `func (f *File) SetPageLayout(sheet string, opts ...PageLayoutOption) error` to `func (f *File) SetPageLayout(sheet string, opts *PageLayoutOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetPageLayout(sheet string, opts ...PageLayoutOptionPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetPageLayout(sheet string) (PageLayoutOptions, error)`
- Change the `func (f *File) SetPageMargins(sheet string, opts ...PageMarginsOptions) error` to `func (f *File) SetPageMargins(sheet string, opts *PageLayoutMarginsOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetPageMargins(sheet string, opts ...PageMarginsOptionsPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetPageMargins(sheet string) (PageLayoutMarginsOptions, error)`
- Change the `func (f *File) SetSheetViewOptions(sheet string, viewIndex int, opts ...SheetViewOption) error` to `func (f *File) SetSheetView(sheet string, viewIndex int, opts *ViewOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetSheetViewOptions(sheet string, viewIndex int, opts ...SheetViewOptionPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetSheetView(sheet string, viewIndex int) (ViewOptions, error)`
- Change the `func (f *File) SetWorkbookPrOptions(opts ...WorkbookPrOption) error` to `func (f *File) SetWorkbookProps(opts *WorkbookPropsOptions) error`
- Change the `func (f *File) GetWorkbookPrOptions(opts ...WorkbookPrOptionPtr) error` to `func (f *File) GetWorkbookProps() (WorkbookPropsOptions, error)`

Introduce new function to instead of existing functions:
- New function `func (f *File) SetSheetProps(sheet string, opts *SheetPropsOptions) error` instead of `func (f *File) SetSheetPrOptions(sheet string, opts ...SheetPrOption) error` and `func (f *File) SetSheetFormatPr(sheet string, opts ...SheetFormatPrOption
2022-09-29 22:04:50 +08:00
xuri 551fb8a9e4
This closes #1244 and closes #1314, improving the compatibility with Google Sheet
- Format code with `gofmt`
2022-08-13 11:21:59 +08:00
xuri 856ee57c40
This closes #1212, init support for 1900 or 1904 date system 2022-04-30 09:54:11 +08:00
xuri f0cb29cf66
This closes #1162, improve the compatibility with alternate content
Preserve alternate content in the workbook, worksheet, and drawingML
2022-03-05 14:48:34 +08:00
wangxuliBY 3231817169
This fixed code review issue in PR #1154 (#1159) 2022-02-25 21:37:49 +08:00
xuri f87c39c41d
This closes #1148, resolve limitations when adding VBA project to the workbook
Added two exported functions `SetWorkbookPrOptions` and `GetWorkbookPrOptions` to support setting and getting the code name property of the workbook
Re-order fields of the workbook properties group to improve the compatibility
Go Modules dependencies upgrade
Put workbook related operating in new `workbook.go` source code
Library introduction docs block updated
2022-02-17 00:09:11 +08:00