
274 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2016 - 2025 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.20 or later.
package excelize
import (
// SetAppProps provides a function to set document application properties. The
// properties that can be set are:
// Property | Description
// -------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Application | The name of the application that created this document.
// |
// ScaleCrop | Indicates the display mode of the document thumbnail. Set this element
// | to 'true' to enable scaling of the document thumbnail to the display. Set
// | this element to 'false' to enable cropping of the document thumbnail to
// | show only sections that will fit the display.
// |
// DocSecurity | Security level of a document as a numeric value. Document security is
// | defined as:
// | 1 - Document is password protected.
// | 2 - Document is recommended to be opened as read-only.
// | 3 - Document is enforced to be opened as read-only.
// | 4 - Document is locked for annotation.
// |
// Company | The name of a company associated with the document.
// |
// LinksUpToDate | Indicates whether hyperlinks in a document are up-to-date. Set this
// | element to 'true' to indicate that hyperlinks are updated. Set this
// | element to 'false' to indicate that hyperlinks are outdated.
// |
// HyperlinksChanged | Specifies that one or more hyperlinks in this part were updated
// | exclusively in this part by a producer. The next producer to open this
// | document shall update the hyperlink relationships with the new
// | hyperlinks specified in this part.
// |
// AppVersion | Specifies the version of the application which produced this document.
// | The content of this element shall be of the form XX.YYYY where X and Y
// | represent numerical values, or the document shall be considered
// | non-conformant.
// For example:
// err := f.SetAppProps(&excelize.AppProperties{
// Application: "Microsoft Excel",
// ScaleCrop: true,
// DocSecurity: 3,
// Company: "Company Name",
// LinksUpToDate: true,
// HyperlinksChanged: true,
// AppVersion: "16.0000",
// })
func (f *File) SetAppProps(appProperties *AppProperties) error {
var (
app *xlsxProperties
err error
field string
fields []string
immutable, mutable reflect.Value
output []byte
app = new(xlsxProperties)
if err = f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLPathDocPropsApp)))).
Decode(app); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
fields = []string{"Application", "ScaleCrop", "DocSecurity", "Company", "LinksUpToDate", "HyperlinksChanged", "AppVersion"}
immutable, mutable = reflect.ValueOf(*appProperties), reflect.ValueOf(app).Elem()
for _, field = range fields {
immutableField := immutable.FieldByName(field)
switch immutableField.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
case reflect.Int:
app.Vt = NameSpaceDocumentPropertiesVariantTypes.Value
output, err = xml.Marshal(app)
f.saveFileList(defaultXMLPathDocPropsApp, output)
return err
// GetAppProps provides a function to get document application properties.
func (f *File) GetAppProps() (ret *AppProperties, err error) {
app := new(xlsxProperties)
if err = f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLPathDocPropsApp)))).
Decode(app); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
ret, err = &AppProperties{
Application: app.Application,
ScaleCrop: app.ScaleCrop,
DocSecurity: app.DocSecurity,
Company: app.Company,
LinksUpToDate: app.LinksUpToDate,
HyperlinksChanged: app.HyperlinksChanged,
AppVersion: app.AppVersion,
}, nil
// SetDocProps provides a function to set document core properties. The
// properties that can be set are:
// Property | Description
// ----------------+-----------------------------------------------------------
// Title | The name given to the resource.
// |
// Subject | The topic of the content of the resource.
// |
// Creator | An entity primarily responsible for making the content of
// | the resource.
// |
// Keywords | A delimited set of keywords to support searching and
// | indexing. This is typically a list of terms that are not
// | available elsewhere in the properties.
// |
// Description | An explanation of the content of the resource.
// |
// LastModifiedBy | The user who performed the last modification. The
// | identification is environment-specific.
// |
// Language | The language of the intellectual content of the resource.
// |
// Identifier | An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given
// | context.
// |
// Revision | The topic of the content of the resource.
// |
// ContentStatus | The status of the content. For example: Values might
// | include "Draft", "Reviewed" and "Final"
// |
// Category | A categorization of the content of this package.
// |
// Version | The version number. This value is set by the user or by
// | the application.
// |
// Created | The created time of the content of the resource which
// | represent in ISO 8601 UTC format, for example
// | "2019-06-04T22:00:10Z".
// |
// Modified | The modified time of the content of the resource which
// | represent in ISO 8601 UTC format, for example
// | "2019-06-04T22:00:10Z".
// |
// For example:
// err := f.SetDocProps(&excelize.DocProperties{
// Category: "category",
// ContentStatus: "Draft",
// Created: "2019-06-04T22:00:10Z",
// Creator: "Go Excelize",
// Description: "This file created by Go Excelize",
// Identifier: "xlsx",
// Keywords: "Spreadsheet",
// LastModifiedBy: "Go Author",
// Modified: "2019-06-04T22:00:10Z",
// Revision: "0",
// Subject: "Test Subject",
// Title: "Test Title",
// Language: "en-US",
// Version: "1.0.0",
// })
func (f *File) SetDocProps(docProperties *DocProperties) error {
var (
core *decodeCoreProperties
err error
field, val string
fields []string
immutable, mutable reflect.Value
newProps *xlsxCoreProperties
output []byte
core = new(decodeCoreProperties)
if err = f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLPathDocPropsCore)))).
Decode(core); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
return err
newProps = &xlsxCoreProperties{
Dc: NameSpaceDublinCore,
Dcterms: NameSpaceDublinCoreTerms,
Dcmitype: NameSpaceDublinCoreMetadataInitiative,
XSI: NameSpaceXMLSchemaInstance,
Title: core.Title,
Subject: core.Subject,
Creator: core.Creator,
Keywords: core.Keywords,
Description: core.Description,
LastModifiedBy: core.LastModifiedBy,
Language: core.Language,
Identifier: core.Identifier,
Revision: core.Revision,
ContentStatus: core.ContentStatus,
Category: core.Category,
Version: core.Version,
if core.Created != nil {
newProps.Created = &xlsxDcTerms{Type: core.Created.Type, Text: core.Created.Text}
if core.Modified != nil {
newProps.Modified = &xlsxDcTerms{Type: core.Modified.Type, Text: core.Modified.Text}
fields = []string{
"Category", "ContentStatus", "Creator", "Description", "Identifier", "Keywords",
"LastModifiedBy", "Revision", "Subject", "Title", "Language", "Version",
immutable, mutable = reflect.ValueOf(*docProperties), reflect.ValueOf(newProps).Elem()
for _, field = range fields {
if val = immutable.FieldByName(field).String(); val != "" {
if docProperties.Created != "" {
newProps.Created = &xlsxDcTerms{Type: "dcterms:W3CDTF", Text: docProperties.Created}
if docProperties.Modified != "" {
newProps.Modified = &xlsxDcTerms{Type: "dcterms:W3CDTF", Text: docProperties.Modified}
output, err = xml.Marshal(newProps)
f.saveFileList(defaultXMLPathDocPropsCore, output)
return err
// GetDocProps provides a function to get document core properties.
func (f *File) GetDocProps() (ret *DocProperties, err error) {
core := new(decodeCoreProperties)
if err = f.xmlNewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(namespaceStrictToTransitional(f.readXML(defaultXMLPathDocPropsCore)))).
Decode(core); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
ret, err = &DocProperties{
Category: core.Category,
ContentStatus: core.ContentStatus,
Creator: core.Creator,
Description: core.Description,
Identifier: core.Identifier,
Keywords: core.Keywords,
LastModifiedBy: core.LastModifiedBy,
Revision: core.Revision,
Subject: core.Subject,
Title: core.Title,
Language: core.Language,
Version: core.Version,
}, nil
if core.Created != nil {
ret.Created = core.Created.Text
if core.Modified != nil {
ret.Modified = core.Modified.Text