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// Copyright 2016 - 2025 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.20 or later.
package excelize
import (
// xlsxStyleSheet is the root element of the Styles part.
type xlsxStyleSheet struct {
mu sync.Mutex
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main styleSheet"`
NumFmts *xlsxNumFmts `xml:"numFmts"`
Fonts *xlsxFonts `xml:"fonts"`
Fills *xlsxFills `xml:"fills"`
Borders *xlsxBorders `xml:"borders"`
CellStyleXfs *xlsxCellStyleXfs `xml:"cellStyleXfs"`
CellXfs *xlsxCellXfs `xml:"cellXfs"`
CellStyles *xlsxCellStyles `xml:"cellStyles"`
Dxfs *xlsxDxfs `xml:"dxfs"`
TableStyles *xlsxTableStyles `xml:"tableStyles"`
Colors *xlsxStyleColors `xml:"colors"`
ExtLst *xlsxExtLst `xml:"extLst"`
// xlsxAlignment formatting information pertaining to text alignment in cells.
// There are a variety of choices for how text is aligned both horizontally and
// vertically, as well as indentation settings, and so on.
type xlsxAlignment struct {
Horizontal string `xml:"horizontal,attr,omitempty"`
Indent int `xml:"indent,attr,omitempty"`
JustifyLastLine bool `xml:"justifyLastLine,attr,omitempty"`
ReadingOrder uint64 `xml:"readingOrder,attr,omitempty"`
RelativeIndent int `xml:"relativeIndent,attr,omitempty"`
ShrinkToFit bool `xml:"shrinkToFit,attr,omitempty"`
TextRotation int `xml:"textRotation,attr,omitempty"`
Vertical string `xml:"vertical,attr,omitempty"`
WrapText bool `xml:"wrapText,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxProtection (Protection Properties) contains protection properties
// associated with the cell. Each cell has protection properties that can be
// set. The cell protection properties do not take effect unless the sheet has
// been protected.
type xlsxProtection struct {
Hidden *bool `xml:"hidden,attr"`
Locked *bool `xml:"locked,attr"`
// xlsxLine expresses a single set of cell border.
type xlsxLine struct {
Style string `xml:"style,attr,omitempty"`
Color *xlsxColor `xml:"color"`
// xlsxColor is a common mapping used for both the fgColor and bgColor elements.
// Foreground color of the cell fill pattern. Cell fill patterns operate with
// two colors: a background color and a foreground color. These combine
// to make a patterned cell fill. Background color of the cell fill pattern.
// Cell fill patterns operate with two colors: a background color and a
// foreground color. These combine to make a patterned cell fill.
type xlsxColor struct {
Auto bool `xml:"auto,attr,omitempty"`
RGB string `xml:"rgb,attr,omitempty"`
Indexed int `xml:"indexed,attr,omitempty"`
Theme *int `xml:"theme,attr"`
Tint float64 `xml:"tint,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxFonts directly maps the font element. This element contains all font
// definitions for this workbook.
type xlsxFonts struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Font []*xlsxFont `xml:"font"`
// xlsxFont directly maps the font element. This element defines the
// properties for one of the fonts used in this workbook.
type xlsxFont struct {
B *attrValBool `xml:"b"`
I *attrValBool `xml:"i"`
Strike *attrValBool `xml:"strike"`
Outline *attrValBool `xml:"outline"`
Shadow *attrValBool `xml:"shadow"`
Condense *attrValBool `xml:"condense"`
Extend *attrValBool `xml:"extend"`
U *attrValString `xml:"u"`
Sz *attrValFloat `xml:"sz"`
Color *xlsxColor `xml:"color"`
Name *attrValString `xml:"name"`
Family *attrValInt `xml:"family"`
Charset *attrValInt `xml:"charset"`
Scheme *attrValString `xml:"scheme"`
// xlsxFills directly maps the fills' element. This element defines the cell
// fills portion of the Styles part, consisting of a sequence of fill records. A
// cell fill consists of a background color, foreground color, and pattern to be
// applied across the cell.
type xlsxFills struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Fill []*xlsxFill `xml:"fill"`
// xlsxFill directly maps the fill element. This element specifies fill
// formatting.
type xlsxFill struct {
PatternFill *xlsxPatternFill `xml:"patternFill"`
GradientFill *xlsxGradientFill `xml:"gradientFill"`
// xlsxPatternFill is used to specify cell fill information for pattern and
// solid color cell fills. For solid cell fills (no pattern), fgColor is used.
// For cell fills with patterns specified, then the cell fill color is
// specified by the bgColor element.
type xlsxPatternFill struct {
PatternType string `xml:"patternType,attr,omitempty"`
FgColor *xlsxColor `xml:"fgColor"`
BgColor *xlsxColor `xml:"bgColor"`
// xlsxGradientFill defines a gradient-style cell fill. Gradient cell fills can
// use one or two colors as the end points of color interpolation.
type xlsxGradientFill struct {
Bottom float64 `xml:"bottom,attr,omitempty"`
Degree float64 `xml:"degree,attr,omitempty"`
Left float64 `xml:"left,attr,omitempty"`
Right float64 `xml:"right,attr,omitempty"`
Top float64 `xml:"top,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
Stop []*xlsxGradientFillStop `xml:"stop"`
// xlsxGradientFillStop directly maps the stop element.
type xlsxGradientFillStop struct {
Position float64 `xml:"position,attr"`
Color xlsxColor `xml:"color,omitempty"`
// xlsxBorders directly maps the borders' element. This element contains borders
// formatting information, specifying all border definitions for all cells in
// the workbook.
type xlsxBorders struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Border []*xlsxBorder `xml:"border"`
// xlsxBorder directly maps the border element. Expresses a single set of cell
// border formats (left, right, top, bottom, diagonal). Color is optional. When
// missing, 'automatic' is implied.
type xlsxBorder struct {
DiagonalDown bool `xml:"diagonalDown,attr,omitempty"`
DiagonalUp bool `xml:"diagonalUp,attr,omitempty"`
Outline bool `xml:"outline,attr,omitempty"`
Left xlsxLine `xml:"left"`
Right xlsxLine `xml:"right"`
Top xlsxLine `xml:"top"`
Bottom xlsxLine `xml:"bottom"`
Diagonal xlsxLine `xml:"diagonal"`
Vertical *xlsxLine `xml:"vertical"`
Horizontal *xlsxLine `xml:"horizontal"`
// xlsxCellStyles directly maps the cellStyles element. This element contains
// the named cell styles, consisting of a sequence of named style records. A
// named cell style is a collection of direct or themed formatting (e.g., cell
// border, cell fill, and font type/size/style) grouped together into a single
// named style, and can be applied to a cell.
type xlsxCellStyles struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cellStyles"`
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
CellStyle []*xlsxCellStyle `xml:"cellStyle"`
// xlsxCellStyle directly maps the cellStyle element. This element represents
// the name and related formatting records for a named cell style in this
// workbook.
type xlsxCellStyle struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"cellStyle"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
XfID int `xml:"xfId,attr"`
BuiltInID *int `xml:"builtinId,attr"`
ILevel *int `xml:"iLevel,attr"`
Hidden *bool `xml:"hidden,attr"`
CustomBuiltIn *bool `xml:"customBuiltin,attr"`
// xlsxCellStyleXfs directly maps the cellStyleXfs element. This element
// contains the master formatting records (xf's) which define the formatting for
// all named cell styles in this workbook. Master formatting records reference
// individual elements of formatting (e.g., number format, font definitions,
// cell fills, etc.) by specifying a zero-based index into those collections.
// Master formatting records also specify whether to apply or ignore particular
// aspects of formatting.
type xlsxCellStyleXfs struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Xf []xlsxXf `xml:"xf,omitempty"`
// xlsxXf directly maps the xf element. A single xf element describes all the
// formatting for a cell.
type xlsxXf struct {
NumFmtID *int `xml:"numFmtId,attr"`
FontID *int `xml:"fontId,attr"`
FillID *int `xml:"fillId,attr"`
BorderID *int `xml:"borderId,attr"`
XfID *int `xml:"xfId,attr"`
QuotePrefix *bool `xml:"quotePrefix,attr"`
PivotButton *bool `xml:"pivotButton,attr"`
ApplyNumberFormat *bool `xml:"applyNumberFormat,attr"`
ApplyFont *bool `xml:"applyFont,attr"`
ApplyFill *bool `xml:"applyFill,attr"`
ApplyBorder *bool `xml:"applyBorder,attr"`
ApplyAlignment *bool `xml:"applyAlignment,attr"`
ApplyProtection *bool `xml:"applyProtection,attr"`
Alignment *xlsxAlignment `xml:"alignment"`
Protection *xlsxProtection `xml:"protection"`
// xlsxCellXfs directly maps the cellXfs element. This element contains the
// master formatting records (xf) which define the formatting applied to cells
// in this workbook. These records are the starting point for determining the
// formatting for a cell. Cells in the Sheet Part reference the xf records by
// zero-based index.
type xlsxCellXfs struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Xf []xlsxXf `xml:"xf,omitempty"`
// xlsxDxfs directly maps the dxfs element. This element contains the master
// differential formatting records (dxf's) which define formatting for all
// non-cell formatting in this workbook. Whereas xf records fully specify a
// particular aspect of formatting (e.g., cell borders) by referencing those
// formatting definitions elsewhere in the Styles part, dxf records specify
// incremental (or differential) aspects of formatting directly inline within
// the dxf element. The dxf formatting is to be applied on top of or in addition
// to any formatting already present on the object using the dxf record.
type xlsxDxfs struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
Dxfs []*xlsxDxf `xml:"dxf"`
// xlsxDxf directly maps the dxf element. A single dxf record, expressing
// incremental formatting to be applied.
type xlsxDxf struct {
Font *xlsxFont `xml:"font"`
NumFmt *xlsxNumFmt `xml:"numFmt"`
Fill *xlsxFill `xml:"fill"`
Alignment *xlsxAlignment `xml:"alignment"`
Border *xlsxBorder `xml:"border"`
Protection *xlsxProtection `xml:"protection"`
ExtLst *aExt `xml:"extLst"`
// xlsxTableStyles directly maps the tableStyles element. This element
// represents a collection of Table style definitions for Table styles and
// PivotTable styles used in this workbook. It consists of a sequence of
// tableStyle records, each defining a single Table style.
type xlsxTableStyles struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
DefaultPivotStyle string `xml:"defaultPivotStyle,attr"`
DefaultTableStyle string `xml:"defaultTableStyle,attr"`
TableStyles []*xlsxTableStyle `xml:"tableStyle"`
// xlsxTableStyle directly maps the tableStyle element. This element represents
// a single table style definition that indicates how a spreadsheet application
// should format and display a table.
type xlsxTableStyle struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
Pivot int `xml:"pivot,attr"`
Count int `xml:"count,attr,omitempty"`
Table bool `xml:"table,attr,omitempty"`
TableStyleElement string `xml:",innerxml"`
// xlsxNumFmts directly maps the numFmts element. This element defines the
// number formats in this workbook, consisting of a sequence of numFmt records,
// where each numFmt record defines a particular number format, indicating how
// to format and render the numeric value of a cell.
type xlsxNumFmts struct {
Count int `xml:"count,attr"`
NumFmt []*xlsxNumFmt `xml:"numFmt"`
// xlsxNumFmt directly maps the numFmt element. This element specifies number
// format properties which indicate how to format and render the numeric value
// of a cell.
type xlsxNumFmt struct {
NumFmtID int `xml:"numFmtId,attr"`
FormatCode string `xml:"formatCode,attr"`
FormatCode16 string `xml:"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2015/02/main formatCode16,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxIndexedColors directly maps the single ARGB entry for the corresponding
// color index.
type xlsxIndexedColors struct {
RgbColor []xlsxColor `xml:"rgbColor"`
// xlsxStyleColors directly maps the colors' element. Color information
// associated with this style sheet. This collection is written whenever the
// legacy color palette has been modified (backwards compatibility settings) or
// a custom color has been selected while using this workbook.
type xlsxStyleColors struct {
IndexedColors *xlsxIndexedColors `xml:"indexedColors"`
MruColors *xlsxInnerXML `xml:"mruColors"`
// Alignment directly maps the alignment settings of the cells.
type Alignment struct {
Horizontal string
Indent int
JustifyLastLine bool
ReadingOrder uint64
RelativeIndent int
ShrinkToFit bool
TextRotation int
Vertical string
WrapText bool
// Border directly maps the border settings of the cells.
type Border struct {
Type string
Color string
Style int
// Font directly maps the font settings of the fonts.
type Font struct {
Bold bool
Italic bool
Underline string
Family string
Size float64
Strike bool
Color string
ColorIndexed int
ColorTheme *int
ColorTint float64
VertAlign string
// Fill directly maps the fill settings of the cells.
type Fill struct {
Type string
Pattern int
Color []string
Shading int
// Protection directly maps the protection settings of the cells.
type Protection struct {
Hidden bool
Locked bool
// Style directly maps the style settings of the cells.
type Style struct {
Border []Border
Fill Fill
Font *Font
Alignment *Alignment
Protection *Protection
NumFmt int
DecimalPlaces *int
CustomNumFmt *string
NegRed bool