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// Copyright 2016 - 2024 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.18 or later.
package excelize
import "encoding/xml"
// vmlDrawing directly maps the root element in the file
// xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
type vmlDrawing struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"xml"`
XMLNSv string `xml:"xmlns:v,attr"`
XMLNSo string `xml:"xmlns:o,attr"`
XMLNSx string `xml:"xmlns:x,attr"`
XMLNSmv string `xml:"xmlns:mv,attr,omitempty"`
ShapeLayout *xlsxShapeLayout `xml:"o:shapelayout"`
ShapeType *xlsxShapeType `xml:"v:shapetype"`
Shape []xlsxShape `xml:"v:shape"`
// xlsxShapeLayout directly maps the shapelayout element. This element contains
// child elements that store information used in the editing and layout of
// shapes.
type xlsxShapeLayout struct {
Ext string `xml:"v:ext,attr"`
IDmap *xlsxIDmap `xml:"o:idmap"`
// xlsxIDmap directly maps the idmap element.
type xlsxIDmap struct {
Ext string `xml:"v:ext,attr"`
Data int `xml:"data,attr"`
// xlsxShape directly maps the shape element.
type xlsxShape struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"v:shape"`
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
Spid string `xml:"o:spid,attr,omitempty"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
Style string `xml:"style,attr"`
Button string `xml:"o:button,attr,omitempty"`
Filled string `xml:"filled,attr,omitempty"`
FillColor string `xml:"fillcolor,attr,omitempty"`
InsetMode string `xml:"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office insetmode,attr,omitempty"`
Stroked string `xml:"stroked,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeColor string `xml:"strokecolor,attr,omitempty"`
Val string `xml:",innerxml"`
// xlsxShapeType directly maps the shapetype element.
type xlsxShapeType struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
CoordSize string `xml:"coordsize,attr"`
Spt int `xml:"o:spt,attr"`
PreferRelative string `xml:"o:preferrelative,attr,omitempty"`
Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
Filled string `xml:"filled,attr,omitempty"`
Stroked string `xml:"stroked,attr,omitempty"`
Stroke *xlsxStroke `xml:"v:stroke"`
VFormulas *vFormulas `xml:"v:formulas"`
VPath *vPath `xml:"v:path"`
Lock *oLock `xml:"o:lock"`
// xlsxStroke directly maps the stroke element.
type xlsxStroke struct {
JoinStyle string `xml:"joinstyle,attr"`
// vPath directly maps the v:path element.
type vPath struct {
ExtrusionOK string `xml:"o:extrusionok,attr,omitempty"`
GradientShapeOK string `xml:"gradientshapeok,attr,omitempty"`
ConnectType string `xml:"o:connecttype,attr"`
// oLock directly maps the o:lock element.
type oLock struct {
Ext string `xml:"v:ext,attr"`
Rotation string `xml:"rotation,attr,omitempty"`
AspectRatio string `xml:"aspectratio,attr,omitempty"`
// vFormulas directly maps to the v:formulas element
type vFormulas struct {
Formulas []vFormula `xml:"v:f"`
// vFormula directly maps to the v:f element
type vFormula struct {
Equation string `xml:"eqn,attr"`
// vFill directly maps the v:fill element. This element must be defined within a
// Shape element.
type vFill struct {
Angle int `xml:"angle,attr,omitempty"`
Color2 string `xml:"color2,attr"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
Fill *oFill `xml:"o:fill"`
// oFill directly maps the o:fill element.
type oFill struct {
Ext string `xml:"v:ext,attr"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
// vShadow directly maps the v:shadow element. This element must be defined
// within a Shape element. In addition, the On attribute must be set to True.
type vShadow struct {
On string `xml:"on,attr"`
Color string `xml:"color,attr,omitempty"`
Obscured string `xml:"obscured,attr"`
// vTextBox directly maps the v:textbox element. This element must be defined
// within a Shape element.
type vTextBox struct {
Style string `xml:"style,attr"`
Div *xlsxDiv `xml:"div"`
// vImageData directly maps the v:imagedata element. This element must be
// defined within a Shape element.
type vImageData struct {
RelID string `xml:"o:relid,attr"`
Title string `xml:"o:title,attr,omitempty"`
// xlsxDiv directly maps the div element.
type xlsxDiv struct {
Style string `xml:"style,attr"`
Font []vmlFont `xml:"font"`
type vmlFont struct {
Face string `xml:"face,attr,omitempty"`
Size uint `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"`
Color string `xml:"color,attr,omitempty"`
Content string `xml:",innerxml"`
// xClientData (Attached Object Data) directly maps the x:ClientData element.
// This element specifies data associated with objects attached to a
// spreadsheet. While this element might contain any of the child elements
// below, only certain combinations are meaningful. The ObjectType attribute
// determines the kind of object the element represents and which subset of
// child elements is appropriate. Relevant groups are identified for each child
// element.
type xClientData struct {
ObjectType string `xml:"ObjectType,attr"`
MoveWithCells *string `xml:"x:MoveWithCells"`
SizeWithCells *string `xml:"x:SizeWithCells"`
Anchor string `xml:"x:Anchor"`
Locked string `xml:"x:Locked,omitempty"`
PrintObject string `xml:"x:PrintObject,omitempty"`
AutoFill string `xml:"x:AutoFill,omitempty"`
FmlaMacro string `xml:"x:FmlaMacro,omitempty"`
TextHAlign string `xml:"x:TextHAlign,omitempty"`
TextVAlign string `xml:"x:TextVAlign,omitempty"`
Row *int `xml:"x:Row"`
Column *int `xml:"x:Column"`
Checked int `xml:"x:Checked,omitempty"`
FmlaLink string `xml:"x:FmlaLink,omitempty"`
NoThreeD *string `xml:"x:NoThreeD"`
FirstButton *string `xml:"x:FirstButton"`
Val uint `xml:"x:Val,omitempty"`
Min uint `xml:"x:Min,omitempty"`
Max uint `xml:"x:Max,omitempty"`
Inc uint `xml:"x:Inc,omitempty"`
Page uint `xml:"x:Page,omitempty"`
Horiz *string `xml:"x:Horiz"`
Dx uint `xml:"x:Dx,omitempty"`
// decodeVmlDrawing defines the structure used to parse the file
// xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
type decodeVmlDrawing struct {
ShapeType decodeShapeType `xml:"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml shapetype"`
Shape []decodeShape `xml:"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml shape"`
// decodeShapeType defines the structure used to parse the shapetype element in
// the file xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
type decodeShapeType struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
CoordSize string `xml:"coordsize,attr"`
Spt int `xml:"spt,attr"`
Path string `xml:"path,attr"`
// decodeShape defines the structure used to parse the particular shape element.
type decodeShape struct {
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
Style string `xml:"style,attr"`
Button string `xml:"button,attr,omitempty"`
Filled string `xml:"filled,attr,omitempty"`
FillColor string `xml:"fillcolor,attr,omitempty"`
InsetMode string `xml:"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office insetmode,attr,omitempty"`
Stroked string `xml:"stroked,attr,omitempty"`
StrokeColor string `xml:"strokecolor,attr,omitempty"`
Val string `xml:",innerxml"`
// decodeShapeVal defines the structure used to parse the sub-element of the
// shape in the file xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
type decodeShapeVal struct {
TextBox decodeVMLTextBox `xml:"textbox"`
ClientData decodeVMLClientData `xml:"ClientData"`
// decodeVMLFontU defines the structure used to parse the u element in the VML.
type decodeVMLFontU struct {
Class string `xml:"class,attr"`
Val string `xml:",chardata"`
// decodeVMLFontI defines the structure used to parse the i element in the VML.
type decodeVMLFontI struct {
U *decodeVMLFontU `xml:"u"`
Val string `xml:",chardata"`
// decodeVMLFontB defines the structure used to parse the b element in the VML.
type decodeVMLFontB struct {
I *decodeVMLFontI `xml:"i"`
U *decodeVMLFontU `xml:"u"`
Val string `xml:",chardata"`
// decodeVMLFont defines the structure used to parse the font element in the VML.
type decodeVMLFont struct {
Face string `xml:"face,attr,omitempty"`
Size uint `xml:"size,attr,omitempty"`
Color string `xml:"color,attr,omitempty"`
B *decodeVMLFontB `xml:"b"`
I *decodeVMLFontI `xml:"i"`
U *decodeVMLFontU `xml:"u"`
Val string `xml:",chardata"`
// decodeVMLDiv defines the structure used to parse the div element in the VML.
type decodeVMLDiv struct {
Font []decodeVMLFont `xml:"font"`
// decodeVMLTextBox defines the structure used to parse the v:textbox element in
// the file xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
type decodeVMLTextBox struct {
Div decodeVMLDiv `xml:"div"`
// decodeVMLClientData defines the structure used to parse the x:ClientData
// element in the file xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
type decodeVMLClientData struct {
ObjectType string `xml:"ObjectType,attr"`
Anchor string
FmlaMacro string
Column *int
Row *int
Checked int
FmlaLink string
Val uint
Min uint
Max uint
Inc uint
Page uint
Horiz *string
// encodeShape defines the structure used to re-serialization shape element.
type encodeShape struct {
Fill *vFill `xml:"v:fill"`
Shadow *vShadow `xml:"v:shadow"`
Path *vPath `xml:"v:path"`
TextBox *vTextBox `xml:"v:textbox"`
ImageData *vImageData `xml:"v:imagedata"`
ClientData *xClientData `xml:"x:ClientData"`
Lock *oLock `xml:"o:lock"`
// formCtrlPreset defines the structure used to form control presets.
type formCtrlPreset struct {
autoFill string
fill *vFill
fillColor string
filled string
firstButton *string
noThreeD *string
objectType string
shadow *vShadow
strokeButton string
strokeColor string
stroked string
textHAlign string
textVAlign string
// vmlOptions defines the structure used to internal comments and form controls.
type vmlOptions struct {
formCtrl bool
sheet string
// FormControl directly maps the form controls information.
type FormControl struct {
Cell string
Macro string
Width uint
Height uint
Checked bool
CurrentVal uint
MinVal uint
MaxVal uint
IncChange uint
PageChange uint
Horizontally bool
CellLink string
Text string
Paragraph []RichTextRun
Type FormControlType
Format GraphicOptions
// HeaderFooterGraphics defines the settings for an image to be
// accessible from the header/footer options.
type HeaderFooterGraphics struct {
File []byte
Extension string
Width string
Height string