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// Copyright 2016 - 2023 The excelize Authors. All rights reserved. Use of
// this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
// Package excelize providing a set of functions that allow you to write to and
// read from XLAM / XLSM / XLSX / XLTM / XLTX files. Supports reading and
// writing spreadsheet documents generated by Microsoft Excel™ 2007 and later.
// Supports complex components by high compatibility, and provided streaming
// API for generating or reading data from a worksheet with huge amounts of
// data. This library needs Go version 1.16 or later.
package excelize
import (
// DataValidationType defined the type of data validation.
type DataValidationType int
// Data validation types.
const (
_ DataValidationType = iota
// DataValidationErrorStyle defined the style of data validation error alert.
type DataValidationErrorStyle int
// Data validation error styles.
const (
_ DataValidationErrorStyle = iota
// Data validation error styles.
const (
styleStop = "stop"
styleWarning = "warning"
styleInformation = "information"
// DataValidationOperator operator enum.
type DataValidationOperator int
// Data validation operators.
const (
_ DataValidationOperator = iota
var (
// formulaEscaper mimics the Excel escaping rules for data validation,
// which converts `"` to `""` instead of `"`.
formulaEscaper = strings.NewReplacer(
`&`, `&`,
`<`, `<`,
`>`, `>`,
formulaUnescaper = strings.NewReplacer(
`&`, `&`,
`<`, `<`,
`>`, `>`,
// dataValidationTypeMap defined supported data validation types.
dataValidationTypeMap = map[DataValidationType]string{
DataValidationTypeNone: "none",
DataValidationTypeCustom: "custom",
DataValidationTypeDate: "date",
DataValidationTypeDecimal: "decimal",
DataValidationTypeList: "list",
DataValidationTypeTextLength: "textLength",
DataValidationTypeTime: "time",
DataValidationTypeWhole: "whole",
// dataValidationOperatorMap defined supported data validation operators.
dataValidationOperatorMap = map[DataValidationOperator]string{
DataValidationOperatorBetween: "between",
DataValidationOperatorEqual: "equal",
DataValidationOperatorGreaterThan: "greaterThan",
DataValidationOperatorGreaterThanOrEqual: "greaterThanOrEqual",
DataValidationOperatorLessThan: "lessThan",
DataValidationOperatorLessThanOrEqual: "lessThanOrEqual",
DataValidationOperatorNotBetween: "notBetween",
DataValidationOperatorNotEqual: "notEqual",
// NewDataValidation return data validation struct.
func NewDataValidation(allowBlank bool) *DataValidation {
return &DataValidation{
AllowBlank: allowBlank,
ShowErrorMessage: false,
ShowInputMessage: false,
// SetError set error notice.
func (dv *DataValidation) SetError(style DataValidationErrorStyle, title, msg string) {
dv.Error = &msg
dv.ErrorTitle = &title
strStyle := styleStop
switch style {
case DataValidationErrorStyleStop:
strStyle = styleStop
case DataValidationErrorStyleWarning:
strStyle = styleWarning
case DataValidationErrorStyleInformation:
strStyle = styleInformation
dv.ShowErrorMessage = true
dv.ErrorStyle = &strStyle
// SetInput set prompt notice.
func (dv *DataValidation) SetInput(title, msg string) {
dv.ShowInputMessage = true
dv.PromptTitle = &title
dv.Prompt = &msg
// SetDropList data validation list. If you type the items into the data
// validation dialog box (a delimited list), the limit is 255 characters,
// including the separators. If your data validation list source formula is
// over the maximum length limit, please set the allowed values in the
// worksheet cells, and use the SetSqrefDropList function to set the reference
// for their cells.
func (dv *DataValidation) SetDropList(keys []string) error {
formula := strings.Join(keys, ",")
if MaxFieldLength < len(utf16.Encode([]rune(formula))) {
return ErrDataValidationFormulaLength
dv.Type = dataValidationTypeMap[DataValidationTypeList]
if strings.HasPrefix(formula, "=") {
dv.Formula1 = formulaEscaper.Replace(formula)
return nil
dv.Formula1 = fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, strings.NewReplacer(`"`, `""`).Replace(formulaEscaper.Replace(formula)))
return nil
// SetRange provides function to set data validation range in drop list, only
// accepts int, float64, string or []string data type formula argument.
func (dv *DataValidation) SetRange(f1, f2 interface{}, t DataValidationType, o DataValidationOperator) error {
genFormula := func(val interface{}) (string, error) {
var formula string
switch v := val.(type) {
case int:
formula = fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)
case float64:
if math.Abs(v) > math.MaxFloat32 {
return formula, ErrDataValidationRange
formula = fmt.Sprintf("%.17g", v)
case string:
formula = v
return formula, ErrParameterInvalid
return formula, nil
formula1, err := genFormula(f1)
if err != nil {
return err
formula2, err := genFormula(f2)
if err != nil {
return err
dv.Formula1, dv.Formula2 = formula1, formula2
dv.Type = dataValidationTypeMap[t]
dv.Operator = dataValidationOperatorMap[o]
return err
// SetSqrefDropList provides set data validation on a range with source
// reference range of the worksheet by given data validation object and
// worksheet name. The data validation object can be created by
// NewDataValidation function. There are limits to the number of items that
// will show in a data validation drop down list: The list can show up to show
// 32768 items from a list on the worksheet. If you need more items than that,
// you could create a dependent drop down list, broken down by category. For
// example, set data validation on Sheet1!A7:B8 with validation criteria source
// Sheet1!E1:E3 settings, create in-cell dropdown by allowing list source:
// dv := excelize.NewDataValidation(true)
// dv.Sqref = "A7:B8"
// dv.SetSqrefDropList("$E$1:$E$3")
// err := f.AddDataValidation("Sheet1", dv)
func (dv *DataValidation) SetSqrefDropList(sqref string) {
dv.Formula1 = sqref
dv.Type = dataValidationTypeMap[DataValidationTypeList]
// SetSqref provides function to set data validation range in drop list.
func (dv *DataValidation) SetSqref(sqref string) {
if dv.Sqref == "" {
dv.Sqref = sqref
dv.Sqref = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", dv.Sqref, sqref)
// AddDataValidation provides set data validation on a range of the worksheet
// by given data validation object and worksheet name. The data validation
// object can be created by NewDataValidation function.
// Example 1, set data validation on Sheet1!A1:B2 with validation criteria
// settings, show error alert after invalid data is entered with "Stop" style
// and custom title "error body":
// dv := excelize.NewDataValidation(true)
// dv.Sqref = "A1:B2"
// dv.SetRange(10, 20, excelize.DataValidationTypeWhole, excelize.DataValidationOperatorBetween)
// dv.SetError(excelize.DataValidationErrorStyleStop, "error title", "error body")
// err := f.AddDataValidation("Sheet1", dv)
// Example 2, set data validation on Sheet1!A3:B4 with validation criteria
// settings, and show input message when cell is selected:
// dv = excelize.NewDataValidation(true)
// dv.Sqref = "A3:B4"
// dv.SetRange(10, 20, excelize.DataValidationTypeWhole, excelize.DataValidationOperatorGreaterThan)
// dv.SetInput("input title", "input body")
// err = f.AddDataValidation("Sheet1", dv)
// Example 3, set data validation on Sheet1!A5:B6 with validation criteria
// settings, create in-cell dropdown by allowing list source:
// dv = excelize.NewDataValidation(true)
// dv.Sqref = "A5:B6"
// dv.SetDropList([]string{"1", "2", "3"})
// err = f.AddDataValidation("Sheet1", dv)
func (f *File) AddDataValidation(sheet string, dv *DataValidation) error {
ws, err := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
if err != nil {
return err
if nil == ws.DataValidations {
ws.DataValidations = new(xlsxDataValidations)
dataValidation := &xlsxDataValidation{
AllowBlank: dv.AllowBlank,
Error: dv.Error,
ErrorStyle: dv.ErrorStyle,
ErrorTitle: dv.ErrorTitle,
Operator: dv.Operator,
Prompt: dv.Prompt,
PromptTitle: dv.PromptTitle,
ShowDropDown: dv.ShowDropDown,
ShowErrorMessage: dv.ShowErrorMessage,
ShowInputMessage: dv.ShowInputMessage,
Sqref: dv.Sqref,
Type: dv.Type,
if dv.Formula1 != "" {
dataValidation.Formula1 = &xlsxInnerXML{Content: dv.Formula1}
if dv.Formula2 != "" {
dataValidation.Formula2 = &xlsxInnerXML{Content: dv.Formula2}
ws.DataValidations.DataValidation = append(ws.DataValidations.DataValidation, dataValidation)
ws.DataValidations.Count = len(ws.DataValidations.DataValidation)
return err
// GetDataValidations returns data validations list by given worksheet name.
func (f *File) GetDataValidations(sheet string) ([]*DataValidation, error) {
ws, err := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ws.DataValidations == nil || len(ws.DataValidations.DataValidation) == 0 {
return nil, err
var dvs []*DataValidation
for _, dv := range ws.DataValidations.DataValidation {
if dv != nil {
dataValidation := &DataValidation{
AllowBlank: dv.AllowBlank,
Error: dv.Error,
ErrorStyle: dv.ErrorStyle,
ErrorTitle: dv.ErrorTitle,
Operator: dv.Operator,
Prompt: dv.Prompt,
PromptTitle: dv.PromptTitle,
ShowDropDown: dv.ShowDropDown,
ShowErrorMessage: dv.ShowErrorMessage,
ShowInputMessage: dv.ShowInputMessage,
Sqref: dv.Sqref,
Type: dv.Type,
if dv.Formula1 != nil {
dataValidation.Formula1 = unescapeDataValidationFormula(dv.Formula1.Content)
if dv.Formula2 != nil {
dataValidation.Formula2 = unescapeDataValidationFormula(dv.Formula2.Content)
dvs = append(dvs, dataValidation)
return dvs, err
// DeleteDataValidation delete data validation by given worksheet name and
// reference sequence. All data validations in the worksheet will be deleted
// if not specify reference sequence parameter.
func (f *File) DeleteDataValidation(sheet string, sqref ...string) error {
ws, err := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
if err != nil {
return err
if ws.DataValidations == nil {
return nil
if sqref == nil {
ws.DataValidations = nil
return nil
delCells, err := f.flatSqref(sqref[0])
if err != nil {
return err
dv := ws.DataValidations
for i := 0; i < len(dv.DataValidation); i++ {
var applySqref []string
colCells, err := f.flatSqref(dv.DataValidation[i].Sqref)
if err != nil {
return err
for col, cells := range delCells {
for _, cell := range cells {
idx := inCoordinates(colCells[col], cell)
if idx != -1 {
colCells[col] = append(colCells[col][:idx], colCells[col][idx+1:]...)
for _, col := range colCells {
applySqref = append(applySqref, f.squashSqref(col)...)
dv.DataValidation[i].Sqref = strings.Join(applySqref, " ")
if len(applySqref) == 0 {
dv.DataValidation = append(dv.DataValidation[:i], dv.DataValidation[i+1:]...)
dv.Count = len(dv.DataValidation)
if dv.Count == 0 {
ws.DataValidations = nil
return nil
// squashSqref generates cell reference sequence by given cells coordinates list.
func (f *File) squashSqref(cells [][]int) []string {
if len(cells) == 1 {
cell, _ := CoordinatesToCellName(cells[0][0], cells[0][1])
return []string{cell}
} else if len(cells) == 0 {
return []string{}
var refs []string
l, r := 0, 0
for i := 1; i < len(cells); i++ {
if cells[i][0] == cells[r][0] && cells[i][1]-cells[r][1] > 1 {
ref, _ := f.coordinatesToRangeRef(append(cells[l], cells[r]...))
if l == r {
ref, _ = CoordinatesToCellName(cells[l][0], cells[l][1])
refs = append(refs, ref)
l, r = i, i
} else {
ref, _ := f.coordinatesToRangeRef(append(cells[l], cells[r]...))
if l == r {
ref, _ = CoordinatesToCellName(cells[l][0], cells[l][1])
return append(refs, ref)
// unescapeDataValidationFormula returns unescaped data validation formula.
func unescapeDataValidationFormula(val string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(val, "\"") { // Text detection
return strings.NewReplacer(`""`, `"`).Replace(formulaUnescaper.Replace(val))
return formulaUnescaper.Replace(val)