Chore: remove out-of-date code

This commit is contained in:
Liyan Zheng 2023-04-21 23:22:40 +08:00
parent 16a8c5dce5
commit 4e9ece76f4
2 changed files with 0 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ class NMutator : public Mutator {
double memboundTime(const Shape &dims);
// TODO: recover these rules
// Graph fuseHetConv(nnet::Expr expr, Graph in_graph);
Graph transformConvtransposed1x1(Operator _op);
// Graph transformConvtransposed(Operator op);
// Graph transformDialtedConv(Operator op);

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@ -452,34 +452,6 @@ double NMutator::memboundTime(const Shape &dims) {
return memboundTime(dims.size());
// infini::Graph NMutator::fuseHetConv(nnet::Expr expr, Graph in_graph) {
// // Conv3x3+Conv1x1 => Gemm(nhw, f(rs+1), c) + Reduce
// auto g = std::make_shared<infini::Graph>();
// in_graph->print();
// assert(in_graph->getInputs().size() == 3);
// auto input = in_graph->getOperators()[0]->getInputs(0);
// auto conv = dynamic_cast<ConvOp *>(in_graph->getOperators()[0]);
// auto output = conv->getOutput();
// // auto input = g->reshape(input);
// auto inputTrans = g->transpose(input, 0, {-1, {0, 2, 3}, 1}, -1);
// // dbg(inputTrans->getOutput()->getDims());
// const auto &[n, c, h, w, f, r, s, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, G, bi, ac] =
// conv->getArgs(0);
// auto weight = g->tensor({1, c, f * (3 * 3 + 1)});
// dbg(weight->getDims());
// auto matmul = g->matmul(inputTrans->getOutput(), weight, false, false);
// auto bias = g->tensor({f});
// const double size = n * f * h * w * (3 * 3 + 1) * 4;
// // FIXME: add NNET tensors for verfication
// auto membound =
// g->membound({matmul->getOutput(), bias}, {output}, {}, nullptr,
// memboundTime(size), "Reduce_conv3x3+1x1");
// dbg(n, f, h, w);
// dynamic_cast<MemBoundOp *>(membound)->setNFHW(n, f, h, w);
// return new Graph(g->getOperators());
// }
// Graph NMutator::transformDialtedConv(Operator op) {
// if (auto convOp = dynamic_cast<ConvOp *>(op)) {
// if (convOp->getPh() == convOp->getDh() && convOp->getSh() == 1 &&