fix issues with topic update

simplify things by just having an external script poll rostopic
This commit is contained in:
Bhaskara Marthi 2010-07-11 03:59:23 +00:00
parent 4286866d81
commit 00d93d0bee
3 changed files with 148 additions and 157 deletions

tools/rosemacs/poll-rosnode Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Used by rosemacs rosnode mode to keep track of current ros rosnode
while [ 1 ]
rosnode list
sleep $1

tools/rosemacs/poll-rostopic Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Used by rosemacs rostopic mode to keep track of current ros topics
while [ 1 ]
rostopic list -v
sleep $1

View File

@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
(defvar ros-topic-timeout-rate 5 "Number of seconds before info from rostopic hz is considered out-of-date" )
(defvar ros-topic-display-update-interval 3 "Number of seconds between updates to the *rostopic* buffer (when it's visible)")
(defvar ros-topic-update-interval nil "Gap in seconds between calls to rostopic list (end of one call to beginning of next). nil means never call.")
(defvar ros-topic-update-interval 0 "How often to poll the current topic list")
(defvar ros-node-update-interval 0 "How often to poll the current node list")
(defcustom ros-completion-function 'completing-read
"The completion function to be used for package
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@
;; State
(defvar ros-packages nil "Vector of ros packages")
(defvar ros-package-locations nil "Vector of directories containing the items in ros-packages")
(defvar ros-messages nil "Vector of ros messages")
@ -103,6 +105,7 @@
(defvar ros-num-subscribers (make-hash-table :test 'equal) "num subscribers of a topic")
(defvar ros-find-args nil)
(defvar ros-find-args-history nil)
(defvar rosemacs/pathname nil "Will hold the path containing this file")
(defvar ros-buffer-package nil "A buffer-local variable for caching the current buffer's ros package.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-buffer-package)
@ -155,11 +158,11 @@
(setq done (not (re-search-forward "\\([^[:space:]]+\\)[[:space:]]+" (point-max) t)))
(unless done
(let ((str (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
(let ((m (string-match (concat "\." ext "$") str)))
(when m
(push (substring str 0 m) l))))))
(let ((m (string-match (concat "\." ext "$") str)))
(when m
(push (substring str 0 m) l))))))
(defun all-files-in-packages (ext)
"Look in each package for files with a extension .ext in subdirectory ext/"
@ -186,6 +189,15 @@
ros-service-packages (map 'vector #'cdr v))))
(defun get-rosemacs-path ()
(message load-file-name)
(let ((ind (string-match "\\(.*\\)rosemacs.el$" load-file-name)))
(if (not ind)
(warn "Could not determine rosemacs path")
(match-string 1 load-file-name))))
(setq rosemacs/pathname (get-rosemacs-path))
;; Lookup
@ -284,8 +296,8 @@
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete dir-suffix completions)
(skip-syntax-backward " ")))
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete prefix (all-completions prefix ros-package-completor))
(skip-syntax-backward " ")))))))
(comint-dynamic-simple-complete prefix (all-completions prefix ros-package-completor))
(skip-syntax-backward " ")))))))
(defun comint-dynamic-complete-ros-topic ()
(let ((prefix (comint-get-ros-topic-prefix)))
@ -320,15 +332,15 @@
(let ((old-ido-make-file-list (symbol-function 'ido-make-file-list-1))
(ros-packages-list (map 'list #'identity ros-packages)))
(flet ((pkg-expr->path (str)
(let ((pkg-name (second (split-string str "/"))))
(unless (= (length pkg-name) 0)
(concat (ros-package-dir pkg-name)
(substring str (string-match "/" str 1)))))))
(let ((pkg-name (second (split-string str "/"))))
(unless (= (length pkg-name) 0)
(concat (ros-package-dir pkg-name)
(substring str (string-match "/" str 1)))))))
(flet ((ido-make-file-list-1 (dir)
(let ((path (pkg-expr->path dir)))
(if path
(funcall old-ido-make-file-list path)
(mapcar (lambda (pkg) (concat pkg "/")) ros-packages-list)))))
(let ((path (pkg-expr->path dir)))
(if path
(funcall old-ido-make-file-list path)
(mapcar (lambda (pkg) (concat pkg "/")) ros-packages-list)))))
(substring (ido-read-file-name prompt "/"
(when (member default-pkg ros-packages-list)
@ -339,14 +351,14 @@
(let* ((ros-messages-list (map 'list 'identity ros-messages))
(result (funcall ros-completion-function prompt
(map 'list (lambda (m pkg)
(cons (if (> (count m ros-messages-list :test 'equal) 1)
(format "%s (%s)" m pkg)
ros-messages-list ros-message-packages)
nil nil nil nil (when (member default ros-messages-list)
(map 'list (lambda (m pkg)
(cons (if (> (count m ros-messages-list :test 'equal) 1)
(format "%s (%s)" m pkg)
ros-messages-list ros-message-packages)
nil nil nil nil (when (member default ros-messages-list)
(ws-pos (position ?\s result))
(message (substring result 0 ws-pos))
(package (when ws-pos
@ -361,14 +373,14 @@
(let* ((ros-services-list (map 'list 'identity ros-services))
(result (funcall ros-completion-function prompt
(map 'list (lambda (m pkg)
(cons (if (> (count m ros-services-list :test 'equal) 1)
(format "%s (%s)" m pkg)
ros-services-list ros-service-packages)
nil nil nil nil (when (member default ros-services-list)
(map 'list (lambda (m pkg)
(cons (if (> (count m ros-services-list :test 'equal) 1)
(format "%s (%s)" m pkg)
ros-services-list ros-service-packages)
nil nil nil nil (when (member default ros-services-list)
(ws-pos (position ?\s result))
(service (substring result 0 ws-pos))
(package (when ws-pos
@ -400,9 +412,9 @@
(if dont-reload
(error "Did not find %s in the ros package list." package-name)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Did not find %s. Reloading ros package list and trying again..." package-name)
(find-ros-file package-name t)))))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Did not find %s. Reloading ros package list and trying again..." package-name)
(find-ros-file package-name t)))))))
(defun view-ros-file (ros-file-name &optional dont-reload)
"View (open in read-only mode with simpler editing commands — see emacs help) the file corresponding to ROS-FILE-NAME (in form packagename/filename). If used interactively, tab completion will work."
@ -415,9 +427,9 @@
(if dont-reload
(error "Did not find %s in the ros package list." ros-file-name)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Did not find %s. Reloading ros package list and trying again..." ros-file-name)
(view-ros-file ros-file-name t)))))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Did not find %s. Reloading ros package list and trying again..." ros-file-name)
(view-ros-file ros-file-name t)))))))
(defun find-ros-message (message)
"Open definition of a ros message. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
@ -540,29 +552,31 @@ parameter."
;; rostopic
;; Top-level
(defun ros-update-topic-list ()
"Makes rosemacs call rostopic list and update its list of topics (ros-topics)"
(let ((ros-topic-update-interval 0)) ;; dynamic binding
(defun set-ros-topic-update-interval (n)
"Make rostopic list be called every n seconds starting now. 0 means never update."
(interactive "nEnter rostopic update interval in seconds (0 means never update) : ")
((= n 0)
(setq ros-topic-update-interval nil))
(setq ros-topic-update-interval n)
(defun rosemacs-topic-filter (proc str)
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert str)
(goto-char (point-max))
(let ((found-start (re-search-backward "BEGIN ROSTOPIC LIST$" nil t)))
(if found-start
(let ((start-point (match-end 0))
(found-finish (re-search-forward "END ROSTOPIC LIST" nil t)))
(if found-finish
(let ((finish-pt (match-beginning 0)))
(rosemacs/parse-topic-list start-point finish-pt)
(delete-region (point-min) finish-pt))
(defun rosemacs/track-topics (interval)
(interactive "nEnter rostopic update interval in seconds (0 to stop tracking).")
(let ((name "*rostopic-tracker*"))
(let ((old-proc (get-process name)))
(when (and old-proc (eq 'run (process-status old-proc)))
(message "Cancelling existing rostopic tracker")
(interrupt-process old-proc)))
(when (> interval 0)
(let ((proc (start-process name name (concat rosemacs/pathname "poll-rostopic") (format "%s" interval))))
(set-process-filter proc 'rosemacs-topic-filter)))))
(defun display-ros-topic-info ()
"Display current ros topic info in *ros-topics* buffer"
@ -574,21 +588,16 @@ parameter."
(setq ros-topic-buffer (get-buffer-create "*ros-topics*"))
(switch-to-buffer ros-topic-buffer)
(ros-topic-list-mode 1)))
(defun add-hz-update (topic-regexp)
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-topic "Enter topic name or regexp to track: ")))
;; Asynchronously start re-gathering topic list, in case things have recently changed
(push topic-regexp ros-hz-topic-regexps)
(dolist (topic ros-topics)
(when (string-match topic-regexp topic)
(unless (assoc topic ros-topic-last-hz-rate)
(start-hz-tracker topic)))))
(defun remove-hz-update (topic-regexp)
(interactive (list (funcall ros-completion-function "Enter regexp to stop tracking: " ros-hz-topic-regexps)))
@ -597,7 +606,6 @@ parameter."
(let ((topic (car pair)))
(when (string-match topic-regexp topic)
(stop-hz-tracker topic)))))
(defun echo-ros-topic (topic)
@ -630,28 +638,21 @@ parameter."
(view-buffer-other-window buf)
(call-process "rostopic" nil buf t "info" topic-full-name)))
;; Internal
(defun interrupt-ros-topic-echo ()
(defun rosemacs/interrupt-process ()
;; TODO: get-buffer-process does this
(defun rosemacs/buffer-process (b)
(find-if (lambda (proc) (equal (process-buffer proc) b)) (process-list)))
(defun kill-current-buffer ()
(let ((process (rosemacs/buffer-process (current-buffer))))
(let ((process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
(when (and process (eq (process-status process) 'run))
(kill-buffer nil))
(defvar ros-topic-echo-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key ros-topic-echo-keymap "k" 'interrupt-ros-topic-echo)
(define-key ros-topic-echo-keymap "k" 'rosemacs/interrupt-process)
(define-key ros-topic-echo-keymap "q" 'kill-current-buffer)
(define-minor-mode ros-topic-echo-mode
@ -692,17 +693,8 @@ q kills buffer"
(message "ros-topic-mode: enter to echo, h/H to start/stop hertz tracking, q to quit"))
(defun ros-update-topic-list-internal ()
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "calling rostopic list")
(let* ((b (generate-new-buffer "rostopic"))
(p (start-process "rostopic" b "rostopic" "list" "-v")))
(set-process-sentinel p 'schedule-parse-rostopic-list)))
(defun update-ros-topic-buffer ()
"Use the current value of ros-topic related variables to reset the contents of the *ros-topics* buffer, if it's visible"
"Use the current value of ros-topic related variables to reset the contents of the *ros-topics* buffer"
(when (and ros-topic-buffer (get-buffer-window ros-topic-buffer))
(if (equal (current-buffer) ros-topic-buffer)
(let ((old-point (point)))
@ -724,7 +716,7 @@ q kills buffer"
(princ (format "Master uri: %s\n" (getenv "ROS_MASTER_URI")) ros-topic-buffer)
(princ old-stamp ros-topic-buffer))
;; (princ (format "Topics updated every %s seconds\n" ros-topic-update-interval) ros-topic-buffer)
;; (princ (format "Topics updated every %s seconds\n" ros-topic-update-interval) ros-topic-buffer)
(when ros-topic-publication-rates
(princ (format "\nHz-tracked topics:\n") ros-topic-buffer)
@ -749,21 +741,10 @@ q kills buffer"
(terpri ros-topic-buffer))))
(defun schedule-parse-rostopic-list (process event)
"Use the output of rostopic list to recompute the list of published topics, and add and remove new/removed topics. Kill the buffer of the rostopic process at the end."
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "rostopic list returned.")
(sit-for (round (* .75 (or ros-topic-update-interval 0.0))))
(when ros-topic-timer (cancel-timer ros-topic-timer))
(setq ros-topic-timer (run-with-idle-timer (+ .1 (round (* .25 (or ros-topic-update-interval 0.0)))) nil 'parse-rostopic-list process event))))
(defun get-topics (start end h)
(defun rosemacs/get-topics (start end h)
(let ((done nil) (current-topics nil))
(goto-char start)
(while (not done)
(let ((pos (re-search-forward "^\\s-*\\*\\s-*\\(\\S-*\\) \\[.*\\] \\(\\S-*\\)" end t)))
(if pos
(let ((topic (match-string 1)))
@ -773,43 +754,31 @@ q kills buffer"
(sort* current-topics 'string<)))
(defun parse-rostopic-list (process event)
(defun rosemacs/parse-topic-list (start finish)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Parsing rostopic list")
(unless (active-minibuffer-window)
(set-buffer (process-buffer process))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((pub-start (re-search-forward "Published topics:" nil t))
(sub-start (or (re-search-forward "Subscribed topics:" nil t) (point-max))))
(if (and pub-start sub-start)
(let ((new-published-topics (get-topics pub-start sub-start ros-num-publishers)))
(setq ros-subscribed-topics (get-topics sub-start (point-max) ros-num-subscribers))
(destructuring-bind (added deleted) (rosemacs-list-diffs ros-topics new-published-topics)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "added topics : %s" added)
(dolist (topic added)
(add-ros-topic topic))
(dolist (topic deleted)
(remove-ros-topic topic))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "rostopic output did not look as expected")))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Done parsing rostopic list")
(setq ros-all-topics
(sort* (remove-duplicates (vconcat ros-topics ros-subscribed-topics) :test 'equal) 'string<))
;; update display
(when ros-topic-buffer
(set-buffer ros-topic-buffer)
(let ((time-stamp-pattern "5/^Last updated: <%02H:%02M:%02S"))
;; Start the next round of topic updates
(when ros-topic-update-interval
(kill-buffer (process-buffer process))))
(goto-char start)
(let ((pub-start (re-search-forward "Published topics:" nil t))
(sub-start (or (re-search-forward "Subscribed topics:" nil t) (point-max))))
(if (and pub-start sub-start)
(let ((new-published-topics (rosemacs/get-topics pub-start sub-start ros-num-publishers)))
(setq ros-subscribed-topics (rosemacs/get-topics sub-start (point-max) ros-num-subscribers))
(destructuring-bind (added deleted) (rosemacs-list-diffs ros-topics new-published-topics)
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "added topics : %s" added)
(dolist (topic added)
(add-ros-topic topic))
(dolist (topic deleted)
(remove-ros-topic topic))))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "rostopic output did not look as expected")))
(lwarn '(rosemacs) :debug "Done parsing rostopic list")
(setq ros-all-topics
(sort* (remove-duplicates (vconcat ros-topics ros-subscribed-topics) :test 'equal) 'string<))
;; update display
(when ros-topic-buffer
(set-buffer ros-topic-buffer)
(let ((time-stamp-pattern "5/^Last updated: <%02H:%02M:%02S"))
@ -828,7 +797,6 @@ q kills buffer"
ros-topic-last-hz-rate (delete-if (lambda (pair) (equal (car pair) topic)) ros-topic-last-hz-rate)))
(defun set-ros-topic-hz (topic rate)
"Set hertz rate of topic. Also, update the last-published-hertz-rate timestamp of the topic"
(let ((rate-pair (assoc topic ros-topic-publication-rates)))
@ -981,7 +949,7 @@ q kills buffer"
(defun extract-exec-name (path)
(string-match "\\([^\/]+\\)$" path)
(match-string 1 path))
(defun ros-find-executables (pkg)
(let ((ros-run-exec-paths nil)
(path (ros-package-path pkg)))
@ -996,14 +964,14 @@ q kills buffer"
(push str ros-run-exec-paths))
(sort* (map 'vector 'extract-exec-name ros-run-exec-paths) 'string<)))
(defun ros-package-path (pkg)
(call-process "rospack" nil t nil "find" pkg)
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)$")
(match-string 1))))
(call-process "rospack" nil t nil "find" pkg)
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^\\(.*\\)$")
(match-string 1))))
(define-minor-mode ros-run-mode
"Mode used for rosrun
@ -1046,12 +1014,13 @@ q kills the buffer and process."
;; roslaunch
(defvar ros-launch-file nil "The file being launched")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-launch-file)
(defvar ros-launch-path nil "The path to the file being launched")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-launch-path)
(defvar ros-launch-filename nil "The file being launched")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ros-launch-filename)
(defun ros-launch (package-name)
"Open up the directory corresponding to PACKAGE-NAME in dired mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work."
(interactive (list (ros-completing-read-pkg-file "Enter ros path: ")))
"Open up the directory corresponding to PACKAGE-NAME in dired mode. If used interactively, tab completion will work." (interactive (list (ros-completing-read-pkg-file "Enter ros path: ")))
(multiple-value-bind (package dir-prefix dir-suffix) (parse-ros-file-prefix package-name)
(let* ((package-dir (ros-package-dir package))
(path (if dir-prefix (concat package-dir dir-prefix dir-suffix) package-dir)))
@ -1060,29 +1029,32 @@ q kills the buffer and process."
(if (rosemacs/contains-running-process name)
(warn "Roslaunch buffer %s already exists: not creating a new one." name)
(let ((buf (get-buffer-create name)))
(start-process name buf "roslaunch" path)
(set-buffer buf)
(setq ros-launch-file path)
(view-buffer-other-window buf)
(ros-launch-mode 1))
(setq ros-launch-path path)
(setq ros-launch-filename dir-suffix)
(ros-launch-mode 1)
(rosemacs/relaunch (current-buffer)))
(error "Did not find %s in the ros package list." package-name)))))
(defun rosemacs/relaunch (buf)
(let ((proc (get-buffer-process buf)))
(if (and proc (eq (process-status proc) 'run))
(warn "Can't relaunch since process %s is still running" proc)
(set-buffer buf)
(start-process (buffer-name buf) buf "roslaunch" ros-launch-file)))))
(start-process (buffer-name buf) buf "roslaunch" ros-launch-path)))))
(defun rosemacs/relaunch-current-process ()
(rosemacs/relaunch (current-buffer)))
(defvar ros-launch-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "k" 'interrupt-ros-topic-echo)
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "k" 'rosemacs/interrupt-process)
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "q" 'kill-current-buffer)
(define-key ros-launch-keymap "r" 'rosemacs/relaunch-current-process)
@ -1112,7 +1084,6 @@ k kills the process (sends SIGINT)"
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-r" 'ros-run)
(define-key ros-keymap "r" 'ros-load-package-locations)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-u" 'set-ros-topic-update-interval)
(define-key ros-keymap "u" 'ros-update-topic-list)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-c" 'ros-core)
(define-key ros-keymap "\C-t" 'display-ros-topic-info)
(define-key ros-keymap "t" 'echo-ros-topic)
@ -1136,8 +1107,8 @@ k kills the process (sends SIGINT)"
(defun invoke-rosemacs ()
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'set-rosemacs-shell-hooks)
(set-ros-topic-update-interval 0)
(run-at-time t ros-topic-display-update-interval 'update-ros-topic-buffer))
(rosemacs/track-topics ros-topic-update-interval)