rosrecord: cleaned up python related documentation and separated code api docs into c++ and python

This commit is contained in:
Ken Conley 2009-12-16 18:33:48 +00:00
parent 7e0b3bae92
commit 4116f2ba79
4 changed files with 136 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -3,102 +3,7 @@
\htmlinclude manifest.html
\b rosrecord contains a collection of command-line tools for recording messages to \b bag files
and playing them back.
and playing them back. ros::record::Player provides a C++ interface for reading from these bag files.
\section Bag files
The bag file contains interlaced, serialized ros messages written as they are received over the wire. This is the most performance and disk-friendly recording format possible.
\section commandline Command-line tools
\subsection rosrecord rosrecord
\b rosrecord generates a ".bag" file with the contents of all the
specified topics. If you run rosrecord without passing it any topic
names, it will attempt to record ALL messages available in the
system. However, since this information requires polling the master
periodically, it will likely miss the first several messages published
on any topic.
NOTE: If you are recording messages at a high-bandwidth, such as from
cameras, it is strongly recommended you run rosrecord on the same
machine as the camera, and specify the file destination as being on
the local machine disk.
\subsubsection Usage
$ rosrecord
$ rosrecord chatter
$ rosrecord -f demo_log chatter
$ rosrecord -f demo_log chatter babble
\subsection rosplay rosplay
\b rosplay takes messages from one or more bag file and plays them
back in a time-synchronized fashion. Time synchronization occurs based
on the global time-stamps at which messages were received. Playing
begins immediately and future messages are published according to the
relative offset times. If two separate bag files are used, they are
treated as a single bag with interlaced times according to the
timestamps. This means if you record one bag, wait an hour, and record
a second bag, when you play them back together you will have an
hour-long dead period in the middle of your playback.
If you do not want to observe playback timing, the "-a" option will
playback all messages from the file as fast as possible. Note that for
large files this will often lead to exceeding your incoming buffers.
Additionally, during playing, you can pause at any time by hitting
space. When paused, you can step through messages by pressing s.
\subsection Usage
\b rosrebag is a command-line tool for converting bag files using Python
expressions. The Python expression can access any of the Python
builtins plus:
* topic: the topic of the message
* m: the message
* t: time of message. The time is represented as a rospy Time object (t.secs, t.nsecs)
$ rosrebag chatter.bag rechatter.bag "'1' in"
$ rosrebag --print "" chatter.bag rechatter.bag "topic=='/chatter'"
You can also use the rosrecord Python library for implementing more sophisticated filtering rules:
from ros import rosrecord
rosrecord.rebag('input.bag', 'modified.bag', lambda msg, topic, t: True)
\subsection rosrebag rosrebag
\subsection Usage
\subsection bagsort bagsort
\b bagsort is a command-line tool for sorting messages into time-order.
During recording, rosrecord does not guarantee to place messages in the
bag in message-time order. bagsort creates a new bag with the messages
rearranged so that they are in strict message time order. Nothing else is
changed in the bag. Note that this tool does not use header timestamps.
\subsection Usage
$ rosrun rosrecord chatter.bag rechatter.bag

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ deserialization and reserialization of the messages.
<depend package="rostest"/>
<cpp cflags="-I${prefix}/include" lflags="-Wl,-rpath,${prefix}/lib -L${prefix}/lib -lrosrecorder"/>
<rosdoc config="${prefix}/rosdoc.yaml" />
<rosdep name="python-imaging"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- builder: epydoc
output_dir: python
- builder: doxygen
name: C++ API
output_dir: c++
file_patterns: '*.c *.cpp *.h *.cc *.hh *.dox'

View File

@ -33,9 +33,11 @@
# Revision $Id$
# $Author$
## Python utility for iterating over messages in a ROS .bag file
## See
# authors: jamesb, kwc
Python utility for iterating over messages in a ROS .bag file.
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('rosrecord')
@ -55,16 +57,23 @@ import struct
import gzip
import bz2
class ROSRecordException(Exception): pass
class ROSRecordException(Exception):
Base exception type for rosrecord-related errors.
g_message_defs = {}
## @return stream: file stream, ready to call next_msg on
## @raise ROSRecordException if file format is unrecognized
def open_log_file(filename):
@return: file stream, ready to call next_msg on
@rtype: stream
@raise ROSRecordException: if file format is unrecognized
if isinstance(filename, file):
f = filename
@ -85,15 +94,21 @@ def open_log_file(filename):
## get the next message. also calls any registered handlers
## @param f open log stream object to read from
## @param raw bool See return
## @return (str, data, rospy.Time): (topic, data, time). If not \a
## raw, data will be the deserialized Message. If \a raw, data will be
## a sequence (datatype, data, md5sum, bag_position). More elements
## may be added to this sequence in the future. Message next message
## in bag for which there is a matching handler
def next_msg_v1_1(f, raw=False):
def _next_msg_v1_1(f, raw=False):
Get the next message. also calls any registered handlers
@param f: open log stream object to read from
@type f: stream
@param raw: See return
@type raw: bool
@return: (topic, data, time). If not raw, data will be the
deserialized Message. If raw, data will be a sequence (datatype,
data, md5sum, bag_position). More elements may be added to this
sequence in the future. Message next message in bag for which there
is a matching handler
@rtype: (str, data, rospy.Time)
bag_pos = f.tell()
# read topic/md5/type string headers
topic = f.readline().rstrip()
@ -144,16 +159,20 @@ def next_msg_v1_1(f, raw=False):
return topic, msg, rospy.Time(time_sec, time_nsec)
## get the next message. also calls any registered handlers
## @param f open log stream object to read from
## @param raw bool See return
## @return (str, data, rospy.Time): (topic, data, time). If not \a
## raw, data will be the deserialized Message. If \a raw, data will be
## a sequence (datatype, data, md5sum, bag_position). More elements
## may be added to this sequence in the future. Message next message
## in bag for which there is a matching handler
def next_msg_v1_2(f, raw=False):
def _next_msg_v1_2(f, raw=False):
Get the next message. also calls any registered handlers
@param f: open log stream object to read from
@type f: stream
@param raw: See return
@type raw: bool
@return: (topic, data, time). If not raw, data will be the
deserialized Message. If raw, data will be a sequence (datatype,
data, md5sum, bag_position). More elements may be added to this
sequence in the future. Message next message in bag for which there
is a matching handler
@rtype: (str, data, rospy.Time)
def read_sized(f):
data =
if len(data) != 4:
@ -207,7 +226,7 @@ def next_msg_v1_2(f, raw=False):
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Found incomplete message header. %d bytes left."%(end - cur,)
return None,None,None
## The following hack sometimes recovers a corrupt file, but is by no means robust/correct
# The following hack sometimes recovers a corrupt file, but is by no means robust/correct
# skipped = 4
@ -225,7 +244,7 @@ def next_msg_v1_2(f, raw=False):
# return next_msg_v1_2(f, raw)
# return _next_msg_v1_2(f, raw)
if op == chr(1): # is a message definition
required = set([ 'topic', 'md5', 'type', 'def'])
@ -240,7 +259,7 @@ def next_msg_v1_2(f, raw=False):
raise ROSRecordException(str(e))
if (g_message_defs[md5sum]._md5sum != md5sum):
print "In V1.2 logfile, md5sum for type [%s] does not match definition. Updating to new md5sum."%datatype
return next_msg_v1_2(f, raw)
return _next_msg_v1_2(f, raw)
required = set([ 'topic', 'md5', 'type', 'sec', 'nsec' ])
assert required.issubset(set(hdr.keys()))
@ -262,14 +281,41 @@ def next_msg_v1_2(f, raw=False):
return topic, msg, rospy.Time(time_sec, time_nsec)
## iterator for (topic, msg) in filename
## @param filename str: name of file to playback from
## @raise ROSRecordException if file format is unrecognized
def logplayer(filename, raw=False, seek=None):
Iterator for messages in a bag file. Return type of iterator depends on value of 'raw' parameter, which
is provided for improved iteration performance.
If raw is False:
- topic: topic name (str)
- msg: Message instance (Message)
- t: time (rospy.Time)
If raw is True:
- topic: topic name (str)
- msg: (datatype, data, md5sum, bag_position).
- datatype: msg type name
- data: serialized message bytes.
- bag_position: offset into the file, which can be used for seeking.
- md5sum: md5sum of msg type for identify msg version
- NOTE: More elements may be added to this in the future, so this should
be unpacked assuming non-fixed length.
- t: time (rospy.Time)
@param filename: name of file to playback from
@type filename: str
@param raw: see description for raw behavior
@type raw: bool
@param seek: initial position to seek to (default None)
@type seek: int
@raise ROSRecordException: if file format is unrecognized
@return: iterator for messages. See description for iterator behavior.
@rtype: iterator
f,version = open_log_file(filename)
next_msg = {
HEADER_V1_1 : next_msg_v1_1,
HEADER_V1_2 : next_msg_v1_2
HEADER_V1_1 : _next_msg_v1_1,
HEADER_V1_2 : _next_msg_v1_2
if seek is not None:
@ -285,18 +331,31 @@ def logplayer(filename, raw=False, seek=None):
## Utility class for writing Message instances to a ROS .bag file
class Rebagger_v1_1(object):
Utility class for writing Message instances to a ROS .bag file
def __init__(self, filename):
Creates a new rebagger instance. This opens the bag file for writing.
@param filename: name of bag file to write to
@type filename: str
self.buff = StringIO()
self.f = open(filename, 'w')
## Add a message to the bag
## @param msg Message: message to add to bag
## @param raw bool: if True, \a msg is in raw format (msg_type, serialized_bytes)
## @param t Time: ROS time of message publication
def add(self, topic, msg, t=None, raw=False):
Add a message to the bag
@param msg: Message: message to add to bag
@type msg: L{roslib.message.Message}
@param raw: if True, msg is in "raw" format
@type raw: bool
@param t: ROS time of message publication
@type t: roslib.rostime.Time (rospy.Time)
# note: timestamp does not respect sim time as Rebagger is not required to be running in a rospy node
if raw:
f = self.f
@ -328,8 +387,10 @@ class Rebagger_v1_1(object):
self.buff = None
## Utility class for writing Message instances to a ROS .bag file
class Rebagger(object):
Utility class for writing Message instances to a ROS .bag file
def __init__(self, filename):
self.buff = StringIO()
self.f = open(filename, 'w')
@ -349,11 +410,16 @@ class Rebagger(object):
self.f.write(struct.pack("<L", len(data)))
## Add a message to the bag
## @param msg Message: message to add to bag
## @param raw bool: if True, \a msg is in raw format (msg_type, serialized_bytes, md5sum, pytype)
## @param t Time: ROS time of message publication
def add(self, topic, msg, t=None, raw=False):
Add a message to the bag
@param msg: message to add to bag
@type msg: Message
@param raw: if True, msg is in raw format (msg_type, serialized_bytes, md5sum, pytype)
@param raw: bool
@param t: ROS time of message publication
@type t: U{roslib.message.Time}
if raw:
f = self.f
msg_type = msg[0]
@ -418,16 +484,22 @@ class Rebagger(object):
self.buff = None
## Filter the contents of \a inbag to \a outbag using \a filter_fn
## @param inbag str: filename of input bag file.
## @param outbag str: filename of output bag file. Existing bag file will be overwritten
## @param filter_fn fn(topic, msg, time): Python function that returns True if msg is to be kept
## @param raw bool: if True, \a msg will be kept deserialized. This is
## useful if you are removing messages that no longer exist.
## @param verbose_pattern fn(topic, msg, time): Python function that
## returns string to print for verbose debugging
def rebag(inbag, outbag, filter_fn, verbose_pattern=None, raw=False):
Filter the contents of inbag to outbag using filter_fn
@param inbag: filename of input bag file.
@type inbag: str
@param outbag: filename of output bag file. Existing bag file will be overwritten
@type outbag: str
@param filter_fn: Python function that returns True if msg is to be kept
@type filter_fn: fn(topic, msg, time)
@param raw: if True, msg will be kept deserialized. This is useful
if you are removing messages that no longer exist.
@type raw: bool
@param verbose_pattern: Python function that returns string to
print for verbose debugging
@type verbose_pattern: fn(topic, msg, time)
if verbose_pattern:
rebag = Rebagger(outbag)
for topic, msg, t in logplayer(inbag, raw=raw):
@ -446,9 +518,10 @@ def rebag(inbag, outbag, filter_fn, verbose_pattern=None, raw=False):
if rospy.is_shutdown():
## main routine for rosrebag
def rebag_main():
def _rebag_main():
main routine for rosrebag command-line tool
## filter function that uses command line expression to test topic/message/time
def expr_eval(expr):
def eval_fn(topic, m, t):
@ -484,15 +557,3 @@ The following variables are available:
rebag(inbag, outbag, expr_eval(expr), verbose_pattern=verbose_pattern)
def demo():
filename = "/u/kwc/bags/chatter.bag"
for topic, msg, t in logplayer(filename):
print topic, msg, t
def rebag_demo():
inbag = '/u/kwc/bags/chatter.bag'
outbag = '/u/kwc/bags/rechatter.bag'
rebag(inbag, outbag, lambda msg, topic, t: True)
if __name__ == '__main__':