fixing clustering and cleaning up loading from file

This commit is contained in:
Tully Foote 2010-01-18 23:43:27 +00:00
parent e11132b56b
commit 7e064028a6
1 changed files with 38 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -73,15 +73,38 @@ status_map = {
class PackageCharacteristics:
def __init__(self):
self.color_by = None
self._file_colors = None
self._status_colors = {}
self._rosmake_result_colors = {}
self._license_color = {}
self._license = {}
self._review_status = {}
self._review_notes = {}
self.color_by = ''
def set_color_by(self, method, option=None):
self.color_by = method
if self.color_by == "file":
self._color_filename = option
def load_color_from_file(self):
if self._file_colors:
return True
with open(self._color_filename,'r') as color_file:
self._file_colors = {}
for line in color_file:
k, v = line.split()
self.file_colors[k] = v
print "ERROR: badly formatted color line: %s"%line
def get_file_color(self, pkg):
return self._file_colors.get(pkg, 'purple')
def get_license(self, pkg):
if pkg in self._license:
return self._license[pkg]
@ -140,6 +163,8 @@ class PackageCharacteristics:
def get_color(self, pkg):
if self.color_by == "file":
return self.get_file_color(pkg)
if self.color_by == "review":
return self.get_review_color(pkg)
if self.color_by == "license":
@ -192,21 +217,6 @@ def get_deps(d, name):
pass #print "bad Key" # don't accumulate deps for a package not in the tree
return accum
## Load color data from file
def get_color(filename):
color_dictionary = {}
with open(filename,'r') as color_file:
for line in color_file:
k, v = line.split()
color_dictionary[k] = v
print "ERROR: badly formatted color line: %s"%line
except IOError:
print "Couldn't open color file: \"%s\""%filename
return color_dictionary
rosmakeall_color_map = { "rosmakeall-testfailures.txt": "orange", "rosmakeall-buildfailures.txt": "red"}
def get_rosmakeall_color():
@ -250,7 +260,7 @@ def classify_packages(pkg_dict):
for pkg in pkg_dict:
found_stack = "Unreleased"
for stack in stacks:
if roslib.stacks.stack_of(pkg):
if stack == roslib.stacks.stack_of(pkg):
#print "matching %s with %s"%(pkg_path, realpath_stack)
found_stack = stack
@ -259,7 +269,7 @@ def classify_packages(pkg_dict):
if found_stack == "Unreleased":
stack_dict["Unreleased"] = "Not Contained in a stack"
#print "adding package %s to stack %s with path %s"%(pkg, found_stack, stack_paths[found_stack])
print "adding package %s to stack %s with path %s"%(pkg, found_stack, roslib.stacks.get_stack_dir(found_stack))
stack_dict[found_stack] = roslib.stacks.get_stack_dir(found_stack)
# Record the stack on the list of classes
@ -330,20 +340,19 @@ def vdmain():
exclude.extend(['roscpp','std_msgs', 'rospy', 'std_srvs', 'robot_msgs', 'robot_srvs', 'rosconsole', 'tf'])
color_sources = [x for x in [options.review_status, options.license, options.rosmake, options.color_file] if x]
notes_dict = {}
color_palate = None
pkg_characterists = PackageCharacteristics()
if options.review_status:
pkg_characterists.color_by = "review"
elif options.license:
pkg_characterists.color_by = "license"
elif options.color_file:
pkg_characterists.set_color_by("file", options.color_file)
if False:
if options.color_file:
color_dict = get_color(options.color_file)
elif options.rosmake:
if options.rosmake:
print "Coloring by rosmakeall results"
color_dict = get_rosmakeall_color()
color_palate = rosmakeall_color_map
@ -411,9 +420,10 @@ def vdmain():
node_args.append('peripheries=6, style=bold')
elif pkg in exclude:
node_args.append('peripheries=3, style=dashed')
if len(notes_dict.get(pkg, '')) > 0:
node_args.append('label="%s\\n(%s)"' % (pkg, notes_dict[pkg]))
notes = pkg_characterists.get_review_notes(pkg)
if len(notes) > 0:
node_args.append('label="%s\\n(%s)"' % (pkg, notes))
if options.hide:
if len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends_on(pkg)) == 0 and len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends(pkg)) == 0: #TODO: This is pretty slow