optimizing dpkg-query call to do many packages instead of one at a time, saving many seconds when run on all packages #2191

This commit is contained in:
Tully Foote 2009-12-30 00:24:48 +00:00
parent ee086679df
commit a0d706e7c3
1 changed files with 13 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -34,16 +34,19 @@ import os.path
import roslib.os_detect
###### DEBIAN SPECIALIZATION #########################
def dpkg_detect(p):
cmd = ['dpkg-query', '-W', '-f=\'${Status}\'', p]
def dpkg_detect(pkgs):
ret_list = []
cmd = ['dpkg-query', '-W', '-f=\'${Package} ${Status}\n\'']
pop = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(std_out, std_err) = pop.communicate()
std_out = std_out.strip('\'')
std_out_list = std_out.split()
if len(std_out_list) == 3:
return (std_out_list[2] =='installed')
return False
std_out = std_out.replace('\'','')
pkg_list = std_out.split('\n')
for pkg in pkg_list:
pkg_row = pkg.split()
if len(pkg_row) == 4 and (pkg_row[3] =='installed'):
ret_list.append( pkg_row[0])
return ret_list
###### Rosdep Test OS #########################
class RosdepTestOS(roslib.os_detect.OSBase):
@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ class RosdepTestOS(roslib.os_detect.OSBase):
###### Debian SPECIALIZATION #########################
class Debian(roslib.os_detect.Debian):
def strip_detected_packages(self, packages):
return list(set(packages) - set(dpkg_detect(packages)))
return [p for p in packages if not dpkg_detect(p)]
def generate_package_install_command(self, packages, default_yes):
@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ class Ubuntu(roslib.os_detect.Ubuntu, Debian):
###### END UBUNTU SPECIALIZATION ########################
###### Mint SPECIALIZATION #########################
class Mint:
class Mint(Debian):
def check_presence(self):
filename = "/etc/issue"
@ -128,10 +132,4 @@ class Mint:
def get_name(self):
return "mint"
def strip_detected_packages(self, packages):
return [p for p in packages if not dpkg_detect(p)]
def generate_package_install_command(self, packages, default_yes):
return "#Packages\nsudo apt-get install " + ' '.join(packages)
###### END Mint SPECIALIZATION ########################