improving commandline usage, and getting rid of intermediate file cruft using tempfile

This commit is contained in:
Tully Foote 2010-01-21 18:31:26 +00:00
parent fbc75369e8
commit de1f0e6113
1 changed files with 107 additions and 96 deletions

View File

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ import roslib
import roslib.rospack
import roslib.rosenv
import random
import tempfile
import shutil
from math import sqrt
from optparse import OptionParser
@ -344,6 +346,9 @@ def vdmain():
parser.add_option("-o", metavar="FILENAME",
dest="output_filename", default=None,
type="string", help="output_filename")
parser.add_option("--graphviz-output", metavar="FILENAME",
dest="graphviz_output_filename", default=None,
type="string", help="Save the intermediate output to this filename.")
parser.add_option("--target", metavar="PKG_NAMES_LIST,COMMA_SEPERATED",
dest="targets", default='',
type="string", help="target packages")
@ -397,8 +402,8 @@ def vdmain():
pkg_dictionary = build_dictionary(targets, exclude, target1=options.target1)
print "Writing"
with open('deps.gv', 'w') as outfile:
outfile.write( """digraph ros {
outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
outfile.write( """digraph ros {
@ -407,107 +412,113 @@ def vdmain():
colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'gold', 'orange','chocolate', 'gray44', 'deeppink', 'black']
# create the legend
color_palate = pkg_characterists.get_color_palate()
if color_palate:
outfile.write(' subgraph cluster__legend { style=bold; color=black; label = "Color Legend"; ')
for type in color_palate:
bg_color = color_palate[type]
if bg_color == "black":
text_color = "white"
outfile.write('"%s" [color="%s", fontcolor="%s"];\n '%(type, bg_color, text_color))
for cl in roslib.stacks.list_stacks():
if options.cluster:
base_color = colors[random.randrange(0, len(colors))]
outfile.write(' subgraph cluster__%s { style=bold; color=%s; label = "%s \\n (%s)"; '%(cl, base_color, cl, roslib.stacks.get_stack_dir(cl)))
internal, external = build_stack_list(cl)
for pkg in internal:
outfile.write(' "%s" ;'%pkg)
for s in external:
outfile.write(' subgraph cluster__%s_%s { rank=min; style=bold; color=%s; label = "Stack: %s \\n (%s)"; '%(cl, s, base_color, s, roslib.stacks.get_stack_dir(cl)))
for p in external[s]:
outfile.write(' "%s.%s.%s" [ label = "%s"];'%(cl, s, p, p))
colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow', 'gold', 'orange','chocolate', 'gray44', 'deeppink', 'black']
# create the legend
color_palate = pkg_characterists.get_color_palate()
if color_palate:
outfile.write(' subgraph cluster__legend { style=bold; color=black; label = "Color Legend"; ')
for type in color_palate:
bg_color = color_palate[type]
if bg_color == "black":
text_color = "white"
outfile.write('"%s" [color="%s", fontcolor="%s"];\n '%(type, bg_color, text_color))
for cl in roslib.stacks.list_stacks():
if options.cluster:
base_color = colors[random.randrange(0, len(colors))]
outfile.write(' subgraph cluster__%s { style=bold; color=%s; label = "%s \\n (%s)"; '%(cl, base_color, cl, roslib.stacks.get_stack_dir(cl)))
internal, external = build_stack_list(cl)
for pkg in internal:
outfile.write(' "%s" ;'%pkg)
for s in external:
outfile.write(' subgraph cluster__%s_%s { rank=min; style=bold; color=%s; label = "Stack: %s \\n (%s)"; '%(cl, s, base_color, s, roslib.stacks.get_stack_dir(cl)))
for p in external[s]:
outfile.write(' "%s.%s.%s" [ label = "%s"];'%(cl, s, p, p))
external_deps_connected = set()
for pkg, deps in pkg_dictionary.iteritems():
node_args = []
color = pkg_characterists.get_color(pkg)
if color == 'black':
## Shape
if pkg in exclude:
# Size
if options.size_by_deps:
num_deps = len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends_on(pkg))
node_args.append("width=%s,height=%s"%(.75 + .1 * sqrt(num_deps), .5 + .1* sqrt(num_deps)))
external_deps_connected = set()
for pkg, deps in pkg_dictionary.iteritems():
node_args = []
color = pkg_characterists.get_color(pkg)
if color == 'black':
if pkg in targets:
node_args.append('peripheries=6, style=bold')
elif pkg in exclude:
node_args.append('peripheries=3, style=dashed')
notes = pkg_characterists.get_review_notes(pkg)
if len(notes) > 0:
node_args.append('label="%s\\n(%s)"' % (pkg, notes))
## Shape
if pkg in exclude:
if options.hide:
if len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends_on(pkg)) == 0 and len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends(pkg)) == 0: #TODO: This is pretty slow
print "Hiding unattached package %s"%pkg
# Size
if options.size_by_deps:
num_deps = len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends_on(pkg))
node_args.append("width=%s,height=%s"%(.75 + .1 * sqrt(num_deps), .5 + .1* sqrt(num_deps)))
outfile.write(' "%s" [%s];\n'%(pkg, ', '.join(node_args)))
if pkg in targets:
node_args.append('peripheries=6, style=bold')
elif pkg in exclude:
node_args.append('peripheries=3, style=dashed')
notes = pkg_characterists.get_review_notes(pkg)
if len(notes) > 0:
node_args.append('label="%s\\n(%s)"' % (pkg, notes))
if options.hide:
if len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends_on(pkg)) == 0 and len(roslib.rospack.rospack_depends(pkg)) == 0: #TODO: This is pretty slow
print "Hiding unattached package %s"%pkg
outfile.write(' "%s" [%s];\n'%(pkg, ', '.join(node_args)))
## Edges
for dep in deps:
if not options.verbose and dep in get_internal_child_deps(pkg):
if dep in pkg_dictionary: #Draw edges to all dependencies
local_stack = roslib.stacks.stack_of(pkg)
dependent_stack = roslib.stacks.stack_of(dep)
if not (options.cluster and not dependent_stack == local_stack):
outfile.write( ' "%s" -> "%s";\n' % (pkg, dep))
elif options.cluster:
intermediate = "%s.%s.%s"%(local_stack, dependent_stack, dep)
deduplication = "%s.%s"%(local_stack, dependent_stack)
outfile.write( ' "%s" -> "%s"[color="blue", style="dashed"];\n' % (pkg, intermediate))
if not deduplication in external_deps_connected:
outfile.write( ' "%s" -> "%s"[color="red", style="dashed", ltail=cluster__%s_%s, lhead=cluster__%s];\n' % (intermediate, dep, local_stack, dependent_stack, dependent_stack))
# outfile.write('}\n')
## rank
if options.cluster and options.rank:
stacks = compute_stack_ranks()
for r in stacks:
if len(stacks[r]) > 1:
outfile.write('{ rank = same;')
for stack in stacks[r]:
outfile.write(' "cluster__%s" ;'%stack)
elif options.rank:
rank_dictionary = build_dictionary([], [])
rank = build_rank(rank_dictionary)
for key in rank:
if len(rank[key]) > 1:
outfile.write('{ rank = same;')
for pkg_rank in rank[key]:
if pkg_rank in pkg_dictionary:
outfile.write(' "%s" ;'%pkg_rank)
outfile.write( '}\n')
## Edges
for dep in deps:
if not options.verbose and dep in get_internal_child_deps(pkg):
if dep in pkg_dictionary: #Draw edges to all dependencies
local_stack = roslib.stacks.stack_of(pkg)
dependent_stack = roslib.stacks.stack_of(dep)
if not (options.cluster and not dependent_stack == local_stack):
outfile.write( ' "%s" -> "%s";\n' % (pkg, dep))
elif options.cluster:
intermediate = "%s.%s.%s"%(local_stack, dependent_stack, dep)
deduplication = "%s.%s"%(local_stack, dependent_stack)
outfile.write( ' "%s" -> "%s"[color="blue", style="dashed"];\n' % (pkg, intermediate))
if not deduplication in external_deps_connected:
outfile.write( ' "%s" -> "%s"[color="red", style="dashed", ltail=cluster__%s_%s, lhead=cluster__%s];\n' % (intermediate, dep, local_stack, dependent_stack, dependent_stack))
# outfile.write('}\n')
## rank
if options.cluster and options.rank:
stacks = compute_stack_ranks()
for r in stacks:
if len(stacks[r]) > 1:
outfile.write('{ rank = same;')
for stack in stacks[r]:
outfile.write(' "cluster__%s" ;'%stack)
elif options.rank:
rank_dictionary = build_dictionary([], [])
rank = build_rank(rank_dictionary)
for key in rank:
if len(rank[key]) > 1:
outfile.write('{ rank = same;')
for pkg_rank in rank[key]:
if pkg_rank in pkg_dictionary:
outfile.write(' "%s" ;'%pkg_rank)
outfile.write( '}\n')
outfile.flush() # write to disk, but don't delete
if options.graphviz_output_filename:
graphviz_output_filename = os.path.realpath(options.graphviz_output_filename)
shutil.copyfile(, graphviz_output_filename)
# Check version, make postscript if too old to make pdf
args = ["dot", "-V"]
@ -522,7 +533,7 @@ def vdmain():
version = distutils.version.StrictVersion(
print 'Detected dot version %s' % (version)
if version > distutils.version.StrictVersion('2.8'):
subprocess.check_call(["dot", "-Tpdf", "deps.gv", "-o", output_filename])
subprocess.check_call(["dot", "-Tpdf",, "-o", output_filename])
print "%s generated"%output_filename
orig = output_filename
@ -530,7 +541,7 @@ def vdmain():
output_filename = output_filename[:-3]+'ps'
print "ERROR", output_filename
subprocess.check_call(["dot", "-Tps2", "deps.gv", "-o", output_filename])
subprocess.check_call(["dot", "-Tps2",, "-o", output_filename])
print "%s generated"%output_filename
print "Trying to create %s..."%orig