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%%% Abstract and Table of Contents %%%
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\begin{This Manual}
This manual provides an overview of ROS (Robot Operating System), its tools, and related software.
\end{This Manual}
% Table of contents
This manual was written for ROS version 0.7.
\subsubsection{Contents of this Manual}
\subsubsection{ROS Online Resources}
\section{ROS Overview}
\subsection{What is ROS?}
* Design (peer-to-peer distributed, favors greater computation power over multiple computers)
* Not Realtime
\subsubsection{ROS Goals}
* Important of BSD + Open Source
\subsubsection{Key Benefits of ROS}
text from blog post
* Comparisons to other frameworks
* Compatibility with other frameworks
\subsubsection{Client Libraries}
ref:http://pr.willowgarage.com/wiki/ROS/client_libs|h1=ROS client libraries
* Three levels of ROS: filesystem, computation graph, community
\section{ROS Filesystem Level}
Packages have dependencies
Types of dependencies: dependencies on Packages, dependencies on thirdparty (rosdep).
\subsubsection{Package Tools}
* rospack
* roscreate-pkg
* roscd
\subsubsection{Message definitions}
* versioning
* Service definitions
* versioning
* Build System
* Based on CMake
* CMake macros
* Exporting cmake macros
* Tools
* make vs. rosmake
* Computation Graph Level
* Nodes
* Tools
* rosnode
* client libraries
* rospy.init_node()
* roscpp node handle
* Services
* Tools
* rosservice
* client libraries
* rospy.ServiceProxy
* roscpp Service
* Topics
* Transports
* Tools
* rostopic
* rxplot
* client libraries
* Example with roscpp
* No example with rospy
* Bags
* Tools
* rosrecord
* rosplay
* Client libraries
* rosrecord.py
* The Graph
* The ROS Core
* Master
* Parameter Server
* rosparam
* rosout
* rxconsole
* log files
* roslaunch
* run_id
* Community Level
* Repository
* Repos
* ros-pkg
* wg-ros-pkg
* Tools
* roslocate
* Mailing lists
* ROS Wiki
* Bug tracker
* Blog
Using ROS
* Getting comfortable with the command line
* roscreate-pkg foo
* create MyMsg.msg
* edit CMakeLists.txt file
* run rosmake, as well as make
* run roscore
* Writing Nodes
* roscpp example
* Simple Talker/Listener
* rospy example
* Simple Talker/Listener
* Wrap up your nodes in roslaunch
* Pass in parameter
* Services
* roscpp
* Edit talker to provide a service
* Edit listener to call a service
* rospy
* Edit talker to provide a service
* Edit listener to call a service
\section{Our Solution to the Robot Vision Problem}\label{sec:solution}
\subsection{Minor Points}
\section{There's More}
The ROS wiki at http://ros.org/wiki is a living document that includes
many more tutorials and descriptions of additional software you can
use with ROS.