
63 lines
2.4 KiB

<!-- localhost definition can be omitted unless you want to override ros-root or set it as the default machine. -->
<machine name="localhost" address="localhost" default="true" />
<machine name="localhost-altroot" address="localhost" ros-root="/u/kwc/sf/ros/" ros-package-path="/u/kwc/sf/personalrobots/" />
Parameter Server parameters. You can omit the 'type' attribute if
value is unambiguous. Supported types are str, int, double, bool.
You can also specify the contents of a file instead using the
'textfile' or 'binfile' attributes.
<param name="somestring1" value="bar" />
<!-- force to string instead of integer -->
<param name="somestring2" value="10" type="str" />
<param name="someinteger1" value="1" type="int" />
<param name="someinteger2" value="2" />
<param name="somefloat1" value="3.14159" type="double" />
<param name="somefloat2" value="3.0" />
<!-- you can set parameters in child namespaces -->
<param name="wg/childparam" value="a child namespace parameter" />
<!-- upload the contents of a file as a param -->
<param name="configfile" textfile="$(find roslaunch)/example.launch" />
<!-- upload the contents of a file as base64 binary as a param -->
<param name="binaryfile" binfile="$(find roslaunch)/example.launch" />
<!-- upload the output of a command as a param. -->
<param name="commandoutput" command="cat &quot;$(find roslib)/scripts/python-reserved-words.txt&quot;" />
<!-- Group a collection of tags. ns attribute is optional -->
<group ns="wg">
<!-- remap applies to all future nodes in this group -->
<remap from="chatter" to="hello"/>
<node name="listener" pkg="test_ros" type="" respawn="true" />
<node name="talker1" pkg="test_ros" type="">
<env name="ENV_EXAMPLE" value="example value" />
<remap from="foo" to="bar"/>
<!-- params within node tags are equivalent to ~params.
You must set the 'name' attribute of a node to use this feature. -->
<param name="talker_param" value="a value" />
<node name="talker2" pkg="test_ros" type="" />
<!-- import another roslaunch config file -->
<group ns="included">
<include file="$(find roslaunch)/example-include.launch" />
<!-- more compact import syntax -->
<include ns="included2" file="$(find roslaunch)/example-include.launch" />