
227 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File

import sys
import os
import string
from glob import glob
import subprocess
import platform
from optparse import OptionParser
lib_suffix = "so"
if (sys.platform == "darwin"):
lib_suffix = "dylib"
link_static = 'ROS_BOOST_LINK' in os.environ and os.environ['ROS_BOOST_LINK'] == "static"
if (link_static):
lib_suffix = "a"
def print_usage_and_exit():
print >> sys.stderr, "Usage: rosboost-cfg --lflags [thread,regex,graph,...]"
print >> sys.stderr, " rosboost-cfg --cflags"
print >> sys.stderr, " rosboost-cfg --libs [thread,regex,graph,...]"
print >> sys.stderr, " rosboost-cfg --include_dirs"
print >> sys.stderr, " rosboost-cfg --lib_dirs"
print >> sys.stderr, " rosboost-cfg --root"
def extract_version(dir):
file = os.path.join(dir,"version.hpp")
nested_file = os.path.join(dir,"boost/version.hpp")
ver_string = ""
if (os.path.isfile(file)):
fh = open(file,"r")
elif (os.path.isfile(nested_file)):
fh = open(nested_file,"r")
return ver_string
linelist = fh.readlines()
for line in linelist:
if line.find("#define BOOST_VERSION ") > -1:
def_string = line.split()
ver_string = def_string[2]
return ver_string
def find_versions(dir):
globstr = os.path.join(dir, "boost*")
dirs = glob(globstr)
vers = [extract_version(path) for path in dirs]
return (dirs,vers)
def find_highest_version(dir):
dirs,vers = find_versions(dir)
highest = None
highest_nums = [0, 0, 0]
index = 0
include_dir = ""
for ver in vers:
if len(ver) == 6:
nums = [ ver[0], ver[1:4], ver[4:] ]
for i in range(0, 3):
if (int(nums[i]) > int(highest_nums[i])):
highest = ver
include_dir = dirs[index]
highest_nums = [int(n) for n in nums]
index += 1
if (highest != None and highest_nums[0] < 1 or (highest_nums[0] == 1 and highest_nums[1] < 37)):
print >> sys.stderr, "A boost version >= 1.37 is required. You have version %s"%(".".join([str(num) for num in highest_nums]))
return include_dir, highest
def find_lib(dir, version, name):
global lib_suffix
global link_static
nums = [ version[0], version[1:4], version[4:] ]
globstr = os.path.join(dir, "libboost_%s*%s_%s*.%s"%(name, int(nums[0]), int(nums[1]), lib_suffix ))
libs = glob(globstr)
if (len(libs) == 0):
globstr = os.path.join(dir, "libboost_%s*%s_%s*.a"%(name, int(nums[0]), int(nums[1]) ))
libs = glob(globstr)
lib_suffix = "a"
if (len(libs) == 0):
globstr = os.path.join(dir, "libboost_%s*.%s"%(name, lib_suffix))
libs = glob(globstr)
if (len(libs) == 0):
globstr = os.path.join(dir, "libboost_%s*.a"%(name))
libs = glob(globstr)
lib_suffix = "a"
if (len(libs) > 0):
if (link_static):
return libs[0]
return os.path.basename(libs[0])
return None
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
lib_dirs = False
lib_link = False
include_dirs = False
cflags = False
lflags = False
boost_root = ""
boost_version = ""
boost_include_dir = ""
boost_root_from_bindeps = False
has_boost_root = 'ROS_BOOST_ROOT' in os.environ and os.environ['ROS_BOOST_ROOT'] != ""
if (has_boost_root):
boost_root = os.environ['ROS_BOOST_ROOT']
bindeps_path = '/opt/ros'
if ('ROS_BINDEPS_PATH' in os.environ and os.environ['ROS_BINDEPS_PATH'] != ""):
bindeps_path = os.environ['ROS_BINDEPS_PATH']
if (not has_boost_root and os.path.exists(bindeps_path) and platform.system() != 'Darwin'):
has_boost_root = True
boost_root = bindeps_path
boost_root_from_bindeps = True
if (has_boost_root):
if ('ROS_BOOST_VERSION' in os.environ and os.environ['ROS_BOOST_VERSION'] != ""):
boost_version = os.environ['ROS_BOOST_VERSION']
boost_version = boost_version.replace('.', '_')
boost_include_dir,boost_version = find_highest_version(os.path.join(boost_root, "include"))
if (boost_version == None):
if (boost_root_from_bindeps):
has_boost_root = False
print >> sys.stderr, "Could not find a boost version in '%s'"%(boost_root)
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-l", "--libs", dest="libs", type="string", help="")
parser.add_option("-i", "--include_dirs", dest="include_dirs", action="store_true", default=False, help="")
parser.add_option("-d", "--lib_dirs", dest="lib_dirs", action="store_true", help="")
parser.add_option("-c", "--cflags", dest="cflags", action="store_true", default=False, help="")
parser.add_option("-f", "--lflags", dest="lflags", type="string", help="")
parser.add_option("-r", "--root", dest="root", action="store_true", default=False, help="")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.libs):
lib_link = True
if (options.include_dirs):
include_dirs = True
if (options.lib_dirs):
lib_dirs = True
if (options.cflags):
if (include_dirs):
cflags = True
include_dirs = True
if (options.lflags):
if (options.lib_dirs):
lflags = True
lib_link = True
lib_dirs = True
if (options.root):
print boost_root
if (not lib_link and not include_dirs and not lib_dirs):
print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown argument '%s'"%(sys.argv[1])
flags = ""
if (include_dirs):
if (has_boost_root):
if (cflags):
flags += " -I%s"%(boost_include_dir)
flags += " %s"%(boost_include_dir)
if (lib_dirs):
if (has_boost_root):
lib_dir = os.path.join(boost_root, "lib")
if (lflags):
flags += " -L%s -Wl,-rpath,%s"%(lib_dir, lib_dir)
flags += " %s"%(lib_dir)
if (lib_link):
if (options.libs):
libnames = options.libs.split(',')
elif (options.lflags):
libnames = options.lflags.split(',')
if (has_boost_root):
lib_dir = os.path.join(boost_root, "lib")
for name in libnames:
lib = find_lib(lib_dir, boost_version, name)
if (lib == None):
if (link_static):
flags += " %s"%(lib)
# get rid of "lib" from the beginning, and ".so"/".dylib" from the end
lib = lib[3:-(len(lib_suffix) + 1)]
flags += " -l%s"%(lib)
for name in libnames:
flags += " -lboost_%s-mt"%(name)
flags = flags.strip()
print flags