2019-08-08 21:37:08 +08:00
var smartScreen = canvas.new({
"name": "smartScreen", # The name is optional but allow for easier identification
"size": [2048, 2048], # Size of the underlying texture (should be a power of 2, required) [Resolution]
"view": [768, 768], # Virtual resolution (Defines the coordinate system of the canvas [Dimensions]
# which will be stretched the size of the texture, required)
"mipmapping": 1 # Enable mipmapping (optional)
2019-08-18 16:19:43 +08:00
#smartScreen.addPlacement({"node": "screen", "texture": "screen.jpeg"});
2019-08-08 21:37:08 +08:00
var group = smartScreen.createGroup();
# Create a text element and set some values
var text = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
.setTranslation(10, 20) # The origin is in the top left corner
.setAlignment("left-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
.setFont("LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
.setFontSize(14, 1.2) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
.setColor(1,0,0) # Text color
.setText("This is a text element");
# ...
# ...
text.setText("SELF TEST NORMAL").show();
var ui_root = smartScreen.createGroup();
var vbox = canvas.VBoxLayout.new();
var button_onl = canvas.gui.widgets.Button.new(ui_root, canvas.style, {}).setText("Online OSM").listen("clicked", func showOnlineMap());
var button_offl = canvas.gui.widgets.Button.new(ui_root, canvas.style, {}).setText("Offline OSM").listen("clicked", func showOfflineMap());
button_onl.setSizeHint([32, 128]);
button_offl.setSizeHint([32, 128]);
var label = canvas.gui.widgets.Label.new(ui_root, canvas.style, {});
var button_box = canvas.HBoxLayout.new();
var showOnlineMap = func(){
label.setText("Online Mode");
var showOfflineMap = func(){
label.setText("Offline Mode");
#Online Map using MapStructure
var TestMap = smartScreen.createGroup().createChild("map");
var ctrl_ns = canvas.Map.Controller.get("Aircraft position");
var source = ctrl_ns.SOURCES["map-dialog"];
if (source == nil) {
# TODO: amend
var source = ctrl_ns.SOURCES["map-dialog"] = {
getPosition: func subvec(geo.aircraft_position().latlon(), 0, 2),
getAltitude: func getprop('/position/altitude-ft'),
getHeading: func {
if (me.aircraft_heading)
else 0
aircraft_heading: 1,
setlistener("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/aircraft-heading-up", func(n) {
source.aircraft_heading = n.getBoolValue();
}, 1);
TestMap.setController("Aircraft position", "map-dialog");
var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
# TODO: we'll need some z-indexing here, right now it's just random
foreach(var type; [r('APS')] ){
TestMap.addLayer(factory: canvas.SymbolLayer, type_arg: type.name, visible: type.vis, priority: 2,);
foreach(var type; [ r('OSM')]) {
TestMap.addLayer(factory: canvas.OverlayLayer, type_arg: type.name,
visible: type.vis, priority: 1,);
#Offline map
var g = smartScreen.createGroup();
var zoom = 15;
var type = "intl";
var tile_size = 256;
var changeZoom = func(d)
zoom = math.max(2, math.min(19, zoom + d));
# http://polymaps.org/docs/
# https://github.com/simplegeo/polymaps
# https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet
var maps_base = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ '/cache/maps';
var makePath =
string.compileTemplate(maps_base ~ '/osm-{type}/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg');
var num_tiles = [4, 4];
var center_tile_offset = [
(num_tiles[0] - 1) / 2,
(num_tiles[1] - 1) / 2
# simple aircraft icon at current position/center of the map
.moveTo( tile_size * center_tile_offset[0] - 10,
tile_size * center_tile_offset[1] )
.set("stroke", "red")
.set("stroke-width", 2)
.set("z-index", 1);
# initialize the map by setting up
# a grid of raster images
var tiles = setsize([], num_tiles[0]);
for(var x = 0; x < num_tiles[0]; x += 1)
tiles[x] = setsize([], num_tiles[1]);
for(var y = 0; y < num_tiles[1]; y += 1)
tiles[x][y] = g.createChild("image", "map-tile");
var last_tile = [-1,-1];
var last_type = type;
# this is the callback that will be regularly called by the timer
# to update the map
var updateTiles = func()
# get current position
var lat = getprop('/position/latitude-deg');
var lon = getprop('/position/longitude-deg');
var n = math.pow(2, zoom);
var offset = [
n * ((lon + 180) / 360) - center_tile_offset[0],
(1 - math.ln(math.tan(lat * math.pi/180) + 1 / math.cos(lat * math.pi/180)) / math.pi) / 2 * n - center_tile_offset[1]
var tile_index = [int(offset[0]), int(offset[1])];
var ox = tile_index[0] - offset[0];
var oy = tile_index[1] - offset[1];
for(var x = 0; x < num_tiles[0]; x += 1)
for(var y = 0; y < num_tiles[1]; y += 1)
tiles[x][y].setTranslation(int((ox + x) * tile_size + 0.5), int((oy + y) * tile_size + 0.5));
if( tile_index[0] != last_tile[0]
or tile_index[1] != last_tile[1]
or type != last_type )
for(var x = 0; x < num_tiles[0]; x += 1)
for(var y = 0; y < num_tiles[1]; y += 1)
var pos = {
z: zoom,
x: int(offset[0] + x),
y: int(offset[1] + y),
type: type
(func {
var img_path = makePath(pos);
var tile = tiles[x][y];
print('loading ' ~ img_path);
tile.set("src", img_path)
last_tile = tile_index;
last_type = type;
# set up a timer that will invoke updateTiles at 2-second intervals
var update_timer = maketimer(2, updateTiles);
# actually start the timer
# set up default zoom level