Electrical: bugfix
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,428 +1,432 @@
#//Followme EV electrical system by Sidi Liang
#//Contact: sidi.liang@gmail.com
#//Notes: switch should be changed to a (very very) large resistant
var kWh2kWs = func(kWh){
return kWh * 3600;
var kWs2kWh = func(kWs){
return kWs / 3600;
var Series = {
#//Class for any series connection
new: func() {
return { parents:[Series] };
units: [],
addUnit: func(unit){
append(me.units, unit);
isSwitch: func(){
return 0;
totalResistance: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
total += elem.resistance;
return total;
totalActivePower: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
total += elem.activePower;
total += elem.activePower_kW * 1000;
#print("totalAP: "~total);
return total;
totalPower: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
total += elem.power();
return total;
voltage: 0, #//Volt
current: func(){
foreach(elem; me.units){
return 0;
#//Calculated by solving the equation UI = I^2*R + Power output
var a = me.totalResistance();
var b = me.voltage;
if(me.voltage == 0) return 0;#//No voltage, no current Trying to solve the floating point error at the next line
#print(me.voltage * me.voltage - 4 * me.totalResistance() * me.totalActivePower());
var c = math.sqrt(me.voltage * me.voltage - 4 * me.totalResistance() * me.totalActivePower());
var d = b + c; #//used to be minus, but adding it seems to be correct
return d / (2 * a); #//Ampere
calculateTotalCounterElectromotiveForce: func(){
#//Total counterElectromotiveForce, calculated from UI = I^R + Power output
return me.voltage - me.current() * me.totalResistance();
calculateSeriesVoltage: func(){
cElectromotiveForce = me.calculateTotalCounterElectromotiveForce();
#//me.voltage = me.voltage - cElectromotiveForce; #//Voltage with counterElectromotiveForce in consideration
totalTmp = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
totalTmp += elem.current * elem.current * elem.resistance + elem.activePower + elem.activePower_kW * 1000;
foreach(elem; me.units){
me.voltage = 0;
var factor = (elem.current * elem.current * elem.resistance + elem.activePower + elem.activePower_kW * 1000)/totalTmp;
elem.voltage = me.voltage * factor;
calculateSeriesCurrent: func(){
foreach(elem; me.units){
elem.current = me.current();
var Circuit = {
#//Class for any circuit
#//Currently must be initalized with a source
#//Currently only support one current source in a circuit
new: func(cSource) {
var new_circuit = { parents:[Circuit] };
return new_circuit;
parallelConnection: [],
newSeriesWithUnits: func(addedUnits...){
var newSeries = Series.new();
foreach(elem; addedUnits){
return newSeries;
addUnitToSeries: func(seriesNum, unit){
addParallel: func(units){
append(me.parallelConnection, units);
addNewSeriesWithUnitToParallel: func(units){
var new_series = me.newSeriesWithUnits(units);
current: 0, #//Ampere
voltage: func(){ #//Terminal voltage
var v = me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].electromotiveForce - me.calculateTotalParallelCurrent()*me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].resistance;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
v -= elem.calculateTotalCounterElectromotiveForce();#//All counterElectromotiveForce is substracted
# v = me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].electromotiveForce - me.calculateTotalParallelCurrent()*me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].resistance;
#foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
# if(elem.voltage != v){
# v = elem.voltage;
# break;
# }
return v
}, #//Volt
calculateParallelVoltage: func(){
var setVoltage = me.voltage();
#//var totalCounterElecMotiveForce = 0;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
setVoltage = 0;
elem.voltage = setVoltage;
}, #//Volt
calculateSeriesVoltage: func(){
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
}, #//Volt
calculateTotalParallelCurrent: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
me.current = 0;
return 0;
total += elem.current();
me.current = total;
return total;
}, #//Ampere
calculateTotalPower: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
total += elem.totalPower();
return total;
updateInterval: 1, #//Seconds between each update
debugMode: 0,
loopCount: 0,
update: func(){
if(me.debugMode) print("Loop Count: "~me.loopCount);
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Parallel Voltage Calculated");
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Series Voltage Calculated");
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Series Current Calculated");
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Parallel Current Calculated");
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
foreach(unit; elem.units){
if(unit.isCurrentSource()) unit.currentSourceUpdate(me.calculateTotalPower(), me.updateInterval); #//Update the current source. Pass in negetive power in case of charging
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Power Calculated");
if(me.debugMode) print("Power: "~me.calculateTotalPower());
props.getNode("/systems/electrical/e-tron/battery-kWh", 1).setValue(me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].getRemainingInkWh());
props.getNode("/systems/electrical/e-tron/battery-remaining-percent", 1).setValue(me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].getRemainingPercentage());
props.getNode("/systems/electrical/e-tron/battery-remaining-percent-float", 1).setValue(me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].getRemainingPercentageFloat());
if(me.debugMode) print("current: "~me.current);
if(me.debugMode) print("voltage: "~me.voltage());
if(me.debugMode) print("Main Battery Remaining: "~me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].remaining);
#//print("Secondery Battery Remaining: "~me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].remaining);
me.loopCount += 1;
var Appliance = {
#//Class for any electrical appliance
new: func() {
return { parents:[Appliance] };
isCurrentSource: func(){
return 0;
ratedPower: 0, #//rate power , Watt, 0 if isResistor
isSwitch: func(){
return 0;
resistance: 0, #//electric resistance, Ωμέγα
resistivity: 0,#//Ω·m
voltage: 0, #//electric voltage, Volt
current: 0, #//electric current, Ampere
activePower: 0, #//Output Power, Watt
activePower_kW: 0, #//Output Power, kWatt, independence of activePower
heatingPower: func(){
return me.current * me.current * me.resistance;
},#//heating Power
power: func(){
return me.activePower + me.activePower_kW*1000 + me.heatingPower();
counterElectromotiveForce: func(){
return (me.activePower + me.activePower_kW*1000)/me.current; #//Counter Electromotive Force calculated by output power divided by current
isResistor: 0,
applianceName: "Appliance",
applianceDescription: "This is a electric appliance",
setName: func(text){
me.applianceName = text;
setDescription: func(text){
me.applianceDescription = text;
setResistance: func(r){
me.resistance = r;
var CurrentSource = {
#//Class for any current source
#//eR: Internal resistance of the source, eF: Electromotive force of the source, eC: Electrical capacity of the source, name: Name of the source.
new: func(eR, eF, eC, name = "CurrentSource") {
var newCS = { parents:[CurrentSource, Appliance.new()], resistance: eR, ratedElectromotiveForce:eF, electromotiveForce:eF, electricalCapacity:eC, applianceName: name };
return newCS;
isCurrentSource: func(){
return 1;
direction: 1, #//1 means it is connected in the current direction, -1 means the opposite
ratedElectromotiveForce: 0, #//Volt
electromotiveForce: 0, #//Volt
electricalCapacity: 0, #//kWs
remaining: 0, #//kWs
currentSourceUpdate: func(power, interval){
me.remaining -= power * 0.001 * interval; #//Pass in negetive power for charging
if(me.remaining <= 0){
me.electromotiveForce = 0;
me.electromotiveForce = me.ratedElectromotiveForce;
#//Usage: followme.circuit_1.parallelConnection[0].units[0].resetRemainingToFull();
resetRemainingToFull: func(){
me.remaining = me.electricalCapacity;
resetRemainingToZero: func(){
me.remaining = 0;
getRemainingPercentage: func(){
return sprintf("%.0f", 100 * me.remaining / me.electricalCapacity)~"%";
getRemainingPercentageFloat: func(){
return sprintf("%.0f", 100 * me.remaining / me.electricalCapacity);
getRemainingInkWh: func(){
return me.remaining/3600;
addToBattery: func(num){
me.remaining += num;
var Switch = {
#//Class for any switches
#//Type 0 for appliance switch. type 1 for series switch
#//switchToggle: Return 1 if connected, return 0 if disconnected
new: func(type, name = "Switch") {
if(type == 0){
var newCS = { parents:[Switch, Appliance.new()], applianceName: name };
return newCS;
}else if(type == 1){
var newCS = { parents:[Switch, Series.new()]};
return newCS;
isSwitch: func(){
return 1;
switchState: 1, #//0 for disconnect, 1 for connect
isConnected: func(){
return 1;
}else if(!me.switchState){
return 0;
switchConnect: func(){
me.switchState = 1;
return 1;
switchDisconnect: func(){
me.switchState = 0;
return 0;
switchToggle: func(){
return me.switchDisconnect();
}else if(!me.isConnected()){
return me.switchConnect();
var Cable = {
#//Class for any copper electrical cable
new: func(l = 0, s = 0.008) {
var newCable = { parents:[Cable, Appliance.new()], resistivity: 1.75 * 0.00000001, length: l, crossSection: s};
print("Created Cable with resistance of " ~ newCable.setResistance());
return newCable;
length: 0,#//Meter
crossSection: 0,#//Meter^2
setResistance: func(){
me.resistance = (me.resistivity * me.length) / me.crossSection;
return me.resistance;
var cSource = CurrentSource.new(0.0136, 760, kWh2kWs(80), "Battery");#//Battery for engine, 80kWh, 760V
var circuit_1 = Circuit.new(cSource);#//Engine circuit
var cSource_small = CurrentSource.new(0.0136, 12, kWh2kWs(0.72), "Battery");#//Battery for other systems, 60Ah, 12V
#circuit_1.addUnitToSeries(0, Cable.new(10, 0.008));
#circuit_1.addUnitToSeries(0, Switch.new(0));
var electricTimer1 = maketimer(circuit_1.updateInterval, func circuit_1.update());
electricTimer1.simulatedTime = 1;
var L = setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func{
#//Followme EV electrical system by Sidi Liang
#//Contact: sidi.liang@gmail.com
#//Notes: switch should be changed to a (very very) large resistant
var kWh2kWs = func(kWh){
return kWh * 3600;
var kWs2kWh = func(kWs){
return kWs / 3600;
var Series = {
#//Class for any series connection
new: func() {
return { parents:[Series] };
units: [],
addUnit: func(unit){
append(me.units, unit);
isSwitch: func(){
return 0;
totalResistance: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
total += elem.resistance;
return total;
totalActivePower: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
total += elem.activePower;
total += elem.activePower_kW * 1000;
return total;
totalPower: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
total += elem.power();
return total;
voltage: 0, #//Volt
current: func(){
foreach(elem; me.units){
return 0;
#//Calculated by solving the equation UI = I^2*R + Power output
var R = me.totalResistance();
var U = me.voltage;
var Pout = me.totalActivePower();
if(U == 0) return 0;#//No voltage, no current. Trying to solve the floating point error at the next line
# print("U ",U," R ",R," Pout ",Pout);
# print("delta^2 ",U*U - 4*R*Pout);
var delta = math.sqrt(U*U - 4*R*Pout);
#//used to be minus, but adding it seems to be correct
return (U+delta)/(2*R); #//Ampere
calculateTotalCounterElectromotiveForce: func(){
#//Total counterElectromotiveForce, calculated from UI = I^R + Power output
return me.voltage - me.current() * me.totalResistance();
calculateSeriesVoltage: func(){
cElectromotiveForce = me.calculateTotalCounterElectromotiveForce();
#//me.voltage = me.voltage - cElectromotiveForce; #//Voltage with counterElectromotiveForce in consideration
totalTmp = 0;
foreach(elem; me.units){
totalTmp += elem.current * elem.current * elem.resistance + elem.activePower + elem.activePower_kW * 1000;
foreach(elem; me.units){
me.voltage = 0;
var factor = (elem.current * elem.current * elem.resistance + elem.activePower + elem.activePower_kW * 1000)/totalTmp;
elem.voltage = me.voltage * factor;
calculateSeriesCurrent: func(){
foreach(elem; me.units){
elem.current = me.current();
var Circuit = {
#//Class for any circuit
#//Currently must be initalized with a source
#//Currently only support one current source in a circuit
new: func(cSource) {
var new_circuit = { parents:[Circuit] };
return new_circuit;
parallelConnection: [],
newSeriesWithUnits: func(addedUnits...){
var newSeries = Series.new();
foreach(elem; addedUnits){
return newSeries;
addUnitToSeries: func(seriesNum, unit){
addParallel: func(units){
append(me.parallelConnection, units);
addNewSeriesWithUnitToParallel: func(units){
var new_series = me.newSeriesWithUnits(units);
current: 0, #//Ampere
voltage: func(){ #//Terminal voltage
var v = me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].electromotiveForce - me.calculateTotalParallelCurrent()*me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].resistance;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
v -= elem.calculateTotalCounterElectromotiveForce();#//All counterElectromotiveForce is substracted
# v = me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].electromotiveForce - me.calculateTotalParallelCurrent()*me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].resistance;
#foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
# if(elem.voltage != v){
# v = elem.voltage;
# break;
# }
return v
}, #//Volt
calculateParallelVoltage: func(){
var setVoltage = me.voltage();
#//var totalCounterElecMotiveForce = 0;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
setVoltage = 0;
elem.voltage = setVoltage;
}, #//Volt
calculateSeriesVoltage: func(){
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
}, #//Volt
calculateTotalParallelCurrent: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
me.current = 0;
return 0;
total += elem.current();
me.current = total;
return total;
}, #//Ampere
calculateTotalPower: func(){
var total = 0;
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
total += elem.totalPower();
return total;
updateInterval: 1, #//Seconds between each update
debugMode: 0,
loopCount: 0,
update: func(){
if(me.debugMode) print("Loop Count: "~me.loopCount);
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Parallel Voltage Calculated");
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Series Voltage Calculated");
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Series Current Calculated");
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Parallel Current Calculated");
foreach(elem; me.parallelConnection){
foreach(unit; elem.units){
if(unit.isCurrentSource()) unit.currentSourceUpdate(me.calculateTotalPower(), me.updateInterval); #//Update the current source. Pass in negetive power in case of charging
if(me.debugMode == 2) print("Power Calculated");
if(me.debugMode) print("Power: "~me.calculateTotalPower());
props.getNode("/systems/electrical/e-tron/battery-kWh", 1).setValue(me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].getRemainingInkWh());
props.getNode("/systems/electrical/e-tron/battery-remaining-percent", 1).setValue(me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].getRemainingPercentage());
props.getNode("/systems/electrical/e-tron/battery-remaining-percent-float", 1).setValue(me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].getRemainingPercentageFloat());
if(me.debugMode) print("current: "~me.current);
if(me.debugMode) print("voltage: "~me.voltage());
if(me.debugMode) print("Main Battery Remaining: "~me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].remaining);
#//print("Secondery Battery Remaining: "~me.parallelConnection[0].units[0].remaining);
me.loopCount += 1;
var Appliance = {
#//Class for any electrical appliance
new: func() {
return { parents:[Appliance] };
isCurrentSource: func(){
return 0;
ratedPower: 0, #//rate power , Watt, 0 if isResistor
isSwitch: func(){
return 0;
resistance: 0, #//electric resistance, Ωμέγα
resistivity: 0,#//Ω·m
voltage: 0, #//electric voltage, Volt
current: 0, #//electric current, Ampere
activePower: 0, #//Output Power, Watt
activePower_kW: 0, #//Output Power, kWatt, independence of activePower
heatingPower: func(){
return me.current * me.current * me.resistance;
},#//heating Power
power: func(){
return me.activePower + me.activePower_kW*1000 + me.heatingPower();
counterElectromotiveForce: func(){
return (me.activePower + me.activePower_kW*1000)/me.current; #//Counter Electromotive Force calculated by output power divided by current
isResistor: 0,
applianceName: "Appliance",
applianceDescription: "This is a electric appliance",
setName: func(text){
me.applianceName = text;
setDescription: func(text){
me.applianceDescription = text;
setResistance: func(r){
me.resistance = r;
var CurrentSource = {
#//Class for any current source
#//eR: Internal resistance of the source, eF: Electromotive force of the source, eC: Electrical capacity of the source, name: Name of the source.
new: func(eR, eF, eC, name = "CurrentSource") {
var newCS = { parents:[CurrentSource, Appliance.new()], resistance: eR, ratedElectromotiveForce:eF, electromotiveForce:eF, electricalCapacity:eC, applianceName: name };
return newCS;
isCurrentSource: func(){
return 1;
direction: 1, #//1 means it is connected in the current direction, -1 means the opposite
ratedElectromotiveForce: 0, #//Volt
electromotiveForce: 0, #//Volt
electricalCapacity: 0, #//kWs
remaining: 0, #//kWs
currentSourceUpdate: func(power, interval){
me.remaining -= power * 0.001 * interval; #//Pass in negetive power for charging
if(me.remaining <= 0){
me.electromotiveForce = 0;
me.electromotiveForce = me.ratedElectromotiveForce;
#//Usage: followme.circuit_1.parallelConnection[0].units[0].resetRemainingToFull();
resetRemainingToFull: func(){
me.remaining = me.electricalCapacity;
resetRemainingToZero: func(){
me.remaining = 0;
getRemainingPercentage: func(){
return sprintf("%.0f", 100 * me.remaining / me.electricalCapacity)~"%";
getRemainingPercentageFloat: func(){
return sprintf("%.0f", 100 * me.remaining / me.electricalCapacity);
getRemainingInkWh: func(){
return me.remaining/3600;
addToBattery: func(num){
me.remaining += num;
var Switch = {
#//Class for any switches
#//Type 0 for appliance switch. type 1 for series switch
#//switchToggle: Return 1 if connected, return 0 if disconnected
new: func(type, name = "Switch") {
if(type == 0){
var newCS = { parents:[Switch, Appliance.new()], applianceName: name };
return newCS;
}else if(type == 1){
var newCS = { parents:[Switch, Series.new()]};
return newCS;
isSwitch: func(){
return 1;
switchState: 1, #//0 for disconnect, 1 for connect
isConnected: func(){
return 1;
}else if(!me.switchState){
return 0;
switchConnect: func(){
me.switchState = 1;
return 1;
switchDisconnect: func(){
me.switchState = 0;
return 0;
switchToggle: func(){
return me.switchDisconnect();
}else if(!me.isConnected()){
return me.switchConnect();
var Cable = {
#//Class for any copper electrical cable
new: func(l = 0, s = 0.008) {
var newCable = { parents:[Cable, Appliance.new()], resistivity: 1.75 * 0.00000001, length: l, crossSection: s};
print("Created Cable with resistance of " ~ newCable.setResistance());
return newCable;
length: 0,#//Meter
crossSection: 0,#//Meter^2
setResistance: func(){
me.resistance = (me.resistivity * me.length) / me.crossSection;
return me.resistance;
var cSource = CurrentSource.new(0.0136, 760, kWh2kWs(80), "Battery");#//Battery for engine, 80kWh, 760V
var circuit_1 = Circuit.new(cSource);#//Engine circuit
var cSource_small = CurrentSource.new(0.0136, 12, kWh2kWs(0.72), "Battery");#//Battery for other systems, 60Ah, 12V
#circuit_1.addUnitToSeries(0, Cable.new(10, 0.008));
#circuit_1.addUnitToSeries(0, Switch.new(0));
var electricTimer1 = maketimer(circuit_1.updateInterval, func circuit_1.update());
electricTimer1.simulatedTime = 1;
var L = setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func{
Reference in New Issue