diff --git a/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.png b/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c9ece4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.png differ
diff --git a/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.svg b/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7814d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/followmeEV.xml b/Models/followmeEV.xml
index 75f6529..e5ccff7 100644
--- a/Models/followmeEV.xml
+++ b/Models/followmeEV.xml
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@
+ sim/multiplay/generic/string[3]
+ 404Design
+ Aircraft/followme_e-tron/Models/Interior/404Design/interior.xml
diff --git a/Nasal/SmartInstruments.nas b/Nasal/SmartInstruments.nas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2785a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Nasal/SmartInstruments.nas
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+var smartInstruments = canvas.new({
+ "name": "smartInstruments", # The name is optional but allow for easier identification
+ "size": [1024, 1024], # Size of the underlying texture (should be a power of 2, required) [Resolution]
+ "view": [1509, 736], # Virtual resolution (Defines the coordinate system of the canvas [Dimensions]
+ # which will be stretched the size of the texture, required)
+ "mipmapping": 0 # Enable mipmapping (optional)
+smartInstruments.addPlacement({"node": "instrumentScreen"});
+var group = smartInstruments.createGroup();
+ group,
+ "Aircraft/followme_e-tron/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.svg",
+var path = "Aircraft/followme_e-tron/Models/Interior/Instruments/Smart/dashboard1.png";
+# create an image child for the texture
+var backgroundImage = group.createChild("image")
+ .setFile(path)
+ .setTranslation(0, 0)
+ .setSize(1509, 736);
+# Create a text element and set some values(Self test)
+var selfTestText = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(530, 140) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("left-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("ExoRegular-ymMe.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(50) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,0,0) # Text color
+ .setText("SELF TEST NORMAL")
+ .show();
+var speedometer = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(1205, 380) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("center-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("trueno-font/Trueno-wml2.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(148) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,1,1) # Text color
+ .setText("--");
+var power = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(295, 380) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("center-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("trueno-font/Trueno-wml2.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(148) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,1,1) # Text color
+ .setText("--");
+#//Drive Mode
+var driveMode = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(780, 628) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("center-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("ExoRegular-ymMe.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(40) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,1,1) # Text color
+ .setText("Performance");
+var gearDisplay = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(940, 620) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("center-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("ExoRegular-ymMe.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(70) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,1,1) # Text color
+ .setText("D");
+var tempDisplay = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(420, 220) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("left-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("ExoRegular-ymMe.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(30) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,1,1) # Text color
+ .setText("30 °C");
+var timeDisplay = group.createChild("text", "optional-id-for element")
+ .setTranslation(1055, 215) # The origin is in the top left corner
+ .setAlignment("right-center") # All values from osgText are supported (see $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.osgtext)
+ .setFont("ExoRegular-ymMe.ttf") # Fonts are loaded either from $AIRCRAFT_DIR/Fonts or $FG_ROOT/Fonts
+ .setFontSize(40) # Set fontsize and optionally character aspect ratio
+ .setColor(1,1,1) # Text color
+ .setText("9:41");
+#props.getNode("/dev/smart/size", 1).setValue(30);
+#props.getNode("/dev/smart/x", 1).setValue(520);
+#props.getNode("/dev/smart/y", 1).setValue(220);
+var runtimeTextAdjust = func(text){
+ var x = props.getNode("/dev/smart/x", 1).getValue();
+ var y = props.getNode("/dev/smart/y", 1).getValue();
+ text.setTranslation(x, y);
+ var siz = props.getNode("/dev/smart/size", 1).getValue();
+ text.setFontSize(siz);
+var instrumentUpdate = func(){
+ var currentSpeed = props.getNode("/", 1).getValue("sim/multiplay/generic/float[15]");
+ var currentSpeedKMH = sprintf("%i", currentSpeed*1.852);
+ speedometer.updateText(currentSpeedKMH);
+ if(autospeed.active == 1){
+ speedometer.setColor(0.34, 0.63, 1);
+ }else{
+ speedometer.setColor(1, 1, 1);
+ }
+ power.updateText(sprintf("%i", engine.engine_1.activePower_kW));
+ if(engine.engine_1.direction == 1){
+ gearDisplay.updateText("D");
+ }else if(engine.engine_1.direction == -1){
+ gearDisplay.updateText("R");
+ }
+ if(engine.engine_1.mode == 1){
+ driveMode.updateText("Performance");
+ }else if(engine.engine_1.mode == 0.65){
+ driveMode.updateText("Comfort");
+ }else if(engine.engine_1.mode == 0.4){
+ driveMode.updateText("Low Power");
+ }
+ var tempC = props.getNode("/", 1).getValue("environment/temperature-degc");
+ tempDisplay.updateText(sprintf("%0.1f", tempC)~" °C");
+ var hour = props.getNode("/", 1).getValue("sim/time/real/hour");
+ var minute = props.getNode("/", 1).getValue("sim/time/real/minute");
+ if(minute == 0 or minute == "0") minute = "00";
+ timeDisplay.updateText(hour~":"~minute);
+ #runtimeTextAdjust(timeDisplay);
+var updateTimer = maketimer(0.1, func instrumentUpdate());
+var window = canvas.Window.new([756,368],"dialog");
diff --git a/Nasal/systems.nas b/Nasal/systems.nas
index 5809d62..98ddccc 100644
--- a/Nasal/systems.nas
+++ b/Nasal/systems.nas
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ props.getNode("systems/safety/aeb_activated", 1).setValue(0);
props.getNode("systems/safety/aeb_on", 1).setValue(0);
props.getNode("systems/auto_hold_enabled", 1).setValue(0);
props.getNode("systems/auto_hold_working", 1).setValue(0);
+props.getNode("controls/lighting/indicator/left_switch", 1).setValue(0);
+props.getNode("controls/lighting/indicator/right_switch", 1).setValue(0);
#var Led = {
@@ -140,6 +142,9 @@ var IndicatorController = {
leftIndicator : Indicator.new("left"),
rightIndicator : Indicator.new("right"),
+ leftIndicatorSwitchNode: props.getNode("/controls/lighting/indicator/left_switch", 1),
+ rightIndicatorSwitchNode: props.getNode("/controls/lighting/indicator/right_switch", 1),
falseLight: 0,
@@ -245,16 +250,22 @@ var IndicatorController = {
if(isInternalView()) playAudio('IndicatorEnd.wav');
if(me.getMode() != 4){
+ me.rightIndicatorSwitchNode.setValue(1);
+ me.leftIndicatorSwitchNode.setValue(0);
}else if(me.getMode() == 4){
+ me.rightIndicatorSwitchNode.setValue(0);
left_indicator_toggle : func(){
if(isInternalView()) playAudio('IndicatorEnd.wav');
if(me.getMode() != 5){
+ me.leftIndicatorSwitchNode.setValue(1);
+ me.rightIndicatorSwitchNode.setValue(0);
}else if(me.getMode() == 5){
+ me.leftIndicatorSwitchNode.setValue(0);
diff --git a/followme_e-tron-main.xml b/followme_e-tron-main.xml
index 6423c9d..16b6feb 100644
--- a/followme_e-tron-main.xml
+++ b/followme_e-tron-main.xml
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@
@@ -415,6 +418,9 @@
+ Aircraft/followme_e-tron/Nasal/SmartInstruments.nas
+ Aircraft/followme_e-tron/Nasal/engine.nas