55 lines
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55 lines
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#Custom plate selection system by Sidi Liang for follow me EV
#Contact: sidi.liang@gmail.com
#Instructions: This code scans the Models/plate/texture folder
#whenever the vehicle config dialog (config-dialog.xml) is opened.
#To add an plate, just place the new plate texture file (must be .png
#format) to that folder and it will show up in the dialog.
var path = props.getNode("/",1).getValue("sim/aircraft-dir") ~ '/Models/plate/texture';
var scan = func(){
var data = [];
var files = directory(path);
if (size(files)) {
foreach (var file; files) {
if (substr(file, -4) != ".png")
var n = io.read_properties(path ~ file);
append(data, [substr(file, 0, size(file) - 4), path ~ file]);
#me.data = sort(me.data, func(a, b) num(a[1]) == nil or num(b[1]) == nil
# ? cmp(a[1], b[1]) : a[1] - b[1]);
return data;
var updateList = func(){
var allPlates = scan();
var data = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/vehicle_config/dialog/group[4]/combo/", 1);
data.getChild("value", 0, 1).setValue("NONE");
forindex(var i; allPlates){
data.getChild("value", i+1, 1).setValue(allPlates[i][0]);
var Plate = {
new: func() {
return { parents:[Plate]};
plateNameNode: props.getNode("systems/plate/name", 1),
plateFileNode: props.getNode("systems/plate/file", 1),
multiplayerNameNode: props.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/string[4]", 1),
multiplayerFileNode: props.getNode("sim/multiplay/generic/string[5]", 1),
name: "",
file: "",
changePlate: func(name){
#NONE for uninstalling the plate
me.name = name;
me.file = name~".png";
update: func(){