271 lines
7.7 KiB
271 lines
7.7 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Lake of Constance Hangar
Boeing 707 for Flightgear
Copyright (C) 2013 M.Kraus
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Every software has a developer, also free software.
As a gesture of courtesy and respect, I would be delighted
if you contacted me before making any changes to this software.
<info (at) marc-kraus.de> April, 2017
<sim n="0">
<description>Follow Me e-tron Passenger</description>
<author>Sidi Liang</author>
<path archive="y">Aircraft/followme_e-tron/Models/followme-PAX.xml</path>
<pilot-callsign type="string"/>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<menu n="100">
<label>FM e-tron PAX</label>
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<label>Select driver in range</label>
<internal archive="y">true</internal>
<enabled type="bool">false</enabled>
<enabled archive="y" type="bool">false</enabled>
<!-- x/y/z == right/up/back -->
<x-offset-m archive="y">-0.46</x-offset-m>
<y-offset-m archive="y">1.19</y-offset-m>
<z-offset-m archive="y">-18.2</z-offset-m>
<pitch-offset-deg archive="y">-16.0</pitch-offset-deg>
<default-field-of-view-deg type="double">81</default-field-of-view-deg>
<view n="1">
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<!-- big plane, so extend chase view offset a bit -->
<z-offset-m type="double" archive="y">-50.0</z-offset-m>
<view n="2">
<enabled type="bool">false</enabled>
<view n="3">
<enabled type="bool">false</enabled>
<view n="4">
<enabled type="bool">false</enabled>
<view n="5">
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<view n="6">
<enabled type="bool">false</enabled>
<view n="7">
<enabled type="bool">true</enabled>
<view n="100">
<name>Copilot View</name>
<internal archive="y">true</internal>
<from-model type="bool">true</from-model>
<from-model-idx type="int">0</from-model-idx>
<dynamic-view type="bool">true</dynamic-view>
<x-offset-m archive="y" type="double">0.35</x-offset-m>
<y-offset-m archive="y" type="double">1.35</y-offset-m>
<z-offset-m archive="y" type="double">1.88</z-offset-m>
<!-- Dual control. -->
<!-- Dual control depend on this value -->
<active type="bool">0</active>
</PropertyList> |