forked from PHengLEI/PHengLEI-TestCases
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# General Control Parameter #
// maxSimuStep: The max simulation step, don't care simulation is restart or not.
// intervalStepFlow: The step intervals for flow variables file 'flow.dat' saved.
// intervalStepPlot: The step intervals for tecplot visual file 'tecflow.dat' saved.
// intervalStepRes: The step intervals for residual 'res.dat' saved.
int maxSimuStep = 1000;
int intervalStepFlow = 1000;
int intervalStepPlot = 100;
int intervalStepForce = 1;
int intervalStepRes = 1;
// gridfile: The partitioned Grid file path, using relative path,
// which is relative to the working directory.
string gridfile = "./grid/sub__4.fts";
# Flow Parameter #
//flowSolverName : SIMPLE/CompressibleSIMPLE/PISO
string flowSolverName = "SIMPLE";
// Initial value of flow variables
double initRho = 998.2;
double initU = 3.05;
double initV = 0;
double initW = 0;
double initP = 0;
double initMu =0.001003;
double initRg = 296.928571;
double refP = 101325;
int refPLocate = 0;
//Parameters For Solving the Momentum Equation
// MomEqSolMethod : GaussSeidel(0)/GMRES(1)/Bicgstab(2)/AMG(3)/PCG(4)/FlexGMRES(5)/ILU(10)/AMGDD(11)/Hybrid(12)
int MomEqSolMethod = 2;
// MomEqPrecondMethod : None(0)/ILU(1)/AMG(2)/Euclid(3)/LduDiag(8) /LduDIC(9) /LduDILU(10)
int MomEqPrecondMethod = 1;
int MomEqMaxSweep = 30;
double MomEqIterSolvTol = 1e-8;
double MomEqRelaxCoeff = 0.5;
//Parameters For Solving the Pressure Possion Equation
// PPEqSolMethod : GaussSeidel(0)/GMRES(1)/Bicgstab(2)/AMG(3)/PCG(4)/FlexGMRES(5)/ILU(10)/AMGDD(11)/Hybrid(12)
int PPEqSolMethod= 3;
// PPEqPrecondMethod : None(0)/ILU(1)/AMG(2)/Euclid(3)/LduDiag(8) /LduDIC(9) /LduDILU(10)
int PPEqPrecondMethod= 1;
int PPEqMaxSweep = 30;
double PPEqIterSolvTol = 1e-8;
double PPEqRelaxCoeff = 0.3;
//Relaxation factor of surface flux
double FaceFluxRelaxCoeff = 0.5;
int isCalGravityVisSource = 0;
int bodyForceFlag = 0;
double gravityX = 0.0;
double gravityY = -9.81;
double gravityZ = 0.0;
int isBoussinesqApproximation = 0;
double thermalExpansionCoeff = 3.44827e-3;
# Turbulence Equation Parameter #
// isSolveTurb : is(1)/not(0);
int isSolveTurb = 1;
// TurbEqSolverName : k-epsilon(KE)/Spalart-Allmaras(SA)
string TurbEqSolverName = "SA";
// Initial value of Turbulence variables
double initKinetic = 0.0348844;
double initEpsilon = 10.89987;
//Parameters For Solving the Turbulence Equation
// TurbEqSolMethod : GaussSeidel(0)/GMRES(1)/Bicgstab(2)/AMG(3)/PCG(4)/FlexGMRES(5)/ILU(10)/AMGDD(11)/Hybrid(12)
int TurbEqSolMethod = 2;
// TurbEqPrecondMethod : None(0)/ILU(1)/AMG(2)/Euclid(3)/LduDiag(8) /LduDIC(9) /LduDILU(10)
int TurbEqPrecondMethod = 1;
int TurbEqMaxSweep = 30;
double TurbEqIterSolvTol = 1e-8;
double TurbEqRelaxCoeff = 0.5;
# Energy Equation Parameter #
// isSolveEnergy : is(1)/not(0);
int isSolveEnergy = 0;
// Initial value of Energy variables
double initT = 273.15;
double initCPg = 1007.0;
double initK = 0.0454;
double initkappa = 1.4;
double refT = 273;
//Parameters For Solving the Energy Equation
// EnergyEqSolMethod : GaussSeidel(0)/GMRES(1)/Bicgstab(2)/AMG(3)/PCG(4)/FlexGMRES(5)/ILU(10)/AMGDD(11)/Hybrid(12)
int EnergyEqSolMethod = 2;
// EnergyEqPrecondMethod : None(0)/ILU(1)/AMG(2)/Euclid(3)/LduDiag(8) /LduDIC(9) /LduDILU(10)
int EnergyEqPrecondMethod = 1;
int EnergyEqMaxSweep = 30;
double EnergyEqIterSolvTol = 1e-8;
double EnergyEqRelaxCoeff = 0.5;
# Species Equation Parameter #
// isSolveSpecies : is(1)/not(0);
int isSolveSpecies = 0;
//Parameters For Solving the Species Equation
int numberOfSpeciesIncom = 1;
string speciesNameIncom[] = [AIR];
double initMassFractionIncom[] = [1.0];
//Parameters For Solving the Species Equation
// SpeciesEqSolMethod : GaussSeidel(0)/GMRES(1)/Bicgstab(2)/AMG(3)/PCG(4)/FlexGMRES(5)/ILU(10)/AMGDD(11)/Hybrid(12)
int SpeciesEqSolMethod = 2;
// SpeciesEqPrecondMethod : None(0)/ILU(1)/AMG(2)/Euclid(3)/LduDiag(8) /LduDIC(9) /LduDILU(10)
int SpeciesEqPrecondMethod = 1;
int SpeciesEqMaxSweep = 30;
double SpeciesEqIterSolvTol = 1e-8;
double SpeciesEqRelaxCoeff = 0.5;
# Unsteady Parameter #
// iunsteady : is(1)/not(0);
int iunsteady = 0;
double startTime = 0.0;
double endTime = 20;
double dt = 0.1;
int min_sub_iter = 50;
int max_sub_iter = 50;
// isStableUnsteadyMethod : is(1)/not(0);
int isStableUnsteadyMethod = 0;
# Solution Method #
string ConvCalcMethod = "UPWIND"
// DiffCalcMethod : NON_ORTHOGONAL(default)
string DiffCalcMethod = "NON_ORTHOGONAL";
//TranCalcMethod : IMPLICIT_EULER(1st)/IMPLICIT_2ND_ORDER(2st)
string TranCalcMethod = "IMPLICIT_EULER";
// GradCalcMethod : GAUSS/LSQ
string GradCalcMethod = "GAUSS";
// mathLibType : hypre(0)/unap(1)/yhamg(2)
int mathLibType = 0;
// compressible : is(0, default)/not(1)
int compressible = 0;
int SIMPLEC = 1;
// isSkewness : stable gradient method: is(1)/not(0)
int isSkewness = 0;
//rhoType : Constant(0)/IncompressibleIdealGas(1)/IdealGas(2)
int rhoType = 0;
//muType: Constant(0)/SutherLand(1)/IdealGasMixingLaw(2),
int muType = 0;
//kType : Constant(0)/MassWeightedMixingLaw(1)/IdealGasMixingLaw(2)
int kType = 0;
//cpType : Constant(0)/Mixing(1)
int cpType = 0;
//massdiffType : ConstantDiluteApprox(1)/DiluteApprox(2)
int massdiffType = 0;
# Post-Processing #
/ nVisualVariables: Number of variables want to be dumped for tecplot visualization.
// visualVariables : Variable types dumped, listed as following:
// -- U(22), V(23), W(24), P(25), CP(26), T(27), DEN(28), VIS(29), TE(31), ED(32), enthalpy(70), species(from 71 ~ 70 + numberOfSpecies)
// Important Warning: Array size of visualVariables MUST be equal to nVisualVariables!!!
// Variables order must from small to big.
int nVisualVariables = 6;
int visualVariables[] = [22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31];
int plotFieldType = 1;
string resSaveFile = "results/res.dat";
string aircoeffile = "results/aircoef.dat";