forked from jiuyuan/InfiniTensor
add ConvNHWC and FSRCNN graph
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ enum class OpType {
@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ class OpRegistry {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
namespace infini {
Graph getGANGraph(int batch, Runtime runtime, int nLayers, int modelId);
Graph getFSRCNNGraph(int batch, Runtime runtime);
vector<Tensor> runInfoGAN(int nLayers);
Graph getConvtransposedNHWC(Runtime runtime, Shape shape, int layerId);
Graph optimizeGraph(Graph g, Runtime _runtime, bool tuning, NMutator::Mode mode,
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class ConvBaseObj : public OperatorObj {
auto getNCHWFRS() const { return tuple(n, c, h, w, f, r, s); }
auto getPadStrideDilation() const { return tuple(ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw); }
int getChannelPerGroup() const {
if (type == OpType::ConvTransNHWC) {
if (type == OpType::ConvTransNHWC || type == OpType::ConvNHWC) {
return inputs[1]->getDims()[3];
} else {
return inputs[1]->getDims()[1];
@ -149,6 +149,25 @@ class ConvObj : public ConvBaseObj {
void setAuxilaryAttributes(PaddingMode mode) override;
class ConvNHWCObj : public ConvBaseObj {
ConvNHWCObj(GraphObj *graph, Tensor input, Tensor weight, Tensor output, int ph,
int pw, int sh = 1, int sw = 1, int dh = 1, int dw = 1,
Tensor bias = nullptr, ActType act = ActType::None);
// Constructors for setting padding mode
ConvNHWCObj(GraphObj *graph, Tensor input, Tensor weight, Tensor output,
PaddingMode mode = PaddingMode::Same, int sh = 1, int sw = 1,
int dh = 1, int dw = 1, Tensor bias = nullptr,
ActType act = ActType::None);
optional<vector<Shape>> inferShape(const TensorVec &inputs) const override;
int getNumGroups() const override { return c / getChannelPerGroup(); }
void setAuxilaryAttributes(PaddingMode mode) override;
class ConvBackwardFilterObj : public ConvBaseObj {
ActType act;
@ -220,6 +239,7 @@ class ConvTransposed2dNHWCObj : public ConvBaseObj {
optional<vector<Shape>> inferShape(const TensorVec &inputs) const override;
int getNumGroups() const override { return group; }
std::pair<int, int> getOutputPadding() const { return {oph, opw}; }
void setAuxilaryAttributes(PaddingMode mode) override;
@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ class OnnxStub:
ctx.push_output("{}_{}".format(name, i), it)
for (i, it) in enumerate(op.outputs())
if ty == backend.OpType.Conv:
if ty == backend.OpType.Conv or ty == backend.OpType.ConvNHWC:
ph, pw, dh, dw, sh, sw = backend.conv_attrs_of(op)
@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ class OnnxStub:
group=op.inputs()[0].shape()[1] // op.inputs()[1].shape()[1],
elif ty == backend.OpType.ConvTrans:
elif ty == backend.OpType.ConvTrans or ty == backend.OpType.ConvTransNHWC:
ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw, oph, opw = backend.conv_trans_attrs_of(op)
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ void export_values(py::module &m) {
.VALUE(OpType, Matmul)
.VALUE(OpType, ConvTrans)
.VALUE(OpType, ConvTransNHWC)
.VALUE(OpType, ConvNHWC)
.VALUE(OpType, Pad)
@ -143,17 +144,28 @@ static Ref<RuntimeObj> intelcpu_runtime() { return make_ref<MklRuntimeObj>(); }
static std::tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int> conv_attrs_of(Operator op) {
IT_ASSERT(op->getOpType() == OpType::Conv);
auto conv = dynamic_cast<const ConvObj *>(op.get());
IT_ASSERT(op->getOpType() == OpType::Conv || op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvNHWC);
auto conv = dynamic_cast<const ConvBaseObj *>(op.get());
return std::make_tuple(conv->getPh(), conv->getPw(), conv->getDh(),
conv->getDw(), conv->getSh(), conv->getSw());
static std::tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int>
conv_trans_attrs_of(Operator op) {
IT_ASSERT(op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvTrans);
auto conv = dynamic_cast<const ConvTransposed2dObj *>(op.get());
auto [oph, opw] = conv->getOutputPadding();
IT_ASSERT(op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvTrans || op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvTransNHWC);
auto conv = dynamic_cast<const ConvBaseObj *>(op.get());
int oph, opw;
if (op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvTrans) {
auto _conv = dynamic_cast<const ConvTransposed2dObj *>(op.get());
auto output_pad = _conv->getOutputPadding();
oph = output_pad.first; opw = output_pad.second;
} else {
auto _conv = dynamic_cast<const ConvTransposed2dNHWCObj *>(op.get());
auto output_pad = _conv->getOutputPadding();
oph = output_pad.first; opw = output_pad.second;
return std::make_tuple(conv->getPh(), conv->getPw(), conv->getDh(),
conv->getDw(), conv->getSh(), conv->getSw(), oph,
@ -385,6 +397,7 @@ void export_test_model(py::module &m) {
#ifdef USE_CUDA
m.def("runInfoGAN", &runInfoGAN)
.def("getGANGraph", &getGANGraph)
.def("getFSRCNNGraph", &getFSRCNNGraph)
.def("getConvtransposedNHWC", &getConvtransposedNHWC)
.def("optimizeGraph", &optimizeGraph, "graph"_a, "runtime"_a,
"tuning"_a = false, "mode"_a = NMutator::Mode::Normal,
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class convCudnn : public Kernel {
cudnnFilterDescriptor_t, cudnnTensorDescriptor_t,
cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t, cudnnActivationDescriptor_t,
createCuDNNDescriptor(const Ref<ConvObj> &op,
createCuDNNDescriptor(const Ref<ConvBaseObj> &op,
const ConvCuDnnPerfRecord &record) const {
void *const inData = (op->getInputs(0)->getRawDataPtr<void *>());
void *const knData = (op->getInputs(1)->getRawDataPtr<void *>());
@ -68,23 +68,28 @@ class convCudnn : public Kernel {
int channelsPerGrp = cpg, channels = c;
// set input format
cudnnTensorFormat_t tensorFormat =
(op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvNHWC) ? CUDNN_TENSOR_NHWC
// get inputs
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t inDesc;
inDesc, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, n, channels, h, w));
inDesc, tensorFormat, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, n, channels, h, w));
// get kernels
cudnnFilterDescriptor_t knDesc;
checkCudnnError(cudnnSetFilter4dDescriptor(knDesc, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT,
tensorFormat, f,
channelsPerGrp, r, s));
// get bias
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t biasDesc;
biasDesc, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, 1, f, 1, 1));
biasDesc, tensorFormat, CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, 1, f, 1, 1));
// get convlution descriptor
cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t convDesc;
@ -125,18 +130,25 @@ class convCudnn : public Kernel {
convDesc, inDesc, knDesc, &outn, &outc, &outh, &outw));
cudnnTensorDescriptor_t outDesc;
checkCudnnError(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(outDesc, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW,
checkCudnnError(cudnnSetTensor4dDescriptor(outDesc, tensorFormat,
CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT, outn, outc,
outh, outw));
IT_ASSERT((vector{outn, outc, outh, outw}) ==
if (op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvNHWC) {
IT_ASSERT((vector{outn, outh, outw, outc}) ==
"cuDNN output shape mismatches with OP output shape");
} else {
IT_ASSERT((vector{outn, outc, outh, outw}) ==
"cuDNN output shape mismatches with OP output shape");
return tuple(inData, knData, outData, inDesc, knDesc, biasDesc,
convDesc, actDesc, outDesc);
bool cuDNNUnfused(const Ref<ConvObj> &op, const ConvCuDnnPerfRecord &record,
bool cuDNNUnfused(const Ref<ConvBaseObj> &op, const ConvCuDnnPerfRecord &record,
const CudaRuntimeObj *context) const {
cudnnStatus_t stat;
@ -220,11 +232,12 @@ class convCudnn : public Kernel {
ConvCuDnnPerfRecordObj ret;
ret.time = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
auto context = dynamic_cast<const CudaRuntimeObj *>(_context);
auto op = as<ConvObj>(_op);
auto op = as<ConvBaseObj>(_op);
int try_algo = op->getOpType() == OpType::ConvNHWC ? 2 : N_ALGO;
// Both modes have the same performance. Only run cross-correlation.
for (int mode = 1; mode < 2; mode++) {
// Try every possible algorithm of convolution
for (int algo = 0; algo < N_ALGO; algo++) {
for (int algo = 0; algo < try_algo; algo++) {
auto recordRef = make_ref<ConvCuDnnPerfRecordObj>();
auto &record = *recordRef;
record.mode = mode;
@ -283,7 +296,7 @@ class convCudnn : public Kernel {
void compute(const Operator &_op, const PerfRecord &_record,
const RuntimeObj *_context) const override {
auto op = as<ConvObj>(_op);
auto op = as<ConvBaseObj>(_op);
auto record = as<ConvCuDnnPerfRecordObj>(_record);
auto context = dynamic_cast<const CudaRuntimeObj *>(_context);
bool success = cuDNNUnfused(op, record, context);
@ -294,5 +307,8 @@ class convCudnn : public Kernel {
REGISTER_KERNEL(Device::CUDA, OpType::Conv, DataType::Float32, convCudnn,
REGISTER_KERNEL(Device::CUDA, OpType::ConvNHWC, DataType::Float32, convCudnn,
REGISTER_CONSTRUCTOR(1, ConvCuDnnPerfRecordObj::from_json);
} // namespace infini
@ -79,6 +79,58 @@ Graph getGANGraph(int batch, Runtime runtime, int nLayers, int modelId) {
return g;
Graph getFSRCNNGraph(int batch, Runtime runtime) {
// n, c, h, w, f, r, s, stride, pad, dilation, has_pReLU
const DetailedConfigs fsrcnn_config = {
{batch, 1, 32, 32, 56, 5, 5, 1, 2, 1, true},
{batch, 56, 32, 32, 12, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, true},
{batch, 12, 32, 32, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, false},
{batch, 12, 32, 32, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, false},
{batch, 12, 32, 32, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, false},
{batch, 12, 32, 32, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, true},
{batch, 12, 32, 32, 56, 32, 32, 1, 0, 1, true},
{batch, 56, 32, 32, 1, 9, 9, 4, 3, 1, false} // ConvTransNHWC
// n, f, h, w, c, r, s, stride, pad, dilation, has_pReLU
Graph g = make_ref<GraphObj>(runtime);
Tensor input;
auto &[n, c, h, w, f, r, s, stride, pad, dilation, has_pReLU] = fsrcnn_config[0];
input = g->addTensor({batch, h, w, c}, DataType::Float32,
for (int i = 0; i < (int)fsrcnn_config.size() - 1; ++i) {
// auto [channel, kernelSize, pad, stride, tanh] = configs[i];
auto &[n, c, h, w, f, r, s, stride, pad, dilation, has_pReLU] = fsrcnn_config[i];
IT_ASSERT(input->getDims()[3] == c);
auto weight = g->addTensor({f, r, s, c}, DataType::Float32,
TensorType::Initialized); // f, r, s, c
input = g->addOp<ConvNHWCObj>(input, weight, nullptr, pad,
pad, stride, stride, 1, 1)
if (has_pReLU) {
input = g->addOp<ReluObj>(input, nullptr)->getOutput();
// last operator is a ConvTransNHWC
auto &[n, f, h, w, c, r, s, stride, pad, dilation, has_pReLU] = fsrcnn_config[fsrcnn_config.size()-1];
IT_ASSERT(input->getDims()[3] == f);
auto weight = g->addTensor({f, r, s, c}, DataType::Float32,
TensorType::Initialized); // f, r, s, c
input = g->addOp<ConvTransposed2dNHWCObj>(input, weight, nullptr, pad,
pad, stride, stride, 1, 1)
return g;
Graph getConvtransposedNHWC(Runtime runtime, Shape shape, int layerId) {
IT_ASSERT(0 <= layerId && layerId < 5);
Graph g = make_ref<GraphObj>(runtime);
@ -114,6 +114,75 @@ optional<vector<Shape>> ConvObj::inferShape(const TensorVec &inputs) const {
return {{{on, oc, oh, ow}}};
void ConvNHWCObj::setAuxilaryAttributes(PaddingMode mode) {
const Tensor &input = inputs[0];
const Tensor &weight = inputs[1];
n = input->getDims()[0], c = input->getDims()[3], h = input->getDims()[1],
w = input->getDims()[2], f = weight->getDims()[0], r = weight->getDims()[1],
s = weight->getDims()[2];
if (mode == PaddingMode::Same) {
int oh = h / sh;
int ow = w / sw;
ph = (h - oh * sh + (r - sh) * dh) / 2;
pw = (w - ow * sw + (s - sw) * dw) / 2;
} else if (mode == PaddingMode::Valid) {
ph = pw = 0;
ConvNHWCObj::ConvNHWCObj(GraphObj *graph, Tensor input, Tensor weight, Tensor output,
int ph, int pw, int sh, int sw, int dh, int dw, Tensor bias,
ActType act)
: ConvBaseObj(OpType::ConvNHWC, {input, weight}, output, ph, pw, sh, sw, dh, dw,
input, weight, act) {
if (bias)
ConvNHWCObj::ConvNHWCObj(GraphObj *graph, Tensor input, Tensor weight, Tensor output,
PaddingMode mode, int sh, int sw, int dh, int dw, Tensor bias,
ActType act)
: ConvBaseObj(OpType::ConvNHWC, {input, weight}, output, mode, sh, sw, dh, dw,
input, weight, act) {
if (bias)
optional<vector<Shape>> ConvNHWCObj::inferShape(const TensorVec &inputs) const {
const auto &input = inputs[0], &weight = inputs[1];
auto n = input->getDims()[0];
auto h = input->getDims()[1];
auto w = input->getDims()[2];
auto f = weight->getDims()[0];
auto r = weight->getDims()[1];
auto s = weight->getDims()[2];
int on = n, oc = f;
int oh = 0, ow = 0;
// For NCHW+FCRS layout, C of input is divisable by C of weight
if (input->getDims()[3] % weight->getDims()[3] != 0)
return {};
// Set padding size
if (padding == PaddingMode::Other) {
oh = (h - (r - sh) * dh + ph * 2) / sh;
ow = (w - (s - sw) * dw + pw * 2) / sw;
} else if (padding == PaddingMode::Same) {
oh = h / sh;
ow = w / sw;
// ph = (h - oh * sh + (r - sh) * dh) / 2;
// pw = (w - ow * sw + (s - sw) * dw) / 2;
} else if (padding == PaddingMode::Valid) {
int ph = 0;
int pw = 0;
oh = (h - (r - sh) * dh + ph * 2) / sh;
ow = (w - (s - sw) * dw + pw * 2) / sw;
return {{{on, oh, ow, oc}}};
ConvTransposed2dObj::ConvTransposed2dObj(GraphObj *graph, Tensor input,
Tensor weight, Tensor output, int ph,
int pw, int sh, int sw, int dh, int dw,
@ -43,6 +43,42 @@ void testConvCudnn(
void testConvNHWCCudnn(
const std::function<void(void *, size_t, DataType)> &generator,
vector<float> ansVec) {
// Construct Runtime and graph for CPU and CUDA
Runtime cpu = NativeCpuRuntimeObj::getInstance(); // CPUruntime is singleton
Graph gCpu = make_ref<GraphObj>(cpu);
Runtime cuda = make_ref<CudaRuntimeObj>();
Graph gCuda = make_ref<GraphObj>(cuda);
// Set input data on CPU in a CPU Graph
Tensor i0Cpu = gCpu->addTensor({1, 4, 4, 3}, DataType::Float32);
Tensor w0Cpu = gCpu->addTensor({2, 3, 3, 3}, DataType::Float32);
// Malloc data for all tensors in a graph. Do we need implicit allocation?
// Copy input tensors from CPU to CUDA
Tensor i0Cuda = gCuda->cloneTensor(i0Cpu);
Tensor w0Cuda = gCuda->cloneTensor(w0Cpu);
// Build CUDA graph
auto conv =
gCuda->addOp<ConvNHWCObj>(i0Cuda, w0Cuda, nullptr, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2);
// allocate CUDA memory
// Execute on CUDA
// copy output from CUDA to CPU
auto o0Cpu = gCpu->cloneTensor(conv->getOutput());
// check results on CPU
// print a tensor/operator/graph by print()
TEST(cuDNN_Conv, run) {
vector<float>{12, 12, 18, 18, 12, 12, 18, 18});
@ -51,6 +87,14 @@ TEST(cuDNN_Conv, run) {
vector<float>{4794, 4386, 8199, 7506, 11274, 10542, 20835, 19656});
TEST(cuDNN_Conv, runNHWC) {
vector<float>{12., 12., 12., 12., 18., 18., 18., 18.});
vector<float>{3350, 7562, 2306, 5546, 9480, 24546, 7185, 20793});
TEST(cuDNN_Conv, tune) {
Runtime cpu = NativeCpuRuntimeObj::getInstance(); // CPUruntime is singleton
Graph gCpu = make_ref<GraphObj>(cpu);
@ -111,7 +111,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# (construct_conv(runtime, 1, 12, 32, 32, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1), 'conv3x3'), # FSRCNN Conv_4 3x3
# ft.getGANGraph(batch, runtime, 5, 1)
# construct_convTranspose2d(runtime)
(load_onnx(runtime, '/mnt/auxHome/models/einnet/fsrcnn.bs1.onnx'), 'fsrcnn.bs1'),
# (load_onnx(runtime, '/mnt/auxHome/models/einnet/fsrcnn.bs1.onnx'), 'fsrcnn.bs1'),
(ft.getFSRCNNGraph(16, runtime), "fsrcnn.bs16")
for original_g, name in graphs:
Reference in New Issue