Merge branch 'szzh' of into szzh
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ class BidsController < ApplicationController
# end
before_filter :require_login,:only => [:set_reward, :destroy, :add, :new, ]
before_filter :memberAccess, only: :show_project
helper :watchers
helper :attachments
include AttachmentsHelper
@ -877,5 +879,12 @@ class BidsController < ApplicationController
def memberAccess
# 是课程,则判断当前用户是否参加了课程
return 0 if == Project::ProjectType_project
currentUser = User.current
render_403 unless currentUser.member_of?(
@ -209,8 +209,6 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
## 判断课程是否过期 [需封装]
@memberships_doing = []
@memberships_done = []
@OwningCouses =[]
now_time =
|||| { |e|
end_time = e.project.course_extra.get_time.year
@ -220,12 +218,6 @@ class UsersController < ApplicationController
@memberships_doing.push e
if e.project.course_extra.tea_id ==
@OwningCouses.push e
@JoinCouses.push e
# respond_to do |format|
# format.html
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
include Redmine::SafeAttributes
attr_accessible :code, :extra, :name, :state, :tea_id, :time , :location, :state, :term, :password
belongs_to :project, :class_name => 'Project', :foreign_key => :extra # 定义一个project方法, 该方法通过extra来调用project表
belongs_to :project, :class_name => 'Project', :foreign_key => :extra, primary_key: :identifier
belongs_to :teacher, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => :tea_id # 定义一个方法teacher,该方法通过tea_id来调用User表
belongs_to :school, :class_name => 'School', :foreign_key => :school_id #定义一个方法school,该方法通过school_id来调用School表
has_many :bid
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
require "digest/sha1"
class User < Principal
include Redmine::SafeAttributes
# Different ways of displaying/sorting users
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@
<td align="left" colspan="2" ><span class="font_lighter"><%= authoring topic.created_at, %>
<span class="font_description2">
最后回复:<%=link_to_user topic.last_reply.try(:author) %>
<br />
@ -114,10 +114,18 @@
<td class="font_index">
<!-- 1 教师; 2 学生;0 全部-->
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to "#{teacherCount(@project)}", project_member_path(@project, :role => 1), :course => '1' %>
<% else %>
<span><%= teacherCount(@project)%></span> <!--<%= link_to "#{teacherCount(@project)}", "javascript:void(0)", :course => '1' %>-->
<% end%>
<td class="font_index">
<% if User.current.member_of?(@project) %>
<%= link_to "#{studentCount(@project)}", project_member_path(@project, :role => 2), :course => '1' %>
<% else %>
<span><%= studentCount(@project)%></span>
<% end %>
<td class="font_index"><%= link_to files_count, project_files_path(@project) %></td>
<tr class="font_aram">
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
<%= link_to l(:label_question_student), {:controller => 'bids', :action => 'show' },:class => link_class(:respond)%>
<% if User.current.member_of?>
<% if User.current.logged? && && (!Member.where('user_id = ? and project_id = ?',, && (Member.where('user_id = ? and project_id = ?',,'id = ? or id = ? or id =?',5, 10, 7)).size >0) %>
<%= link_to l(:label_homework_commit), {:controller => 'bids', :action => 'show_project' },:class => link_class(:project)%>
@ -159,9 +160,10 @@
<% end %>
<% end %>
<!-- <li><%= link_to l(:label_homework_statistics), { :controller => 'bids', :action => 'homework_statistics' },:class => link_class(:homework_statistics)%></li> -->
<!-- <li><%= link_to l(:label_homework_respond), { :controller => 'bids', :action => 'homework_respond' },:class => link_class(:homework_respond)%></li>
<%= yield %>
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
<%= content_tag('span', l(:label_x_data,:count => files_count)) %>
<p class="stats">
<%= content_tag('span', "#{@project.members.count}", :class => "info") %>
<%= content_tag('span', "#{garble @project.members.count}", :class => "info") %>
<%= content_tag('span', l(:label_x_member, :count => @project.members.count)) %>
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<div class="user_course_list">
<div class="menu">
<%= link_to "#{l(:label_course_new)}", new_project_path(course: 1, project_type: 1), class: 'icon icon-add' if @user == User.current %>
<li mode='doing' class="on">进行中</li>
<li mode='end'>已完结</li>
<div class="dyn_list_wrapper" mode='doing'>
<div class='created_course'>
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_doing} %>
<div class="dyn_list_wrapper hidden" mode='end'>
<div class="created_course ">
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_done} %>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div class="content-title-top">
<% if @memberships.empty? %>
<% if @memberships.empty? %>
<% if @user != User.current %>
<p class="font_description">
<%= l(:label_project_course_un) %>
@ -7,32 +7,10 @@
<% else %>
<p class="font_description">
<!--teacher could create the course directly-->
<%= l(:label_project_course_unadd) %><%= link_to"#{l(:label_course_new)}",{:controller=>'projects',:action=>'new', :course => 1, :project_type => 1}, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<%= l(:label_project_course_unadd) %><%= link_to "#{l(:label_course_new)}", {:controller => 'projects', :action => 'new', :course => 1, :project_type => 1}, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to"#{l(:label_course_new)}",{:controller=>'projects',:action=>'new', :course => 1, :project_type => 1}, :class => 'icon icon-add' if @user == User.current %>
<%= l(:label_created_course) %>
<div> <%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @OwningCouses}%>
</div> </p>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<p> <%= l(:label_joined_course) %>
<div> <%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @JoinCouses}%>
</div> </p>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<%= link_to l(:label_course_done)+"("+@memberships_done.count.to_s+")", 'javascript:void(0);', :onclick => '$("#courses_history_block").slideToggle(400);' , style:"color:#666666" if User.current.logged? %>
<div id="courses_history_block" class="courses_history hidden" >
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_done}%>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= render partial: 'course_list_have_entity' %>
<% end %>
@ -11,23 +11,27 @@
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to"#{l(:label_course_view_student)}",{:controller=>'projects',:action=>'course', :course => 1}, :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_doing}%>
<div class="user_course_list">
<div class="menu">
<%= link_to"#{l(:label_course_view_student)}",course_path(course: 1), :class => 'icon icon-add' %>
<li mode='doing' class="on">进行中</li>
<li mode='end'>已完结</li>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<%= link_to l(:label_course_done)+"("+@memberships_done.count.to_s+")", 'javascript:void(0);', :onclick => '$("#courses_history_block").slideToggle(400); ', style:"color:#666666" if User.current.logged? %>
<div id="courses_history_block" class="courses_history hidden" >
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_done}%>
<div class="dyn_list_wrapper" mode='doing'>
<div class='created_course'>
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_doing} %>
<div class="dyn_list_wrapper hidden" mode='end'>
<div class="created_course ">
<%= render :partial => 'course_form', :locals => {:memberships => @memberships_done} %>
<% end %>
@ -12,3 +12,22 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var $menu = $('.user_course_list .menu');
var $li_tags = $menu.find('[mode]');
var $dyn_list = $('.dyn_list_wrapper');
$menu.find('[mode]').each(function(index, el) {
$(el).click(function() {
mode = $(el).attr('mode');
$menu.find('[mode]').removeClass( "on" );
$( this ).addClass( "on" );
var wrapper = $('[mode='+mode+']')
$dyn_list.addClass( "hidden" );
@ -192,12 +192,20 @@
<span class="memo_activity" style="color:gray; display: inline-block; margin-bottom:6px; background: url('/images/list-icon.png') no-repeat scroll ;background-position: left center;">
<%= link_to '[' + ']',forum_path(,:class => 'memo_Bar_title' %><%= link_to topic.subject.truncate(30, omission: '...'), topic.event_url, :class => "gray" , :style => "font-size: 10pt !important;" %>
<span style="margin-left: 24px; color: rgb(172, 174, 177); white-space: nowrap; font-size: 9pt !important;;"><%= l(:field_updated_on) %><%=time_tag_welcome(topic_last_time topic)%>前</span>
<span style="margin-left: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: rgb(172, 174, 177) !important; white-space: nowrap;">
由 <%= link_to ? : 'Anonymous', user_path(topic.author_id), :style => "font-size: 9pt !important; color: rgb(17, 102, 173);" %> 发表
<div class='memo_activity memo_attr'>
<span class='memo_timestamp'>
<%= "#{l(:label_updated_time, value: time_tag_welcome(topic_last_time topic))}".html_safe %>
<span style="float: right; color: rgb(172, 174, 177); white-space: nowrap; font-size: 9pt !important;;">回复(<%= link_to (topic.parent ? topic.parent.replies_count : topic.replies_count), topic.event_url %>)</span>
<span class="memo_author">
楼主: <%= link_to_user( %>
<span class="memo_last_person">
最后回复:<%=link_to_user topic.last_reply.try(:author) %>
<span class="memo_reply">
回复(<%= link_to topic.try(:replies_count), topic.event_url %>)
<% end %>
@ -239,12 +239,20 @@
<span class="memo_activity" style="color:gray; display: inline-block; margin-bottom:6px; background: url('/images/list-icon.png') no-repeat scroll ;background-position: left center;">
<%= link_to '[' + ']',forum_path(,:class => 'memo_Bar_title' %><%= link_to topic.subject.truncate(30, omission: '...'), topic.event_url, :class => "gray" , :style => "font-size: 10pt !important;" %>
<span style="margin-left: 24px; color: rgb(172, 174, 177); white-space: nowrap; font-size:9pt !important;;"><%= l(:field_updated_on) %><%=time_tag_welcome(topic_last_time topic)%>前</span>
<span style="margin-left: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: rgb(172, 174, 177) !important; white-space: nowrap;">
由 <%= link_to ? : 'Anonymous', user_path(topic.author_id), :style => "font-size: 9pt !important; color: rgb(17, 102, 173);" %> 发表
<div class='memo_activity memo_attr'>
<span class='memo_timestamp'>
<%= "#{l(:label_updated_time, value: time_tag_welcome(topic_last_time topic))}".html_safe %>
<span style="float: right; color: rgb(172, 174, 177); white-space: nowrap; font-size:9pt !important;;">回复(<%= link_to (topic.parent ? topic.parent.replies_count : topic.replies_count), topic.event_url %>)</span>
<span class="memo_author">
楼主: <%= link_to_user( %>
<span class="memo_last_person">
最后回复:<%=link_to_user topic.last_reply.try(:author) %>
<span class="memo_reply">
回复(<%= link_to topic.try(:replies_count), topic.event_url %>)
<% end %>
@ -493,7 +493,6 @@ a.bids_user {
width: 905px;
height: 1px;
margin: 0px;
background-color: #cacaca;
@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
/* TODO: base/common/page 准备封装一些基本样式组合调用 参考YUI
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color: green;
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@ -1007,7 +1010,7 @@ div.issue {
#ver-zebra1 td {
padding: 8px ;
padding: 8px;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
border-left: 1px solid #fff;
color: #669;
@ -1133,10 +1136,12 @@ div.pagination {
-o-transition: 1s width;
transition: 1s width;
.all_browse_div table .description{
.all_browse_div table .description {
border-bottom: 1px solid #efffff;
.all_browse_div table td{
.all_browse_div table td {
vertical-align: middle;
@ -1146,6 +1151,7 @@ div.pagination {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.softapplication-img {
margin: 5px auto;
width: 860px;
@ -1154,25 +1160,29 @@ div.pagination {
box-shadow: 5px 5px 20px 5px #ccc;
border-radius: 5px;
.soft-application {
width: 326px;
height: 580px;
.softapplication-img .title{
.softapplication-img .title {
width: 326px;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
.softapplication-img .title a{
.softapplication-img .title a {
display: block;
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color: #fff;
font-size: 20px;
padding: 20px;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.softapplication-img li{
.softapplication-img li {
list-style-type: none;
position: relative;
float: left;
@ -1182,11 +1192,97 @@ div.pagination {
-ms-transition: all 0.5s;
-o-transition: all 0.5s;
transition: all 0.5s;
box-shadow: -1px 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
box-shadow: -1px 0 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
.softapplication-img ul:hover li{
.softapplication-img ul:hover li {
width: 160px;
.softapplication-img ul li:hover{
.softapplication-img ul li:hover {
width: 326px;
/* user_courses
.user_course_list {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
margin-top: -15px;
.user_course_list .menu{
display: block;
background-color: #f9f9f9;
border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0;
position: relative;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
text-align: left;
margin-left: -10px;
padding-left: 15px;
.user_course_list .menu:after {
content: ".";
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
.user_course_list .menu ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
float: right;
margin-right: 30px;
.user_course_list .menu ul {
.user_course_list .menu li {
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
cursor: pointer;
.user_course_list .menu li:hover {
color: #00a1d6;
.user_course_list .menu li.on {
color: #00a1d6;
font-weight: bold;
.user_course_list .list_top {
margin: 20px auto 0px;
.user_course_list .created_course {
position: relative;
display: block;
padding-top: 20px;
.user_course_list .created_course:after {
content: ".";
visibility: hidden;
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
.user_course_list .created_course .field {
position: absolute;
display: inline-block;
color: rgb(213, 213, 213);
top: 0;
right: 5%;
Reference in New Issue