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# config
# model
## support SegNet_AlexNet, SegNet_VGG, SegNet_ResNet18, SegNet_ResNet34, SegNet_ResNet50, SegNet_ResNet101, SegNet_ResNet152
## FPN_ResNet18, FPN_ResNet50, FPN_ResNet101, FPN_ResNet34, FPN_ResNet152
## FCN_AlexNet, FCN_VGG, FCN_ResNet18, FCN_ResNet50, FCN_ResNet101, FCN_ResNet34, FCN_ResNet152
## UNet_VGG
model_name: FCN # choose from FPN, FCN, SegNet, UNet
backbone: AlexNet # choose from AlexNet, VGG, ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101
# dataset path
data_root: samples/data/
boundary: one_point # choose from rm_wall, one_point, all_walls
# train/val set
train_list: train/train_val.txt
# test set
## choose the test set: test_0.txt, test_1.txt, test_2.txt, test_3.txt,test_4.txt,test_5.txt,test_6.txt
test_list: test/test_0.txt
# metric for testing
## choose from "mae_global", "mae_boundary", "mae_component",
## "value_and_pos_error_of_maximum_temperature", "max_tem_spearmanr", "global_image_spearmanr"
metric: mae_boundary
# dataset format: mat or h5
data_format: mat
batch_size: 2
max_epochs: 50
lr: 0.001
# number of gpus to use
gpus: 1
val_check_interval: 1.0
# num_workers in dataloader
num_workers: 4
# preprocessing of data
## input
mean_layout: 0
std_layout: 1000
## output
mean_heat: 298
std_heat: 50