**Config Router** :wave: is an attachment lib to _React Router v5.x_. It works well with React Router, helping with **route configuration, route rendering and route guarding**.
If you are a _Vue Router_ user before, it is quite easy for you to get started. Of course this project is not as mature as _Vue Router_. :joy:
The `RouterView` component here would render routes in the `<Content>` component. Rendered components would take the place of `RouterView`.
### Nested Routes
In the sample configuration, there is a nested route in component `Index`. **Notice that no matter where you use a `RouterView`, there should be a `routes` attribute added on it.**
Therefore, in `src/views/Index.tsx`, the component **should receive a `routes` property**, which includes nested routes under `Index` component.
import { FunctionComponent } from 'react';
import { RouterView } from '../routes';
import { routeType } from '@syy11cn/config-router';
Write a `Function` in `onEnter` hook, and the `Function` would be called before rendering the routes.
Your `Function` should receive two properties, which are named `to` and `next`.
-`to` is a `string` referring which route a user want to meet.
-`next` is a `Function`. If you pass a string to it, `next` would help you redirect to that path. While if you call `next` without passing a property, the component would just let user go where they want.
The same sample code as above.
import { FunctionComponent } from 'react';
import { RouterView } from '../routes';
import { routeType } from '@syy11cn/config-router';
In this situation, when a user want to access `/home/test`, corresponding route and component would be rendered. When accessing `/home` or other routes begin with `/home`, the user would be redirect to a `404` page.
Contributions are welcome. Just fork this repo and send PRs.
Any questions while using this package, please open an [issue](https://github.com/syy11cn/config-router/issues) and I would manage to solve it as soon as I receive the message.