## dtkcommon A public project for building DTK Library ## Dependencies ### build on debian/uos requirements: - pkg-config - libglib2.0-bin - qttools5-dev-tools - qtbase5-private-dev ### Build from source code ```bash cmake -B build && cmake --build build ``` # Documentations null ## Getting help - [Official Forum](https://bbs.deepin.org/) for generic discussion and help. - [Developer Center](https://github.com/linuxdeepin/developer-center) for BUG report and suggestions. - [Wiki](https://wiki.deepin.org/) ## Getting involved We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes - [Contribution guide for developers](https://github.com/linuxdeepin/developer-center/wiki/Contribution-Guidelines-for-Developers-en) (English) ## License This project is licensed under [BSD-3-Clause](LICENSE).